• Published 5th Dec 2021
  • 580 Views, 4 Comments

The Adventures of Flare Brimstone - Burningbloom78

Join the adventures of an esteemed mare and agent of Princess Celestia!

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A Prolusion in the Outskirts

Author's Note:

The relationship between Flare Brimstone and Princess Celestia is a tightly knitted one, but it has never really been the main focus in either of the chapters, only as a brief interaction here and there. So I decided to display that friendship in this final chapter, so it might be a little touchy-feely for most of the chapter. Like... real cute stuff... where Flare acts kinda girly. It's a very intimate friendship.

This will mark the end of this story for now.

With that, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you for giving my story some of your precious time. I sincerely appreciate it.

Princess Celestia's agent, the adventurous Flare Brimstone, is galloping toward the throne room at a breakneck speed. She slams through the large door and presents herself to Her Radiance, who was patiently waiting on her agent.

The Radiant Princess was skimming through a multipage document with a light scowl. To see Princess Celestia, bare any ill expression, especially one of vexation or anger, is to be handled with the utmost caution and solemnness. Taking her gaze off the document and delicately rubbing her eyes, Princess Celestia locked onto her agent and a gracious smile etched itself on her face.

"Princess Celestia," Flare Brimstone began by bowing her head, "I came here as fast as I could. What seems to be the problem?"

Princess Celestia did not answer immediately, instead, she flew to her agent and lovingly nuzzled the bat pony's face and neck before pulling her in for a delightful embrace.

"P-princess Celestia," Flare sputtered, returning the hug, "you've been... quite affectionate lately. If I was my friend Tempest, she'd be at a loss for words; you know you can talk to me... not as your agent, but as your friend."

Princess Celestia nudges her muzzle deeply in Flare's mane, ruffling it up adoringly as a tender breath of relief escaped her lips.

"I just need this right now," Her Radiance whispered with a weak sigh. She began rubbing her lower jaw on Flare's head. "I want to apologize for summoning you so often; I know I've been taking up most of your time lately. My duties had increased two-fold, and the most recent document I read just piled on a lot more concern."

Princess Celestia pulled Flare Brimstone in for a tighter hug.

"I've been longing for your company... because seeing you reduces my worries and inhibitions; my apprehensions have been... trying, but this new piece of information has nearly sent me over the edge. I just needed you to be here and calm me down. Forgive me, my lovely agent."

Flare Brimstone chuckled lightly, rubbing her face against Princess Celestia's chest. "I'm always happy to help you, Your Majesty."

Princess Celestia continued to repeat the loving gesture, imploring, "Call me Tia when we're alone. I've been running myself ragged lately. Being close to you always makes me feel better."

Flare Brimstone sighed gaily, pulling her face away from Tia's chest and breaking from her warm embrace. "Here," Flare said in a hushed whisper, taking Tia's hoof with her own, "let's go out to the balcony to talk. That always calms you down."

Flare Brimstone led the stressed princess to the balcony. It was always a place for Tia to temporarily breathe from her royal duties; allowing the alicorn to gather her scattered thoughts. Typically, Princess Luna is the one who accompanies Tia when the alicorn needed a reprieve from work, and it's usually a special place for the two of them. With Flare Brimstone taking the place of Princess Luna during this endeavor, it was special to Tia.

The wide balcony was lavishly decorated with two ornate hanging lanterns, a large red rug, and two large fluffy pillows. It's a place of relaxation where one could recoup and enjoy the overlook of Canterlot and the vast horizon.

Flare Brimstone quietly guided the white alicorn to the pillows and sat her down gingerly before lying next to her. The wind blew softly through the manes of the two mares, and the comfortable pillows eased their muscles. Tia took in the peaceful serenity with a relaxed breath and lowered her heavenly head so her beautiful eyes could meet with her lovely friend's pink diamonds.

"Feel better?" Flare Brimstone asked soothingly, softly holding Tia's hoof.

The alicorn was nearly entranced by Flare's eyes and comforting voice; the bat pony only showed such a caring side when she is completely alone with her.

"I... I am, my lovely friend," Tia replied with a brisk nuzzle under Flare's neck. "With you next to me, I know I will. Thank you, Flare." Tia draped a wing over Flare's body and nipped at the bat pony's ears playfully, eliciting a giggle from the recipient. "I don't feel like a princess when we're alone. I just feel... normal."

After having a moment to silence the fit of giggles, Flare Brimstone gave an incredulous look. "You are normal, Tia, you just have an important job, but... I do understand why you'd say something like that." Flare looked out to the sky. "You barely have time for yourself; you're always watched and followed around. If you could take any time for yourself, no matter how small, you will take it. A wonderful gift like you should have the day off for once."

Tia chuckled but her smile waned into a small, sad frown. "I can't forgo my duties even for a day. It's funny, if I'm gone for one day, it'll cause an uproar and all my guards would be frantically scouring the entire globe for me," Tia uttered with a tiny laugh; her titter, though intentionally said as a joke, wasn't without truth layered in. "I don't need a day off... I just need a couple of hours to myself, or to share those precious hours with you, my lovely friend."

"If you want, I'll stay with you the entire day," Flare Brimstone suggested, cradling Tia's hoof against her chest tenderly. She returned her wonderful gaze to the alicorn. "You are more important to me than adventuring. I count on you always having my back, you know I have yours." The bat pony inched herself closer to Tia. "Don't feel guilty about summoning me, I'll always come running. My adventures can wait. You come first... always."

Tia felt something tug lightly on her heart as a tear began sliding down her face, then a tinge of loyalty and reverence touched her, and Tia gave one of the most genuine smiles that have ever graced her visage. Such love... such devotion; the pure dedication Tia experienced before her was nothing short of euphoric, and she wondered how she came across a faithful pony like Flare Brimstone.

"My... extraordinary friend," Tia uttered softly, sniffling from her friend's sweet words. She tried to stop the onset of coming tears from flowing down her heaven-touched countenance, but she had failed in the most splendorous fashion. "Your kindness and love do not go unnoticed; you spoil me with your lovely words, and I solemn take what you say to heart every time. Thank you, Flare."

Tia wiped the tears from her face and nuzzled against Flare's mane and withers, eliciting a cute gasp from the bat pony before staring back into those beautiful, vibrant pink eyes.

Feeling adventurous and a little playful, it was Flare Brimstone's turn to nuzzle Tia lovingly. The action almost sent the alicorn into shock; she had never seen Flare Brimstone act with such affection. It made her tense up, but Flare Brimstone didn't relent and proceeded to repeatedly peck Tia's coat with her lips. A tinge of red appeared on her cheeks and Tia released all her tensions and waited until Flare Brimstone was done.

"Tia, you know that tonight is the annual meteor shower," Flare said in a cutesy tone. "Do you want to go with me?"

Tia's redness continued to grow. "But... but my royal duties cannot be ignored, so I'm afraid I would have to decline your generous offer, Flare," she said, downtrodden. "I apologize, my lovely friend."

Flare Brimstone laughed, saying, "Make it a royal decree, silly. You can oversee the preparations. That should give you some leeway to enjoy yourself. Also, Princess Twilight would be delighted to see you."

Tia contemplated Flare's plan and a smile slowly grew on her face. "Yes," she muttered, "that should do nicely.

Tia started to lean closer to her friend. Confused, Flare Brimstone was about to ask what the white alicorn was doing, but she never got the chance. Suddenly, without warning, Flare found herself splayed on her back with Tia looming over her with a devilish grin. The alicorn shifted her sly gaze to Flare Brimstone's belly and the bat pony figured out what was about to transpire.

It was too late to resist. It came too quickly to think up an escape plan; Flare Brimstone was completely vulnerable, and she had to endure it. The snout of Tia drifted closer until it made contact with Flare's smooth belly. It moved, just once, and Flare was lost in a fit of giggles and cute, very girly squeals. Tia blew raspberries all over Flare's exposed belly as she screams in utter delight. She holds onto Tia's snout with her forelegs while her hind legs wiggled about playfully; the bat pony was acting like a filly getting tickled by her mischievous mother. Tia loved every second of it.

"Well, this is an interesting sight," a voice said from behind the duo. Princess Celestia turned around and saw her sister, Princess Luna witnessing the painfully adorable tickle torture of Flare Brimstone.

"Morning, Luna," Princess Celestia said happily, relenting her ticklish assault. Finally able to breathe, Flare Brimstone took in the sweet relief of fresh air. "How long have you been standing there?"

Princess Luna smirked. "Since the tickling began, and I have to say, the way you ravished your agent's belly was simply masterful."

"Princess... Luna?" Flare uttered, trying to silence the giggling. Then, after realizing what she had said, Flare Brimstone scrambled to her hooves and looked over Princess Celestia to indeed see her sister. "Princess Luna?! Heeeeey!"

The aforementioned mare tittered at Flare's sudden embarrassment. "It is I, yes, the Mare of the Moon, co-ruler of Equestria, Princess Luna. Good morning."

"Good morning, Princess Luna," Flare greeted sheepishly. The mare couldn't believe the alicorn caught her and her sister doing... that.

Though initially glad to see Flare, the Moon Goddess couldn't help but give a muddled look. "Typically, this balcony is reserved for sister and me, but it seems she had allowed your person to enter this haven."

Flare Brimstone gathered what composure she had, although Princess Celestia made it difficult with the constant nuzzling. "Yes... Your Majesty. What brings you here, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Whenever my gaze latches onto my dear sister taking recess on the balcony, it's when she's distressed and in need of company," Princess Luna answered, stepping into the balcony. "However, it seems the smile etched on my sister's face declares that you have indeed remedied her woe, and for that I thank you." Princess Luna bowed, and Flare Brimstone emulated the gesture. "I will take my leave."

"Luna, wait," Princess Celestia called out. Her sister turned to face the alicorn. "There's the annual meteor shower in Ponyville tonight, so I was thinking about going and declaring a-"

Princess Luna ceased her sister's words by holding up her hoof. "I know that it is tonight, and I know what you are saying, and there's no need. I'll take over until you return. Is Ms. Inkwell present today? She should be able to help guide me through the intricacies of your job."

"Raven is currently in her office sorting out plans for upcoming events, so it might be prudent to slowly tell the mare why you have taken over my duties for the day," Princess Celestia explained. "We don't want my lovely assistant panicking."

Princess Luna rolled her eyes. "Duly noted," she commented as she gave a valedictory wave. "Behave yourself, sister. Farewell."

Princess Luna leaves the two mares to their lonesome. Tia was psyched to spend the annual meteor shower; she could watch the falling stars with her lovely friend. To have an experience with a pony you care so much for, to lay next to her as you gaze at the same sky, the warmth and affection wrapped tightly around you, it was simply heavenly to think about.

Tia has always shown her heart to her little ponies; they were not just her subjects, but her friends, her family. Flare Brimstone is family... very close family.

"Tia," Flare called out, "I need to close my shop early tonight." The bat pony grabbed Tia's hoof and bussed it before standing up. "I have to go now, but I'll see you tonight."

That was the third time the alicorn was speechless, all in one day. Tia was cursed; how badly she was anathematized by her feelings. Her pristine white coat is nothing but a backstabbing recreant; the terrible turncoat blew up red, displaying a giant flood of crimson for Flare to see. The bat pony chuckled at Tia's shocked expression, shaking her head and winking at the mare just before jumping off the balcony and flying to Ponyville.

Minutes after Flare Brimstone left, Tia was finally able to snap out of her stupor.

"Oh my..." she uttered before leaving the balcony herself.

Night rolls around.

Princess Celestia stood at the edge of the balcony. She fills her nostrils with the fresh intake of air before exhaling slowly; she calmed her heart, and her mind, and steeled herself. She looked forward with a wonderful smile, opened her large immaculate wings, and leaped into the air with such magnificence. The cool breeze of the moonlit night surrounded the mare as she makes her graceful descent to the outskirts of the rustic village of Ponyville. There, Princess Celestia saw the entire town of ponies and creatures lolling across the verdant fields staring at the night sky. Princess Luna had outdone herself this time; the stars shimmered and shines with the brightest luster Princess Celestia had ever seen. It was a time when all the residents of Ponyville got together to witness the amazement of the meteor shower.

The second she landed, Princess Celestia was immediately greeted by her faithful friend Twilight Sparkle, the rest of her friends, and the entire town. After getting the pleasantries out of the way and with everything calming down, Princess Celestia noticed Flare Brimstone didn't greet her as every creature else did. She veered her head around the lush scene scanning over the wave of ponies and the like searching for her lovely. Then, with squinted eyes, Princess Celestia espied a figure relaxing underneath a tree off in the distance. Further inspection reveals the figure's red mane and tail. That unruly style... it was Flare Brimstone. Smiling, the pretty princess trots over to the mare and presented herself.

Flare Brimstone turned her shining pink gaze at the princess as a grin gradually found its way to her face.

Tia lowers her body and cuddles up to the bat pony. "Were you waiting long?" she asked, setting her head atop Flare's head.

Flare chuckled. "Nope," she answered merrily, cradling Tia's hoof. "I just got here. Closed up the shop and flew out of town. I saw you talking amongst the Ponyville residents and decided to not interfere." Flare Brimstone looked up towards the starry sky. "I knew you would find me after. How did your faithful friend react to seeing you here for the event?"

Tia loved seeing Twilight Sparkle again. It had been months since they last saw each other; the alicorns were simply too busy to catch up. When they did get back together, Tia realized how much she missed having her once-faithful student by her side. To see the little filly you took under your wing evolve into something far better than you had ever perceived was truly delightful.

"I enjoyed it more than I had thought," Tia muttered, her gaze shifting to the night sky. "Honestly, it was supposed to be a quick greeting, but then it turned into such a stunning and emotional conversation that I had lost track of time; I don't even know how long I talked to my faithful friend." Tia draped her angelic wing over Flare's body. "Right now, I would rather talk to you. How did I ever get a pony like you?"

"By being a wonderful and just ruler?" Flare entreated. "I mean, I am a gift and a treat to be around."

Tia laughed. "Is that so?" she asked sarcastically. "Well, I should be glad I came across you when I did. You're accomplished, loved by so many ponies, and a good friend. After tonight, where you think the adventures will take you?"

Flare Brimstone gazed at her cutie mark. "Adventure can be found just about anywhere," she answered. "For now, I think I'll take a small break from it all... you know, just stay in one place."

As they talked, the mares witnessed the meteor shower blitzing across the sky. The mystical, almost sparkling rocks sent the mares and every creature on the outskirts of Ponyville into awe. Suddenly, Flare Brimstone's eyes narrowed and discerned a small meteor making its way towards the Plains of Equestria. Every creature stared as it crashed with a loud boom, skidding across the earth and leaving burn marks in its wake. It halts as steam irradiated from it.

Eyes wide, Princess Celestia says, "That's... unusual. There hasn't been a meteor crash in centuries. I can... feel something inside there. What does it mean...?"

Flare Brimstone smiled before standing up. "It means adventure has found its way to us. So much for taking a break."

Just after the meteor crashes, Princess Luna teleports next to Princess Celestia. "We got a problem," she muttered close to the two mares. "I was watching the shower from the balcony, and that meteor there," the lunar princess points to it, "suddenly appeared as if out of thin air and began its descent to our planet. Naturally, I tried to interact with the rock with magic, but it was repelled."

"Repelled?" Princess Celestia uttered under her breath. Her eyes were searching the ground as her brows slightly furrowed. "Flare, vacant every single creature from the plains and ensure none are left out other than me, my sister, and Twilight Sparkle if she wishes to stay. Luna, take command of the elite and royal guards and have them meet here within the hour. I do not know what anomaly this is, but we are going to find out."

Flare Brimstone's gaiety altered to seriousness. "Understood," she said with a brisk salute, leaving the sisters alone.

"I'll get the guards prepared, watch the meteor until my return," Princess Luna said, teleporting back to the castle.

Alone, Princess Celestia stared at the fallen meteor. "This isn't a regular rock... but something more," she whispered. "Flare was right, adventure has found us."

Comments ( 2 )

In that case, could you please tell me when he does?

I'm afraid I cannot do that until he arrives on scene, and that won't be for a little while longer.

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