• Published 5th Dec 2021
  • 580 Views, 4 Comments

The Adventures of Flare Brimstone - Burningbloom78

Join the adventures of an esteemed mare and agent of Princess Celestia!

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Innocent Little Snowflake

Through icy winds and frigid snow, over the wintry mountains and past the frosty caves, may you find happiness. May the warmth of the sun melt the frozen heart and let love be the comfort that which was stolen away. May love and affection find their way inside. The One Cold as Ice.

Life has not been kind to one, and death's contribution to one's beginning is nothing short of a disaster. Doom had been strong, gloom encroached the mind, and the uncertainty of one's future is stagnated, unavoidable, with change unable to act, one would think. Hope displays itself as a mirage, and one would think oneself a fool to believe otherwise. Remain a fool forever. The One Cold as Ice.

Amid peril and sadness, even in the darkest of winters that block out the sun and its warmth, there is always a light in the abyss of despair, no matter how small. Though the light of the sun cannot beam in effulgence; its lambency shines in others for one to cling to, only if one lets them in. In one's vice misplaced, has it been torn asunder. The One Cold as Ice.

Let them in. Wander the darkness and reach out a hoof to the light that offers happiness and warmth. The One Cold as Ice.

Deep within the wintry mountains of Yakyakistan lay a lab of secrecy, where experiments are carried behind the eyes of moral minds, to selflessly serve one's lust for knowledge. A mare donned in climbing gear scales the frigid landscape to find the lab and hopefully confront the one responsible.

Through snow, ice, and monsters that obstructed her path, the mare overcame all odds with the fervor and passion one would call supernatural. Prevailing through the impossible odds that impeded her path, the mare continued to climb the frigid cliffs until she came across an entrance inside the mountains where a blizzard stood in her way; a snowy veil hid the door from the sight of the less clairvoyant bunch, and the mare saw through its guise.

Breaking through the white awning and forcing herself inside the lab, the mare found herself in a dim hallway lit by flickering lights. She trekked across the chilly metal surface and the mare eventually faces a black door latched with several locks of different sizes, even a few were sealed by magic, yet this impediment did not deter the mare.

She pulled out a mystical card surging with magic. It was created by some of the minerals the mare helped extract from the Misty Mountains that alchemists in Canterlot, by order of Princess Celestia for this very mission, to have the ability to open any lock or door, whether imbued with magic or not. Unfortunately, it was the only card the mare had, but its use will be worth it.

The black door was scanned by the magical card, unlocking access for the mare to step inside with a small smirk on her face. The mare found herself in a messy room, a laboratory, faintly lit by dim lights hanging from the ceiling. She turned her attention to a large tube in the center of the room. It was shattered and mysterious green liquid dripped on the dirty surface. The grin plastered across the mare's face was quickly replaced by a scowl as she slammed her hoof and cracked the surface as a curse slipped from her lips.

"Not here either..." she uttered under her breath, veering around the room with a heavy huff. "There has to be some information about the experiment, there just has to be! Better start searching this lab."

The mare investigated the dilapidated lab, searching the tables and desks for any information. There was little that persisted in whatever occurred in the lab, but luckily, the mare espied a document littered inside one of the desks. She hurriedly takes the paper and began reading its contents.

Document no. 10, day 183, Yakyakistan, dawn:

The progression of Experiment 367 is coming along quite nicely, all things considered. The physical appearance may be that of a young filly, but her magical prowess is extremely potent when administering electrical shocks. Her horn has the magical power to create ice and snow with staggering potency. To think this is an orphan with such hidden talent, forced out by my hoof... how fortunate.

These immoral methods are effective, and I am pleased with the results. When the filly finally regains consciousness, she will be threatened if she does not comply with my research. To prevent further misunderstandings, the filly will have a magical suppression device around her horn; instilling fear and punishment on the filly will reduce the chances of her retaliation.

As an update, the subject showed signs of understanding verbal communication while comatose, responding with meek whimpers and cries. I will attempt to iron out these defects as soon as I am able... with that bothersome agent hot on my hooves. I will be forced to advance the filly's progression.

The mare bit her lip in vexation; that troublesome researcher has been harming a filly this whole time. Of course, the mare knew about the filly but knowing how far the researcher is willing to go to reach his goals, the mare was furious.

The mare steeled herself and settled her nerves with a long sigh. "Magic that can create ice and snow? Interesting," she thought aloud. "There has to be more information!" The mare ruthlessly scavenged the lab and found two more documents beneath a filthy, broken tile. She swipes them and sets the documents atop the desk. Unfortunately, the mare couldn't find any other documents, assuming the rest were lost forever.

It was difficult to make out the words scribbled inside the document, but the mare made do and attempted to discern the muddled text.

Document no. 11, day 189, dawn:

The Experiment hasn't awakened yet, but there are further indications she'll grow conscious. Her horn has started to flicker like a blinking red light, a sign she's using magic willingly; a bitter chill shrouded the lab; however, this is no cause for concern. She's also become more verbal, even if it's just more whimpering nonsense.

This is going very well, despite my time crunch. More updates later. I must relish the moment.

Document no. 12, day 194, dusk:

My lab has been victim to an outburst from Experiment 367. The filly displayed displeasure and distress, coating my lab in a chilling frost that resulted in an explosion that shattered the test tube that held her. I did not expect such a violent reaction upon her awakening. Before any more damage occurred, I sedated the filly back to her stupor and encased her inside a smaller tube for transportation.

The Experiment is as I feared: extremely volatile and emotionally unstable, even with the magic suppression device I placed on her yesterday, it barely did anything. Her brain waves were stable, she showed no display of stress, so why did an outburst occur? Could it be her magic overwhelmed her senses and created the explosion? It's probable. Whatever the case, I've hit a roadblock, and my lab is in no condition to assist in my endeavors. I know that meddling agent is here somewhere in these mountains, searching day and night for me. I can't let this be the end, not yet!

I have to relocate. I constructed another lab in case of natural forces buried this one, but the Experiment's magic is anything but natural. My next lab is located in the western mountains. I had hoped to bring these documents with me... but when this is all over, I'll come back for them at a later date. I just need to evade that dog a little longer.

The mare smirked and dashed out of the lab and into the frozen wilderness. The researcher's other lab is west of her position. The mare spared no time and blitzed, carefully, around the frigid mountains. It took three days to uncover the other lab. The mare broke through the gate. And then another one, and another, and then another without stopping.

"I'm close..." she muttered, stomping her way through the vacant halls. "I've followed you all over Equestria. At last, you've cornered yourself; nowhere else for you to gallop off to."

The mare stood in front of a steel door blocking the way. With a couple of hard smacks, the door broke down, revealing a stallion donned in a dirty lab coat and safety goggles. The mare's very presence induced fear inside the stallion as he slowly backed away.

"No!" he cried out. "I'm nearly there! I just have to-"

"Save it," the mare said, taking off her winter gear. "Professor Lander, you are under arrest for child abduction and immoral experimentation on ponykind."

"Flare Brimstone, the bloodhound of the sun princess," he snipped in a contemptuous tone. "You dare stand in the way of my greatness?! My research could prove invaluable to Princess Celestia, and yet you would stand there and impede on such future developments?! You fool! What gives you the right?!"

Flare Brimstone tittered, amazed at Professor Lander's audacity. "You think Princess Celestia wants anything to do with your detestable work?" she interrogated with a smirk. "It was her who found you out! And you dared to flee, making everything worse! I had read the records, and you will be going into Tartarus for a long time; a regular dungeon simply won't do."

Professor Lander began to sweat, inching his way around the room. "I spent my whole life in science!" he shouted angrily. "Immoral practices are unavoidable in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. I can't be swayed by some haunting guilty conscience; I am free from doubt!"

"Do you know what you've done?" Flare whispered with scorn as her face grimaced. "You stole a filly and experimented on her for your sick desires! You never wanted to help Equestria; you never cared!"

Professor Lander cackled as his horn glowed an ominous green. "It's just a filly! No pony will care to miss her, the foul orphan! Her life hasn't even begun, no pony wanted her; nothing lost or gained! She should be grateful in my care!"

"Lander, stop it. You don't want this," Flare warned. "Admit you lost and stand down. Please. Make this easier for both of us."

"You fool!" he cried out. "Like a dog, you hunted me down, and you think I'll just give up?! I will have my work realized!" he charged up his horn as a crazed grin appeared. "You'll do anything Princess Celestia tells you without question! You're pathetic; a wretch stripped of free will! Your pursuit confirms this!"

Flare Brimstone's eyes narrowed and stamped the floor, creating a fissure. Professor Lander yelled in fear as he fell to the floor. "I serve Princess Celestia out of respect and loyalty," she growled, gritting her teeth. "I am no puppet; I chose this mission; I offered my assistance to Her Majesty! Her guards wouldn't have found you, only I would! And you had the gull to spew that slander at me?! I am no slave!"

Professor Lander panicked, his horn shooting magic blasts at Flare Brimstone, but the bat pony effortlessly dodged the professor's attempts. Desperate, he continued his assault, however, every blast was avoided. Flare slowly trotted towards him in a stride that sent terror through Professor Lander's mind. The professor strained himself trying to attack Flare Brimstone. He kneeled, struggling to pump out magic, but to no avail.

"No..." he mumbled. "Please, have mercy! I can-"

Flare Brimstone cracked her neck and bucked the professor in the face, sending him hurling into a wall with a mighty impact. The professor slumped to the ground, unconscious.

"That's enough out of you," she said, surveying the lab. Flare Brimstone saw another door and pushed it open and began investigating. It was dark and cold. It smelled dry and dust flittered in the air. An icy wind attracted her gaze and Flare Brimstone discovered the filly behind iron bars in a depressive slump. She was still like a statue, her eyes were as clear as crystals, and the aura she exhausted was the icy wind. The only indication the filly was alive was her horn flickering on and off.

Flare Brimstone gripped and pried the bars open and stepped into the filly's cell. She feigned death. The bat pony kneeled and stroked the filly's chilly cheek, but no response. Flare noticed the ring around the filly's horn and took it off, shattering it beneath her hoof.

"Come on," she said, nuzzling the filly, "say something. Do anything... just let me know you're alive."

Then suddenly, a burst of cold air threw Flare Brimstone against the bars as a yelp escaped her lips. It was getting too cold even for her. Flare's body shook and shuddered as she gazed at the filly sulking in a corner of the cell.

It was an outburst, but Flare deciphered that the filly's magic may be tied to her emotions. To awaken and remember her pain and suffering from Professor Lander, the filly's emotions would have emulated her distress. All the more reason to calm the filly down before anything gets even more dangerous.

"Go... away," she whispered, her breath coated the floor in front of her in frostbite. Flare was barely able to make out any words. "Do-don't come any closer."

"I have to get you home," the bat pony said.

"Home...? I have no home. You lie!"

Flare Brimstone shook her head. "Please, calm down and let me help you."

"I don't need help!" the filly cried. "You'll hurt me..."

Flare Brimstone trotted slowly to the filly, but her advances were met with animosity; the bat pony was struck by a blast of frost that covered her wings. Flare winced in pain, gritting her teeth, and then she kept going.

"Stop it!" the filly wailed. Another blast of magic strikes Flare's left foreleg and right hind leg, and the ice began to accumulate. The bat pony was forced to the ground. "Stay back!"

Flare Brimstone crawled over to the filly and embraced her tightly, despite the immense, bitter cold digging into her skin. The filly flailed and lashed out, coating Flare's stomach in piercing ice, but she continued to hold on.

"Let me go! You're hurting me! Stop it!" the filly cried. "No... no! Please!"

"So, this is what you were whimpering..." Flare uttered. "It's okay. You're scared and all you've known is pain. It's not your fault."

The filly continued to resist, using her magic in an attempt to push Flare Brimstone away, but her endeavors were unfounded. How long would she keep this up? How far is Flare willing to go? To help, protect, and serve those in need; Flare would go up and beyond to aid others.

"It's not your fault," Flare Brimstone repeated, the filly wailing against her chest. "It's not your fault."

The filly sniffed and cried profusely. "Don't... stop hurting me. No more. Please, stop it..." she sobbed.

Flare Brimstone chuckled and nuzzled the filly's mane like a loving mother. Eventually, the filly calmed down, burying her face in Flare's body. Though faint, the heat from Flare Brimstone was warm and comforting. "I'm not hurting you. It's okay. What's your name?"

The filly grew silent for a few seconds before answering. "Snowy..."

"That's a cute name... argh..." a numbing pain shot through Flare Brimstone's body. "The cold... it's too much."

Snowy used her magic to relieve Flare Brimstone of her frosty discomfort. "I'm sorry," she whispered, sniffling. "I was sleeping for a long time. All I could feel was hurt... I'm sorry I hurt you."

Flare placed her hoof on Snowy's lips and kissed her forehead. "You were scared, I understand. The bad stallion won't hurt you anymore."

"What will happen now?"

"First, we'll grab the bad stallion and present him to Princess Celestia. Second, I'll treat you to some hot chocolate. Third, we'll find a place for you to stay. Sound good?"

The filly fidgeted as a red blush lit up her white face. "I-I don't know..."

Flare Brimstone nuzzled Snowy again. "Are you sure?" she asked as a sad frown appeared on Flare's face. "You'll miss out on delicious hot cocoa. Such a shame..."

"No!" Snowy cried, meeting Flare's vibrant pink eyes. "I mean... hot cocoa sounds nice.

The bat pony chuckled before rising from the floor, gently picking up Snowy and placing the filly on her back. "Comfy? I don't normally give fillies and colts piggyback rides."

Snowy clutched Flare Brimstone's back. A small grin appeared on her muzzle. "It's very warm," she said. "I like it..."

"Good. Now let's leave this horrible place."

Flare Brimstone accepted a mission to hunt and bring a rogue researcher named Professor Lander, one of Princess Celestia's top researchers, into custody. Her Majesty found out that Lander was planning to experiment on his kind for the sake of knowledge and gratification and promptly ordered his surrender, to which the avid professor refused, escaping Canterlot.

At one point, Lander snatched a filly from an orphanage to enact his experimentation. Princess Celestia gave Flare Brimstone any resources to bring the rogue professor to justice, and the bat pony delivered.

Returning to Canterlot with Snowy and an unconscious Professor Lander, Flare Brimstone presented the foul felon before Her Majesty, and punishment was quick; Professor Lander was almost immediately sent into Tartarus.

It's been a week with Flare Brimstone looking after the filly. Snowy still had nowhere to go. She didn't want to go back to the orphanage. Princess Celestia suggested that Snowy be looked after by the Royal Crystaller, Sunburst, under the protection of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire to harness and properly control her magic. The wintry environment of the Empire would serve the filly as well.

Although their time was short, Flare Brimstone would soon have to part ways with the filly, but not before treating her to that cup of nice hot chocolate the bat pony promised, in the gardens of Canterlot Castle.

"Will I see you again?" Snowy asked as she sipped for her cup. "I want to..."

Flare Brimstone chuckled, chugging down her hot chocolate like it was nothing but a mug of apple cider. A hearty blech escaped her lips as a satisfied expression grew on her face. "Ah... that's the good stuff! And to answer your question: you will see me again," she assured the filly. "If you're ever feeling sad or lost, send a letter and I'll blitz to the Crystal Empire myself and keep you company."

Snowy blushed as her horn glowed and ice appeared in her hot chocolate. "Oh... I-I didn't mean for that to happen! P-please don't be upset..." she winced, expecting punishment, but nothing came from Flare Brimstone except another hearty laugh. "You... aren't angry with me?"

Flare shook her head. "Why would I be?" she asked, reaching her hoof over to rub Snowy's mane. "Your magic is tied to your emotions, and it seems to activate on its own from time to time. Relax and enjoy your hot cocoa. Princess Celestia will be here to escort you to the train."

Snowy ran her hoof around the lips of the cup, covering it in ice. "Can you... be there to see me off? Please?" slumping into her chair. "I mean... you don't have to. I wouldn't want to waste your time, Ms. Brimstone-"

Flare Brimstone raised a hoof, cutting the filly's words off. "I'd love to," she said. Snowy's blush returned, redder than before. It looks that the filly cherishes Flare's kindness. "Finish your drink and I'll give you another ride on my back. You'd like that?"

Snowy nodded, hurriedly chugging down her hot cocoa. Flare laughed, seeing a chocolate mustache across Snowy's face. A guard enters the garden and announces to Her Majesty's agent that it was time for Snowy to go.

"Here let me get that for you," the bat pony said, wiping Snowy's mouth with a napkin. Snowy gently climbed atop Flare's back. "Ready to go?"

Snowy nodded and the two ponies followed the guard to Princess Celestia. The alicorn was waiting just outside Canterlot Castle when she was greeted by her agent. That motherly expression was strewn across Princess Celestia's countenance.

"My agent... is our visitor ready to depart?" the sun princess asked. Snowy buried her face into Flare Brimstone's neck, averting her eyes from Princess Celestia. "It would seem our guest is still quite shy."

Flare nuzzled the filly's mane. "She's just a little daunted being in the presence of a wonderful and caring ruler of Equestria," she said, trotting down to the train station. "She'll warm up to you, just give her time. She means no disrespect."

Princess Celestia chuckled. "Well, I don't think I'll have many opportunities to do so when the filly boards the train to the Crystal Empire, but when I go to visit on royal duties, I'll make the effort to be in Snowy's good graces."

"I think she'll like that."

After engaging in conversation for twenty minutes, the trio reached the train station just before All Aboard's sound off. Flare Brimstone gently sets Snowy in front of her. Shortly after, Flash Sentry, one of Princess Cadence's guards, greeted the trio.

"I am here to escort a filly by the name of Snowy," he announced, kneeling to the filly's eye level with a sweet smile. "You must be her, yes?"

Snowy ran under Flare Brimstone and grabbed one of her forelegs. The bat pony sighed with a small grin on her face, stepping back and nudging Snowy forward towards the guard.

"It's okay, he's here to take you to the Crystal Empire," Flare whispered. "He's a sweet young stallion, Snowy. He won't hurt you."

"Bu-but..." the filly's voice trailed off. She was shivering. "Won't he get mad? He won't... yell at me?"

"Of course, he won't, Snowy. Flash is a kind soul, and you'll be safe with him around. Tell you what: if you go with Flash, I'll bring you a present the next time I go to the Crystal Empire. Sound good?"

"Okay... I'll go," Snowy mumbled. She slowly approached Flash Sentry, not meeting his eyes. It was plain the filly was frightened, but Flash concocted a scheme to get Snowy to like him.

"How would you like a piggyback ride?" he asked, laying on the floor next to Snowy. "I'm a pegasus, that means I can fly. If you're going to be staying in the Crystal Empire, I could fly you anywhere within the empire."

Snowy looked at Flash Sentry's blue eyes and cracked a grin. "Flying does seem... fun," she murmured. "I don't want to waste your time, Mr. Sentry... sir."

Flash laughed, scooping the filly with his wing and placing her on his back. "Not at all, Snowy, it would be my pleasure!" the dutiful pegasus exclaimed with a fervent vigor from his lungs. "Once we get to the Crystal Empire and get you situated, just call upon me and I'll take you anywhere the empire has to offer!"

Snowy giggled and laughed from Flash's wing tickling her. "Okay, okay! I'll go, but please stop!" she pleaded. Flash relented his ticklish assault on the filly. "Let's go."

"With pleasure, ma'am."

Flash and Snowy board the train and sit Snowy next to a window where she could smile and wave at Flare Brimstone. The bat pony waved back.

"Be safe," Flare whispered. The train began departing from the station, Flare Brimstone continued to wave goodbye until the train was no longer in view. The bat pony released a heavy, labored sigh from her lips and sat on the floor of the train station. Princess Celestia joined her.

"When will you go to see her?" the sun princess asked, draping her wing over Flare's head.

"Whenever I have business in the Crystal Empire or whenever she needs me," she answered with a soft voice.

"Are you sad, my agent?"

"A little, but I'll know she'll be fine. That filly will go far, I just know it."

Princess Celestia chuckled. "The one cold as ice, yes?"

Flare Brimstone nodded wiping away a tear that managed to roll down her face. "Her heart is warmer than the sun and her smile shines just as bright. The one cold as ice."

"Come on," Princess Celestia said, nudging Flare's mane," let's enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with my sister."

Flare Brimstone smiled. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Snowy is gone, off to the Crystal Empire for a better life. Maybe one day, the bat pony will see her shy filly grow into a brave mare.

Until the next adventure of Flare Brimstone.