• Published 5th Dec 2021
  • 580 Views, 4 Comments

The Adventures of Flare Brimstone - Burningbloom78

Join the adventures of an esteemed mare and agent of Princess Celestia!

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Behind The Veil

Behind The Veil is struggle.

Murky horrors: a forever dark sky, filled with the shattering of translucent glass. The sloshing wetness; an unfamiliar yet familiar land demands attention and wariness. Blackened heart, aversion to dread; where phobias are made flesh in those of fearful minds.

Behind The Veil are hidden chains.

Forever entombed: endless darkness across a muddled landscape and the horridness that accompanies it; It is living rejects and mindless terrors. Wit will be your ally, lest you are snagged by the unknown and submerged into the weltering depths, ne'er to be seen again.

Behind The Veil is our prison.

Gloom & sorrow: it's just another place where those of us live. It's a scary, horrible, deadly place, but it is home. We cannot leave; we are bound to our roots, and if one were to become curious, then a grave will be dug, and tears will be shed.

Behind The Veil, we are omens.

Another day begins in the life of Flare Brimstone, an avid, perfervid adventurer, and beauty of a bat pony! And what an important day it is for not just her, but for also Princess Celestia.

Heeding the summons of the Sun Goddess from an escort named Agni: one of the five most elite, well-trained, personal guards entrusted with Princess Celestia's life, Flare Brimstone is to meet with the Radiant Princess near the border of Equestria from the west.

Agni is a bat pony who operates from the shadows of Her Radiance. For Flare Brimstone to see him out of the darkness expressed a great magnitude of significance and tension; this was only the second time she saw him with her own eyes. He was fitted from head to hoof in black and gold armor. The only thing you could see was Agni's mouth, ash-colored wings, and his deep, vibrant orange eyes.

Flare was awestruck staring at the stalwart and stoic stallion with a gleam twinkling in her eyes as they began to fly hastily to the western Equestrian border.

"If I knew you were coming to get me, I would've presented myself a little more... cleanly," Flare Brimstone spoke with a dulcet tone, fluttering her eyes rapidly as she gestured to her unkempt mane and coat. "Good to meet you again, Agni." She snickered at her playful attitude.

"You look fine," he whispered in a concise, gelid-sounding timbre. A strong silent type with a calm and concealed voice: Agni was never one for conversation, yet he didn't outright reject Flare Brimstone's attempts, as such endeavors were futile from the words of Her Radiance.

Flare Brimstone flapped her wings forward and flew next to Agni with a cute smile as she met his glacial demeanor from the left. "I just got back from a mission in the Crystal Empire."

Agni's ears perked up and swiveled in Flare's direction as she continued. "Well, it wasn't a mission per se, more of a check-up on a filly. I'm sure you heard of her. Princess Celestia must have told her guards, especially you."

Agni grunted in confirmation, further affirming with a nod. "Snowy," he said deeply.

"That's right," Flare shouted gleefully. "She's doing good, and I was told she was gaining a lot of control over her emotions."

Agni looked at Flare with a musing expression, awaiting clarity.

"Oh, her magic is tied to her emotions, so the better handle she has on them, the better the control Snowy has over the magic," the bat pony clarified. "She's been through a lot, more than I can mention, but she's still holding on strong. You would like her, Agni. I think you both would introduce a cute dynamic!"

Agni blinked and grunted dismissively, directing Flare's attention to the western border. "We've arrived."

Flare Brimstone gawked at a large facility spanning the entire border with tall white buildings and watchtowers armed to the teeth with unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies in brown and bronze-colored guard outfits. Every single one brandished a certain piece of black eyewear Flare recognized immediately as she and Agni landed near the entrance.

"I've seen those glasses before. Those are Obsidian Shades," the bat pony said, trotting with Agni to the gate.

Agni nodded. "Good eye," he complimented. "Edify; tell me more."

Flare Brimstone scratched her head and tapped her hoof, saying, "The item allows the wearer to see in the dark, detect hidden objects, and can... enhance eyesight when worn. What I wouldn't give to acquire such a boon."

As Flare Brimstone and Agni approach the gate, they were stopped by a mare with a dark brown coat and red mane. From above were ten pegasi with spears trained on the two bat ponies.

"My name is Officer Grid of Equestria's Borderline and Protection Organization (EBPO). I and many others stationed here guard the entrance to the Waterlands. State your name and business," the earth pony ordered.

Agni stepped forward and saluted. "I am Agni, one of the personal guards of Princess Celestia. I was tasked to bring Flare Brimstone here by order of Her Majesty."

A brow raised from the Obsidian Shades and Officer Grid turned her scrutiny towards Flare Brimstone. "What's your occupation?"

"Shopkeeper and Agent of Princess Celestia," Flare answered verily. "I am heeding the summons of Her Radiance, ma'am."

Officer Grid huffed and glared at Flare Brimstone for a few seconds before stepping aside. "Come with me and I'll take you to Her Benevolence. She awaits your coming at the entrance of the Waterlands."

Flare and Agni kept silent as they entered through the gate and went into the facility, along with five of the ten pegasi followed close behind them, their weapons at the ready. The two bat ponies faced a white and gold interior bustling with technology manned by a variety of scientists in deep concentration on their profession. It was not important to Flare Brimstone to survey the surroundings; Her Majesty comes first. Always.

Officer Grid leads the duo to a large, black door. Facing the door, Flare could feel a chill seeping from the cracks. This served to peak her curiousness. Officer Grid opens the door and the duo saw Princess Celestia sitting in silence, staring at a mass of flowing darkness with a look of indifference. When she turns her attention to Flare Brimstone, Her Radiance begins to smile with a motherly expression.

Princess Celestia beckons the duo to sit by her, and they obliged without hesitation. Her Radiance nuzzled Flare's face and gave her a heartfelt hug before pulling away. Flare and Agni gazed at the heaping; giant mass of blackness that spread as far as the facility did.

"This is the only entrance into the Waterlands," Princess Celestia spoke to the duo. "We've checked every possible opening and found that only this here," she gestures to a patch of darkness, "serves as the opening. My agent, I called you here because I need you to retrieve a certain object. Do you accept?"

Flare Brimstone puffed out her chest and stood up on her legs with enthusiasm, saying, "Of course, I accept! To explore the Waterlands is a dream come true!"

Princess Celestia gave a half-suppressed laugh; she giggled lightly at Flare's hunger and zeal for adventure. "It's soothing to see your passion overcome any uncertainty, but I'm afraid I don't have your level of passion, my lovely... agent," she said, giving the two bat ponies a stern, yet affectionate look. "This is a serious matter. Allow me to explain to you what the Waterlands is and what I want from there."

The Sun Goddess explains that the Waterlands is a vast array of locations sprawled across a large region where water is abundant; the rain falls endlessly, and the ground is soaked and flooded. It is an enigmatic and cryptic region in Equestria that, just like the Everfree Forest, is free from the influence of ponies, yet far more perilous.

The Waterlands are so obscure that most of the inhabitants of Equestria hardly know any information about the region, and such conditions are treacherous to any outsiders of the Waterlands. Adventurers are permanently barred to enter as the region is home to frequent disasters: squalls, hurricanes, and earthquakes, coupled with monsters that are said to lurk in the many rivers and lakes of the region, as well on land.

However, if one were to have Princess Celestia's golden sun seal (her royal blessing) on a scroll, which inside contains her authorizing an individual the entry into the Waterlands, then an exception is made, although such exceptions were made only twice.

The Waterlands is a cursed place that those who live inside are even more so and are called omens; the unfortunate souls who stand as portents of coming disaster. It is rumored that if a pony who lives within the Waterlands ventures out, they bring with them the catastrophes that plague their region. Stories had circulated long ago that if even one of the omens stays out for too long, they will smoke, burn, and turn to ash... in a violent display. To ensure such horrifying occurrences are deftly avoided, the Waterlands has been henceforth sentenced to lockdown by not just Princess Celestia or Luna, but by other royals who fear the tales of "The Ocean that Lives Above Ground."

The object Princess Celestia desires is an extremely rare gemstone called the Red River: the bloody beryl is only found in the Waterlands. The reason Princess Celestia desires it so badly is that it contains a certain type of magic she had the experience of witnessing half a millennia ago.

Flare Brimstone's curiosity peaked, asking, "Can you explain what this black aura is? And what type of magic does this beryl contain exactly?"

Princess Celestia gave a warm smile to her agent. "What you see is dubbed The Veil; an awning of unknown dark power that has persisted long before my inception, and its purpose is to serve as a sort of prison containing the monsters and disasters within. Unfortunately, ponies born inside are affected by its dark grip, unable to leave without massive repercussions. No creature knows how it got here.

"To answer your other question: it possesses the magic of storms and waves, and there are only two residing inside the Waterlands. Sideral Borne, one of five leaders in the Waterlands, has permitted me to keep the bloody beryl if we can acquire the other one," she said, lifting herself off the floor and trotting beside the shadowed portal.

Flare Brimstone's eyes narrowed slightly as she tapped her chin in thought. "Get in, get the two gemstones, give one away, and take the other back to Equestria," she tersely explained: in a no-nonsense manner. "Sounds easy enough, but nothing is, especially in there. What's the catch?"

Princess Celestia's countenance became firm. "The gemstones are out of the way and guarded by monsters that lurk in the region's murky depths. If you and Agni can survive, we get the Red River."

Agni looked confused, asking, "Me? Your Majesty, I do not understand."

Princess Celestia chuckled and gestures to Flare Brimstone with her hoof and a playful look. "My wonderful, dependable agent has a... tendency to get overzealous and reckless, especially somewhere new. I need you to offer her support and to ensure my agent doesn't cause more damage than necessary."

Agni took a deep breath and turned to Flare Brimstone, then he shifted his eyes towards Princess Celestia and nodded firmly. "I will assist your agent in every way I know how," he said with an indifferent tone, saluting.

Princess Celestia briskly leaned her head towards Agni, almost startling the bat pony with such an uncharacteristic brusque. "My agent is extremely important to me, Agni, but I know better than to doubt your word and your conviction. I trust you fully," Her Radiance spoke with a calm, relieved expression before rearing her head away from Agni. "Now... before you both enter into the Waterlands, there are a few things you two must know."

Flare Brimstone tapped her hoof on her chin again before looking at the hulking, undulating mass of darkness. "What are they?"

"When you enter the Waterlands, I and everypony else here will not be able to help you inside," she said, sighing with a sad tone. "The state of the region disrupts many outside influences; communications, may it be magic or technology, might be null & void until you both depart the region. It's usually difficult to gauge what we can and cannot do.

"Another is that the rainfall is quite irritable to our bodies, so a spell of water resistance will be applied to you and Agni. Do not drink the water. Most importantly, utilize stealth. Do not attempt to fight the wildlife there unless it is completely and utterly necessary because the noise will aggravate nearby beasts, and you will find yourselves quickly overwhelmed; I do not intend to lose my agent and my guard so be prudent and wary; that's an order."

Flare Brimstone had only served under Princess Celestia for five years and never before has she heard Her Radiance's voice sound so fierce and firm, even a little fearful. It made her wings shudder and her coat and mane stand up slightly; this was important, of course, but drastic and dangerous. Her Radiance truly fears for her and Agni.

"I will avoid causing trouble, Princess Celestia," Flare said. "I will abstain from all conflict inside the Waterlands if I can prevent it. Don't worry, Your Grace. Also, why can't you join us?"

The white alicorn sighed sadly. "I've learned that it's best to have a squad of three ponies out in the Waterlands to reduce the risk of attracting too much attention. You'll have an expert guiding you through the horrid region. Please, be careful," she bade Flare Brimstone solemnly.

Princess Celestia, with that motherly expression, grabbed Flare Brimstone in another tight, adoring hug. It was not odd for anypony to witness Princess Celestia openly giving affection to her little ponies, but when it came to Flare Brimstone, Princess Celestia's actions are borderline platonic; maybe maternal. Her attitude would change, and her emotions would become fickle, yet her adoration of Flare Brimstone is constant, and her demeanor turned into a loving expression. It's a little off-putting to most, although Flare welcomes it wholeheartedly.

Without further delay, Flare Brimstone and Agni approached the mass of darkness. On the other side was a completely different world; a dangerous region wrought with monsters and omens, but the two bat ponies steeled themselves.

"Here, take this," Officer Grid said, throwing a certain device into the clutches of Agni's hooves as he placed it inside his armor. "It's a small tablet. This device is from the Waterlands, supplied by Sideral Borne himself, so it should work inside The Veil. There's a red button on the side. If you press it, it'll transport you both back to the entrance of the Waterlands. Do not linger longer than you have to, the Waterlands is a precarious place."

Princess Celestia stepped forward. "Affirming what I said before, once you pass through there should be a guide waiting. Her name is Florence, and she is part of Sideral Borne's entourage." She turned to Flare Brimstone with an uneasy look. "Please... be careful, my agent..."

Flare Brimstone stood at attention, saying, "I will, Your Radiance! I promise!"

Although relieved, Princess Celestia still had her doubts, but for now, it was time to push those aside. She casts the water-resistant spell, or Sliprain, over Agni and Flare Brimstone. Their coat shimmered slightly as a faint purplish glow pulsed occasionally.

The duo faced the black mass of darkness and looked down. They could see the water being held back by the glumness of The Veil. Inside looked to be murky and dark with black clouds covering nearly every inch of the sky, only letting a few beams of dull light pass through. Rain fell constantly and the ground inside The Veil was flooded with water. There was a paved road and a mysterious silhouette.

With no other way to go, Agni and Flare Brimstone step through the black awning and immediately felt a drop in temperature. The sounds of the rain relentlessly assaulted their ears as they precariously trotted a tad further inside the Waterlands.

The mission had officially begun.

Within seconds of entering the sopping land, Flare Brimstone and Agni were greeted by the mysterious figure who trotted up to them in a slow stride wearing bronze and faded black armor that covered their body and head; nearly everything about the pony is completely obscured, save for the horn.

"Welcome to the Waterlands, or, as I like to call it: The Maw of Tartarus," the pony said gaily, stretching out their hoof. "That was a lie. It's just the Waterlands, but it sure as hay feels like Tartarus!"

The duo shook the figure's hoof and stepped away. Flare Brimstone smiled at the intriguing armor the figure brandished and said, "I've never seen armor like that before. Very grim and dark, I like it."

The figure patted their armor like a pet, saying, "Well, without it, the bloodthirsty monsters would be able to sever my head and devour my body with such glee!" The odd figure began to chuckle; Flare and Agni were silent. "What? It's just a tasteful quip until it's not; that's the killing joke! Hahaha! Ahh... I slay a lot of things. So, my name's Florence, and I'll be your guide herein this dreadful place until you leave or die gruesomely."

"I am Agni, and this is Flare Brimstone," he said. "We are here to obtain the two beryls."

Florence jumped in place in excitement. "About time we get those gemstones away from the monsters around the Drowning Pit of Despair, or as I like to call it: the DPD! Let's get moving... before any death apes find us."

The duo had known that the Waterlands is a dangerous place, and so far, everything has been about drowning, death, despair, death, horror, drowning, and death. The way Florence worded herself was slightly concerning, talking about killing and death so calmly, occasionally having fits of crazed laughter bordering on maniacal. It was like... she wasn't all there.

As they journey across the flooded earth, Flare Brimstone couldn't help but think about what Florence had said. She was interested in what a death ape was and voice her query to Florence, which she was more than happy to elucidate.

Florence cleared her throat and said, "Death Apes are large, unkempt beasts that roam about the Waterlands, commonly found on/near a well-trodden road and often mistaken as giant rocks. If one saw a death ape rose from the ground, there was no chance of escaping once you drew its ever-present ire," she edified expertly, tapping her right hoof on the ground creating a sloshing and squelching sound. "We may see one or two on our trek through this bleak nightmare."

"You seem to take all of this rather carefree," Agni told the odd mare.

Florence laughed and struck the ground before regaining her breath. "That is true, but once you saw what I have and did what I had to do... you'll find yourself quickly numb to it all." Florence's voice grew dark and gloomy, like all of her happiness and excitement was suddenly replaced with depression and pessimism. "That's how it always works around here."

Flare Brimstone felt a cold force emanating from Florence. It was foul... and scary. Of course, Flare could see that Florence is a unicorn, but she wondered what type of magic potential creeping out of her armored companion.

"Hey... aren't ponies outside of the Waterlands herbivores?" Florence asked, her voice had perked right back up like nothing ever happened.

Flare Brimstone nodded. "We do, why do you ask?"

"We eat meat here," Florence said, causing Flare and even Agni to stop momentarily in their tracks. "Crazy, right? The vegetation can't take the amount of water here, so most of anything that can give herbivores any substance cannot be regularly consumed here, coupled with the fact that the water here makes y'all skin irritated; drinking our water may... cause adverse, terrible effects."

"What meat do your people hunt?" Flare entreated.

Florence giggled and hummed to an unknowable song that rattled inside her skull. "The monsters that live here. Anyway, there should be an old rustic base just ten minutes from our position. We can take a rest there."

As time passed, the trio began to hear the monsters prowling about the Waterlands, lurking within the ever-present, obnubilated haze. Although the presence of the monsters is out of eyesight, it felt like they are everywhere, looming over the ponies.

The triad of companions trekked through the murky darkness and came across a mound. Florence told them that the old base was just over the hill, but then a torrent of screeches pierced through the shattering rain, filling the trio's ears as they quickly shifted their attention to a pack of reptilian creatures: strained eyes revealed sharp claws, serrated teeth, and harsh-sounding, guttural noises.

The trio laid their eyes on a pack of Blood Raptors creeping up the hill, searching for easy prey. Blood Raptors are tenacious creatures that hunt in packs and use team tactics to whittle and wear down their foe(s) by tearing and rending their flesh with quick, calculated swipes. If one drew the attention of one blood raptor, they drew the attention of the whole pack, and once they set their sights on prey, they will not relent in the chase.

Instantly, Florence grabbed Flare and Agni to a large patch of tall grass off the side of the road and hid inside hurriedly, crouching as close to the ground as they could.

"Scrap," Florence cursed under her lips. "We got a whole crew eying our way, and they're looking ravenous..." Florence's horn glowed a dark purple as it discreetly enveloped Agni and Flare in a dark, faded hue. Confused, they turn to Florence who had her hoof on her helmet. "Relax... it's a spell to mask your scent; blood raptors have a keen sense of smell."

Flare Brimstone had a look of mild concern. "What should we do?" she whispered. "They're blocking our path."

Florence shook her head and said, "The two of you are going to have to trust me on this. They are coming this way, so what we'll do is sneak past them silently. I've done this many times before, so all you have to do is follow behind me. Got it?"

Agni was skeptical of the plan. "What about their hearing? Won't they be able to hear us rustling through the grass?"

Florence tittered at Agni's concerns quietly. "The sound of the heavy rain will block out any sound we make. They rely on loud screeches to penetrate the thick sounds of the rainfall to call out to their brethren. Just don't snap on any fallen branches; they can be quite loud." Florence pointed a hoof in front of them, the blood raptors are on the move. "Follow my lead and do not lag, lest you'll become a fresh carcass..."

The pack of the bloodthirsty raptors carefully trekked the tall grass, ever vigilant. They screeched and bellowed to their peers as they did the same. They formed a circle and continued onwards. Flare and Agni crawled tentatively, keeping their eyes on Florence while occasionally glancing at the passing predators as the trepidation loomed over them.

After a few minutes, it seemed the ponies were in the clear until Agni stepped on a dismembered branch, snapping it, drawing the attention of two blood raptors. Guttural noises and screeches alerted the rest of the pack, directing their scrutiny down in the grass. They sniffed and observed the grass, growling softly.

Agni cursed in his mind and Flare joined him, but the two had their attention seized by Florence's magic. She silently gestured to her armored mouth and slowly shook her head, ushering them to keep moving. Continuing the creeping crawl, albeit, at a faster pace, the ponies managed to narrowly evade the ire of the blood raptors. Near the end of the tall grass, Florence bade her comrades stop and wait. The blood raptors were still suspicious, searching the grass vehemently.

When all seemed to be calming down with the pack continuing on their way, one blood raptor didn't give up and kept searching, adamant it heard something in the tall grass. Florence cursed silently, illuminating her horn dimly and shooting a small bolt of magic that made the raptor let out a small shriek, forcing it to return to its pack.

Alone, Florence let out a small sigh in relief and gestured to her allies to rise from the grass. They exit out and continue to the large mound, trekking up the hill and reaching the top before basking at an old, run-down base in the near distance.

Florence lifted herself on her hind legs and pumped her forelegs towards the sky in a triumphant "Huzzah!" before trotting cheerily towards the base. Flare Brimstone was also excited and followed after, while Agni shook his head before catching up to the mares. Once they got to the old base, Florence hugged the door and started cooing at it like a dog. Although slightly disturbed at Florence's fickle nature and mental state, the two bat ponies were just as happy.

Florence creaked the door open carefully and led Flare and Agni inside. There wasn't much to say about the brown interior: the dusty, broken hallway did give the impression that it had indeed been abandoned; the rustic smell was an indication that the rundown foundation is in a state of dilapidation supported by flickering lights and black mold along the walls. Cobwebs lay scattered across the corners and cracks of the ruined site; however, they had long been deserted.

Though faint, and with a deft eye, one could see leaks from the cracks in the walls where the water seeps in. Damaged, the base had very little to offer in terms of food, which was white and green with fuzzy mold. The sink in the decayed kitchen was covered with rust... along with something red and crusty. Whatever struggle occurred in this ruined building; the ponies that lived inside may have come across misfortune.

It would seem there was nothing of value other than shelter the base offered, and that's all the trio needed. Florence guided the bat ponies to a dining table illuminated by a dying white light. They sat and began to rest.

"So... how's the first hour of being in the Waterlands treating you folks?" Florence asked, using her magic to wipe away the water from her armor. "Exciting?"

"Perilous," Agni said coldly.

Flare Brimstone agreed, but her smile wouldn't go away. "This place is so dangerous and filled with monsters I had never seen before! I love it!"

Florence laughed and joined Flare in her merriment while Agni stayed quiet. "Glad to hear it, my friend! We've only a few hours until we reach the DPD. There'll be no rest stop from here, so soak in all that rest!"

Whilst talking amongst themselves, Flare Brimstone had concocted a crazy idea, seeing that Florence still had some water on her armor.

"Florence, would you mind if you placed some of that water on my hoof?" Flare asked, putting her hoof on the table. Florence was quiet and Agni chastised Flare for suggesting such a foolish request.

"Okay," Florence said much to Agni's protest.

He turned his ire towards Flare and said, "Don't do this, Flare. Princess Celestia told you not to do anything foolish!"

Flare waved a hoof at Agni's concerns. "Relax. It's not harmful to us, just irritable. And I'll be fine if I don't drink any. Ready, Florence?"

The armored mare nodded and briefly dispelled the water-resistant spell. Slowly, Florence hovered her hoof over Flares. A few drops of water landed, and Flare Brimstone immediately felt her hoof shake, sending shudders across her skin. Agni looked on in mild worry, but his concern was abated when Flare's hoof stopped shaking.

Flare Brimstone was amazed. It was tingly, gnawing gently just under her skin. "Whoa... if I stood out there without the spell, my body would have shut down in a matter of seconds. Wicked..."

Agni rolled his eyes in vexation before turning to Florence, saying, "Reapply the spell."

Florence obliged and cast the spell on Flare Brimstone's body again. "With that demonstration of the rainfall here, I trust you'll refrain from asking any more... questionable inquiries for the remainder of your visit." Florence's voice was dry and dark, yet she maintained the playful swaying of her head. "We'll continue resting for a little longer."

Flare Brimstone sheepishly rubbed her mane. "Hey, Florence, I got a question," the bat pony offered, gaining the armored mare's attention. "Princess Celestia had said she made two exceptions for ponies to venture into the Waterlands. You know them by any chance?"

Florence nodded firmly and turned her concealed gaze towards the moldy ceiling. "I never met him but Sidereal has. It was a stallion who goes by Beactas," she answered. "He's best friends with my boss and Beactas helped save his life. You know the guy?"

"Yeah, I do," she replied. "He's the leader of a group stationed a few miles from Ponyville, living in Base Solidarity with his comrades and daughter. He and his team go about Equestria and beyond on more perilous missions from Her Radiance to assist distress signals. I never knew him, only his contributions and accolades in helping Equestria grow." Flare Brimstone stretched out her wings before continuing. "What I do know is Her Radiance has a certain soft spot for the stallion. I don't know the details as to why she allowed Beactas to enter, so maybe you could shed some light on this query."

Florence shook her head much to Flare's disappointment. "I wish I could tell you, but I don't know any more than what I had told you. The boss doesn't talk much about the past."

Flare Brimstone waved it off quickly. "No problem. What about the other one?"

Florence laughed as she began to reminisce. "Funnily enough, the mare is a member of Beactas' team: Sass Strange."

Flare Brimstone's eyes widened for a brief moment. "Why was she here?"

"Hmm..." Florence tapped her armor in thought before slamming her hoof on the grimy table. "Oh, now I remember! How could I forget?! Sass Strange ventured here by order of Beactas to assist in a string of murders in the Waterlands," Florence continued with her remembrance. "Turns out it was a white beast of unknown origin."

Flare's cute ears moved slightly, and Agni was dragged out of his musings. "Murders?! White beast?! I... wish I was there to help. Luckily, Sass was there. She is a powerful unicorn, nearly rivaling Princess Twilight Sparkle in magical prowess. Did everything settle okay after?"

Florence nodded. "Yep," she shouted with delightful gaiety. "At the end of the fight, when everypony thought it finally fell, it leaped from the flooded earth in an attempt to mortally wound my boss! I cut in and pushed him away, taking a rending slash to my chest that completely ripped through my armor, leaving me near death's door! All I remember is that a dear friend I like to call my brother killed the beast and Sass used... what I think is called White Magic."

Flare Brimstone slouched into her seat, furrowing her brow with a lidded gaze. "White Magic is presumably forbidden for its tendency to drain the life from the user," the bat pony muttered. "Only Princess Celestia and Sass are the only individuals I know of that can wield the ancient magic without experiencing any adverse effects. The short version: it's deadly to use. How did it save you exactly?"

Florence explained to Flare that the attack from the beast had indeed ripped open her chest. Sass Strange used a sacred white magic spell that healed the mortal injury completely. It was quick and painless, and Florence told the bat pony she was up and back on her hooves within the next hour. Although the wound was healed, Florence said there is a large gash on her chest where the beast had struck.

"That was the closest I've ever been to death," Florence said, letting out a peal of laughter.

The two ponies continued to conversate until Flare Brimstone brought a question regarding the Drowning Pit of Despair; wanting an explanation of why the location is called what it is.

Florence shifted her concealed gaze towards a grimy window giving a view of the road the three had been taking.

"It's a giant, endless basin of water that stories say harbor a grotesque creature," the armored mare happily answered.

"What do you mean? Tell me more," Flare urged, enraptured by the mysterious wonder.

Florence giggled. "I heard some ponies say it's a Kraken, hidden below the surface just barely out of eyesight, but it's close enough for a skillful eye to see its giant, murky silhouette stalking them for the chance to drag them under."

Flare Brimstone had shivers sent down her spine. "Oooooh, that's creepy," she said in an awestruck, low tone. "Now I'm psyched!"

Florence let out a hearty laugh, saying, "Once we get there, you may have your chance, my friend."

The armored mare turns her attention to Agni, who is steeped in deep contemplation and calls out to him to grab his attention. Drawn from his thoughts, Agni gazed at Florence with a blank look.

"You don't talk much, do you?" the merry mare inquired. "Never seen another pony so silent."

Agni grunts. He was about to return to his musings, but Florence kept grabbing his attention.

"Is there a reason, Mr. Agni?"

He grunts and coldly answers, "No."

Florence rubs her helmet thoughtfully. "Hmm," she mused. "Are you a guard?" Agni answers with a nod. "Okay, but you look special. Are you a special guard?" Once again, he nods. "How special are we talking?"

Agni opens his mouth and says, "One of five elite guards. We are entrusted to Her Majesty's company."

Florence chuckled. "You follow her around? Like everywhere she goes?"

"Anywhere unless Her Majesty says otherwise," he answered.

"Sounds like a full-blown job," she said with a sigh. "You got family?"

"No," Agni said.

Florence leaned forward in her chair. "And why not?"

Flare Brimstone chimes in, saying, "Agni's... an orphan."

Florence gasped and slouched slowly on her chair. "Is that true, Mr. Agni?"

"Verily," he answered without hesitation. "Killed in action. Hollow Shades' Orphanage is where I stayed for half of my life."

"Did you... ever get adopted?" Florence asked quietly.

"No," he replied, but it wasn't his usual cold tone. It was reserved and mirrored Florence's quieting question.

Florence was empathic. "I lost my parents too, and I had to fend for myself for a little while," she told him meekly. "And in the Waterlands, I'm not sure how I managed. How did you get to be the best of the best?"

"Hard work, pain, sweat, and blood," Agni answered. "Took years; many failures to succeed; to prove my worth and conviction."

Florence laughed happily. "In the end, it all worked out. I'm glad, Agni. What else can you do?"

"I can do magic," he states firmly. Florence was skeptical. "A unicorn I am not; however, magic is in my possession in words: they are called incantations, utterances that are spoken in reverse. I know very few conjurations, but they have proven beneficial in my career."

Florence was intrigued. "Where did you learn these incantations? Never heard of them before."

Agni huffed. "The ancient arcana was edified to me by Her Majesty during my time as a recruit. She has personally taught me what she knew and left me to learn on my own when she couldn't teach me anymore. I practiced until I could utter each incantation without delay," he deftly explained.

Florence laughed loudly. "A pegasus who can use magic! You really are special."

He grunts before returning to his thoughts, his blank expression never changing.

After the conversation ended, everypony was predominantly quiet, occasionally letting out a few words, except for Agni who kept silent. While Flare Brimstone rubbed her hoof gingerly, in a trice; her attention was promptly pulled away when she heard Florence humming. The armored mare was droning a blissful tune unknown to the bat pony, and like anything, Flare just had to pry.

Florence put her hoof on armor plating and tilted her head to the right slightly. "Oh, you want to know?" Flare nodded in anticipation. "It's a tune of relief and preservation. It's supposed to calm the hearts and minds of the one humming it; it's a common tune ponies 'round here know since they were foals."

Flare Brimstone was curious. Even Agni turned his attention to the armored mare. "Is it to help cope with the many dangers around the Waterlands?"

Florence giggled weirdly and nodded. "It helps keep us sane," she answered gaily, but her happy-go-lucky attitude was betrayed by her eerie-sounding voice. "You eventually go mad in here. If you hadn't noticed, I'm... not all there. That's what this place does to you: it traps you, threatens you with monsters roaming about, and gradually peels away at your sanity. I'm chained like the rest."

Flare Brimstone's ears drooped slightly, recalling the brief history regarding the Waterlands. "Yeah, you'll turn to ash if you venture out."

Florence laughed crazily, slamming her hoof on the table trying to catch her breath. Flare could have sworn she picked up on distress. "If I stay here, I die. If I leave, I die. All roads lead to death; what a cruel joke!"

"You sound happy about it," Agni says shortly after.

The laughing stopped abruptly. No pony said a word, not a single sound was uttered. The silence was instead filled with the pitter-patter of the crashing rain pelting the roof and windows of the run-down base. An eerie atmosphere emanated from Florence, the seemingly odd feeling Flare felt before was back, yet it was amplified.

Low rumbles reverberated throughout the old base, the floorboards creaked and groaned horribly, the dirty tables rattled gently, and the light above the three ponies flickered violently. Even the volume of the rain around the base started to grow rapidly.

Agni quickly took Flare Brimstone's hoof and yanked her away from the table to set her behind him. He gave Florence an icy glare as he lowered his body in a battle stance; he looked for any suspicious movements from the mare, readying himself for a brawl. His cautious disposition wasn't challenged; Florence remained idle as if steeped in deep deliberation.

"I try to be happy," Florence uttered ominously, her figure slouched in the chair as her dark, freshly wetted helmet tilted to the left. Agni and Flare felt a wave of uneasiness enrapture their bodies. "To keep your hopes up in this place is... difficult, but I try to make the best of it. A few more minutes of rest before we head out. Relish it."

Florence slowly rose from her chair and passively made her way past Flare Brimstone and Agni with her head hung low, muttering incoherent nonsense while occasionally having small fits of low, crazed laughter. The unicorn presented herself in front of the damaged door and sat on the floor. She began to utter the song from her lips as her head and tail merrily swished side-to-side.

The ominous feeling had subsided, yet the bat ponies were nearly fearful; It was so foul and heavy. Almost immediately, after taking time to steady themselves and their breathing, the duo turned their gazes to Florence. Flare Brimstone was saddened to see her new friend in such a state while Agni looked indifferent. Carefully, they slowly approached Florence, and the unicorn noticed them and chuckled lightly.

"Let me give you both a good look at myself," the armored mare said, speaking with mirth; Her gaiety had returned but it was layered with perturbation and a hint of... disgust.

Florence shifted her body towards Flare and Agni. She grabbed her helmet with her hooves and took it off, revealing a disheveled lilac-colored mane and navy-blue face. Her eyes were deep purple with dark circles etched permanently under them. She had a few scars across her right eye, a large gash on her left cheek, and her horn was cracked.

"Here I am," Florence said happily, masked with revulsion. "I know... not much to look at; I am not pretty. I must be... ugly in your eyes, huh?" Florence, despite demeaning her battle-worn face, still wore a small, delicate smile.

Flare Brimstone busted out laughing, saying, "A mare with scars would turn heads from the Canterlot Guard. All we have to do is touch you up a little and you'll be gorgeous, but I have a question: Why would you care to be pretty? In a place like this, especially being what you are, I think being pretty would be something you found trivial and a waste of time."

Florence looked down and fiddled with her hooves as a tiny blush appeared on her face. "I always wanted to be pretty," she confessed quietly with a dreamy gaze. "I want to wear dresses, attend balls and events, y'know? There's none of that here... so it's been a dream of mine to get "all dolled up" just to see and feel what it's like. I want to be pretty, but I can't. Not with this face." Florence solemnly gestured to herself. "I wear armor and kill things with a mind that's riddled with holes."

"What about before you became part of Sidereal's entourage?" Flare asked.

Florence chuckled, saying, "My life was over from the start. It's no surprise really, being in the Waterlands; your life is already over, to begin with. My mother died in the middle of birthing me, and my father... if it wasn't for The Veil receiving his rancor, he would have probably blamed my mother's death on me... or himself. No pony likes being here.

"After that, my father did raise me, but he barely talked, smiled, or did anything; I never had a birthday. It was too painful for him... and even for me. It's part of that saying, y'know? The one about a dove having half of its heart shattered or taken away, falling into a depression, barely wanting to do anything but be with the one it loves? Well, that's what happened to my dad. I would have painted it as nothing out of the ordinary for us, but I could tell the difference. How morbid is that, huh?

"He just stopped. He didn't eat, he didn't drink, he didn't sleep. He wouldn't talk to me anymore; he wouldn't cry or get angry at The Veil. He was just tired all the time, but he never slept. After mom died, she was buried just outside the front of the house. He did nothing but stare at her gravestone for days... weeks on end, and then... he just died one day.

"He left me alone. I wasn't mad... or sad either, but rather relieved, I-I suppose. He doesn't have to suffer anymore, so that's a good thing, right? Of course, it is... but I wish he didn't leave so soon. After that... well, you can fill in the blanks."

Flare Brimstone attempted to reach out a hoof to Florence, but the despondent mare rejected the bat pony's affection. Florence shook her head and donned her helmet once more before standing.

"That's enough rest," she said with abrupt perky mirth, opening the door leading out into the Waterlands. "Let's hurry and get those gemstones!"

Flare's ears splayed back. Even Agni was a little sad. "Florence, you know I was only trying to-"

Florence lifted her hoof to stop Flare from speaking. "I know, and it's sweet of you to do so, but it's okay. And my dream? It's merely a dream." Florence's tone was somber, yet her body expressed merriment. It didn't stop Flare from feeling a bit depressed. "We've got another two hours before we get to the DPD. So, let's roll!"

Florence merrily skipped outside in the rain, striding to the soggy paved road while Flare and Agni sluggishly followed.

"Agni," Flare Brimstone uttered quietly. He turned to meet her slightly disturbed expression. "I don't like being here anymore."

Agni let out a heavy sigh and looked out towards the murky darkness with a forlorn expression. "Florence."

She nodded glumly. "I can deal with physical pain, but... mental pain is something else. It... unnerves me how she changes her mood so quickly; I don't know if Florence even notices how fickle she is. When she gets sad and depressed, I... I don't know, but I can feel it. There's so much of it, Agni..."

Agni grunted. "I felt it as well. It seems Florence's magic has developed a dark signature or has a tendency to seep out and display itself as a haunting, looming presence that overshadows anypony around it," he explained plainly. "It's very disturbing."

Flare Brimstone rubbed her mane. "What can we do?"

Agni shook his head, making Flare give a pleading look. "Nothing," he simply said. "There isn't any known way to properly help the residents of the Waterlands. The Veil prevents nearly anything from working from the outside; we're lucky we can even go in without being 'chained' ourselves."

Flare snorted and huffed irritably. "We can't just leave Florence to suffer like this. This isn't right."

"For the time being, we can't."

Flare sighed in defeat, her ears drooping. "That's right... we can't."

Agni extends a wing to comfort Flare Brimstone. "Her Majesty and the researchers are trying to find ways to assist the residents. Steel yourself and let's get this mission done."

Flare nodded. "Alright," she replied.

With that, the two bat ponies caught up to Florence and resumed the trek to The Drowning Pit of Despair.

Most of the trek to their destination was filled with paranoia; the howling, the distant yet close roars of the monsters had everypony on edge. For some unknowable reason, there was more noise than usual, the rain fell harder, and the murk-filled atmosphere was becoming less and less clear to see. It got colder, the road became mucky, the air was thick, the murky darkness blurred their vision, and the clamoring beasts of the Waterlands felt closer than ever before. The entire scape of the land was changing into something worse than the bat ponies had thought. Flare and Agni looked to Florence, but the armored mare paid little to no attention to the rapid change around her.

It's been an hour and a half since they left the run-down base.

Breaking the silence between the three ponies, Flare asks, "Florence, what's going on here?"

Florence didn't answer immediately, only putting a hoof up in the air to quiet the bat pony. She then gestures to the right of them, and the bat ponies nearly lost their composure. They gazed upon white, mist-like figures slowly cantering just a few feet from the trio. Florence grabbed their attention and gestured to the left and the bat ponies saw the same white, almost ghost-like specters looming nearby. They varied in size but each one of them was as tall or even taller than Princess Celestia.

"Take heed to the words that escape my lips with utmost prudence," Florence bade ominously, ever looking forward. "Do not recognize their existence. Do not show emotion; stow your fear and cast your gaze forward. Do not let them know you saw that your eyes beheld what they are, or else they'll take you."

The cadaverous creatures wailed sorrowfully and shouted woefully. Taking heed of Florence's instructions, Flare and Agni's eyes were glued forward as their armored companion spoke again.

"The Veil is a horrible place," she said in a hushed whisper, getting in between her two friends. "Souls of the dead raise and linger by The Veil's dark powers, transformed into mist-like variants of themselves, cursed to wander and roam, searching for something. Something we have."

"What is it?" Flare asked tentatively.

Florence merely shook her head. "I don't know," she answered. "No pony knows. When a pony is abducted by the Snatchers, they disappear forever. They want something, that much is clear, and it is that something we have that they desire, but only they know."

Flare Brimstone narrowed her eyes. "How do we get them to go away?"

Florence softly chortled. "You don't," she replied. "All we can do is ignore their existence."

"But that doesn't make sense. Aren't we talking about them?"

Florence nodded. "We are, but 'existence' to them," she gestured to the Snatchers without taking her eyes off the road, "is if we look at and acknowledge them, and they see that we notice them, that is their form of existence."

Flare rubbed the back of her mane, slightly irritated. "Well, what are they exactly? Or were?"

Florence shook her head slowly and shrugged. "Doesn't matter what they were before, but if you must know, they are the beasts that lived here."

"Could... ponies become what those things are?"

Florence sighed and she nodded much to Flare's dissatisfaction. "They can but are rare. You see these woeful souls plenty of times when you are part of an entourage here."

"Are they hostile?" Agni spoke out.

"They can be," Florence solemnly said. "However, it's only when you look at them as they look at you. They can be as violent as they are woeful. They're the reason my horn is cracked beyond repair. Let's pick up the pace."

"Can we escape this?" Flare Brimstone asked.

"We can and we will," Florence affirmed. "The Snatchers' presence changes the very area they occupy, so all we have to do is keep trotting down the road until everything turns to normal."

Carefully, the trio of companions continued forward, never breaking their eyes away from the paved road ahead. If they look at the Snatchers in an untimely manner, they'll be taken and never seen again.

The white, ghost-like creatures ululated; some cried while others bellowed in anger, and then they strayed towards the triad, unfortunately for the ponies. The Snatchers drew closer to the trio until they loomed over their bodies; their ghostly presence sent chills down the two bat ponies' backs. Other than the uncomfortable tension of their situation, Flare and Agni had the urge to shift their gazes to the creatures to steal a quick look, but Florence somehow picked up on this and warned against it.

"I know it's tempting to look, but you mustn't, or else you'll run the risk of being taken," Florence said. She then gestured forward. "We're nearly there. Ignore them. No matter how close they get, ignore them. They won't hurt you unless you meet their eyes with your own."

The bat pony duo nodded and continued. After some time, the area around started to turn back to normal. The warped landscape was gone, and the creatures broke from the trio's sides and wandered someplace else.

Flare Brimstone took in a breath of relief, plopping her flank on the ground. "I thought we'd never get out of there."

Florence laughed. "All we had to do was keep moving forward. See? No problem. Also, we're here!" Florence threw her hoof in front of her.

A giant, eroded, symmetrical structure stood tall above the trio, despite its condition; and through the curved archway, they could see the large basin: the Drowning Pit of Despair. Forward they go, passing under the archway and entering the DPD.

Around the Drowning Pit of Despair are ruined pillars strewn unceremoniously amongst the clammy earth, scattered about with reckless abandon. The air became thick; the wind turned turbulent, the temperature dropped where Flare Brimstone and Agni could see their breath, and the undulating mass of water rocked and surged, spilling out copious amounts of water that the soggy earth absorbs before the mass adopted a spiral pattern and continued the process endlessly.

"Welcome to the Drowning Pit of Despair," Florence said politely.

Flare Brimstone looked around the tarnished state of the area and saw no aberrations guarding it as she was warned, but that just made the mare a tad bit skeptical. Florence directed the duo to the far end of the giant chasm of water where a small mound caught their scrutiny. Narrowed eyes bask at two sparkling, deep red minerals embedded into the mound. That was their objective: the Red River; the bloody beryls.

Flare Brimstone pumped her right foreleg into the obnubilated sky, Florence joined her, but Agni did not participate. The trio began to make their way to the gemstones, but something had Agni constantly veering his icy gaze around the ruined area.

"Agni," Flare Brimstone started, "what's the matter?"

Agni grumbled and growled lowly before answering. "Unsettling atmosphere; there may be something nearby. We must make haste to the gemstones," he uttered.

Flare Brimstone agreed, and together with Florence, the trio broke into a brisk trot and carefully made their way around the large basin; treading cautiously in their steps to not slip into the dark pit.

They made their way to the small mound and reveled in the glamourous luster of the gemstones. Flare Brimstone grabbed her brown sack and collected the gemstones with relative ease, effectively completing the mission.

Before either pony could celebrate, Agni's suspicions weren't unfounded as the troupe of ponies heard a bellowing cry coming from the entrance of the DPD. Squints from narrowed eyes revealed a dark, large, and heavy-looking figure pounding its chest like mad.

It viciously slammed the ground, sending a powerful shockwave that knocked the trio off their hooves and onto the ground with pained grunts escaping their lips. The brown sack that held the gemstones fell from Flare's grip. Then, before any of them could recover, the monstrous figure leaped into the sky and descended with a loud boom on the earth in front of the trio. Brown furry hair covered its muscular body, it bared its sharp white teeth with piercing yellow eyes glowering at the triad of companions as it began pounding its chest crazily with the loudest roar Flare Brimstone had ever heard.

The Death Ape is a common and deadly inconvenience to the residents of the Waterlands. Often mistaken as rocks either on or off the side of the road, once a death ape glares at you with that maddening stare, there was only two options you had: either fight or die. And knowing the bat pony, she would choose the former every time.

A crazed grin found itself plastered on the visage of Flare Brimstone, who shakily stood up and stared at the Death Ape as it stared back.

"So, this is what you guys are, huh?" Flare Brimstone spoke to the creature. In response, it heaved its massive arms and bawled its giant fists with all the might it could muster. "Straight to violence? I like you already. Help take my mind off these past few hours! Come on!"

The Death Ape roared and attempted to turn Flare Brimstone into mush, but the bat pony steeled herself, catching the beast's rancor-filled fists with her front hooves; her supernatural strength staved the attack with little hindrance.

Flare Brimstone grunted, her back legs digging into the earth, shouting, "Agni, assistance!"

The stallion began dashing to the beast's legs, straightening his wings and uttering an incantation under his lips as they shimmered with faint blue light, becoming as sharp as knives. Agni skids across the soggy earth and swipes the beasts' ankles, causing the large ape to howl in pain. The Death Ape snorted and grabbed Flare's hooves and tossed her barreling across the ground before coming to a halt and being buried underneath the saturated soil.

"Flare!" Agni called out, but before he could shout anything else, the beast turned its ire towards him and rose its fists into the air. Agni was quick to evade those strikes; they were sloppy and uncoordinated, yet with each graceless attack dodged and swerved, Agni could feel the power behind those ungainly strikes and took extra precautions to ensure he manages to avoid them.

However careful one can be, their luck will eventually run out, and Agni felt that full force; he was sent flying into the air before crashing into the earth. His helmet was separated from his body, revealing his long, jet-black mane and ash-colored coat. He coughed and stood back up, careening to reengage the monster.

Meanwhile, Florence rushed over to the pile of dirt Flare Brimstone laid in to use her magic in an attempt to dig her out, but Florence never had the chance as the bat pony shot out of the ground and headbutts the Death Ape with an impact that whiplashed the entire dark blue basin. It was so strong that the ground shook and Florence nearly lost her balance.

"Whoa..." Florence uttered, awestruck at Flare's strength; the powerful force pushed Agni to the ground.

The Death Ape roared and fell to the ground with a crash, but Flare Brimstone wasn't done, not by a long shot. She clutches one of the beast's legs and swings that horrid ape off the ground, hurling it into a nearby wall that breaks and crumbles atop the addled adversary.

Flare Brimstone shouted to the top of her lungs, saying, "Come on! Is that all you got?!" and bolted to the rubble to fish out the Death Ape, but she was caught off guard with it firmly grabbing her body, rising from the rubble and started repeatedly slamming the mare into the earth.

The barbarity began to roar, thrashing Flare Brimstone's body ruthlessly, cracking the earth around his target. Agni galloped over and uttered another incantation that produced a shield that repelled the Death Ape's mindless lashing and sent the beast staggering away before hitting the ground.

"Flare!" Agni called out. "Are you okay?!"

The aforementioned mare slowly climbed out of the small crater she laid in, raising her hoof to Agni to signal she was still alive. Her head, lips, and nose were bleeding slightly. Relieved, Agni and Flare Brimstone shifted their gazes on the Death Ape, who was now targeting Florence.

The armored mare used her magic to skim across the ground, dodging the beast's massive swings, and then conjuring two magic blades to her sides.

She cried out, "Agni, Flare, I need help! Grab hold of the monster's legs, and I'll take it down!"

The bat ponies heeded Florence's order, blitzing to the Death Ape's legs and locking it down firmly. The beast fell to its knee and attempted to shake the bat ponies off, but they stood strong. Taking the opportunity, Florence uses her magic to blast herself forward, leaping into the air and jamming the magic blades deeply into the beast's eye sockets.

The hairy creature groaned, finally falling for the last time with a thunderous thud. Florence slid off of the seemingly dead beast and approached her companions with a cherry skip.

"Death apes are truly a pain in the flank," Florence said, sighing exasperatedly. "You both handled yourselves pretty well with your first interactions; be proud. Now... let us-"

A low rumble cut Florence off as the trio turned their heads to the large basin; the pit rippled and bubbled, vibrating as a deep, echoing bellow escaped the basin. Then, a large tentacle rose from the water, followed by another and another until at least twenty were in view.

Flare's mouth nearly stood agape as a humongous, menacingly slithering dark creature surged from the basin's murky surface. It screeched and threw two of its tentacles around Flare Brimstone's brown sack.

Her eyes widened. "The Kraken guards the gemstones! We have to stop it!"

The armored mare put her forelegs in the air to object. "Whoa there..." began Florence, "how are we supposed to take that thing down?"

Flare shook her head, saying, "We don't have to. We just need to take the gemstones and hightail it out of here. Agni, keep those incantations coming. Florence, back me up!"

"Understood," he said with a brisk salute.

"Let's do this," Florence added.

Flare Brimstone breathed in and exhaled. "Alright... let's get those gemstones!"

In a flash, the trio engaged the giant Kraken. Flare Brimstone spared little time and blitzed towards the Kraken's face with a deafening impact as the monstrosity screeched in response.

Agni stomped his hooves on the ground, uttering another incantation, coating them in a blue aura, allowing him to tread on the watery surface. His wings became sharp, and he began cutting through the mass of tentacles, trying to get the brown sack, but the Kraken proved to be quite adamant. Florence's horn conjured magical knives and supported Agni from afar.

Together, the trio battled the monstrous creature until they finally were able to see the brown sack glowing with the gemstones.

Agni leaps toward the tentacle holding the sack and attempted to pry it out of the monster's heinous grip. Although he tried his hardest, Agni had made little leeway, and his failure was met with a slap from a tentacle that propelled him into the earth with a stunning impact. Flare Brimstone was wrapped by multiple tendrils and raked across the ground and thrown to a nearby wall.

Florence was the only one able to successfully evade the creature's harmful strikes. She continued to battle the terrifying aberration until the bat ponies recovered and confronted the Kraken again, and this time they were successful in taking back the sack that held the gemstones.

Though taken back, the trio still had the Kraken's vicious ire glaring them down. A torrent of tendrils began to descend upon the triad, but deciding they had enough and reclaimed the gemstones, Agni quickly reaches into his armor and fished out the tablet. He ushers Flare and Florence to hold onto him as he pressed the button and a magical light engulfed the ponies, changing the squad into small balls of bluish-white light, and they just barely avoided the Kraken's tentacles.

Time passed quickly and the trio descended from the obnubilated sky, the magical light changing the ponies back to their original forms. After making sure everything on their bodies is where it should be, then the tablet short circuits and fizzles out.

Taking in a long, hardy breath of relief, Flare Brimstone falls on her back in exhaustion. Agni joins her, but he decided to merely sit while Florence stayed standing, jumping up and down like an energetic filly hopped up on too much candy after Nightmare Night.

"I... can't... believe, we aren't... dead," Flare said weakly, sighing exasperatedly.

"And lo and behold," Florence shouted, "we are at the entrance to the Waterlands with all our limbs intact! I didn't get you both killed and I'm not insane, so that's a win!"

Agni shook his head, letting out, "I lost my helm."

Flare Brimstone sits up and pats Agni on his back. "Sorry about your helmet, Agni. I know guards treasure their armor highly."

He nodded; his expression impossible to read. "I will present myself to Helter & Skelter for a replacement... but it won't be the same; the helm I lost was given to me during my rise to Elite Guard."

Flare bit her lip and scowled slightly, but then a smile appeared on her face. "I'll get it back for you one day, Agni."

He turned his gaze to the bat pony. "You'd do that for me?"

Flare Brimstone laughed, punching Agni's side playfully. "Of course, silly. It means a lot to you, and I would rather you not fall into depression if I can prevent it. Also, your mane is beyond gorgeous."

Florence agreed. "How do you keep it so pristine?"

Agni huffed and turned away. "I inherited my mother's zeal for... manedressing; she was a beautician before becoming a royal guard. My father... was also a mane stylist before also becoming a guard."

Flare and Florence were dead silent. They looked at Agni with odd looks, veering his body up and down rapidly, trying to see the connection. Then, Florence busted out laughing and fell to the ground. Flare Brimstone joined, wheezing from such an embarrassing confession.

Agni was less than thrilled, but he expected nothing less. The only other pony to know about Agni's unique heritage is Princess Celestia, and unfortunately, mirrored the same reaction Flare and Florence were experiencing.

After two straight minutes, the mares finally calmed down, sighing.

"Whoo!" Flare let out merrily. "I needed that. That was a good laugh."

Florence had to agree. "Never before have I laughed that hard; Agni is a comedian."

The stallion rolled his eyes, slightly vexed. "Finished?" The mares nodded. "Good," he said, standing up. "Let's head back. And before both of you ask, no, my cutie mark is not tailored in styling manes, it's for shielding others from harm. It's just a small hobby."

Flare rubbed the back of her mane. "Sorry, Agni. It was just so unexpected coming from you. Forgive me?"

"I'm sorry, Agni," Florence chimes in.

He grumbles before forgiving them both. "It was pretty funny, huh?" The mares nodded silently. "Consider your apologies acknowledged. Let us leave this place, Flare."

Flare Brimstone nodded quickly. Florence trotted with them next to the thin dark layer. The bat ponies turned to meet Florence and gave her one of the bloody beryls. The mare took off her helmet, letting the rain pelt her head and face with a small smile.

"It was nice being accompanied by you, Florence, but it is time for us to depart from this land," Agni said with his usual cold tone.

Florence chuckled. "Yeah, it was a bit of a wild ride at the end, wasn't it?"

Flare Brimstone nodded. "It was, but I enjoyed myself mostly, and maybe one day I'll come back."

Florence clopped her hooves together. "Ooooh, that'd be great! I could show you how to properly kill a blood raptor or show you how I rip open the insides of a death ape for..." Florence stopped her excited tangent from seeing Flare Brimstone giving a blank look. The mare chuckled lightly. "Or we could just... you know... talk about stuff."

"I'd like that," Flare responded. She went up and hugged Florence tightly. "And your dream... I'll make it come true," she whispered.

Florence had a somber expression. "Flare, you don't have to do that."

The bat pony disagreed by shaking her head. "Nope, you are going to be in a dress and wear a tiara if it's the last thing I do. I'll have it specially made for you... and I'll convince Agni to help," Flare wiggled her brows mischievously; Florence stifled a giggle.

Agni felt a cold shudder run up his back, but he couldn't figure out why. All he knew is that he didn't like it.

Florence was amazed, saying in a hushed whisper, "You'd do that for me? Truly?"

"It'll be no problem at all, Florence."

Florence sniffed and broke the hug. "Well, umm... I guess I have something to look forward to. I'll try to live long enough."

Flare laughed softly. "You better," she lightly ordered. "Time to go. Goodbye, Florence!"

Florence waved slowly. "Bye, Flare. Bye, Agni!" she said cheerfully, donning her helmet again before galloping off into the murky unknown with the beryl.

With that, the two left Florence and exited out of the Waterlands. The second Flare Brimstone steps out, she is assaulted by Princess Celestia doting on the mare, relieved to have her alive and well.

Struggling to squirm from Her Majesty's killer grasp, Agni comes to the rescue, presenting the Red River. Unfortunately, Agni didn't count on Princess Celestia pulling him into the warm embrace. With both of the bat ponies subdued by Her Majesty's grip, it was up to Officer Grid to step in.

"Your Radiance," she spoke out, drawing Princess Celestia's attention. "With all due respect, please release Flare and Agni; they can't breathe, Your Grace."

Lo and behold, Officer Grid spoke the truth and Princess Celestia gingerly released her agent and guard on the white surface. Immediately, the bat ponies gasped for air.

Princess Celestia hung her head in light shame. "My agent, my guard, forgive me. I have been... worried ever since you both entered the Waterlands, and I saw none of you came out unscathed."

Officer Grid sighed tiredly. "Her Radiance was having quite the fit since you both departed. On behalf of EBPO, you have my gratitude."

Flare Brimstone was the first to recover, followed by Agni. "No problem," she groaned, cracking her back. "We completed the mission and obtained the Red River, Your Radiance."

Again, Agni presented the beryl, and Princess Celestia carefully took it out of her guard's grasp and handed it to a researcher for immediate study.

"You both did me a great service this day, and I couldn't be prouder," she praised the duo. "Now, I'm sure you both are quite exhausted, is this correct?" Flare and Agni nodded quietly. "Then I hereby decree you both take a week off and relax." Princess Celestia dispels the water-resistance spell.

Flare Brimstone jumped in place, shouting, "Yes!" A week of adventuring was music to her ears.

Agni, however, didn't react the same. "Your Majesty, I am a guard... I don't know what to do with my free time."

Princess Celestia gave him a warm smile. "Visit your parents' graves, my wonderful guard. When you go, come find me and I'll accompany you with some flowers. I have to give them my thanks for having such a strong, able stallion protecting my life."

Rarely did Agni express happiness, and rarer still did he grin, but it was more than acceptable from Her Majesty's kind words. "I will do that, Princess Celestia," he said.

Her Radiance turned her gaze to Flare Brimstone. "Now," she started, "I have to stay and do some work here, Flare. I'll see you soon at your shop?"

Flare Brimstone smiled. "Of course, Your Radiance! I'll tell you more stories then."

"I can hardly wait, my lovely agent..." Princess Celestia told the bat pony adoringly. "You both may go; I'm sure my important ponies know the way out."

The duo nodded and left the facility. Outside, the sun is shining as bright as it could be. Princess Celestia is truly happy to have her little ponies back from the other side. And now, Flare Brimstone and Agni were about to part ways.

"Guess I'll see you around?" Flare asked.

Agni grunts. "Yes."



Flare narrowed her brows. "How soon?"

Agni tapped his chin. "Tomorrow."

Flare Brimstone gave Agni a sultry look, leaning into him, saying, "What's going on tomorrow?"

Agni turned his gaze towards the sky. "When I was at the orphanage, we frequently had picnics; it was one of the best ways to cheer up a colt or filly who was rejected from being adopted."

Flare's playful look turned into a sad one. "Did you go on those picnics?"

Agni nodded. "Every time," he answered briskly. "I was only rejected once. All the other times were to help the rest feel better. Would you like to accompany me?"

Flare gasped and held her hoof over her mouth. "Agni... are you asking me out on a date?!"

"No," he replied coldly, trotting away, but Flare kept up with him. "Only as friends. Do you accept?"

Flare nodded. "Technically, it's noooot a date, but I can treat it like one, can I?"

Agni sighed. "Please don't."

Flare Brimstone laughed. "I'm just teasing. I'll have to close the shop early than usual tomorrow."

"Then it's settled," Agni said.

"Hey, Agni, can I ask a question?" Flare entreated. He ushered the mare to ask. "Do you have any tips on how to keep your mane all nice and pretty?"

Agni coughed suddenly, turning his scrutiny towards his comrade. "Refrain from speaking about this to other creatures if you desire my input..."

Flare Brimstone's face lit up. "So, you'll help style my mane?"

Agni rubbed his temples. "I'll give you tips & tricks, but styling your mane is something else. Prove to me your conviction to learning the shortcuts and I'll style your mane however you wish. If you're anything like Her Majesty, you'll be able to pick up on everything I teach."

Flare gasped. "Princess Celestia came to you for tips concerning her mane?!"

"Yes, yes, she has in the past," Agni replied. "A little secret: during any major celebration that requires Her Radiance to present herself a certain way, I'm the one who does her mane on such events. I also do tails."

Flare Brimstone's mouth was slightly agape. "So that time she had her mane in a ponytail, and another when it was all sparkly than normal, that was your work?" Agni confirmed Flare's query. "Wow... I can't wait to see what you could do with mine!"

Agni deftly studied Flare Brimstone's mane. "Your mane doesn't need much work; you keep it relatively and competently managed. It's quite pretty. Not many ponies, mares especially, have your mane color," Agni said, causing Flare Brimstone to blush.

"Are you flirting with me?"

Agni deadpanned. "No. It's just a compliment."

Flare Brimstone laughed as Agni cracked a small smile. The two of them flew into the sky and continued talking throughout the entire way back to Canterlot Castle.

Until the next adventure of Flare Brimstone.

Author's Note:

You know, there was an alternate fate for Florence's father I decided to not write because I didn't want it to be too depressing. Florence kinda shared the same thing.

Originally, I was going to write about how Florence's father committed suicide by journeying to the DPD and drowning himself; explaining that it's a spot where residents of the Waterlands who just had enough and decided to end it all, like a suicide hotspot.

With Florence, I was going to have that event of her father affect her greatly because of her more depressive/darker side. I was going to make her slightly suicidal, giving the readers indications of her thoughts contemplating self-destruction. The Veil is a terrible place to live.

I decided against it because it was too dark and having implications of such thoughts was enough to make me forgo my original idea.

Also, fun fact: after the bat ponies left and Florence galloped away, I was going to have a Snatcher appear behind the mare a few seconds later. Florence would stop but she wouldn't turn around, but she could feel its presence. It was going to be her father. Shortly after, I was going to have Florence say, "Hey, dad. You come back for round two?"

That would have given the reader an indication or hint that it was her father that cracked her horn, but I decided against it.

Hope you enjoyed.