• Published 30th Nov 2021
  • 393 Views, 8 Comments

Music Block - Quoterific

Octavia fears she has ran out of inspiration to compose new music for the upcoming Gala.

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Inspiration Comes A-Knocking

The train from Manehattan arrived at Ponyville’s station with a hiss from its engines. The day was slowing going into the afternoon as the compartments’ doors opened, allowing the various ponies to disembark or enter. One pony ready to head home was a certain white unicorn with an electric two-toned blue mane and tail. She was bobbing her head to some music blaring out of her headphones as she stepped onto the platform with her suitcase in her magical aura. She breathed in the air of the town, the scent welcoming back after a long weekend touring in the big city. She was glad to be home. Sure, the big city was something, but it was nice to set hoof on familiar ground and be back home.

Vinyl Scratch, a.k.a. DJ PON-3 as her stage name, began walking towards the outskirts of Ponyville, her music carrying her one step closer to her house. Well, technically it wasn’t her house entirely. She had a housemate there, with an equal passion and interest in music. However, she was not into the modern electronic and pop stuff young ponies listen to, but into the classical genre like the ponies in Canterlot. However, Vinyl didn’t care what music tastes her housemate liked. As long as they liked music and keep producing great music for everypony to enjoy, that was the most important thing. Music didn’t need boundaries, just somepony willing to stop and listen.

Vinyl had made it to the edge of town and began and began walking up a hill to a peculiar house. Many first time visitors would say that the bushes shaped like musical notes were strange, but many would comment on how the house was split into two colours, with classy browns on the left and hot purples on the right. It was another indication that another pony was living there. Vinyl’s smile grew as she was closer and closer to lying down in her bed after a long trip. However, knowing what the house was like for a long time, she stopped at the front door.

She paused her music and took off her headphones. There was no music coming from the house. There was no sound of sweet cello music from the outside, which could be heard upon approaching the house. If Ponyville was quiet on a good day and the wind was fair, the whole of Ponyville would be serenaded with the sound of her housemate’s lovely cello playing. Vinyl frowned at that and went through her mental checklist, surprising herself that she even had one. With all the touring and going through takeaways and cans of cider, it does a bad number on the constantly touring pony.

Is her housemate herself on a tour?

Not likely. Even as a professional and well-known player in Equestria, classical performances are rare and far-off.

Could she be out in town?

That chance was likely. She was the shopper and keeps the fridge well-stocked. However, wrapping the door handle and twisting the lock, she found that the door was unlocked. Her housemate always has the door unlocked when she’s in. She says it’s something to do with ‘allowing visitors to be serenaded with the sweet sound of music when they first enter.’

What was her housemate doing if she was indoors? There was only one way to find out.

Vinyl swung the door open and took a step inside, only to slip onto her back as her hoof came into contact with a loose piece of sheet music. Groaning, she pushed herself back onto her legs and looked around at the sight in front of her. Sheet music with scribbled down notes was splayed out across the wooden floor and hung onto the walls. The bin was flooded with crumpled pieces of paper. The shared desk was covered in spilt inkwells and broken quills along with a dense pile of more music scores. Vinyl was messy, even she admitted that, but this took her by surprise. It was then her eyes fell on the culprit for the mess, and Vinyl couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the sight.

There, in the middle of the house, was her housemate. She was lying on her back with her eyes closed, Vinyl’s backup earphones in her ears. Her cello and stand were precariously propped up against her hind legs, the bow wrapped in her forelegs at the same time. A half-empty cup of tea and saucer was by her head. To say Vinyl was confused was an understatement. She gently closed the door with her magic and put her suitcase on the sofa. She walked carefully towards the grey earth pony, careful not to slip again with so many pieces of paper around the pair. Eventually, she reached the mare and her shadow loomed over the pony on the floor.

Her housemate felt something was up and lazily opened her eyes, looking up at the two reddish-pink ones of her housemate. She smiled at the sight of her housemate, who looked down with a confused look at her.

“Welcome home, Vinyl,” Octavia smiled, “Was your tour successful?”

Vinyl simply nodded with a blank look.

“Well, I’m happy to hear it,” The grey mare answered simply. Vinyl motioned with her hoof in a circle, wanting answers to the chaos surrounding them. Octavia blushed but then groaned with her forelegs to her face.

“It’s hopeless, Vinyl! Simply, hopeless!” Octavia cried, almost sounding like utter despair.

Vinyl’s brow somehow managed to raise her eyebrow even higher. A certain country farm-pony would be impressed if she was here.

“A member of our orchestra said that we are due to perform at Canterlot again for the Grand Galloping Gala, but they were out of new music to perform there. You know how the ponies at the Gala love something new every time, right?” Octavia began, which Vinyl nodded. She had attended the Gala several times thanks, in part, to Octavia. Band members were given a plus one ticket as thanks from the Castle.

“Of course I had to stupidly volunteer myself to write some new music,” Octavia lamented, “I thought it would be easy, just putting notes to paper. I returned the next day after the band meet-up, got my music sheets and was about to put my first notes down, but guess what happened?”

Octavia seemed to have learnt the best drama lessons from a certain fashion-centric unicorn.

“Nothing!” Octavia suddenly cried out, “Absolutely nothing! My world of ideas simply dried up! I tried and tried, by Princess Celestia I tried, but nothing seems to want to come out of my creative head! Now I don’t know what to do. The Gala is coming up in three weeks and I have yet to come up with a decent piece of music to please those ponies who will attend the Gala.”

Vinyl simply nodded as she listened to her friend’s concerns.

“The Gala is the music event of any respecting musician. My whole career as one of the most respected musicians in Equestria is on the line here. Have I lost inspiration? Should I just retire now whilst I’m still ahead in the musical world? Have I climbed the celebrity ladder high enough?”

Octavia sighed and closed her eyes.

To her surprise, and slight annoyance, she heard snickering. Opening her eyes and cocking her head to the side, she found her housemate almost falling over from laughter. She huffed in annoyance.

“Hello?” Octavia asked, “I, for the life of me, cannot see why you find this amusing. This is your friend here whose whole musical career is in jeopardy! And here you are, laughing your flank off as if it’s nothing.”

It was a while until Vinyl stopped snickering. She steadied herself and lent her hoof to her friend on the floor. Octavia hesitated, but eventually reached a hoof out and stood up. Vinyl came closer to dust off her friend and gave a genuine smile. She pointed to her chest and back to Octavia’s.

“Take a breath?” Octavia was close to outrage, “What do you-“

Vinyl stuck her hoof in Octavia’s mouth. She shook her head and motioned to her chest and then back at Octavia’s. Octavia rolled her eyes but nodded. Vinyl let go of Octavia’s mouth.

“Fine,” Octavia groaned. Vinyl took a deep breath and Octavia coped with Vinyl. They held it for a few seconds and they both simultaneously breathed out. Vinyl smiled, which was mirrored weakly by the classical musician.

Vinyl then motioned with her hoof to her eyes, blinking a couple of times.

“What are you doing?” Octavia simply asked, but Octavia shook her head and hinted for her to simply do it.

“I don’t know what you’re planning, but I’ll just go with it,” Octavia narrowed her eyes, but closed them. Vinyl snuck across the room, stepping over loose bits of paper and scrolls. She reached the piano and pushed aside the lumps of crumpled paper. The sound of rustling pieces of paper didn’t go unnoticed.

“Vinyl, what in the name of Equestria are you playing at,” Octavia asked, but all she received was a hush from her housemate. Vinyl looked down at the black and white keys, her tongue running across her teeth as she tried to get to grips with the piano. Occasionally, if rehearsal schedules were tight, Octavia would invite her band to practice at their house, hence the piano. She didn’t catch any of their names. Usually, a hangover or jetlag is the cause. She would rather be behind the decks than a classical grand piano. However, she was willing to put her embarrassment aside and help her friend seek inspiration.

She played a sloppy chord with her hooves, Octavia’s ear flicked and swivelled towards the not so pleasant sound.

“That would be a terrible E-flat major,” Octavia called from behind the pretend pianist's back, “What are you trying to do to the piano and how is this going to help me?” Another harsh hush from Vinyl’s mouth and Octavia was silenced again. Octavia grumbled as Vinyl then moved up five notes and tried a different chord.

“At least you know your basic musical theory,” Octavia noted with her eyes still shut, “That’s the dominant fifth, B-flat major.”

Vinyl licked her lips, happy music school wasn’t wasted. If her foggy memory served correctly, she then went back to the starting note and moved three semitones down and played a different, more harsh chord.

“And now you’ve gone to the relative minor, C minor,” Octavia sounded impressed, but then frowned, “I applaud your piano effort, but how is this going to help-oh!”

And then it clicked. Notes started to form inside Octavia’s head, melodies and concertos danced in her mind. A structure formed, notes fitting onto the staves perfectly. Octavia opened her eyes as the spark of inspiration hit her.

“Vinyl!” Octavia shouted out, “I don’t often say this to you, but you’re a genius!” Octavia then rushed to the desk, clearing the tabletop and pulled out fresh music sheets. Vinyl was left sitting on the piano stool with a red face.

It took several hours, and more sheet paper to be ripped about and trashed, but Octavia managed to write up a few new concertos and plenty for after the Gala as well. She hugged her creation and stored it in her saddlebags. Smiling at her finished work she then looked up at Vinyl with a genuine smile.

“Thank you, Vinyl, for not giving up on me,” The cellist thanked, “You’ve taught me that not all possibilities are closed off, and like good music, ideas will come if you’re willing to simply stop and listen. It just takes a good friend to point you in the right direction again and you must be willing to hear them out to help get you where you want to be. I’ve even credited you if you like?” She gave Vinyl the new piece of music:

Sound of the Meadows in E-Flat Major
Composed by Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch (DJ PON-3)

“It’s the least I can do,” Octavia smiled. Vinyl looked up from the title and gave a small nod. It was then that Vinyl’s stomach growled, causing the DJ to blush and scratch herself behind the head.

“I suppose I did get carried away, with the deadline fast approaching,” Octavia chuckled sheepishly, “Why don’t we head into town and get something to bite. My treat.”

It was then Octavia’s stomach growled. Both DJ and cellist looked down and back up to each other. Octavia blushed and Vinyl chuckled, causing Octavia to join in as well.

“Okay, okay,” Octavia’s laugh faded, “We will treat each other to something.” Vinyl lent her hoof and Octavia took it.

The door handle once again glowed with Vinyl’s magical aura and both ponies headed into town to enjoy the rest of the afternoon

Author's Note:

I went with the side of Vinyl being mute. I thought it was nice of her to have an action speak louder than words, part of the story. I don't mind calling her Vinyl Scratch or DJ PON-3 as I use them all the time. I'm not really into fandom theories, so it was one or the other since there are stories that have her talking and those that don't.

So anyway, inspired by me simply taking the bus to Uni in the morning, listening to music, here it is.

I hope you like it.

Comments ( 8 )

Vinyl’s brow somehow managed to raise her eyebrow even higher. A certain country farm-pony would be impressed if she was here.

This line reminds me of Applejack: Princess of Eyebrows

:ajsmug: They learn from the very best

I think we can all relate to deadlines and blocks. Thank Celestia for friends like Vinyl


Studies always have those moments for me

Yep, I've certainly been in this situation (Primarily on this site ironically). The arch nemesis to writers/composers everywhere, The Block.

Great story. I really like how Vinyl and Octavia were written, and the resolving situation to help get Octavia over the block. Sometimes, all you need is just a few small words/notes to get the ball rolling. And once it's rolling, you're good to go.

Same for me when I have to press my fingers to the keyboard. Glad you like the story ^^

Awww that was very nice and I do like how you made vinyl Scratch mute but somehow Octavia understand what she's talking about but anyway it was nice of vinyl to help her to find inspirational for her new music and that's actually a pretty good lesson this was a pretty good one keep up the good work

Thank you for the compliment ^^

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