• Published 25th Sep 2022
  • 241 Views, 4 Comments

The New Manehattan Explosion - Lamasioux

A naval ship carrying explosives gets into a accident causing the largest creature made explosion to ever happen

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Chapter 2

October 8th, 1011

A group of ponies stood before one of the entrances to one of the warehouses that housed Equestria’s supplies. A few of them were looking about, watching the trucks being loaded up with the crates and barrels of munitions.

There was a mix of trucks that came and went, most of them were trucks belonging to the military, but there were a few civilian trucks in the mix as well that had been rented out to help with the transportation by the military.

Soldiers stood around throughout the place, guarding it or just walking about doing their best to stay out of the way while other soldiers and hired workers helped move and load everything else.

There was constant movement going on at the complex and it would be really easy for anycreature to accidentally be run over if they weren’t paying attention.

Another pony stepped out of the open side door, into the crowd of ponies just outside of it and said, “Some of it’s old, dust coated the tops of stuff, there was even a barrel that had a big hole in it from rusting open. Who knows how long it was like that.” General Starfall looked down at a report she had before looking back up, “This isn’t safe, we shouldn’t even be transporting it to the harbor.”

“How did no creature know about any of this? No reported trespassers, no– Not anycreature in Sunset, the military, not even those here in New Hoofington.” General Sevens looked down at a notebook they had and said, “There’s way too much stuff here. Benzole, oil, explosive compounds.”

Starfall looked around at the trees that surrounded the compound and pointed a hoof at them, “Well for one, we’re deep enough in the woods that you can’t see this place without accidentally stumbling across it, plus it’s not like anypony from the nearby rail would see it either, they wouldn’t be able to see from the hill they’re elevated on with the tops of the trees in the way.” Starfall paused for a moment before asking, “Right?”

Officer Daley said, “I doubt I’d notice a place this far in the woods through a bunch of barren trees blocking the view myself if I was on a train ride myself. It’s not like you normally take a train ride when you’re in the mood to search for a hidden place anyways.”

Starfall quickly spoke up, “Actually, never mind that thought, I just remembered it’s one of the older rails, that’s north right? If it is, the only rail up there should be going directly into Talonote, who we haven’t traded with since like what? 1008?”

Admiral Rider was also with the group, he had been the one assigned by the field marshal to help with the entire operation, “Maybe towards the end of the year I’d say, though there was never much movement between the two cities before so it’d make sense nocreature saw it…”

Immediately an idea clicked in the Admiral’s head and he said, “We should just use the stuff here and blow up that rail system and say we needed to rebuild a large section due to it being damaged, instead of you know, making it our liability until it’s loaded on our ship?”

“Listen, I know none of us like this, but Moonlight was unable to convince Gladmane about the situation, it’s the first deal he’s been able to find that we can benefit from. Equestria’s paying for everything, including all this work we’re doing to transport it to the harbor, plus on top of the actual payment for it back.” Starfall said, “It’s a cemented deal they have.”

“Doesn’t some of parliament have ties with the companies we hired to help load it all up? I remember seeing the names of parliament members on a list showing who owned stock in certain companies.” Officer Nena said.

Starfall shook their head and said, “At this point we’re already being paid, whatever members of the government that are making a bit off this is beyond whatever we need to worry about, we just gotta get this stockpile moved.”

Daley said, “Stockpile? Would you even call it a stockpile? It was clearly abandoned. It’s not like they needed it until now.” Daley let out a chuckle and said, “But when they needed it back, they came crawling to us for help.” He shook his head, “That’s just–”

Starfall pointed a hoof towards the exit of the compound and said, “Complaining about it isn’t going to get us anywhere, if you want to make a complaint, send it to Sunset after we send it all off, which I must remind you, will be happening in two days.”

Sevens then spoke up and asked, “Why not just ignore the dumb flank of Sunset and use it o–”

Starfall gave a hard glance at Sevens as they had started to speak up, which made them immediately quiet down, though the questions didn’t stop.


Starfall cleared her throat loud enough so the entire group heard it, “Admiral. Complaints go up, not sideways.”

Starfall then sighed before taking out a pocket watch and looking at it, “Ok, Admiral, you’re needed at the dockyard here shortly, so if you would,” Starfall pointed a hoof at the nearby car, “No use complaining about anything either. You need to finish up the paperwork out there.”

Starfall then looked at one of the officers, “Nena, you go with him as well. Major Fieldsbury is at the harbor as well, overseeing the entire ground operation currently happening out there. They're also helping guard the loading area where we’re keeping everything stored at until the boat arrives.”

Thankfully the group was quiet now with their questions and complaints, which allowed Starfall to keep talking, “With that, I’m leaving General Sevens in charge, they’ll stay here at the compound and then I need to get going to Sunset myself to turn in all these reports we have. If no pony else has anything to bitch about, then let’s get going.”

Starfall then shoved her legs together and gave a salute to the group, who all in turn gave one back before Starfall dropped her hoof and turned to go catch a separate car than the one the admiral was taking.

After a few minutes of the two groups leaving, General Sevens stood around and watched the compound for a moment before being interrupted by Daley, “Yeah… you’re not going to be seeing me putting my hooves on any of the stuff here.”

There was a chuckle from Sevens, “If you do, just don’t blow yourself up, the last thing we need is one of the generals dying in a freak accident with Wingbardy breathing down our manes.”

“So what’s stopping us from just sending it off to our own stockpiles?” Daley asked.

Sevens sighed, “You heard Starfall, complaints go u–” Sevens looked at Daley and then crunched up her face as she realized he was an officer, “Complaints go up through the correct chain of command, not directly to the top.”

Sevens then looked back out at the compound before saying, “Welp, time to get back to the bullshit.”

General Starfall’s car was right in front of the car that was taking Admiral Rider and Nena back to the harbor. They were driving through the forest still as they had only just left the compound with the warehouses.

Admiral Rider was sitting in the passenger seat of the car and he watched the dust get kicked up from the car in front.

Nena sat in the back of the car and relaxed as much as she could. Thankfully, it was just them and the driver in the car and the admiral had taken shotgun.

It would be a while before they finally arrived at the city of New Hoofington, and then more time before the harbor.

Nena was relaxed, but bored, so she asked, “Can’t you get the other admirals to back you up? Use your boats to keep them from taking the supplies if you’re so against it?”

The admiral laughed, “That’d be no different than treason. We can’t just defy what the folk in Sunset want. We’re not a military regime.”

“The Freeside islands could probably use it. It’s not that well defended against a push from Talonote.” Nena said.

“All we can do is listen to what Starfall says. Moonlight put her in charge of all this as is.” Rider quickly stretched his hooves before he looked over at the driver and then back out the front window, “Big sister.”

“You have an older sister? What do they have to do with this?” Nena asked.

Before the admiral said anything else, the driver of the car quickly tapped one of their hooves on the dashboard twice before going back to watching the road.

Nena had been oblivious to what happened, but the admiral wasn’t.

Rider finally said, “Yeah, she’s working in New Manehattan currently. She works for one of the minor parties that runs in the local government there. She– She can help.”

“Help with what? I don’t follow Admiral.” Nena said.

“It’s hard to explain… Wingbardy. We all know them. How do you think we would defend ourselves against them?” Rider asked.

“I- That’s a loaded question sir. I- We could stall them if they were to invade.” Nena answered.

“Why not meet them at the border?” Rider said.

“We would be stretched thin.” Nena answered.

“And who can you blame for that?” Rider asked.

Nena thought for a moment, “It only got worse after Gladmane was elected…”

Rider was quiet for a few seconds after Nena gave her answer before finally asking, “How would you fix it?”

Nena thought again before answering, “Divert more money to the military… They’re bringing in a lot of money through the casino tax as is and they’re just pocketing it for themselves by using it on family–” Nena quickly stopped herself before she went on a tangent.

“Divert more money to us.” Nena answered again.

“Remember my sister? She could help us– Through funding programs their party plans on implementing in New Manehattan. All they have to do is win the election that’s coming up.” Rider said.

“Oh- I don’t live in New Manehattan though sir. I wouldn’--” Nena was cut off.

“You don’t have to worry about that, all you have to do is show your support.” Rider paused for a moment, “They can also help you get a vote in throug–”

“Sir! That would undermin–”

“Gladmane!” Rider yelled out, “He’s undermining the entire country for profit…”


“He’s doing whatever he can to keep himself at the top. So is parliament. It’s as you said, they have ties to the companies they hired to help with this whole mess. They don’t care about us.”


“The moment Wingbardy makes a move, they’re taking the first exit out and leaving us.” Rider said.

“But they have nowhere safe to go…” Nena said.

The admiral didn’t say anything as they watched the car in front of them take a turn down a road, there was an airfield in the distance in the direction. The car with the three continued on though.

“There’s a reason why Gladmane passed that Open Bank Act. He and some of those idiots in parliament will use it as bargaining to get safe passage past Wingbardy- Or whoever gets in their way. Taking Aquileia’s gold and giving it to them. Everything they’ve done is to future proof themselves into retirement if things go down. They win regardless of what happens to us.” Rider said.

“Why–” Nena was about to talk.

“84th Ing. Drive, 9876.” Rider said.

The driver of the car moved their hoof to the sidearm he carried, but the movement was thankfully hidden from the view of Nena.

Rider continued on before Nena asked about it, “After all the supplies are sent off, I can get you a ride to New Manehattan where you can stop by that address and meet with the group. They would be able to inform you more than I can about everything.”

“You up for that?” Rider asked.

Nena was hesitant to answer but asked, “What’s the party called?”

Rider smiled and gave the simple answer, “MARESOC.”

October 9th, 1011

The waters were calm, at least for a cargo ship. The waters never got bad in the New Manehattan channel. The only times the water was bad was during a storm, but it had been a nice sunny day the entire day and the sun was starting to set.

Captain Cobalt Bucks was 30 kilometers away from the port of New Hoofington and was making good time. He had just come from the port of New Manehattan after his ship had unloaded everything it had brought back from Skyfall.

His crew was supposed to be given a small break after the job but he had been told by the higher ups of the company that they were supposed to head to New Hoofington port to do a job for the government. It was normal to do jobs for them, but not without the usual shore break, which worried him a bit as it never meant anything good.

He had been instructed to skip out refueling in New Manehattan as well so he could make it there sooner as well.

Everything was running smoothly with the SS Dubbo though. The engine was running in top notch condition and there was only one other cargo ship in view. It was following them behind and was of a smaller size.

The crew was fed a nice meal to reward them for the sudden job. They really valued their shore time.

Moral was also being helped by the fact that not much work was required. Nothing was broken, or breaking, and they didn’t have to worry about any cargo at the moment.

Stefan was leaning against the wall listening to the engine run. He was near the engine room and could hear it vibrate through his head whenever he leaned against the wall. He was taking a quick break with two other ponies. Everypony else on the ship was either watching gauges or relaxing.

“No no no no! That Skyfall pony was asking me! SHE! SHE ASKED! You think I would just give up on that chance? Sure as hell no way I did. That’s where I was when we were in Skyfall.” Roel said.

“Gods damn you’re lucky Ro. Me and Stefan were trying the entire night at the bar we were at, but the only damn creatures that kept coming in were griffons. I don’t fancy myself one so I was out of luck. Stefan was just trying to drink the entire night if I honestly had to guess. I don’t think he was there for a one nighter.” Ignaas said.

“I agreed to go drinking you duffus, not go with you to get it on with some random pony. You gotta remember I got my own mare back in Manehattan. After this job to Equestria and our return back, I’m going to be taking a relaxing vacation with her. We’re going to spend the entire time relaxing, probably in a forest retreat somewhere.” Stefan said.

“Listen, Stef.” Roel said, putting a hoof on his shoulder, “You’re a cargo sailor. You’re out on the ocean for months sometimes. Ain’t no way in tartarus does she actually want a relationship with you, she’s there for your money. Do yourself a favor and just break off with her so you’re free like us to do whatever when you’re at all the foreign ports, have some fun in the cities or at the bars.”

Roel shook his head, “If you really want something with her, you’ll have to quit the job. If you’re still wanting to work for the trade though, you could always become a dock worker, they’re always in need of more workers. That or port workers. Help dredge ports or whatever.”

“We’ve known each other since we were foals! Heck, our parents probably had us playing together before we could even remember it. She isn’t there for the money, she’s there for me.” Stefan said.

“Months at a time alone… Separated from the one she loves. The one who’s traveling the world and seeing new cities constantly. Hanging out with the lads and having fun.” Ignass rambled on, “You don’t even know what she’s doing. She could be cheating on you while you’re out for all you know!” Ignaas added.

Stefan sighed and shook his head frustrated, “Look, alright, it ain’t like that, ok, listen, she’s too busy working for that radio company, or whatever it was. She doesn’t have the time to worry about finding somecreature else. She’s too busy worrying about work and me. Trust me. Look- When we get back to New Manehattan in a month, I’ll show you, or try at least, you two will probably be too busy fooling around at the local bars as is.”

“Damn right your flank we will. The only thing on this boat are stallions or stuck up company mares. The only viable thing on this boat worth fucking as is, is the damn engine.” Roel said.

There was a silence between all three.

Ignaas looked at Roel with a disgusted face and said, “Really? The engine?” He almost facehooved himself before adding, “Wh- How- She’s too damn ugly though and has way too many problems to be worth doing anything with, at least the ponies you meet in bars just require a few good jokes and a single glass of Aquilian liquor.”

“Well, it’s because she has so many problems with her that I happen to know everything there is about her. Every last inch. Probably the only thing on this planet that I have engraved in my mind, might as well fuck it at that point you know?” Roel said, waving a hoof about trying to dismiss Ignaas.

Stefan pushed himself off the wall and let out a sigh while the two talked back and forth and said, “Well whatever reason or not for getting it on with the ship, our breaks over with, fantasize about the ship later.” Stefan then took off to get back to work.

“At least you can get back to sweet talking the engine now.” Ignaas said to Roel.

Roel shook his head, “Whatever you say dude. Its humming is probably better company than you two anyways.” Roel said while also heading off back to work.

October 10th, 1011

Captain Cobalt was looking over the details of a quickly written list of all the cargo that he would be hauling. He was inside a room at the port of New Hoofington and it was the early morning. There was a window in the room that pointed towards the dockyard where he could see where his ship was already being loaded up.

Major Fieldsbury was also in the room with Captain Cobalt, along with a representative from the Timberwolff Heavy Industries, Scrale.

Scrale had been sent in by the company to help with some special paperwork that was required for such a request, as well as to answer any of Cobalt’s questions.

Scrale was the first one to speak up after Cobalt had been staring at the list for awhile, “The job isn’t coming from the military Captain. It’s a request that’s come from Sunset themselves. They got a deal written up with Equestria after getting the support from Gladmane and the parliament. The military is just helping oversee it due to it being under their– Best way to describe it? Watch? Yeah?”

Major Fieldsbury thought about the answer, “Jurisdiction, mostly. It was technically not ours to begin with, but we’re just here until it’s all gone from port.”

“Anyways-” Scrale was about to say but got interrupted.

Cobalt was the one to interrupt, “Listen, it’s not a problem that we have to carry any of this stuff specifically, it’s just that it’s all– All of it. There’s so much. We’ve never carried so much dangerous–” Cobalt placed the list down on the table, “So much explosive materials before. It’d be better if there was a third ship to carry half the stuff we’re taking.

Maybe even extra stuff to transport to Equestria and give to them? Make up the difference fo–” Cobalt was interrupted himself.

Major Fieldsbury spoke up, “That wasn’t what Sunset agreed on. The most cost effective deal they got was two ships. Both ships will be loaded to max capacity, while yours is the larger one. They wanted it all gone now and couldn’t find any other company with a ship that’d make a profit taking whatever little remained.

We’re also trying to keep little ties to Equestria right now with their war as well. This deal is already going to make you a target, thankfully the Changeling Hive doesn’t have submarines in the Celestia sea…” He cleared his throat and trailed off. He didn’t continue though.

Scrale added in, “We’re also the only company that is willing to help. The other companies don’t operate past Haukland. The deal has been sealed, Captain. No other ship your size is coming in either for another week, but we have a date we gotta get this stuff out, tonight. For your ship at least.”

“We’ll need you to leave the moment the ship’s loaded up though. Your delay has already hindered the schedule we had planned for you.” Major Fieldsbury said.

“I ain’t saying sorry for that. There was already a ship at the only spot we could moor at when we arrived last night, so don’t blame us. If you wanted us to arrive on schedule, you should’ve kept them from coming in, but you didn’t now, did yah?” Cobalt said.

“We didn’t know it would take them so long to refuel. We thought they would unload their cargo and then leave to New Manehattan for that.” Fieldsbury said, “By the time they were hooked up for a refuel, they decided to just go for a full refill. We didn’t think they would stick around for that.”

“Should’ve had some soldiers to watch them so they kept to your schedule then.” Cobalt said.

“We’re just going to stick to the time we have now. We don’t nee–” Scrale said.

“You’re the military! You could’ve demanded them to stop!” Cobalt said.

“I didn’t have contact with the Admiral Rider at the time and I couldn’t get to General Sevens in time before they had gone through with the refill. I’m in charge of your boat, not that one. I don’t have that authority– Not enough to risk my position.” The major said.

“That boats gone now, we don’t need to worry about it now. The Dubbo’s being loaded right now Major so we’re doing fine on time.” Scrale said to the Major before looking at Cobalt, “I have the papers to do it, I’ll take over the boat if I have to Captain. The board agreed to the job, it’s happening no matter what.”

Cobalt sighed and looked back down at the cargo list.

“So Captain, if you have no questions, that will be all we need. Ok?” Scrale said.

Cobalt looked up and shook his head, “Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.” He then got up and left the room.

Captain Cobalt shifted his look out of the window to his ship and the harbormaster as he awaited an answer.

The harbormaster finally confirmed it as he finished shifting through the fuel logs he confirmed, “There’s no mistake captain. The logs say we only have about 9,900 gallons left.”

Cobalt pressed a hoof into the ground, clinched his eyes shut and breathed out slowly. He took a few deep breaths, looked at the harbormaster and was about to say something before being stopped by him.

“Captain! Listen. There isn’t much I can do about it now. The ship from last night took the majority of it when they decided on that full refill.” The harbormaster said.

Cobalt shook his head, “How does a harbor fail to have enough fuel for the vessels that come in? You know there’s no where else for us to go besides New Manehattan. The water isn’t deep enough in Summerfield for my boat to get into.”

The harbormaster said, “It happens. What do you want me to say? We’re scheduled to get our fuel stock refilled tomorrow as is. It’s enough to get you to New Manehattan and refuel there. They’re always stocked up.”

“You know what we’re transporting right? Explosive material for the military. They already freak out when you go into port with small loads, and we’re going to be at MAX CAPACITY.” Cobalt said.

“Yes, I know what you’re transporting, but it’s all you got. They told me the same things you know. You’re leaving later today so all we have left is what you’ll have to take.”

“10,000 gallons, plus what we have left, isn’t enough to get us there. We’ll be coasting into port with that much.” Cobalt said.

“They can tug you the rest of the way in.”

Cobalt gave up and just threw his hooves around for a moment, “You know what, sure, whatever. I’ll go ask the military.” He kept a hoof up for a moment as he tried to think of what to say, “And when they say no- You’ll be forced to have some fuel brought in or–”

Cobalt gave up and left the harbormaster to his thing, leaving the office. He quickly made his way out to go find where the Major was at so he could talk to him.

The major was reading a book in the room from before by themselves. The Timberwolff representative wasn’t there though.

The Major looked up from their book at Cobalt and just sighed, “Hello again captain…–”

“We have to go to New Manehattan to refuel. There isn’t enough fuel here to get us anywhere further.” Cobalt said.

The major stared at Cobalt for a moment before they slowly started to shake their head, “What? No. Why? You need fuel? Go to Summerfield port then.”

“We can’t. The military took all the funds that were planned for funding the dredging of the port up there. Because of that, my ship isn’t able to get into there for refueling.” Cobalt said, “We’ll need to either have fuel brought in then, which will happen tomorrow.”

“Captain, we have to stick to the schedule we have. You’re leaving today. There is no arguing over this point. This is orders I have to follow.” Fieldsbury said.

“So you want–” Cobalt was about to talk.

“Fuck. Alright. I don’t know.” The major sighed. He leaned against the table he was at and thought for a few seconds, “Just let me think.”

After a moment, the major said, “Ok, so… Fuel? That’s it? That’s all you need? Ok- Go to New Manehattan then. That’s it? Right? Fuel.” The major shook his head, “Just leave the moment your ship’s loaded up and get this blasted shit out of the country. Sunset should’ve just done fuck all with Equestria’s request. This is so—” The major cut himself off and stared at Cobalt for a moment.

After a second, Cobalt nodded, “Yes. All we need to do is go to New Manehattan. They have enough fuel for us to get out to Aquilia.”

“Yeah. Alright, do it. Just go there, get the fuel, and leave.” The major shook his head, “How is this my problem… This is something the Admiral should be dealing with but nopony knows where he is currently. It’s so frustrating.”

Cobalt was hesitant to ask but did, “What about the General?”

“Nah, this is to– I ain’t bothering them with it. It’s not like they’ll magically make a bunch of fuel come in sooner. Schedule. We’re keeping to it. That’s what they told me.” The major said.

The major then looked at Cobalt for a few seconds before asking, “That it?”

Cobalt answered, “That’s it.”

The major then sighed and then went back to his book, ignoring Cobalt. Cobalt took that as his que to leave and did.

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