• Published 3rd Oct 2021
  • 503 Views, 3 Comments

Not Trixie's Problem - Zubric

Trixie is having a day off after traveling around Equestria. Issues are not her problem.

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Not Her Problem

Trixie’s eyes opened slowly, her legs still a bit heavy from her long trek across Equestria from the day before. A soft yawn bounced off the walls of her wagon as she sighed looking towards the closed shutters and thinking of what laid beyond it. Trixie didn’t want problems today, and thus the Great and Powerful Trixie declared to herself that today would be her day off.

As she fluffs up her pillow, she thinks of her journey so far. She’d been taking one of the smoother side roads to avoid a certain town that she'd had some troubling experiences in. Her wagon would occasionally rattle whenever it hit a rock or two. Unfortunately, it would appear that some beavers, for whatever inconceivable reason, had caused a large tree to fall over the road blocking her path. It wasn’t her problem though to worry about such worrisome things such as why the tree was in Trixie’s path. She’d just find another way ahead. This, of course, detoured her right towards the place she was trying to avoid.

Arriving late at night, finding a place to park would most definitely not be her problem as there were numerous fields around for her to choose from. Naturally, she went out of her way to avoid a certain apple orchard to avoid any unexpected problems in the near future. After picking a spot behind some rocks, Trixie had taken one last look up at the moon before heading into her wagon.

With her thoughts settled, the show mare rolled out of her cot and onto her hooves letting out another slow yawn. The first thing she needed for her day off was coffee. Thankfully, The mare had just the coffee pot. Even as she poured water into it, she paid the odd rippling vibrations no mind as her magic focused on the heating unit. Opening the window’s shutters to get some fresh air, her ear started to twitch as she thought she heard the sounds of a roar somewhere in town. Looking towards her still warming pot, her eye twitched. “Nope, not my problem.”

Trixie kept watching the town from the top of the hill, surprised there weren’t more panicking ponies running around at what must have been another monster attack Ponyville so known for. Luckily for her, she’d learned a good lesson for trouble. It was simple as thus, all one had to do was wait for her problem to become somepony else’s problem. Therefore it became not her problem. Foolproof!

As the minutes went by, the smell of the brewing coffee filled the wagon along with the roars from in town. So far from her advantage point, Trixie hadn’t seen the monster yet, but it was only a matter of time really. However, if that did happen she had a backup to hopefully save herself the pain of another crushed wagon. Her hoof reached up and played with what could easily be mistaken as a gem-themed wind chime but in truth was a series of enchanted gemstones that could deploy a shield around her wagon with just an infusion of Trixie’s magic. The last thing she wanted was the problem of wagon shopping. They weren’t cheap after all.

“Just ignore it, Trixie,” Trixie muttered, pouring her fresh black brew into a mug even as the roars got closer. Bringing the cup up to her lips, Trixie took a slow drawn-out sip taking in its bitter and yet oh-so-good flavour. A part of her mind was going to complain it was too early for this sort of chaos, only for the show mare to realize it was almost ten in the morning already. Not a problem really, she needed her beauty sleep after all.

Her mind had just enough time to wake up enough to feel panic as she saw what had caused the roars from earlier as it appeared from the edge of town. Trixie was no beast enthusiast, but the sight of the big stinger, striped body, and a bear head on top was enough to make her eyes twitch again. Visions of her wagon smashing to bits by an Ursa paw flashed before her eyes as she lit her horn castling magic upon her shield charm watching the shimmering bubble form around her wagon. Closing one-half of her shutters she watched as it got ever closer and frowned more when she saw the elements of harmony and Twilight Sparkle rushing into the field toward the beast. While Trixie definitely wasn’t going to admit she wanted to see that particular group of ponies right now, she most certainly didn’t want the problem of being smashed or stung by a giant stinger.

HIding behind the shutters, Trixie could hear the heroes talking as they battled. Rainbow swooped about calling out to her friend. “Fluttershy, come on! Can’t you talk it down already!”

“I’m trying b-but he won’t listen,” The shy pegasus replied, keeping out of the swiping range of the bugbear.

Trixie kept hiding even as Pinkie jumped around to distract the beast. “Hey, who do you think lives in that wagon?”

“Not now Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash replied dodging just barely out of the path of a striking paw.

“But it looks really familiar somehow,” PInkie added followed by the sound of confetti

Trixie's heart raced as the miniature battle continued for several minutes, jumping nearly out of her fur as the shield rippled as the bear hit it, causing it to ripple with a shimmer. Thankful for Trixie, the bubble held as the heroes of Ponyville soon chased it away. For what felt like minutes, the mare stayed slumped against the wall of her wagon breathing in and out before taking slow sips of her coffee. “Okay, it’s okay, the problem is gone, Trixie.” Once the roaring had died down enough, she got to her hooves chugging down the last of her coffee before moving to her door to exit for some fresh air. However, when her magic pulled against her door, the surface simply creaked and the latch whined. Narrowing her eyes she tried again and groaned as she pushed against the door.

Now Trixie had a problem.

Author's Note:

It was meant to be a comedy but..idk the idea wasn't quite as funny as I thought it be.

Comments ( 3 )

This is actually quite good, you're underselling yourself.

Thanks. More meant it started out thinking it would be a comedy. It just didn’t have a lot of ways to do punch lines

Yeah, but the story itself is very solid. Good work.

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