• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Nine Leaf Clover - Flash point

Destiny or chaos, I wouldn't know the reason, but for some reason my life had a clean slate. Now I am Wizbell Star, a little colt with great desires to explore magic and this new place full of Ponies?

  • ...

Chapter 7 | Picnic and Ice Cream

3rd's Pov

Cadance pulled out a storybook to put the two foals to sleep, well, mostly Twilight who was eager to know how Wizbell pulled off his little trick.

Wizbell had long since been with his eyes closed trying to sleep while Twilight had in her hands a book of light magic, at this rate she would end up revealing herself ifs he didn’t intervene, so she chose the story of the two sisters, a unicorn and a pegasus.

Cadance read the book aloud attracting the attention of Twilight who had already left the book on the table, she settled into place and continued listening as her eyelids became heavier, Cadance gave her a small pat on the head as she continued reading.

The more she read, the more stars disappeared from the room, until there came a time when the yellow and red light of the campfire illuminated the room again, when that happened both foals were already asleep.

Cadance closed the story and got ready to fall asleep, although she didn't show it, she was very surprised by Wizbell's abilities and the ease he had with magic compared to other foals, here an example is Twilight, no more than a week ago she managed to change the page of her books just using her Telekinesis without tearing the page.

Twilight and Wizbell share a similar amount of magical power, the difference could be a lot or a little, but at the time of using their magic, the density of it was similar, larger than the unicorn foals of magically talented parents.

Determined, Cadance would send a letter to her aunt about the two talented foals, she had already heard that they both applied to participate in the Gifted Unicorn School of Magic tryout, not a big surprise, it would be nice if they were well guided in the world of magic.

Both would be easily accepted with the background they have.

Wizbell's Pov

The morning started a bit turbulent with a purple ball full of hyperactivity, I was woken up by Twilight.

"Nee, nee, tell me in which book you learned that magic?” Twilight was standing next to my bed, I could see a small pile of books on the table.

"You won't find her," I rubbed my eyes as I stood up.

"But! You used it, that means you read it in a book!" Twilight shook me up, waking me up completely.

"I mean I invented it, I imagined it, I controlled my magic and I made it happen" Twilight froze watching me, she seemed to be looking for something until her face was filled with disbelief, her ears went up alert then she calmed down.

"It doesn't make sense, not unless you have a great compatibility, maybe you also have a great magical talent related to light" She immersed herself in her own world watching the ground blurting out the odd theory she had read.

"It's actually a little bit of everything and also effort, I'm going to take a bath!" I went to my room for another sweater and magic patch, the same one that hides my private parts.

Twilight was lost in thought, while Cadance just nodded silently as she continued to write something on her scroll.

"Oh! Right! We're going to spend the afternoon at the park so you can decide what you want to bring to hang out." Twilight woke up when she heard the word park.

"LET'S GO ON A PICNIC!! A PICNIC READ!!" My ears hid in my mane as Twilight let out a high-pitched squeal of happiness.

I went upstairs faster, with a thought I brought what I needed from my room and locked myself in the bathroom stopping listening to the very overexcited Twilight to go to the park.

I don't take much time in the bath, although I really enjoy the hot water on my body, I don't like the next part, drying off.

Having a coat surrounding every part of my body has its very big disadvantages when it comes to getting wet, that's why I want to learn how to generate hot air to dry more easily or simply the spell of banishing to remove all the moisture from my body, but my parents don't want to teach me.

I could recreate the magic, but thinking about a dryer isn't very helpful, so what I do is something a little more complicated and easier, surrounding myself with magic and then heating up my magic, it works somehow.

Now with my coat dry, I proceed to comb my hair with a personal brush, this is already a routine, it is reassuring to comb my hair, my mother likes to do this for me, but today she is gone.

I went back to the living room where everything was already settled, the girls were surely bathing in the bathroom because of the noise coming from the guest room.

<What should I take with me?> Look at my few options, books, and more books.

<I can take my ball with me to distract myself... oh! I know> I ran to my room to get my picture book.

Using magic I can replicate my previous mastery in the art of drawing with graphite, but my hands are very clumsy, I still can't recover my previous level, it's frustrating to draw something and the result is not at all satisfactory knowing that I can do it a thousand times better.

I'm limited to simple, straight patterns, but that's been changing, I look for a moment at the rune book, one I haven't touched in a long time.

"Breakfast is ready!" Cadance's scream brought me out of a trance.

We arrived early at the park, it was fuller of pegasi than unicorns, most of the pegasi were doing basic exercises or just enjoying flying without having to worry about some noble snob bothering them.

Cadance led us to the fences of a lake where she set up everything we needed for a picnic, Twilight brought her cart full of several books.

I watched the ground for ants, I don't want to sit on an ant nest or some spider.

Feeling safe in the chosen place, I sat on the small cushion placed on the blanket, now comfortable I began to draw Twilight reading a book on the lap of Cadance who also enjoys a romance novel.

While I was drawing them, I noticed a white unicorn approaching, our eyes met.

“Shh, I want to surprise her” The older unicorn gestured with his mouth as he took slow steps to sneak closer, neither of the two mares noticed his approach.

I kept drawing, but this time I used my magic to capture what I saw, the unicorn covered Cadance's eyes and spoke in her ear causing her to blush loudly.

The world around the two of them was filled with a strong pastel pink hue, almost looking like a magical effect.

"B.B.B.F.F!!" A purple stain slammed into the white stallion, bringing him to the ground with a powerful embrace.

Raise an eyebrow at the odd nickname.

"Big Brother Best Friend Forever!! I didn't know you were coming!!" Twilight rubbed her face against the Stallion's chest.

"What a surprise you gave us Shinning Armor" Cadance came over to help them up, as it was somewhat complicated with the excitement.

"Thanks, I see he's another foal you said you'd take care of," Shinning held Twilight who was clinging to him like a koala.

"Yo~" I made a small greeting as I continued drawing, using telekinesis, while the image was still clear in my head.

"I was passing through when I saw you in the distance, you always pick the same place to have a picnic, look Twi, what I brought!" Shinning brought out several candies, all of which were chocolate-based in different shapes.

Twilight lunged at the chocolates catching them all with her hands, Twilight's tail wagging back and forth as she made little jumps.

"Thank you! Thank you!! B.B.B.F.F!!" Twilight sat in her previous spot and continued reading as she now chews and enjoys the taste of chocolate.

I shared a look with Shinning Armor again, I could understand his intention.

<Teenagers> I walked over and showed him the drawing that I just quickly finished thanks to magic.

The drawing captured the moment when Cadance blushed, and Shinning covered her eyes with his hands showing the smile of a fool in love.

"Five bits for the drawing and I won't interrupt your 'casual' encounter with Cadance" Shinning Armor only showed me a smile that didn't hide his blush in his white coat like mine.

"I like you colt and you draw very well" He took money out of his saddlebags and handed me 10 bits.

I looked at the 10 gold coins in my hands that I quickly put in my sweater pocket.

"I'm going to buy ice cream with Sweet Snow," Cadance nodded silently and I went on my way, leaving the two lovebirds and the bribed filly.

I enjoyed the hike as I watched the little animals live in the park frolicking among the trees, a sight I couldn't enjoy in my old world... one that with every day is a distant memory.

The faces of old friends have become blurry, I remember some names and forget others, but the ones that hurt me the most is forgetting my parents, so long that I lost them that I can only remember their names.

I can't deny that I don't miss my old world out of nostalgia, but there is nothing in my power or ability to change anything, the only thing I didn’t forget those people who marked my life, was to draw them as soon as I discovered that I could draw well with my magic.

<Three more months…>

Soon I arrived at the ice cream parlor, where the sweet taste of ice cream and its coldness ended up convincing me that all this was not a dream.

A stallion with black glasses and a tie stood out in the entrance quietly without talking to anyone and with a very serene attitude compared to the family atmosphere.

I decided to ignore the strange stud, maybe he suffers from the same symptom that Flash has, I went into the store where I ordered a combination of vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

"Can you buy me an ice cream too, please?" <!!!> All my fur stood on end when Twilight's voice sounded next to me.

A wild Twilight stands there and watches me with big puppy dog eyes as she carries a magic book.

"Well..." Anyway the money came from his brother's pocket.

"Yay! I want a chocolate one!!" She walked over to the counter where one could observe the flavors.

"Wiz!!" <Today everyone wants to surprise me or give me a scare?! > Mint arms held me under my arms and there is only one filly who dares to invade my personal space.

"Hello Lyra" She didn't let go of me after a while, Twilight was still focused watching how they served the other customers who had already placed an order before.

"Let me stay like this for a while longer, I'm mad at my parents" Lyra squeezed me tighter, her tone of voice was also a less happy tone... how do I know it's a less happy tone?

"What did they do to make you angry? Flash with his grabbing comments just makes you laugh" I bowed my head in curiosity after she let me go.

"Who is she and why was she hugging you?" Twilight returned with the ice cream and looked curiously at Lyra, who also returned the same look.

"Well, she's my friend Lyra, Lyra she's Twilight Sparkle" I decided to introduce them because observing each other in silence wouldn't go aside.

I took my ice cream out of Twilight's hands before she took a bite out of the way she glared at it.