• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Nine Leaf Clover - Flash point

Destiny or chaos, I wouldn't know the reason, but for some reason my life had a clean slate. Now I am Wizbell Star, a little colt with great desires to explore magic and this new place full of Ponies?

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Chapter 1 | Magic?... MAGIC!!!

Wells... I take it upon myself to go over my whole situation just to confirm with myself about this crazy situation.

First, yesterday I had been invited to a party by these friends from work, it sounded interesting, I had known them for a while, and I wanted to stop being so introverted, so I decided to go and enjoy the moment, but without drinking alcohol or smoking, it's not my thing, but I had fun the whole first half of the party... Then it began.

Someone decided it would be fun to drug everyone and went around giving drugs or leaving in other people's drinks, by the time I realized it, I was already out of control with my loose limitations, I did things I wouldn't do in any other normal situation, I was more daring, but also crazy, I remember spending the night with some women with a similar situation to me... I didn't enjoy any of that with my senses altered, luckily, I didn't vomit on anyone or make a fool of myself easily, all right until 5 in the morning... After that I don't remember anything until I woke up just now... in another place, another body, another race and another age.

When I regained consciousness, the first thing I noticed was the sweet smell of nature, the cool breeze sweeping through the room, and the soft sheets that surround me like a burrito, an iconic way of sleeping for as long as I can remember.

Everything normal, so far, should be, but the smell of nature was the first strike, then it was when I opened my eyes and observed the room totally unknown to me, the third strike was a combination of seeing my body and hearing my high-pitched, childlike voice when I screamed scared.

"AAA!!" The scream was out of my control, which I quickly recovered from as I explored my new situation as I sat on the edge of my blue bed with a light blue sheet with star details and two big hexagrams.

"MY COLT! ARE YOU FINE??!!" A more mature and obviously manly adult voice sounded all over the place that I now know well is not my apartment and I am in a family home inside the body of a child.

Without giving me time to panic, a flash of light filled the room, and shortly afterwards a man... Horse? with a tie and a pipe stood in front of me as I scoured my state in search of whatever it was that made me scream.

"Huh, I'm fine~?" I replied a little worried, not knowing how to react.

"Then why did you scream -" At first the man spoke in the form of a question, but his voice was choked in silence as his eyes widened more and more as he watched me and I watched him the same, we looked at each other for a few seconds.

"DEAR!! OUR FOAL SPOKE!!" My ears were shaken by the man's loud cry of happiness, and I felt how they were hiding trying to lessen the pain... Do I have movable ears? My gaze was drawn to the man's head where a pair of ears were wagging in joy along with a tail at the man's waist.

Observing the most, I could see that he has a coat like horses would be, his coat was totally white with only a gray cross shaped spot on his forehead where there was... A horn.

So distracted was I seeing the couple's features that I began to compare them with my own, which I could now observe in the mirror in the room.

"My dear, Wizbell speak! He said it was fine, but the important thing is that he looked me in the eyes, and they had life, curiosity, above all feelings" My mind came back to reality when I heard the name Wizbell which made me have the same reaction as when... I hear my name <What the hell is happening to me?!>

"You're not playing a bad joke on me, are you?" Tears began to form in the woman/mare who looked at me with great concern and looked for her partner to make sure what she said was real.

*Gasp!* The mare let out a gasp of happiness, at first I didn't understand until I saw my reflection in the mirror where I could see my head that I had tilted because of my confusion with one ear raised alert with the other hidden in my wavy golden hair because it was long, with a small white horn peeking out over my forehead between my hair and my eyes just as golden- <They had stars inside them!>

In the face of the unreal I tried to blink a lot to see if they had changed at some point, but they didn’t, and this only seemed to cheer up the couple who were now crying tears of joy.

"My foal, my little star, is finally okay" The mare's voice broke through her cries as she looked at me with love just like the man. "I don't understand."

Frightened, I placed my hands over my mouth as if I wanted to reject what I said... I don’t understand why my behavior is so different. I jolted out of my mind as the man cleared his throat and regained a seriousness that for a reason also affected me.

"My colt, you just have to know that we, your parents, are infinitely happy that you are okay, as you told me before and we hope it stays like this, just... still fine and don't worry about our outburst, come, let's go to the living room while we wait for your mother to finish cooking the breakfast" By reflex or instinct, I followed the horse man.

My mind goes crazy with questions formed in my head about such an absurd situation... But the more I walked around the house, the more I felt my situation when I saw the pictures... of the old Wizbell or the empty shell of Wizbell more I understood how empty “I” was when I saw the eyes in the photos and the color of the coat.

Her parents in all the photos were cheerful, with lively and colorful eyes, but Wizbell... It's horrible when I put into perspective what life would be like for these parents with a child... Not a child and just a doll with basic needs, Wizbell has been like that since he was born when I look at the baby photos where he was dark gray.

Now that I realize that I don't have feet anymore, now I have hooves and my hands are fluffy and soft because of my coat that covers them, but the fur there is much shorter and thinner, and for some reason I have the same sensory capacity as when I was human even with all the coat in my hands... I hardly feel uncomfortable realizing that I'm not wearing clothes.

I returned to my bedroom once "my father" was reading the newspaper that he had thrown earlier on the coffee table, I entered my room and thank the gods, there was a closet full of clothes... Just like 10 sets, all childish obviously, but just take a blue sweater with a purple octagon on the back with several different symbols for the rest of the sweater.

I've been a sweater boy all my life and having one on me, it gave me all the peace of mind and security that clothes can give to a human... I'm not anymore, but it still works for me, I didn't wear pants or shorts because of a piece that I discovered I have over my pelvis and it serves to hide my package, because when I took it off, the piece of "magic" fabric turned a gray color and I could appreciate my private parts and my stick having a cover now, I felt like a Jedi for a microsecond until I put the piece in place, with my private parts hidden, I don't need shorts or pants.

When I returned to the living room, my father watched me in silence and hid his mouth with his newspaper, I could only see the smoke of his pipe, then he continued reading once he made sure I was still fine... Guess.

I want to ask him about how he teleported, but I still don't feel confident enough to do so, so explore the place a bit more to see if I find anything interesting.

I explored the whole house except the kitchen, I couldn't, my new mother blocked the entrance with some magic "It's a surprise, so wait little more" my father told me from his couch, I could only let out a snort and I kept exploring until I accepted that there is no internet and there are no computers in this house, so resigned I saw the collection of books that is on the shelf behind Will Stone's sofa, My father's name that I noticed from his shelf of awards and titles.

My mother's name is Alegria, a little surprise when I discovered her name means happiness in Spanish, I didn't think I would find that language here, I ignored it and continued to go through the titles of the books with my index finger, looking for something interesting.

"Romance... Theory of Destiny... How to make Cupcakes... How to Make Your Foal Happy... How to Raise a Foal" The books didn't have any specific order on the shelf, which made my search difficult.

<How curious that I can understand this new language and alphabet, it is similar to ancient Roman but with its own variants>

<Everything is about raising a colt, I guess it is about the sons... Finally! something interesting!> I felt the smile form on my face the moment I took the book off the shelf with the title [Magic for Foals 101].

I trembled with excitement as I settled on the carpet with a pillow on my chest, ready to read the book and introduce myself to a whole new world, I heard a strange sound like the trigger pulling something, but I ignored it because of my greater interest in the book which I quickly opened and went to the beginning of the first chapter of the book which was only the introduction about what magic is.

The tingling in my chest only increased for every second I spent reading the book, I absorbed the information easily, so long I had longed for magic, but it was a desire I could never satisfy because in my previous world it was something that maybe didn't exist and it was just myths and tales, but here it's something real, tangible and malleable.

My euphoria could not be measured as I tried to absorb all the knowledge that the book could bring me, by bad luck, the book as indicated is for foals, so it contains many illustrations and few deep explanations, apart from having very little content in exchange for simplifying all the information, my reading and comprehension speed has always been very high and right now that made it quite an inconvenience.

<NO!! I didn't want to finish the book in less than 10 minutes!! > Anguish filled me when I finished reading the book, it was easily overcome when I thought of performing the basic spells that every foal should know.

[Light] A magic that is more of a little party trick, as one only light up their own horn with magic by concentrating the magic on it.

[Telekinesis] Another magic that every Unicorn should know for their daily life, is to impose their will and ideas on magic to move things around them.

Two magics that fall within the System of Magic and not of Spells, but also very necessary to master and fundamental once I started to think about what benefits they give in a foal learning that magic at such a young age.