• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Nine Leaf Clover - Flash point

Destiny or chaos, I wouldn't know the reason, but for some reason my life had a clean slate. Now I am Wizbell Star, a little colt with great desires to explore magic and this new place full of Ponies?

  • ...

Chapter 5 | "Null"

"I think we rushed a little bit, this is taking longer than I thought" My father let out a small laugh.

"Hehe~ I think the same" Time continued to pass as I tried to keep the same flow and control over my magical power.

The sound of the wall clock had become annoying, only the little background sound helped break the awkward silence.

Time passed and my patience was tested, luckily my father kept me focused with a few comments from time to time.

I finally opened my eyes, I had to blink as I tried to get used to the light again, I massaged the sides of my head a little.

"That would be 2 hours and 57 minutes and 43 seconds, a good record, so..." I looked up at my father who had stopped shining his horn after a few seconds.

There was silence for a couple of seconds until my father spoke "A fourth, very good amount of magic that you have champion, well that means you have enough magic power to cast a Flash without suffering a magical wear or a bounce, maybe 3 but that's already risky, let's leave it at 1"

My father's horn lit up, at the same time a book came out from the top of the bookshelf behind his couch.

"This is one of several personal books, here I summarized everything you need to learn the Flash spell, there are some specific concepts that are necessary to understand in order to guide your magic and achieve the spell. Moving your magic to your horn and wishing to teleport will do nothing but blow up in your face, so study it." I opened the book as soon as I received it.

A hasty and sloppy writing was what the book showed me, the information was not very organized, but it was easy to see the important parts by the different titles or keywords marked with colors.

<The Flash Spell can be performed through several concepts that manage to grant the unicorn the necessary understanding to attach its intention in magic, those concepts range from perceiving reality as a giant cloth that can be manipulated, a wormhole, a dimensional rift, equivalent exchange and finally Light>

<A lot of concepts share similarities and that's because of Star Swirl the Bearded and his ideas spread throughout the magic books> The book kept narrating more things without going anywhere, I guess my father wrote it as his ideas came up.

"I think I'll do a version of my own and... This doesn't make sense, it's hard for me to understand because it's not my way of thinking."

"Good idea, anyway, if you have doubts don't hesitate to ask" My father shook my hair and then went to his office.

"It was about time, they lasted a long time with their little experiment, after 2 minutes I got bored of watching you playing being lamps" My mother entered the house from the garden while taking off her gloves.

"Yes, it was almost 3 hours, a long time, I wanted to go crazy after the first one" I approached my mother looking for a hug.

"Oh, my little star, you over demanded too much for a small experiment, let mommy prepare you a banana smoothie with chocolates and marshmallows, you need to recover all that energy" She carried me to the kitchen where she soon began to prepare what she said.

I just closed my eyes as I buried myself in my mother's shoulder to relax from the little migraine that had accumulated in these hours.

"So, how amazing is my son_" As she hummed, my mother asked me.

"I'll be able to cast the flash spell 3 times at most, which is a lot for my age, as it's a spell that is only learned from adult unicorns!"

"Hn, that's very good!" They squeezed me in the embrace.

After a little talk and eating the sugar-saturated dessert, I long ago lost my fear of having diabetes when I discovered and heard how much sugar ponies could eat.

<I'm still amazed at how many donuts, ice cream, and cakes ponies can eat, not to mention the records of how many cakes Princess Celestia eats at a tea party>




Now with my energy recharged and my mind clear after a short nap, I set out to organize the book in my own way, so now I'm reading my father's chaotic book full of notes on every page, for now I don't plan to understand the depth of the whole book, just to know what it contains and group it in a way that I can understand it better.

It's going to take longer to do that, than just studying it in a normal way, but I want to master this spell well, so I'll do things right and that method is slow and boring.

While reading the book, I slowly understood the idea of the spell, among the concepts to choose to use as the core when trying to use the spell, the one that, made more harmony and logic for me, was the theory of Light, the Flash was not a teleportation at a short distance, but it was movement, the caster moved at the speed of light, so the viewer could only see a flash of light and then no longer see the caster in its previous location.

<Photons> I remembered studying it and being fascinated by its absurd behavior in the quantum world, but I'll put aside those ideas and concepts that never made it into my head because I couldn't imagine them, so I can't use them for my magic.

<!!! > Ideas started popping up in my head, so I didn't hesitate to write them down so I wouldn't forget them, ideas on how I could use or move at the speed of light.

While I was concentrating, a small voice took me out of my world.

"I see you're a fan of magic, well I love speed" A boy said while looking at my room, a moment ago he was looking at my notes taped to the small board that I have on the side of my desk.

"You finally noticed me! My name is Storm Flash, I came with my mother, they told me that you would be here and that I should come and play with you... What do we play?" Even though he had a childish voice, his attitude was full of indifference as well as a lack of joy and positive energy that goes with all the ponies I have seen so far.

The boy is a pegasus, it was easy to notice him with his restless wings and lack of horn, his base color is cyan, with a two-colored, dark blue mane and a light blue almost white tuft.

"Oh!–" "There's a ball in the trunk, we can go out to play penalties or dodge ball" I interrupted him when I blurted out my idea, I could tell that he was about to explain himself by his restless attitude, but my curiosity is not so much.

"But first, let me finish writing something down, Ah! My name is Wizbell Star, a pleasure Storm Flash" I pointed to him with my pen as I introduced myself.

"Flash, call me Flash, I don't like to be called by my two names" From behind me said Flash who had started flying a little lazily.

<Curious, I don't feel a breeze from its flapping wings>

"Well, call me Wizbell, but first I must say hello to whoever accompanied you" We left my room, at all times Flash did not stop flying.

In the living room came the voices I had been hearing for a while, as I got closer, I found my father talking to a pegasus mare with a much lighter shade of color than Flash and an equally light gray mane.

"I already told you Clear, your team doesn’t have to respond to the whims of noble fools, they can only complain to you because you are easy with them, don’t give them an inch or they will continue to take miles, the next time they go to the barracks to cry, call my team or send someone better call for me, you will see how they run with their tails between their legs" My father looked obviously annoyed by his restless leg that sways in the air as he sips several sips in a row over his black coffee.

"Yah... or dear, I see you've already met Will Stone's son" The grown-ups' eyes focused on us as we finished entering the room.

"Nice to meet you, Flash and I, we'll be at the backyard playing with my ball" I greeted Flash's mom with a simple greeting and then headed for the backyard.


"I won!" Look at the stone of the Flash that I defeat with paper, so he would be the gatekeeper first.

"So, what does your mother do, I only know that my father is a lawyer, and they seem to know each other."

"She's... What was it like? Ah! Supervisor of the Climate Team, she makes sure that everything is in order within the team and they fulfill their tasks, or something like that I understood, I see that you don't remember me, do you know that it's not the first time we've seen each other?" Flash tilted his head as he gave me a curious look, his face finally showing some emotion.

"Nope, in fact, until just a few weeks ago it was like this, before it was like there was a fog blocking everything, but now – GOAL!" I made my free throw when Flash was distracted listening to my story.

"HEY! THAT'S CHEATING!" Flash watched the ball bounce off the wall and back to my feet... hooves.

<I used to missed shots, until I dominating the free throws again>

"No way, I'm not holding you by the wings, you're just slow" The Flash's eye twitched.

*Applause!* "I'll make you regret!" Irritation or any trace of emotion disappeared from Flash's face as he positioned himself in a comfortable position flying in the middle of the goal or paint-marked fence.

The days had passed since my unexpected new friendship with the pegasus boy, since I met him, my range of activities had a wide variation of physical activities, until now I was leading the life of a closet and a full-blown Bookworm.

But now that I met Flash, I had a reason to leave my house, which increased over time, since it was boring to be locked in my room all day, my parents were thrilled with that.

So now I was walking to a small park in the area where I live, the park is at an intersection that is close to Flash's house and mine, the place was always full of ponies 24/7.

Above all, girls, there is a great shortage of boys, it was very common to observe girls with tomboy tendencies, which I don't see as a problem, just curious and how some cultural aspects of the Earth are inverted here.

Another thing I've noticed is my increasing tendency to do childish things, not suitable for what my mental age should be, but I don't see it as a bad thing, it's just fun, I can't help but enjoy tripping up Flash when we run in some silly game with other foals.

But the strangest and rarest thing is the harmonic songs, where somepony sings with a strong emotion, enough to provoke a magical resonance in all the ponies around them, everypony becomes a singer when that happens.

Me included, I ended up being part of a choir, only at first because of the surprise, but since I was outside to have fun, I had fun singing, but Flash was not affected, rather, he looked annoyed.

"What book do you have now?" Asked Lyra, a small, mint-colored filly who slowly became part of our group.

"[Magic have life?] I bought it a few days ago and I really like how the author presents her books" I showed her the yellow book with the logo of a big star in front of a sunset.

"Ah! Hey yesterday I found in a book that ponies used to walk on all fours like forest animals, is that true? I can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be to walk in a crouch all the time." To prove her point, she tried to walk a bit using all four of her limbs, but stumbled at the second step because she couldn't keep her balance.

"Kyaah!" Before she could smash her horn to the ground and suffer from severe pain, Flash arrived to catch her, I extinguished my horn when Flash left her in place.


"You should stop being so impulsive, are you okay nothing hurts?" Flash inspected it as he placed her safely on the ground.

I reached out to heal the small scrape on his palm from slipping, using basic healing magic was one of the magics I consider easiest, although my mother argues otherwise.

Author's Note:

Here another Chapie, What do you think Wizbell's cutie mark could be like?
Recycling material in this chapter.

Ignore the titles, 1 in 10 will make sense, the other times they won't, because I don't have the energy to think of good titles.

Possibly I will take this rhythm of only uploading chapters on weekends, I will try to take a fixed rhythm so as not to lose the thread of the story.

I think this time I'm a little into the idea of writing this story, I already have a list with points of the story that I'm going to write, reviewing theories and timelapses for no reason other than to get inspired.