• Published 19th Nov 2023
  • 1,327 Views, 39 Comments

Nine Leaf Clover - Flash point

Destiny or chaos, I wouldn't know the reason, but for some reason my life had a clean slate. Now I am Wizbell Star, a little colt with great desires to explore magic and this new place full of Ponies?

  • ...

Chapter 4 | A Big news and a Huge news

With my hand full of ink, I kept repeating the same rune, after a whole week I start to think that runes are not my thing, I like to draw, but the meaning behind them and their combination does not stay in my head and I don't have that talent or spark that will make me able to understand them at a higher level.

The book itself shows it, if I don't have a compatibility with the runes, studying them is an ineffective effort, I guess I'll just learn what this volume has, so far, it's only been a week.

I let go of the pen and stretched out my fingers that had begun to build tension again after intense study.

"At least now my writing is a little neater than when I started" Notice the comparison of my first 100 strokes and to the ones I do now, the improvement was easily noticeable.

"I think I'll take up my studies of runes as a side hobby when I get stuck with magic" With a practicality I activated my magic and began to sort out all the paperwork that was on my desk on the subject of runes, giving way to my magical research.

This is what I call my activity of exploring magic with the book of Magic for Novices, so far in all this week I had only touched 2 books, the one of runes and the last one because of its low requirements to be able to understand them, well the one of enchantments is also at the same level, but I prefer to read it when my knowledge about magic is adequate to understand the jargons used in it.

That book was written to create professional people in the art of enchantment, not just to explain what an enchantment is and to have a bit of varied knowledge, so it is loaded with magical theories and a few formulas that I can't understand since the one who wrote the book expects the reader to have a certain level of knowledge.

Going back to the magic book, this first one explained what magic is, an essential energy for life, well in this world it is.

Magic is something that exists in everyone and everything, some ponies can have greater reserves of magic than some others and this is decided by genetics and the cutie mark.

Having parents who have dabbled in the daily use of their magic plus magic spells makes their reserves greater and more refined than other average unicorns, then there is the plus that is obtained for having talent in magic, this is reflected with the symbol of a sparkle or a star that normally represents magic.

My mother has a star inside a balloon in her cutie mark, my father has a scroll with a star print along with a shimmering feather, so they both have high levels of magical reserves, they both enjoy magic, my mother with her high level of telekinesis and studies as a white magician or magic doctor, my father is more of a scholar, he knows a lot about different subjects and masters several magics, one of them being the Flash, a short-distance teleportation magic.

I don't have any equipment to confirm my magic levels and I don't know if they exist, but obviously I must have higher reserves than the average colt and also a talent related to magic because of the ease with which I get mastery with basic magics.

So far, I have mastered Orb of Light, a first-level spell that is as the name implies, to create a floating orb of light, it is first-level because of its short chant [Guide my way, my star].

I also mastered three other spellings, [Clean Away] I learned because it's very difficult to remove ink stains on my coat and clothes, it also serves as an eraser... But it requires a high level to be able to use it at a functional level, with this spell I can eliminate my last mistake or the stains I don't want from the scroll, it consumes very little magic at the level that in three breaths I recover what would be 10 uses of the spell.

But that's when I use it to clean the ink from the scroll, it's different when I use it in my room to remove the accumulated dust, the greater the magnitude and accuracy of the spell there will be a greater consumption, this is caused by the loss of magic due to the inexperience I have in controlling the magic that is released through my horn as light.

"Wizbell come down for a moment!" My mother spoke to me from the first floor.

I stopped reading my own notes and looked at the time 12:47 pm, there is still time for dinner, but I still went down, it is rare that they call to me if it is not for a special occasion, I have almost no obligations, the magic is amazing.

My parents stood quietly as they waited for me to approach them.

"Well son, we have observed your tendency and taste for magic, so your mom and I have discussed it" My father started the conversation, he looked impatient to let go of the news because of how his ears moved.

Interrupting my father, my mom grabbed me by the shoulders and then crouched down to my height "We discussed whether or not to send you to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns where you can learn more about magic, explore horizons that books could not show you without a good guide, We were at the time, it is almost a ritual to send all children unicorns for several reasons, But the main one is so that they learn to master their magic and you don't get to hurt another pony by accident because you don't know how to control your magic or understand why the accident happened."

My father also ducked down to our level, taking the reins of the conversation. "In two months it's the entrance exam where you just have to prove your best magic, you don't have to perform some miracle like hatching a dragon egg or creating a machine that allows teleportation, you just have to give your best, it's not very difficult really, not when I see how easily you master the magic between your hooves"

"But first we want to know if you want to go to a place like that, there are other scho-"

"I do" My voice was full of determination when I found my new goal and starting place.

"That champ, now tell me what magic you would like to demonstrate to the judges to claim your place as a student of their school?" Matching my energy, my father asked me with a smile.

Maybe out of excitement for my future or not, I said my most honest thought "Flash!"

It was the first magic I saw when I came to this world, which awakened that little flame inside me as well as resurrected within me that curiosity that had disappeared before.

The spell was only detailed as very difficult in the magic book in my room which had disappointed me, but with the help of my father, I am sure that under his guidance I will be able to do that magic of mine!

Without realizing it, something had begun to form in my side, but it was only for a moment and perceptible to my mother that she had become a spectator in the enthusiasm for the magic I share with my father.

"Not wanting to interrupt my two magic lovers, but I also have other news to give that you both don't know" My mother, a little away from my father and me, stood up straight while holding her belly with a distracted look.

"I-It's t-truth what yo-" "I'm going to be a big brother!" The joy overcame me when I approached my mother to give her a hug, leaving my father behind.

<HAHAHA! I'M GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!! > I almost jumped up with excitement and prancing around instinctively, but while I was holding back my excitement, my f-

"I'M GOING TO HAVE ANOTHER FOAL!!" He lifted my mother up with a hug of excitement as he jumped with her.

"How long?! How long have you known about it?!" Trying to control his emotion, my father brought my mother down, who shared an equally cheerful smile.

"Not much, I usually do a magic scan on everyone as a routine and 3 months ago I discovered someone sleeping peacefully and I guess it was about time to share the news, because soon it wouldn't be possible for me to keep it as a secret anymore"

The afternoon started happily and became happier with the news that I would be an older brother, forgetting my enthusiasm for learning a new spell.

From enthusiasm my father took us all in search of some things such as the possible bed for my younger brother or sister, it was a causal exit full of joy.

Along the way we also learned that Celestia the Princess of Canterlot has a niece who is also an Alicorn and that she had introduced her earlier today, well I noticed the news, my parents had locked themselves in their own candy world.

A little before sunset we returned home, where I continued my talk with my father about learning Flash from him.

"I don't know, we might as well master a level 1 spell and develop it to a higher level than normal, but I don't see in your eyes that you're going to change your mind... I guess I'll have to do some math to see if it's feasible for you to learn this spell, let me bring my stopwatch" I silently followed my father as he prepared everything for the little experiment.

"What we're going to do is use the magic of lighting, measure the lumens of your magic and also the time you can hold it, I'll replicate your data and from there I'll be able to know if it's feasible or not for you to learn Flash" I looked over my father's shoulder as he concentrated on writing some formulas and diagrams on his parchment.

"I'm using a formula created by Lux Well to recreate her spell I remember a long time ago doing this same thing when I tried to give a numerical system to magic, a futile effort with over a thousand years with theories and great wizards who have tried the same thing and failed, we can create ranges for the different levels of magical power, but its use is so uncommon that no effort has been made to standardize some system" My father activated his magical nerd mode while explaining to me the behind his actions to which I nodded interested, I couldn't understand anything of the writing but I understood the general idea.

"Done! Light up your horn until I tell you, then just hold the same energy or rhythm in your horn for as long as possible, remember not to overdo it, it's different between your real limit and your tolerance limit, do you know what the difference is? I hope so, it's detailed at the beginning of the Magic for Newbies book" My father gave me a serious look.

"The real limit is the one that will cause me to faint magically due to the almost scarcity of magic in my magic circuit, while my tolerable limit is the one where I can still maintain my mental and motor functions at a level where there is no danger of negative effects or have a clouded judgment and be able to function normally but with a small migraine" I was able to recite what the book said but I preferred to use my words to Express.

A smile of approval showed me my father "That's good, well, start on my countdown... 3... 2... 1... NOW!"

To get the best results, I closed my eyes and concentrated.

"More! use more power, we have to get to 100 lumens... A little bit more, just a little bit more, right there! Now hold it, champion!" I could perceive the light from my horn with my eyes closed, but 100 lumens weren’t annoying during the day.

The sound of the wall clock was the only sound I heard while keeping the pace, it was not a difficult task, but it was overwhelming from having to maintain my attention and concentration for so long.

"1 minute, are you doing well, do you have a long way to go, or are you almost reaching your limits?" I gave a thumbs up and flashed a confident smile, during that minute I hadn't even used an eighth of my magic reserve, in fact it felt almost unchanged.

Author's Note:

Writing:1 to 5?
Characters: 1 to 5?
Rhythm: 1 to 5?
Enjoyable: 1 to 5?

For now, no main character has emerged from the series, but they will appear soon, to see if I can maintain some of their traits that are shown in the series.
The pace of the chapters may seem slower, since I'm back to work xD