• Member Since 17th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen June 2nd

Azvameth Rose

25 years old, not much left to say. I can say that I love to write and draw. And I hope everyone enjoys the stories I have to tell.

Comments ( 31 )

This... This is nice. I will continue reading onward. Might want to change the mane 6 tag to Izzy and the characters that follow. If you can't fit them all. Make a little note of them in the description. That will help ease the confusion.

Sir, you may rest easy for I can assure you that there are no misstags here. I took jnto consideration spoilers for characters as well as future events when tagging this story. Therefore, be at ease, the main six tag is correct. I just placed it there right away since I didn’t see it as a spoiler for the story. This is a re-write, therefore, some elements are different. However, some elements will remmain.

Also, thank tou for the comment. I am glad to hear you’re enjoying it.

Slight bow

Thank you for taling the time to read this. Have a wonderful day and a good adventure.

Not bad. He put the smack down on Alphabet Soup. Can't wait to see more

He show him who is top dog 👏, but real challenge is what out there he will find.

Oooooo!!! This is getting better and better~

On the road again I can't wait to get on the road again

Is this in any way related to Kingdom Hearts?

No? I would have tagged it otherwise. Sorry if I mislead you.

Will our main hero have to dance on live television looks like lzzy got somewhat jealous not being sweet talk to you

Is the original version cancelled since this exists?

I'm unsure as to what to do with it. I would love to continue. But I would probably need to fix some of the most recent events to try and make things work.

Oooo. This is good. Can't wait for the chaos.

Arden has special eyes. Very cool.

There are those who do not want us to speak but words always hold their power and I'm about to tell you the truth the truth is there is something wrong with this Society hatred false history scared suspicion how did this happen who's to blame there are those who are responsible but in truth you all have to do is look into a mirror in your Panic you now turn to the queen but now we must stick together March out with me we shall give my 5th of November that shall never be forgotten

Why did you name the main character Arden Sila?

Since the first chapter. I'm sorry if it wasn't clear.

My favorite line from the last chapter your mom wants to put a baby in you keep up the good work

"Can your magic bring back more than just a glimpse from the past? Can your magic bring back the days of old?" Is that foreshadowing I see? :)

When will the next update come ?
Also how was your day?

Sorry, I was working.

I'm working on it. I don't have a clear date yet. Sorry about that.

Way to go Arden you got 4 girls you're not even trying to win their hearts which one you going to be your first

That crystal horn is dangerous maybe Arden will pull off some more crazy time travel with it!

So..This is how the Mane 6 come in. Very interesting.

I am so confused I do not know what's really going on in this chapter

Me neither the end just became nonsense.

Arden created a forced bond between him and the other ponies he used his eyes on. His feelings towards Izzy and sunny skyrocketed after he did so, hence his greater attempts in helping them at the cost of his well-being. This is a result of the connection he forged hastily with the help of his eyes, it is already established that Arden can feel the emotions of those he uses his eyes on just as strong as them. But he was not aware of the bond staying after he finished doing so. At least not until he got out of Zephyr heights, hence his emotional crash once he was out of range for the eyes effects. He was also not aware of the two-way exchange between him and the others, something that can overwrite his personality, as shown by his brash actions in Zephyr heights.

When Arden tried to use the magic of his eyes again, he enforced his will into the damaged horn. The horn's cracks and unstable magic created a rift connecting three separate timelines. All these timelines are connected by the decision of attempting to sever the forced bonds between Arden and the new generation.

So, we have 3 timelines branching off from that point, all connected by the chaos of the horn.

I hope this clarifies it. My apologies.

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