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Episode 7 - Honest Wages for Honest Work

Honest Wage for Honest Work

“This place definitely looks different in the daytime”

After a relatively quick train ride from Canterlot, Peter found himself back where his interdimensional journey began - the quaint town of Ponyville. Of course this time, it was not being attacked by a dream monster. The train had been half empty the whole trip, giving Peter some alone time to contemplate his situation. On his person he only had one bag, containing some clothes given to him and his equipment. What was left of it that is. The only other thing he had was some documentation that would allow him to work in town.

“Just another thing to be in debt for. I hope Celestia doesn't charge interest.”

Walking through town, it all started to come back to him - the unusual feeling of being in an unknown land alone, the panic of trying to fight the Tantabus. The pain as his bones shattered… not worth thinking about right now. There was someone that he had to find in town as advised by Celestia, hence the work permit.

“Just look for the apple stand in the centre of town.”

After more wandering around than what was probably necessary, Peter eventually found a marketplace. There were stalls aplenty with various goods to sell, all that looked amazing. Unfortunately, he had no money to buy anything with. Despite being offered a small pouch of coins, or “Bits” as Celestia had called them, he couldn't accept it, having not earned it. If he was going to have any sort of life here, he would build it himself as best he could. While he had been given a few things, Peter acknowledged that he would at least need a few things.

Just ahead, he finally spotted what looked to be a stand selling various apple-based products. Even from here he could smell the pungent aroma of fresh baked apple pie. It was a shame he couldn't buy any.

“You eyeing up those pies?”

A thick southern accent caught Peter’s attention. As he turned to face whoever spoke to him, he… swore it was someone else. Her eyes were the first thing he saw, along with her blonde locks. He thought for a moment it was… No, not something to think about right now. Getting a better look at her, she was almost the stereotypical looking cowgirl - plaid shirt, blue jeans and a stetson. Where the similarities ended was her build. She was a little taller than Peter, and looked just about as strong as he did. Though he wasn't exactly being secretive while staring at her.

“Hey sugarcube, mind pickin yer jaw off the floor?”

Quickly, Peter snapped out of his daze and actually acknowledged her.

“Sorry about that. It's been a long journey for me. I’m Peter Parker. Princess Celestia might have spoken to you about me.”

“She did. Looks like I’ll be your employer for the foreseeable future. Names Applejack. Hope yer comfortable with farm work.”

Peter couldn't help but chuckle when she mentioned that. She had no idea…


The walk out of town didn't take particularly long, even with the supplies they were bringing back. Applejack was pulling a fully loaded cart behind her, but it didn't seem to slow her down at all. Peter on the other hand just had a few bags. He felt a little underutilised in comparison. After a few more minutes however, she began to pant and let out massive breaths. He could tell she was struggling.

“Want me to take over?”

“Nah, I’m good. Just gotta catch my breath is all. No need to fret on mah account. Besides, this here cart is mighty heavy.”

She was vehemently being stubborn about the situation. Fortunately, Peter was just as stubborn, and took hold of one of the bars that connected to the cart. Forced to relinquish her grip, Applejack’s fatigue finally caught up with her. What really took her breath away was seeing Peter holding up the cart with ease.

“Well I’ll be! The princess mentioned you were strong, but it ain’t everyday that someone can just carry ma cart so easily!”

“Well, you need the rest. I’m sure I can manage the rest of the way.”

Taking the other bar, Peter continued forward at a steady pace. To Applejack's credit, the cart was indeed heavy. But Peter was sure he could carry it forever if need be. Though he didn't want to show off in front of just anyone, so for now he kept in line with how fast she was walking. As they started off again, Applejack couldn't help but be impressed.

“He’s definitely a strong fella, but ah can’t see what the deal is. Why would Princess Celestia make a point of it? Still, it looks like Big Mac might have some competition. Let’s see how he handles the job.”


The sun was beginning to set as the two finally made it to their destination, the orange glow in the sky making the sight quite picturesque. It was an almost familiar sight for Peter. For a brief moment he felt like he was home. The first thing of note was the sturdy looking farmhouse, with an equally impressive barn attached to it. Fields could be seen close by and in the distance, and what looked to be another building for… carrots?

“Well Pete, welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. Guess this’ll be your home for a little while. If things go well though, maybe a little longer.”

Peter could immediately see why it was called Sweet Apple Acres - Fields of apple trees as far as the eye could see. And not only that, they all seemed ripe for the picking. He was starting to understand why he was here.

“Looks like you guys have a big harvest season incoming.”

“Absolutely! Usually we don’t take on farmhands, but this year a lot just kinda fell onto our plates. And if produce starts dying on the vine, so to speak, then we make a mighty loss.”

Well, anything that would keep Peter busy would be ideal right now, until he could fully figure out what to do in this world or until he could find his way home. Heading inside the farmhouse, it had just as much of a rustic feel internally as it did on the outside. Going through the halls, Peter couldn't help but notice that there were only a few rooms in what looked like a massive house, which made him curious.

“So, who else lives here?”

“Just myself, my brother and sister, and Granny Smith. The Apple family has been runnin this farm for generations, and we’ve been keepin it goin ever since we were kids.”

It was all beginning to sound very similar to Peter. Many of his memories of home were coming back to him…



“I’m happy you agreed to help out, Peter. With Kara helping out in Gotham, I could use a hand around here.”

It wasn't the first time Peter had ventured away from New York to the rustic town of Smallville, but it was the first time he had been asked to do farmwork. But when a good friend asks for help, how could he say no?

“No problem, Clark. It’s the least I could do. But… Can’t you do this stuff single handedly?”

“Heh. You’d be surprised how much of this stuff requires the slow and easy approach. I found that out the hard way when I was your age. Ma and Pa were not impressed.”

It was hard to imagine Clark of all people being told off by anyone and taking it seriously. Then again, he was also one of the most down-to-earth people Peter had ever met. Despite the nature of his alter ego, Clark was never one for missing out on the small things.

“So, today is going to be a long one, I’m not gonna lie. The most pressing job is some pest control at the chicken coop, along with some repairs at the cow pen. Once that's done, then we get to harvesting.”

“This should be a good workout for us then. Well, for me at least. Days like this must just be a quick top up for you.”

Clark couldn't deny that he definitely had an advantage here. Peter would likely be tired by the end of the day, while he would still be ok. He did wonder if it was fair to ask, but his friend did seem up to the task.

“It’s not going to be an easy day, Pete. You’ll be working hard.”

“Well, if it wasn't easy then it wouldn't be worth doing, would it? Plus, you asked me for help. I can’t exactly say no, now can I?”

Admittedly, Clark was quite surprised by the young man’s response. Even he could admit that he was never the biggest fan of farmwork when he was Peter’s age. Though he figured that this seemed like a challenge, so it all began to make sense.

“Well, look at it this way, we get treated to some Ma Kent cooking once the day is over.”

There were very few sentences that would make Peter’s eyes brighten up. And the idea of getting a hearty dinner was indeed one of them.

“We’ll then, what are we waiting for? Let's get started!”

Before Clark could say anything else, Peter had already disappeared from sight and was racing to the other end of the farm. He soon stopped and was shouting back to Clark.

“Come on, slowpoke, we’re burning daylight!”



After a quick tour of the house, Applejack and Peter arrived outside a room at the end of the corridor. The door looked quite generic, lacking any of the uniqueness of the other doors, leading Peter to assume that this was an unused room. Or was an unused room.

“Well Pete, this here is your room for as long as you work with us. Feel free to spruce it up however you like, seeing as it is yours. Only rule ah have is just let us know if you have a… visitor. Ma little sister tends to just barge in at times.”

The inside of the room was incredibly inviting. If it was dirty before, it isn't now. It even looked as if it had been freshly painted before Peter’s arrival, with some new sheets added to the bed. Also included looked to be some overalls.

“Take tonight to get settled in. We’ll be havin’ dinner at 6, and you look like you could use a good bite to eat. And the others would like meet ya. Don’t be late. Granny likes us to be prompt to set up the table.”

“I’ll be there. Honestly, I could use a proper meal. I… thanks for giving me a chance here.”

As she left the room, Applejack gave a quick smile as she shut the door, leaving Peter on his own for the time being.Setting down his bag, he took a moment to investigate his surroundings. While the room had very much been cleaned and remodelled, some of the furniture was the same. He noticed some scratches and various other markings, showing obvious signs of age and use. The chest of drawers in particular had markings across the top that were quite narrow.

“Something must have been left there for a long time. I wonder, whose room did they give me? It's a big house, so there should be more of them. But Applejack only mentioned two siblings and a grandmother. What about her… Parents?”

Some things began to add up now. An old, abandoned room that had only been recently redecorated, the house being too big for just four people, and no mention of anyone else at all. And now that Peter looked more closely, he noticed that the room was particularly big for just one person. It could easily accommodate two… If they were still around.

“No, don’t think like that. Don’t jump to conclusions Parker. Not everyone has dead parents. Maybe they just moved or something, or they don’t keep in touch. It could be a number of things. Just… Relax.”

Taking a seat on the bed, Peter started doing some breathing exercises just to calm himself down. He found himself using them a lot more the last few days. But at least he could now slow down and take things in. Regardless of who the room used to belong to, it was his now for as long as he had to be here.

It was his.


After a few hours, Peter had begun to make the room his own. Any clothes he owned were placed away carefully, and any other belongings were stashed out of sight, though this only included his lone web shooter and his communicator, which he had contemplated trying to repair but lost interest each time. It was useless in this world anyway, plus it might not even have the tech required to repair it to begin with. Even thinking about it again made him want to try, but a knock at the door broke his train of thought.

“Hey Pete, wanna give us a hand setting up dinner? Consider it your first job working with us.”

It seemed like it was finally time for Peter to meet the other members of the Apple family. The nerves were starting to set in, given that this was a bunch of new people to get accustomed to again. But it couldn't be held off any longer. Heading down the hallway, Peter could hear the clutter of kitchen utensils, pots and pans and running water. Not only that… but the smell was intoxicating.

“I’m not sure what they’ve got cooking, but I know I want it right now! Get in ma belly!”

Turning into the kitchen, it was clear to see why Peter’s assistance was required. Applejack and her family were dashing about preparing the night's dinner, but calling it a dinner looked to be underselling it. The amount of food being prepared looked like it could feed twice as many people. Was Applejack made aware of Peter’s rather brutish appetite, or were they expecting other guests? Before he could ask, a bunch of plates were shoved into his hands by AJ.

“Sorry Pete, lots to do. Can you set these at everyone's places? It would be one less thing for us to worry about.”

It didn't take being told twice for him to do what he was told. While he set the table, Peter was able to get a better look at the others in Applejack’s family. It was clear who the grandmother was. The other two were her siblings for sure, but it was unclear if the brother was older or younger. He was particularly tall compared to Peter, which seemed to be a trait that was prevalent. The other girl was clearly the youngest, but still tall for someone her age, her dark red hair in stark contrast to the blonde of her brother and sister. Perhaps it really was a part of this family to just have extraordinary physiques.

With the table set, all that was left to do was dispense the meal. Peter didn't know what to fully expect. All he had to work with was that smell. As if to answer his curiosity, the family started to bring over the pots and other utensils and laid them on the table, giving the hungry young man quite the sight to behold. Several cooked meats, dripping with their own juices, creamy mashed potatoes, joined by their roasted cousins, all topped off with a heaving boat of gravy. It was the finest meal he had seen in some time. But he knew to wait as the others joined him in their seats. As they sat down, all four Apples joined hand in hand, which looked rather familiar to Peter.

"Huh, so they say grace here? Wonder who they give thanks to?

His curiosity was answered when Applejacks grandmother, slowly but surely, started to speak.

"We here give praise to our keeper of the sun Celestia, and to our lady of the moon Luna, for their benevo… bene… for their kindness in watching over us. May they reign for many more moons. Now tuck in, y'all!"

Forks started to clamour as food was emptied onto plates. But Peter couldn't find it in himself to move.

The way she spoke about the princesses…Almost like everyone here treats as… Gods?!"

"Hey Pete? You in there?"

With his attention brought back to the dining room, Peter noticed Applejack staring at him rather bemused.

"You best not have lost yer appetite already. We made plenty extra for ya."

Of course. It would be rude to not accept their hospitality, especially when it was incredibly tasty looking hospitality. By this point everyone else had taken their fill, so Peter felt no shame in helping himself to whatever. He did however try his best to keep it reasonable for now. If anything was left, he could make a claim to it later. Tucking into the meat, he swore his taste buds had entered paradise.

"This might be just as good as anything Aunt May makes!... Why does saying that sound like a sin?”

Not that he had any time to consider his thoughts, given that his mouth was filled to the brim with some of the best food he had in weeks. It was almost as if every bite was helping his depleted strength return, lost when he healed back from the verge of death. He was always surprised how well his body reacted in these scenarios. Even Applejack took notice, as Peter looked as if he was slowly filling out his shirt the more he ate. Which couldn't be right. Was she seeing things? She had little time to think as a red blur passed by her and landed right in front of Peter.

“So Pete, where do ya come from? Why ya in Equestria? What's yer special talent like?”

The fastball of questions caught Peter completely off guard, stopping him in his tracks eating wise. Just as quickly as she had appeared, the younger girl was dragged away by Applejack and placed back at her seat. She was quick to apologise for it all.

“Sorry ‘bout that. The one with the lack of manners there is Applebloom. The strong, silent type is Big Mac. And of course, our dear Granny Smith heads up the family.”

It seemed like a strong, closely knitted family. And for a moment, Peter remembered

He was alone in this new world.


And his dreams reminded him of it, as his memories flashed by him as he slept. All he could hear were screams, explosions… and a roar that would stay with him for the rest of his life.

Finally, Peter awoke from his horrid slumber, sweating and panting. Taking in deep breaths, he tried to push the images out of his mind, but they wouldn't leave him no matter how hard he tried. And all were of that malicious creature. Just as he was attempting to calm down, the bedroom door creaked open, and a familiar visage popped her head in.

“Hey Pete, you doin alright?”

Peter nodded his head weakly as Applejack stood in the doorway, illuminated by the moonlight. Both were unsure of what to say, still very much strangers to each other. Fortunately, Applejack broke the silence.

“Well, I’ll leave ya to get some rest if you can, and I’ll see you bright and early. Who knows, maybe Princess Luna will visit you and help you out. She’s pretty good with these sorts of things.”

As Applejack left the room, all Peter could think about was how she looked in the moonlight. It was the same person he remembered when he first met her back at the market.


So many things to worry about,and not the right time to worry about them. Peter was here to do a job, and he had to be in the best mindset possible in order to do that job.

“I have to do something. I won’t get any sleep if I don’t”

Sitting up on his bed, Peter crossed his legs and joined his hands together. Closing his eyes, he began to take in deep, focused breaths, attempting to calm his mind and wipe away the images that plagued him. It will be a long night.

Unbeknownst to Peter, under the same moonlight, Princess Luna looked over the city and out towards the distance, still curious as to the true nature of the mysterious being that had arrived in these lands. In her last attempt to see into his mind, she saw something hellish. Now she could feel that same presence terrify Peter even further.

“Here I am - The Princess of Dreams… unable to provide help to someone who needs it the most. I wish I could do something for you Peter, but your mind will not permit me to do so. I am afraid you must face these demons alone for now.”


If anyone expected a pleasant day to get some tasks done, then they would be disappointed. Storm clouds began to gather over Sweet Apple Acres, forcing the Apple family to make a quicker start than usual to fight against nature. And much to Applejack's annoyance.

“Trust the Pegasi to let a storm pass over while we got heaps of work to do! Next time ah see Dash, I’ll be havin a few words with her!”

The past few hours had been spent getting crops sorted and stored away, as well as getting the animals to safety. Peter himself was currently guiding a couple of horses back to the barn before they ran off into the wild. What he found the most intriguing thing however was that they were multicoloured.

“I swear there was an old cartoon Aunt May watched with technicolour horses in it. Bet she’d love to see these guys.”

Aside from the wind picking up, Peter knew that there would be worse to come as his Spider-Sense was giving a low buzz for the past few hours now. Which while annoying, kept him focused on the task at hand. Not too far behind, Big Mac was pulling in interlinked carts in order to save time, while Applejack brought up the rear with the family dog Winona as they herded in more animals to safety. Finally, Granny Smith catalogued the inventory of the barn.

“Looks like we’re all set! Time ta hunker down, Apples!”

Just as everyone was heading inside, they heard the low rumblings of thunder in the distance combined with sharp bolts of lightning, horrifying the Apples. Applejack figured they might be quite busy soon.

“Hey Pete, we might need to make a trip into town tomorrow. Somethin tells me this storm will be a messy one.”

He didn't say anything, but Peter agreed with that sentiment. And he knew deep down that his time here was only just beginning, and that it would be very eventful.

Author's Note:

Hello again everyone!

Sorry for the lateness of this chapter. It took some time to put together.

But now we're getting into an interesting time in Peter's journey.

Stay tuned for more.