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Bonus Episode - A Breach of Trust

Episode 11 Bonus

A Breach of Trust

Applejack had all night to ponder what she had discovered yesterday. Just mentioning that Dash had told herself and the rest of their friends about the race seemed to have set Peter in a foul mood. At dinner, he had asked for his plate to be filled so that he could return to his room. This was Applejack’s first clue that something was wrong. “Come on Pete, at least join us for dinner. Please?” Keeping his back to the farmgirl, Peter merely muttered out a response. “Not tonight AJ. I just want to be alone for now. Nothing against you or your family, but not tonight.” Unfortunately, Applejack couldn't just accept this answer. She had felt worried for Peter since his mood changed. Something Rainbow Dash had done was the trigger for this downward spiral, and now she had to figure out what it is.

“Pete? Please don’t do this. We love havin you with us at dinner. Whatever Dash has done, we can resolve it.” Peter could sense the sincerity of her plea. It made him feel warm. Welcome even. But then he remembered how flippantly Dash had gone back on her word, and the warmth went cold. Yet he remembered that Applejack had gone above and beyond to give him shelter and a job. None of this was her fault. So turning back, he gave her a somber smile. “Maybe tomorrow night. But for now, just let me have my own space. Ok?” Relenting, Applejack nodded, allowing Peter to proceed to his room. Later on in the night, she was quietly cleaning the dishes, thinking over what could have possibly happened.

"All the weeks making him feel at home, and all the good work he's done, and Dash goes and irritates him. What in Celestia’s name did she do? And why? He’s been such a good guy to all of us. I know I’ve been suspicious of him the past few weeks, but what's the point? How many times did he give up his time for someone else, especially all ma friends? Celestia’s Sake, I’ve been so stupid! I gotta figure out what Dash said and sort this out. Wait a sec… The Race!”


The morning was pleasant and quiet. Birds chirped as they soared across, fish loitered in the nearby lake, and things were beginning to finally feel at peace in Ponyville. With repairs and construction across town wrapping up, Applejack and her friends were finally taking some time to take in the morning sun for a change. She had wanted Peter to try and tag along to try and resolve his dispute with Rainbow Dash, but he was still locked away in his room, so she decided not to press the issue

Accompanying them was the wolf pup entrusted in Fluttershy's care, only now it was a little bigger, yet remaining just as adorable as the day Peter had found it in the forest. Despite being bigger, she still stuck close to the animal lover like a doting child. Even with this newfound connection, she still lacked a name, as Fluttershy wanted to name her something cute, much to Rainbow Dash's disapproval.

"Come on Fluttershy! You can't call her something all cutesy! She's a wolf! She'll grow into a massive hunting machine. You should call her something ferocious and bloodthirsty!" Several pairs of eyes rolled back into their owners heads, aside from Fluttershy who glared back at Dash, completely mortified. "Wolves aren't bloodthirsty killers, Dashie. They are extremely intelligent animals, who use their numbers to efficiently hunt prey. If anything, this little one will grow big and strong enough to look after herself in the wild. But she doesn't hunt for fun like some monster!"

Rather than try and debate with the animal enthusiast, Dash instead tried to reorient her line of thinking. To no avail. "Well… I’ve got nothin. All I can think of is big scary wolves prowling in the wilderness, stalking through the grass, waiting to strike!" Trying to mimic her own interpretation of a wolf, Dash hunched over, holding her arms up like she was ready to pounce. Fluttershy could do little to hide her disappointment as her eyebrow lifted skyward, though she became distressed once she heard a whimper come from the pup, who appeared frightened. "Oh dear! Don't be scared little one! Rainbow Dash is just being silly. You aren't a scary monster, just a pwecious wittle puppy!"

The pup yelped with approval, causing a wave of laughter from the girls. Despite everyone having fun around her, Applejack was still focused on what happened last night, and wondered when the right time would be to bring it up in front of the others. She didn't want to seem like she was calling out Dash unnecessarily, but it would have to be done. She couldn't let it slide.

"Say Dash, can ah ask you somethin real quick? It's important." It wasn't unusual for the farm girl to have a reason to drag up Rainbow Dash for trouble, as the other girls knew all too well. But this time her tone was much more severe, making them wonder what exactly was going on. Dash however continued to brush it off. “Oh come on, I’m trying to give this wolf a cool name. Can’t it wait till later?” By this point, Applejack had lost all patience with the tomboy and began to drag her away from the rest of the girls. Once they were far enough away, Applejack released her grip.

“No Dash, it can’t! You promised Peter that you wouldn't say anything about yer little race yesterday, didnt you? Now he’s in a complete funk because you broke his trust. The one guy who’s done so much for our town, and you piss him off?!” It wasn't the most elegant way to get the news out, but now it’s done. All Dash could do was stand there sheepishly, trying to figure out an excuse. But the iron stare from Applejack made it difficult to think of a way out of the situation. “Ok, I might have made a tiiiiny mistake. It can’t be that big of a deal, right?” The sheer silence from Applejack answered that question.

“As far as I’m concerned, you owe the girls the truth about the situation.” Continuing to feel sheepish, Dash walked back over to the rest of the girls, all still curious as to why Applejack had dragged away the now shaken tomboy. “So uh, I might have said some things yesterday that I shouldn't have. I… sorta promised Peter I wouldn't talk about our race. And it looks like mentioning it has gotten under his skin.”

“Rainbow Dash! How could you?!" The usually quiet Fluttershy was the one to raise her voice towards her friend, who quickly tried to defend herself. "I never actually promised. It was more of a loose agreement." Her friend's quickly saw through her thinly veiled excuse, especially Applejack. "But you in some way agreed, correct?" Knowing that she couldn't make any more excuses, Dash nodded her head silently. The girls understood that this was a big deal, especially with someone who they wanted to make feel welcome. Pinkie seemed the most uncomfortable with this little revelation. "You still made a promise Dashie. And you can't break a promise, even if it isn't a Pinkie Promise. You still keep it."

Dash could tell she had messed up. She could feel the disappointment emanating from her friends. "Look, I know I messed up. But I haven't told anyone else, only you guys. And I had to tell someone. I couldn't keep it all bottled up inside. That race was incredible." Knowing that Dash had a habit of bragging, Applejack pushed for more information. "What do you mean by incredible? You beat him easily, like you said."

"I miiiiight have been stretching that a little. I actually had to try to get the win. Peter just kept getting faster each time I did. So I had to blitz him to win. I might still be the fastest, but I reckon he's close behind. I don't get a challenge that often, AJ. And for once, someone gave me just that. And I had fun! I know I messed up, and I don't plan on telling anyone else." While it didn't make them any less disappointed, the girls could at least see some of Dash’s side of things. Being the fastest meant no one could challenge her, so she lost some self control. Pinkie however wanted to be sure of something. "I can understand that. I always get over excited. But Peter’s our friend now, so we have to treat him like we would each other. So I can look past this, but you have to apologize to Peter when you see him next time. And PINKIE SWEAR that you won't tell anyone else!"

The other girls hummed and nodded in agreement. Dash was at least content that she had a means of making up for her part in the situation. "I swear. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" she said while making a motion across her heart and pretending to jab something in her eye. Pinkie's expression lit up with excitement now that things were looking OK. Rarity had figured now would be the appropriate time to set up a possible time for an apology. "Well, I need a model for a new line of formal wear, and from what I've heard of Mr Parker, he does seem to be the right man for the job. Applejack, would you be a dear and see if he wouldn't mind helping out? And Dash, come over later to see him. Don't be late."

While it seemed as if things had been settled, some of the girls still felt resentful towards Dash's actions. Especially Fluttershy. "I can't believe she would do that. After everything we've done to make Peter feel welcome here. I hope he doesnt think poorly of the rest of us.” As if it was able to sense her doubt, the wolf pup nuzzled into Fluttershy's leg, trying to comfort her. Such a graceful move by the wild animal. And then, it finally clicked for Fluttershy.

"I know what I want to name her. Everyone - Meet Grace the Wolf! Oh, I can't wait to tell Peter!" While the other girls hunkered around the newly dubbed Grace, Rarity and Twilight stood pondering, the former curious about Fluttershy's reaction. "Interesting. Her first thought is to tell Mr Parker. Seems she tends to be rather shy around most people…except for when she likes someone." While Rarity was analyzing her friend's sudden interest in Peter, Twilight on the other hand had other thoughts. Seeing as Dash wasn't the only one that had promised to keep a secret.



After they had some form amending ties, Peter and Rainbow Dash had arrived back in the field where they had their first race, prepping for the next bout. This time, there would be no limitations. It was all or nothing. Little did they know, they were being observed by someone they would not expect. She had prepared accordingly and had shielded herself in a lavender glow. "With this camouflage spell, the two of them shouldn't be able to see me." Deep within her mind, Twilight knew that what she was doing was wrong. But she had her orders, and knew better than to question them. She had been at this task the past few weeks, taking special care to make sure she went unnoticed. And each time Peter showed off more of his abilities, she became more and more astonished.



Inside a private room, Twilight watched as Princess Celestia read her recent report on Peter’s activities. The past few weeks had shown much of the young man's abilities, far past what had been experienced the first night the two princesses had met him. Twilight could only watch on, guilt tearing away at her heart. Her friend's had done their best to make Peter feel welcome - Yet here she was, spying on him. Finally, Celestia closed the report, and gazed over at her younger peer. "Rather interesting. It would seem that Peter's strength has not been exaggerated, especially if he can practically undo the brutality of nature in a few days. But not only that, to be able to keep pace with one of our most skilled Pegasi? You are certain he has no magic?"

"Absolutely certain. No one has seen him use any basic spells, let alone ones advanced enough to enhance physical prowess. Not only that, he has no markings to suggest any prior learning. Everything he can do is natural to him." It almost sounded scary to say. Adding what she had seen all those weeks ago, and Peter was starting to sound more extraordinary than she originally thought. Maybe even a little terrifying. But one thought stuck in her mind. "Princess Celestia? Even if he isn't from Equestria, he’s done everything he can to help us. Even the small things. My friends talk highly of him. So he isn't a threat, right?"

Confused, Celestia replied. "I never suggested he was a threat, Twilight. If I ever thought for a second that he was, then he would never have left this castle alive. I sense Peter has a good heart, if at that a lost one. And I can see from your report that he has humbly given his time to help not only your friends, but all of Ponyville. If anything, he has done a commendable service. But I do sense there is more to his story. Something that he will not tell us." So Peter had his own secrets. Not that anyone could blame him. And yet here was Twilight, issuing reports on his actions without the knowledge of her best friends. Was she any better? “Princess? How much longer do I have to do this?”

It was easy to detect the guilt within Twilight’s question. Celestia was all too aware that she was putting her fellow princess through a tough task. Taking the report in her golden aura, she passed it back to its owner. “I think we have all we need. While Peter’s abilities are far greater than we originally thought, and can be comparable to our best, it is clear that he has no ill will when using them. He even risked his secrets to protect Rainbow Dash and young Scootaloo. I have a feeling that he will continue to look out for the safety of our citizens.”

Author's Note:

A little bonus episode to give some insight to how the Mane 6 took the news about Dash's slight hiccup. Next chapter will close off our Mane 6 introductions.

Stay Tuned!!!