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Episode 6 - No Way Home

No Way Home

“She was there… Because of you. I may have struck the blow, but you… you were the one that killed her! HAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Peter's eyes flashed open, the morning light blinding him as he did. Looking around, the first thing he noticed was what seemed to be an IV bag hooked nearby. How it was being fed into him he had no clue. But he very quickly got his answer as he started to feel something in his mouth, which looked to be some kind of surgical tube. Now aware of this forgein invader, Peter instinctively reached up to remove it, but a hand prevented him from going any further. She seemed to be dressed up like a nurse, given her uniform, and she had noticed him regain consciousness.

“I’ll help you remove that, sir. It's unwise to do so unassisted.”

Trusting that she was as she appeared to be, Peter removed his hand from the tube and laid back down.

“If she was a threat, I’m sure my Spider-Sense would say otherwise. I hope it's right.”

The nurse began to unhook other parts of the tube, clearly holding it in place while it did its job. Then with one swift movement, she completely removed it from Peter’s throat. While not a pleasant feeling, there was no indication he was going to throw up. It seemed like letting her do the work was the better idea.

“Thank you for that. I’m guessing it's not the first time you’ve done that?”

She shook her head, saying a lot with just that motion. Tube in hand, she walked out of sight, giving Peter a moment to take in his surroundings. A clock on the wall showed that it was almost midday. How long had he been asleep? And did this world have a similar day as Earth? With the equipment that was around him, it was clear to see that he was in some kind of hospital, and a well stocked one at that. It was also very clean, hinting that he wasn't being locked away by some questionable characters. What was questionable were the two men in armour that showed up at the end of his bed.

“Morning boys. Could one of you pass me some pants? I seem to be a bit bare right now.”

No reply came from the two men, who kept up their stoic silence for a few moments, prompting Peter to try again.

“You know, a friend of mine could give you some lessons on how to do the stoic thing. You still need to talk every once in a while.”

Still no response, which at this point was only getting irritating. Checking around the room, Peter started to survey any potential exits. He didn't exactly want to be around when these guys started pointing swords at him.

“Even if I did get out, I’m still practically butt naked, which would just draw a lot of attention. Attention I can do without. At least my Spider-Sense is telling me these guys aren't that dangerous.”

“Gentlemen, I believe you are making our guest uncomfortable. Stand down.”

“But Princess Celestia-”

No other words came, so whatever happened caused the two to move aside and stand to attention as a figure moved around the doorway. As soon as Peter saw who it was, he couldn't believe his eyes. She was practically angelic, at least in his eyes. Actually, the more he looked at her, the more he was reminded of…

“Luna! Is she ok?!”

“My sister is well, thank you for asking. Are you well?”

That was definitely a good question to ask. It was all slowly coming back to him now, through the fog that was his memory. Bits and pieces were coming back, but all of them were filled with pain and agony. His battle with Darkseid, waking up in a strange world where he…

Had no clothes. And no mask!

Instinctively, Peter reached up to cover his face now that he had no mask, but slowly placed them down again once he realised the futility of the action. But this caught the attention of this other princess.

“You attempted to hide your face. Why is that?”

“I… Where I’m from, I wear a mask to protect my identity. Now, I just feel so naked.”

To Peter’s surprise, Celestia began to giggle. What prompted this reaction? All he could do was look at her with confusion.

“Well, you are technically naked right now.”

A good point, one that made Peter pull up the bed sheets to hide his bare chest, which only made Celestia giggle even more. Though like the flick of a switch, she went right back to a more calm demeanor. Something Peter had not yet noticed was the tray she was carrying, with a very decorative teapot on top with matching cups.

“I had brought something to hopefully restore your strength. It’s a herbal mix that I’ve had for years. Care for some?”

A sweet drink sounded great right about now, so Peter nodded. As the tea left the pot, Peter could already smell it, its scent reminding him of a strong mint and already opening his senses again. As the cup was passed over, Peter got a good look at the tea and a much better smell of it. Somehow it seemed at the ideal temperature to drink too, so he took a sip. The taste was strong, but refreshing. He could drink this stuff all-

Without warning, Peter’s head felt like it was about to explode. It felt like his Spider-Sense had kicked back in full steam to warn him about something. But what exactly? His eyes darted around the room, hoping to hone in on what the danger could be, but nothing stood out except for…


“If she’s right, and she’s related to Luna, then she must be powerful. More than me at least. So a potential threat? Good to know, NOW SHUT UP!”

Unfortunately, he was unaware that this warning had caused him to drop his cup, gaining the concern of Celestia and her guards. Especially the guards, who had their hands on their weapons ready to move. However, one motion from their princess made them stand down while she attended to Peter.

“Are you alright?! Are you in any pain? I’ll go fetch a nurse!”

“No, no, I’m Ok! I just… remembered some things from last night, that's all.”

A lie, but one that had to be told. For as kind as she had been, Peter still considered her a stranger. And he wasn't about to tell a stranger about his incredibly useful danger sense. Not exactly something they had to know right now. It seemed to have passed, which prompted Celestia to ask her next question.

“Earlier, you said that you wear the mask where you came from originally. What do you mean by that?”

“Well, I’m not from around he-”

Immediately, Peter covered his mouth. On the subject of things to not say, that was definitely one of them. He was already a stranger here, he didn't need them feeling any more cautious about him. Too late for that, as the guards once again had their weapons half drawn, obviously now viewing him as a threat. However, this seemed to have crossed a line for Celestia.

“Both of you, begone!”

“But Princess-”

Without a word, Celestia snapped her fingers at the two guards. While loud, Peter could feel nothing special about it, but it seemed to have affected the troopers in some way, as they holstered their weapons and left the infirmary, closing the heavy wooden doors behind them. Just down the hallway, a second door could be heard opening and closing, which Peter could only have assumed was the medical staff overhearing the whole ordeal and deciding to not be close by. Though this concerned him, his spider-sense already warned him that she was a potential danger to him, but she had just kept any harm from coming to him. What was her deal?

“I must apologize. My soldiers mean well, but they forget I can look after myself. However I must inquire, when you say you aren't from around here, what do you mean by that?”

The words stuck in Peter’s mouth. He wanted to say something, but he was unsure of what he should even say. Not only was his identity out in the open, but he had almost outed himself as being not from this world entirely. This was the last thing he needed. But even with his apprehensiveness, Celestia didn't move away from him, or closer. She held her ground, hoping for an answer.

“I… Can’t say. Sorry.”

Not the response she wanted, but the one she figured she’d get. The young man before her was clearly terrified.

“After all, if I were in a strange land, I’d be scared too. And Equestria is not your home, is it Peter?”

Looking around, Peter tried to find something that belonged to him, but seemed to be long gone. What he did find however were his web shooters and communicator. A closer inspection showed one of the shooters was badly damaged, which Peter began to remember the reason for. The other seemed to be in good condition, but no use with just one. The communicator was long since done with, having no means to recharge it. But he was curious about something else.

“So I had a… uniform, shall we say. Any idea where it is?”

“Uniform? I had it figured for a Nightmare Night costume. How odd you would wear it in combat.”

Part of Peter wondered if he should feel insulted by that remark, but he had no idea what a “Nightmare Night” even was. Was it something akin to Halloween? If she made reference to it being a “costume”.

“Well, I’m afraid that your “uniform” was badly damaged and, might I say, had an awful smell. It was covered in blood after all. I know Twilight has procured it, for what reason I do not know.”

More memories from last night began to return. The woman she mentioned, Twilight, was at the battle too. She must have also made sure that Peter was ok afterwards. Why would she want his battered suit? At least he still had his gadgets, even with one damaged and another useless. But this was all he had to his name.

“I hope it's not too much to ask… But could I have some clothes? Mine’s kinda… well, you already said.”

“I think that request can easily be granted. I’ll also have the cooks prepare something. You still look a little worn out from when you healed. No wonder the nurses had so much trouble keeping you going.”

Pointing over to the bedside, there was a pile of empty IV bags on a nearby chair. It made sense to Peter however, given how banged up he was. Even at the mention of food, his stomach began to growl rather audibly.

“Food sounds like a good idea…”


“My word! Where did you find this man, Princess? His appetite is… unnatural!”

Celestia had no response for the cook, having never seen anything like this herself. Before her, on the other side of the table, there should have been a feast capable of feeding half a dozen people. It was all but devoured by one individual. A lot of things about Peter were beginning to stack into the box of mysteries for Celestia, though this one seemed much more ridiculous than the others.

“I’ve only met one other person with such an appetite as yours. She just so happens to be one of Twilight's friends. Maybe you’ll meet her someday.”

The only response she got was a small grunt, as Peter’s mouth was currently occupied by a bowl of noodles. Despite the lack of manners on display, all Celestia could do was chuckle. She could not gripe at anyone who so desperately needed a meal. Eventually, the feast was all but finished, leaving the cooking staff borderline traumatized, As plates were cleared away, fresh drinks were brought out. Peter had only water, but he was trying to surmise what exactly the princess was washing her meal down with. From her reaction on the first sip, it didn't seem like an easy drink.

“Isn't it a little early for a stiff drink, Your Highness?”

This caught Celestia off guard. Did he have some kind of super sense, or was he just lucky?

“You could be wrong. What makes you think that?”

“Well, you flinched slightly on that first sip. The only thing I can think of is that it's some form of strong alcohol. Am I right?”

Setting down her drink, Celestia gave a quiet clap.

“Excellent deduction skills. You are correct. I tend to have some every so often. It's a very aged drink, so I don't tend to have it often. Call it for special circumstances only.”

Once the table was fully cleared, only the drinks were left to be enjoyed. While Celestia enjoyed her beverage, Peter was practically chugging jugs of water, potentially due to dehydration from his miraculous healing. Or at least that's what Celestia could surmise. After a few more drinks, Peter decided it was time to ask an important question.

“I have to thank you for all the hospitality. It was much appreciated while I got back on my feet. But now that I am, I really need to get home. You don’t suppose you could help me out here?”

With another snap of her fingers, Celestia commanded everyone in the dining room to leave, including the guards once again. It was clear to Peter that while she had a softer side, she was serious when it mattered.

“That will depend on where you come from. I’ve had my suspicions about you since last night, Peter. Your ability to heal, the strength you exhibited while asleep, the fact that you could block out my sister from your mind. I have not seen many beings like you in Equestria in my lifetime, and it has been a very long life.”

“I… I honestly can’t remember. It's all very blurry after what happened last night.”

A lie. A poor lie. But a lie that had to be told. Peter didn't have the luxury of letting strangers know what he truly was and where he came from. Though he could tell that Celestia was not buying a single bit of it. But surprisingly, she didn't push any further.

“Very well. Until your memory comes back to you, it might be wise to get to know the area. I could set up some arrangements back in the town you arrived in last night? Something to keep you busy.”

It wasn't the worst idea. Until someone finds him, it would be a wise idea to get comfortable here. Given he had been sent here via Boomtube, it would be some time until his friends narrowed down his location. The multiverse, as Peter knew, was vast. So with some hesitation, and some guilt, he nodded in agreement.


The capital city of Canterlot was indeed busy. A sprawling Metropolis, the royal city gave Peter some semblance of home. This was both comforting and painful. What were the chances that this would be his new normal? How long would he have to rely on the kindness of strangers?

“I’ll have to make it up to these guys at some point. Feels like I've been treated with nothing but respect since I woke up. But wow, that might be the worst lie I’ve ever told.”

“I hope you intend to repay my sister somehow. She is usually a very busy woman, but she has a big heart. She’ll find you somewhere to live until you can remember where you come from.”

The voice was instantly recognisable to Peter. He had heard it a few times as he slept, and was not surprised to see Princess Luna behind him, though not as regal looking as she was last night. Most of her formal wear was gone, making her seem very casual. About as casual as royalty could be dressed.

“I’ll figure it out somehow. Any ideas?”

“I suggest taking up baking. Tia is particularly fond of a well made cake or three.”

Peter wondered how serious this idea was, but for now he took it into account. What he wasn't taking into account is just how many people had stopped to look at himself and Luna. Despite her casual look, she stood out given her stature and unique look. It was only after a crowd began to gather that the two were aware they had gotten some attention. Luna was quick to suggest a retreat.

“Perhaps we should converse somewhere more private? Let's move this elsewhere.”

Without warning, a dark blue glow surrounded Peter as he felt his feet no longer touching the ground. As Luna took to the skies, Peter followed alongside her against his will. Though it was easy to tell that he didn't approve of being carried away in such a manner, which Luna found hilarious.

“Next time, could you at least ask me first?”

“And spoil the fun? I don’t think so.”

Not too far away was a large garden behind the castle, an isolated location where the two could talk in peace. It was a rather serene environment, seemingly untouched by the general public. As Luna set herself back on the ground, she released Peter from her spell, his expression still a disapproving glare. Looking around, Luna took in a deep breath, allowing the aroma to intoxicate her.

“The Royal Gardens. Only those permitted can explore this place. You are now part of a very exclusive club.”

“Do I get a jacket with that membership? I’ll take a medium fit.”

While Luna didn't completely get the joke, she still let out a small giggle involuntarily. It felt good, even if she wasn't in the mindset to do so.

“Now comes my own difficult request. How I can repay you, I may never know.”

Trying her best to gather her thoughts, Luna took another breath, allowing the smells of the garden to peak her senses. Peter on the other hand was blissfully unaware of what was about to happen, taking in the sights and trying to guess the flowers. He had wondered if they were like the ones in his own universe, but couldn't ask out loud. He wasn't the only one struggling with what to say.

“Peter… I know we have only known each other for less than a day, but I have a request for you. Not as demanding as the one you gave my sister admittedly, but challenging nonetheless.”

The question caught Peter off guard, but he was willing to hear her out, mostly out of curiosity.

“Ok, let's hear it.”

“Right… As you know, the Tantabus was a creation of my own making, one which almost hurt my friends and killed you. It was made to punish me for old sins. I cannot fully explain why yet, but in time, I shall. I have a long road to becoming a better person again, and I was hoping you could be, I suppose, a confidante of sorts? Someone I can… talk to?”

It was a tall order for most. But for Peter in this moment in time-

“I’m sorry. I can’t do that for you. Whatever you think I am, I’m not it. I know what you’re going through, I really do, but I’m not here to be anyone’s personal hero. Not anymore.”

This was not the response she had hoped for, but one that she could understand. Whatever was going on in Peter’s head was clearly haunting him so much. And she didn't want to add to that pain.

“I… I understand. I had just hoped that… If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me. I do hope to see more of you, Peter. Please, take care.”

As the sun began to dip on Equestria, Princess Luna took to the skies, sadness in her heart with her request denied. But all she could truly think of was that this stranger who had helped save her, could save himself.

Author's Note:

With Peter now awake, his adventures in Equestria can truly begin!