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Episode 19 - This is Nightmare Night

Episode 19 - This is Nightmare Night

Afternoon had set over Equestria, and the upcoming celebrations were about to begin soon. Ponyville was now the centre of the world, at least for tonight, as Nightmare Night festivities started in earnest. Carnival stalls lined the streets, filled to the brim with delicious smelling food from all across the land, while costumed children (and a few adults) went door to door hunting for treats. Apple bobbing had its winners and its losers, while the carnival games brought only losers, with accusations flying around that the games were rigged (which they were). But there was fun to be had by everything. Almost.

The only ones not having fun at the moment were our group of heroes, heads held low after a rather tense conversation with Princess Celestia and Luna. Their destination was the river where they had been a few hours prior to escorting the Sirens on their way. Peter once again held Adagio on his back, though her sisters were now being transported by Applejack and Rainbow Dash. With the Sirens having completed their mission, they no longer had to remain and could now serve out their sentence unhindered by any guilt.

“If only we could stick around. Seems like a lot of fun tonight. But your bloodthirsty princess has us on edge. Personally, we’d prefer to be as far away from her as possible.” While Adagio’s comments were made to try and alleviate the mood, it was clear that it wasn't working, especially with the undertone that Luna would kill them given the chance. Then again, humour was never her strong suit. She could sense the ever diminishing mood of the group, especially Peter, who’s grip on her tightened slightly at the mention of Luna’s name. “Peter? I’m genuinely sorry we couldn't do more. It's just… without our powers, what can we do?”

Calming his grip slightly, Peter looked back at the eldest Siren, a small but warm smile on his face. “I’d say you’ve all done more than enough. Coming back here was a big risk, given everything that happened. You all showed bravery. Now we know what's coming for us. You gave us a warning. That's all we can ask for.” Peter's words were sincere, lifting the spirits of the Siren sisters ever so slightly. Though the same could not be said for his friends, still trying to recover from the news.

“Well then I suppose our part in this is done. I only hope it was enough.” Concern for others beside her kin was not something Adagio ever contemplated. If it had nothing to do with her sisters, she had no reason to care. So what could have caused the change? Did she hope they’d win so that she and her sisters would be spared? Not likely, as she had gambled with their lives by rejecting Starlight's offer. And had done the same again by returning to warn her once enemies, despite the threat of execution should they defy banishment. So what was it? Was she genuinely starting to care?
She remembered back a month ago to when Peter took them to begin their banishment. He could have killed them if he truly wanted to. And yet he didn't. Maybe she just found him… curious.

“I know we didn’t get off to the best start, but I wanna say thank you. You three didn’t have to warn us. I know the princesses have to look neutral in these things, but I know they’re grateful for you guys risking it all for us. So thank you.”
It was moments like this that made the Sirens forget that just a short while ago, Peter had wanted nothing more than to eradicate them. How could someone so kind have become such a monster? Then it made them wonder - how much of that was their doing? It was then Adagio realised that mistakes had been on all sides. And now all debts were being settled.

“It was nothing, really. We would have been in trouble either way. At least this way there’s a chance for everyone. So do us all a favour and don’t lose.” There was that sarcastic tone that she was known for, earning a glare from Peter as he slowly placed her into the river. But before he could move away, she grabbed his arm to pull him in close.
“A bit of advice, Mr Parker. I know you don’t want to have to rely on all that anger you have, but against Starlight and whoever she’s got on her side, you might need to get a little angry.”

Though Peter tried to withdraw from Adagio's grasp, the Siren held on with such determination, her eyes conveying she was indeed serious. It was almost as if she was more terrified of what was coming rather than the man who had almost killed her and her kin. Peter couldn’t help but wonder what had her so scared. “Well I hope it doesn't have to come to that. I don’t want to become that man again. Not in front of them.”

Adagio knew immediately who he meant. She could tell that Peter cared for his friends, and what they thought of him. But that wouldn't matter.
“Something tells me you’ll have to. You didn't see the look in her eyes. Any reason she had is long gone. And believe me - I’ve seen what revenge can do to someone. I understand not wanting to look like a monster, but the real monsters are coming. And the only ones that’ll get hurt will be those girls you care about so much.”
With her point made, Adagio released Peter and joined her sisters, though she kept her gaze aligned with the young man, her fear evident.

The group waved to the Sirens as they took off downstream with the river. The three sisters looked back, their faces sullen as a sense of defeat washed over them.

“Is there really nothing we can do for them?” Asked the ever hopeful Sonata, on the verge of tears as her optimism began to wear thin.
Aria, ever caring for her sibling, wiped away the tears from her eyes. “There’s nothing we can do now, ‘Nata. We gave them a heads up. That's all we can do.”

The two began to swim off, leaving Adagio alone to contemplate. Even from this distance she could still see the faces of Peter and his friends, trying their best to hide the fear that now gripped their hearts. Was this pity she was beginning to feel for them? Even after everything that had happened a month ago? “Even with all that, part of me hopes they make it through all this alive. Especially you, Parker. You’re quite the intriguing fellow.”

Much to everyone's surprise, Adagio returned the wave farewell, a look of sincerity on her face. Finally, she turned away, swimming off to join her sisters. As they disappeared from view, Twilight stood beside Peter on the river's edge.
“I spent years reading stories about those women. The discontent they sowed, the wars they almost caused. I thought they were nothing but monsters. I guess they have a heart after all. I wish we could do more for them. But banishment is banishment.”

“I don’t suppose you could pull rank and have them forgiven like I was?” Peter jokingly suggested, though it was clear by Twilight's expression that there was nothing she could do about it. “I can’t. Even though I'm also a princess, Celestia still outranks me. And as the senior most Princess, her word is final. Only she can decide. And she’ll be deciding Starlight’s fate too, Peter. I’m sorry.” No response came from Peter, shrugging off the very idea that he was powerless to do anything for his new allies. That same feeling was shared by the rest of the group, as any attempts to find the good in the situation fell flat.

“What’s with all the looooong faces?! It’s the biggest Nightmare Night Ponyville has ever seen, and you’re all being mopey?! Come on! It’s time for some fun!” The overly cheerful Pinkie finally broke the mist of misery that enveloped her friends, and their moods slowly began to perk up. Any anger dwelling within Peter began to dissipate, a welcome sight after the past few hours of tension.

Chatter began to break out amongst the group, with ideas being passed around as to what they would do first. None of which sounded pleasant to Fluttershy, who was infamous for her aversion to Nightmare Night celebrations.
“I’ll pass. You all know how I am with Nightmare Night. Besides, I’ve got some chores to do back home. You all have fun.” All eyes now turned to Peter, clearly contemplating if he should tag along. “Why not? I might stick around, see what there is to see. Besides, I can smell the food stalls from here!”

Upon hearing Peter agree to partake in the festivities, Fluttershy visibly perked up slightly, and just as quickly changed her decision. “On second thought, I think I can give it a shot. I wouldn’t mind trying the food too!” For years Fluttershy's friends had tried in vain to get her to participate in Nightmare Night, only to run into the ever present brick wall of her fear of the event. None of them had even planned to ask this year, hoping that she would instead join under her own volition. They had all expected the same response they had year in and year out.

And only now was she staying out for the night, all because Peter said he would join in. All of them shared a knowing glance, all aware as to why. Now was the perfect opportunity for Peter and Fluttershy to have some quality time together. One by one, each girl thought of a way to excuse themselves.

“Well, ah got a few things to take care of back at the farm before we get to havin some fun.” Stated Applejack, her eyes darting from side to side. She never was good at lying.

“I should check up on Tank. He’s starting to slip back into hibernation mode. Gotta make sure he’s all ready for when winter hits.” Was all Dash could say before taking off, a rainbow streak being left behind her.

“The Cakes need some last minute things wrapped up too. They need a looootta supplies for tonight.” Chirped Pinkie in her usual manner, before she disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

“I should grab some things from the Boutique. I predict a few ripped costumes tonight. Honestly, children have no appreciation for fine stitching.” Grumbled Rarity, none too thrilled about how busy she was going to be tonight.

“And I should check on things back at the castle. Princess Luna will be attending tonight, so we have to be sure everything is in order.” Said Twilight, sounding rather authoritative to get across her task.

It wasn't long before Peter, Fluttershy and Grace were the only ones remaining, looking perplexed as to what had just happened. “I hope they come back soon.” Chirped a rather confused Fluttershy.


Day had turned into dusk, the last rays of the sun streaming across the horizon. It had only gotten more crowded in the centre of town with everyone now free to spend the rest of the day however they pleased. The only ones not having fun were Peter and Fluttershy, who had been patiently waiting for their friends to return from whatever tasks they had apparently still to complete. With every moment that passed, the likelihood of them returning seemed less and less.

“I’m starting to get the feeling that we’ve been bamboozled. It's been hours since they left.” Lamented Peter, his foot tapping on the ground creating a small hole, only getting deeper with each impact. Fluttershy however was a little more optimistic when it came to her friends. “
Maybe they got held up? All those girls are super busy. Let's wait a little bit longer.”

As much as he wanted to give them time, Peter's patience had long since given out, and a loud grumble from his stomach
“We wait any longer and the food stands will be dry as a bone! And a man has to eat eventually!”

The young pegasus began to contemplate their options. She studied the crowd, hoping to see a glimpse of any of her friends. But there was no sign of them. “I guess you’re right. To be honest, I could do with some food myself. OK! Just the two of us then!” A low growl drew their attention to Grace, ever patient and likely just as hungry as they were. “I meant the three of us, girl.”

The trio made their way through the stalls, each pointing out the smorgasbord of delicious treats from all over Equestria. New and exotic smells began to travel through their noses, enticing them to travel over and sample the goods. One stand in particular caught Peter's attention, strewn with assortments of candies. It gave him an idea. “Excuse me, you wouldn't happen to have chocolate coated bacon by any chance?”

The owner of the stand gazed at him as if he was a madman escaped from an insane asylum. “You outta your mind or somethin? Ain’t nobody in Equestria doin that concoction except maybe Pinkie Pie. She’d be the only one crazy enough to do it! Now, how about you choose something that actually exists?”
A disheartened Peter pointed to a bag of cookies, handing over some golden bits which were quickly snatched by the clearly annoyed stallkeeper.

“Chocolate coated bacon?” Inquired a curious, and somewhat concerned Fluttershy, snacking on a cookie handed to her by Peter, who was already on his third and speaking through all the munching noises he made.
“Yeah. I’d have it all the time back home. A good friend of mine invited me to this festival in his hometown. The first year I went, he swore up and down that the bacon was the most delicious thing he’d ever had. Then every year since, we’d get our hands on as much of it as we could.”


The annual Harvest Festival had kicked into high gear, drawing locals and out-of-towners alike. Clark had managed to convince Lois to attend such a small town event. An impressive feat, given the star reporter had a dozen stories to complete, and was a bit of a workaholic. Fortunately, Peter had a much easier time getting Kara to join them. Though it was obvious she would follow him anywhere. The teenage Kryptonian couldn't help but be enthralled by all the sights and sounds, all brand new to her. Her blue eyes darted back and forth at superhuman speed.

“This is so amazing! Everything is so colourful! And so many smells going on. Is that food?” In her excitement, Kara had failed to notice her speed beginning to increase with each step. Fortunately, Clark was nearby to watch over her and make sure she didn't make any mistakes. “Easy does it, Kara. I know you want to see everything, but you have to take things slow. Remember, we have to act like everyone else.”

While the wind had been taken out of her sails a little, Kara couldn't help but keep that smile on her face. And it only persisted once her hand found Peter’s. “Come on, lets go check out the food stalls” The teen lovebirds ran off before Clark could get a word in.

“You really gotta get your cousin off the farm more often, Smallville. If a small town carnival gets her that excited, I’d pay to see her react to a party in Metropolis.”
Lois had a point. Ever since Kara arrived, she had been cooped up on the farm while she grasped her new abilities. And outside of that she only ever socialised with Peter, her boyfriend. But something inside Clark always made him worry.
“I know, Lois. I just… Ever since we found each other again, I just want to make sure she stays safe.

“You can’t keep her holed up forever, Clark. She has to be allowed to make her own choices. Besides, you can’t shadow her everywhere. Especially if she wants to visit Peter in New York. You gotta let her be a big girl some days.”

Clark couldn’t help but gaze at Lois so lovingly. She always had a knack for saying the right things. He felt so lucky to be with her. Before they could share a tender moment, they were interrupted by an impatient Peter. “Clark, let's go! If they run out of chocolate bacon before Kara can try any, I’ll be so mad!”

“Chocolate bacon? You boys can’t be serious.” For as much as Lois adored her nerdy boyfriend, there were limits on what she could accept. But Clark was quick to defend himself. “But it's so good, Lois! The Fishers make it every year!”

Despite the attempt to excuse their weird food choices, all this did was earn a raised eyebrow from Lois. “And let me guess, you boys have been pilfering it every year since you and Pete met?”

“Some of us have rather hearty appetites, Lo.”
Standing at 6Ft 4” and having worked on a farm for most of his life, it was hard to deny that Clark was a major foodie. Lois had always noticed he packed away more food than most. Yet that argument didn't exactly hold up for Peter, who was only 5Ft 7” and much, MUCH leaner than Clark. So where exactly was he packing it all away? Before she could inquire any further, Peter reappeared, taking Clark by the sleeve and attempting to lead him in the direction of food.

“Clark! Vamanos!” Before the two men could get away, a hand snatched Peter by the ear, stopping him in his tracks. The young man was surprised to see his Aunt May keeping such a tight grip on him.“Peter Benjamin Parker! A bit of courtesy goes a long way. Be mindful, we are guests here.” Though Peter tried to get away, May’s hold on her nephew's ear was sound. He did however continue to protest. “You don't understand, Aunt May, the snacks here are so good. Smallville has some fine cooking!”

“Even better than my wheatcakes?” Jokingly replied Aunt May, causing her nephew to panic

“Don’t you go putting words in my mouth, ma’am! That’s slander and I won’t have it. Now, if I could just-” Trying to slither away didn’t yield the success Peter wanted. His aunt's grip on his ear was concrete. And despite having no super strength, it was beginning to hurt. “Then you best remember your manners, Peter. Remember what happened when we went to that food festival in Central Park?”

“Yes, May…” His aunt's attempt to humble him earned a chuckle from Peter’s friends and girlfriend, making his cheeks flush an embarrassed red.

“Oh let them scarper off, May. Boys will be boys, and the impatience of youth is too strong for us old codgers. Now off with you boys. And behave!” The arrival of Martha Kent saved Peter from being berated any further, leaving himself and Clark to hightail it straight for the food stalls, their girlfriends just about keeping up. An exasperated Aunt May sighed deeply. “How do you keep up with those two, Martha? I swear I stopped trying ever since those two met. ”

“It wasn't as easy as you might think. I know Clark is a stand-up gentleman now, but when he was Peter’s age? My goodness, he was such a rebel, especially when he started getting more of his powers. He calmed down more before Jonathan passed.” The mention of her late husband brought Martha to pause for a moment. A feeling shared by May, as both women had lost the men they loved in ways they couldn't prevent. Yet from those tragic moments came something great, as their sons went on to become great men in their own ways.

“Peter had always been a quiet boy. Though I suppose Ben and I didn't help much. But his temper was… wild. We loved him like our own, but some days I wonder what Richard and Mary were thinking leaving him with us. He was so young, and so confused when his parents left him with us.” May pondered. Though she and Ben had always wanted a child, they weren't ready for someone like Peter. It always scared her to think she had failed somehow. She was surprised to feel Martha’s hands upon her own, holding tight to comfort her.

“I’ll tell you a secret, May. Clark has always been good with people. When he lets someone in, and lets them in close, it's because he trusts them. He says nothing but good words about your boy. Almost like he’s his little brother. You’ve done well with him, May. Never doubt that.”

A sense of relief washed over May Parker, feeling more content in her choices as a parent for once in a long time. Perhaps it was because she finally had someone to talk to about it all. She could vent her worries to another who understood. “Thank you, Martha. For hearing me out.”

The two women looked onward, seeing their boys exploring the food stands alongside Kara and Lois, the former eating just as heartily as her cousin and boyfriend were, causing the two mother figures to feel slightly concerned. “We should probably stick close in case they eat all the food.” Queried May.

“Yes, definitely.” Agreed Martha.

As the night progressed, the plan of attack went from devouring all the carnival food to attempting the games. For Peter and Clark however, this was the one time they couldn't show off. As each tried the test of strength, they severely held back their power, opting to have the result be within reasonable metrics. Yet despite the heckling they received from doing so poorly, the two friends couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation. Lois and Kara joined in on the laughter, but Lois noticed that Kara got a little too into it.

Not only that, but May and Martha also laughed at their son's misfortunes, which Lois found odd. She knew both women well enough to know they'd never treat Peter and Clark in such a way.

So what was so funny?


“It does sound like an intriguing treat, but I much prefer some good old fashioned cotton candy.” Fluttershy declared as she tore off a piece of the fluffy pink candy. Peter meanwhile had his mouth full with a platter of noodles, chunks of meat mixed into the sauce. Finally, Grace was chewing on the last piece of some meat she had been given, the sauce matting the white fur around her lips. Though Peter was far from defeated. “I guess I should ask Pinkie if she can make the chocolate bacon. I’m sure she’d be up for giving it a shot. Would be a nice reminder of home.”

Fluttershy glanced up from her sugary treat, noticing the sadness in her friend's eyes. While she had seen him sad before, it was different this time. It wasn't just sadness - it was regret. “You must really miss your friend. What was his name?” Peter could see the name in his mind, but his voice refused to speak it. All he could feel was the guilt associated with the name. But then he began to remember - All the good times, all the days where that name brought so much comfort.

“Clark. And yeah… I do miss him.” Relief washed over Peter, as if being able to say the name cleansed him in some way. He inhaled deeply, both to clear his thoughts, and to take in the smell of the food he still had. Fluttershy could see the weight being lifted from his shoulders, and a smile fell across her candy coated face. The trio noticed around them that Nightmare Night celebrations had reached their zenith. The daytime was now well and truly gone, replaced by the clear and starry night sky, with the moon shining bright and beautiful.

Many of the kids that ran by had dressed up in rather silly costumes, with the odd ones having more extreme levels of detail. Two young girls had dressed up as Celestia and Luna, the wigs having the same magical glow as the Alicorn sisters. Across the way, Peter could spot Applebloom, her lower half mimicking that of a mermaid. It was only after he saw the wig that he realised she had dressed up as Adagio. He also noticed that her two friends had mimicked Sonata and Aria too. “How did they get the costumes so quickly? They only saw the Sirens this morning. Then again, it's not a perfect replication. But, it would do in a pinch.”

Speaking of the Alicorn sisters, Peter noticed Princess Luna, a group of children huddled around her as she made frightening images with her magic. In the middle of her theatrics, she and Peter locked eyes, her gaze as disapproving as it had been hours before. She quickly returned her attention back to her adoring crowd, though Peter held his gaze a little longer before turning his attention back to Fluttershy. Though she had noticed the tension, she held her tongue, unsure of what to say.

As the trio made their way through town, Peter kept an eye out for any other costumes he might recognise. In the corner of his eye, he spotted another bunch of kids all dressed up, accompanied by an adult. They had a grey bodysuit on, the mask having deep red eyes. It appeared as if they were dressed up as some kind of undead creature, but Peter felt as if he had seen it before…

And then it dawned on him. He knew where he had seen it before. Only now he wished he hadn't. The memory in his mind began to grow, until all he could see was the monster that had almost killed him months ago. Its deep red eyes pierced into his very soul, like it was right in front of him, as real as anything else was at that moment. Every part of his brain told him he should get angry, get ready to fight. But all he could feel was crippling fear. Fluttershy spotted him clamping up, sweat collecting on his forehead.

“Peter? What's wrong? Peter, please say something!”

Lost in his own mind, Peter was unable to hear the pleas from his friend, her concern growing with each palpated breath he took. A few onlookers were starting to notice that something was wrong. With each second, Peter's breathing became more and more erratic, with no signs of calming down. Without hesitation, Fluttershy took one of his hands in her own, the overwhelming warmth almost causing her to pull away. But she held firm.

Not a word was said. All she did was hold Peter’s hand, hoping that her touch might calm him down as it had down before. What she did not consider was what would happen if he panicked even more. Her hand would be crushed into a fine powder. But it seemed that luck shone upon her, as Peter's grip remained safely firm. His breathing began to slow down, less erratic and more paced.

“Peter? Are you ok?” A concerned Fluttershy asked. Through ragged breathing, Peter tried to get the words out, though his throat had gone dry.

“I… I think so. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I saw…” The words hung in his mouth, as if the very name was forbidden. How could he tell her? As much as everyone had discovered about him, Peter was sure to keep as much as he still could to himself. The one thing he couldn’t hide however was how he was feeling, and Fluttershy could see it. “Was it something scary?”

“Yeah, very scary. I guess Nightmare Night isn't for me either. Maybe we should call it a night?”

After the amount of time she had spent out tonight, of all nights, Fluttershy was more than happy to turn in. But not until she was sure that Peter was feeling better. His skin was growing pale by the second. “Let's get you something to drink first. You look white as a ghost.”

“Flutters, I’m ok.” A lie, and a thinly veiled one at that. And not one that could be hidden by trying to be cute with her. Peter could feel himself about to faint, vomit trying to course its way up his throat. And unfortunately for him, Fluttershy was able to see right through him, taking him by the arm so that he was unable to protest. And so that he didn’t keel over.

“I’ll believe it after we get some colour back in your cheeks. No ifs or buts. Got that, Mr?”

Realising there was no getting out of this one, Peter could only let out a defeated sigh and complied with her demand.
“Yes Ma’am.”


“I’m shocked it's so late! I've never been out at night this long before. And never on Nightmare Night!” What should have been a quick side adventure to help Peter feel better had deviated into more exploration of the carnival. Even Grace had long fallen asleep, now being cradled in Peter's arms. He had also realised that this was the first time he had ever seen Fluttershy's home, despite having lived in Equestria for around two months now.

Her cottage was situated a short way outside Ponyville. Perfect for someone who wants to be close to nature. And was a borderline recluse. As they entered, Peter gingerly placed the sleeping wolf onto a nearby bed. Though from the corner of his eye he could spot Angel, Fluttershy's pet bunny rabbit, clearly still not happy about having to share space with such a large animal. And a predator at that.

“I should probably get going. I gotta get some sleep in case AJ needs me tomorrow.” Ever faithful to his responsibilities, Peter had to leave for now. Though something in his head told him to stay. To be in Fluttershys presence for just a little bit longer. She was, however, quick to understand.

“Of course. I wonder if we’ll ever find out why they didn't join us tonight. Oh, before I forget, I have something for you. Rarity dropped it off the other day. Said I should give it to you.”

From a nearby table, Fluttershy retrieved a wrapped box, the quality of its presentation extremely professional, a line of satin ribbon strewn around it, ending at a bow on the top. No doubt it was Rarity’s handiwork.
“Thank you. I’ll give it a look once I’m home. I had fun tonight. I hope you did too.”

“I did. Somehow I had fun on Nightmare Night. Maybe it's because I feel safe around you, Peter.” The embarrassed young man began to fidget with his hair, too bashful to take credit for what was a personal milestone for his friend.

“Well, you’d be the only one.” Seizing her moment, Fluttershy got on the tips of her toes, her lips finding their mark on Peter's cheek. The sensation made his brain light up, like a switch had been flicked. It had felt like so long since he felt such comforting heat. The kiss didn't last long in reality, but for Fluttershy it felt like forever. She felt satisfied with every second. “Have a goodnight, Peter.”

As Fluttershy closed the door, it took a few seconds for what happened to sink in. Peter was so taken aback that he dropped the package he had been given. Even as he picked it up again, his focus was still on the door of the cottage, his hand raising towards his cheek while his skin felt like it was on fire.

“Goodnight, Fluttershy.”

Author's Note:


After a lenghty hiatus, we are back in business! We've had to do a little dusting off after the holiday season, but we are back to uploading! Enjoy and see you in the next episode!