• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 1,859 Views, 21 Comments

Destiny or Coincidence? - TalB

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Feeling guilty and making amends

After hearing from the Royal Sisters about what happened to Ponyland after she left, Megan had trouble sleeping over at Twilight's castle, and said, "Twilight, I can't sleep after what I was told happened to Ponyland, and after hearing from them it feels as if I'm the one at fault here."

Twilight replied with, "Nobody said it was your fault about what happened to Ponyland, and you were told that the sacrifices those ponies made was for you so that you can still be around today."

"Why do I still feel that it was my fault especially when Grogar returned to exact his revenge on me especially for being considered a thorn in his side ever since I left him trapped in the realm of darkness with almost no way for him get out?" said Megan.

Twilight then said, "It wasn't just you he was after, it was everyone else who foiled him, so you're not alone here."

Megan then answered, "However, I'm the one who is still alive here while they are all dead. Hearing about that has been stuck in my head while giving me a bad dream or even a nightmare. Whenever I try to go near them, they turn to dust and blow away and then I see Grogar showing up with an evil laughter in feeling that he was ready to achieve his victory."

"Princess Luna will soon be going into the dream realm, so I suggest you go back to sleep and let her help you with this." said Twilight.

Megan agreed to go back to sleep and then saw Luna appearing and witnessing what she dreamed.

"I can see that hearing about what happened as given you a repressed memory." said Luna.

Megan said, "First of all, I'm sorry for the scene I made in front of you and Celestia about what I heard and will probably think less of me now, but now I would have felt better not knowing about this."

Luna replied, "It's alright Megan, because neither of us felt less of you because of that. We would have felt the same way if someone we knew died especially due to the fact that we are both alicorns and tend to have a longer lifespan than the other ponies. In other words, pretty much everyone from our early days are long dead as well."

After understanding what Luna mentioned, Megan responded, "Do you know how to make it go away?"

Luna then answered, "Unfortunately, I don't have the power to make such dreams, nightmares, or even memories simply go away."

Hearing that made Megan say, "What do you mean by that?"

Luna continued and stated, "I can only assist the dreamer on this, but it's the dreamer themselves that can make it go away."

"I once heard that you and the other ponies once stopped a dream creature named Tantabus." replied Megan.

"Tantabus was originally from my dreams. For the most part, it was only me who could get rid of it in the end, but I did create a special pocket that allowed them to actually fight even though it was mostly me who could really touch it." said Luna.

"I'm not understanding this." said Megan.

Luna then answered, "In reality, I can't actually touch whatever is anyone's dreams no matter who's dream it is just as they couldn't originally touch the Tantabus due to being from my dream."

After hearing all of that, Megan then asked, "Now that I understand how this works with you, is there a way you can help me get over this repressed memory?"

Luna's then stated, "I feel that there is something more to this than you just witnessing what happened."

Megan replied, "I just felt that if I was no longer needed to help them, they could at least have said good-bye to me rather than just take me back home and leaving me in the dark about this. Now I can't since they are all dead. However, I wasn't trying to offend you with that expression."

"There is a shaman who can help you communicate with them, and you should tell this Twilight and her friends as they would know more about it. As for your expression I wasn't offended by that since I also know what it means when one is left in the dark. After what you mentioned and giving you my advice, I will leave your dream." said Luna.

Morning came and Megan went to Twilight's room and asked, "Do you know about a shaman who can possibly help me talk to the dead?"

Twilight answered, "I do, and her name is Zecora, who happens to have a hut in Everfree Forest."

They all go over to her hut and Twilight introduces Megan to Zecora as the zebra states, "So the rumors are true that Ponyland's savior has returned to Equestria."

"My name is Megan Williams, and I was told by Princess Luna that you can help me talk to the dead." said Megan.

Zecora answered, "I have a special potion that you must take in order to do so."

Megan feeling concerned about it said, "There aren't any dangerous side effects to this?"

Zecora replied, "I made these myself, and I'm certain they won't kill you or turn you into some kind of creature."

Megan the ingested part of the potion and everything around her turned black with the ponies from her time showing up in front of her, and she said, "Firefly, Twilight (G1), Applejack (G1), Glory, Posey, Surprise, I'm glad to see all of you again even if it's been over a thousand years."

The ponies were pleased to see here as some of them had said, "Megan, it's very nice to see you again."

Megan then said to them, "What was the reason you no longer wanted to come to Ponyland to stop Grogar?"

Firefly answered her by saying, "Being that he was more powerful than ever, you most likely wouldn't have stood a chance with him even if you had used the Rainbow of Light."

Megan's response led to her saying, "I could have at least given a fighting chance in stopping him."

Posey answered, "I understand how much you cared for us, and you would even throw yourself into harm's way when needed, but this was a battle where you had to stay out of especially for your sake."

Megan then started saying, "That still doesn't explain why one of you left the Rainbow of Light back at my home without me ever noticing."

Twilight (G1) mentioned, "That was your real task, and the Moochick felt that it was best to be left with you in knowing how much you have been the worthy keeper of it as well as that it will be kept safe with you should something happen to him."

Megan then looked towards Firefly and said, "I still feel that I was only your savior by accident especially since you probably just took me just for getting you out of the well. However, I probably wasn't really the one you were looking for making me feel as if I was really in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Firefly responded with, "Megan, even if that was the case when I got you to help me rescue my friends, that didn't stop you from becoming Ponyland's savior in the end more or less. Despite all of that, you are still a human from Earth."

"I still don't know why you didn't let me come to help stop Grogar." Megan asked them.

Firefly then added, "Megan, you need to look at the bigger picture, because if he managed to kill you, then both Danny and Molly would have had a tough time explaining to your parents about what happened to you. More importantly, I doubt that they will believe them by saying that you got killed in some land that most of your kind doesn't even know about. In the end, we know that you aren't from our world, and a sacrifice will be the last thing we will ever ask you to do despite that fact that you were made the savior of Ponyland."

Megan then started to get suspicious at Firefly and said, "How do you know about Danny and Molly since you never actually met them yourself along with Twilight (G1), Applejack (G1), and Glory let alone fighting Grogar?"

As Firefly replied, "We knew of them through both Posey and Surprise. They told me when we heard about Grogar's return and was said that every pony no matter who they were had to return to help stop him from trying to reach your world after he knew about the Rainbow Bridge even if we had to sacrifice our own lives just to save yours. In other words, think of that as us repaying a debt to all the times you put yourself in the way for us."

Megan then said, "Nevertheless, I never got to say good-bye to any of you, and it felt as if you just left me in the dark since then without me ever knowing if my time in Ponyland was finished."

They all said in unison, "We never had to say good-bye, because in a way we are still here even right now."

Now starting to feel confused, Megan then asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Each of them started to explain to her why that was the case.

Twilight (G1) said, "If not for Twilight Sparkle convincing you to return, you wouldn't be back in what's now Equestria."

Firefly said, "I'm sure you will get the same kind of adventures and excitement with Rainbow Dash as you did with me."

Applejack (G1) said, "You might find the Applejack you see now stronger and understanding than you did with me."

Glory said, "At least Rarity will spend more time with you as that was hardly the case for me due to me being afraid to even leave Dream Castle when you arrived."

Surprise said, "You can have as much fun with Pinkie Pie as you did with me."

Posey said, "Fluttershy might be scared at first, but like me, she enjoys nature as much as I do."

Megan then thought, "How do you all know about this?"

Once again, the ponies said in unison, "That's because our spirits and souls now live inside our very descendants."

Everything went back to normal for Megan, and the Mane 6 wanted to know what happened as Megan said, "I just realized that the ponies I once knew never really left me as they continue to live within each of you, which is why you reminded me of them when I saw you. By the way, you don't have to always see me as Ponyland's savior, but rather as myself who is nothing more than a human girl from Earth who just wound up being here."

Twilight then said, "Don't worry, we will. Also, you shouldn't forget the fact that there are two ponies that still remember you now even though they were just fillies when you first saw them."

"I won't forget that either, and now I should say good-bye to all of you and return home." said Megan.

They all headed back to Ponyville, and Celestia shows up along with Luna and Spike and said, "You are always welcomed to return to Equestria whenever you need to, and we can send for either a pegasus or alicorn to bring you here and back."

Just before getting ready to leave, Photo Finish has them all pose along with a good number of residents in Ponyville come up and take their picture. After it was done the Royal Sisters took the picture back with them to place it in the very book about Megan and thought to themselves whenever they saw it and said, "Welcome back, old friend."

Megan then waved good-bye to all of them, and Twilight flew her back home afterwards.

Author's Note:

The reason why Twilight and Applejack have G1 in parentheses is tell them apart from the G4 counterparts in that they have the similar names.

Comments ( 18 )

First of all, this is the first time I have actually done a fanfic, so a lot of this is new to me. I will admit that this chapter feels a little too condensed and some of the other characters only get cameos and/or hardly any lines, but this chapter is about Megan being in Equestria for just a day, not several days like another fanfic that already exists. Seeing how it's like this is similar to the episode, Between Dark and Dawn where both of the Royal Sisters are doing a number of things together in one day while singing the song, A lot of Little Things, so think of it like that. The purpose of this chapter was to have the Mane 6 show Megan how much has changed since she left.

I wasn't trying to be defensive, just explain what the chapter was about. Please don't try to take it the wrong way. I will agree to accept anything that can make my future fanfics better. I wonder if you think that there is anything wrong with this one, because it can still be edited. However, once it does get published, only the who actually makes the fanfic can edit, but I'm not sure if that's totally true. However, I always thought the purpose if these fanfics was to tell stories about this series and that it wouldn't feel as we are still in school having to be graded by a teacher. Perhaps, just typing them out and not already publishing will make that work better if anyone wants to correct them should that be the case.

Why is there an OC in the cover art if this is just a G1/G4 crossover?

That one is Delta Brony from the Princess Dark Matter series, and I don't know how to remove him, but you can think of him as one the ponies who wanted to be in the picture when Megan returns to Equestria, plus that picture is also my avatar due to being the only good picture of her being with the Mane 6.

Rushed. Very VERY rushed. Internal monologue is not specified clearly. Present tense or past tense, pick one. I have to ask why do you keep saying things like, 'she would go to the library'. Either a character does something or they do not. Make a freaking decision and state it. Don't say what a character is likely to do unless they stop themselves from doing it for dramatic pusposes. This is a rough draft, not a finished work.

Just about every tense here is present tense especially at the beginning. The very story starts after MLP:FiM ended, which is why the statue of Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow being mentioned. Just because this fanfic isn't very long, doesn't mean that it's rushed. Sometimes, having them shorter does get it down to the point more as opposed to be being longer.


The very story starts after MLP:FiM ended, which is why the statue of Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow being mentioned.

I never mentioned this. And for the record, you need to take critiques as learning opportunities. You want to know where I'm coming from? Read one chapter from my story series. Make it a random one if you want. You will see the difference.

In all honesty, I'm not exactly sure what defines pacing especially whether it comes to be fast or slow, plus this is a fanfic, not a movie or novel. I will admit that the Explore Equestria might have been too condensed with too many cameos in bit parts. Also, the rest of the Mane 6 are really side characters here as they don't even have any lines after that said chapter with Twilight getting the rest of the lines. Another thing is probably the repetition of descendants first mentioned by Luna and again by Megan, or even having Megan making her claim of how she could have helped save Ponyland originally when the Royal Sisters mentioning and again when Zecora helps her talk to the original ponies, which is also where the other two tags finally have their meaning. Although this isn't mentioned, anything that the sisters knew about Megan's time in Ponyland was either by the book that Twilight wound up discovering and by other ponies who happened to be historians in knowing what happened. They did want her to return, but could never figure out when exactly was the right time to do so until Twilight showed them the book that was about her, which also explains why Luna went into her dreams every now and then to check on her but not get involved, though it could imply that they were also feeling shy in seeing her again being how long it was. Nonetheless, this was made to be the start of my Megan Williams Returns series and there are going to be a couple of more of them. On a side note, on another of my fanfic, someone thought that Megan Williams was an OC, but I won't blame that person for not being as old as I am to know the original MLP series.

No offense, I know this is your first story, but you could hire a proofreader to re-edit this story, follow by the rest of the fics, in order to make it better.

I will admit that writing has never been my strongest subject to this day. Despite what you said, many still find it to be a good fanfic to a certain degree. Sometimes I could never understand why there are those who always have to raise the bar and end up never being able to like something no matter how much work was put into such. Keep in mind that there were even times where it took me longer to complete a fanfic even if it was just going to be one chapter, though part of that had to do with it being late at night or other things, not just having writers block at times. Unfortunately, for someone like me, you can't really expect a masterpiece here. Another thing to remember is that this is supposed to be a fanfic and not a novel.

It doesn't matter if it's a fanfic, and hiring a proofreader who could edit your chapters from Google Docs isn't that hard.

Did you at least like this fanfic despite those errors?

It was okay, but I agree with what 10994196 said.

Hello! Here is the review you requested. Plenty to like about the fic, with an interesting setup, a good conclusion and several nice bits of world-building. It falls down on the actual writing, which is rather rough at times, and on some rather superficial characterisation of G4 canon characters. I obviously do acknowledge that it's an old fic and your first on this site; several of the problems feel like those of writing inexperience more than anything. More at the link above. :eeyup:

Surprisingly, you didn't mention how they first know about Megan due to Twilight finding a hidden book about her, and it was even later revealed that the Mane 6 are descendants of ponies that Megan once knew. She also knows the Royal Sisters due to them being fillies when she first saw them, and she is even the one responsible for giving them their names. Another thing to note is that Ponyville still has Paradise Estates, which is a remnant of Dream Valley. The reason for why Discord sort of grabbed Megan is mainly due to it being the first time he notices a human, which is new to him. There have been times when Zecora doesn't rhyme, so it's not as if she always does it or has to. In all honesty, I didn't know that there was a comic on how Chrysalis came to be, but there are claims that the comics may not be canon to the show. Speaking of the mention of the crossover comic, it wasn't just that where I felt it was a missed opportunity to not have Megan interact with with the G4 ponies, but I also felt that she should have been in the show itself, which is why I did Unexpected Arrival to give what it would have been like if that really did happen. Nonetheless, I have other fanfics if you want to review them as well in the near future.

Thanks for your reply. As far as the first bit goes, there's a realistic limit to how many things I can mention with the format I usually use. (This is one reason I linked you to a past example when we were talking in PMs.) The review of this fic was already the longest for that week, so it wasn't really practical to add more details than I did.

As far as reviewing other fics goes, well, I can't commit to anything right now. Never say never! But I'll be honest, when I review multiple fics by the same author I usually prefer the second one to be different. So if you ever write one that doesn't feature Megan and is maybe a pure G4 or G5 story, by all means let me know. :twilightsmile:

First of all, I'm not familiar with your format, but it is what it is. When I did start this "Return of Megan Williams" series, I didn't expect it to be that many stories let alone extend to having G5 characters in it. In other words, I outdid myself by making it that long and possibly longer than someone else here who did several fanfics with her in it. Should you find no other fanfics on this website to review, I do have others, though you can always just give a personal review of them for the fun of it either by going to those fanfics or via PM even if you don't plan on placing them on your blog. Still, it would have been nice if some of the comments on your blog was about mine, but I take it that it didn't catch anyone's attention. As for Unexpected Arrival, that one isn't part of this series but part of what I like to call reimagined episodes in what they would have been like if she was to appear in them.

I know that in G5 Equestria, they definitely do have TVs.

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