• Published 27th Dec 2021
  • 1,132 Views, 13 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls Fresh Start - Alvaxerox

This story is a remake of Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls, but this time, with better writing.

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Chapter 6: time for truths Part 1

"So you were attack by a girl with very big poofy hair and a giant wolf made out of trees?" Sunset asked for friend Twilight via a phone.

"Yes. That girl is one of those sirens you and the others told me about during your Battle of the Bands fiasco" Twilight replied. "But that sentiment tree Wolf creature, that seemed illogical."

"Well not exactly. Their logical in my world. What you fought was a timberwolf. A vicious tree creature from the everfree forest." Sunset said. "Their very dangerous, how did one get here?"

"I don't know. Thankfully it was destroyed in the warehouse." Twilight added.

"You should be more careful, there's no doubt something is causing creatures like the timberwolf to pop into your world." Sunset said. "We need to let the other knows."

"No Sunset. Not yet." Twilight said. "I'm not ready for that yet."

"Twilight, the others need to know about your secret identity, we're friends." Sunset pointed out.

"I know, but only you and Rainbow know." Twilight replied. "I don't know what the others will think, and they would question why I'm doing this. Please don't tell them yet."

Sunset had no choice but to respect her friend's request. "Alright Twilight I won't." Sunset said with a sigh. "She ya tomorrow."

"Thanks Sunset. Bye." Twilight replied, hanging up her phone. She let out a sigh. She then remembers her time with Peter after she found out he was Spider-Man. "I wish I can see you again Peter. I feel like we have a deep connection now that I'm like you." Twilight decided to go to sleep and check in with Moondancer in the morning when she wakes up. That night though... she couldn't stop thinking of Peter.......

In Twilight's dream, she sees herself, in a radical Spider-Girl costume, fighting along side Peter in an all new Spider-Man get up. They were battling one of Spider-Man's villains. Electro. Then the Beetle, and finally, Doctor Octopus. Twilight and Peter shared a kiss in their costumes.

Twilight took short breaths while making out until her dream changed into something else, she started seeing different web patterns, but they weren't just any webs, the patterns are windows to different worlds. She took a peak and see other worlds with different Spider-Men, women and children. A world where a black hooded Spider-Man was battling a masked kingpin of crime. Sorta looks like a luchador.

Another one where it's like how her counterpart came to earth to take her crown back from Sunset Shimmer, but she sees a yellow and green Spider-Man literally using his fists to fight the demon Sunset Shimmer.

There was even one where Twilight sees a cute, sky blue, red and white Spider-Girl with pink highlights on her hair, fighting an evil glowing alien-looking Spider-Girl in another dimensional breach.

But what peaked her interest the most... is a world where she lived in New York City, with Spider-Man, and she let her hair down and had a sleeker costume. They looked so happy, and they had defeated a villain in black armor with red energy.

She then sees a flash of light and she sees a version of herself with flowing hair and a different costume on. Looking like an armored magical woman. "In time... you will learn the truth. There are countless worlds where you and your true love are together forever. I am the first that spawned many. With this knowledge, be wise to your friends, for your friendship will help you. We will meet again... on my terms once more." As the flash of light shines all over the abyss...

Twilight woke up from her bed, her face turned red a bit and she went to go shower. "Was that all... real?" She asked after coming out of the shower. She then heard a knock at the door. So Twilight quickly got changed and ran towards the door, maybe it was either Rainbow Dash or Sunset Shimmer, or the other girls. But there was no one there. Spike would've barked, or yell since he can talk. So Twilight opened the door, and in the porch, was a package for her. She picked it up according to the envelope... it was from... "Peter Parker?"

"How did Peter Parker know where you live, let alone, know you have spider powers?" Spike asked.

"....I honestly don't know." Twilight replied. She then brought the package inside her house and opened it. Inside were two bracelets, looking like gadgets. Twilight then recognized the designs. "Web shooters?"

"Web shooters?" Spike asked whole eating his dog food.

"These look like... Peter's web shooters." Twilight said. She then noticed a note, and it said... 'Use them well, love Peter.' And on the back it had a formula to create web fluid. Twilight was confused, but she didn't care. She hugged the Web shooters tightly. I promise to use them well... my love, and one day.... I'll come to you."

"I hope you don't plan on using those to swing around the city with me Twilight." Spike said, quivering.

"Of course not. I've only Web swing with my magic, but now that Peter had given me his web shooters, I don't have to rely on it that often anymore." Twilight said. "I'm gonna go take these things out for a spin..." she then waves goodbye to her dog as she puts on her costume, and jumps out of the window to test out her now Web shooters.

Twilight leaped from rooftop to rooftop until she got to the tall buildings. She started off at a near bodega store. And crawled up to the rooftop. "Alright, I can do this." She took a deep breath and shoots a web at a wall across the street. "Here goes nothing." She then jumps off the rooftop of the bodega store and she was swinging. She then shoots another web at the next building beside the wall and as she swings, she was building velocity. She used her legs to yank up and she let's go of the web as she felt like she was soaring through the air. And as she dives, she shoots another web and swings, and another, and another. She got really use to the web swinging. She even started singing to herself.

"Spider-Girl, Spider-Girl, does whatever a spider girl does." She then stopped. "Doesn't sound that good." She said to herself. "Oh well. Woohoo!" She continues her swinging until her spider-sense started tingling and she accidentally hits a lamppost. "Ow." She said as she falls down but thankfully landed in her feet. She shrugs it off for a bit and decided to go see what was going on that made her spider-sense tingle.

Twilight sees another spa resort and people were running away. She asked one of the bystanders what was going on. "There's some kind of maniac with weird looking vines coming out of his hands. He's trying to destroy everything in there." The bystander said.

As the woman ran away. Spider-Girl decides to see what was going on. She web zips towards the entrance of the spa resort and sees smoke and then vines trying to grab her. "This again?" She asked. "Why didn't Moondancer tell me anything?"

Spider-Girl then sees a man in a trenchcoat with glowing green eyes. And was groaning.

"Another zombie goon?" Spider-Girl asked. "This doesn't make any sense." She uses her Spider strength to rip the vines from her neck and shoots a web at the vine man and pulls him in, and started giving punches, a swift kick, and then throws him to the wall. She noticed the resort is starting to come down. And Spider-Girl grabbed the vine covered man and escaped.

After getting out of the destroyed spa resort , Spider-Girl sees that the vines has left the man. Making him back to normal. A police officer, an ambulance and a firetruck came to the scene of the collateral damage, and they see Spider-Girl put the man down. The police officer ran towards her. "Did he caused all this?"

"I think so, but he has some vines covering his body." Spider-Girl said. Just then her spider-sense went off as she hears cries for help from the resort.

"Help! I'm stuck. Help us!"

"Oh no. There's still people in there." Spider-Girl said. She then runs back towards the resort.

"You can't go back, the building is still collapsing." The police officer said.

"I have to, it's my responsibility." Spider-Girl replied as she resumes her running back inside the resort.

Walking down the street, Rarity sees the spa resort breaking into pieces. "What! NOOOOO!" She ran across the street as she sees her favorite resort being destroyed. "This can't be happening!"


Spider-Girl, inside the crumbled spa resort, found two people stuck underneath the rubble. She lifts it off of them and helps them out. "Are you okay?" She said, looking at the two girls. They were in uniforms. They nodded. "What's your names?"

"I'm Aloe and this is my sister Lotus Blossom. We work here."

"How did you get stuck under here?" Spider-Girl asked.

"We were getting everybody out safe and sound but when the last person left, that creepy man with the vines around his body keep this in the the ceiling." Lotus replied.

"Well don't worry. I'm here to get you out." Spider-Girl said. She threw the rubble away and offered her hands to Aloe and Lotus. "Hold on tight." She said as she makes them wrap their arms around her neck and waste as she runs and leaps towards the exit.

Back outside...

Rarity and everyone else who left the spa resort were all in shock that Aloe and Lotus Blossom were still inside. "Isn't anyone going to save them?" Rarity asked.

"Look!" A girl pointed everyone sees a shadow from the smoke debris and out of the smoke, was Spider-Girl with the spa twins with her.

Rarity was in awe. "They're saved!" She exclaimed.

Spider-Girl and the spa twins coughed as the hero puts Aloe and Lotus down. And they ler go of her. They then look at Spider-Girl and they smiled feeling grateful. "Thank you so much." Aloe said.

"For saving us." Lotus said. "What's your name?"

Twilight, still in her costume. Simply said... "Spider-Girl."

"Well, thank you Spider-Girl." Aloe said as she kisses Spider-Girl on the cheek.

Twilight blushed inside her mask. But at least she saved the day. "Um... You're very welcome." She then sees her friend clapping. "Rarity?" She accidentally said out loud.

Rarity gasped. "You know my name?" She asked.

Twilight then got shocked that she said her best friend's name out loud by accident and starts swinging away. "Just another day in life of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Girl." She stated as she swings. Everyone cheered for Spider-Girl saving the spa twins' life.

Rarity didn't cheer cause Spider-Girl said her name. But then she realized something... Her voice sound really familiar... And since Spider-Girl was covered in rubble stains, she didn't see the color of her hair. "Was that... Twilight?" She asked herself.

Back at home...

Spike was watching TV, and saw in the news of what Twilight did as Spider-Girl. "Wow, not bad Twilight."

Just then, Twilight came back through the window and took off her mask. "Okay, that was exciting, but I'm done for now." She said.

"Twilight, I saw what you did on the news. You saved those girls." Spike said.

"Yeah I did. But Spike, I saw Rarity." Twilight said.

"So what, she doesn't know you're Spider-Girl." Spike said. "Does she?"

"I'm hoping she doesn't." Twilight replied to her dog. "I accidentally called her name after my big superhero rescue." Just then, Twilight and Spike heard the doorbell ring. Which jumped Twilight. "Oh no, what if it's her?" She asked.

"It could be Sunset, Moondancer or even Rainbow Dash. Only they know your secret identity." Spike said.

Twilight tried calming down. "Okay, I'll check." She said. She the. Walked up to the front door and opened it and she is startled to see Rarity with her hands on her hips. "Uh... Hi Rarity. What are you doing here?"

"What do you look started Twilight? It's like you committed a murder." Rarity said.

"It's....nothing. i... Had a stressful morning. That's all." Twilight replied.

"Really darling? How stressful?" Rarity asked while looking at Twilight's face up close.

"Like... I had a bad back..that's all." Twilight said.

Rarity moved her face away from Twilight's direction. "I don't buy it. If you had a bad back, you would be in a different position." She then walked into Twilight's house. "Say Twilight, have you heard about this Spider-Girl that helped saved my favorite spa girls from my... Now destroy spa resort I like to go to?"

"Uh... I just turned on the TV and just saw it." Twilight said. "I heard.the Spider-Girl's been around for a while."

"True, but she didn't do any feats other then fight off that siren girl from a warehouse." Rarity said. "So, you sure you didn't see her or heard about her saving the people at the spa resort?" She gave out a sus face.

"No. I didn't." Twilight nervously smiles.

"Then you don't mind if I... Go to your room!" Rarity quickly shouted as she ran to Twilight's room.

Twilight's heart started racing. She rushed towards her room. "Rarity wait!" But it was too late.

Rarity sees Twilight's pink Spider-Girl costume and was wearing her web shooters. "Ah ha!" I knew it!" Rarity said. "You don't hear about Spider-Girl, because you are Spider-Girl! I knew your voice sounded familiar when you called my name."

Twilight didn't want to lie, so she lowers her head in defeat. "Yes. You got me. I'm Spider-Girl." She confirms.

"I want one more piece of evidence." Rarity said. "Stick to the ceiling."

"What?" Spike asked.

"Do it.” Rarity said. "It will seal my investigation."

"What are you a detective?" Spike asked but then Rarity shots a web at Spike's muzzle.

Shocked a bit from the pressure, Twilight had no choice but to comply. So she flips up to the ceiling and used her hands and feet to stick onto it. "There. I did it. Are you mad at me since I was lying?"

"At first I was darling, but then I remember how the superhero monopoly works." Rarity said. "When protecting your secret identity, is to prevent the bad guys from figuring you out and tracking down your loved ones to get to you." Twilight then jumped down. "But there is a loophole to that concept. If the burden of keeping your identity a secret is so strong it's okay to share with others to help lift the burden up as long as they are loyal, supportive and trustworthy of you to the very end."

Twilight was surprised. Although, there was more to gee being Spider-Girl then Rarity knows. "Well, I guess when you put it like that, I guess your right." She said.

"Of course I am, Twilight." Rarity said. "Although, I do wonder, how did you ended up like this? I mean, getting your powers and all. And why."

Twilight made a sad expression. "You know why..." She said.

Rarity then remembered something... "The Friendship Games incident?" Rarity asked and Twilight nodded. "But dear, it's not you're fault. That principal of yours was manipulating you all just to win. We'll tell the others and we'll help you."

"The school." Twilight said. "Can we tell them at the school grounds?"

Rarity understood that Twilight was very fragile. But she also has to remember that she's not like her pony princess counterpart. "Alright Twilight. I won't tell anyone to meet at front yard of the school. But be sure to let us know."

"I will. Thanks Rarity." Twilight said giving her a hug.

Rarity embraced the hug. "Does anybody else know about you being Spider-Girl?" She asked.

"Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and my old friend Moondancer." Twilight replied.


Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were waiting at the front of the school.

"So, what is this thing Twilight wanted to tell us?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Don't know. She said she had to get something off she chest." Sunset said.

"You think she still feels guilty after what happened at the Friendship Games?" Fluttershy asked.

"Can't say Ah blame her. She almost torn up our world just to get to Equestria." Applejack added.

"And we forgave her. Remember, I tried to enslave everyone at CHS into my own army to take over Equestria." Sunset reminded the girls.

"Ya know, when you think about it. We are a really forgiving group." Pinkie said.

"That's different." Rainbow Dash said. "Princess Twilight believed we can forgive her. And it took a while for everyone to do the same."

"It really isn't." Rarity said. "Twilight has PTSD. I can tell. And she's trying a lot of thing to cope with it."

Sunset was a little suspicious at Rarity's reaction. "How can you tell she has post traumatic stress disorder?"

"I can see it in her eyes." Rarity said to Sunset. "When everyone saw you as a pariah after your incident, you felt ashamed. When Twilight became Midnight Sparkle, she literally feels a lot of guilt for what she has done. It's almost as if she doesn't want to l-"

"I'm glad you all could make it." Rarity's sentence was cut short as she and everyone else heard a voice. As they look up they see Spider-Girl on the broken statue.

"Spider-Girl!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

Spider-Girl then jumped off the statue and landed in front of the girls. "Hello everyone."

"Who, this is so cool!!" Pinkie said. "It's the Spider-Girl, the only who beat that siren chick the other night and those criminal scumbags covered in vines in those spa resorts.

"I appreciate the nice comments Pinkie, but I'm not here to talk about my deeds." Spider-Girl said.

Pinkie Pie's excitement paused. "You know my name?"

"Yeah. I know all your names." Spider-Girl said.

"That's kinda creepy, sugercube." Applejack said.

"How do you know our names?" Fluttershy asked.

Spider-Girl looks at Sunset, Rainbow and Rarity. They know what's about to happen. "Because... There's something I have to tell you... Or in this case. Show you." Spider-Girl then took off her mask. Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Rarity pretended to have reactions while Pinkie Pie's, Applejack's and Fluttershy's were real as they saw their new best friend in the pink Spider-Girl costume. "It's me."

"Twilight!" You're Spider-Girl???" Everyone asked.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Sorry i took forever. I completly forgot. I already written it but I hadn't gotten pictures.

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