• Published 28th Aug 2021
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Is a Plan B really worth it? - Elmaster48

Under the possibility of defeat a trio of villians try to find a plan B, but things might not go as planned.

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Chapter 7

It was another day, as with the first of the pieces there was the agreement for the trio to get picked up and send to the location where they would find the final piece of the artifact.

The location wasn’t anything that interesting, aside from a giant airship that crashed into a mountain… and somecreature managed to turn it into a home judging by the all the modifications to the fallen ship.

¨an old enemy has the final, piece. He have history so I can’t show me face in front of him, you get into that rat infested hole and pay him a visit. You will recognize the final piece when you see it¨ Said the Prince to the trio.

¨you know, I feel like you see us less as your allies and more as your goons¨ Cozy Glow commented.

¨I show you power, I show you opportunity. Take a risk or forget our alliance. He probably lives in the bridge of that junk¨ and like that he went back inside the ship, then that ship took off.

This time didn’t have any reinforcements, only the 3 of them and a big ship at a distance.

¨looks like there is not another way¨ Said Tirek.

The three of them walked into the mountain, it was easy to climb as it was easy to make a hole in the hull of the enormous ship and get inside. Neither of them feared anything than the enemy of the prince deceiver had.

They continued walking through the ship, looking for the bridge. At least until Cozy Glow said something she had on her mind some time ago ¨hey, I want you guys to tell me the truth¨

¨you are one to talk¨ Said Chrysalis.

¨okay, I’m a liar. But that griffon certainly looks like he deserves his name¨ the filly argued.

¨and why do you say that exactly?¨ Ask Tirek

Cozy Glow took a deep breath ¨Well, it takes a liar to know one right? The false smile he uses when he speaks to us is the same I use sometimes to manipulate fools. That and he made me a small little speech about how good things would go for me if I betrayed you. I suspect he did the same offer to you¨

That comment from Cozy Glow made her two companions stop to consider, that might sound as silly accusation… but both knew it was true, he tried to convince them to betray their companions in exchange of a permanent alliance.

¨he is smart I give him that, tried to pit us against each other¨ said Tirek while chuckling.

¨well, at least we now will have all the pieces of the artifact, I guess we should disregard the idea of inviting him at the attack at the coronation¨ Said Chrysalis, trying to hide her disappointment and anger at the prince.

¨then we must take that final piece to the lair, then think of a way to get rid of him¨ Cozy Glow said completely determined.

Now they knew their course… of their plan, they still are unable to find where the enemy of the prince and the final piece are located.

They continued walking thought the empty hallways of the ship, now it was starting to get worrisome for the lack of guards. Why the Prince Deceiver considered whoever lives here to be an enemy? That was a question that the three of them asked to themselves.

Eventually they found the bridge of the ship, considering the furniture, books and other decoration it wasn’t difficult to guess that it was here where the enemy of the king deceiver lives.

Tirek found a shelve full of potions and a cauldron right beside it. He was starting to suspect that either the potions or the cauldron could be the final piece.

Chrysalis and Cozy Glow search throuth the place to find anything else, they only found more books and even an action figure, nothing really special.

Then a door opened, from there appeared a creature of the same species than the storm king forces… only that instead of a suit of armor he had had a flower shirt

He quickly haves his hand on the air ¨HOLD ON!!! I DO NOT WORK FOR THE STORM KING ANYMORE!!!¨

Wherever he had to say was pretty much irrelevant for the trio, they quickly left him unconscious and Chrysalis wrapped him up inside a cocoon.

The trio spend quite a lot of time searching thought the bridge for anything that looked ancient or powerful, but nothing there look like could be useful.

¨I’m telling you, it must be either the potions or the cauldron¨ Tirek said to Crysalis.

¨there is no way those things could help a cube or a magic generator¨ Chrysalis keep insisting that neither of them could help, she didn’t found a logical reason on why a cauldron would help a cube and a magic generator… and pouring any liquid over any generator would only end in disaster.

In the middle of their discussion the aforementioned potions started to glow and emit a sound… not so violent that suggested that it could explode, but still it was weird to see the potions react without any input.

¨maybe we should ask him about those potions¨ Cozy Glow suggested.

Crysalis walk to the creature and removed a portion of the cocoon to question him

¨What does the glow and sound on those potions mean?¨ Asked chrysalis, while making her best effort to make herself look as intimidating as possible.

The intimidation worked, the creature spoke. ¨just don’t hurt me, it means that somecreature wants to speak with you, just pour one of those potions on the cauldron and you will see¨

Tirek did as he was instructed and from the cauldron appeared a flame, from that flame they could see the Prince Deceiver.

¨looks like I finally have the final piece¨

The creature recognize the prince immediately ¨you? I thought than the Storm King put you on a leash-¨ he was interrupted by chrysalis before he could continue.

¨SILENCE!¨ she then approached the cauldron ¨what do you mean by that? We still didn’t found it¨

¨but you did, I wanted to get rid of you once I have what I needed. This little artifact you gave me can be used as a bomb. With it I can destroy equestria and scare every nation into submission, not even the Storm King will rule over so much territory¨

Tirek pointed out a little flaw on his plan ¨you might scare some cowards, but the moment anycreature challenges your authority you will be done¨

¨don’t worry, the initial scare will make submit enough nations that they will gladly fight for me in the name of their survival. I wouldn’t need to remind anycreature about the destruction of equestria, just send my countless armies¨

Cozy Glow then pointed out ¨then your plan depends that no creature knows that you only have one of those things¨

The prince nodded

Crysalis then asked ¨and what exactly was all of those attempts to convince us to work alongside you permanently? Do you change your mind often or what?¨

¨its nothing really, I just really enjoy making fools think that they are my equal. I love moments like these, when their little illusion shatter and they are cast aside like the rest. Like that little snitch you have right there¨

And after that the fire dissipated and the ship where they were on started to receive fire from the Prince Deceiver own ship, he was fully intend on destroying the ship.

The snitch started to yell ¨I KNOW A SECRET WAY OUT!!! RELEASE ME AND I WILL HELP YOU!!!¨

Tirek went to the cocoon and fully open it, letting go of the creature. He started running and the three of them follow him to a hidden door, once opened they saw a tunel that was now their only way out.

Fortunately the tunnel was sturdy enough that didn’t collapse in their escape, still the constant sound of explosions wasn’t something reassuring.

After a few minutes of running they finally managed to exit the tunnel. Now they were at the other side of the mountain, inside a forest that hid them from view.

Still they were exhausted by the experience and took them some time to breathe, the first one to regain his composure was the former storm king soldier.

¨how is that the Storm King let the Prince Deceiver do anything he likes? I thought that he had him under a leash¨ The creature said.

Crysalis get up and answered ¨the Storm King is no more, he tried to attack equestria and his invasion ended up in disaster¨

Once tirek get up he asked another question ¨do you have any history with that prince?¨

The creature answered ¨something like that, I used to work in the army of the Storm King. I reported the constant treachery and over ambition of one of his lieutenants. He was forced to be called the Prince Deceiver, a silly nickname that inspires distrust and makes him difficult to find allies. A fitting punishment if you ask me¨

¨then you are a snitch¨ Cozy Glow said

The creature quickly answered ¨and you just gave him the magic sealer he wanted so much¨

¨The what?¨ Cozy Glow asked.

The creature stopped to explain ¨he was very serious in looking an artifact called the magic sealer. Some artifact that was supposed to temporary neutralize magic, instead it destroy all the magic and life in kilometers around. Its creators couldn’t bring themselves to destroy it, so they build a fortress to retain it¨

Tirek smirked ¨now, that’s my kind of toy¨

¨well, I hope you enjoy it. If properly energized it could destroy all of equestria, if not half the world. So I’m better getting out of here, Enjoy your end of the world¨ and then he fled the scene, He took the smart choice and decided to flee imminent destruction.

Chrysalis then said to the group ¨well, I’m not sure about you two. But I will get to that traitor and do with him what i will one day do to Starlight ¨

¨I’m joining too, nocreature outsmarts me like that¨ Tirek

Now they were waiting for the position of Cozy Glow… she was quiet, thinking of something.

¨what happen? Did you like it when that griffon used you and disregard you? Or do you want to bail out like that snitch?¨ Asked Crysalis.

¨no, is not that… is that I think is the first time I got manipulated. I totally saw coming that he would try to do it, but still feels weird¨ Cozy Glow clarified.

¨anyways, do you join us or not?¨ Tirek asked.

¨of course, I want to make that crazy griffon pay¨ Cozy Glow was as determined as her two companions.

Now they have to find a way to defeat this Prince Deceiver before he destroys equestria… along with them.