• Published 28th Aug 2021
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Is a Plan B really worth it? - Elmaster48

Under the possibility of defeat a trio of villians try to find a plan B, but things might not go as planned.

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Chapter 1

The clock is ticking in equestria, for most is because of the crowning of Princess Twilight and the retirement of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

But for a very specific few, that clock is ticking for another reason.

¨And this is why we must strike at Twilight coronation, no distraction must be allowed to interfere with the great plan¨ Grogar, being of immense power but forgotten by most, is delivered a little speech to 3 of the most dangerous villains equestria ever faced… and none were paying attention.

While Grogar continued to monologuing about the plan he had in store to defeat Twilight and her friends, Cozy Glow murmured to Tirek ¨hey, he wasn’t he supposed to come back only after retrieving the artifact he is babbling about?¨

Tirek simply waved his hand, trying to avoid Speaking and revealing to Grogar that neither of them were paying attention… if anything maybe Grogar wasn’t the one paying attention, considering that Chrysalis was staring at the ceiling, so maybe Tirek simply trying to ignore the little filly.

Finally Grogar finished his speech ¨I will continue the search now, victory is within reach and nothing will ruin it¨ and after saying that he made his exit and left the trio alone.

Now that Grogar was gone there wasn’t an excuse for Tirek for not answering the filly questions ¨okay, now that he is gone. Do you think is going to reach the artifact in time or-¨ Chrysalis interjected.

¨ponies have a bad tendency of leaving powerful artifacts lying around, maybe he doesn’t found it because some other fool found it and now use it as doorstopper, that or Twilight got it¨ Said chrysalis.

Both Tirek and Cozy Glow shuddered at the possibility, wherever reason Grogar pick to attack at Twilight coronation was beyond them, and the last thing they wanted is to Grogar to delay the attack, ending as a result that they have to continue to live in that hideout for longer.

¨I would choose moving back to Tartarus over remaining in this place any longer, the smell is unbearable¨ Tirek commented, causing Cozy Glow to smirk.

¨maybe if you try a shower once a millennium this place would smell better¨ Cozy Glow was getting ready to flee the room, not before seen Tirek expression over her joke at his expense… but Tirek didn’t reacted, he just waved his hand dismissingly.

At this point he already knew better than to give in to the filly petty provocations… especially because he knows that when he ignores her she is the one that gets angry.

But before any of the 2 said anything to continue their banter Crysalis decided to comment something she had on her mind ¨moving on, I have been thinking that-¨ unfortunately she got interrupted by Tirek.

¨oh no, the former queen is thinking. You better take cover little brat¨ both Tirek and Cozy Glow started laughing at the expense of the former queen Chrysalis.

Chrysalis hissed and made her horn glow, making clear she wasn’t going to be their clown. Tirek was unfazed while Cozy Glow quickly moved behind Tirek for cover.

Tirek said to Chrysalis with a smirk on his face ¨maybe you should learn new tricks to look threatening. I already learn each and every one of your changelings tricks¨ he was ready for whatever Chrysalis was going to do now, even attacking him.

Both were almost ready for a fight, so Cozy Glow tried to defuse the situation ¨maybe we should listen to wherever she was thinking, would be better than Grogar forcing us to clean this place if you two trash it¨ Both Tirek and Chrysalis signed.

Once both calmed down Chrysalis proceeded say that what she had in mind ¨like I was saying, I have been thinking that we should have a plan B¨

¨A what now?¨ asked Tirek in confusion.

¨In case grogar bell doesn’t work or somehow, somehow we-¨ Crysalis shuddered and took a deep breath before continuing ¨we are defeated¨

Tirek simply laughed at the possibility, maybe his first attempt… not, first two attempts to drain equestria of its magic ended in disaster, but now he was sure that things would work out. Meanwhile Cozy Glow considered Chrysalis words, she too didn’t believe they would fail, but that could be also said of her previous plan…

¨so, what do you think?¨ Asked Chrysalis, expecting some consideration.

¨I think it would be for the best, maybe something to quickly run away from Twilight and her friends if things go wrong¨ Cozy Glow still remembered how disastrous ended her plan, the worst part was the lack of an escape plan.

Chrysalis added another point ¨and it wouldn’t hurt having more advantages for our fight, only fools play fair¨

Cozy Glow nodded, she was convinced that this was the right path, but Tirek thought of another possibility that both were forgetting.

¨and the plan you have in mind is…¨ Tirek waited for an answer, neither of 2 could think of something.

After a few minutes of awkward silence finally Cozy Glow come up with something ¨maybe we should try to find a way to get back at the archives restricted area and-¨ but she was interrupted by Tirek

¨did you forget that we only managed to get there because of that silly celebration?¨ Tirek was quick to shatter the filly little plan. But before the filly would try to argue, Chrysalis already pointed an alternative.

¨Twilight castle also has a big library, it should be information about another powerful artifact. Also her castle lacks any defenses ¨

Then Tirek said sarcastically ¨and probably she has a list of powerful artifacts that are still missing, complete with instruction on how to use them¨ he expected that either of them would raise an eyebrow or glare at him… instead they nodded.

It seems absurd anycreature would be had a list of something so specific but… they knew that TWILIGHT would be perfectly capable of that.

¨don’t tell me that she is…¨ Tirek wanted to think that she wouldn’t, not even starswirl would have a list of something THAT specific.

Chrysalis confirmed their theory ¨back when I ruled the hive, specifically when my spies infiltrated that town of ponyville-¨ chrysalis signed, what she heard was so absurd that didn’t wanted to believe it was true ¨-I was informed than once a month, Twilight buys half of the entire stock of the parchment produced in ponyville¨

The 3 of them were silent, completely in disbelief, even Chrysalis who was already aware of the fact.

After processing what she just heard, Cozy Glow decided to break the silence ¨Okay. First, Twilight need to learn to not use so much paper. Second, how do we make sure nopony is at the castle when we raid it?¨

¨Some years ago, back when I still ruled over me changelings. Some foolish Pegasus sabotaged the weather factory and caused an early winter, my spies told me how they did it, so you should pay cloudsdale a little visit¨ said Chrysalis to the filly.

¨wouldn’t I risk being identified? I mean many students from the school of friendship live there¨ Cozy argued.

Tirek simply throw a small robe to the filly in response ¨these things make miracles, just don’t let any fool have a good look at you and you will be fine, it worked for me¨

Chrysalis then continued telling her plan ¨okay, I will teach you how to sabotage the plant. That might force some ponies to get out of their houses to move the snow, others might continue working their shifts normally, I doubt that would be the case in a school of a small town. Unlike in big cities, they don’t have a thermostat and-¨ before she can continue she was interrupted by a question of the centaur.

¨-what is a thermostat?¨ Tirek asked, not a hint of sarcasm, he was genuinely confused because he never heard the term.

¨it’s a machine that changes the temperature in a room ¨ Cozy responded, Chrysalis was initially confused. But quickly put 2 and 2 together and realized that Tirek knowledge on equestria is somewhat outdated and the filly was trying to help him get out to date.

¨okay, moving on¨ Chrysalis continued explaining ¨houses and business in backwater towns like ponyville doesn’t have thermostat, many probably don’t care and go on about their day. But brats from some school? They would probably be send home, but instead of going home they would still prefer to play outside¨ Cozy Glow was already figuring out to what Chrysalis was getting.

¨and while they would be glad of playing anywhere else, most fillies my age enjoy playing in the shadow of that eyesore that is the castle of Twilight¨ Cozy Glow was now smiling, she thought the changeling wasn’t too bright before, that assumption was proven wrong.

¨and the sound of foals playing would force Twilight and her stooges to leave the castle to be at somewhere quiet, do you get where I’m getting right?¨ the centaur and filly nodded.

Chrysalis smiled ¨perfect, now you see why I must lead and-¨ she stopped once she heard one of her 2 companions yawning. She didn’t know who did it, but it was clear neither of them were interested on her boasting.

Tirek then pointed at Cozy Glow ¨anyways, this little brat takes care of destroying the weather and with that kicking everycreature out of the castle, and what exactly are we going to do?¨

Chrysalis answered ¨obviously take any document that seems valuable, that annoyhing princess probably has a whole section on what we are looking for. After that we make sure to cover our tracks in a way than that no one realize we robbed the place¨ she then giggled, almost like a little filly ¨in a way that we probably are going to enjoy¨

Cozy Glow tried to guess ¨are you going to set starlight room on fire?¨

Chrysalis had a small laugh ¨I wish, but maybe setting fire at her mentor library would distress her enough¨

¨well, maybe the fire expands and burn her room¨ Tirek commented.

Chrysalis already shared her plan, now wanted to confirm if she could count on her companions ¨then, are we going to find our plan b?¨

Cozy Glow and Tirek nodded, they were ready for this new plan.

Chrysalis grinned ¨then is decided¨

The three of them now had a plan, well in this case a plan to make a plan b. But anyway, they would soon pay a little visit to the princess of friendship… or her home in this case.