Is a Plan B really worth it?

by Elmaster48

First published

Under the possibility of defeat a trio of villians try to find a plan B, but things might not go as planned.

They might have Grogar bell, they might be able to defeat Twilight and her friends. But the three of them believe that before and in the end their plans ended up in failure.

To make sure this time they don’t fail again this trio of villains will do a quest to find something to make sure that if things don’t go according to plan, they can still win thanks to a plan B.

Unfortunately that might cost them more trouble that they initially thought.

This story takes place before The ending of the end.

Originally this story was going a be an entry for the Cozy Glow Short Story Contest but eventually it got longer than I expected… and well, I thought it would be a shame to cut so much from the story. So I won’t be summiting this to the contest, I’m still happy with the final result and I wish luck to the rest of participants.

I appreciate any criticism. Especially on grammar and spelling because I write these stories as a way to practice english.

Chapter 1

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The clock is ticking in equestria, for most is because of the crowning of Princess Twilight and the retirement of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

But for a very specific few, that clock is ticking for another reason.

¨And this is why we must strike at Twilight coronation, no distraction must be allowed to interfere with the great plan¨ Grogar, being of immense power but forgotten by most, is delivered a little speech to 3 of the most dangerous villains equestria ever faced… and none were paying attention.

While Grogar continued to monologuing about the plan he had in store to defeat Twilight and her friends, Cozy Glow murmured to Tirek ¨hey, he wasn’t he supposed to come back only after retrieving the artifact he is babbling about?¨

Tirek simply waved his hand, trying to avoid Speaking and revealing to Grogar that neither of them were paying attention… if anything maybe Grogar wasn’t the one paying attention, considering that Chrysalis was staring at the ceiling, so maybe Tirek simply trying to ignore the little filly.

Finally Grogar finished his speech ¨I will continue the search now, victory is within reach and nothing will ruin it¨ and after saying that he made his exit and left the trio alone.

Now that Grogar was gone there wasn’t an excuse for Tirek for not answering the filly questions ¨okay, now that he is gone. Do you think is going to reach the artifact in time or-¨ Chrysalis interjected.

¨ponies have a bad tendency of leaving powerful artifacts lying around, maybe he doesn’t found it because some other fool found it and now use it as doorstopper, that or Twilight got it¨ Said chrysalis.

Both Tirek and Cozy Glow shuddered at the possibility, wherever reason Grogar pick to attack at Twilight coronation was beyond them, and the last thing they wanted is to Grogar to delay the attack, ending as a result that they have to continue to live in that hideout for longer.

¨I would choose moving back to Tartarus over remaining in this place any longer, the smell is unbearable¨ Tirek commented, causing Cozy Glow to smirk.

¨maybe if you try a shower once a millennium this place would smell better¨ Cozy Glow was getting ready to flee the room, not before seen Tirek expression over her joke at his expense… but Tirek didn’t reacted, he just waved his hand dismissingly.

At this point he already knew better than to give in to the filly petty provocations… especially because he knows that when he ignores her she is the one that gets angry.

But before any of the 2 said anything to continue their banter Crysalis decided to comment something she had on her mind ¨moving on, I have been thinking that-¨ unfortunately she got interrupted by Tirek.

¨oh no, the former queen is thinking. You better take cover little brat¨ both Tirek and Cozy Glow started laughing at the expense of the former queen Chrysalis.

Chrysalis hissed and made her horn glow, making clear she wasn’t going to be their clown. Tirek was unfazed while Cozy Glow quickly moved behind Tirek for cover.

Tirek said to Chrysalis with a smirk on his face ¨maybe you should learn new tricks to look threatening. I already learn each and every one of your changelings tricks¨ he was ready for whatever Chrysalis was going to do now, even attacking him.

Both were almost ready for a fight, so Cozy Glow tried to defuse the situation ¨maybe we should listen to wherever she was thinking, would be better than Grogar forcing us to clean this place if you two trash it¨ Both Tirek and Chrysalis signed.

Once both calmed down Chrysalis proceeded say that what she had in mind ¨like I was saying, I have been thinking that we should have a plan B¨

¨A what now?¨ asked Tirek in confusion.

¨In case grogar bell doesn’t work or somehow, somehow we-¨ Crysalis shuddered and took a deep breath before continuing ¨we are defeated¨

Tirek simply laughed at the possibility, maybe his first attempt… not, first two attempts to drain equestria of its magic ended in disaster, but now he was sure that things would work out. Meanwhile Cozy Glow considered Chrysalis words, she too didn’t believe they would fail, but that could be also said of her previous plan…

¨so, what do you think?¨ Asked Chrysalis, expecting some consideration.

¨I think it would be for the best, maybe something to quickly run away from Twilight and her friends if things go wrong¨ Cozy Glow still remembered how disastrous ended her plan, the worst part was the lack of an escape plan.

Chrysalis added another point ¨and it wouldn’t hurt having more advantages for our fight, only fools play fair¨

Cozy Glow nodded, she was convinced that this was the right path, but Tirek thought of another possibility that both were forgetting.

¨and the plan you have in mind is…¨ Tirek waited for an answer, neither of 2 could think of something.

After a few minutes of awkward silence finally Cozy Glow come up with something ¨maybe we should try to find a way to get back at the archives restricted area and-¨ but she was interrupted by Tirek

¨did you forget that we only managed to get there because of that silly celebration?¨ Tirek was quick to shatter the filly little plan. But before the filly would try to argue, Chrysalis already pointed an alternative.

¨Twilight castle also has a big library, it should be information about another powerful artifact. Also her castle lacks any defenses ¨

Then Tirek said sarcastically ¨and probably she has a list of powerful artifacts that are still missing, complete with instruction on how to use them¨ he expected that either of them would raise an eyebrow or glare at him… instead they nodded.

It seems absurd anycreature would be had a list of something so specific but… they knew that TWILIGHT would be perfectly capable of that.

¨don’t tell me that she is…¨ Tirek wanted to think that she wouldn’t, not even starswirl would have a list of something THAT specific.

Chrysalis confirmed their theory ¨back when I ruled the hive, specifically when my spies infiltrated that town of ponyville-¨ chrysalis signed, what she heard was so absurd that didn’t wanted to believe it was true ¨-I was informed than once a month, Twilight buys half of the entire stock of the parchment produced in ponyville¨

The 3 of them were silent, completely in disbelief, even Chrysalis who was already aware of the fact.

After processing what she just heard, Cozy Glow decided to break the silence ¨Okay. First, Twilight need to learn to not use so much paper. Second, how do we make sure nopony is at the castle when we raid it?¨

¨Some years ago, back when I still ruled over me changelings. Some foolish Pegasus sabotaged the weather factory and caused an early winter, my spies told me how they did it, so you should pay cloudsdale a little visit¨ said Chrysalis to the filly.

¨wouldn’t I risk being identified? I mean many students from the school of friendship live there¨ Cozy argued.

Tirek simply throw a small robe to the filly in response ¨these things make miracles, just don’t let any fool have a good look at you and you will be fine, it worked for me¨

Chrysalis then continued telling her plan ¨okay, I will teach you how to sabotage the plant. That might force some ponies to get out of their houses to move the snow, others might continue working their shifts normally, I doubt that would be the case in a school of a small town. Unlike in big cities, they don’t have a thermostat and-¨ before she can continue she was interrupted by a question of the centaur.

¨-what is a thermostat?¨ Tirek asked, not a hint of sarcasm, he was genuinely confused because he never heard the term.

¨it’s a machine that changes the temperature in a room ¨ Cozy responded, Chrysalis was initially confused. But quickly put 2 and 2 together and realized that Tirek knowledge on equestria is somewhat outdated and the filly was trying to help him get out to date.

¨okay, moving on¨ Chrysalis continued explaining ¨houses and business in backwater towns like ponyville doesn’t have thermostat, many probably don’t care and go on about their day. But brats from some school? They would probably be send home, but instead of going home they would still prefer to play outside¨ Cozy Glow was already figuring out to what Chrysalis was getting.

¨and while they would be glad of playing anywhere else, most fillies my age enjoy playing in the shadow of that eyesore that is the castle of Twilight¨ Cozy Glow was now smiling, she thought the changeling wasn’t too bright before, that assumption was proven wrong.

¨and the sound of foals playing would force Twilight and her stooges to leave the castle to be at somewhere quiet, do you get where I’m getting right?¨ the centaur and filly nodded.

Chrysalis smiled ¨perfect, now you see why I must lead and-¨ she stopped once she heard one of her 2 companions yawning. She didn’t know who did it, but it was clear neither of them were interested on her boasting.

Tirek then pointed at Cozy Glow ¨anyways, this little brat takes care of destroying the weather and with that kicking everycreature out of the castle, and what exactly are we going to do?¨

Chrysalis answered ¨obviously take any document that seems valuable, that annoyhing princess probably has a whole section on what we are looking for. After that we make sure to cover our tracks in a way than that no one realize we robbed the place¨ she then giggled, almost like a little filly ¨in a way that we probably are going to enjoy¨

Cozy Glow tried to guess ¨are you going to set starlight room on fire?¨

Chrysalis had a small laugh ¨I wish, but maybe setting fire at her mentor library would distress her enough¨

¨well, maybe the fire expands and burn her room¨ Tirek commented.

Chrysalis already shared her plan, now wanted to confirm if she could count on her companions ¨then, are we going to find our plan b?¨

Cozy Glow and Tirek nodded, they were ready for this new plan.

Chrysalis grinned ¨then is decided¨

The three of them now had a plan, well in this case a plan to make a plan b. But anyway, they would soon pay a little visit to the princess of friendship… or her home in this case.

Chapter 2

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It was a normal day in ponyville, or at least it should had been, something happened in cludsdale, probably a clumsy worker or some accident and now is snowing in plain summer.

Most adult ponies still had to work in spite of everything, with the exception of school. Colts and fillies got send back home, but instead of getting back home they preffeer to play outside and take the opportunity to play in an early winter.

The outskirts of Twilight castle got a certain reputation, between the castle height that makes it easily to find for foals that live in the town and the closeness to the school of friendship made the outskirts of twilight castle a good meeting point between foals who are native to the town and ponies who move to the town for the school.

Maybe wasn’t intended but served well to make new friendship, so the princess of friendship didn’t complain much.

Unfortunately they made a lot of noise, so the Princess of friendship couldn’t focus on her paperwork.

¨seriously spike, sometimes I wish I could use a bubble spell to make this castle sound proof¨ Twilight remarked. Even thou she is happy with the idea of youngsters playing outside her home… still the noise is a little annoying.

¨me too, but remember what happened the last time? it wasn’t pretty¨ Spike didn’t like to remember the incident with the giant snake. The worst part was than the 2 of them had to apologize to the entire town for not helping with that incident, even though they didn’t have way of knowing…

¨you know something? Maybe we should visit fluttershy, maybe her animals need help to adjust to this weather¨ Twilight said while she gets up from her chair.

¨good idea, but where did starlight go?¨ asked spike, he didn’t saw Starlight all day since Twilight let the students go home.

¨I think she went to help sunburst move to ponyville. Hopefully they are ready for tomorrow¨ Said Twlight, while walking to the door to exit the castle.

Spike follow her, and both left the castle alone, didn’t mean much because ponies in that town known to respect the princess of friendship.

Chrysalis and Tirek watched Twilight castle at a distance, in spite of the horrible weather she managed to remain standing still on a roof without being seen.

¨How long she is going to take to leave¨ said Tirek, already tired of waiting.

¨she should leave already, even from here I can hear those annoying brats¨ said Chrysalis while adjusting her binoculars.

¨speaking of brats, maybe the little one could get here and help us with-¨ Tirek was interrupted by the yells from a mare from inside the house.

¨can you two shut up already? I’m trying to sleep!¨said a voice from inside the house.

Even with all of the snow they could see clearly the sun… it was 11 of the morning, not exactly time for being sleep… which prompted Tirek to ask to owner the house ¨isn’t too late for being sleep? You should be out, either working or playing in the snow!¨

The mare from inside the house answered ¨I drank too much yesterday, that moonshine was stronger than I thought¨

¨MOONSHINE! Where did you get it?¨ ask Chrysalis.

¨Why are you sitting on my roof, possibly overlooking at the castle of the princess of friendship? Now that we are asking question…¨ That was a good question raised by the owner of the house.

The silence made clear neither Tirek or Chrysalis was going to answer.

¨as I thought, if you want some of this stuff you can come back in a few days. I might sell you some of this, but now please… SHUT UP AND LET ME SLEEP!!!¨ and after that the Changeling and Centaur could hear snoring, the angry mare was now sleeping again.

Tirek leaned to Chrysalis and then whisper in her hear ¨moonshine? What is that?¨

Chrysalis whispered to Tirek her response ¨some of the best things that you can put in your mouth, after we defeat those annoying princesses we might drink it to celebrate¨

With that conversation out of the way both decided to continue watching Twilight castle for a few more minutes…

Until they finally saw it.

Princess Twilight and his pet spike exiting the castle, blissfully that their home was going to get invaded.

¨Yes¨ said both the centaur and changeling. Now they just had to wait a little longer until they were far enough…

Tirek and Chrysalis managed to sneak into the castle, from there they could quickly locate the library, they certainly were surprised by the huge assortment of books and documents.

¨I can’t believe it, she is really that obsessive with organizing documents and books as you and the brat said. Not even that bearded fool starswirl is so obsessive¨ Tirek was seen the different books and documents, each organized from name, publication period and even market value.

¨which will make it more fun when we burn this place after we are done¨ Said chrysalis while laughing to herself.

Both proceeded to plunder the library, searching thought books for anyone categorizing dangerous artifacts.

… That took some time, more than they wish. The library was well organized, but they still were unable to find what they were looking for.

¨dangeours pets, dangerous drinks, even a about dangerous beds! Why is so difficult to get anything on dangerous artifacts?¨ Chrysalis patiente was getting to a boiling point.

Tirek too was frustrated, the best thing he found was a list enumerating dangerous beings… and his only interest was seen if there was anything about him on it.

¨this is useless, at this point the annoying princess will come back before we find anything!¨ Chrysalis continue venting her frustration, she was almost ready to throw the towel.

Suddenly both of them heard the castle door opening. Both got ready for a fight, at best one of Twilight friends came to visit, Chrysalis would be able to dissuade her to go elsewhere… at worst it could be…¨

¨did you found it?¨ It was Cozy Glow, wearing the tunic that tirek gave her.

Both Tirek and Chrysalis sigh in frustration.

¨not, and in this point I’m better off burning this place down¨ Said Chrysalis while frowning.

¨seconded¨ Tirek shared Chrysalis feeling on the matter.

Cozy Glow Proceeded to sit on one of the tables and try to get some rest ¨well, when I used to be Twilight friendship assistant- ¨ Cozy Glow noticed how the centaur and changeling glared at her ¨hey don’t judge me, you too had to do weird things to go ahead. Anyways, she once said that she sometimes hides dangerous documents inside furniture¨

¨and why just now you tell us about it?¨ Crysalis said, unamused.

¨uhhhh… I forgot?¨ Cozy Glow tried her biggest and fakest smile she has been able to master, needless to say didn’t work to calm down her companions.

Tirek frowned and said to the filly ¨I think I know what piece of furniture to start, maybe I could use your head to open it¨

Tirek proceeded to chase Cozy Glow all over the castle, the wings gave her a little advantage on speed but the centaur was fast for his size.

Meanwhile Chrysalis took some pieces of wood and put them close to one of the bookcases, she was fully intended to burn the books already and get out already, it was a big waste of time and seen the brat getting her flank kicked wasn’t even fun at this point.

¨COME HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!¨ Tirek screamed while chasing the little filly, getting awfully close.

¨COME ON! THIS WAS CHRYSALIS IDEA!¨ Cozy Glow was getting tired and would soon get cached by the centaur.

Tirek continue chasing the Pegasus, but unfortunately for him when they got back to the library he tripped with one of the book on the ground. With that he fell over a table and broke it.

Cozy Glow stop running away to get close to the centaur… so she can laugh at him in front of his face, maybe she is now guaranteed to get her flank kicked… but for her this was worth it.

¨when I get up I will use you as a shovel to dig your grave¨ Tirek tried to get up but he tripped with the crystalline floor, certainly that castle was full of safety hazards.

Cozy Glow continued laughing at Tirek misfortune. For her all of this was worth it, including all of the hassle that was infiltrating the weather factory to sabotage it from within or fly all the way from Cloudsdale to Ponyville with the horrible weather she caused.

Chrysalis meanwhile was trying to ignore her two companions, for the filly it was expected that she would… act like a kid. But definitely wasn’t expecting Tirek to get at her level.

Tirek suffered enough humiliating and stood up, trying to look imposing. The filly simply decided to look elsewhere… and think of her exit strategy.

Tirek was ready to begin chasing Cozy Glow again when he noticed a small piece of paper on one of his forelegs, he graved it and noticed it was a document. He proceeded to ready it just out of curiosity.

Active Storm king lieutenants:

Tempest Shadow (Fizzlepop Berrytwist) reformed, asked to join the royal guard. Insist into joining the guard after she dealt with the Storm King remaining lieutenants

General Gladius (Unable to get his true name) surrendered after Canterlot was liberated, accepted pardon in exchange of helping repair the city and apologize to Canterlot citizens for the attack.

Captain Frost (Unable to get her true name) Reformed. Accepted use his ship and crew to help tempest shadow in dealing with other lieutenants, only asked to be able to keep his ship and continue his days as a merchant

Ravager Of Cities (Unable to get his true name) Captured, awaiting deportation and trial in Saddle Arabia for raiding unknown number Saddle Arabian towns. Extra security after attempt of escape. Extra Extra security after second attempt to escape. Extra extra extra security after third attempt to escape. Currently holding record for most attempt of scape an equestrian holding facility with 5 attempts of escape… Note that he was captured the first time only a week ago. Deported.

Prince Deceiver (Unable to get his true name)

Tirek made sure to read the letter twice, the Storm King was a intimidating name enough to catch his eye. Maybe he would be better companionship that the 2 weaklings he is dealing with.

¨what happened Tirek? that letter say something interesting?¨ asked Cozy Glow to Tirek

Tirek simply decided to ask ¨Who is the Storm King exactly?¨

Cozy Glow simply waved her hoof dismissingly and answered ¨some crazy warlord that attacked Canterlot and got turn into stone, I doubt they get the chance to do that to us¨

¨maybe we could rescue him and he could help us find some crazy artifact¨ Tirek said.

Cozy Glow simply shook her head ¨I doubt it, just after he got turn into stone he fell from a high altitude and got smashed to pieces¨

Tirek winced at the filly words, he certainly wasn’t expecting the ponies to have the guts to do something like that.

Cozy Glow noticed the reaction of the centaur and decided to clarify ¨According to Princess Twilight it was an accident and she didn’t intended to kill him, I guess she isn’t beyond lying¨

Tirek simply snored.

Chrysalis overheard the conversation, she was at least pleased these 2 stop fooling around.

Chrysalis walked into her companions and started barking orders ¨well, all of this was for nothing. Now help me to burn this place and let’s get out of here¨

Tirek with his arm put the list in front of the former queen face.

¨what is this?¨ she asked

¨a list of the lieutenants of that worthless warlord that Twilight dealt with. This ravager guy sounds real interesting¨ Said Tirek.

Chrysalis read the list, she was unimpressed with the amount of lieutenants who surrendered instead of continuing the fight. Then again, her changelings abandoned at the first chance they got so maybe she wasn’t one to speak.

¨yeah, but he probably is just a savage that the storm king kept around for his amusement¨ Chrysalis was still uninterested on that list of defeated enemies.

¨can I read it?¨ asked Cozy Glow.

Tirek put the letter right unto the filly nose, almost hitting her… the filly decided to ignore that passive aggressive gesture and read the letter.

¨huh, that ravager really sounds cool. Too bad saddle Arabia is too far, and he is probably surrounded with more guards than Princess Celestia, maybe we should see if we could contact that deceiver guy?¨

Tirek and Crysalis glared at the filly, totally unimpressed with her new proposition.

Crysalis pretty much sum up their feelings on the matter ¨right now we are too crowded as it is, that and he is probably wanted by almost every nation. So it might draw too much attention¨

Cozy Glow simply glared at her and let out a cough.

Tirek then had an idea ¨maybe we could convince him that attacking Twilight at her coronation would be a good idea. After he gets defeated we could get them by surprised while they are tired¨

Cozy Glow smiled ¨then is decided, we should find this little Prince¨

Chrysalis hissed ¨I still didn’t agree on this¨

Tirek smirked ¨Two against one, votes are casted¨

Chrysalis eyes started to glow with her fury ¨we aren’t a democracy¨

Tirek was about to taunt Chrysalis with some sassy comment... when a question rose up and asked Cozy Glow ¨hey brat, what’s a democracy?¨

¨A system where anyone cast votes on decisions that affects everycreature, if a majority says yes the minority says no that minority need to shut up and obey the majority¨ Cozy Glow said plainly

¨A foolish practice that I’m glad my grandmother forbade on the hive, at least that traitor Thorax was able to keep the hive away from that pest¨ Chrysalis commented.

The three of them stared at each other, they had new plan right in front of them and instead were talking about systems of government.

¨So, we continue arguing or we do this?¨ Tirek asked Chrysalis.

¨Wherever¨ said Chrysalis, she wasn’t in the mood to argue anymore.

Now comes the fun part.

Chrysalis lit the fires and with that a fire was starting. Tirek meanwhile throw as many tables and chairs at the burning rubble to increase the fire, all while Cozy Glow did nothing.

At the sight of the filly doing nothing Crysalis asked Cozy Glow ¨are you going to do something or you are just going to stare¨

¨do I look like I can carry that much stuff? Also I want to enjoy the view¨

Tirek then said to the filly ¨that’s too bad, because right now we need to go.¨

Cozy Glow put a sad face, then again. She knew better than to get caught by Twilight in this situation.

The trio of villains managed to exit the castle without being seen, they watched at a distance how from the castle windows it was exiting a lot of smoke and the citizens of Ponyville started to surround the castle.

¨even if nothing comes out of this plan, at least this part was worth it¨ Said Tirek.

The changeling and filly nodded.

They continue watching the scene unfold, they waited until a distressed Twilight alongside her friends came to the castle. They quickly put off the flames, even at a distance they could see how upset was the princess was at the sight of her home burning… even if it was centered in one room… then again, it was at the library so that really would hit a nerve on her.

The trio of villains tried to contain their laughter, in the end they decided they had enough fun and they should better get back home to plan their next step.

Chapter 3

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It was a normal day in the royal guard headquarters. It is a busy place, mainly because many were organizing the security for the coronation of Twilight. But also because some busy ponies were still coordinating the hassle that represented the operation for the capture of the remaining Storm King forces, there was only one lieutenant left but still, operations didn’t stopped.

That’s when well-known mare walked straight into the headquarters. No need for identification, everypony knew who she was.

¨Tempest Shadow¨ a guard murmured while glaring at the mare with a mix of disgust and anger.

She may have help the element bearers to defeat the Storm King… but everypony knows that she was working with him until the last second where she switched sides. She might be still helping equestria to take care of any royalist forces of the Storm King… but feelings were still complicated regarding the unicorn with the broken horn.

Tempest continued walking through the base, she was probably looking for something. Eventually she saw a stallion, possibly an officer judging by the uniform and got close to him.

¨I was told that you have some documents about the Prince Deceiver, I want to cross-reference¨ Said the unicorn.

The commander nodded and guided the unicorn into a room full of documents.

The room was enormous, if one doesn’t know where to look the search for even the most basic information would take days.

¨right here ma'am, normally one need a special permission for this kind of thing, but Princess Twilight gave you full access to documents regarding the Storm King lieutenants¨ the commander said while was preparing to leave.

¨can you help me?¨ Ask tempest.

The commander shook his head showing his disinterest and started walking to the door.

Tempest insisted ¨I really need your help¨

The commanded turned and walked right in front of tempest to tell her about the importance of his job… when tempest started glaring at him with a seductive smile.

¨if you help me find those documents… maybe I can show you certain things about me¨ Tempest stared at the commander at the eye.

The commander found Tempest eyes quite good to look at, he was under the impression that her eyes were cold light blue, almost lifeless… but her eyes were in truth green, both beautiful and seductive.

No stallion would call himself a stallion if they refused. So the Commander went troughs the boxes full of documents and brought different papers. A list of reports of places where the prince deceiver was sighted, a list of different military tactics and known allies. And even photos of the guy, surprisingly the Prince Deceiver was a griffon instead of being of the same species than the Storm King or his soldiers.

¨thank you, maybe I can show you something in return¨ Said tempest while approaching the Captain.

The Captain removed his helmet and closed his eyes. The next thing he felt it was the most wonderful kiss he ever had…

And right after that he felt his head smashing into the floor while he lost consciousness.

¨It always works¨ Said the false Tempest Shadow that in truth was Chrysalis, she finally found what she was looking for.

Lord Tirek and Cozy glow were waiting for Chrysalis in the lair of Grogar. The changeling insisted that she would be able to get information on the Prince Deceiver way quicker than if she went with them. Especially because she could adopt the form of different creatures, so she would be able get anywhere and possibly ask question without drawing too much attention.

But that mean that Tirek and Cozy Glow didn’t had much to do for the day, so they decided to play game after game of chess in one of the rooms of the lair.

¨You know, judging by your cutie mark I expected that you were better at this game¨ Said Tirek while doing another checkmate.

¨yeah, sure I would had gotten way far in life if my special talent was playing chest instead of manipulating fools¨ Cozy Glow answered while signing in frustration for losing a third game in a row.

¨Now I think about it, I never asked before. How did you got your cutie mark exactly?¨ asked Tirek while setting the pieces for another game.

The filly simply signed and then answered ¨it was before enrolling at that school of Twilight, it’s a long story¨

Tirek insisted on his question while finishing putting all the chest pieces in place. ¨Well, we might have all day until that bug comes here, so I can hear it.¨

Cozy Glow frowned ¨okay okay. You see, I was fooled with the idea of freedom and that I would get a good life if I simply stowaway on that train that went to the city of-¨ before she could continue she heard Chrysalis entering the room, she was never so glad to see the former queen before.

Chrysalis used her magic to throw away everything from the table where Tirek and Cozy Glow were playing and put a lot of papers on that table, between them a map where had highlighted a specific part.

¨I don’t only found more about that little prince, a griffon by the way. I know where he is located!¨ Said Chrysalis while grinning like she went crazy.

¨take a deep breath, I know you are exited but isn’t an excuse to throw away these perfectly matching chest pieces¨ Said Tirek while frowning.

The former queen composed herself ¨forget that, i did a lot of research on that freak. Even infiltrated a military base and stole some documents¨

Cozy Glow smirked ¨yeah, probably you took the form of some commander and ordered that they give you the papers¨

Chrysalis nodded ¨something like that, now I know of places where they think it was his base located. But they don’t suspect of the most obvious place, well obvious for me¨

Tirek snorted and said to Chrysalis ¨what? Did he build his base under your former kingdom?¨

Chrysalis simply chuckled ¨you wish¨ she pointed at the highlighted portion of the map.

The portion of the map that was highlighted was up the coast, just a few kilometers from what it used to be the storm king castle.

¨I was here before. There is a long system of caverns where an entire army, including airships can be completely hidden, even if you enter the cave you might not find them if you don’t know where to look¨ Chrysalis said.

Her two companions stared at her, it was Tirek who asked the question that on both their minds. ¨how is that you are so familiar with that cave?¨

Chrysalis continued smiling and answered ¨this was the place where I grew up, the hive used to live there. When I took control of the hive I move it elsewhere. I really miss that place¨

Cozy Glow asked ¨you seem to like that place, why did you move the hive then?¨

Chrysalis quickly answered ¨the place where I move the hive has a better view and it looked more intimidating for any trespasser. Still, I miss that cave¨

The place that Chrysalis was referring to was down south, passing the dry bone dessert, just before getting into the sea.

Tirek then asked ¨and why exactly do you find a cave interesting?¨

Chrysalis finally took a deep breath and then answered ¨maybe doesn’t mean much to you, but that cave had a lot of passages, from enormous ones where airships can fit inside to small ones where even this brat would get stuck¨ Cozy Glow was almost offended.

Tirek put his finger on the highlighted part of the map ¨you are telling me that this cave is big enough to hid an entire army?¨

Chrysalis nodded ¨even if you entered inside you might don’t find them if you don’t know the right passage¨

Cozy Glow then pointed out something ¨that wouldn’t mean that if we got inside his forces would catch us by surprise?¨

Chrysalis smirked ¨i know that place perfectly, I know the most discrete places. Also what place of the cave is big enough to build a base with airships¨

¨airships?¨ asked Tirek

¨he often attacks convoys using his fleet of armed airships, those fools actually think he has his base in some island¨ Chrysalis couldn’t contain her laughter.

Cozy Glow grinned ¨so you mean that we can take him by surprise, and if he refuses to join we can take him out?¨

To the delight of Cozy Glow and Tirek the Former queen nodded.

Tirek stood up ¨well, that place is a little far. So I hope you both ready for quite the journey¨

Cozy Glow and Chrysalis nodded in excitement, they were ready to deal with this silly prince, nothing would ruin this moment…

¨I CAME BACK WITH A POWERFUL ARTIFACT!!!¨ It was Grogar, he finally came back from his journey and unknowingly but a wrench in the plan of his minions.

The three sigh in frustration and walked right into the entrance, to hear about what Grogar found.

¨This powerful artifact will make us defeat Twilight and any other princess that dare to oppose us, you need to work together to win¨ Grogar levitated with his magic a small purple medallion with an estrange engraving.

Cozy Glow flew close to Grogar and ask him ¨cool, and what it does?¨

Grogar used his magic to levitate the medallion almost at the roof.

The trio of minions looked at the artifact, ready to look what it does.

Grogar grinned and made his little speech ¨this artifact is the seal of fear, there it contains the nightmares and phobias of everypony back when I ruled equestria in ancient times, not even the princesses will be able to resist its power¨

Tirek coughed and called Grogar bluff ¨show us, nothing can intimidate us¨

Chrysalis started to grin, she too was curious to see what ancient horrors this medallion had.

Cozy Glow meanwhile was less than thrilled with the idea ¨hey, maybe we should use it with some other fool, not on us. Just a thought¨ unfortunately she was completely ignored.

And to make things worse the doors were sealed off with the magic of Grogar, she wasn’t going to escape from this.

¨BEHOLD THE TERROR ITSELF!!!¨ said Grogar at the top of his lungs, activating the artifact enveloping the room in a dark red mist...

…That dissipated almost immediately as it appeared, no apparent changes to the room aside from the broken medallion at the center of the room.

For some minutes there was only silence, none of them had something to say. No comment, no question or sarcastic comment. Just processing what just happened.

The filly was the one who broke the silence ¨our worst nightmare was the medallion breaking apart?¨ too late she realized that her little comment just angered the ancient monster, she probably was going to get obliterated with a blast of magic.

Chrysalis yawned and made her theory on why the artifact broke ¨maybe you shouldn’t seek artifacts too ancient. Maybe something more modern, just to ensure doesn’t fall apart¨

Grogar calmed himself and answered to the former queen ¨maybe, that artifact was poorly kept. I’m going to look elsewhere for something more recent¨

The trio of minions sigh and were ready to see Grogar get out of the lair… instead he pulled out something, a bunch of parchment with something written on them ¨But first, I wrote a series of speeches we should deliver to our enemies before defeating them. This is the most important part of every villain plan¨

None of the trio disagreed about the importance of evil speeches… but at the same time the three of them wanted the annoying old monster to get out so they can search for their future ally.

¨maybe you should teach us those speeches just a day before the coronation?¨ the filly asked, trying to convince Grogar to leave.

¨Procrastination is bad, probably worse than arrogance¨ Grogar made his point, he was fully intended on teaching the trio about his evil speeches.

Needless to say than the trio grand quest to find the Prince Deceiver would have to wait.

An entire day was lost and the clock still ticking for Twilight coronation, neither of them were happy of losing an entire day practicing evil speeches.

The silver lining is that now they knew Grogar would take more time to get back at the lair, so they would have lots of time to settle this other affair.

¨why is that there is a dessert between our home and that cave of yours¨ Cozy Glow complained, sounding a lot like a spoiled brat that didn’t got the toy she wanted.

Chrysalis smirked at the suffering of the little filly ¨Now you see why my former home was more secure, maybe next time you won’t drink all of you water halfway¨

Tirek simply nodded.

It was a long journey, the bone dry dessert sure deserved its name. Even if one knows where to go the place looks infinite. So isn’t surprising the amount of skeletons that the group found on the way, either that or was a good place to dispose of… problematic creatures.

The trio continued walking through the dessert, no end in sight… until they found something.

¨Look, a city!¨ Cozy Glow pointed at a city at a distance, it wasn’t an hallucination. It looked ramshackle and certainly was a place of creatures of ill reputation like them.

Tirek and Chrysalis looked at the city and were impressed, it was certainly was impressive that they managed to build a city of that size there.

¨it must be recent, I don’t remember a place like that before, I wonder who had the idea of living there¨ Chrysalis commented.

Tirek stroke his chine and theorized¨maybe an airship crashed there and looters decided to start shop, I guess eventually became a place for commence judging by the transport vessels¨

Many would take Tirek as a mindless brute judging by his appearance, but her two companions spend enough time with him to realize that he was quite clever.

Regardless, the risk was too high that a pony from equestria was there. Last thing they wanted is to get identified, for them it was sad because they would probably have enjoyed it.

They continue walking for hours. Finally they reach the sea, chrysalis recognized this place. The cave wasn’t too far and would finally pay a little visit to the griffon they searched for so long.

Chapter 4

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It was a long journey, finally they would find the Prince Deceiver and get him in their gran plan, he and his army was going to be very useful.

The three of them stared at the entrance of a big cave, they could see many pathways that lead to different places. No wonder why the combined forces of equestria, the hippogriffs and even tempest shadow were unable to find him in spite of all the effort.

They entered the cave slowly, making sure they don’t cause too much noise. They knew that a single bad step would get them caught.

It was a little tedious, especially for Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow, especially because they couldn’t complain under the risk of causing noise. .. For Chrysalis this was a nostalgic trip.

After some time they could hear steps, they took cover behind a rook and finally got their confirmation. They saw an imposing figure, it was clearly a soldier of the storm king. It had his armor modified but there wasn’t no confusion. They were in the cave that housed the base of the Prince Deceiver.

They kept completely quiet, no words exchanged and stood behind the rook until the guard leave.

Chrysalis made signals with her head, pointing at a specific wall. It was like she knew something…

When they got to the wall the former queen touched a couple of rooks and a piece of the wall moved. It was a secret entrance! They immidearly got inside.

Chrysalis whispered to her two companions ¨I told you I know this place, we will surprise that griffon soon enough¨

They continue moving until the end of the small tunnel, from there they could see that the cave was even bigger that they imagine.

The sight was something they didn’t expected. An enormous fortress with 5 airships anchored and a tower with a commanding view.

Chrysalis left out a small giggle ¨the worst part is, I know another tunnel that will let us right over that tower¨

The trio continued sneaking until they got to another wall. Chrysalis again moved the correct stones and opened the hidden door, they entered and were ready to give a surprise to that warlord.

They eventually got to the other side of the small tunnel, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow helped Tirek to jump without doing too much noise. they were finally at the roof of the tower.

It wasn’t long until they found an open window and managed to sneak in.

Once inside they moved quickly and silently, considering the commanding view of the tower it was rather obvious that the throne or office of the Prince Deceiver would have the biggest and decorated room of the entire tower… and they were right.

They managed to see a beautiful door, it was open and they could see a griffon… the Prince Deceiver berating one of his soldiers.

¨you are supposed to be better trained than those featherheads from equestrian, did really a ancient fortress scares you?¨ The prince certainly was angry about something.

The soldier tried to defend himself ¨sorry lord, the defenses almost destroyed the ship and we had to retreat, I take full responsibility!¨

The Prince grab the soldier by the neck with his claws and told him ¨find a way to get inside that temple or the next mission you will be assigned will be a suicide mission at the dragon lands. Dismissed¨ after that he released the soldier and the cowardly soldier ran way, meanwhile the prince simply close the door.

Tirek whispered to her companion’s ¨At least we now know that the Storm King picked strong lieutenants, for now I like him¨ both of them nodded in agreement.

They decided to now waste time and walked straight into the door and… proceeded to nock

¨Unless you found a way to enter that temple I don’t care¨ and that was the only response.

The trio look at each other, none of them knew how to proceed now… but suddenly both centaur and changeling started to stare at little filly, she was going the one to speak through the door

Cozy Glow sigh and decided to speak to the prince ¨well, we managed to sneak up here. So a temple doesn’t mean much to us¨

A bunch of sounds, both of somecreature falling over and growls could be heard from behind the door.

Tirek commented ¨we certainly left an impression¨ and his companions nodded.

After a few seconds the door finally opened and they could see the mysterious Prince Deceiver face to face.

¨how exactly did you got in here?¨ The Prince asked, totally surprised about the intrusion… and that they look like they wanted to speak with him.

The former queen of the changelings answered ¨we heard that you have a conflict with equestria leaders, soon the princess of friendship will be crowned ad rules of equestria. We will help you get your vengeance, in exchange that you attack at her coronation¨

The griffon stared at the trio for a few seconds, then he started to smile as he saw a possibility with his new allies.

And unsurprisingly he recognized all them ¨oh I heard of you, the former queen of the changelings, the centaur that almost devoured all magic in equestria and… I don’t know who are you¨ …Almost all of them

The filly got offended ¨I’m Cozy Glow, I almost erased all magic in equestria and took over Twilight friendship school¨

¨so that was you, I always assumed that Tirek escape tartarus again, then again. Maybe I wasn’t that wrong either¨ The prince smiled… with a smile that look far too familiar to the filly.

Chrysalis then decided to cut short the presentations ¨enough of introductions, do you want an alliance or do you want to keep collecting moss and spiders here?¨

The griffon nodded and guided his three new allies inside his throne room.

The four of them walked through the throne room until they got close to an ancient painting the Prince Deceiver proceeded to explain his dilemma ¨you know… I was in the process of finding an artifact that would help me take down the princesses. The problem is that is divided in 3 pieces¨

Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow stared at the painting, it was a painting that represented a box over a estrange table.

The Prince Deceiver explained the painting ¨This is the illustration of an ancient powerful relic that can serve as a powerful weapon, it will be more than enough to take over equestria and take down any fool who oppose us¨

Tirek noticed something that bothered him ¨you said that you need three pieces, but I only see a table and a box¨ he pointed at the painting and he was right.

The Prince Deceiver let out a small chuckle and explained himself ¨you are talking about the core? Yeah, that thing isn’t in the painting. But you will recognize once you see it¨

Chrysalis approached the Prince ¨then, we have a deal?¨ the Prince nodded in response

Then he walked to another side of the room, there it was a big map that included different nations. There he pointed at a mountain located between the Crystal Empire and Yakyakistan ¨I’m trying to get the first piece that is located at a temple right here¨

Then he pointed to a secluded part of equestria, it was a forest that was far away from civilization ¨we are going to meet here at 13 pm, if you fail to get these our deal is off¨

The three of them frowned, Crysalis pretty much shared the feeling the three of them had about the prince hevarior ¨you aren’t in a position to bark orders at us¨

The Prince simply walked straight in front of chrysalis and got in front of her face ¨I’m not in a position to risk my troops to get captured¨

The prince made his point… a good point. All of them had a lot to lose and the trio started to understand the difficulties of the Prince Deceiver…

Cozy Glow flew close to the griffon face and told him ¨we can say the same, you fail to get there and the deal is off, no resentment. Neither of us like latecomers¨

The prince nodded. ¨I see you in 2 days, for now try to find a way to sneak out of here. The guards still don’t know you are on my side¨

And like that the three of them exited the room and managed to sneak out of the cave. Now they had a new ally… and exactly what they wanted.

¨so, now we know of an artifact that could serve us as the plan b we always wanted. Do we help him or get the pieces on our own?¨ Cozy Glow asked

Chrysalis shook her head ¨I propose that we should keep him as an ally, once we get the three pieces we take them for our own¨

Tirek and Cozy Glow nodded. Now they knew what they were going to do the next couple of days.

¨are we there yet?¨ asked Cozy Glow to her companions… and no answer came from them.

They continued walking, the heat was exhausting but things would het even worse once the night comes and the terrible cold begins.

They continued walking for hours, not a word between them… until Lord Tirek decided to start one with chrysalis

¨you know Chrysalis, maybe we should let that Prince into our plan. He probably hates the princesses as much as us¨

Chrysalis responded ¨true, but he also could betray us. That or became arrogant and fail to use wherever potential that artifact has¨

Tirek nodded in agreement ¨yeah, maybe you should see what you can find about an artifact that looks like a box. Doesn’t seem to be that secretive considering that he knows about it¨

¨that’s right, I will use that day to get information on that artifact. Maybe we get lucky and we wouldn’t need-¨ their little chat was interrupted by the sound of something… somepony falling.

They turn around to see Cozy Glow unconscious, totally dehydrated.

Tirek commented ¨you know, in spite of all the times we call her dumb little brat… we sometimes forget she is still a small filly¨ he carefully moved the filly in a position where she could breathe, he then moved his body in a way to cover her from the sun.

¨true, you still have some water right? Mine ran out¨ Said chrysalis while using her wings to create a small gust of wind.

She quickly realized than she didn’t produced enough wind. So she took the form of a pegasus and moved her wings faster to produce more wind. Meanwhile Tirek took a small bottle of water and pour it all over the filly face.

The filly woke up finally. ¨thanks, I really needed that¨ she was trying her best to breathe and not fall unconscious again.

Tirek gave the filly the bottle and let her drink the water that remained… and then gave another.

Chrysalis look at her surroundings and managed to see the city they spotted before ¨maybe we should go our separate ways, you go to that city and take care of the little one while she gets better. Once she does we either reunite at the lair or the place that we agree to meet with that prince¨

Tirek nodded, put the defenseless filly on his back. He didn’t walk long before finding a piece of skull to let the filly cover from the sun.

Chrysalis was now out of that desert, she had plenty of time to get at the lair of grogar… and plenty of time to settle other business.

The flew straight to ponyville, she knew how to be stealthy so there wasn’t any possibility that anypony saw her.

In fact she managed to spot several travelers and eventually she a couple of ponies traveling with a wagon… that’s when she smelled the sense of… love.

She got as close to the couple as she could, they were either married and working together or were a boss and its employee falling in love. It was still difficult to figure out at her distance, at least she could overheard them.

The mare said to the stallion ¨You know, that crazy witch told that around here grow mushrooms that helps with some poisons¨

The stallion had a small chuckle ¨maybe she pays us well for some of them¨

¨I think she said they grown on the fallen threes, maybe I should go while you watch the wagon¨

The stallion nodded and saw the mare walking into the forest… then he noticed something.

¨WAIT!¨ the stallion yelled. Chrysalis got nervous, She thought that just got spotted… for her relief it wasn’t that, the mare turn down and faced the Stallion.

The stallion said to the fame ¨you don’t need to hide anymore, you know?¨

The mare simply nodded ¨I know, but I got so used to be in this form that sometimes I forget about it¨

The stallion gave the mare a little hug ¨you know no longer have to fear being caught. And even if still things were like before… nopony is here to see you.¨ the mare nodded and turn back to the forest.

That’s when Chrysalis saw it… right before the mare disappeared in the forest, she transformed into a changeling, one of the ones altered by the ideals of love spouted by Starlight and thorax… that enough would be disgusting, but she didn’t forget the scent…

A pony and a changeling… not only traveling together like they were friends but… in love.

Chrysalis was using all of her effort to not simply jump and attack them, specially the changeling. For Chrysalis that changeling is committing the biggest form of treason possible, one without words to describe it and unthinkable when she was ruler of the hive.

She started thinking on ways to harm them, from simply attacking them in their sleep to seducing one of them to destroy the relationship… she opted for simply remember their faces, after Starlight had gotten her punishment these 2 would get their sentence before even thorax.

… Thou she decided to take some advantage of the situation for now.

Chrysalis took the form of a random pony and sneak up the stallion.

¨nice merchandise you have there, are you selling some of it?¨ asked chrysalis.

The stallion nodded ¨of course, you might find something useful¨ he moved to the back of the wagon and opened one of the boxes… it was trash, at least for Chrysalis.

¨thank you, but I’m not interested in your junk¨ said Chrysalis before knocking out the poor stallion. She quickly threw away the different boxes, just keeping the one with the money of course and ran away with the wagon.

Chrysalis tried and failed to contain her laughter.

¨HAHAHAHA. Now I will get way more than a few bottles¨ said the former queen, she still remember that pony who sell that delicacy she loves so much.

Tirek and Cozy Glow finally got back at the lair of Grogar, Tirek left the filly in her bed and watched over her.

¨you don’t have to watch over me like a foal¨ Said the small filly

Tirek, totally unamused answered ¨you are a foal, maybe we should have taken that into consideration before letting you traveling with us through the desert¨

Cozy Glow only got more frustrated ¨I survived on my own before meeting you, even before getting into that dumb school¨

Tirek stood up and responded to the filly ¨you survived before, but not in a desert. If you want to survive this you better get some rest instead of continuing arguing with me¨

After a short time of keeping quiet, Cozy Glow proceeded to speak again, but not to Tirek. It was more to herself ¨I am not weak I am strong, i am not weak I am strong, I am not weak I am strong¨

Tirek sigh, he never saw the filly in such pitiful state before. Even in tartatus she was able to keep her cool.

Then he heard a sound, first of something heavy hitting the floor… and the sound of insect wings.

It was Chrysalis, she quickly entered the room ¨I see that you two got here first. I bought some medicine for the filly¨

¨Did she really need that much medicine?¨ Tirek asked surprised.

Chrysalis shook her head ¨oh, the barrel? That’s unrelated. Just give the brat these pills and water and she will be fine soon¨ she then gave Tirek the aforementioned items and left the room.

¨so this is supposed to the modern medicine I heard so much about¨ Tirek commented before trying to give it to the sick filly.

The centaur attempted to give her the medicine, but she continued to move or make expressions of disgust. Cozy Glow was unwilling to take the medicine.

¨just take the medicine already!¨ The centaur yelled

Cozy Glow attempted… and failed to stood up and said ¨I’m not a defenseless little filly that need caring and protection¨

Tirek saw Cozy Glow at the eyes ¨yes you are, and you will remain that way unless you take this. Do you really want to be an useless little filly that needs care or want to take this already?¨

¨Fine! Fine! Just give me the medicine already¨ Said the filly, finally relenting

Tirek gave her the medicine. She quickly took the pill and then drank the water. After that she threw the glass of water to the ground ¨we will never talk about this again¨ those were her final words before finally falling to sleep.

¨I guess that’s what she needed, I will never understand modern medicine, oh well. Sleep well little abomination¨ Tirek then left the room, now all that the filly needed was to sleep.

None can say this wasn’t a productive day.

Chapter 5

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It was a rather uneventful day, aside from Chrysalis looking for information on the artifact that the Prince Deceiver wanted, Tirek trying his best to find a safe place for the barrel of moonshine that Chrysalis bought and Cozy Glow still recovering from that travel through the desert.

Not much to say, finally the night came, alongside Chrysalis came back with… bad news.

¨I didn’t found nothing on the artifact, at least not one that matches the description¨ Chrysalis sounded tirek, she look over almost every library she could find.

¨then is another extremely dangerous artifact that only info exist on the restricted section of that library of cantertlot, great¨ Tirek was completely disappointed.

Chrysalis continued ¨The closet thing I got was a box that looks like the one that the Prince wants, but it was destroyed by an order of sorcerers almost five hundred years ago. I for once I refuse to go to another library again¨

¨well, I guess the brat didn’t lose anything interesting for today¨ Tirek commented.

That’s when Cozy Glow walked straight into the room, still tired for the look of it.

The filly asked ¨why do I feel like you are talking of me?¨

Completely unfazed the former queen responded ¨we were talking about weakness, we accidentally summon you¨

The filly instead of responding she sat on a small couch and rest on it.

Tirek then decided to say what he did of his day ¨well, I found a good place to hid the liquor, its better hidden that even that silly bell¨

Cozy Glow stared at Tirek and asked ¨what liquor? A bottle of beer?¨

¨MOONSHINE!!!¨ yelled Tirek, he found the name quite catchy.

Cozy Glow remained quiet for a few seconds, took a deep breath and said that she was on her mind ¨ARE YOU CRAZY? THAT THING IS EXPLOSIVE¨

Crysalis laughed ¨the only explotion that thing will do is to my stomach, once we are done we are going to celebrate¨ Then she glared at the filly ¨not you, you are still a foal¨

Cozy Glow would normally get offended… but getting turn down for liquor was preferable, she know how silly get anycreature that drinks it.

Cozy Glow stood up and prepared to get back at her room to sleep for the night… not before saying something.

¨just a warning. If I find that moonshine… It goes right into the drainage ¨ and with that last comment she went right to sleep.

Both Tirek and Cozy Glow started at each other.

Tirek stood up and said to Crysalis ¨maybe I didn’t hid the moonshine too well. I will leave it in an even safer place¨ Chrysalis nodded.

Generally this was a normal day.

Today is the day, the day this trio will finally get the first piece of the artifact, the trio was ready for whatever challenge they had to dealt with, even Cozy Glow made a full recovery.

They stayed in the specified location until the marked our came.

Out of nowhere a bunch of black clouds covered the sky, Cozy Glow recalls these from the stories of Twilight. These are the ships of the storm king… no, the ships of the Prince Deceiver.

It was a small fleet of ships, one of the ships landed on the ground, once there a ramp door opened and from appeared the Prince alongside many of his troops.

¨you came, that mean we can do this¨ Said the prince while smiling, Cozy Glow still found that smile oddly familiar…

Regardless, they got inside the ship, it was full of soldiers ready for a fight.

Cozy Glow couldn’t avoid but comment ¨it seems that this isn’t a classical daring doo adventure¨ unfortunately nocreature knew what she was talking about.

Tirek saw the prince going somewhere else on the ship, he decided to follow him. That led him into the deck of the ship.

¨did you wanted to see the sky or you simply wanted to follow me?¨

Tirek waved his hand ¨you and me both know the answer¨

The prince walked and got close to Tirek ¨I know my little nickname doesn’t inspire trust. It was the Storm King who branded me like that. Nowadays I keep using it because inspires fear in the right creatures¨

Tirek had something to say about that ¨a name can be quite powerful, but if don’t have anything else to show for it, then you are doomed the moment you are called on your bluff¨

The prince nodded ¨and that’s why we work so differently, I respect that. Maybe if this goes well we could work together in the future¨

Tirek snorted ¨ I would prefer to be the one bullying the subjects, not being the subject bullied¨

The prince simply had a chuckle ¨do we all, but consider my offer. You will have more power that you could ever dream off¨

Tirek give it some though and then answered ¨maybe I will do, but for now we keep this as a temporary alliance.¨

¨Maybe so, but I can see that your alliance with those two is temporary and very unstable at best, think of me when you want something more permanent¨ The prince argued.

Tirek then pointed out ¨no alliance last forever, I learn that when my brother betrayed me to the ponies, those two fools know it well. I won’t work under the illusion of an equal and wait for being betrayed¨

¨and I know that unlike you I won’t live for hundreds of years, the next time you blink I will be gone. By then you will freely take my place, by then my legacy will be your legacy. Just consider this in comparison with wherever they are offering you ¨ And after saying that the Prince Deceiver flew away right into another ship.

That ship might be smaller than the other ships, but it was highly ornate and showcased his wealth and power.

Tirek was left alone with his thoughts, e just saw that a new possibility opened for him.

After a few hours of travel the fleet finally was getting close to their objective, out of curiosity the trio of villains went into the deck of the ship. From there they could see at a distance the place where the first piece of the artifact was guarded.

It was a fortress right at the top of a mountain, the black stones of the fortress heavily contrasted with the white snow of the rest of the mountain. It was a place that screamed the word: ominous.

Chrysalis for her part was quite impressed, she was considering that after taking back the hive she would move the hive at this fortress… but then she took into account the terrible cold.

The other two simply found it ugly.

Regardless, the trio went into position. They were alongside the troops and waited for the ship to land, they started hearing a lot of bangs from inside… eventually they started hearing explosions.

Finally the ship landed and from there everycreature got off the ship as fast as they could.

Cozy Glow was amazed at the sight of the creatures defending the fortress…

¨ROBOTS! WE ARE FIGHTING ROBOTS!¨ She felt like she was inside a science fiction book.

¨THESE ARE GOLEMS!!!¨ Tirek yelled at the filly, he doesn’t know what’s a robot but these are clearly golems.

¨THEY ARE SIMPLY OBSTACLES IN OUR WAY!!!¨ Chryalis yelled, she didn’t wanted to hear an argument about the correct definition of the monster they were fighting.

The creatures in question were giant ponies made of stone, in spite of their size they were quite fast and ferocious.

Chrysalis and Tirek decided to go one by one. They single out one of the stone guardians and constantly hit him until fell into pieces… unfortunately there was still other 19 to go.

Cozy Glow meanwhile tried to ignore the battle and try to find a door to enter the fortress.

After flying all over the fortress she found a big door with a face at its center, she tried to push it, then tried to kick it and nothing… then she could hear a voice coming from the face at the center of the door.


Cozy Glow paused a second ¨then Tirek as right after all¨ then she had an idea ¨TIREK!!! CHRYSALIS!!! GET HERE NOW!!!¨

The two of them rushed to the door, they were expecting that she founded the door… but weren’t expecting the current dilemma.


¨a door that talk? That’s new¨ comments chrysalis, still she went ahead and try to open the door without much results

¨COME ON!!! OPEN!!!¨ Tirek yelled at the top of his lungs, he was almost to turn down to absorb the magic from the Prince soldiers to get some extra strength.


Bringing her companions didn’t work out, fortunately the filly had another idea.

Cozy Glow yelled at the top of her lungs ¨NOW I GET IT! YOU ARE NOT A DOOR!¨

She was waiting for a response.


Chrysalis got even more frustrated and started to yell ¨WHEN I AM DONE WITH YOU THE ONLY THING THAT YOU WILL BE IS BUNCH OF RUBBLE!!!¨

The door remained quiet… and the golems were getting awfully close to them.

Cozy Glow decided to try again, see if this time it works ¨A WALL THAT NEVER OPENS IS ONLY A FANCY WALL!!!¨


Tirek and Chrysalis finally cached what Cozy Glow was trying to do… which mean.

¨wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall¨ the three of them partake on this little activity. It was childish, but it was the only thing they thought it could work.


Cozy Glow finally said her final words ¨then prove it, open¨

And as if her words casted a spell the mysterius wall started to open, they quickly got inside before either the golems got them or the wall realized his mistake.

Now they were inside, but first Chrysalis wanted to set up an important rule that would apply from now.

¨the way we managed to pass that door? A secret we will keep to the grave!¨ her both companions agreed, they would rather forget how they opened that door and move on.

The three of them continue walking, the place didn't have much lighting, it was extremely dark and difficult to see. No problem a changeling but Tirek used his magic to cast a small light so he and Cozy Glow could see ahead.

The lack of activity was concerning, they just fought an army outside. What could be here? That was the question that the three of them asked themselves.

Then they found a rounded staircase that went deep below, way lower that they could see.

Tirek took a good look to see if he could see if there was something below…¨so, do you think those stairs are full of traps? I mean I think is rather suspicious with all of this lack of enemies¨

Cozy Glow nodded ¨yeah, those stairs are rigged¨

Chrysalis watched in disappointment at this pair of cowards… and without asking she simply flew inside.

¨did she just…¨ Cozy Glow couldn’t believe it, the centaur simply nodded. Now they needed to prepare for the worst.

… And they continue waiting, no response. No enemy, not even a estrange voice like the one of the door.

Eventually Chrysalis came out from the hole, with a cube in her mouth.

¨so, this is the first piece? I expected it to be bigger¨ Tirek said while snatching the cube from Chrysalis mouth.

Cozy Glow flew around her companions ¨doesn’t matter, we should get out of here before this place falls apart or we are attacked on all sides!¨

… And nothing came, eventually Cozy Glow was struck with the realization that Crysalis got already.

Cozy Glow stared at Chrysalis and ask her ¨did the builders of this place focused all of their defenses on the outside?¨ Crysalis and Tirek nodded, the filly got paralyzed trying to process what just happened.

¨I guess laziness affects even the best of us¨ Tirek said while walking to the exit, chrysalis put the paralyzed filly on her back and accompanied him to the door.

They got right in front of the door they trick into opening, they would need a new trick?


the door opened and the trio managed to exit the fortress.

Once outside the little filly finally recovered from her idiocy induced paralysis and run alongside her allies straight into the airship ramp. The prince troops saw them leaving and that was their signal to also get out.

They managed to outrun the golems and got inside the ship, this quickly departed while the fortress keeps firing at the running ships.

Still, they managed to escape safe and with the artifact.

Cozy Glow was alone at the deck, staring the sky and reflecting on the events of recent days. That’s when a known figure approach her.

¨One would think that a former student of the princess of friendship would be more sociable¨ commented the Prince of deceit while approaching the lonely filly.

¨I just need a time to breathe, that’s all¨ Cozy Glow tried to explain her reasoning for being here.

¨you know, I made a little research on you. You are quite interesting, you have a lot of po-¨ The little speech of the prince was interrupted by the filly.

¨you and me know than the other is a manipulator, please don’t try to use sweet words on me. I know a manipulator when I see one, I even recognize the one in the mirror¨ Cozy Glow wasn’t lying. She recognized the false smile coming from the deceiver, it was the one she used on the princess of friendship.

¨then I will be direct, you are able to control fools like me. I respect that more than honorable fools. But if you keep associating yourself with fools then you are a fool¨ The prince glared at the door, where it could be overheard Chrysalis and Tirek boasting about their feats of power.

¨they still have uses, I still don’t find a logical reason to betray them¨ the filly lowered her head, she was trying to find a way to even mentally escape this conversation.

¨you are young, you will get far. Maybe once I retire all of this can be yours¨ Cozy Glow just snorted when she heard the prince offer.

¨I will think about it¨ after saying that Cozy Glow went walking to a door to enter the ship… then she decided to turn around and ask a question about the artifact…

Unfortunately she saw the prince simply flyng into his ship, extremely ornate and show his wealth and the promise of a good life.

Cozy Glow was alone, thinking of the great opportunity she was offered.

After a few more hours the trio of villains was back at the lair of Grogar. Not much to say aside that they went ahead to recall their next step.

It was mostly because Coz Glow decided to rest at deck instead of attending the party for the victory. It was in that party where the prince said his plan.

Apparently the second piece of the artifact was a mere magic battery, in ancient time those were as rare as an alicorn, but nowadays those are equipped on standard airships… of equestria.

The prince next mission was simply, get inside a dock and steal an airship. A fleet from the Prince Deceiver would cause a distraction and from there they could escape without having to fight half the equestrian fleet… still there was one problem with that plan.

¨how exactly are we going get inside that airbase and steal the starship?¨ Tirek asked.

Chrysalis answered ¨many ships do maintenance checks, maybe I can pass off as a mechanic and steal that battery. No need for a massive fleet battle¨

Cozy Glow pointed out the problem with that plan ¨eh, you just told me than that thing weights half a ton. I doubt you could carry that, less without attracting attention¨

Tirek commented ¨stealing an airship will draw way more attention than a simple battery¨

The three of them stared at the ceiling, trying to think of a plan that didn’t involve possibly getting show at by almost every ship of the equestrian navy… and none of them came with something.

¨I guess we will have to think of something¨ said Tirek while yawning, this was a stressful day and it was clear that tomorrow was going to be worse.

Chapter 6

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Today was a peaceful day in the equestrian navy dock at Canterlot, security was in high alert for a robbery at the headquarters of the royal guard.

The documents stolen were all related to the last member remaining of the Storm King Lieutenants, so by protocol all ships had to be fueled and ready for to respond to an attack.

… In spite of that the mood was extremely relaxed, this was Canterlot and not some outpost at the border, maybe the forces of the Storm King managed to attack the capital before but know they were sure that wouldn’t happen again… yeah it was more grounded in arrogance than in reality.

A certain trio of villains at least wanted to believe that, surely didn’t come this far just to get shot at.

¨so, all of us have our timers set?¨ Said Cozy Glow to her two companions, they were carrying small toy watches, maybe not the most advanced piece of technology for infiltration, but it was all they had.

¨ready!¨ Said Crysalis and Tirek, all of them set their watch to sound at a specific time. Ready or not they would do this.

Cozy Glow and Tirek entered the base, specifically the cargo area. They used the different boxes and containers as cover and tried to make as less noise as possible.

Chrysalis meanwhile took the form of a female mechanic, she simply went in and moved some boxes or pretended to repair some cable. With that even if anypony saw her, wouldn’t think much of it, just another new mechanic.

They had a deadline of 20 minutes.

Tirek and Cozy Glow approached the ship, they sometimes throw a rock to move the attention away from workers or climb over some platforms. If this place was truly in high alert they would had been spotted by now.

The two of them quickly took a stair that went right into one of the ships, the ship under dock 2.

Judging by the mechanics entering and exiting this ship was probably receiving maintenance, maybe wasn’t in the best conditions to flight… but they got too far already.

Meanwhile Chrysalis continue walking into a cabin that controlled the anchors that avoid accident like an airship flying away…

She quickly found the cabin. To her luck there was only one worker there, looks like she had the easy part.

Now they had 15 minutes.

Cozy Glow would attract the workers by doing a small sound, once they turn a corner Tirek would knock them out, then the filly would tie up and gag the poor worker.

It was more easy set that done, Tirek had to know where to punch to avoid causing far too much noise. And Cozy Glow was running out of places to hide the gagged victims.

Meanwhile Chrysalis kept an eye on her watch, she didn’t wanted to be inside the cabin for too long.

One would say that she had the easy part… but some of the workers were beginning to suspect that she wasn’t one of the new workers, regardless the time would be soon to do her part.

Now they had 5 minutes.

Tirek and Cozy Glow finally managed to take down all of the workers inside the ship. It was a complete hassle and they really didn’t want to do something like this again.

They stayed on the bridge, crouched so nopony see them from the outside.

Meanwhile Chrysalis finally entered the cabin. There she found a lonely worker who seemed really stressed.

¨hey there¨ said chrysalis.

¨go away, I’m trying to figure out a problem¨ the worker wasn’t in the mood for chitchat.

Chrysalis approached the worker ¨maybe I can help¨

The worker nodded ¨then help me trying to contact the lazy guys of the second ship. For some reason I don’t receive any update from them, probably got lazy but I think this radio got broke¨

Chrysalis opened the panel… and started putting wires in random places, she wasn’t afraid to admit that she was no mechanic and never imagine than a radio had so many pieces.

While chrysalis did a disaster of the poor radio the worker continued organizing with the rest of the ships.

3 minute remaining.

In that final minute Tirek and Cozy Glow were ready. Soon they would soon start the craziest thing they had done… in this day, just in that week they really have done a lot of crazy stuff.

And finally, the toy watch started to sound, Tirek pull his arm up trying to wave. If Crysalis did her part that would mean that the anchor you finally get removed and they could start moving.

Meanwhile in those final minutes Crysalis got up, she walked straight into the worker. ¨you know, I wish one day to get into a post like this one day, can you teach me a little?¨

The worker was reluctant, at least until she started paying attention to those green eyes of her. Between that and her smile he felt like he couldn’t refuse. It wouldn’t take too much time either.

The worker Shown Chrysalis different parts of the table, and explain to her about how nowadays with a simple button he could release a ship from its anchor, before it was a long and complicated process but engineering got a far away from all of those complications.

¨thank you sir, maybe I can give you something in return¨ she then gave a kiss to the worker, he was now glad that he didn’t quit this job.

Unfortunately that moment got interrupted by the sound of a toy watch… that was Chrysalis cue.

¨what is that sound?¨ asked the worker.

¨the end of your career¨ right after saying that Chrysalis knocked out the poor worker.

She quickly put her attention on the bridge of ship 2. She was hoping that everything went alright for her companions… then she saw a hand, the hand of Tirek.

That was her cue, she push the button that released the ship and took the form of a pegasus. She quickly flew away to that ship and prepared for action.

Admiral Warm Breeze was a proud member of the equestrian navy, he was disappointed that the navy never got the same level of admiration than the royal guard. But was still hopeful that one day equestria would see his ship as more than a tourist attraction.

Still, he wasn’t angry at the lack of action. Peacetime is war preferable that any conflict, and he was hopeful than Princess Twilight would lead them to a bright future.

Still, for now the admiral for now just had to sit and relax… that’s when an alarm go off, it was at the port. He recognized that alarm, is the one that sounds when somepony fails to anchor the ship properly and started fly off, Needless to say that all what he had to do was to board that ship and get it back in place.

When he got close to the dock where the ship was supposed to be he couldn’t avoid hearing the screams of the workers and soldiers below, that wasn’t a ship that was flying off for an accident… it was a robbery.

His suspicious got confirmed when a pegasus flied into his ship and quickly got into his bridge.

¨Admiral, that ship is getting robbed!¨

The Admiral maintained his composure and asked specific question. ¨did the guards or other workers tried to board that ship? There is any kidnapped crewpony?¨

The pegasus took a few seconds to breathe, then he answered ¨they tried, but the robbers started to throw overboard the crewponies and mechanics. The guards and personnel put priority on saving instead of trying to board that ship¨

The admiral was ready to give quite a lot of medals for heroism once this is over.

¨Sir, do we pursue?¨ asked a crewmember.

The Admiral nodded and ordered his ship to chase after the stolen ship, they would either board it or destroy it.

The stolen ship was fast, but it had clear malfunctions so it wouldn’t go too far… that’s when he could see black clouds approaching Canterlot. Everypony in the capital of Equestria remember those clouds, every member of the equestrian navy knew what it meant.

¨The Storm King forces¨ Said the admiral, it was clear who was responsible for this.

Now he had a choice, he could continue chasing the stolen airship… or could try to fight off the Storm King forces.

¨We have to fight off those monsters, we can’t let them reach Canterlot¨

The Admiral and his fleet diverted course and went directly to fight the forces of the Storm King, he expected an entire fleet… instead it was just a hot air balloon that had strapped a mechanism to expel a lot of smoke. He just got outsmarted, now the only thing he could do was pray to Celestia so they would be able to defeat wherever plan those monsters are planning.

Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow were surprised, they thought that the fleet of the Prince Deceiver was small, they were under the impression that he had way more troops hidden elsewhere, if anything that made them respect him even more.

¨so now after this we are going to get the final piece of the artifact¨ Tirek reminded the group.

¨yeah, we will steal the other pieces from him once we get him¨ Chrysalis was still convinced that the correct path was to keep the artifact for themselves.

¨or you know, we could have a powerful ally that could help us take down Twilight and her dumb friends easily¨ Cozy Glow suggested.

¨he sure has a lot of power. I can respect that¨ Tirek for once was agreeing with the filly.

¨looks like we are going to make the choice betray him or not once we get to that point¨ Chrysalis couldn’t ignore the power that griffon had.

After some hours of travel they finally got to the place where they agreed to drop the ship, they found a camp where it was the Prince Deceiver army and some of his ship, including his own personal flagship.

Once they anchored the ship Cozy Glow and Tirek quickly got out and went to the camp, only Chrysalis remained to watch over the two Soldiers who got up the ship, she follow them to the room where the magic generator was located.

One of the soldiers look at the generator in amazement ¨now I see why the Storm King wanted to take over equestria, these ponies have some serious stuff¨

But the other one wasn’t ¨true, but looks like this thing need some preparation before is safe for our boss is able to operate this thing safely, go an call the others to take care of this.¨ after that the other guard left the room, leaving the changeling and the guard alone.

Chrysalis took a good eye to the machine, then to the room to see if there was any damage to the room then asked ¨what do you mean by safe? You mean we could had blown up?¨

The soldier shook his head ¨I don’t mean that, I mean that these ponies put a lot measures to ensure that these generators aren’t temper with. If anything that make it impossible to simply destroy one of these ships, take the generator from the wreckage and repair it¨

Chrysalis frowned ¨that explains why the Prince didn’t simply intercepted one of these ships. How long it would take to prepare this thing?¨

The soldier gave a good eye to the generator ¨I worked with magical machinery like this before, so I think a couple of days¨

Chrysalis then asked ¨the generators are going to be transported to the base right? This place doesn’t look hidden enough to spend a couple of days working on a stolen ship¨

The soldier nodded ¨you are right, we are getting this thing out of here and install it on the ship of our boss. I don’t know why, but he have us the order to give you a feast in celebration of this victory. You surely made an impression on him¨ Then the former queen left the room to let the guard work on removing the generator from the ship.

Crysalis went over to the camp and saw Tirek and Cozy Glow having a feast, the food ranged from cheap candy to exotic dishes and they were enjoying each and every part of it. It was a good reward for succeeding such a dangerous mission.

Her companions would enjoy their free meal, but Chrysalis didn’t have interest on any of that junk. She wanted to hunt love from some creature, so she went into the forest.

She spend on the woods for quite a while, but she sense that somecreature was stalking her. She quickly hissed at wharever was following her.

It was the Prince Deceiver himself, quite impressed with the choice of the former queen to go and hunt instead of enjoying a feast that many would envy.

¨you are quite interesting for a queen, not what anycreature would expect¨ The griffon said to the changeling.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow ¨and what do you mean by that exactly?¨

¨your kingdom rejected you, betrayed you. But you still hold to your ideals instead of bowing to them and seek their acceptance. You want the hive back¨ The prince said.

¨and I need to get it back soon¨ Chrysalis added.

¨Why the rush exactly?¨ the Prince asked.

The former queen answered ¨not so long ago I saw the most disgusting thing I ever seen in my entire life. A changeling and a pony… in love.¨

The prince asked ¨do ponies and changelings are able to conceive?¨

The former queen glare made the griffon stood back a little afraid, just realizing now that he just touched a nerve.

Chrysalis was able to calm herself and avoided attacking the griffon in anger ¨not an answer that I want to know. What I know is that ponies are having more and more influence over the changelings, if ponies had it their way probably my race would even lose the ability to change form¨

The Prince Deceiver, having too regained his composure and no longer afraid, got close to chrysalis and said ¨you have a lot of determination, I know that you will be able to take back the hive. I know also that in the future I will need to rely on you and your race.¨

Chrysalis hissed ¨I’m not going to take back the hive, just to give it to you¨

The prince not intimidated by the former queen this time, simply approached her and clarified ¨I want allies, not slaves or vassals. I will have plenty of those and I want a true ally in case a rebellion happens, I can do the same for you and help you to take back your hive. That and deal with any future rebellion on your end¨

Chrysalis chuckled ¨you are proposing we have a future together then¨

The prince smiled ¨unlike your current companions. Their days are numbered and soon will be forgotten¨

Chrysalis quickly pick up on what she was proposing ¨you want me to betray them?¨

¨just think about it, your alliance is temporary at best. I can offer something more permanent¨ said the Prince, while flying away to his ship that was waiting for him.

She noticed how ornate was that ship, a demonstration of his wealth and how much authority he had.

Chrysalis was left alone to consider her new options.

Chapter 7

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It was another day, as with the first of the pieces there was the agreement for the trio to get picked up and send to the location where they would find the final piece of the artifact.

The location wasn’t anything that interesting, aside from a giant airship that crashed into a mountain… and somecreature managed to turn it into a home judging by the all the modifications to the fallen ship.

¨an old enemy has the final, piece. He have history so I can’t show me face in front of him, you get into that rat infested hole and pay him a visit. You will recognize the final piece when you see it¨ Said the Prince to the trio.

¨you know, I feel like you see us less as your allies and more as your goons¨ Cozy Glow commented.

¨I show you power, I show you opportunity. Take a risk or forget our alliance. He probably lives in the bridge of that junk¨ and like that he went back inside the ship, then that ship took off.

This time didn’t have any reinforcements, only the 3 of them and a big ship at a distance.

¨looks like there is not another way¨ Said Tirek.

The three of them walked into the mountain, it was easy to climb as it was easy to make a hole in the hull of the enormous ship and get inside. Neither of them feared anything than the enemy of the prince deceiver had.

They continued walking through the ship, looking for the bridge. At least until Cozy Glow said something she had on her mind some time ago ¨hey, I want you guys to tell me the truth¨

¨you are one to talk¨ Said Chrysalis.

¨okay, I’m a liar. But that griffon certainly looks like he deserves his name¨ the filly argued.

¨and why do you say that exactly?¨ Ask Tirek

Cozy Glow took a deep breath ¨Well, it takes a liar to know one right? The false smile he uses when he speaks to us is the same I use sometimes to manipulate fools. That and he made me a small little speech about how good things would go for me if I betrayed you. I suspect he did the same offer to you¨

That comment from Cozy Glow made her two companions stop to consider, that might sound as silly accusation… but both knew it was true, he tried to convince them to betray their companions in exchange of a permanent alliance.

¨he is smart I give him that, tried to pit us against each other¨ said Tirek while chuckling.

¨well, at least we now will have all the pieces of the artifact, I guess we should disregard the idea of inviting him at the attack at the coronation¨ Said Chrysalis, trying to hide her disappointment and anger at the prince.

¨then we must take that final piece to the lair, then think of a way to get rid of him¨ Cozy Glow said completely determined.

Now they knew their course… of their plan, they still are unable to find where the enemy of the prince and the final piece are located.

They continued walking thought the empty hallways of the ship, now it was starting to get worrisome for the lack of guards. Why the Prince Deceiver considered whoever lives here to be an enemy? That was a question that the three of them asked to themselves.

Eventually they found the bridge of the ship, considering the furniture, books and other decoration it wasn’t difficult to guess that it was here where the enemy of the king deceiver lives.

Tirek found a shelve full of potions and a cauldron right beside it. He was starting to suspect that either the potions or the cauldron could be the final piece.

Chrysalis and Cozy Glow search throuth the place to find anything else, they only found more books and even an action figure, nothing really special.

Then a door opened, from there appeared a creature of the same species than the storm king forces… only that instead of a suit of armor he had had a flower shirt

He quickly haves his hand on the air ¨HOLD ON!!! I DO NOT WORK FOR THE STORM KING ANYMORE!!!¨

Wherever he had to say was pretty much irrelevant for the trio, they quickly left him unconscious and Chrysalis wrapped him up inside a cocoon.

The trio spend quite a lot of time searching thought the bridge for anything that looked ancient or powerful, but nothing there look like could be useful.

¨I’m telling you, it must be either the potions or the cauldron¨ Tirek said to Crysalis.

¨there is no way those things could help a cube or a magic generator¨ Chrysalis keep insisting that neither of them could help, she didn’t found a logical reason on why a cauldron would help a cube and a magic generator… and pouring any liquid over any generator would only end in disaster.

In the middle of their discussion the aforementioned potions started to glow and emit a sound… not so violent that suggested that it could explode, but still it was weird to see the potions react without any input.

¨maybe we should ask him about those potions¨ Cozy Glow suggested.

Crysalis walk to the creature and removed a portion of the cocoon to question him

¨What does the glow and sound on those potions mean?¨ Asked chrysalis, while making her best effort to make herself look as intimidating as possible.

The intimidation worked, the creature spoke. ¨just don’t hurt me, it means that somecreature wants to speak with you, just pour one of those potions on the cauldron and you will see¨

Tirek did as he was instructed and from the cauldron appeared a flame, from that flame they could see the Prince Deceiver.

¨looks like I finally have the final piece¨

The creature recognize the prince immediately ¨you? I thought than the Storm King put you on a leash-¨ he was interrupted by chrysalis before he could continue.

¨SILENCE!¨ she then approached the cauldron ¨what do you mean by that? We still didn’t found it¨

¨but you did, I wanted to get rid of you once I have what I needed. This little artifact you gave me can be used as a bomb. With it I can destroy equestria and scare every nation into submission, not even the Storm King will rule over so much territory¨

Tirek pointed out a little flaw on his plan ¨you might scare some cowards, but the moment anycreature challenges your authority you will be done¨

¨don’t worry, the initial scare will make submit enough nations that they will gladly fight for me in the name of their survival. I wouldn’t need to remind anycreature about the destruction of equestria, just send my countless armies¨

Cozy Glow then pointed out ¨then your plan depends that no creature knows that you only have one of those things¨

The prince nodded

Crysalis then asked ¨and what exactly was all of those attempts to convince us to work alongside you permanently? Do you change your mind often or what?¨

¨its nothing really, I just really enjoy making fools think that they are my equal. I love moments like these, when their little illusion shatter and they are cast aside like the rest. Like that little snitch you have right there¨

And after that the fire dissipated and the ship where they were on started to receive fire from the Prince Deceiver own ship, he was fully intend on destroying the ship.

The snitch started to yell ¨I KNOW A SECRET WAY OUT!!! RELEASE ME AND I WILL HELP YOU!!!¨

Tirek went to the cocoon and fully open it, letting go of the creature. He started running and the three of them follow him to a hidden door, once opened they saw a tunel that was now their only way out.

Fortunately the tunnel was sturdy enough that didn’t collapse in their escape, still the constant sound of explosions wasn’t something reassuring.

After a few minutes of running they finally managed to exit the tunnel. Now they were at the other side of the mountain, inside a forest that hid them from view.

Still they were exhausted by the experience and took them some time to breathe, the first one to regain his composure was the former storm king soldier.

¨how is that the Storm King let the Prince Deceiver do anything he likes? I thought that he had him under a leash¨ The creature said.

Crysalis get up and answered ¨the Storm King is no more, he tried to attack equestria and his invasion ended up in disaster¨

Once tirek get up he asked another question ¨do you have any history with that prince?¨

The creature answered ¨something like that, I used to work in the army of the Storm King. I reported the constant treachery and over ambition of one of his lieutenants. He was forced to be called the Prince Deceiver, a silly nickname that inspires distrust and makes him difficult to find allies. A fitting punishment if you ask me¨

¨then you are a snitch¨ Cozy Glow said

The creature quickly answered ¨and you just gave him the magic sealer he wanted so much¨

¨The what?¨ Cozy Glow asked.

The creature stopped to explain ¨he was very serious in looking an artifact called the magic sealer. Some artifact that was supposed to temporary neutralize magic, instead it destroy all the magic and life in kilometers around. Its creators couldn’t bring themselves to destroy it, so they build a fortress to retain it¨

Tirek smirked ¨now, that’s my kind of toy¨

¨well, I hope you enjoy it. If properly energized it could destroy all of equestria, if not half the world. So I’m better getting out of here, Enjoy your end of the world¨ and then he fled the scene, He took the smart choice and decided to flee imminent destruction.

Chrysalis then said to the group ¨well, I’m not sure about you two. But I will get to that traitor and do with him what i will one day do to Starlight ¨

¨I’m joining too, nocreature outsmarts me like that¨ Tirek

Now they were waiting for the position of Cozy Glow… she was quiet, thinking of something.

¨what happen? Did you like it when that griffon used you and disregard you? Or do you want to bail out like that snitch?¨ Asked Crysalis.

¨no, is not that… is that I think is the first time I got manipulated. I totally saw coming that he would try to do it, but still feels weird¨ Cozy Glow clarified.

¨anyways, do you join us or not?¨ Tirek asked.

¨of course, I want to make that crazy griffon pay¨ Cozy Glow was as determined as her two companions.

Now they have to find a way to defeat this Prince Deceiver before he destroys equestria… along with them.

Chapter 8

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Tirek, Chrysalis and cozy glow were at the lair of Grogar. They reflected on the past day and couldn’t avoid feeling totally humiliated.

¨I can’t believe that for even a second I thought he saw me as an equal¨ Said Chrysalis.

¨and I can’t believe we didn’t acted sooner¨ Cozy Glow added.

¨okay, then we are going to sulk here, wait for our demise or are we supposed to do something?¨ Tirek commented.

¨I have no idea of what to do, do you?¨ Chrysalis asked.

¨he probably thinks we are death. So we can take him by surprise at his fortress¨ Said answered

¨he probably sealed off any hidden entrance at that cave where he is hiding¨ Cozy Glow pointed out.

Chrysalis then had an idea ¨wait, that cave has a lot more of tunnels than his army can reasonable cover. Maybe we could… no it would be too risky¨

¨RISKY!!!???¨ yelled the centaur at the changeling

Chrysalis told her plan ¨we could steal another ship from the equestrian navy, draw that jerk out of the cave on his ship, ram into his ship and board it!¨

¨Wait a minute, first… why do you assume that he would try to flee instead of remain in his fortress and fight us from there? He doesn’t have a numbers of advantages from there?¨ Cozy Glow pointed out.

¨Did you noticed that he never fights?, that he always end either us or his minions to do the dirty work? He doesn’t have the guts to fight alongside his army. He is a coward who will flee at the first chance he gets¨ Chrysalis explained.

She even with all of her flaws, always fought alongside her hive and even it was herself who impersonated Princess Cadence all those years ago.

Then Tirek pointed out another flaw in the plan ¨that explain why he didn’t help us is person even once. But you couldn’t try flying into the ship by yourself? I mean you and the brat can fly¨

Crysalis shook her head ¨in the past that was possible, but these days ships are equipped with canons that shot webs that snare any flyer and make them fall to their doom ¨

¨even ships from equestria are equipped with that?¨ Cozy Glow asked.

Chrysalis nodded, which caused the filly feel a chill down her pine. As a pegasus she can point out than that isn’t a good way to go.

¨If ponies are that ruthless I guess is safe to assume than that griffon also have some of those on his ships, looks we don’t have much choice on the matter but to use another ship against him¨ Tirek was convinced, it might be their only chance.

¨and why do we simply use the bell?¨ Cozy Glow pointed out at an alternative.

¨It would be easier like that, but if he feels that he is completely defeated we risk having him activating the artifact to take all of us down with him¨ Chrysalis argued.

¨maybe, but don’t you think than the other ships could try to either try to bard us too or shoot us? Not only we don’t have a way to defend ourselves from that that. It could also cause the artifact to destroy us all¨ Cozy Glow wasn’t all convinced.

¨and they probably know that, none would be so foolish to shoot at a bomb you have right on front of you¨ Chrysalis made her final point

That was a good point, so probably they are going to stick with chrysalis plan

¨so, let’s recap¨ Said the little filly

Crysalis said the plan ¨we steal a from the canterlot docks, we attack his fortress and that will make him flee. Feeling more secure inside an airship up in the air than in an underground fortress with countless secret passages¨

Tirek continued telling the rest of the plan ¨we ram into his ship and board it. Take the ugly artifact from his claws and destroy it¨

Cozy Glow then stood up ¨don’t forget the most important part, the explosive we are going to deliver into his ship¨ Tirek and Crysalis were confused at what Cozy Glow meant.

She flew away, the two of them follow her to see what explosive she is talking about. She entered Tirek room and moved the mattress on Tirek bed. It was Chrysalis the one that was less than happy with the filly little idea.

¨no¨ Chrysalis said whispered.

¨yes¨ Cozy Glow said gleefully

¨how did you found it?¨ Ask Tirek

¨isn’t was difficult to guess that you would hid it in your room, and the bulge on your bed made it obvious¨ Cozy Glow said.

Chrysalis hissed at Tirek for his poor choice of hiding place and then went to yell at the filly¨I refuse, that barrel and its contents are sacred. You will not use it as a bomb¨

¨We can get another one¨ the centaur pointed out.

Finally Chrysalis relented ¨fine, fine. But when any of you find something you consider important I will make sure to use it as a bomb¨

¨you are the one here that talks with logs when no one is looking in spite of promising on not doing it anymore¨ Cozy Glow commented while Tirek nodded in agreement, much to the former queen displeasure.

The docks of canterlot were sure on high alert now, with the activities of the last lieutenant of the storm king and the robbery of one of the airships, it was clear that the security in canterlot refuses to suffer another humiliation.

That would mean that things would be a little more difficult for this trio of villains… and perhaps more fun.

Same as before, use toy watches to measure the time. Chrysalis would release the ship and Tirek and Cozy Glow would take care of the crew.

This time was a couple of alterations. The route than the filly and centaur used was now full of guards… but the filly noticed a couple of platforms from where they can jump into.

For Cozy Glow that wasn’t a problem… for the centaur that was extremely difficult.

Meanwhile Crysalis took a new disguise, the disguise of an officer of the navy. She knew than that disguise would draw more attention, but she knew that whoever they put in charge of controlling the anchors wouldn’t fall for the same trick.

20 minutes left.

Tirek and Cozy entered the airship, from there they started the process they did the other day. Draw the attention of a member of the crew, left him unconscious and tied them up, now there was guards in the mixt… but their helmets didn’t do much to protect them from Tirek fist.

The process was more tedious that it should had been, maybe with all the guards the three of them were starting to get nervous, but they continued their operation.

2 minutes left.

Tirek and Cozy Glow finally managed to restrain the last member of the crew. Again they were waiting at the bridge expecting for the time to end.

Meanwhile Chrysalis in the form of an officer approached the engineer in charge of the anchors.

¨why are you wearing that helmet?¨ Said Chrysalis, imitating the voice of a drill sergeant.

The engineer stood up, saluted and said ¨after the robbery of the other day we were told to use these captain!¨

Chrysalis wasn’t wrong in her assumption, the new stallion in charge of this machinery was more disciplined… but that didn’t mean she didn’t knew a way to deal with him

¨recite the 10 codes of conduct of the equestrian navy¨ Chrysalis made her best effort to not burst out laughing.

Especially because the engineer was doing exactly what she order him.

Finally the watch started to sound, it was time.

The engineer was about to ask about the sound coming from the officer… when he received a direct order ¨show me your helmet¨

The engineer complied ¨here captain!¨

Chrysalis almost felt bad about ruining this engineer career too... She ended up knocked out the poor engineer regardless and went to stare from the window, there she could see the bridge of ship 3, the one they agreed to rob… and she was able to see Tirek hand waving.

She quickly presses the button to release the ship, now it started the most challenging part.

Cozy Glow started the engines and the airship started to took off. Meanwhile Tirek threw overboard the gagged crew members, it was all on his own until a pegasus jump into the ship… and revealed her true form as Crysalis.

Both of them quickly threw away the remaining crew members. The guards were too busy trying to save the crew members that none of then tried to board the ship… now they found a bigger problem.

The three of them could see a lot of ships at a distance, they clearly weren’t happy about the other day, and not even the fleet of the Prince Deceiver would be enough to scare them off.

They put all power to the engines, no attempt to fight the fleet, just run.

After several minutes of chase they managed to flee… either that or the navy called off the chase for some reason. Regardless they went to pick up something important.

¨we can change of plan if you like, maybe use something that doesn’t involve my liquor¨ Tirek and Cozy Glow shook their heads at Chrysalis proposition.

They went straight into the lair of Grogar. Once there they took Chrysalis barrel of moonshine and put it on the ship.

The trio had now their ship, their explosive... now they would give their enemy a visit.

The travel took several hours. The desert was quite treacherous, somehow some of the sand started to pour in into the hull, causing the ship to lose a little balance… not that deterred the trio. They knew that there wasn’t any other chance.

The Prince Deceiver was enjoy his meal, an exquisite quinine from Saddle Arabia, it might not taste good but the price and effort he put into this dinner was all the satisfaction he needed.

He was quite proud of himself, since the defeat of the Storm King in his invasion of equestria he managed to assemble quite a powerbase. And now with the artifact he would rule the world… not equestria, that place would be his sacrifice.

Then he heard the sound of fighting, it was the trio of stooges that brought him the artifact… how they survived? Doesn’t matter at this point.

He knew how powerful Chrysalis and Tirek are on their own, the filly didn’t worried him but he definitely would feel safer on his airship. Maybe they would make the mistake of follow him and get shot by his canons.

The ship quickly took off, traveling trought the cave and exiting to the surface… then he had a thought…

His little scheme could destroy equestria and send the world into his age darkness… that meant that there was a high chance than his enemies alerted the forces of equestria or other nation, he call on all of his fleet.

The fleet made a formation surrounding the personal ship of the Prince Deceiver, he wasn’t going to suffer a surprise attack...

¨MY LORD!!! RIGHT BELOW US!!! FROM THE CAVE!!!¨ one of his soldier inform that there was another ship coming from the cave… that didn’t make sense, he saw all of his fleet in perfect formation…

Then he remembered something… the size of the cave, the amount of troops he ordered to explore the different tunnels… that just reported more and more tunnels inside the cave…

His enemies managed to hide an airship right in that tunnel! He couldn’t believe it, he was just outsmarted. This was impossible, this was unthinkable.

Any contemplation than the Prince Deceiver had was interrupted by the sound of the enemy ship ramming into his own, he went running into his quarters, where he had left the bomb.

The plan worked perfectly, the trio of villians managed to outsmart the Prince Deceiver, they were be proud of this moment… but now it wasn’t the time for celebration.

The three of them boarded the ship, Tirek and Chrysalis remained to fight the soldiers at the deck of the ship, meanwhile Cozy Glow got inside the ship, she would find the bomb and take it from the Prince Deceiver claws.

Cozy Glow entered room after room, finding nothing until she noticed the room that she wasn’t hopping to enter… the personal quarters of the Prince Deceiver, it should be obvious considering all the golden decorations.

For old time sake the filly decided to… knock the door.

The Prince responded from behind the door ¨do you think I’m going to let myself be defeated like this?¨

The filly asked ¨well, how do you want to get defeated¨

The Prince responded ¨by using this weapon to fall alongside my enemies, oh please don’t let my dreams come true!¨

The patience of the pegasus reached its boiling point, she kicked the door open and had the Prince in sight.

He was holding the artifact with his claws, now it was glowing and it had a big button sticking out, it was ready and full powered.

The prince waved the artifact around ¨you can’t attack me! or do you want this thing to explode in your face?¨

Cozy Glow kept her distance, he was right. Not only there was a high risk that if she attacks him the button could be accidentally be pressed… but she was completely aware than she was unable to overpower him, doesn’t matter if he is a coward who avoid confrontations, she is still a small filly and he is still a grown up griffon.

Cozy Glow then saw the magic generator behind the Prince Deceiver and had an idea.

She started to get close to the Prince, one small step at the time, The Prince in response started to go some steps back, just what she needed.

The Prince Deceiver didn’t figure out Cozy Glow plan until it was too late, one of his paws touched the generator making a surge of energy go thought his body paralyzing him, The filly quickly took the artifact and flew away.

Cozy Glow flied as fast as she could to the exit, she found a door to the deck and… could hear the sound of fighting. Definitely would be a terrible idea to go there.

Deciding to not take her chances she decided to go and hide in some room, she choose the kitchen and hide under a table.

She eventually heard the sound of wings, and then of steps… and then those steps got closer.

It was the Prince Deceiver himself, he was looking for the little filly.

¨come here my little pony, I’m not going to hurt you. I can let you and your little friends go unharmed¨ The Griffon said, trying to draw the filly attention.

¨Friends…¨ The filly whispered , feeling offended by the term… she quickly covered her mouth, realizing the big mistake she made…

Fortunately the griffon didn’t hear her, so he went to the next room.

Cozy Glow took a look on the artifact she was holding for dear life. No longer was glowing, maybe lost its magical energy? Didn’t matter, she wasn’t taking chances and best to assume than that thing is still dangerous.

She got up and tried to find somewhere else to hide, that’s when the ship started to shake and bunch of plates fell over her.

¨NOOO!!!¨ Cozy Glow screamed at the top of her lungs, not so much for the pain of plates falling over her, but because in the impact she accidentally dropped the artifact…

And when the artifact got to the floor break into a million pieces, why didn’t activated? It could be a myriad of reasons, maybe if the artifact had fallen facing the button could had activated, maybe the artifact was so ancient that became useless like the one Grogar show no long ago, maybe the surge of power than the Prince used to activate it caused to break internally, or perhaps…

¨it’s out of power¨ Cozy Glow realized the answer, or at least the most probable one. She now remembered that the artifact was glowing when she took it and little by little lost its bright, and when she dropped that thing it was completely turn off. The artifact is no longer a threat, and now that is only a bunch of shattered pieces it would never become a danger again.

Just in case Cozy Glow took to the remains of the artifact and hold them with her wings. She now could simply go the deck and inform Tirek and Chrysalis of her victory. She walked out of the room and went through one of the hallways until she started to hear steps.

It was the Prince Deceiver, totally angry and completely ready to attack her. That’s when the filly had an idea.

¨Now I have the artifact, and I noticed that lost many of its power, now I can be the one to take us both down¨ Cozy Glow was hopping than the Prince Deceiver didn’t notice than the artifact was now broken, she was hoping that her wings would cover the pieces enough to deceive the deceiver.

¨you are ready? To destroy us both, to annihilate any chance you get out of this just to get the last laugh?¨ Said the Prince Deceiver, slowly walking towards Cozy Glow.

¨YES!!!¨ Cozy Glow yelled, started to approach the Prince, he soon started to back down. That plan was working for now, but she knew it could only make time. It was only a matter of time before he would notice than the artifact in her wings was destroyed.

Fortunately Cozy Glow noticed a piece of the roof in the hallway started to shake, the ramming did more damage that she initially thought and soon that piece of the roof would fall. She just needed to make him walk back a little so it falls over him.

¨Chrysalis is right! You are a coward!¨ Cozy Glow partially doubted that this trick would work twice in the same creature. But it was only one way to figure out.

The griffon started to growl ¨You can call me coward all you want. But I didn’t surrender like Frost and Gladius neither joined my enemies like Tempest, you call me coward because I wait for an opportunity instead of being a fool like ravager. Unlike them I will-¨ He was then interrupted by the filly.

¨unlike them no one is going to remember you, none will know what happened here if I activate this¨ Cozy Glow continued approaching the Prince Deceiver, making him continuing to walk back, he finally ended up in the place where she needed him to be.

¨if you activate that thing and all of the effort you put into-¨ Before he could continue the piece of the roof fell over him, so many rubble fell over him that he ended up unconscious.

Cozy Glow plan worked and she defeated the Prince deceiver.

The Prince Deceiver woke up, he tried to move but the rubble was too heavy. He was trapped inside a ship that was under attack by his enemies, with his ultimate weapon stolen. Still he didn’t surerendered and continued trying to escape… but his struggle only caused further debris to fall over him

¨I will escape, I will reorganize and I will hunt all my enemies! I AM NOT DONE!!!¨ the Prince yelled, he tried his best but nothing was working on getting out of there.

That’s when 3 old enemies appeared and got right in front of him.

¨I don’t have much to say. Only that you were right, I was going to outlive you¨ Said Tirek, mocking the speech the prince gave him to make him think he saw it as an successor.

¨You said that we would be equals, you thought that I would be just another fool you tricked into doing your dirty work just to be dispose of. But in the end you were the one beneath me, I wouldn’t even feed on you¨ Chrysalis said while hissing at the trapped griffon.

¨I don’t think that last comment would be something many would be offended¨ commented Tirek

Chrysalis hissed in response to tirek comment, but quickly Cozy Glow put herself between them.

¨well, it has been fun dealing with a master manipulator, hopefully I get to deal with somecreatue like you one day, too bad we aren’t going to see each other again. Saying goodbye is always the sad part¨ Said Cozy Glow, making an adorable voice that was made in clear mockery.

¨if you are going to finish me then do it already, stop wasting my time¨ The prince remarked.

Tirek then put his hand close to the Prince face, the prince saw…

¨the artifact¨ The prince said, while trying to not show showing any emotion.

Cozy Glow smiled devilishly ¨gonna cry? Are you going to swear vengeance?¨

¨I’m not giving you the satisfaction of a response, just know that you just destroyed your chance of victory¨ The prince said, no longer interested in saying anything more.

¨Well, I guess that’s all we can take from him, but we can show him the guest of honor?¨ Tirek asked to Chrysalis.

¨fine¨ Chrysalis exited the room while grumbling to herself, the Prince was confused on what guest they were referring to… but he wasn’t going to ask, at this point he was just going to receive further mockery.

¨let’s hope we get the opportunity to do this to twilight and her little friends¨ Said Cozy Glow

¨oh definitely, maybe we should had paid attention to those lessons on evil speeches from Grogar¨ Tirek remarked.

Crysalis finally came back, with a barrel, wharever it had inside it wasn’t going to be good for the Prince Deceiver ¨it’s a shame. I’m really going to miss you, I will make memorials in your name¨ Said Chrysalis with tear on her eyes.

The Prince Deceiver could only watch at the changeling weeping at a barrel ¨what are you-¨ but he was interrupted by the hissing of chrysalis before he could finish asking what is going on.

¨shut up, I’m talking with the hero that will make the ultimate sacrifice¨ Chrysalis then gave a last hug to the barrel and left.

¨we really need a serious talk with her about stop talking with inanimate objects¨ Cozy Glow remarked while leaving the room.

¨well, it’s been a pleasure¨ Tirek then started leaving the room. Not before lighting a string that ended… in the barrel.

¨AN EXPLOSIVE!!!¨ the Prince Deceiver yelled, realized what was going to happen to him.

¨yeah, the irony wasn’t lost on the brat over there¨ Tirek commented before starting running to jump ship before the explosion.

The Prince Deceiver was now trying his best to blow away the candle, but it became useless once the small fire on the rope catch on to the floor. His destiny was sealed.

meanwhile trio was in their ship, Crysalis took control of the bridge and from there she managed to separate their ship from the Prince Deceiver ship, meanwhile Cozy Glow and Tirek were looking at the Prince ship from the deck of their ship.

¨do you think we over did it?¨ Cozy Glow commented.

¨i don’t think so¨ Tirek said in response.

Then they saw the Prince Deceiver ship… catching fire, not exploding like they were expecting to, but shortly the ship started to fall. Considering the extremely high altitude... no way the griffon would return from that.

¨maybe we needed something a little more bigger¨ Tirek said at the disappointing sight.

¨a victory is a victory, with that bell we can surely do something better soon¨ Cozy Glow commented.

Tirek and Cozy Glow went to the bridge of the ship to help Crysalis with it.

¨well, looks like you were right. His fleet fled when we got inside his ship¨ Cozy Glow remarked, she was happy that things work out right.

¨everything has gone well… aside from my most royal follower making the ultimate sacrifice, and you breaking the artifact¨ Crysalis snaked at the apparent filly clumsiness.

¨that is for the better, that thing could had been used against us anyway¨ Tirek said. To him that artifact was better of destroyed and forgotten.

¨well, at least we still have the bell. That and this ship, maybe I can keep it once we-¨ the changeling was quick to shatter the hopes of the filly.

¨between the damages those ponies did when we tried to steal this ship, and the damage to the hull when we ram it… you know what, keep it. It’s going to be a miracle if it doesn’t crash before we get back at equestria, but just keep it¨ the former queen remarked.

¨meh, I guess some things don’t last forever¨ The filly said gleefully, trying to mask her annoyance at the Former queen comment.

¨well, let’s see if doesn’t crash in the middle of the desert, I doubt you would want another stroll through the desert right?¨ the centaur comment was met with a growl from the filly, she currently wasn’t keen on going through that desert anytime soon.

After a couple of hours Chrysalis was proven right, the ship was too damaged to fly too long, fortunately they long passed the dry bone desert and got back to equestria. So it wasn’t much of an issue getting out of the ship before it continued to malfunction, that was better that crashing down… at least for Tirek.

¨well, it’s a good thing that I brought this¨ Crysalis said while opening a box she had hidden.

¨what did you-¨ Cozy Glow question was answered by Chrysalis throwing camping equipment in front of her.

¨we aren’t getting into the lair of Grogar anytime soon, better to get some rest before we go to the lair¨ Said chrysalis.

Cozy Glow and Tirek nodded, that would be for the best.

Once they got out of the ship they starting setting up the camp, a little relaxation after the craziness of the last days.

¨I guess cooperation wasn’t so bad after all¨ Cozy Glow commented.

¨I guess, but I for once I don’t want to do any of these sneaking about once we defeat those annoying ponies¨ Tirek remarked.

¨i don’t know, you are good at sneaking, better than some of my changelings¨ Chrysalis responded.

Tirek couldn’t help himself but laugh in response, at least this little chapter is over.

¨well, I guess a plan B wasn’t worth it. But at least was fun right?¨ Cozy Glow asked.

¨maybe, but I for once I will pretend as this never happened¨ Chrysalis said.

¨I guess. But it’s not every day we get to defeat somecreature so nasty¨ Tirek remarked.

¨so, wait. That doesn’t make us… heroes?¨ Cozy Glow asked… and immediately covered her face in shame.

¨oh please no, that’s why I say is better pretend this never happened¨ Chrysalis responded, both her companions nodded.

Their little break was cut short whoever, they could hear the sound of a ship… and then multiple ships.

¨they must have follow us¨ Chrysalis said, she was impressed with the amount of ships, even was squadron of Pegasus flying around the ships.

¨that would explain why they didn’t blew us up when they had the chance¨ Tirek added.

¨does it matter? I think we should better get out of here¨ Cozy Glow said, her two companions nodded and the three of them quickly left the camp.

This was definitely an interesting couple of days they wouldn’t forget soon, even thou they didn’t got their plan B at least this victory made them sure that they would win when the time comes to confront Princess Twilight and her pesky friends.