• Published 28th Aug 2021
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Is a Plan B really worth it? - Elmaster48

Under the possibility of defeat a trio of villians try to find a plan B, but things might not go as planned.

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Chapter 5

It was a rather uneventful day, aside from Chrysalis looking for information on the artifact that the Prince Deceiver wanted, Tirek trying his best to find a safe place for the barrel of moonshine that Chrysalis bought and Cozy Glow still recovering from that travel through the desert.

Not much to say, finally the night came, alongside Chrysalis came back with… bad news.

¨I didn’t found nothing on the artifact, at least not one that matches the description¨ Chrysalis sounded tirek, she look over almost every library she could find.

¨then is another extremely dangerous artifact that only info exist on the restricted section of that library of cantertlot, great¨ Tirek was completely disappointed.

Chrysalis continued ¨The closet thing I got was a box that looks like the one that the Prince wants, but it was destroyed by an order of sorcerers almost five hundred years ago. I for once I refuse to go to another library again¨

¨well, I guess the brat didn’t lose anything interesting for today¨ Tirek commented.

That’s when Cozy Glow walked straight into the room, still tired for the look of it.

The filly asked ¨why do I feel like you are talking of me?¨

Completely unfazed the former queen responded ¨we were talking about weakness, we accidentally summon you¨

The filly instead of responding she sat on a small couch and rest on it.

Tirek then decided to say what he did of his day ¨well, I found a good place to hid the liquor, its better hidden that even that silly bell¨

Cozy Glow stared at Tirek and asked ¨what liquor? A bottle of beer?¨

¨MOONSHINE!!!¨ yelled Tirek, he found the name quite catchy.

Cozy Glow remained quiet for a few seconds, took a deep breath and said that she was on her mind ¨ARE YOU CRAZY? THAT THING IS EXPLOSIVE¨

Crysalis laughed ¨the only explotion that thing will do is to my stomach, once we are done we are going to celebrate¨ Then she glared at the filly ¨not you, you are still a foal¨

Cozy Glow would normally get offended… but getting turn down for liquor was preferable, she know how silly get anycreature that drinks it.

Cozy Glow stood up and prepared to get back at her room to sleep for the night… not before saying something.

¨just a warning. If I find that moonshine… It goes right into the drainage ¨ and with that last comment she went right to sleep.

Both Tirek and Cozy Glow started at each other.

Tirek stood up and said to Crysalis ¨maybe I didn’t hid the moonshine too well. I will leave it in an even safer place¨ Chrysalis nodded.

Generally this was a normal day.

Today is the day, the day this trio will finally get the first piece of the artifact, the trio was ready for whatever challenge they had to dealt with, even Cozy Glow made a full recovery.

They stayed in the specified location until the marked our came.

Out of nowhere a bunch of black clouds covered the sky, Cozy Glow recalls these from the stories of Twilight. These are the ships of the storm king… no, the ships of the Prince Deceiver.

It was a small fleet of ships, one of the ships landed on the ground, once there a ramp door opened and from appeared the Prince alongside many of his troops.

¨you came, that mean we can do this¨ Said the prince while smiling, Cozy Glow still found that smile oddly familiar…

Regardless, they got inside the ship, it was full of soldiers ready for a fight.

Cozy Glow couldn’t avoid but comment ¨it seems that this isn’t a classical daring doo adventure¨ unfortunately nocreature knew what she was talking about.

Tirek saw the prince going somewhere else on the ship, he decided to follow him. That led him into the deck of the ship.

¨did you wanted to see the sky or you simply wanted to follow me?¨

Tirek waved his hand ¨you and me both know the answer¨

The prince walked and got close to Tirek ¨I know my little nickname doesn’t inspire trust. It was the Storm King who branded me like that. Nowadays I keep using it because inspires fear in the right creatures¨

Tirek had something to say about that ¨a name can be quite powerful, but if don’t have anything else to show for it, then you are doomed the moment you are called on your bluff¨

The prince nodded ¨and that’s why we work so differently, I respect that. Maybe if this goes well we could work together in the future¨

Tirek snorted ¨ I would prefer to be the one bullying the subjects, not being the subject bullied¨

The prince simply had a chuckle ¨do we all, but consider my offer. You will have more power that you could ever dream off¨

Tirek give it some though and then answered ¨maybe I will do, but for now we keep this as a temporary alliance.¨

¨Maybe so, but I can see that your alliance with those two is temporary and very unstable at best, think of me when you want something more permanent¨ The prince argued.

Tirek then pointed out ¨no alliance last forever, I learn that when my brother betrayed me to the ponies, those two fools know it well. I won’t work under the illusion of an equal and wait for being betrayed¨

¨and I know that unlike you I won’t live for hundreds of years, the next time you blink I will be gone. By then you will freely take my place, by then my legacy will be your legacy. Just consider this in comparison with wherever they are offering you ¨ And after saying that the Prince Deceiver flew away right into another ship.

That ship might be smaller than the other ships, but it was highly ornate and showcased his wealth and power.

Tirek was left alone with his thoughts, e just saw that a new possibility opened for him.

After a few hours of travel the fleet finally was getting close to their objective, out of curiosity the trio of villains went into the deck of the ship. From there they could see at a distance the place where the first piece of the artifact was guarded.

It was a fortress right at the top of a mountain, the black stones of the fortress heavily contrasted with the white snow of the rest of the mountain. It was a place that screamed the word: ominous.

Chrysalis for her part was quite impressed, she was considering that after taking back the hive she would move the hive at this fortress… but then she took into account the terrible cold.

The other two simply found it ugly.

Regardless, the trio went into position. They were alongside the troops and waited for the ship to land, they started hearing a lot of bangs from inside… eventually they started hearing explosions.

Finally the ship landed and from there everycreature got off the ship as fast as they could.

Cozy Glow was amazed at the sight of the creatures defending the fortress…

¨ROBOTS! WE ARE FIGHTING ROBOTS!¨ She felt like she was inside a science fiction book.

¨THESE ARE GOLEMS!!!¨ Tirek yelled at the filly, he doesn’t know what’s a robot but these are clearly golems.

¨THEY ARE SIMPLY OBSTACLES IN OUR WAY!!!¨ Chryalis yelled, she didn’t wanted to hear an argument about the correct definition of the monster they were fighting.

The creatures in question were giant ponies made of stone, in spite of their size they were quite fast and ferocious.

Chrysalis and Tirek decided to go one by one. They single out one of the stone guardians and constantly hit him until fell into pieces… unfortunately there was still other 19 to go.

Cozy Glow meanwhile tried to ignore the battle and try to find a door to enter the fortress.

After flying all over the fortress she found a big door with a face at its center, she tried to push it, then tried to kick it and nothing… then she could hear a voice coming from the face at the center of the door.


Cozy Glow paused a second ¨then Tirek as right after all¨ then she had an idea ¨TIREK!!! CHRYSALIS!!! GET HERE NOW!!!¨

The two of them rushed to the door, they were expecting that she founded the door… but weren’t expecting the current dilemma.


¨a door that talk? That’s new¨ comments chrysalis, still she went ahead and try to open the door without much results

¨COME ON!!! OPEN!!!¨ Tirek yelled at the top of his lungs, he was almost to turn down to absorb the magic from the Prince soldiers to get some extra strength.


Bringing her companions didn’t work out, fortunately the filly had another idea.

Cozy Glow yelled at the top of her lungs ¨NOW I GET IT! YOU ARE NOT A DOOR!¨

She was waiting for a response.


Chrysalis got even more frustrated and started to yell ¨WHEN I AM DONE WITH YOU THE ONLY THING THAT YOU WILL BE IS BUNCH OF RUBBLE!!!¨

The door remained quiet… and the golems were getting awfully close to them.

Cozy Glow decided to try again, see if this time it works ¨A WALL THAT NEVER OPENS IS ONLY A FANCY WALL!!!¨


Tirek and Chrysalis finally cached what Cozy Glow was trying to do… which mean.

¨wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall¨ the three of them partake on this little activity. It was childish, but it was the only thing they thought it could work.


Cozy Glow finally said her final words ¨then prove it, open¨

And as if her words casted a spell the mysterius wall started to open, they quickly got inside before either the golems got them or the wall realized his mistake.

Now they were inside, but first Chrysalis wanted to set up an important rule that would apply from now.

¨the way we managed to pass that door? A secret we will keep to the grave!¨ her both companions agreed, they would rather forget how they opened that door and move on.

The three of them continue walking, the place didn't have much lighting, it was extremely dark and difficult to see. No problem a changeling but Tirek used his magic to cast a small light so he and Cozy Glow could see ahead.

The lack of activity was concerning, they just fought an army outside. What could be here? That was the question that the three of them asked themselves.

Then they found a rounded staircase that went deep below, way lower that they could see.

Tirek took a good look to see if he could see if there was something below…¨so, do you think those stairs are full of traps? I mean I think is rather suspicious with all of this lack of enemies¨

Cozy Glow nodded ¨yeah, those stairs are rigged¨

Chrysalis watched in disappointment at this pair of cowards… and without asking she simply flew inside.

¨did she just…¨ Cozy Glow couldn’t believe it, the centaur simply nodded. Now they needed to prepare for the worst.

… And they continue waiting, no response. No enemy, not even a estrange voice like the one of the door.

Eventually Chrysalis came out from the hole, with a cube in her mouth.

¨so, this is the first piece? I expected it to be bigger¨ Tirek said while snatching the cube from Chrysalis mouth.

Cozy Glow flew around her companions ¨doesn’t matter, we should get out of here before this place falls apart or we are attacked on all sides!¨

… And nothing came, eventually Cozy Glow was struck with the realization that Crysalis got already.

Cozy Glow stared at Chrysalis and ask her ¨did the builders of this place focused all of their defenses on the outside?¨ Crysalis and Tirek nodded, the filly got paralyzed trying to process what just happened.

¨I guess laziness affects even the best of us¨ Tirek said while walking to the exit, chrysalis put the paralyzed filly on her back and accompanied him to the door.

They got right in front of the door they trick into opening, they would need a new trick?


the door opened and the trio managed to exit the fortress.

Once outside the little filly finally recovered from her idiocy induced paralysis and run alongside her allies straight into the airship ramp. The prince troops saw them leaving and that was their signal to also get out.

They managed to outrun the golems and got inside the ship, this quickly departed while the fortress keeps firing at the running ships.

Still, they managed to escape safe and with the artifact.

Cozy Glow was alone at the deck, staring the sky and reflecting on the events of recent days. That’s when a known figure approach her.

¨One would think that a former student of the princess of friendship would be more sociable¨ commented the Prince of deceit while approaching the lonely filly.

¨I just need a time to breathe, that’s all¨ Cozy Glow tried to explain her reasoning for being here.

¨you know, I made a little research on you. You are quite interesting, you have a lot of po-¨ The little speech of the prince was interrupted by the filly.

¨you and me know than the other is a manipulator, please don’t try to use sweet words on me. I know a manipulator when I see one, I even recognize the one in the mirror¨ Cozy Glow wasn’t lying. She recognized the false smile coming from the deceiver, it was the one she used on the princess of friendship.

¨then I will be direct, you are able to control fools like me. I respect that more than honorable fools. But if you keep associating yourself with fools then you are a fool¨ The prince glared at the door, where it could be overheard Chrysalis and Tirek boasting about their feats of power.

¨they still have uses, I still don’t find a logical reason to betray them¨ the filly lowered her head, she was trying to find a way to even mentally escape this conversation.

¨you are young, you will get far. Maybe once I retire all of this can be yours¨ Cozy Glow just snorted when she heard the prince offer.

¨I will think about it¨ after saying that Cozy Glow went walking to a door to enter the ship… then she decided to turn around and ask a question about the artifact…

Unfortunately she saw the prince simply flyng into his ship, extremely ornate and show his wealth and the promise of a good life.

Cozy Glow was alone, thinking of the great opportunity she was offered.

After a few more hours the trio of villains was back at the lair of Grogar. Not much to say aside that they went ahead to recall their next step.

It was mostly because Coz Glow decided to rest at deck instead of attending the party for the victory. It was in that party where the prince said his plan.

Apparently the second piece of the artifact was a mere magic battery, in ancient time those were as rare as an alicorn, but nowadays those are equipped on standard airships… of equestria.

The prince next mission was simply, get inside a dock and steal an airship. A fleet from the Prince Deceiver would cause a distraction and from there they could escape without having to fight half the equestrian fleet… still there was one problem with that plan.

¨how exactly are we going get inside that airbase and steal the starship?¨ Tirek asked.

Chrysalis answered ¨many ships do maintenance checks, maybe I can pass off as a mechanic and steal that battery. No need for a massive fleet battle¨

Cozy Glow pointed out the problem with that plan ¨eh, you just told me than that thing weights half a ton. I doubt you could carry that, less without attracting attention¨

Tirek commented ¨stealing an airship will draw way more attention than a simple battery¨

The three of them stared at the ceiling, trying to think of a plan that didn’t involve possibly getting show at by almost every ship of the equestrian navy… and none of them came with something.

¨I guess we will have to think of something¨ said Tirek while yawning, this was a stressful day and it was clear that tomorrow was going to be worse.