• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 449 Views, 2 Comments

Grown With A Kiss - reedman

A human is cursed, now every pony wants a piece of him

  • ...

Make Out with Mac

“Thanks for letting me hide in the barn again Mac.” Pete said as they walked in.

“Ya still didn’t tell us why.” Applejack said. The human didn’t see Big Mac give his sister a sharp glare.

“Ya never need a reason Pete.” the stallion said with a grin. “Yer always welcome here.”

“You do deserve an explanation though.” the human said as he turned around and sat on the ground. Mac’s eyes were level with the top of his head. “In this case, showing is easier than telling. Mac? Come close.”

Pete held the sides of Mac’s head in his hands. The trust gained from the days first hiding in the barn were still there. A deep breath was taken, Pete closed his eyes, then the red stallion was pulled forward for a kiss. While he was taken by surprise, he didn’t resist. He closed his eyes as well. He kept his lips soft as Pete worked them over. Applejack simply stood there, her jaw hung open. After a moment, Pete pulled away to end the kiss. He opened his eyes, and the stallion opened his soon after. It took a moment for any of them to say anything.

“How’d ya get smaller Pete?” Mac asked. The human shook his head.

“I didn’t get smaller Mac.” Pete said as he stood up. “My kiss made you bigger. It was a short kiss. You’re probably no bigger than Princess Luna.”

“Yer tellin’ me a kiss from you makes ponies grow?” Applejack asked.

“Yep.” he answered.

“Anything else?” the mare asked.

“Lightning Dust, the Wonderbolts, Rarity, and Twilight are all looking for me right now. Also Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash are all giants.” Pete answered.


It took some convincing, but Applejack eventually conceded. Mac would stay in the barn with Pete. As for what the human’s plan was, that was still a work in progress.

“Ah better not see Mac burstin’ outta the barn.” Applejack said.

“We promise.” Mac said.

Pete closed the doors after she left. Mac’s heart was pounding. He was in the barn, alone with the human. Again. Just that morning he had wished for a chance at asking Pete out. All he needed was a moment alone. Now he had one. He just wished he had practiced what he wanted to say. Mac cursed himself for not taking Applejack’s offer of practicing with her first.

“I’m not sure if I can ever pay you back for this Mac.” the human said as he sat next to the stallion on the ground. “Pretty sure I still owe you from the first time.”

Mac looked over to the pile of hay in the far corner. A fond memory. “Ah remember the day ah found ya sleeping on that hay.” he said. “Scared an’ hungry.”

“Yeah.” Pete said as he looked over as well. “I was absolutely terrified of this colorful alien world of talking ponies.” He mindlessly scratched the red stallion’s back. His nimble fingers felt nice back there.

“Until ya got them apples from me.” Mac said with a playful nudge. “Never seen anypony eat three apples that fast before.”

“First meal I had after wandering through Everfree Forest for an entire day.” he said. “Then this gracious stallion with the cutest of all accents brings me a blanket that night? I thought you were a blessing.”

“Y-ya think mah accent’s cute?” Mac asked. An opening!

“Cutest in all of Equestria!” Pete exclaimed. “On Earth we call it Southern American, and I have a soft spot for it.”

“Ah’m glad ya enjoy it.” the stallion said, trying accentuate his southern drawl. The human gave a small shudder in response followed by a light giggle.

“You remember that day your sisters found me?” the human asked.

“Like it was yesterday.” Mac answered. Applebloom had ran to Applejack and said she saw a weird two-legged creature in the barn. He was eating lunch when he overheard it.

“When your sister roped me up, I was terrified.” Pete said as his back scratching turned into a one arm hug. “That moment you ran in and wrapped your forelegs around me. I never felt so safe in my life, and haven’t felt that way since.”

The two looked into the eyes of each other deeply.

“I think we should be more honest about our feelings Mac.” the human said.


“This is so humiliating.” Rarity moaned as she munched away.

“Take a jog ‘till you shrink back to normal then.” Rainbow Dash said. The white mare was silent.

The two were eating some leaves off of a nearby tree. Twilight was sat down, facing her house tree. There was a glowing sphere emanating in front of her. She was using her growth-enhanced magic for an observation spell. Currently, she watched as Pete was so close to kissing Big Mac. It was like a scene out of a Sharp Write novel come to life.

“Come on Pete.” the purple mare said excitedly. “He’s so close-.”

“Peter?!” Rarity asked as she walked over. “Have you found my Peter?”

“Shh.” Twilight shushed her friend. “Pete’s about to kiss Big Mac.”

Big mistake. Now her large friends were squeezed up next to her to get a view. The flapping of numerous wings were heard above. It was the Wonderbolts and Lightning Dust.

“How’d you get big again Dash?” Lightning Dust asked.

“Shh!” Rainbow Dash shushed. “Pete’s about to kiss Big Mac.”

The pegasi all crowded around the sphere. The moment was intense. Big Mac and the human inched their lips ever closer.

“Ah don’t care if ah become bigger than Canterlot.” Big Mac said. “Yer worth it.”

“Really?” Pete asked.

“Eeeyup.” the stallion answered.

“Doesn’t Big Mac mean Pete’s at Sweet Apple Acres?” Spike asked while still sitting on Twilight’s back. The ponies surrounding the sphere all looked at each other in wide-eyed silence.


“Don’t make him grow Pete.” Pete thought to himself. “Don’t make him grow so you can enjoy the moment.”

Pete was on the ground of the barn. Forelegs wrapped around him. He lost track of how long they had been there. He didn’t have the slightest clue how magic worked. For some reason though, thinking ‘don’t grow’ while kissing seemed to work. Maybe Twilight had a more specific answer. Something to ask about when he wasn’t in hiding. For now, it was best to enjoy the moment. The two pulled back to catch their breath. The red stallion’s stomach grumbled.

“Sorry Pete.” Mac said. “Ah’m real hungry. Ah missed lunch.”

“Well we can’t have my favorite stallion miss lunch.” the human said. “Let’s get you fed.”

The stallion lowered himself to the ground. “Hop on.” Mac said. Pete was quiet as he swung his right leg over Mac’s back. There was a sharp inhale as the stallion stood back up. He never got to ride a horse back on Earth, but this was something else. For the three years he lived here, he’s only seen Big Mac as another one of the ponies. His smaller size made it easier to see him as a friend. Now with his new size, it felt different. Feeling the stallion’s powerful muscles move between his legs. It was hard to describe the emotions.

The moment was cut short as a light rumble could be heard. Pete looked into the distance. He saw three giant mares, and a number of pegasi coming his way. It wouldn’t be long before they would be here. He needed a good plan of escape. Applejack was running over from apple picking.

“What in tarnation is goin’ on?” she asked.

“All the ponies looking for me are coming.” Pete said as he dismounted. “I have an idea. Listen up and pucker up Applejack.”


“This is absolutely dreadful!” Rarity whined. Not only was she the last one to get to the farm where her Peter was hiding. Her friend Applejack was now massive compared to her. The larger mare was blocking their path to the barn. Her tail flicked at the smaller pegasi that tried to fly around her.

“Not one step closer!” she said. “Pete needs his space from y’all.”

“Perhaps from them.” the white mare said. “I need my employee back to help me with a very important dress. So if you could hoof him over to me...”

“No!” Applejack said with a firm stance.

“If anything, I should have Pete.” Twilight said. “I have this cage necklace to keep him safe.”

“Twi, that’s worse than the butterfly net!” the orange mare said to her smaller friend. “Pete stays in the barn.”


Mac was doing his best to trot quickly and quietly through the Everfree forest outskirts. Pete’s plan was pretty smart. The conglomerate of ponies looking for him were at the farm. However, they had to deal with a slightly larger Applejack pretending to guard him. During that, the two of them were taking the long way around. Then it would be a quick run to the train station.

“I’m sorry about kissing your sister back there.” Pete said. The stallion gave a half chuckle.

“Yer magic works by kissin’ folk.” he said. “It’s somethin’ Ah’ll have ta get used to.”

“I guess I have no choice but to kiss you even more to make up for it.” the human said as he ran his fingers through the straw-colored mane. “In the meantime, I better get off. A human riding a handsome stallion might attract some attention.”

“Darnit.” Mac grumbled. He was right. The stallion lowered himself so the human could dismount. Although having the human riding him was definitely an experience he would try again.

“You might shrink back to normal after all this walking.” Pete said as they walked past a few staring ponies. “I saw Rainbow Dash go back to normal after flying a bunch. I’m no Twilight, but I think I’m starting to figure this out. Like how I was able to make your sister grow so fast. I was even able to kiss you without making you grow back in the barn.”

“So what’s yer plan now?” he asked.

“We’re gonna take the train to Canterlot.” the human answered. “Some royal intervention is definitely the answer.”

“Ah can’t buy a ticket.” Mac said. “Left mah bits at home.”

“This ain’t good.” Pete said as he checked his empty pockets. He rubbed his chin to think, which made him look down at his mouth. The human looked at the stallion with a smile. “I have an idea.”


Pete was breathing deeply as a small collection of bits were levitated into his pocket. It would be enough to buy two train tickets. He felt a large nose nuzzle into his back. He turned to see an enlarged minty mare staring down at him.

“Thanks for the help Lyra.” he said.

“This is so cool!” Lyra said. “I’m so big! Isn’t this amazing Bon Bon?”

“Please tell me this wears off Pete.” Bon Bon begged from the back of her friend.

“Can’t hear you over the sound of running away!” Pete said as he ran off.