• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 449 Views, 2 Comments

Grown With A Kiss - reedman

A human is cursed, now every pony wants a piece of him

  • ...

Romance with Rarity

After that extremely weird start to his day, Pete was glad to walk into work. His amazing boss greeted him with her usual warm smile.

“Good morning Peter.” she said. She refused to call him Pete. ‘Too improper’ she’d say. She was the boss, so it was her call.

“Mornin boss!” Pete said with a smile. While she was okay with them being on a first name basis, he wanted to keep it professional. He hung his sidebag off the wall. Rarity already had paper, quill, and ink floating to him when he turned. Right down to business. His meeting with Discord could be shared over lunch later.

“We musn’t dilly dally.” she said. “We need to take a full inventory of all my fabrics. My supplier has a lot of excess he wants to offload for cheap. Seeing what stock is low is the upmost importance today. I need to finish my dress for a party Hoity Toity is hosting tonight, so I’m trusting you dear.”

“You can leave it to me boss.” he said. She trotted away with a smile. It was great she trusted him so much. Their relationship had really smoothed out since their first encounter. Their first meeting involved him hiding behind her shirtless, while Twilight was trying to catch him with a giant butterfly net. After she kicked the purple unicorn out of the boutique, Rarity made him a new shirt. He asked how he could pay her back. She offered him a job, and Pete had been working here ever since. He never got his shirt back from Twilight. His boss once gossiped that she would wear it to bed. Oddly enough, not the weirdest thing about her.

Taking stock of the fabrics wasn’t too much of a task. The rolls of materials were well organized. It was crazy easy. At least it was now. When he first took this job, this place was organized chaos. It was organized in a way that made sense to Rarity. Though it made taking inventory a nightmare for him. Reorganizing every single material his boss used was a week long project. Times like this made it more than worth it. In the time it would’ve taken to count half the stock, he was already done. He went over to his boss, who was busily sewing away at her long flowing work of art.

“Inventory’s done boss.” Pete said. “The stock on almost everything is where you like them. The only things we’re low on are lace, linen, and organza.” Rarity was so engrossed in her work, she didn’t respond. A loose bit of her mane was going dangerously close to the sewing machine. He lightly flicked the hair out of the way. That got her attention.

“Sorry dear.” Rarity said. “A bit preoccupied.”

“And here I was thinking you were mixing horse hair into your fabrics.” he said with a chuckle. He was making a quick attempt to lighten the mood. He knew how hyper focused she tended to get on her dress work.

“I just want to perfect these small details.” she said. “If you want to impress the Canterlot elite, you have to get it all right.” Pete squatted down to her level and put a hand on her back.

“You’ll look great Rarity.” he said. “I know you will because you made the dress.”

With a good word of encouragement shared, he stood up. The white unicorn wanted to thank her employee for the kind words with a kiss on the forehead. By chance, the two shared a kiss. Their lips pressed together for a few seconds of shock before they pulled away from each other.

“I-I should double check those counts.” Pete stammered as he ran over to the fabrics with a face as red as an apple.


Mortifying was only the beginning of what Rarity was feeling as she paced about. She just kissed Peter. Peter! Her employee! It was completely unprofessional. She could barely contain her embarrassment. Only worsened by the fact she knew she couldn’t tell a soul. She could never tell her friends, despite her usual gossiping habits. Some of them would become terribly jealous. She knew Twilight (and Rainbow Dash in secret) have read every Sharp Write romance novel. While she had glanced over a page or so at the library, the two of them adored her stories on pony-human romanticism. The thought of those two interrogating her for details on his lips made her cheeks red.

She figured it best to get back to her sewing to distract her thoughts. She walked over to her table to notice something was off as she sat in her chair. The chair itself felt smaller. Perhaps her increased sitting gave her a larger derriere. A minor bother compared to the current predicament. The table was a bit lower than usual. It was solid wood, so one couldn’t simply adjust the height. A mare of her age shouldn’t be getting any growth spurts. She levitated her measuring tape, and got off her chair. The stressful situation had to be making her delusional and she needed to prove it to herself. She trotted over to a mirror. The mirror was a tad on the small side. She quickly measured herself from hoof to horn. It would be the same number it always was. Simple as that. She confidently looked at the number on the measuring tape.

“Sweet Celestia!” Rarity almost shouted. “This can’t be right.” According to her measurements, her chin was where her normal height was. She didn’t know any spells that could increase size. How in the world did she get bigger? She looked over to the front door. Maybe a visit to her friend Twilight was in order. If she was growing, it was best to solve the problem quickly. She turned to walk, and stopped after a single step. A mental image popped into her mind.

She was in Canterlot. The rich, the powerful, and the famous were going about their days. The ground rumbled beneath their hooves. They turned to the source of all the shaking. They were all in shock and awe of what they saw. A towering Rarity walking in a stupendous dress to match her size. Her steps causing small quakes. The nobles singing her praises to the skies. Princesses begging for her to make them dresses. Becoming the biggest pony to become the biggest name in fashion. It would be perfect.

Rarity shook herself out of her daydream. Twilight would have to wait. Surely, this fashionista could figure out this growth magic on her own. She just had to find what triggered it. Something out of place she interacted with. Something she did that was unusual. Something like...

...kissing the only human in the world.

She looked over to Peter. He was looking over the same few fabrics, trying not to look in her direction. With her growth spurt, her face met his mid torso. She had no plan, but she knew what she had to do. She flipped her mane and double-checked her appearance in the mirror. What she was about to do was ethically and morally questionable. It was for the Carousel Boutique. For her career.

Peter would understand.


“I just kissed an entirely different species!” Pete thought. “I just kissed my boss!” The thoughts ran through his head a dozen times over. He didn’t know what to think. This was too much to take in. Maybe he could volunteer to pick up the supplies. Maybe he should ask for the day off. Nothing made sense right now. Maybe-.

No. Rarity needed him right now. She was stressed out over this party. He needed to be here. She either did it on accident, or the stress made her do it. Sure. That made sense. She had told him in the past of an author by the name of Sharp Write. She had been writing pony-human romance novels since he showed up. While she said she never read them herself, he wondered if they influenced her at all.

“Peter?” Rarity asked. He turned to look at his boss. Something looked off.

“Hey boss.” Pete said. “Are you okay? Something about you looks...different.” Was her face at always at lower chest level? He didn’t have time to think about it as she quickly closed the distance between them. Poor guy felt himself backed against the wall.

“Was that your first kiss Peter?” his boss asked with a sly smile.

“What? N-No!” he stammered. “I-I just...” He trailed off, his brain failed to find a proper answer. Before he could give one, he could feel the pull of a white mare’s magic bringing his head to hers. Face to face.

“I’m not upset Peter. I just can’t have my best employee lacking such experience.” She whispered. “I guess you need some...hooves-on training.”

A shocked Pete went wide-eyed as he felt his lips press against Rarity’s once more. He didn’t know what to do as she worked her soft lips around his. Half his brain was screaming at him to pull and run. The other, much quieter half was telling him to stay. There weren’t any customers. The cat was napping. Sweetie Belle was at school. Who would know right?

After a few moments, he noticed something. He wasn’t bent over anymore. He was standing up. Straight up. Yet, Rarity was still standing as well. It was enough to snap him out of his kiss-fueled daze and push away. The force sent her a few steps back.

“Boss!” he shouted. “You’re as tall as Princess Celestia!” She smirked at him. She walked up to him again. Pressing her now much bigger left forehoof against him. Leaving him pinned against the wall.

“It seems you have a gift you’ve been hiding from me Peter.” she said. “As your boss, I’m ordering you to kiss me again.”

Pete found himself powerless as the now much larger Rarity forced her lips against his. It was still a bit shocking to say the least. The quiet half of his brain was quite a big louder this time. Despite the species difference, he couldn’t deny how nice it felt. Her soft lips pushing down on his. Wait. Down? He pulled away again. He was looking up at Rarity. Up! She had her head lowered just to stay close. His head barely met her chest. He could duck and easily walk between her four tree trunk legs.

“H-How?” Pete asked. His boss only chuckled.

“I’m no Twilight, but I have a theory.” she said. “I’ll share it for another kiss.”

Pete was helpless as he found himself surrounded in a blue aura. He was lifted off the ground. There was so much happening so fast. He couldn’t think straight. Rarity never acted like this before. She was the calm, prim, and proper pony. Not seductive and kiss crazy! What would make her do this?


Rarity’s embarrassment was long gone. She was elated. Excited! Her ticket to being the biggest pony in fashion was pressed against her lips. Tingling sensations sent up and down her body as she felt her body grow. She wondered how long Peter had this gift. He acted like he had no clue what was happening. These were questions more for Twilight. If she ever let Peter out of her sight again that is. A bump on her head interrupted her thoughts. She pulled Peter away for a moment.

“Well.” she said. “It seems we’re at the ceiling.” While getting bigger was the prerogative, she did not want to break her boutique.

“Rarity?” Peter asked. “Could you put me down?” Her human employee looked so adorable at this size. It was unbearable how cute he looked. Nonetheless, she put him down. She couldn’t stop smiling at him.

“You gave me a realization Peter.” she said. “If I’m going to be the biggest name in fashion, becoming the biggest pony is a good start. Now we just have to get me out of here, and we can have some more training.”

Her comparatively tiny employee looked admittedly scared. Poor guy never had to deal with anything like this before. Even when he first came to Equestria. She ignored his concerns as she talked.

“Oh Peter.” she said. “I can see it all now. Towering above the citizens of Equestria. A dress fit for a gargantuan beauty. Ponies lining up outside the boutique for miles just for a chance at their own outfit made by me. Oh Peter it’ll just be amazing! Peter?”


Lyra and Bon Bon were munching away on their hayburgers when they heard the screaming. A saliva-covered human ran past them at full speed. They were puzzled for a moment before going back to their lunch.

“I wonder what’s wrong with Pete.” Lyra said.

“Maybe he burnt a dress again.” Bon Bon said.

The two were interrupted once more. Everything on their table shook rhythmically. It was rapidly growing in intensity. World shaking booms knocked them out of their seats. They looked to the source of the shaking. They were speechless. It was Rarity! She was as tall as a tree! She even had a voice to match.

“Peter!” she boomed. “You get back here and kiss me this instant!”