• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 450 Views, 2 Comments

Grown With A Kiss - reedman

A human is cursed, now every pony wants a piece of him

  • ...

Ride From Rainbow

Rainbow Dash was on her back, laughing. She happened to be flying down to Ponyville for lunch when she saw Pete on the bench by the train station. It was too easy. He practically jumped out of his skin when she scared him. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.” she laughed.

“Dash.” he said after calming down. “Today is not the day for that. I’m trying to hide from Rarity and Twilight.” The pegasus picked herself up and sat next to the human on the bench.

“Did somehuman burn a dress again?” she asked coyly. She remembered that day well. Watching her fashionista friend chasing him all over Ponyville was hilarious.

“No.” he said. “It’s worse. I’m not even sure you’ll believe me.” Rainbow turned to Pete. Something was off. Whatever the issue was, he was being serious. She found herself placing her right foreleg on his left leg. She wasn’t the sentimental type. Maybe it was all the Sharp Write novels she had been reading. It worked because he calmed down a little.

“Tell me anyways.” Rainbow said.

“Alright.” Pete said. “It started this morning when I ran into Discord.”


It was official. Spike was never going to expect birthday presents from Pete for the rest of his life. He got to kiss his crush Rarity. It was only a half hour, but it was the best half hour of his life. Now that the jig was up, it was back home he went.

After a short walk, the tree came into view. The giant Rarity was staring down at a half-as-giant Twilight. She must’ve been kissing Pete while he was gone. He walked right between their towering legs as they argued and shut the door behind him. Of course the door was poked open by a large white hoof moments later.

“Oh Spikey Wikey?” Rarity called out in a flirtatious tone. “Could you be a dear and bring out Peter?” A window at the opposite end of the tree was open. Not a human in sight. He was about to tell her when a familiar purple snout poked through the door.

“Spike!” Twilight said loudly. Her morning tea breath washed over him. “Do not bring out Pete! I need him for my experiments!” The large purple snout was pulled out with magic, and an even bigger white snout pushed in. Some of the wood groaned against the pressure exerted on it.

“Don’t listen to her dear!” she said. “Peter is my employee first and foremost. As his boss, I know what’s best for him.” The white snout was pulled out with magic. He walked to the doorway to see the big ponies talk.

“That doesn’t even make any sense.” the purple mare said.

“Oh like your reasons are any better?” the white mare said back.

“Pete’s not here.” Spike said. The two towering mares ceased their arguing. Two big pairs of eyes filled his view almost immediately.

“What?!” the two mares said in unison. The little dragon gulped nervously.

“H-He wasn’t inside, a-and the back window was open.” he said. As soon as he finished his explanation, a familiar purple aura lifted him into the air. He was sat on Twilight’s back, which was now much more spacious. Rarity was already walking off towards Pete’s house to start her search.

“Come on Spike.” Twilight said. “We have a Pete to find.”


“After climbing out the window, I ran all the way here.” Pete finished retelling his tale of the day. Rainbow’s face was a mix of shock and mild confusion.

“I’m only stuck on one part.” she said. “Why would Discord give you the power to grow any pony that kisses you of all things? That’s the lamest power ever.” The pegasus was doing her best to conceal her jealousy of her friends.

“I don’t know.” he answered. “He said he was bored. Rarity and Twilight have gone nuts. I just need to get somewhere safe. Like Canterlot. Maybe Princess Celestia can help. I just want a pony to hide me.”

To Rainbow, it was almost like the Sharp Write novel she was reading. A Hidden Human. It was a story about a brave mare trying her best to hide a human from the government of Equina. A government that only wanted to perform painful experiments on the helpless human. Now here Pete was, wanting to hide from her now giant friends. While the two of them weren’t best friends, they would hang out on occasion. Catching a Wonderbolts show now and then. Going out for drinks. Maybe now was her chance to help.

“How are you gonna get there?” she asked. “The next train doesn’t show up for ten minutes, and Twilight won’t be far behind if she uses one of her tracking spell things.”

“That’s why you need to kiss me.” Pete said as he held her hooves in his hands. Rainbow felt her heart skip a beat. “I could make you big enough to fly me right up to Canterlot.”

“P-Pete...” she trailed off.


Being on pony number three, Pete thought he would be accustomed to feeling a pony grow in his grasp. Nope. The rapid shift from being small enough to carry her, to big enough to carry him was still surreal. The moment she out-sized him, he found himself pinned between her and the bench. After a few moments, the sky blue pegasus pulled back to catch her breath. At some point in her growth, she had slid off the bench and was sat next him. As he pulled himself up, he could hear heavy steps trotting about.

“Pete this is awesome!” Rainbow said. “I gotta be as big as Princess Celestia!” The mildly embarrassed human sat up and looked at the now bigger pegasus. Today’s noon train stop wasn’t very busy. Only a few onlookers.

“Give or take about the same size.” Pete said as he stood up.

“Now I have a size to match my awesomeness!” she said as she spread her wings. “Now I believe somehuman needs a ride to Canterlot.” The human didn’t hesitate to mount his pegasus savior. From his perspective, he would never see how bright red her cheeks got.

There wouldn’t be much time to soak in the moment however. Rhythmic shaking was felt all around. The human and slightly enlarged pegasus looked over to see a familiar purple unicorn bounding towards them.

It was a good thing Pete had wrapped his arms around Rainbow’s neck before she shot off into the sky.


The view one gets flying in the sky was a view she had seen a hundred times. Something about it felt different to the blue pegasus. Maybe because this time she was sharing it with the human that inspired the romance novels she loved to read in secret.

“You get to see this every single day?” he asked.

“Y-Yeah.” she answered. “Pretty awesome right?” She tried to play it off when Pete gave her neck a light rub.

“We need to do this more.” the human said. “Of course that means I would have to kiss you again. Make you big enough for this ride to be super comfy.” The statement caused the mare to blush.

“So you did kiss the hoomin?” a voice asked. Rainbow looked over to see a bright turquoise pegasus mare with a lightning yellow mane.

“Lightning Dust?” the blue pegasus asked in shock. Seeing her rival in the moment she was sharing with Pete caught her off guard. Though Lightning’s focus shifted to something else.

“Wait.” she said. “Why are you so big? You’re Celestia-sized!” Rainbow’s eyes darted back and forth as she tried to think up an answer. Luckily, her human passenger had her back.

“Twilight Sparkle happened.” he said. “We’re heading to Canterlot to see if Princess Celestia can fix this.” It wasn’t a complete lie. A half-truth seemed to work, as Lightning moved on.

“Guess you two are gonna miss the Wonderbolts.” she said with a sneer.

“Wonderbolts?” Rainbow asked with her eyes wide.

“Yeah.” Lightning said. “They’re in Cloudsdale right now. One of their members got injured. They need a temporary member for their show next week. Since you and the hoomin are going to Canterlot, I guess I’ll be taking that spot. See ya!” The turquoise pegasus darted off higher into the sky towards the city in the clouds.

“Did you hear that Pete?” she asked. “The Wonderbolts. This could be my chance!”

“What about getting me to Canterlot Dash?” the human asked. The blue pegasus huffed.

“Joining the Wonderbolts is my dream Pete.” Rainbow said. She even turned her head to look at the human in her peripheral vision. “With this new size of mine, I could be a shoo-in!”

“Fine.” he sighed. “I don’t really have a choice anyways, since you’re my ride.” She squealed with delight as she adjusted her flight path away from the mountains.

“Wonderbolts here I come!” Rainbow shouted.


Princess Celestia was enjoying the brief respite of her lunch. A busy day made her look forward to eating a salad for once. Though a feeling at the back of her mind was telling her that something about the day was off. She couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. Lulu felt the same when the issue was discussed with her. There wasn’t much she could do on just a feeling. The captain was told to keep an eye out for anything stranger than usual.

Suddenly, a flash of green fire. A letter appeared on the table.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have the most wonderful news. It’s about our resident human. After an inexplicable meeting with Discord, Pete now has magic. After some initial testing, I have concluded that he has the ability to make ponies grow in size. This could change the world as we know it. However, I regret to inform you that he ran off in a panic. The last I saw him was with an enlarged Rainbow Dash flying into the sky.

As far as I know the ponies Pete has used his magic on are Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and myself. I am hoping for advice on what I should do next.

Twilight Sparkle

She had to reread the letter a few times. The human gained magic? Of all the magical abilities to gain, he can make ponies grow? On top of all that, he was loose among the populace. If word of his ability got out, things could get out of hoof quickly. She summoned a paper and quill to write a response.

Dear Twilight,

I congratulate you on making such a discovery. Magic appearing in a new species is certainly cause for excitement. As for advice, I ask that he be contained as soon as possible. Write to me as soon as you accomplish this.

Princess Celestia


Pete really needed to work on his ability to say no to ponies. Dash wanted to grow again before flying into Cloudsdale. Her excuse was wanting to be big enough to hide him. Soon as she used the cute eyes, he caved. Now she was about Twilight’s size. As big as a house down in Ponyville should be more than enough. Now he was sitting right where her back and neck met. Her hair was draped over him. The number of gasps meant it was time to be quiet.

“Wow.” a raspy-voiced mare said. “Rainbow Dash right?”

“Y-Yeah Spitfire.” Dash said. “Heard you needed a spare in your next show.” Pete heard the flapping of numerous wings approaching.

“With a pegasus this size, our shows are gonna be amazing.” a stallion said.

“I think you’re onto somethin’ Soarin.” Spitfire said. “With her, we could be The Giant Wonderbolts. If Rainbow Dash feels like sharing how she did it.”

“I can tell you!” Lightning Dust interrupted. Pete felt a pair of forelegs wrap around him. He was yanked from his hiding place, and bright light filled his eyes. The turquoise mare was behind him, with numerous onlookers staring at him. “Rainbow Dash kissed the hoomin, and he made her bigger. I heard them talkin’ about it when they were flying up here.”

Well now things have gone south. Before he could think of a way out, the mare flew around to face him. She wrapped her forelegs around him, and pulled him in for a kiss. It was only a moment or so before she pulled back. The human and the not-giant ponies stared at a now much bigger turquoise mare. Not as big as Pete’s cohort, but ‘Celestia-sized’ as Lightning had put it earlier.

“See?” she asked as she did a small twirl in the air. “I think I’ll go again.”

“Don’t you dare!” Rainbow shouted. It was too late. Pete was picked up by the forelegs of the not-as-large mare. He tried to push her away, but her superior size made it a fruitless endeavor. A pair of lips already enveloped his mouth.

He felt air move around him. This mare was flying around while growing. He could see Rainbow trying to catch her in his peripheral vision. When she finally pulled her now massive mouth away, Pete found himself plopped down on a hill of a lightning yellow. He was on top of Lightning’s mane.

“You don’t mind if I borrow the hoomin for a bit, do ya pipsqueak?” Lightning boomed. This mare had to be as big as Rarity, if not bigger. Pete found himself holding onto her mane as she out-maneuvered Rainbow Dash. Darting around in every direction. His friend was making no progress in retrieving him.

“Give me back my human!” Rainbow shouted at the mare nearly twice her size.

“Catch me and I will!” Lightning shouted back.

In a split second, the rushing air around Pete stopped. He was no longer holding onto the giant mare’s mane anymore. He could see his friend still chasing her. Neither of them noticed that the Wonderbolts just snagged him. He had two of them holding him by his arms. A yellow mare with a fiery orange mane flew up to him.

“Now then.” Spitfire said. “Time to live out a page from all those Sharp Write books Soarin reads.”


“How’s it fit?” Spike asked as he double checked the knot.

“Perfect Spike.” Twilight said. “With this cage necklace, we can keep Pete safe and contained.”

“Safe from who?” the dragon asked.

“Oh Twilight this is terrible!” Rarity said, as if on cue. The purple mare turned around to see her friend. At eye level. Somehow. “After lifting almost every building in Ponyville to search for my Peter, I’m smaller!”

“Amazing.” Twilight said as she trotted around her friend. “Exhausting all that physical and magical energy shrunk you down to my size. Exhaust yourself enough and you could very well get back to normal size. Spike go write this in my notes.” She levitated the little dragon to the ground and he ran inside.

“We need to find him Twilight!” Rarity whimpered. “If I can’t be the biggest pony for Hoity Toity’s party, my chances at fashion superstardom are gone!” She started to be over dramatic when she spotted the necklace on Twilight. Her fashionista instincts kicked in. “Odd time to be accessorizing with a necklace.”

“Actually Rarity,” Twilight said “this is a cage necklace Spike and I put together. We gotta contain Pete soon as Rainbow Dash gets back with him.”

“After I regain my status as the biggest pony of course.” she said. “Wait. She has my Peter? How long have you known?”

“Since I saw them fly off.” the purple mare said. “I forgot to tell you. I was writing a letter to Princess Celestia and-.”

You let that daredevil take my employee into the sky by herself?” Rarity shouted before taking a breath. “How do you know she isn’t making herself as big as Cloudsdale right now?”


Rainbow was confused when it looked like Lightning was getting away. It took her a moment to realize that the mare she was chasing was getting smaller. She stopped chasing to compare herself to a nearby cloud. Was she smaller too? The clouds did look bigger than they did when she got up here.

“Hey what gives?” Lightning asked as she flew up to the blue pegasus. “We’re not big anymore!”

“Pete’s kiss probably wore off or somethin’.” Rainbow said.

“Guess I’ll have to smooch the hoomin again.” the turquoise pegasus said as she bolted back towards Cloudsdale. “See ya soon-to-be-pipsqueak!”

“Oh no you don’t!” the blue pegasus shouted as she flew after her. The two’s rivalry poked through as they raced each other back to the human. The race wasn’t long, as they both stopped at the sight before them.

The Wonderbolts had been taking turns with Rainbow’s human friend. The two must’ve been racing for longer than they thought. The Wonderbolts were massive compared to Pete. Poor guy was trying his best to stay balanced on Spitfire’s hoof. Lightning and Rainbow flew towards the giants.

“I guess the human’s our new recruit now.” Soarin said.

“Says the Sharp Write fan.” Spitfire said with a raspy chuckle.

As Rainbow flew up to the giant Wonderbolts, she realized she had no plan.


Sitting in a hot tub he conjured up, Discord was enjoying the show he had made for himself. The human had grown so many ponies, and it was only lunchtime. Now he was at the mercy of the Wonderbolts. The draconequus groaned.

“That’s because your story is boring!” he yelled.

How is this boring? He’s thousands of feet in the sky. At the mercy of giants no less.

“How’s he gonna get down genius?” the draconequus asked.

Ummmmm. Just a sec.

“Go on.” he said, waiting for an answer.


“Wrote yourself into a corner didn’t you?” Discord asked with a smug grin.

Maybe. Help?

“I guess.” the draconequus said. “Take your fingers off the keyboard and let me fix this mess.”

Skipping forward into the story, Discord used his powers to alter the plot. A strong breeze would knock the human off Spitfire’s hoof. Plummeting through the sky, Pete thought he was facing certain death. Luckily, he has plot armor.

The Wonderbolts and Lightning Dust chased the falling human, exhausting any size they had gained. Rainbow Dash found him and hid amid the clouds until the coast was clear. She dropped him off at his house, and he gave her a thank you kiss. Which took longer than normal due to over-eagerness as well as the desire to be big again. She still wanted to impress the Wonderbolts. She flew off, leaving Pete to his devices

“There.” Discord said with a smug grin. “You’re welcome.”

Thank you Discord. I’ll take it from here.


As much as he hated to be sent back to square one, Pete couldn’t argue with Rainbow. The Wonderbolts and Lightning Dust would try to snatch him up again if they were flying together. He wanted to go back into his house and forget the whole day. He knew Twilight or Rarity would find him eventually if he did.

He looked in the distance to a familiar red barn. Hiding there worked last time. Maybe it’ll work again. Before heading there, he went into his house for a new shirt and a quick lunch.


“How could you be so careless with my Peter?” Rarity asked Rainbow Dash. The pegasus had just finished her retelling of her short adventure with the human.

“Not to mention now we have even more ponies trying to find him.” Twilight added. “Keeping our size a secret from Ponyville has been impossible.”

“Hey!” Rainbow said. “I was careful with him the whole time Rarity. It was Lightning Dust who pulled him off my back.”

“H-He rode on your back?” Twilight asked. The question gave the pegasus red cheeks. “I bet it felt like that scene in Summoning A Human.”

“Ugh. Spoilers!” the blue pegasus grumbled at her friend. A statement that also made her eyes go wide.

“I knew it!” the purple unicorn said with a sly grin.