Grown With A Kiss

by reedman

First published

A human is cursed, now every pony wants a piece of him

Pete is a human living in Equestria. Just another case of "sent there by unknown means with no way back". He has a nice job working at the Carousel Boutique. Despite being the only human around, he gets along with most of Ponyville. On his way to work, he gets a visit from a very bored Discord.

The troublemaker decides to give him a very special power. This can't possibly go horribly wrong and chaotic.

Contains: Growing Ponies, Human kissing ponies(mares and stallions)

Inspired by Get Him written by TJHoofer

Discord with Discord

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The sun had just started to rise. Pete was already up and walking. He had to get to work before opening. His boss was a stickler for being on time daily. Despite working at a fashion shop, his wardrobe wasn’t very restrictive. Blue jeans, dress shoes, and a purple shirt. It was as close to a uniform he would have. He didn’t have a name tag. She never found the need for him to have one. It was a fair point since he was the only human in Equestria.

His situation was a short story. A few years ago, he had woken up in the Everfree Forest with no clue how he got there. First meeting with the populace was admittedly rough. Despite their best efforts though, not a single pony could find a way to send him home. So he chose to integrate into their society. He didn’t have much of a life back on Earth. He even got a nice place to live in Ponyville. It was a small house next to Apple Acre Farms. Some of the ponies pooled their bits to help him build it. It was like a studio apartment it was so small. It kinda grew on him.

“Heya Pete.” a deep voice said. Pete looked to his left. Standing behind a fence was a red stallion. His head of hay-colored hair came up to Pete’s mid torso. The red stallion of Apple Acre Farms. Big Mac. The stallion had started to make morning appearances on Pete’s walk to work since he moved next to them. He happily walked over to his neighbor.

“Hey Big Mac.” Pete said. “Gettin’ ready for the morning apple pickin’, or did you just wanna watch me walk by?” Despite the red fur, one could almost see the stallion blush. The two got to know each other well when Pete first appeared in Ponyville. Big Mac found him sleeping in the barn, and let him stay there for a little while. They got close, but nothing ever came out of it.

“Apple?” Big Mac asked. He produced an apple he had carried on his back. Pete happily added it to his sidebag.

“Thanks Mac.” Pete said. “You always spoil me. I wish I could stay, but Rarity wants to do inventory on supplies today. See ya!”


“Ya gave ‘im an apple again?” Applejack asked.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac answered with a smile on his face.

“Did ya finally ask ‘im out?” she asked.

“...Eeenope.” he said quietly and hung his head. He had been wanting to ask out the human for a while.

Applejack rubs her head against her brother’s neck. “Don’t worry bro.” she said. “One day you’ll get yer chance.”


Pete was happily chewing away at his apple. He could never get over how good his neighbor was. He would definitely have to take Big Mac out to a thank you dinner when he had the bits. His job at the boutique was good, but not a huge source of income. He often wished he could start his own business. Though there wasn’t many business ideas that a human could do better than a pony.

As he got closer to the Carousel Boutique, some of the Ponyville residents were getting up and going about their day. He got a few waves here and there. He remembered how awkward he felt walking through town on his first day to work. A few years really do fly by.

It was strange. One moment, ponies were starting their day. Walking around without a care in the world. Suddenly, all of them were frozen in place. Even the trees that were blowing in the breeze, weren’t moving. Pete looked around. It was like someone hit pause on everything.

“Hello Pete!” a jubilant voice said. Pete quickly looked around for the source of the voice. He went to take a nervous bite of his apple. “Hey!” the voice said again. “Watch where you’re biting!”

Slowly, Pete looked down at the apple. He saw a tiny noodle-like creature waving at him. Out of shock, he immediately dropped the apple and fell back. Rather than fall as well, the apple floated in the same spot he was holding it. The noodle-like creature crawled around the apple, devouring it down to the seeds. The seeds rapidly expanded like balloons. When they popped, the tiny noodle-like creature reappeared, but at a much larger size.

It was a strange creature. None of his body parts matched. He had a single sharp tooth pointing out of the upper jaw. There was something ominous about him. Pete couldn’t put his finger on it. Then he looked into his eyes.

“I...I read about you.” Pete said. “In an old book. You’re a draconequus. A powerful one.”

“Oh please.” the draconequus said as he floated towards Pete. “I prefer most powerful in the world. That, and Discord. Given that is my name.”

As soon as he heard that name, a terrified Pete immediately tried to crawl back. Discord slithered through the air towards him before he could make any distance. A paw was rubbed over Pete’s mouth.

“I’m bored.” Discord said. “I’m gonna watch you have some fun. Remember to pucker up!”

As soon as he appeared, the draconequus disappeared. The world resumed, earning Pete a few weird stares from some ponies.

Romance with Rarity

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After that extremely weird start to his day, Pete was glad to walk into work. His amazing boss greeted him with her usual warm smile.

“Good morning Peter.” she said. She refused to call him Pete. ‘Too improper’ she’d say. She was the boss, so it was her call.

“Mornin boss!” Pete said with a smile. While she was okay with them being on a first name basis, he wanted to keep it professional. He hung his sidebag off the wall. Rarity already had paper, quill, and ink floating to him when he turned. Right down to business. His meeting with Discord could be shared over lunch later.

“We musn’t dilly dally.” she said. “We need to take a full inventory of all my fabrics. My supplier has a lot of excess he wants to offload for cheap. Seeing what stock is low is the upmost importance today. I need to finish my dress for a party Hoity Toity is hosting tonight, so I’m trusting you dear.”

“You can leave it to me boss.” he said. She trotted away with a smile. It was great she trusted him so much. Their relationship had really smoothed out since their first encounter. Their first meeting involved him hiding behind her shirtless, while Twilight was trying to catch him with a giant butterfly net. After she kicked the purple unicorn out of the boutique, Rarity made him a new shirt. He asked how he could pay her back. She offered him a job, and Pete had been working here ever since. He never got his shirt back from Twilight. His boss once gossiped that she would wear it to bed. Oddly enough, not the weirdest thing about her.

Taking stock of the fabrics wasn’t too much of a task. The rolls of materials were well organized. It was crazy easy. At least it was now. When he first took this job, this place was organized chaos. It was organized in a way that made sense to Rarity. Though it made taking inventory a nightmare for him. Reorganizing every single material his boss used was a week long project. Times like this made it more than worth it. In the time it would’ve taken to count half the stock, he was already done. He went over to his boss, who was busily sewing away at her long flowing work of art.

“Inventory’s done boss.” Pete said. “The stock on almost everything is where you like them. The only things we’re low on are lace, linen, and organza.” Rarity was so engrossed in her work, she didn’t respond. A loose bit of her mane was going dangerously close to the sewing machine. He lightly flicked the hair out of the way. That got her attention.

“Sorry dear.” Rarity said. “A bit preoccupied.”

“And here I was thinking you were mixing horse hair into your fabrics.” he said with a chuckle. He was making a quick attempt to lighten the mood. He knew how hyper focused she tended to get on her dress work.

“I just want to perfect these small details.” she said. “If you want to impress the Canterlot elite, you have to get it all right.” Pete squatted down to her level and put a hand on her back.

“You’ll look great Rarity.” he said. “I know you will because you made the dress.”

With a good word of encouragement shared, he stood up. The white unicorn wanted to thank her employee for the kind words with a kiss on the forehead. By chance, the two shared a kiss. Their lips pressed together for a few seconds of shock before they pulled away from each other.

“I-I should double check those counts.” Pete stammered as he ran over to the fabrics with a face as red as an apple.


Mortifying was only the beginning of what Rarity was feeling as she paced about. She just kissed Peter. Peter! Her employee! It was completely unprofessional. She could barely contain her embarrassment. Only worsened by the fact she knew she couldn’t tell a soul. She could never tell her friends, despite her usual gossiping habits. Some of them would become terribly jealous. She knew Twilight (and Rainbow Dash in secret) have read every Sharp Write romance novel. While she had glanced over a page or so at the library, the two of them adored her stories on pony-human romanticism. The thought of those two interrogating her for details on his lips made her cheeks red.

She figured it best to get back to her sewing to distract her thoughts. She walked over to her table to notice something was off as she sat in her chair. The chair itself felt smaller. Perhaps her increased sitting gave her a larger derriere. A minor bother compared to the current predicament. The table was a bit lower than usual. It was solid wood, so one couldn’t simply adjust the height. A mare of her age shouldn’t be getting any growth spurts. She levitated her measuring tape, and got off her chair. The stressful situation had to be making her delusional and she needed to prove it to herself. She trotted over to a mirror. The mirror was a tad on the small side. She quickly measured herself from hoof to horn. It would be the same number it always was. Simple as that. She confidently looked at the number on the measuring tape.

“Sweet Celestia!” Rarity almost shouted. “This can’t be right.” According to her measurements, her chin was where her normal height was. She didn’t know any spells that could increase size. How in the world did she get bigger? She looked over to the front door. Maybe a visit to her friend Twilight was in order. If she was growing, it was best to solve the problem quickly. She turned to walk, and stopped after a single step. A mental image popped into her mind.

She was in Canterlot. The rich, the powerful, and the famous were going about their days. The ground rumbled beneath their hooves. They turned to the source of all the shaking. They were all in shock and awe of what they saw. A towering Rarity walking in a stupendous dress to match her size. Her steps causing small quakes. The nobles singing her praises to the skies. Princesses begging for her to make them dresses. Becoming the biggest pony to become the biggest name in fashion. It would be perfect.

Rarity shook herself out of her daydream. Twilight would have to wait. Surely, this fashionista could figure out this growth magic on her own. She just had to find what triggered it. Something out of place she interacted with. Something she did that was unusual. Something like...

...kissing the only human in the world.

She looked over to Peter. He was looking over the same few fabrics, trying not to look in her direction. With her growth spurt, her face met his mid torso. She had no plan, but she knew what she had to do. She flipped her mane and double-checked her appearance in the mirror. What she was about to do was ethically and morally questionable. It was for the Carousel Boutique. For her career.

Peter would understand.


“I just kissed an entirely different species!” Pete thought. “I just kissed my boss!” The thoughts ran through his head a dozen times over. He didn’t know what to think. This was too much to take in. Maybe he could volunteer to pick up the supplies. Maybe he should ask for the day off. Nothing made sense right now. Maybe-.

No. Rarity needed him right now. She was stressed out over this party. He needed to be here. She either did it on accident, or the stress made her do it. Sure. That made sense. She had told him in the past of an author by the name of Sharp Write. She had been writing pony-human romance novels since he showed up. While she said she never read them herself, he wondered if they influenced her at all.

“Peter?” Rarity asked. He turned to look at his boss. Something looked off.

“Hey boss.” Pete said. “Are you okay? Something about you looks...different.” Was her face at always at lower chest level? He didn’t have time to think about it as she quickly closed the distance between them. Poor guy felt himself backed against the wall.

“Was that your first kiss Peter?” his boss asked with a sly smile.

“What? N-No!” he stammered. “I-I just...” He trailed off, his brain failed to find a proper answer. Before he could give one, he could feel the pull of a white mare’s magic bringing his head to hers. Face to face.

“I’m not upset Peter. I just can’t have my best employee lacking such experience.” She whispered. “I guess you need some...hooves-on training.”

A shocked Pete went wide-eyed as he felt his lips press against Rarity’s once more. He didn’t know what to do as she worked her soft lips around his. Half his brain was screaming at him to pull and run. The other, much quieter half was telling him to stay. There weren’t any customers. The cat was napping. Sweetie Belle was at school. Who would know right?

After a few moments, he noticed something. He wasn’t bent over anymore. He was standing up. Straight up. Yet, Rarity was still standing as well. It was enough to snap him out of his kiss-fueled daze and push away. The force sent her a few steps back.

“Boss!” he shouted. “You’re as tall as Princess Celestia!” She smirked at him. She walked up to him again. Pressing her now much bigger left forehoof against him. Leaving him pinned against the wall.

“It seems you have a gift you’ve been hiding from me Peter.” she said. “As your boss, I’m ordering you to kiss me again.”

Pete found himself powerless as the now much larger Rarity forced her lips against his. It was still a bit shocking to say the least. The quiet half of his brain was quite a big louder this time. Despite the species difference, he couldn’t deny how nice it felt. Her soft lips pushing down on his. Wait. Down? He pulled away again. He was looking up at Rarity. Up! She had her head lowered just to stay close. His head barely met her chest. He could duck and easily walk between her four tree trunk legs.

“H-How?” Pete asked. His boss only chuckled.

“I’m no Twilight, but I have a theory.” she said. “I’ll share it for another kiss.”

Pete was helpless as he found himself surrounded in a blue aura. He was lifted off the ground. There was so much happening so fast. He couldn’t think straight. Rarity never acted like this before. She was the calm, prim, and proper pony. Not seductive and kiss crazy! What would make her do this?


Rarity’s embarrassment was long gone. She was elated. Excited! Her ticket to being the biggest pony in fashion was pressed against her lips. Tingling sensations sent up and down her body as she felt her body grow. She wondered how long Peter had this gift. He acted like he had no clue what was happening. These were questions more for Twilight. If she ever let Peter out of her sight again that is. A bump on her head interrupted her thoughts. She pulled Peter away for a moment.

“Well.” she said. “It seems we’re at the ceiling.” While getting bigger was the prerogative, she did not want to break her boutique.

“Rarity?” Peter asked. “Could you put me down?” Her human employee looked so adorable at this size. It was unbearable how cute he looked. Nonetheless, she put him down. She couldn’t stop smiling at him.

“You gave me a realization Peter.” she said. “If I’m going to be the biggest name in fashion, becoming the biggest pony is a good start. Now we just have to get me out of here, and we can have some more training.”

Her comparatively tiny employee looked admittedly scared. Poor guy never had to deal with anything like this before. Even when he first came to Equestria. She ignored his concerns as she talked.

“Oh Peter.” she said. “I can see it all now. Towering above the citizens of Equestria. A dress fit for a gargantuan beauty. Ponies lining up outside the boutique for miles just for a chance at their own outfit made by me. Oh Peter it’ll just be amazing! Peter?”


Lyra and Bon Bon were munching away on their hayburgers when they heard the screaming. A saliva-covered human ran past them at full speed. They were puzzled for a moment before going back to their lunch.

“I wonder what’s wrong with Pete.” Lyra said.

“Maybe he burnt a dress again.” Bon Bon said.

The two were interrupted once more. Everything on their table shook rhythmically. It was rapidly growing in intensity. World shaking booms knocked them out of their seats. They looked to the source of the shaking. They were speechless. It was Rarity! She was as tall as a tree! She even had a voice to match.

“Peter!” she boomed. “You get back here and kiss me this instant!”

Testing with Twilight

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Running from a giant mare was no easy feat. Pete found himself dodging behind buildings constantly. This was much more stressful than the time Twilight tried to capture him. He almost wished to deal with the giant butterfly net again. Rarity was lifting buildings with her magic like it was nothing. Entire houses levitated around him as he ran. If seemed her magic grew with her. He was screwed if she found him.

He received a pair of confused stares as he slammed the doors of the Ponyville Day Spa behind him. He gave a sheepish smile and a wave. “Hi Aloe. Hi Lotus.” he said. “Rarity’s hunting me down. Can I hide out for a few minutes until the coast’s clear?”

“Why in the world would Rarity be hunting you?” Aloe asked.

“Aw sweetie.” Lotus said. “Did you burn a dress again?”

“It was one time!” Pete said. “Also, no. She’s...umm...different right now.”

Before they could ask more questions, the ground shook once more. He ran behind the counter where they were. The voice reverberated through their ears.

“Peter dear.” Rarity said. “I would hate to have to levitate my favorite spa to remove you. Please come out.”

Aloe and Lotus looked at each other, then him. Aloe points to a hallway. “There’s a backdoor.” she says. He runs out as he says his thanks. The twins shake their heads as they go to try and talk to Rarity.


Twilight happily sipped her morning tea as she reread one of her favorite Sharp Write novels. For once, she had no plans today. Her friends had been trying to convince her to take a day off from everything. No ancient books to research. No spells to practice. Not even a single errand to run. It was a day to unwind. They were right. This was calming. Even Spike was relaxed as well. No interruptions could ruin her unofficial day off.

Well, the shouting at the door was about to be a strong contender.

“Twilight!” Pete shouted as he banged on the door. “It’s Pete! It’s an emergency!”

She barely got to the door when it swung open. Equestria’s only human practically dove inside and slammed the door behind him. He was cowering. He was almost laying down he looked so terrified. He usually tended to avoid her. He never really got over her attempts to retrieve him in a net. The fact he came to her looking like this. It wasn’t good.

“Rarity!” he gasped. “Inventory! Dress! Kiss! Giant! More kiss!”

“Pete.” she said. “Take a moment to breathe. Tell me what’s going on.”

“Yeah.” Spike said walking up with a pout. “What’s this about you and Rarity kissing?”

Before he could answer, rhythmic rumbling was heard and felt. The human’s eyes went wide with fear, and he clambered to cower behind Twilight. Whatever was causing all that rumbling, it had him scared. “She’s coming.” he said.


Walking through Ponyville at this size was a bit of a challenge. Rarity found herself taking the daintiest of steps. Even then, she could see the world around her shake. The stares from onlookers made her regret not having a dress for this size. A perfect marketing opportunity wasted. It was an issue she could tackle later. For now, she needed to find Peter. Her two-legged ticket to super stardom. She lost him when he hid inside the Ponyville Day Spa and snuck out a backdoor. Aloe and Lotus tried to lie at first, but it seems the unicorn’s new size was fairly intimidating.

She wondered if Twilight could help. A visit to the tree home of her friend was in order.


After a few minutes of panicking, Twilight had calmed Pete down. He sipped on some tea as he relaxed a little. She was the last pony he would go to for help normally. Given their first meeting was her trying to capture him with a butterfly net. Chased him from Sweet Apple Acres to the Carousel Boutique. She still never gave him his shirt back. None of that mattered. Something was up with Rarity. He needed her.

“So you’re telling me Rarity’s a giant now?” Twilight asked.

“Yes.” Pete said. “We kissed a few times and now she’s as big your tree.” It was not a fun explanation to give. Especially in Spike’s presence. He was quite grumpy when kissing was mentioned.

“Fascinating.” she said. “I thought you said you had no magic. How did you make her grow?”

“I’m not a magic user Twilight.” he said. “I don’t know. All I do know is that she got bigger when we kissed.”

“Why did she even kiss you?” Spike asked.

“Excellent question Spike.” Twilight said. “Rarity’s never one to be unprofessional.”

“I’m not sure.” Pete said “Maybe it’s the stress of the party Hoity Toity’s hosting. She’s never acted like this before.” Before their conversation could continue, a booming voice cut them off.

“Twilight Dear?” the voice thundered. “Could you come outside for a moment?” Twilight looked at a nervous Pete for a moment before walking towards the door. When she opened the door, all she saw was white. It took her a moment to realize they were legs before slowly looking up.

“R-Rarity?” Twilight stammered. “You’re massive!” Her shock was cut off when Rarity tapped her hooves out of excitement, which caused the ground to shake.

“Isn’t it wonderful darling?” Rarity asked. “If I get a dress made at this size, ponies from all over will see my work! Now on a completely unrelated note: have you seen Peter? He left work suddenly, and I can’t find him.”

“Well…” Twilight said. “You see...”


“Alright.” Pete said. “I think I should go out the back door.”

“We don’t have a back door.” Spike grumbled.

“Listen Spike.” the nervous human said. “I don’t know what’s happening to me. All I know is that Rarity got bigger after kissing me, and she wants to kiss me more. Twilight is not my favorite pony, but she’s the only one smart enough to figure this out. We have to get Rarity out of here. I just need to figure out how.”


It seemed this size had a strong factor of intimidation that even unicorns were scared of. Twilight Sparkle. Her best friend and resident genius. Quivering at the sight of Rarity. She’d be lying if she said this new stature was boring. The ponies who saw her were too shocked to say a word. Those she spoke to acted with a level of respect that was normally reserved for a princess. She gave a soft smile to her comparatively small friend.

“Where is my Peter?” she asked.


“I can’t believe that worked.” Pete said.

“There’s no way that should’ve worked.” Twilight said.

“For the record.” he said. “I’m counting this as his birthday present.”

Spike definitely took one for the team. Wearing Pete’s shirt and pretending to be him under a disguise spell was a brilliant move made out of desperation. His acting skill were superb. Rarity bought it and had left. Now he had a moment to breathe. He sat down in a seat across from Twilight. Before they could get down to brass tacks, he had one thing he had to take care of first.

“Can I get my shirt back?” he asked. “I’d rather not be shirtless all day.”

Twilight pouted for a bit before her horn would glow. “Fine.” she said as the shirt appeared in his lap.

Right as Pete was about to put his old shirt on, he stopped. He looked over the dark blue shirt. It had small strands of fur. Bright purple fur. It was covered in them. A light sniff of the shirt gave off a mix of lavender and pony body odor.

“Have you been sleeping in this?” he asked. Twilight’s cheeks went bright red.

“No!” she responded. “Well...yes. It was an experiment in the potential comfort of wearing the clothes of another species while sleeping.”

“For three years?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“...It was a long term experiment?” she said with an attempt an an innocent smile.

Pete gave a heavy sigh before giving the shirt a good shake. He pulled the shirt on. It slightly itchy, but he dealt with it. There was no way he was gonna stay shirtless. He already knew what was gonna happen. Twilight was getting her quill, ink, and paper. He got his tea and settled in.

This was gonna take a little bit of time.


Twilight tried her best to keep her composure. On the inside however, she was practically screaming with delight. Pete had magic now! Not just any magic, growth magic! It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Why would the dangerous draconequus Discord give such power to him? What were the limits of this new ability? Could he grow anything with a kiss? So many questions brewed in the unicorn’s mind as she wrote her notes. For a moment, her eyes glanced towards the Sharp Write novel she had been rereading today. The Experimental Human. It was interesting to think of how the book’s events were similar to the events taking place now.

Her mind wandered a little as she thought herself in the same position as Professor Gemstone. A genius of a unicorn mare and the neighborhood human she secretly loved. A human that suddenly gained magic with nopony to turn to for guidance. Nopony, but the one he trusted most. The mare that would experiment on the human to learn about his newfound magic. Experiments that slowly became moments of romance.

Twilight knew if she could understand this magical ability given to Pete, it could change her life. Scientific superstardom. The pony that cracked the code on growth magic. The geniuses of the world shouting her name to the sky in praise. Perhaps shouting up to her literally while she experiments on the effects of long-term growth.

“Twilight?” Pete asked. Twilight snapped out of her daydream. The human had finished his retelling of the morning’s events. She shook her head.

“Sorry Pete.” she said. “I was thinking and my mind wandered off.”

“What were you thinking about?” the human asked. The purple unicorn knew she couldn’t tell him her plans outright. Their relationship was rough already. This was the first time Pete felt safe around her. If she was going to do this, she needed to be calm. Her approach needed to be enough to convince him to stay. She remembered a page from The Experimental Human.

“Pete.” Twilight said as she put her notes down and walked towards him. “I know we have a rough history, but you have the rarest of opportunities right now. Not only are you the first human to have magic of some kind. You are in the home of one of the few ponies that can help you. Let me run some tests on you. If we learn what your magic can do, we can control it.” She put her right foreleg on his left knee. She looked deep into his brown eyes. “Can you trust me to do this?”


Pete was focusing on his deep breathing. He wasn’t sure why he immediately said yes to Twilight running tests on him. Perhaps because she wasn’t wrong with what she said. The two didn’t have the best history. Yet, one couldn’t deny that she was smart. If any of the ponies in Equestria could figure out what was happening to him, it was her.

So here he was, sitting on the floor in the middle of the house while Twilight cleared out the space. ‘Just in case’ she told him. He wasn’t worried about her becoming a giant and breaking her own stuff. He was more worried about this becoming a repeat of the incident with Rarity. The mare trotted up to him with a grin on her face. A measuring tape was sat on the floor next to him. “Ready?” she asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” he said. He knew what her idea of testing was going to be. He wasn’t looking forward to it. “I’m just gonna say this now Twilight. If you get that butterfly net look in your eye, I’m outta here.”

Twilight chuckled. “Three years is more than enough time to mature past such habits Pete.” she said closing the distance between them. His sitting position put him at eye-level with her neck. “Our tests will be simple. First, you’ll kiss me, and we’ll measure my height. Then, I’ll kiss you, and we’ll measure my height. This is to determine if your newfound ability depends on who initializes the kiss.”

“That’s...actually a good plan.” Pete said. “Though I feel I should remind you how rapidly Rarity went from my prim and proper boss, to crazy after a couple kisses.”

“Rarity is one of my best friends.” she said as she began to lower her head. “However, she isn’t equipped to handle magic like this. Now, let the test begin.”

The human still had plenty of concerns. He knew they would fall on deaf ears. A part of him knew it was a bad idea. His choices at the moment were non-existent. The unicorn had closed her eyes and pursed her lips. He took one last deep breath.

“Alright.” Pete he said. “Test one. Pete the human kissing Twilight Sparkle the unicorn mare.” He thought saying something semi-scientific would help him. Taking her in his arms, he cradled the unicorn’s head. He closed his eyes as he brought his lips to hers. He pushed and pulled his lips. He kept them soft as he worked over hers. She however, was showing her inexperience. She kept her lips pursed and stiff. It reminded him of his first kiss back on Earth. His then girlfriend was much more experienced than he was. After a minute or so, he pulled back and opened his eyes. Twilight blinked a few times, cheeks red as apples. She was a bit dazed.

He wouldn’t ask her, as he’d been there before. Kind of embarrassing to admit when a kiss is your first. He stood up and grabbed the measuring tape. He checked her height from hoof to horn. Though at first glance, she looked the same size. Possible good news. “I don’t see any change.” he said. That was enough to snap her out of her daze. She shook her head a bit before getting back into focus. She grabbed the measuring tape with her magic and double checked.

“Fascinating.” she said writing down some notes. “Was Rarity the one initializing every kiss?”

“Yes.” Pete said. “First time was an accident. Second time she used her magic to pull me in. Third and fourth time she pretty much overwhelmed me.” Despite the awkward moment they just shared, he was relieved. He had a way to somewhat control it now. “Now we know how it works.”

“Not so fast Pete.” Twilight said. “The kisses were Rarity grew, she physically overwhelmed you. We don’t know if the growth is triggered by who’s kissing on top, or if somepony has to kiss you first. We still have the other half of the test to determine that.”

“You mean the half where you get to live out a page from a Sharp Write novel?” he asked. She looked at him with an embarrassed pout. He shook his head before sitting back down. “Before we start, at least let me give you some pointers to make this slightly less awkward for the both of us.”


Rarity huffed as she put a hazy Spike back on the ground. Tricked. She was tricked! Why would Twilight make a foal out of her? Though she was more upset with herself for falling for something so simple. Pete suddenly becoming so eager to kiss while in Spike’s form? She should’ve seen it earlier.

No matter. It was a relatively short walk back. Her ticket to fame would be hers once more.


Twilight could barely describe the sensation of growing. The tingling feeling emanating from Pete’s slowly diminishing lips. Her body being stretched and pulled in all directions. The human’s body getting comparatively smaller between her forelegs. She pulled back to take a break and check her height. Her human test subject was catching his breath. Slow, deep heaves.

“Jeez Twilight.” he said. “Felt like you sucked the air out of my lungs.” She chuckled as she released him from her grasp. She noted down how rapidly her physical strength had scaled up.

“Noted.” she said as she looked at her now pitifully small measuring tape. “How big do I look Pete?” He craned his neck a minor amount to look up at her.

“About half Rarity’s height.” he said as he shook his head. “Now that your little experiment’s done, can we go talk some sense into my giant boss? I really don’t want to relive my first day in Equestria running and hiding from everypony.” Before Twilight could come up with an excuse to continue the experiment, a familiar voice could be heard. Though it didn’t boom as much as before to her.

“Twilight dear? It’s Rarity.” the white unicorn said. “Could you come outside?”


The flash of purple light caught Rarity off guard. It looked like Twilight’s teleportation spell. Looking down revealed it indeed was her friend. It took the giant mare a moment before she realized what was going on.

“Twilight!” Rarity gasped. “You’re bigger!” Her fellow unicorn had grown in size, just like she did. Though not as big. The difference in size was similar to herself and her little sister. Had she figured out Peter’s talent? She was certainly smart enough.

“Isn’t this exciting?” Twilight asked. “With Pete’s growth magic, the possibilities are endless!” This wasn’t good. Her chance at being the biggest name in fashion was being taken buy her friend. In the name of science.

“I’m happy for you dear.” she said. “Could you perhaps return my employee now? I have to prepare for Hoity Toity’s party tonight and I need him.” She hoped her size would still intimidate the purple mare. Unfortunately, kissing Peter seemed to grow her confidence.

“Sorry Rarity.” Twilight said. “I need to finish my experiments. If anything, I need to keep him. You’re the reason he ran to me in the first place anyways. You scared him so much he came to ME of all ponies for help.”

“Oh don’t foal yourself.” Rarity said. The giant mare and half-as-giant mare began to argue over who got to keep the human. One wanted her ticket to fame. The other wanted to continue her thinly-veiled experiments. Both failed to notice a human climbing out a back window and sprinting away from them.


Pete took a moment to catch his breath on a bench. The next train to Canterlot would be arriving in fifteen minutes. He just had to hide until then. That’s if the two giant unicorns didn’t levitate the entire train to look for him. There was no other way up the mountain. He was not a mountain climber. Though with his new power, maybe he could find a pegasus to grow and give him a ride.

The blue pegasus sneaking up behind him was certainly a candidate.

Ride From Rainbow

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Rainbow Dash was on her back, laughing. She happened to be flying down to Ponyville for lunch when she saw Pete on the bench by the train station. It was too easy. He practically jumped out of his skin when she scared him. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.” she laughed.

“Dash.” he said after calming down. “Today is not the day for that. I’m trying to hide from Rarity and Twilight.” The pegasus picked herself up and sat next to the human on the bench.

“Did somehuman burn a dress again?” she asked coyly. She remembered that day well. Watching her fashionista friend chasing him all over Ponyville was hilarious.

“No.” he said. “It’s worse. I’m not even sure you’ll believe me.” Rainbow turned to Pete. Something was off. Whatever the issue was, he was being serious. She found herself placing her right foreleg on his left leg. She wasn’t the sentimental type. Maybe it was all the Sharp Write novels she had been reading. It worked because he calmed down a little.

“Tell me anyways.” Rainbow said.

“Alright.” Pete said. “It started this morning when I ran into Discord.”


It was official. Spike was never going to expect birthday presents from Pete for the rest of his life. He got to kiss his crush Rarity. It was only a half hour, but it was the best half hour of his life. Now that the jig was up, it was back home he went.

After a short walk, the tree came into view. The giant Rarity was staring down at a half-as-giant Twilight. She must’ve been kissing Pete while he was gone. He walked right between their towering legs as they argued and shut the door behind him. Of course the door was poked open by a large white hoof moments later.

“Oh Spikey Wikey?” Rarity called out in a flirtatious tone. “Could you be a dear and bring out Peter?” A window at the opposite end of the tree was open. Not a human in sight. He was about to tell her when a familiar purple snout poked through the door.

“Spike!” Twilight said loudly. Her morning tea breath washed over him. “Do not bring out Pete! I need him for my experiments!” The large purple snout was pulled out with magic, and an even bigger white snout pushed in. Some of the wood groaned against the pressure exerted on it.

“Don’t listen to her dear!” she said. “Peter is my employee first and foremost. As his boss, I know what’s best for him.” The white snout was pulled out with magic. He walked to the doorway to see the big ponies talk.

“That doesn’t even make any sense.” the purple mare said.

“Oh like your reasons are any better?” the white mare said back.

“Pete’s not here.” Spike said. The two towering mares ceased their arguing. Two big pairs of eyes filled his view almost immediately.

“What?!” the two mares said in unison. The little dragon gulped nervously.

“H-He wasn’t inside, a-and the back window was open.” he said. As soon as he finished his explanation, a familiar purple aura lifted him into the air. He was sat on Twilight’s back, which was now much more spacious. Rarity was already walking off towards Pete’s house to start her search.

“Come on Spike.” Twilight said. “We have a Pete to find.”


“After climbing out the window, I ran all the way here.” Pete finished retelling his tale of the day. Rainbow’s face was a mix of shock and mild confusion.

“I’m only stuck on one part.” she said. “Why would Discord give you the power to grow any pony that kisses you of all things? That’s the lamest power ever.” The pegasus was doing her best to conceal her jealousy of her friends.

“I don’t know.” he answered. “He said he was bored. Rarity and Twilight have gone nuts. I just need to get somewhere safe. Like Canterlot. Maybe Princess Celestia can help. I just want a pony to hide me.”

To Rainbow, it was almost like the Sharp Write novel she was reading. A Hidden Human. It was a story about a brave mare trying her best to hide a human from the government of Equina. A government that only wanted to perform painful experiments on the helpless human. Now here Pete was, wanting to hide from her now giant friends. While the two of them weren’t best friends, they would hang out on occasion. Catching a Wonderbolts show now and then. Going out for drinks. Maybe now was her chance to help.

“How are you gonna get there?” she asked. “The next train doesn’t show up for ten minutes, and Twilight won’t be far behind if she uses one of her tracking spell things.”

“That’s why you need to kiss me.” Pete said as he held her hooves in his hands. Rainbow felt her heart skip a beat. “I could make you big enough to fly me right up to Canterlot.”

“P-Pete...” she trailed off.


Being on pony number three, Pete thought he would be accustomed to feeling a pony grow in his grasp. Nope. The rapid shift from being small enough to carry her, to big enough to carry him was still surreal. The moment she out-sized him, he found himself pinned between her and the bench. After a few moments, the sky blue pegasus pulled back to catch her breath. At some point in her growth, she had slid off the bench and was sat next him. As he pulled himself up, he could hear heavy steps trotting about.

“Pete this is awesome!” Rainbow said. “I gotta be as big as Princess Celestia!” The mildly embarrassed human sat up and looked at the now bigger pegasus. Today’s noon train stop wasn’t very busy. Only a few onlookers.

“Give or take about the same size.” Pete said as he stood up.

“Now I have a size to match my awesomeness!” she said as she spread her wings. “Now I believe somehuman needs a ride to Canterlot.” The human didn’t hesitate to mount his pegasus savior. From his perspective, he would never see how bright red her cheeks got.

There wouldn’t be much time to soak in the moment however. Rhythmic shaking was felt all around. The human and slightly enlarged pegasus looked over to see a familiar purple unicorn bounding towards them.

It was a good thing Pete had wrapped his arms around Rainbow’s neck before she shot off into the sky.


The view one gets flying in the sky was a view she had seen a hundred times. Something about it felt different to the blue pegasus. Maybe because this time she was sharing it with the human that inspired the romance novels she loved to read in secret.

“You get to see this every single day?” he asked.

“Y-Yeah.” she answered. “Pretty awesome right?” She tried to play it off when Pete gave her neck a light rub.

“We need to do this more.” the human said. “Of course that means I would have to kiss you again. Make you big enough for this ride to be super comfy.” The statement caused the mare to blush.

“So you did kiss the hoomin?” a voice asked. Rainbow looked over to see a bright turquoise pegasus mare with a lightning yellow mane.

“Lightning Dust?” the blue pegasus asked in shock. Seeing her rival in the moment she was sharing with Pete caught her off guard. Though Lightning’s focus shifted to something else.

“Wait.” she said. “Why are you so big? You’re Celestia-sized!” Rainbow’s eyes darted back and forth as she tried to think up an answer. Luckily, her human passenger had her back.

“Twilight Sparkle happened.” he said. “We’re heading to Canterlot to see if Princess Celestia can fix this.” It wasn’t a complete lie. A half-truth seemed to work, as Lightning moved on.

“Guess you two are gonna miss the Wonderbolts.” she said with a sneer.

“Wonderbolts?” Rainbow asked with her eyes wide.

“Yeah.” Lightning said. “They’re in Cloudsdale right now. One of their members got injured. They need a temporary member for their show next week. Since you and the hoomin are going to Canterlot, I guess I’ll be taking that spot. See ya!” The turquoise pegasus darted off higher into the sky towards the city in the clouds.

“Did you hear that Pete?” she asked. “The Wonderbolts. This could be my chance!”

“What about getting me to Canterlot Dash?” the human asked. The blue pegasus huffed.

“Joining the Wonderbolts is my dream Pete.” Rainbow said. She even turned her head to look at the human in her peripheral vision. “With this new size of mine, I could be a shoo-in!”

“Fine.” he sighed. “I don’t really have a choice anyways, since you’re my ride.” She squealed with delight as she adjusted her flight path away from the mountains.

“Wonderbolts here I come!” Rainbow shouted.


Princess Celestia was enjoying the brief respite of her lunch. A busy day made her look forward to eating a salad for once. Though a feeling at the back of her mind was telling her that something about the day was off. She couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. Lulu felt the same when the issue was discussed with her. There wasn’t much she could do on just a feeling. The captain was told to keep an eye out for anything stranger than usual.

Suddenly, a flash of green fire. A letter appeared on the table.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have the most wonderful news. It’s about our resident human. After an inexplicable meeting with Discord, Pete now has magic. After some initial testing, I have concluded that he has the ability to make ponies grow in size. This could change the world as we know it. However, I regret to inform you that he ran off in a panic. The last I saw him was with an enlarged Rainbow Dash flying into the sky.

As far as I know the ponies Pete has used his magic on are Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and myself. I am hoping for advice on what I should do next.

Twilight Sparkle

She had to reread the letter a few times. The human gained magic? Of all the magical abilities to gain, he can make ponies grow? On top of all that, he was loose among the populace. If word of his ability got out, things could get out of hoof quickly. She summoned a paper and quill to write a response.

Dear Twilight,

I congratulate you on making such a discovery. Magic appearing in a new species is certainly cause for excitement. As for advice, I ask that he be contained as soon as possible. Write to me as soon as you accomplish this.

Princess Celestia


Pete really needed to work on his ability to say no to ponies. Dash wanted to grow again before flying into Cloudsdale. Her excuse was wanting to be big enough to hide him. Soon as she used the cute eyes, he caved. Now she was about Twilight’s size. As big as a house down in Ponyville should be more than enough. Now he was sitting right where her back and neck met. Her hair was draped over him. The number of gasps meant it was time to be quiet.

“Wow.” a raspy-voiced mare said. “Rainbow Dash right?”

“Y-Yeah Spitfire.” Dash said. “Heard you needed a spare in your next show.” Pete heard the flapping of numerous wings approaching.

“With a pegasus this size, our shows are gonna be amazing.” a stallion said.

“I think you’re onto somethin’ Soarin.” Spitfire said. “With her, we could be The Giant Wonderbolts. If Rainbow Dash feels like sharing how she did it.”

“I can tell you!” Lightning Dust interrupted. Pete felt a pair of forelegs wrap around him. He was yanked from his hiding place, and bright light filled his eyes. The turquoise mare was behind him, with numerous onlookers staring at him. “Rainbow Dash kissed the hoomin, and he made her bigger. I heard them talkin’ about it when they were flying up here.”

Well now things have gone south. Before he could think of a way out, the mare flew around to face him. She wrapped her forelegs around him, and pulled him in for a kiss. It was only a moment or so before she pulled back. The human and the not-giant ponies stared at a now much bigger turquoise mare. Not as big as Pete’s cohort, but ‘Celestia-sized’ as Lightning had put it earlier.

“See?” she asked as she did a small twirl in the air. “I think I’ll go again.”

“Don’t you dare!” Rainbow shouted. It was too late. Pete was picked up by the forelegs of the not-as-large mare. He tried to push her away, but her superior size made it a fruitless endeavor. A pair of lips already enveloped his mouth.

He felt air move around him. This mare was flying around while growing. He could see Rainbow trying to catch her in his peripheral vision. When she finally pulled her now massive mouth away, Pete found himself plopped down on a hill of a lightning yellow. He was on top of Lightning’s mane.

“You don’t mind if I borrow the hoomin for a bit, do ya pipsqueak?” Lightning boomed. This mare had to be as big as Rarity, if not bigger. Pete found himself holding onto her mane as she out-maneuvered Rainbow Dash. Darting around in every direction. His friend was making no progress in retrieving him.

“Give me back my human!” Rainbow shouted at the mare nearly twice her size.

“Catch me and I will!” Lightning shouted back.

In a split second, the rushing air around Pete stopped. He was no longer holding onto the giant mare’s mane anymore. He could see his friend still chasing her. Neither of them noticed that the Wonderbolts just snagged him. He had two of them holding him by his arms. A yellow mare with a fiery orange mane flew up to him.

“Now then.” Spitfire said. “Time to live out a page from all those Sharp Write books Soarin reads.”


“How’s it fit?” Spike asked as he double checked the knot.

“Perfect Spike.” Twilight said. “With this cage necklace, we can keep Pete safe and contained.”

“Safe from who?” the dragon asked.

“Oh Twilight this is terrible!” Rarity said, as if on cue. The purple mare turned around to see her friend. At eye level. Somehow. “After lifting almost every building in Ponyville to search for my Peter, I’m smaller!”

“Amazing.” Twilight said as she trotted around her friend. “Exhausting all that physical and magical energy shrunk you down to my size. Exhaust yourself enough and you could very well get back to normal size. Spike go write this in my notes.” She levitated the little dragon to the ground and he ran inside.

“We need to find him Twilight!” Rarity whimpered. “If I can’t be the biggest pony for Hoity Toity’s party, my chances at fashion superstardom are gone!” She started to be over dramatic when she spotted the necklace on Twilight. Her fashionista instincts kicked in. “Odd time to be accessorizing with a necklace.”

“Actually Rarity,” Twilight said “this is a cage necklace Spike and I put together. We gotta contain Pete soon as Rainbow Dash gets back with him.”

“After I regain my status as the biggest pony of course.” she said. “Wait. She has my Peter? How long have you known?”

“Since I saw them fly off.” the purple mare said. “I forgot to tell you. I was writing a letter to Princess Celestia and-.”

You let that daredevil take my employee into the sky by herself?” Rarity shouted before taking a breath. “How do you know she isn’t making herself as big as Cloudsdale right now?”


Rainbow was confused when it looked like Lightning was getting away. It took her a moment to realize that the mare she was chasing was getting smaller. She stopped chasing to compare herself to a nearby cloud. Was she smaller too? The clouds did look bigger than they did when she got up here.

“Hey what gives?” Lightning asked as she flew up to the blue pegasus. “We’re not big anymore!”

“Pete’s kiss probably wore off or somethin’.” Rainbow said.

“Guess I’ll have to smooch the hoomin again.” the turquoise pegasus said as she bolted back towards Cloudsdale. “See ya soon-to-be-pipsqueak!”

“Oh no you don’t!” the blue pegasus shouted as she flew after her. The two’s rivalry poked through as they raced each other back to the human. The race wasn’t long, as they both stopped at the sight before them.

The Wonderbolts had been taking turns with Rainbow’s human friend. The two must’ve been racing for longer than they thought. The Wonderbolts were massive compared to Pete. Poor guy was trying his best to stay balanced on Spitfire’s hoof. Lightning and Rainbow flew towards the giants.

“I guess the human’s our new recruit now.” Soarin said.

“Says the Sharp Write fan.” Spitfire said with a raspy chuckle.

As Rainbow flew up to the giant Wonderbolts, she realized she had no plan.


Sitting in a hot tub he conjured up, Discord was enjoying the show he had made for himself. The human had grown so many ponies, and it was only lunchtime. Now he was at the mercy of the Wonderbolts. The draconequus groaned.

“That’s because your story is boring!” he yelled.

How is this boring? He’s thousands of feet in the sky. At the mercy of giants no less.

“How’s he gonna get down genius?” the draconequus asked.

Ummmmm. Just a sec.

“Go on.” he said, waiting for an answer.


“Wrote yourself into a corner didn’t you?” Discord asked with a smug grin.

Maybe. Help?

“I guess.” the draconequus said. “Take your fingers off the keyboard and let me fix this mess.”

Skipping forward into the story, Discord used his powers to alter the plot. A strong breeze would knock the human off Spitfire’s hoof. Plummeting through the sky, Pete thought he was facing certain death. Luckily, he has plot armor.

The Wonderbolts and Lightning Dust chased the falling human, exhausting any size they had gained. Rainbow Dash found him and hid amid the clouds until the coast was clear. She dropped him off at his house, and he gave her a thank you kiss. Which took longer than normal due to over-eagerness as well as the desire to be big again. She still wanted to impress the Wonderbolts. She flew off, leaving Pete to his devices

“There.” Discord said with a smug grin. “You’re welcome.”

Thank you Discord. I’ll take it from here.


As much as he hated to be sent back to square one, Pete couldn’t argue with Rainbow. The Wonderbolts and Lightning Dust would try to snatch him up again if they were flying together. He wanted to go back into his house and forget the whole day. He knew Twilight or Rarity would find him eventually if he did.

He looked in the distance to a familiar red barn. Hiding there worked last time. Maybe it’ll work again. Before heading there, he went into his house for a new shirt and a quick lunch.


“How could you be so careless with my Peter?” Rarity asked Rainbow Dash. The pegasus had just finished her retelling of her short adventure with the human.

“Not to mention now we have even more ponies trying to find him.” Twilight added. “Keeping our size a secret from Ponyville has been impossible.”

“Hey!” Rainbow said. “I was careful with him the whole time Rarity. It was Lightning Dust who pulled him off my back.”

“H-He rode on your back?” Twilight asked. The question gave the pegasus red cheeks. “I bet it felt like that scene in Summoning A Human.”

“Ugh. Spoilers!” the blue pegasus grumbled at her friend. A statement that also made her eyes go wide.

“I knew it!” the purple unicorn said with a sly grin.

Make Out with Mac

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“Thanks for letting me hide in the barn again Mac.” Pete said as they walked in.

“Ya still didn’t tell us why.” Applejack said. The human didn’t see Big Mac give his sister a sharp glare.

“Ya never need a reason Pete.” the stallion said with a grin. “Yer always welcome here.”

“You do deserve an explanation though.” the human said as he turned around and sat on the ground. Mac’s eyes were level with the top of his head. “In this case, showing is easier than telling. Mac? Come close.”

Pete held the sides of Mac’s head in his hands. The trust gained from the days first hiding in the barn were still there. A deep breath was taken, Pete closed his eyes, then the red stallion was pulled forward for a kiss. While he was taken by surprise, he didn’t resist. He closed his eyes as well. He kept his lips soft as Pete worked them over. Applejack simply stood there, her jaw hung open. After a moment, Pete pulled away to end the kiss. He opened his eyes, and the stallion opened his soon after. It took a moment for any of them to say anything.

“How’d ya get smaller Pete?” Mac asked. The human shook his head.

“I didn’t get smaller Mac.” Pete said as he stood up. “My kiss made you bigger. It was a short kiss. You’re probably no bigger than Princess Luna.”

“Yer tellin’ me a kiss from you makes ponies grow?” Applejack asked.

“Yep.” he answered.

“Anything else?” the mare asked.

“Lightning Dust, the Wonderbolts, Rarity, and Twilight are all looking for me right now. Also Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash are all giants.” Pete answered.


It took some convincing, but Applejack eventually conceded. Mac would stay in the barn with Pete. As for what the human’s plan was, that was still a work in progress.

“Ah better not see Mac burstin’ outta the barn.” Applejack said.

“We promise.” Mac said.

Pete closed the doors after she left. Mac’s heart was pounding. He was in the barn, alone with the human. Again. Just that morning he had wished for a chance at asking Pete out. All he needed was a moment alone. Now he had one. He just wished he had practiced what he wanted to say. Mac cursed himself for not taking Applejack’s offer of practicing with her first.

“I’m not sure if I can ever pay you back for this Mac.” the human said as he sat next to the stallion on the ground. “Pretty sure I still owe you from the first time.”

Mac looked over to the pile of hay in the far corner. A fond memory. “Ah remember the day ah found ya sleeping on that hay.” he said. “Scared an’ hungry.”

“Yeah.” Pete said as he looked over as well. “I was absolutely terrified of this colorful alien world of talking ponies.” He mindlessly scratched the red stallion’s back. His nimble fingers felt nice back there.

“Until ya got them apples from me.” Mac said with a playful nudge. “Never seen anypony eat three apples that fast before.”

“First meal I had after wandering through Everfree Forest for an entire day.” he said. “Then this gracious stallion with the cutest of all accents brings me a blanket that night? I thought you were a blessing.”

“Y-ya think mah accent’s cute?” Mac asked. An opening!

“Cutest in all of Equestria!” Pete exclaimed. “On Earth we call it Southern American, and I have a soft spot for it.”

“Ah’m glad ya enjoy it.” the stallion said, trying accentuate his southern drawl. The human gave a small shudder in response followed by a light giggle.

“You remember that day your sisters found me?” the human asked.

“Like it was yesterday.” Mac answered. Applebloom had ran to Applejack and said she saw a weird two-legged creature in the barn. He was eating lunch when he overheard it.

“When your sister roped me up, I was terrified.” Pete said as his back scratching turned into a one arm hug. “That moment you ran in and wrapped your forelegs around me. I never felt so safe in my life, and haven’t felt that way since.”

The two looked into the eyes of each other deeply.

“I think we should be more honest about our feelings Mac.” the human said.


“This is so humiliating.” Rarity moaned as she munched away.

“Take a jog ‘till you shrink back to normal then.” Rainbow Dash said. The white mare was silent.

The two were eating some leaves off of a nearby tree. Twilight was sat down, facing her house tree. There was a glowing sphere emanating in front of her. She was using her growth-enhanced magic for an observation spell. Currently, she watched as Pete was so close to kissing Big Mac. It was like a scene out of a Sharp Write novel come to life.

“Come on Pete.” the purple mare said excitedly. “He’s so close-.”

“Peter?!” Rarity asked as she walked over. “Have you found my Peter?”

“Shh.” Twilight shushed her friend. “Pete’s about to kiss Big Mac.”

Big mistake. Now her large friends were squeezed up next to her to get a view. The flapping of numerous wings were heard above. It was the Wonderbolts and Lightning Dust.

“How’d you get big again Dash?” Lightning Dust asked.

“Shh!” Rainbow Dash shushed. “Pete’s about to kiss Big Mac.”

The pegasi all crowded around the sphere. The moment was intense. Big Mac and the human inched their lips ever closer.

“Ah don’t care if ah become bigger than Canterlot.” Big Mac said. “Yer worth it.”

“Really?” Pete asked.

“Eeeyup.” the stallion answered.

“Doesn’t Big Mac mean Pete’s at Sweet Apple Acres?” Spike asked while still sitting on Twilight’s back. The ponies surrounding the sphere all looked at each other in wide-eyed silence.


“Don’t make him grow Pete.” Pete thought to himself. “Don’t make him grow so you can enjoy the moment.”

Pete was on the ground of the barn. Forelegs wrapped around him. He lost track of how long they had been there. He didn’t have the slightest clue how magic worked. For some reason though, thinking ‘don’t grow’ while kissing seemed to work. Maybe Twilight had a more specific answer. Something to ask about when he wasn’t in hiding. For now, it was best to enjoy the moment. The two pulled back to catch their breath. The red stallion’s stomach grumbled.

“Sorry Pete.” Mac said. “Ah’m real hungry. Ah missed lunch.”

“Well we can’t have my favorite stallion miss lunch.” the human said. “Let’s get you fed.”

The stallion lowered himself to the ground. “Hop on.” Mac said. Pete was quiet as he swung his right leg over Mac’s back. There was a sharp inhale as the stallion stood back up. He never got to ride a horse back on Earth, but this was something else. For the three years he lived here, he’s only seen Big Mac as another one of the ponies. His smaller size made it easier to see him as a friend. Now with his new size, it felt different. Feeling the stallion’s powerful muscles move between his legs. It was hard to describe the emotions.

The moment was cut short as a light rumble could be heard. Pete looked into the distance. He saw three giant mares, and a number of pegasi coming his way. It wouldn’t be long before they would be here. He needed a good plan of escape. Applejack was running over from apple picking.

“What in tarnation is goin’ on?” she asked.

“All the ponies looking for me are coming.” Pete said as he dismounted. “I have an idea. Listen up and pucker up Applejack.”


“This is absolutely dreadful!” Rarity whined. Not only was she the last one to get to the farm where her Peter was hiding. Her friend Applejack was now massive compared to her. The larger mare was blocking their path to the barn. Her tail flicked at the smaller pegasi that tried to fly around her.

“Not one step closer!” she said. “Pete needs his space from y’all.”

“Perhaps from them.” the white mare said. “I need my employee back to help me with a very important dress. So if you could hoof him over to me...”

“No!” Applejack said with a firm stance.

“If anything, I should have Pete.” Twilight said. “I have this cage necklace to keep him safe.”

“Twi, that’s worse than the butterfly net!” the orange mare said to her smaller friend. “Pete stays in the barn.”


Mac was doing his best to trot quickly and quietly through the Everfree forest outskirts. Pete’s plan was pretty smart. The conglomerate of ponies looking for him were at the farm. However, they had to deal with a slightly larger Applejack pretending to guard him. During that, the two of them were taking the long way around. Then it would be a quick run to the train station.

“I’m sorry about kissing your sister back there.” Pete said. The stallion gave a half chuckle.

“Yer magic works by kissin’ folk.” he said. “It’s somethin’ Ah’ll have ta get used to.”

“I guess I have no choice but to kiss you even more to make up for it.” the human said as he ran his fingers through the straw-colored mane. “In the meantime, I better get off. A human riding a handsome stallion might attract some attention.”

“Darnit.” Mac grumbled. He was right. The stallion lowered himself so the human could dismount. Although having the human riding him was definitely an experience he would try again.

“You might shrink back to normal after all this walking.” Pete said as they walked past a few staring ponies. “I saw Rainbow Dash go back to normal after flying a bunch. I’m no Twilight, but I think I’m starting to figure this out. Like how I was able to make your sister grow so fast. I was even able to kiss you without making you grow back in the barn.”

“So what’s yer plan now?” he asked.

“We’re gonna take the train to Canterlot.” the human answered. “Some royal intervention is definitely the answer.”

“Ah can’t buy a ticket.” Mac said. “Left mah bits at home.”

“This ain’t good.” Pete said as he checked his empty pockets. He rubbed his chin to think, which made him look down at his mouth. The human looked at the stallion with a smile. “I have an idea.”


Pete was breathing deeply as a small collection of bits were levitated into his pocket. It would be enough to buy two train tickets. He felt a large nose nuzzle into his back. He turned to see an enlarged minty mare staring down at him.

“Thanks for the help Lyra.” he said.

“This is so cool!” Lyra said. “I’m so big! Isn’t this amazing Bon Bon?”

“Please tell me this wears off Pete.” Bon Bon begged from the back of her friend.

“Can’t hear you over the sound of running away!” Pete said as he ran off.

Pining Charmer Shining Armor

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The train up to Canterlot was a ride Pete had taken before. It felt different this time. He was snuggling up with a now normal-sized Macintosh. The two shared a moment in the barn. A close moment. Was he really going to date a pony? Not many options in Equestria. At least he had someone to hold close during this exciting and terrifying day. When he first saw the stallion, it was as a savior. Feeding him when he was starving. Giving a blanket to sleep with. Becoming a pillow to rest his head on lonely nights. Pete only thought of these things as actions of kindness. Things Mac would’ve done for any creature in need. Only now he realized how many signs he missed. The stallion being at the fence every single morning he went to the boutique to give an apple. The invitation to Sunday dinners so the human didn’t have to eat alone in an alien world. Teaching him how to read Ponish. Even going through the painstaking effort to translate the date of his birthday on Earth to an equivalent day in Equestria. All this time.

“Mac?” Pete asked. “I’m not sure how relationships work in Equestria. Just this morning, the idea of kissing ponies was something that never even crossed my mind. Now here I am. On a train with tickets paid for by kissing a mare until she was big enough to give her friend a ride. I guess what I’m saying is, I’m glad you’re going through this with me. I believe the proper term for you now is, coltfriend?”

“Eeeyup.” Mac answered. The human wrapped his arms around the stallion and gave a squeeze of delight.

“Guess we’re dating now.” he said. A semi-quiet ‘awww’ could be heard from a train attendant.

The train began to slow down. The stallion looked back to the human.

“It’s a long walk ta the castle Pete.” Mac said. “Maybe ah should give ya a ride.” His humanfriend gave the stallion’s hair a tousle.

“I think you just wanna kiss me.” the human said with a smirk.

“Maybe.” he said back.

They walked off the train. A few ponies were getting on and some were getting off. It was nice to have some distance from Ponyville. He could see the stares of the Canterlot elite on him. Anytime he helped Rarity with deliveries, they would look down on him. Metaphorically. Not this time though. He held Mac’s head in his hands and squatted down.

“You’re right.” Pete said. “It does look like a long walk.” He pressed his lips against the stallion’s. It didn’t take long for the growth to kick in. The excitement seemed to accelerate it, because he was already standing on his tip toes in a matter of seconds. He ignored the gasps and whispers around him.

He pulled back to see the enlarged Mac that was a solid two stories tall. A giant hoof scooped him up from behind. The human found himself plopped onto the stallion’s back.

“Next stop, Canterlot Castle.” Mac said.


“I knew it!” Lightning Dust shouted as she opened the barn doors. “The hoomin’s not even here!”

“It’s first to find him then!” Spitfire said as the Wonderbolts flew off into the sky to search for the human.

Applejack cursed herself for letting the pegasus get past her. All the controlled flicking she had been doing seemed to have wore out almost half the size Pete gave her. To make thing’s worse, a small crowd had gathered shortly after Pete and Mac snuck away. Rainbow Dash’s need to show off was useful for once. Showing off her larger size kept them busy.

“Where’s my Peter?” Rarity asked as a journalist pegasus flew in front of her.

“Rarity!” the journalist shouted. “Ponyville Gazette! Is it true you kissed the hoomin this morning? Is he the reason you’re so big?”

Before the mare could answer, the crowd turned to another giant approaching. It was Lyra Heartstrings. Was that Bon Bon on her back? She walked up to the other giant mares.

“Hey girls!” Lyra said. “Did you pay Pete to grow too?”

“You paid him?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah.” the minty mare answered. “He said he needed some bits for two train tickets to Canterlot.”

The crowd of not-giant ponies immediately dispersed. It seemed they were all running towards the train station. A few pegasi flew into the sky towards Canterlot. The mare that blabbed quietly walked away in the awkward moment.

“Ah hope Pete got ta Princess Celestia.” Applejack said.

“I’ll teleport there and check.” Twilight said before the triple-her-size orange mare bopped her on the head.

“Oh no you don’t!” Applejack said. “Don’t think ah don’t see that cage necklace of yers.”

“Don’t you dare think about retrieving my employee without me.” Rarity said.

“Count me in!” Rainbow said.

“Fine.” Twilight said. “Applejack needs to get smaller first, then we’ll go.”


Prince Blueblood’s day was almost perfect. His lunch date Sapphire Shores went well. Shortly after they left the restaurant, the ground quaked. A large red stallion was approaching! The prince jumped behind Sapphire. It stopped in front of them. There was something on his back. Two legs and no fur of any kind. It looked like the ‘hoomin’ he had heard news of a few years ago. Why was it on a giant pony?

“Hi Sapphire!” it said with a wave. The initially shocked mare seemed to calm down at the call of her name.

“You delivered Rarity’s dress to me last year.” she said. “Peter was it?”

“Pete, but close enough.” it responded.

“I don’t believe we’ve met.” Blueblood said. “I’m-.”

“I know who you are Prince Prick.” it said. “Rarity told me about you awhile ago.”

“Prick?” the royal stallion said in disgust. “Watch your tone, hairless monkey.”

“Oh hush before my farmer coltfriend steps on you.” it said with a smirk.

“May I ask how your coltfriend is so large?” Sapphire asked.

“Long story short, any pony I kiss grows in size.” the hoomin answered.

“A bigger Sapphire would make for a better show.” she said. “Do you take commission?”

“I did just grow a pony for train ticket money, so I’ve been thinking about it.” the hoomin said.

The prince grumbled under his breath. Being shown up by this hoomin and his giant coltfriend. Sapphire had more interest in the giant and the hoomin making giants than him. If anything, he deserved to be a giant. A prince of his stature should be able to look down on others in more ways than one. The hoomin did say his power was by kissing, and he was in the prince’s magical reach. If the hoomin was telling the truth, Prince Blueblood was about to get the size he rightfully deserved.


Shining Armor was unsure at first when her highness said to be on the lookout for anything stranger than usual. Though he made sure the guards under his command were alert. His wife was here today, and he wasn’t taking any chances. There was a part of him that worried somepony like Chrysalis would attempt an attack. While his sister and the other Elements of Harmony proved they could handle such threats, he didn’t want to have to rely on his sister for every problem. Sometimes the prince wished he had an army of soldiers to take on threats to Equestria. Powerful soldiers.

A rumble beneath his hooves shook Shining out of his thoughts. Then more rumbles. The guards looked confused. He regained his composure and looked towards the lieutenant of the pegasi guards.

“I want guards in the sky searching the city.” he said. “I want to know the source of that disturbance immediately.”

“Yes sir!” the liuetenant said before flying off.


In hindsight, calling a prince a prick because he felt safe on Mac’s back was not Pete’s brightest move. Not only did Prince Blueblood yank him down with magic to kiss him, he was caught off guard and couldn’t stop the growth. The growth was stopped when his farmer stallion tackled the prince. Then they began to wrestle. Sapphire left at his request, as things could get messy. He was glad the Royal Guard were flying overhead. They flew back to the castle for reinforcements.

“Unhoof me you backwater farm pony!” Prince Blueblood shouted from under Big Mac.

“Eenope.” the stallion said in response. The prince was trying to use his magic, but the red stallion kept hitting the horn with his hoof to distract him.

Pete turned to see if the guards were coming. They were rapidly approaching. He ran to meet their captain.

“Afternoon captain.” Pete said. The captain looked past him towards the two giants. “I can explain that.”

“Please do.” the captain said.

Pete looked at one of the soldiers standing by captain Shining. He crouched down in front of the unicorn guard.

“Here’s the short and simple version.” the human said as he pressed his lips against the guard’s.


Shining couldn’t believe his eyes. His sergeant just grew before his eyes. Not just a little bit. The other guards had to break ranks and scramble as to avoid being stepped on by the rapidly expanding stallion. When the growing guard put it together, the kiss continued until he matched the other two giants. The now giant guard simply levitated the two apart.

Just like that, the problem was now over.

A problem that would’ve required the Elements of Harmony, or Princess Celestia herself to step in. One guard ended the problem by himself. Shining looked to the human. He kissed a guard and they became giant? Was this the ‘stranger than usual’ thing he was supposed to watch out for? The prince grumbled about being levitated like a child, then left. Said something about showing off his new size to the masses.

“Should I be concerned about that?” he asked.

“Not at all captain.” Pete answered. “It wears off after awhile.”

“Interesting.” Shining said. “Why don’t we go to the castle and you can tell me more about this?”

“I was planning on asking to see Princess Celestia, so that works out.” he said. “Do you think we can get some food for Mac too? He missed lunch to get me here.”

“That’s no problem.” the captain said with a soft smile. “He can get some food at the mess hall. You and I can talk a bit about your special ability, then I can get you an audience with her highness.”

“Thanks captain.” the human said.

“Please.” he said with gears turning in his head. “Call me Shining.”


Pete was glad to be within the confines of the castle wall. It was the first time he truly felt relaxed all day. Mac was getting fed at the mess hall, so he was sated for now. Shining wanted to talk in the barracks. Something about making sure the growth magic wasn’t a security risk. The two were sitting on a bed while the human retold the day’s events. The place was empty, as all the guards were on duty.

“So my little sister isn’t so little anymore?” Shining asked.

“If it hasn’t worn off already, yeah.” the human answered. “She wasn’t as bad as Rarity. She was as big as Twilight’s tree, and she was levitating houses like they were pebbles.”

“So magical ability scales up as well?” he also asked.

“Yeah.” Pete said. “I think something emotional grows as well. This morning Rarity just wanted to perfect the dress she was gonna wear for Hoity Toity’s party tonight. After a few kisses, she suddenly wanted to be the biggest pony in the world to advertise her work.”

“Interesting.” the stallion said. “So if you were to kiss somepony who wanted to protect Canterlot...”

“They would want to be big enough to watch over all of it probably.” the human finished. Shining placed his left foreleg on Pete’s right leg.

“I appreciate you talking to me about this Pete.” he said. “At least this is easier than the last time we met.”

“The part where I had a bunch of spears pointed at me, or the part where you had to tell Rarity her client’s dress was ruined?” Pete asked. His first time making a Canterlot delivery after a month here was certainly an interesting one. He was glad to not be on the receiving end of his boss’ wrath that day.

“A bit of both.” Shining said with a chuckle. He took a breath before continuing. “Pete, I’ll be honest with you. Growth magic was unheard of before today. The fact Discord gave it to you out of boredom is amazing. Before we go to the princess, I wanted to propose something. A request for you to consider.”

“Ok?” the human said, unsure.

“I’ve spent a sizable portion of my life in the Royal Guard.” he began. “As you know, threats to Equestria appear all the time. The Elements of Harmony are fantastic at repelling these threats. However, I don’t want the burden of protection to be on the shoulders of my little sister and her friends. At least not forever.”

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Pete asked.


“Use your power to turn the guard’s into giants.” Shining said. He decided to drop the pretense and get straight to the point. Though the human looked nervous at the proposition.

“I don’t know Shining.” Pete said as he rubbed the back of his neck. “The ponies I’ve grown so far, get addicted to it.”

“You said yourself it grew their emotions.” the stallion said. “The ponies you kissed were in an emotional state weren’t they?”

“Well, yeah.” the human answered.

“Royal Guard are trained to keep their emotions under control at all times.” he said. “Kiss me and I’ll prove it.” The human looked at him for a moment before sighing deeply.

“Fine.” Pete said. “You get one kiss. Then you take me to Princess Celestia like you promised.”

Shining turned to face the human. The human lowered his head, and brought their lips together. It was very different to kissing his wife. Human lips felt oddly small against his own. Though that was probably due to them getting comparatively smaller by the moment. Before he could take in the sensation of growing, the human pulled away. He noticed that the bed now sagged under his weight. He got off quickly to take in his new perspective. The human stood up as well. Pete was eye level with his snout. Looking down on the human for once was oddly enjoyable.

“Wow.” was all Shining could say.

“There.” Pete said. “You’re a head taller than Celestia. Speaking of, can we go see her now?” The human turned to walk out of the barracks. A levitation spell turned the human back.

“Just one more.” the stallion said.

“I know that look, and it means I should leave.” the human said as a dark purple energy surrounded him.

“This sleeping spell says otherwise.” the captain said. The human went limp before he could even muster a shout. While it was admittedly a little extreme, this was Shining’s chance to protect the land of Equestria like never before. Pete just needed some convincing when he woke up. He looked at the now unconscious human in the hold of his magic. He never got to fully enjoy the sensation of growing. Pete was being incredibly selfish with his amazing gift. Another kiss wouldn’t hurt. If anything, he had to check if his power worked while unconscious. He brought the human’s lips towards his own.

“Explain thyself!” a voice shouted.

Looked After by Luna

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When Princess Luna saw two giant stallions enter the castle grounds, she was floored. In all her years, she never thought she would see stallions tower above her in size. Even from the balcony of her room, they seemed large enough to look over the castle walls with ease. She needed to know more immediately. The red stallion was busy eating, while the guard was simply on patrol. She spread her wings, and flew down to the guard. Said guard saluted as she floated in front of his face.

“Afternoon your highness.” the guard said.

“Good day. How is thou so large?” she asked.

“The hoomin, your highness.” the guard answered. “He...” the guard trailed off.

“He what?” the princess pressed.

“He kissed me and I grew to this size, your highness.” the guard answered. An answer that made Princess Luna blush very hard.

“V-Very well.” she answered nervously. “Where is the human at this moment?”

“The barracks with Captain Shining.” the guard said.

“As thou were.” she said before landing on the ground.


Pete slowly opened his eyes. His head ached a little. He hated the sleeping spell. No matter the pony that casted it, the spell always gave him a headache when he woke up. He should’ve seen it coming. Shining saw him as a weapon to protect Equestria. At least it was the more noble cause of all the ponies he dealt with today.

For now, he needed to figure out where he was. He wasn’t in the barracks anymore. He was in a bed. A nice one. It was kinda small for him. The bed had a curtain around it. Purple with little blue stars dotted about. He pulled the curtain aside to get out of the bed. As he looked at the crescent moon-shaped bed, something felt familiar. The dark blue aesthetic was tugging at a memory in the back of his mind. He couldn’t put his finger on it. A flash of light blue caught him off guard. He took a moment to blink away the mild blinding effect.

“Apologies Pete.” Princess Luna said. “I brought thee a glass of water.” He graciously accepted the glass.

“Thank you, your highness.” Pete said as he quickly drank it all. She took the empty glass with her magic, and it disappeared.

“I remembered thou had complaints of headache and thirst after a spell of sleeping.” she said. The princess of the night wasn’t a pony he spoke to frequently. However, Princess Luna played an essential role with helping him adjust to his new life in Equestria. She helped dispel numerous nightmares of being kidnapped by Twilight. She was the first princess he spoke to. She was the one who asked Princess Celestia to grant him citizenship status.

“It’s great to see you.” he said. “This has been a rough day.”

“After I had you teleported to thine bed, the captain told me your tale.” she said. “Thy lips have been busy today.”

“Kissing ponies, and running from the ones that wanna kiss me more.” he said. “I was hoping your sister could get rid of this so-called gift from Discord. It would be nice to go back to normal, or at least my normal.” To his dismay, the princess shook her head.

“Before today, changing size with magic was but a theory.” she said. “My sister is powerful. Yet, I doubt she could undo what Discord has done.”

“So growing ponies is the rest of my life?” Pete asked, feeling defeated. The royal mare saw his sadness and had a quick response.

“What if thou were to learn control of this power?” Princess Luna asked.

“I’ve been trying to control it.” he said. “My species doesn’t have magic, so it’s a lot of guesswork for me.”

“The royal library has many books on the basics of magic.” she said. “I may not be a teacher like sister, but I shall tutor thee best I can.”


Despite the relative seriousness of the situation, Princess Luna couldn’t help but be a little excited as she walked down the hall with Pete. She never had the chance to have a protégé like her sister. Being banished to the moon for a thousand years took away that opportunity. With Pete’s new magic, this could be her chance to have her own ‘faithful student’.

“Lulu?” a voice called out. The two turned around to see Princess Celestia approach them. “I’m glad you found Pete. Now I can help him get his magic under control.”

“Apologies ‘Tia.” she said as she stepped between her sister and the human. “Pete will be under my tutelage. I am more than capable of teaching him.”

“I do not doubt your capability sister.” Celestia said. “I simply think-.”

“That thou is thy better teacher?” Luna interrupted.

“Were this a matter of dream magic, I wouldn’t question your stance.” the white princess said. “However this growth magic is new, and requires careful analysis.” The princess looked towards the human with a soft smile. “Now come along Pete. We have a lot of work to do”

Pete reactively started to walk, but Luna flexed her right wing to block his path.

“Stay Pete.” she said. “I will be the one to teach thee. Sister already has one protégé, she does not require two.”

“That’s what this is about?” Celestia asked before she scoffed. “This is just like when Mother gave me a doll for my birthday. You threw a fit until you had one of your own. Now you want your own student?”

“Oh? Since thou is thy bigger sister, thou should have thy way?” Luna asked back.

“Right now, yes!” the older sister said.

Princess Luna had enough. With a glow of her horn, Pete was leaning towards her. She brought their lips together and closed her eyes. She felt a tingling through her body. After a moment, she pulled away. When she opened her eyes, it was a sight she has not seen in centuries. She was eye level with her sister. The mare couldn’t help but smile smugly at her surprised sibling.

“Now that is no longer the case.” Luna said. “Come now Pete, thine faithful student.” The two began to walk away.

“If size is the only way you will listen, then fine.” Celestia said as she pulled the human towards her with magic.


When Pete woke up this morning, his biggest concern was taking inventory at the Carousel Boutique. Now here he is, involuntarily kissing the oldest and most powerful mare on the planet of Equus. That happened right after he was forced to kiss the second most powerful mare. After all this was over, he needed to have a talk with all these ponies about boundaries.

“Are you ready to listen to your big sister now?” Celestia said looking down at Luna. She now doubled the moon princess in size, and levitated the human out of reach. In a flash, Princess Luna teleported into the air right in front of the human. He found himself pressed against her lips again for a moment. Despite his practice with Big Mac, he couldn’t stop either of them from growing.

“Is thou ready to listen to thy true big sister?” she said. Now the two were eye level again. He saw the magic around him go from yellow to blue rapidly. He was shifting back and forth.

The royal sisters were having a tug of war over him. A sibling rivalry. Which his growth magic was influencing.

“Your highness!” a guard shouted. The alicorns and the human looked down at the stallion that barely met the two towering mares at the knees. To Pete, it looked like one of the guards he met with Shining earlier. The sight of two giants didn’t faze him.

“Yes?” Celestia asked.

“Giants resembling Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack have appeared on castle grounds.” he said. “Also, there are reports of dozens of Ponyville citizens on the train to Canterlot right now.”

“No doubt they are coming for my student.” Luna said.

“I will have to attend to this.” Celestia said as she relinquished her magical grip on the human. “The human will have to be your student sister. Though I doubt you’ll have much time to teach.”

“Thou should worry about thy own giant student in the courtyard.” she said. “Come Pete. The library is far too small for thy teacher, so we shall take the books to the throne room.”

As the moon princess happily trotted away, Pete floated next to her. He watched as everything lightly shook at the movement of the two giant sisters. The guards tried their best to keep their composure.

“Oh this fills me with excitement!” Luna said with a smile on her face. “Thou will not be disappointed having the princess of the night as a teacher.”


Queen Chrysalis couldn’t believe her plan was going so well. Taking the form of Princess Cadence again was foal’s play. The real princess of love was back at the Crystal Kingdom with a changeling taking the form of Shining Armor. She had other changelings in the form of guards there as well as here with her. The plan was simple. Wait until everypony was asleep that night, then strike. At least that was the original plan. For the past hour, rumblings had been felt in the castle. None of the ponies seemed to know what was going on.

She was trying to keep a low profile in the Royal Gardens, but numerous ponies moving to the main courtyard gained her attention. She quietly followed the numerous guards and servants. Her jaw nearly dropped to the ground. It was unbelievable. It had to be an illusion of some kind. A trick. There was no way this was real.

Twilight Sparkle. The thwarter of her evil plans. The thorn in her side. She was a giant! Her friends Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were with her too. Even Princess Celestia was a giant, despite somehow being the smallest giant among them. She had to know more. She quickly shapeshifted into a guard to get closer.

“So Pete’s already in the castle?” Twilight asked.

“Yes Twilight.” Celestia said. “Luna’s already begun training him to control his growth magic.”

Growth magic? Such a thing had never existed before. The idea of being as big as Canterlot Mountain filled her with a myriad of ideas. The princess said the magic came from Pete. That was the human that lived in Ponyville. She never met him, but she had heard her changelings speak about him. He was practically helpless compared to ponies. No horn, wings, or hooves. If he did possess such powerful magic, forcing him to use it would be the easiest thing she had done all day.

Chrysalis quickly made her way back to the castle. After she got inside, she changed back into her Princess Cadence form. She saw four guards approach and sensed that they were her changelings. They bowed their heads as she approached.

“Good afternoon my queen.” one of the guards said.

“There’s been a change of plan.” the queen said. “Their precious human is in the castle. We need to find him.”

“We shall alert the others immediately.” another guard said.


Studying a book on contact magic while sitting on a throne room floor while a giant pony princess sat behind him was probably the least stressful part of the day. Well second least. Kissing Big Mac still took first place.

Pete was happy Mac taught him the basics of Ponish. Though parts of the book still required translation help from her highness. She said she would add ‘learning Ponish’ to their list of things for him to learn. Though today’s focus was on one simple thing. Getting this growth magic under control. This book was definitely listing out the problems he was dealing with. Princess Luna thought his magic had some similarities to contact magic, and she was on the money.

“It says here that contact magic can affect the emotions of those it’s used on.” Pete said. “Maybe that’s why Rarity went crazy this morning.”

“A possible theory.” the princess said.

“I think these books on contact magic are gonna be a huge help your highness.” he said.

“They will not replace a full education on magic.” she said. “They shall help us with our one goal today.”

“Being able to control who grows when they kiss me.” he said.

As he read away, Pete couldn’t help but notice his teacher’s horn glowing behind him. Off to his side, a ball of light blue energy took the form of Princess Celestia. Seemed his tutor was enjoying the difference in size she had earlier.

“It was pleasant to be the same stature as sister.” the princess said.

“With you as a teacher, I feel like there’s going to be lots of opportunities for that.” Pete said.

“What is thou’s plans once the magic is mastered?” she asked.

“I was thinking of starting a business.” he answered. “Ponies paying to be big for a little while would make a lot of bits.”

“An excellent plan.” Princess Luna said. “Now tell me my student, what has the book taught thee so far?”

Pete put the book down, and turned to look up at his teacher. She was beaming with eagerness. He was her first student after all, so it was warranted. He hoped he didn’t have to write friendship reports like Twilight does. He hoped a verbal report on his findings would do.

“According to The Basics of Contact Magic, the effect of the magic can’t stop once physical contact is made.” he said. “This means growth won’t stop until I cease physical contact. Also, controlling the flow of magic takes endless practice. Meaning, I will have to practice control over my growth magic if I ever want to kiss my coltfriend without growing him.”

“I...was not aware thou was courting a stallion.” Princess Luna said as she blushed wide-eyed.

“Well,” Pete said “you’re the first to know Big Mac and I are dating.”

“The red stallion of the Apple family?” she asked as he quickly nodded. “That is most elating to hear my student. A shame thy lips will belong to a pony other than myself.”

“Pardon?” he asked as his teacher unfurled her wings. She curled them in a semi-circle. Which created a dark blue wall of feathers against his back as he stood up.

“In the old days, I would claim thy lips as royal property and keep thee all to myself.” Luna said as she used her wings to close the distance between them. “As a giant, sister wouldn’t dare oppose my claim of you now.”

“Y-Your highness?” a nervous Pete asked as the distance between them got smaller by the second. Would he be allowed to tell a princess no if she wanted to keep him? The princess of the night looked down at him with bedroom eyes. “”

As their heads were mere inches away from each other, the princess pursed her lips. Not to kiss, but to hold something back. Suddenly, she folded her wings. The nervous human quickly backed up, followed by the raucous laughter of the princess.

“My good gracious.” she said as she wiped a tear from her eye with a wing. “Thou truly fell for it.”

“Jeez.” he said as he took a deep breath. “I thought I was gonna have to start running around the castle.”

“I had a feeling thou had yet to read the section where it tells alicorns are unaffected by magic that changes emotions.” the princess chuckled.

“Lesson learned.” Pete said.

“Let us take a short break, my student.” Luna said as she stood up. “I must think of a way to get back down to normal size.”

“Some of the ponies I grew shrank down after walking around and exhausting themselves.” he said. “Maybe use some strong magic to wear yourself out?”

“Excellent idea my protégé.” she said. “I shall teleport as far away as I can, then teleport back. Such a feat should wear out my magically enlarged body. I shall be back my student!” With a bright flash, Princess Luna was gone.

As Pete started to stretch his legs, he heard the doors open. He turned to see a black alicorn with fangs walk to him, followed by a number of guards that resembled her.

“I thought she would never leave.” the alicorn said.

Controlled by Chrysalis

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“I am Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Kingdom.” she said as she walked towards the human.

“I’m Pete.” Pete said as he bowed his head. “Something about you is familiar. Have we met before?”

“No, but I guarantee you’ve heard of me.” she said.

As the human looks confused, the queen’s guards slowly encircled her and the human. He was making this far too easy for her. When the human saw the space between them getting smaller by the second, something must have clicked in his mind. His eyes went wide with fear. There it was. The moment he realized why he should be scared. He pathetically tried to look for a way out. Her drones had already surrounded them. She simply continued to walk towards him as the circle of changelings tightened.

“Your growth magic.” she said. “You will use it to help me take over Equestria.”

“N-No!” Pete stammered. “I won’t do it!”

He never had a choice. With a glow of her horn, green magical energy surrounded the human’s head. When she used the same spell on Shining Armor, it lasted a day and required constant reapplication. This weak creature? It would most likely be permanent. No inherent magic to passively resist her. Not strong-willed enough in the first place.

“A foal could put up more resistance than you.” Chrysalis taunted.

After a moment, the spell was done. His feeble mind was now under her command. A vibrant green haze covered his eyes. He bowed.

“How may I serve you my queen?” Pete asked.

“Explain how your growth magic works.” Chrysalis said with a sly grin.

“Yes my queen.” he said as he stood back up. “Any pony I kiss on the lips will grow in size until I cease kissing them.”

The queen and her drones go totally silent. One of the drones blushed. Kissing this two-legged alien to grow in size? The notion of kissing this thing filled her with disgust. She glanced at the changeling behind Pete that blushed. She once caught him reading a book that romanticized the idea of a pony kissing a human. She never told a soul she read the book after the changeling put it down. She pointed to him.

“You.” she said.

“Yes your highness?” the drone asked.

“Kiss the human.” she ordered.

“Right away your highness!” the drone said, almost excitedly.

The drone trotted up to the human that turned around to face him. He got up on his hind legs, and wrapped his forelegs around the human’s neck. He brought his mouth to the human’s lips. The drone began to slowly grow before their eyes. After a moment, he was back on all fours while kissing the human. The other drones had to back up as the growing one finally pulled away to catch his breath. Chrysalis was in shock. One of her underlings doubled her in size. Doubled!

“That will be enough.” she said as the larger drone backed away. “Now it’s my turn.”


Her student’s idea of teleporting around was certainly a good idea to wear off all the size she gained. Teleporting to Manehattan did the trick. Now she was almost back to normal size. Though a part of Princess Luna did miss being a giant. Like Pete said, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future. For now, she happily finishing up a bagel she bought before preparing to teleport back. Teleporting back to the throne room should hopefully wear out the last of her growth. She closed her eyes and focused.

“I have returned, my student!” the princess said before opening her eyes. “What on Equus?”

Changelings? Queen Chrysalis? They were giants! They all filled the throne room with ease. The princess of the night was absolutely puny in comparison. Numerous eyes were on her.

“Welcome back princess.” Queen Chrysalis said.

“What did you do with my student?” she demanded an answer.

“Oh you mean this thing?” the queen asked as she levitated Luna’s student in the air. “He’s serving his queen.”

“Do not worry Pete.” Luna said. “I shall save thee!”

Her horn would glow bright as she blasted Chrysalis with all the magic she could muster. As the blast impacted the side of the queen’s face, she didn’t even flinch. Not even the slightest of reactions. Only an evil chuckle.

“If I didn’t see it, I would’ve mistaken your pathetic attempt of an attack as a light breeze.” she said.

A blast of green magic barreled towards Princess Luna. She tried her best with a shield, but the power of the giant queen was too much. Her shield was obliterated on impact. She was knocked away, and was barely able to land on her hooves. The giant changeling queen was far too powerful now. A retreat to her sister was in order.

“I swear on the moon I shall save thee, my student.” the princess said as she disappeared with a flash.


“Make sure both entrances have enough guards.” Shining said to the giant guard. “We have a lot of ponies approaching that want to get their hooves on the human.”

“Yes sir.” the guard said before leaving to check the entrances.

The captain was hoping there was an end to this crazy day in sight. His sister and three of her friends were there, eager to find Pete. They were sitting with Big Mac outside the mess hall. Then her highness comes out of the castle as a giant. Then the crowd of Canterlot and Ponyville citizens started to approach. Now he has to divert guards to keep the crowds at bay.

“This would’ve been a hundred times easier if Pete made the guards into giants.” he grumbled.

“The guards of normal size seem to be doing a fine job.” Princess Celestia said.

“I guess you’re right.” he said.

“I know you’re still annoyed that you had to forfeit Pete.” she said. “However, learning mastery of his magic is more important for-.”

The princess was cut off by an earth-shattering crash coming from the castle. Shining instinctively stepped between her and the noise, despite her highness being many times his size. It looked like it was coming from the throne room.

“Tia!” a voice shouted. The captain looked up to see a normal size Princess Luna flying up to her sister’s face. “Pete has been taken!”


Twilight wasn’t sure what the crash was. It probably would’ve been her or Rarity being the cause had Princess Celestia not come out to talk some sense into them earlier. Whatever the source was, it had to be something big. Not many things out there that can overpower an alicorn like Princess Luna. She looked like she had been through a rough battle.

A few more rumbles followed. The culprits flew out of the castle. Changelings! Ten of them! Even from their position in the sky, it was clear they could fill up the empty space of the castle courtyard by themselves. If they were giants, it meant they had Pete. She couldn’t see any of them holding the human. Was he lost in the rubble? A loud, evil cackle was heard as another emerged from the castle.

“Hello my very little ponies.” Queen Chrysalis boomed.

The changeling queen had to be as tall as the castle. Twilight was a bit shaken at the sight. It was hard to see, but she had something floating next to her. It was Pete! She ran over to Princess Celestia.

“Terrorize their city until they surrender!” the queen boomed. The crowds at the castle entrances screamed and ran as the giant changelings descended upon them. Before Twilight could open her mouth, she felt the rope of her cage necklace snapping. it floated away from her, and up to Chrysalis. “Thank you for bringing me his cage Twilight.”

Rarity, Applejack, Big Mac, and Rainbow Dash ran up to Twilight.

“Time to give this queen a beatdown.” Rainbow Dash said. “No one takes Pete.”

“We can’t attack her.” Celestia said. “If we do, Pete could get crushed in the fight.”

“There has ta be somethin’ we can do.” Big Mac said as Princess Luna flew down to him.

“I promise thou will have the human they court returned safely.” she said.

Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all have their jaws drop in response. The princess of the moon looked at them quizzically before going wide-eyed.

“I was unaware thou had yet to announce their courtship of the human.” Luna said.

“He was gonna tell ‘em eventually.” Applejack said.

“You knew?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Of course ah knew.” she answered.

“Why didn’t you tell me-I mean us?” Rarity asked.

“You woulda blabbed it to Manehattan and back.” Applejack said. “Who Mac dates is his business.”

Twilight placed a hoof on Big Mac’s back. He looked to her with a soft smile.

“I promise you we’ll get Pete back.” Twilight said. “Right Princess?”

The ponies looked over to Princess Celestia for confirmation. She was nowhere to be seen. How did a princess as big as a house disappear? Queen Chrysalis laughed.

“It seems your princess knew she was going to lose and abandoned you.” the queen sneered. “I think I’ll make myself big enough to step on the castle to celebrate.”

Chrysalis was silent in her shock when she noticed the cage was empty.


Princess Celestia was thankful for her argument with Lulu earlier. The extra power her magic received from the growth was enough to teleport to the base of the mountain below Canterlot, and take Pete with her. It wouldn’t be long before their absence was noticed. First, she had to dispel this mind control Queen Chrysalis had on him.

Then it would be time to end this changeling invasion the only way she knew how.

Caressed by Celestia

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The princess sighed with relief as the green haze faded from the human’s eyes. She suppressed a chuckle as he licked his lips with disgust.

“Where am I and why does my mouth have a weird taste in it?” Pete asked Princess Celestia.

“You’ve been kissing changelings while under a mind control spell.” she said calmly. “Also, we’re at the bottom of the mountain.” Pete looked at her while he floated in the air with a stare of discontent.

“Can I get a do-over on today?” he asked. “I could really use a do-over.”

“Let’s save Equestria, then you can question your life decisions.” she said.

“I can’t possibly imagine what your idea is.” the human said as he rolled his eyes.

“Do you have any idea how many ponies have dreamt of doing what you’re about to do?” she asked. “Besides, it’s our only solution.”

“Every pony I’ve grown took so long.” Pete said. “The only pony that grew fast was Rarity, and she was probably the best kisser all day. No offense.”

His words sat in her mind for a moment. The best kisser grew the fastest? Maybe if she...


It was a secret he would take to his grave. It was something he dared not give her the satisfaction of knowing. The human would never tell this goddess given pony form the truth. Princess Celestia was an insanely good kisser. Scary good. Though she was many times larger, that didn’t stop her from showing her centuries of experience. As the seconds passed, Pete could feel more and more of his body being pressed upon by her lips. She stopped with the levitation spell shortly after they started. It didn’t take long for the difference in size to become vast. Instead, she took off her hoofshoes, and he was held up with a single hoof. Kissing a creature much larger than you was no easy feat. Pete wasn’t even sure it would work. With his face against the ever expanding upper lip, was it even a kiss? She was still growing, so he guessed the magic wasn’t that picky.

The fur he was pressed onto was very soft. There was a minor fear of her getting so large he would get lost in the hairs. The ponies in this world had different hooves than the equines back on Earth. He had no plans of arguing it. He could probably sleep like this. Minus the crushing weight of a princess’ lips, of course. He could hear her breathing through her nostrils. It was strange to say, but the inhales and exhales sounded powerful. Like Princess Celestia could cause a tornado with a breath. Everything she did felt weighty to him.

The princess finally stopped kissing him. Cold air washed over him. Now Pete had an opportunity to take in his surroundings. The hoof that held him was very spacious. It was a lot to take in. Probably could’ve fit most of Sweet Apple Acres on this hoof. A part of him wanted to see what it looked like over the edge. Given Princess Celestia was so gigantic he couldn’t see all of her at once, he dismissed the thought.

“Retreat!” Queen Chrysalis shouted. The sound of almost a dozen fast-flying changelings was heard.

“I am so joyful you are safe, my student!” Princess Luna shouted as she squeezed her forelegs around Pete. She flew up to Princess Celestia’s raised hoof right after the changelings left. She had immediately gone to hug the human when she spotted him.

“Great to see you, your highness.” he said.

“How did thou make sister gargantuan so quickly?” she asked. The human’s cheeks went bright red.

“It seems the kissing skill of the receiver has an effect on growth speed.” Celestia’s said without opening her mouth.

“Is thou using a telepathy spell, sister?” Luna asked.

“It’s the safer method right now.” she said. “At my size, my voice could carry across all of Equestria.”

“I’m just glad this is over.” Pete said.

“Almost.” Celestia’s thought said to him. “I need to have a chat with certain ponies.”

The white alicorn’s horn began to glow as bright as the sun. Pete shielded his eyes. After a brief moment, the human and Princess Luna were surrounded by six enlarged ponies. Pete’s face lit up when he saw a certain red stallion.

“Mac!” he shouted as he ran over and hugged the stallion’s cheek. A red hoof lightly pressed against the human.

“Ah’m so glad yer safe.” Big Mac said as he quickly scooped up his humanfriend and placed him on his back.

“Oh, I’m so excited! My employee has been reunited with his special somepony.” Rarity said.

“I was unaware Pete and Macintosh were...together.” Celestia’s thought said.

“Oh, you should’ve seen their first kiss, your highness.” Twilight said. “It was so romantic. It was right out of a Sharp Write novel.”

“Unfortunately, our extremely private moment of romance was interrupted when numerous ponies of varying sizes decided to try and capture me.” Pete grumbled.

“All things considered, I’m just happy all my little ponies are safe.” Celestia thought to them. “I doubt Chrysalis will come for Pete anytime soon. However, that is not the concern I have right now. Pete’s day was filled with ponies that wanted his lips more than him. From what sister told me, I am disappointed in some of you. I know there are those who coerced him into kissing them. There are even those who used force. I know you all had reasons you believed were noble. Such nobility does not warrant the treatment Pete received today.”

Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and Shining Armor hung their heads. They knew who she was talking about. The three of them turned to the human.

“I’m sorry for taking advantage of you.” Rarity said. “A boss shouldn’t do that to her employee.”

“I’m sorry for making you kiss me for science.” Twilight said. “I should’ve taken you straight to Princess Celestia.”

“I’m sorry for trying to force you to use your magic when you didn’t want to.” Shining said. “That was unprofessional.”

“No worries.” Pete said.

“What?” the three asked in unison.

“Basics of Contact Magic.” he said. “Any type of enhancement-based contact magic runs the risk of a receiver being emotionally altered. Princess Luna is a very good teacher.”

“So, I went to the lengths I did because the magic made me?” Rarity asked.

“More like, the growth made your desires grow as well.” he said. “At least that’s what my hour of reading taught me.”

“You are oddly calm for somehuman that just spent the whole day running from most of us.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Two reasons.” Pete said. “One, Mac’s body is soft like a cloud at his current size. The thought of kissing him at this size passionately under a starry sky is a very enticing thought. Two, today is still nowhere near as terrifying as the time I burnt a dress. Not even close.”

The group chuckled a bit. The infamous burnt dress incident is a day that would never cease to get a laugh out of the ponies that knew the story.

"What do we do now, your highness?" Twilight asked.

"I can answer thee." Princess Luna said. "First, we shall send the citizens home. Second, my protégé will have to stay at the castle for a short period of time to learn control of his magic."

"Protégé?" the purple mare asked.

"Oh yes." the moon princess answered. "To master the magic of growth, I have taken the role of his tutor."

"Then after I learn to control this magic, I have a plan of my own." Pete said with a smirk.

Postlude by Pete

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Pete sat across from a unicorn stallion with a notepad. They were at a Ponyville cafe.

"Thank you so much for this interview." the unicorn said. "This is gonna be a great story for the Canterlot Chronicles."

"Oh, it's no problem at all, Big Scoop." Pete said.

"The last month has certainly been exciting for the world over." Big Scoop said. "Ponyville's resident human learns growth magic, and everypony's been clamoring for a kiss ever since."

"It's kept me busy, I can tell you that." the human says.

"Making Princess Celestia a giant was certainly an interesting way to announce it." the stallion said. "What happened after the attempted changeling attack was thwarted?"

"I had to spend two weeks in the castle." he answered. "That gave me enough time to properly learn to control my new magic. After that, I went back home."

"I heard you started a business." the unicorn asked. "How's that been?"

"Wonderful." the human answered. "Lot of clients that pay big bits to grow. I have ponies from all over Equestria and beyond as frequent customers. For Equestria's safety, there's a limit on how big I'm allowed to make ponies."

A light rumble interrupted the conversation. They both looked up towards the mountain. On the left side, a mountain-sized Princess Celestia was adjusting her seated position. The two chuckled before going back to their chat.

"A month and her highness is still so massive." Big Scoop said.

"I top her off every few days." Pete said. "Twilight Sparkle wanted to do a study on the effects of long term growth. Her highness was already massive, so she volunteered."

"Wow." the stallion said.

"Think that's crazy? You should see Rarity and Rainbow Dash." he said.

"What's up with them?" Big Scoop asked.

"Rarity's started a line of clothes only for giant ponies. Moderately successful" he answered. "Rainbow Dash got into the Wonderbolts, and now they have a routine specifically for her massive size."

"Any plans for the future?" the unicorn asked.

"Keep the business going strong, and avoid kidnapping attempts from Queen Chrysalis." he said.

"Ah hope ah'm in those plans." a voice said. Pete turned to see a red stallion with the cutest eyes.

"Of course you are handsome." Pete said as he leaned over to share a kiss. "I need my big strong stallion to keep me safe."

"You two do make a cute couple." Big Scoop said.

"Thanks." the human said as he stood up. "I better get going. A lunch date awaits."

"Well I hope you have a great day." the unicorn said.