• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,933 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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Lesson Zero

"I still can't believe you did that! It was sick"

"It's been a week, Dash. I would have thought you'd have gotten over it by now."

Like what Xavier said, it has been a week since Discord returned and sealed in stone. While Discord and his chaotic magic was removed from Equestria, there was still a mess that was caused by all the things flying around. Because of this, most of the week consisted of cleaning around town and making sure everything and everyone was okay. After a lot of work, the town was looking better, and things could go back to normal for a while. As of right now, Xavier and Rainbow were heading over to Applejack's place, Rainbow having a request from her and Xavier just tagging along.

"But why would I, what you did was awesome!" Rainbow said with excitement. "I mean, you took the blast of that guy's magic, didn't flinch, and took nothing! All with a trash can! The princess even thought it was cool enough to put in the window!" Xavier rubbed the back of his head bashfully.

"Well, I just did what I could to protect you girls." Xavier admitted. "Besides, you all mean too much to me to let you fall there."

"Well thanks for that. But I'll top you in awesome feats, watch me!"

"Heh, we'll see." Xavier said as he brought his fist up, to which Rainbow bumped with her hoof. They walked silently for a bit longer before they reached Sweet Apple Acres, standing at the entrance was Applejack.

"Hey AJ." Rainbow said.

"Hey Rainbow. Glad you could make it." Applejack thanked before noticing Xaiver. "Oh, you're here to Xavier?"

"Yeah. I decided to tag with Dash." Xavier admitted. "I'll help if the task is something I can do though."

"Well, I doubt that you can, but thanks for coming. Now come with me." Applejack gestured to follow, so they did. After some time following her, they were standing a couple feet away from a large barn, but it looked like it's seen better days. "Ya see, me and the family wanted to rebuild this here barn. Unfortunately, it's beyond repair, so it's gotta go. This is where Rainbow comes in." Applejack said pointing to Rainbow. "I need you to tear this here building down."

"That's all? Psh, piece of cake." Rainbow said confidently. Applejack smiled as she walked over to the barn and grabbed a pair of safety goggles and a helmet, handing the goggles to Rainbow.

"I assume you want Dash to do it because she's at less risk of having all of the debris fall on you when it starts to lose its supports." Xavier reasoned.

"That's right partner." Applejack agreed. "Now, I would recommend you get back, things are about to get messy." Applejack began to walk over to a trench, putting her helmet on. Xavier nodded and turned to Rainbow who was flying up to begin.

"Better be quick Dash. Remember, we have a picnic to go to later."

"You know who you're talking to, right? I'll get this done in a minute, tops." Rainbow said as she cracked her neck, Xavier taking that as a sign to get out of the way as he dashed over to the trench Applejack was in. He made it in time, jumping in as Rainbow began to destroy the old building. While Xavier and Applejack couldn't exactly see what she was doing since they were taking cover from the massive amount of debris that were flying around, they could guess that Rainbow was putting in work. After some time however, things went quiet, the sounds of destruction silencing. The two stayed there for a bit before growing confused since Rainbow never came over.

"What's going on out there?" Xavier asked as he carefully looked over the trench. When he did, he saw that the barn was still standing, though it was greatly damaged, a few more hits would take it down. Oddly though, Rainbow wasn't around. "Huh, where'd se go?" After looking around for a bit, he saw why Rainbow stopped, as he saw her on a bench with Twilight sitting on the ground, looking like a phycology session. Seeing the scene, he got out from behind the trench and walked over. "Um, Dash? What are you doing?"

"Well I was doing my job, but Twilight stopped me-"

"Because you were destroying Applejack's property." Twilight finished as she scribbled something onto a notepad she had. "Now, please tell my why you have an issue with her."

"I don't"

"You don't? Then why are you destroying her property?" Twilight questioned.

"Because she was told to do that." Xavier explained for Rainbow. "By Applejack."

"Wait, what?" Twilight was thrown for a loop, dropping her notepad.

"Yeah, I was. Right AJ?" Rainbow got off of the bench as Applejack stuck her head out from the trench.

"Darn tootin'" Applejack nodded with a smile. "I wanted to put up a new barn, but this one's gotta come down first. Hehe...Now get back to it, R.D."

"You got it, boss!" Rainbow saluted as she flew high into the sky, ready to tear it down.

"We might want to get down." Xavier said as he jumped back into the trench and Applejack got down. Twilight looked up to see that Rainbow continued up, until stopping and looked ready to take all of it down with one go. Twilight panicked seeing Rainbow and dived into the trench as well, bracing for impact as Rainbow flew down with incredible speed. Once she hit the barn, her signature sonic rainboom was created, creating a rainbow-colored mushroom cloud. As debris was flying, many pieces landed into the trench, but fortunately it was small enough to not cause much damage. After the dust settled, Applejack looked out from outside the trench to see the barn was utterly destroyed. Applejack smiled and went over to Rainbow to tell her good work, meanwhile Xavier was honestly a bit worried about Twilight since she seemed... off today. "Hey Twilight, you okay?-" When he turned to look over at her, she was already gone. "Twilight?"

An Hour Later

While Xavier was still worried about Twilight, he decided that trying to track her down and ask her if anything was wrong wasn't the best course of action, so he decided to ask if he saw her later. After cleaning up some debris that was around the destroyed barn, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Xavier were on their way to the place the picnic was going to be held. While walking, the three were pretty much silent, but fortunately the place wasn't too far from Sweet Apple Acres, and after a bit of walking, they arrived at their destination. On the hill that they were going to set up, Cali was already there, setting up the blanket and some food she made.

"Well, look who showed up." Cali said, holding a container of salad. "You guys showed up right on time too."

"Nice to see you, Cali." Xavier greeted. "Nice set up by the way."

"Thank you, I take pride in my cooking." Cali had a hand on her chest, showing pride in her work. As the three went over to join Cail, the rest of their friends could be seen coming over.

"Hey everyone!" Jasmine called out as she waved at them, getting their attention.

"Hey ya'll. Nice to see ya." Applejack replied as they came over. When the others came over, they also began to unpack some things they brought. Jasmine decided to sit down, so she did next to Xavier, who began to grow nervous. As the group were unpacking, Rarity became worried, and Jasmine noticed.

"Rarity? Are you okay?"

"NO!" The group were a bit startled by Rarity's outburst. "I totally forgot the plates. Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!" Using her magic while crying, she pulled over a fancy couch from somewhere and fell onto it dramatically. "Why, why, why... Uh... What?" She was only cut off from crying when she saw the rest of the group staring at her, some were confused while others weren't impressed. "You didn't expect me to lay on the grass, did you?" The group decided not to dwell on it as they continued to unpack. As they were, Cali noticed something missing, and it wasn't the plates.

"Hey, does anyone know where Sparkle is?" Cali asked. Hearing this, Xavier remembered his, Rainbow's, and Applejack's experience with her.

"Well, me, Dash and Applejack did see her at Sweet Apple Acres, but she was acting odd."

"How so?"

"Well, Applejack asked Rainbow to come over to help destroy a barn to make room for a new one, and part-way through the job Twilight showed up and stopped her. She thought that Rainbow was doing it because she had an issue with AJ."

"Well if I came over, I would think that." Cali admitted.

"Yeah, but something's been bothering me about it." Xavier mentioned. "She was acting very strange about it, trying to get Rainbow to tell her about what problem she had, almost like she was desperate." Xavier's words bothered the group a slight bit "Have any of you seen her act strange today?"

"Now that you mention it..." Rarity began to think. "I happen to lose my favorite diamond encrusted purple ribbon today."

"Wait, does that explain the dramatic scream from earlier in the day?" Cali asked. "You scream when you lose something?"

"Erm, I did scream, but I don't do it often!"

"More like fifty percent of the time." Rainbow whispered to Xavier, Rarity hearing her and huffing.

"As I was saying, when I CALMLY ANOUNNCED..." Rarity said through her teeth. "...that I lost my ribbon, Twilight burst through the door. After I told her what happened, she went into some short speech before I found it in a bin I had. Even when I found it, she was asking if there was anything she could do before disappearing."

"Are you sure you're not overexaggerating there?" Cali said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, Rainbow giggling behind her, annoying Rarity.

"I did NOT overexaggerate the story!" Rarity said angrily. Before anything could go farther, Xavier got in between the two groups.

"Now now, let's calm down. If what Rarity is saying is true, which I believe did happen, then there might be something wrong."

"Well I say we just wait for her." Rainbow said pulling out some sunglasses. "She'll tell us what's wrong eventually." Rainbow then lied down onto the ground with her front hooves behind her head. As Xavier was about to scold her about being shallow, a box was dropped at her head. When Rainbow looked up, she was the mare they were talking about, but it was a bit unnerving. For the most part, her mane was messy, she had madness in her eyes and her grin was incredibly unsettling, enough for Rainbow to jolt up and back up a few paces to look at her along with the rest of the group.

"Erm, you okay Twilight?" Xavier asked, both worried and a bit off-put at Twilight's... act.

"No! I am not alright!" Twilight exclaimed, almost like she was in agony. The group became worried at her exclamation.

"It's just terrible!"

"Yes?" The girls asked, getting closer save for Cali and Xavier who held back.

"Simply awful!"


"It's the most horrific trouble I've ever been in and I really really really need your help!"


"My letter to Princess Celestia is almost overdue, and I haven't learned anything about friendship!" Twilight exclaimed. The group gave their reactions in different ways, the girls sighed in relief, Cali face palmed, and Xavier tilted his head in confusion and concern.

"Oh thank goodness..." Fluttershy sighed in relief. "I thought something really awful had happened."

Twilight looked at her like she was crazy as she immediately teleported in front of Xavier and Cali, startling them. "Something awful has happened!" She teleported to Rarity who was back on her couch, who spit out her tea from the sudden act. "If I don't turn in the letter on time, I'll be tardy!" She reappeared in the center of the picnic, startling Rainbow as she dropped her sunglasses in the process. "TARDY!" After a bit of time the girls simple smiled and began to laugh, Xavier just pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing.

"I'm sorry Twilight, but this doesn't sound like a problem." Jasmine noted, a bit nervous.

"Not a problem? NOT A PROBLEM?!" Twilight screamed, scaring Jasmine who backed away to Xavier, hiding behind him and getting a light blush out of him (He stood strong as to not make her more nervous).

"Now calm down, sugarcube." Applejack patted her on the back with a soft grin. "She didn't mean any offence when she said that. But it looks like somepony's getting themselves all worked up over nothing."

Twilight slapped Applejack's hooves away, done with everything that they were doing. "This is not nothing! This is everything! I need you guys to help me find somepony with a problem I can fix before sundown! My whole life depends on it!"

"Oh Twilight, you're such a crack-up!" Pinkie giggled, falling over on her back while she laughed.

"Come on now." Cali said to her, trying to calm Twilight down. "Get over here and stop worrying so much over this."

"It's really not a big deal." Xavier said, Twilight's stink eye now focused on him. "I mean, one missed assignment isn't the end of the world. I mean, I've missed assignments here and there when I was in school, but it was because I got busy and forgot about them. Fortunately my teachers understood that and gave me some more time to get them done. I bet the princess is like that, so please, come and sit with us for a bit and calm down." Xavier said this with a calm smile, hopeful to try and get her to listen. She didn't however and growled, turning away and giving a loud huff before walking away, teleporting away after a bit.

"Wow...I've never seen Twilight so upset before." Fluttershy said, feeling bad for her.

"Oh, what a drama queen!" Rarity exclaimed with a smirk on her face, lying on her couch, at least before noticing the stares from the others. "Mm. Relatively speaking..." After Rarity admitted to being a bit dramatic, Cali turned to Xavier

"Is she gonna be okay?" She whispered. Xavier looked at her.


"I mean, I normally wouldn't be one to question it, but after that whole 'Pinkie sense' incident, I'm worried about what she'll do." Xavier put his hand onto his chin.

"You do have a point there..."

"What should we do?" Cali asked.

"Not sure. I guess-"



Suddenly, two very loud sounds rang out, one a ferocious howl and the other a terrified scream. The sudden outburst startled the entire group as their attention shifted.

"What in tarnation was that?!" Applejack asked.

"It sounded like it came from the Everfree forest." Xavier said as he rose.

"Do you think someone got lost and found one of those monsters inside?" Rarity questioned, worried about the safety of the screamer.

"That's what I'm about to find out." Xavier said as he pulled out his sword. "You all stay here, I'll find out what's going on."

"I'm coming too." Cali said as she got up as well. "There is no way in hell I'll let you go alone in there." Xavier looked at her for a moment before nodding.

"I guess I won't stop you." Cali smiled as she pulled her whip from her belt and began to run with Xavier to the Everfree forest.

"Stay safe!" Jasmine called out to them, the two not turning back as they focused on the safety of the one in the forest.

"Where even is this guy?"

The two humans were wandering for a while, looking for the source of the scream. Unfortunately, they had no luck, and stopped for a second in a clearing, somewhere where the sun was able to penetrate the thick canopy.

"I really can't tell. I thought it came from over here." Xavier admitted.

"Well with the amount of time it's taking, they might be dead by now."

"Hey, don't be like that!" Xavier scolded. "Until we find them, we aren't-" Before Xavier could finish, they heard a large amount of movement, created by a large amount of dry leaves and twigs crunching under the mass of footsteps. The two looked over to the sounds, holding their weapons in preparation to get jumped. A few tense moments later, a living mass came flying into the clearing, tumbling on the ground for a bit before coming to a stop. When it did, the humans were shocked to see what it was as it got to it's feet.

"What in the hell is a human doing here?!!" Cali's shouting got the attention of the being, now identified as human. This human was male, his green eyes looking at them confused. He was more toned than most, but was mostly lean as he was about the same age and height as Cali. His hair was black and, while a bit messy, was pretty well groomed. While his clothes were covered in dirt and grass stains, it was clear to see that his dark green dress shirt was on the more flexible side, along with his jeans and shoes. In his chest's pocket was a red, origami rose that by some miracle, was intact. He also had a light scarf on his neck and on his arms were some painted, leather bracers with some metal bosses dotted around in a very precise pattern. When the new human turned to see the two, his expression was surprised.

"Huh, who are you?" He spoke, his voice had a hint of British mixed into his slightly rough voice, but it was a voice a gentleman would have. Before one of the two could answer, the human shook his head. "Nevermind that, we need to go!" It was then that another creature entered the clearing, this creature Xavier knew about.

"Timberwolf!" Xavier yelled out as it crouched down, ready to pounce onto them.

"What are those things?!" Cali yelled out.

"I'll tell you later, for now break them apart." Xavier said as he pulled his sword out as he went up front, swinging his sword forward to slash the first, dealing some considerable damage to the wolf's jaw. Shaking it off, the timberwolf jumped at him, swiping both claws at him in a thin X. Xavier however was better with his sword since the last time he met one, blocking both swipes and retaliating with the blunt end. Shaking off the shock of the blow, the wolf didn't have much time to react to the log slammed into it, that log launched by Cali and her whip.

"Down you mutt!" The constant beatings it was taking left multiple holes in it and pieces falling off, but it was still willing to fight as it pounced at her. Before Cali did anything however, the new human ran up to the wolf and, with a jump and a forward flip, delivering a shockingly powerful downward kick with his heel onto the neck of the beast, the blow strong enough to break the head off as it and the body landed onto the ground and shattering. The two looked at the remains with awe as the human stomped the ground to get a few splinters off him.

"Now that that's done, what was that."

"We can talk later, we need to move farther before it reforms." Xavier said as he turned to leave the way him and Cali entered, the others confused.

"Um, what?"

"Just follow me." Xavier began to run off, prompting the other two to follow.

"Jeez, what is up today?"

After some time running, the three came to a stop to rest for a bit, the newest human sitting on a log.

"You're okay though, right?" Xavier asked. "It's not often someone meets a timberwolf and lives."

"I am, but what was it, a timberwolf?"

"They are ents that lives here in this forest. Their bodies are comprised of the loose pieces of wood scattered around the forest and only live to destroy. Even if you destroy the bodies of them, their spirits live on and rebuild, which is why I said we needed to leave fast."

"You know a lot about those things, huh?" The scarved human said.

"I had a run in with one a while ago, I would have died if a friend didn't save me." Xavier admitted.

"Beyond that though, that kick you delivered was impressive dude." Cali said, breaking the tenser air and replacing it with more of a light chat despite the area they were in. It didn't matter though as the guy chuckled as he rubbed the bottom of his nose with his finger.

"Heh, well that's all in a day of a martial artist."

"Hmm, you do martial arts?"

"I actually dabble in two ways of artistry." The human stood up as he rolled his head. "I guess that's my my cue to introduce myself. The name's Huston, martial artist who's passion is creating pieces of art dedicated to nature." The human now known as Huston took a bow. "it's an honor to meet you. After all, you two did save me."

"It's nothing. The name's Xavier by the way. My friend here is Cali."

"Howdy." Huston smiled and stood back up straight, but suddenly winced as he gripped his arm, revealing that he was bleeding a bit.

"Oh crap, you sure you're okay there?!"

"Mmm, it's not going to kill me, but I don't think I want to let this continue to bleed." Huston said lightheartedly.

"In that case, why don't you come with us." Xavier offered. "I'm sure we can get you patched up and cleaned after all you've been through."

"Thank you, that's very kind of you." With that, the three began to walk through the forest to the outskirts, with Xavier leading them. After some time walking, Huston decided to break the silence. "So, where exactly are we? I mean, I'm pretty sure there aren't any wolves made of wood around here. Or anywhere for that matter." At Huston's question, The other two tensed up a bit, a bit worried about how to tell him.

"Erm, well..." Before Xavier could begin to explain however, the trio heard a low rumbling in frount of them.

"What is that?" Cali asked, her eyes narrowing.

"Is it another one of those timberwolves?" Huston asked, raising his arms in preparation.

"I don't think so. It sounds more like a stampede." Xavier commented, knowing a bit about the forest's residents than the others.

"I say we check it out." Before any objections could be made, Cali ran over to the sound. Sighing, Xavier and Huston followed her. When they caught up to her, they were outside the forest, but something strange was happening. Running around was a large group of ponies from around Ponyville were running around, trying to grab what appeared to be a old stuffed toy. They were practically fighting over it, and this worried Xavier and Cali.

"What is going on here!?" Xavier yelled out, clearly confused and worried.

"Don't know, we should find the girls." Cali suggested, her and Xavier running off to find them. Huston followed after a bit of shocked confusion.

"Hold on a minute! Can you tell me what's happening!?" The two didn't pay much mind to him, either from urgency or from them forgetting her was here was undetermined. After a bit, they found the girls on the hill they were on for the picnic, Twilight included.

"Don't look at it!!" Twilight yelled out, covering Rainbow's eyes.

"Don't look at what?!" Xavier asked, alerting the rest to him and Cali's presence, but miraculously not registering Huston's (Most likely from the chaos happening)

"My Smarty Pants doll!" Twilight said, referencing the doll. "I enchanted her and now everypony is fighting over her!"

"What?! Seriously!?" Cali said in disbelief.

"I had to do something!" Twilight yelled out, on the ground in a fettle position. "I had nothing to report to Princess Celestia! I thought if I couldn't find a problem, I'd make a problem! The day is almost over!"

"Not almost!" Applejack mentioned, pointing to the setting sun. Once it went beneath the horizon, twilight lowered her head in defeat before...

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" A loud voice rang out as a bright light shined above them. Looking up, the group was in shock at seeing none other than the princess, and a bit worried (Huston was especially, but no one has payed attention to him yet) After looking around for a second, the princess used her magic and a flash was created. Once the light dimmed, the population that were once fighting stopped, leaving them confused at what they were doing. At least until the doll fell to the ground. The crowd looked at it for a moment before growing embarrassed, walking away, leaving nothing but the heroes and the princess (Even the doll was gone, strange)

"Whoa nelly..." Applejack gasped in shock, taking off her hat as the princess landed by them.

"Meet me in the library." Celestia demanded with a glare as she began walking away. Twilight sighed and got up, walking away before turning to them.

"Goodbye everypony. If you care to visit, I'll be in magic kindergarten, back in Canterlot." Twilight began walking away, following the princess with depression.

"Magic kindergarten?" Fluttershy questioned

"Canterlot?" Rainbow added.

"We're never gonna see Twilight again!" Pinkie cried.

"What are we gonna do, y'all?" Applejack asked, worried.

"Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!" Rarity yelled out. No one was impressed though as they looked at her with deadpan stares. "What? I really mean it this time!"

"Gah, forget that! Come on!" Xavier said as he ran in the direction of Twilight and the princess. The group took the hint and ran after him, determined to help their friend.

"Is NO ONE going to explain what's happening?!"

They never even noticed Huston yelling

They were too focused on helping Twilight after the mess she made, hoping to keep her in Ponyville. After a bit, they managed to reach the library. Not even wasting time, Cali rammed the door, forcing the door open, surprising Twilight and Celestia who were talking.

"Wait!" Rainbow yelled out, getting in front of Twilight.

"You can't punish her!" Pinkie pleaded.

"It wasn't her fault!" Jasmine added.

"I'm listening." Celeste replied, waiting for an answer.

"Please, your highness. We all saw that Twilight was upset." Fluttershy explained.

"But we thought that the thing she was worrying about wasn't worth worrying about." Cali added.

"So when she ran off all worked up, not any of us tried to stop her." Xavier said, felling guilty for not even trying.

"As Twilight's good friends, we should have taken her feelings seriously and been there for her!" Rarity said, clearly upset for not thinking about her friend.

"Please, don't take her away from us just because we never tried to help her!" Fluttershy pleaded with a sad look. Celestia thought for a moment before softly smiling at them all.

"Looks like you all learned a pretty valuable lesson today." She said. The group took a moment to think about what she said, realizing she was right. "Very well, I'll forget Twilight's 'punishment' on one condition." The group was surprised to hear it, and began to ask what that condition was. "From this day forth, I would like you all to report to me your findings on the magic of friendship when, and only when, you happen to discover them." The group was surprised at the condition, and all of them began to cheer. Celestia smiled as she went to a window, ready to leave.

"Princess Celestia, wait!" Twilight called, gaining her attention. "How did you know I was in trouble?"

"Your friend Spike made me aware that you were letting your fears get the best of you." Celestia explained, pointing to Spike who was hiding. "I commend him for taking your feelings seriously. Now, if you will all excuse me, I must return to Canterlot. I'm expecting some mail." With that, she opened up her wings and flew out of the library threw the balcony as the group watched her leave for Canterlot. They relished in her kindness for a bit, at least before clapping could be heard behind them.

"Great, how touching. Now that that is all settled with, CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Turning to look at the clapping, the group was shocked to see Huston, both from his condition and from him just being there (save for Cali and Xavier, who were embarrassed that they forgot about him)

"Oh, right. I forgot you were here, Huston." Xavier apologized, getting an unimpressed look from him.

"Is that another human!?" Rainbow yelled out.

"Yep, he managed to get chased by something called a timberwolf. And if we didn't get there he would have been dead meat." Cali explained, getting a huff from Huston.

"I really need some answers here."

"We'll tell you, but let's see about treating your injuries too."

Some Time Later

After the initial shock of Huston's reveal, Twilight went to grab a first-aid kit to allow Jasmine to treat his wounds. During that time, Xavier told Huston the story of him and the others leading up to that point. Huston also managed to calm down from the shock from it all as he listened to it all

"So that's the story, huh?" Huston said out loud, taking it all in as Jasmine finished bandaging him. "Thank you by the way, miss Jasmine. I appreciate you treating me."

"It's no problem, happy to know you're okay after what you went through."

"I know it's a lot to take in." Xavier said, a face of worry on his face. "I understand if it might take a bit to-"

"Eh, I'll be fine with this." Huston said casually, as if nothing was wrong, and this confused the group as they looked at him like he was crazy.

"Huh?" Applejack simply breathed out.

"Um, darling, are you really?" Rarity asked, clearly confused. "I mean, you are in a new world where you are the only human alongside the other three."

"Yes, I am." Huston said as he got up. He began to look around for a bit before noticing Twilight's chalkboard. "Miss Twilight, may I borrow this?" Huston asked as he looked the chalkboard over.

"Um, sure. I guess." Smiling, he took a piece of chalk and looked at the board.

"Now, I know you're confused at my reaction, but let me explain." Huston began to draw on the board, continuing his explanation. "You see, as an artist, I've learned a lot over my time."

"Oh, you're an artist?" Rarity asked, clearly interested.

"Yes, I am. I also am a martial artist." Huston said as he continued to draw.

"you should have seen him when we were fighting." Cali said, impressed. "I've never seen someone deliver a kick so strong as to break wood like it was cheap plastic." The little sentence impressed the group, especially since it was hard for Cali to grow this impressed.

"Hm, yes, but I won't brag about it." Huston chuckled. "Now continuing on, I've learned a great deal about life, and I like to think of it as a canvas for me." Huston said, his drawing showing a tree with a few clouds above it. "You can make it pretty much any way you want, but as we all know, there is always a wrench somewhere to be thrown." Huston said as he turned with a bit of dramatic flair. This flair didn't come free however, as when he turned, he managed to graze the drawing with the chalk, leaving a big line through the picture. As the group gasped at the error, Huston simple looked at and smiled. "The size may differ, from small splotches to massive spills, but how you deal with it is what defines who you are." Huston turned back to the drawing, reaching for the eraser. "You could just give up and toss it all away, maybe start anew. But I don't." Huston took hold of not the eraser, but a red piece of chalk, bringing it up to the picture. "I work with the mistakes, never turning away to give up until I can't do anything else. Who knows," Huston stepped away from the drawing, now where the like ended was appeared to be a red bird, giving the image of it flying past the tree. "You might find that it leads to something better than before." The group looked at the board and Huston, in awe and amazement at his little story.

"Woah." The only thing that broke the silence was Rarity simply sighing with respect. Huston smiled and went back to them, sitting down.

"The way I see it, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I mean, having a brand new world to look at and create new pieces of art that humans nor ponies have seen before? That sounds like a fair enough positive to this whole ordeal."

"And you really are okay with this?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I am." Huston smiled, happy to know that the ponies were kind. He felt safe and pleased to know that he wouldn't be treated badly here.

"Well, if you want somewhere to stay, you're always free to stay with me and the other humans at my house." Xavier offered. "I have plenty of space there, and you're free to have a room all to yourself."

"Hmm, I think I'll take you up on that offer. Thank you." Huston thanked. "For now though, I think there was something that you had to do for miss Twilight, right."

"Oh, right! Spike, take a letter." Applejack said, Spike taking the initiative and pulling out a scroll and quill, ready to take the letter. "We're writing to you because today, we all learned a little something about friendship."

"We learned that you should take your friends worries seriously." Fluttershy added.

"And also, never dismiss them." Cali said with a wink.

"No matter how much you think it's not a problem." Jasmine said bashfully.

"And that you shouldn't let your worries turn a small problem..." Rarity put in as well.

"...into an enormously huge entire-town-in-total-chaos Princess-has-to-come-and-save-the-day problem." Pinkie finished, acting all dramatic (Huston found it quite amusing)

"...In other words, don't turn a anthill into a mountain." Xavier simplified, sighing at Pinkie's antics.

"Signed, your loyal subjects." Applejack finished off the letter. After a second, Spike looked around as he began to write again, this time for him.

"P.S. - Obviously Spike did not have to learn a lesson, because he is the best, most awesome friend a pony could ask for. Unlike everypony else, he took things seriously, and-" It didn't take long for Spike to notice that everyone in the room was looking at him, not exactly amused at his antics. "Eheh...uh...yeah...I'll just, um..." Spike then crossed out the piece he wrote into the letter, getting a laugh out of the bit of embarrassment Spike had. As Spike huffed at them all laughing at him, the group bonded closer than before. It also became bigger with the newest addition of the double-sided artist, Huston. Now with him with them, their friendship grew stronger as they looked forward to what's to come, even it was bad since they could always make it their own works of art.

Author's Note:

Looks like we start things off with a bang, an when I say bang I mean we meet another human...
A kindred soul, his skill in both artistic looks and powerful yet graceful martial arts make him very skilled in many things. He's not one to brag though, and is more than generous to those who are kind to him, always giving advice to them to help them grow throughout the tough time known as life. He also never thinks about the bad side of things, instead he looks a bad thing like a new opportunity for something greater to come.
Now with Huston in the fray, here's to the fact that Xavier has a guy friend outside of Spike.
Koops out!

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