• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,933 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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Call of the Cutie

It's been a little over a week since the Running of the Leaves and like Xavier guessed, Applejack and Rainbow went back to being competitive with each other. This time however they weren't exactly getting aggressive, just mild teasing. However Xavier wasn't focused on them today, he was just enjoying the moment of fall at the moment. He was enjoying it by having another pumpkin spice latte while standing around town.

"Ahh, this is the life." Xavier sighed. "A beautiful autumn day with a spiced latte and a crisp breeze to take the worries off my back. There is nothing that can break this bliss right no-"


Once again in mid sentence, his bliss was interrupted, but not in the way he expected. Instead of a loud noise or somepony or something getting his attention, he was hit by an unknown object right on the back of his head. This caused him to fall straight onto his face, leaving him lying there with a growing goose egg right on the back of his head. Fortunately, he was quite resistant to the head, so it didn't knock him out, but it did hurt.

"I stand corrected." Xavier groaned as he began to get up. When he looked to see what struck him, it was revealed to be a now splattered apple on his head and ground. "Why is there flying apples?" He began to walk in the direction of the apple with a hand on his head. What he found was the Apple sisters by one of their apple carts, though the eldest was not looking too happy. "Hey AJ, Applebloom." The two of them turned around to see him.

"Oh, howdy Xavier." Applejack responded. "What brings you around here?"

"Well for one, do you know if somepony around here is launching apples at Mach speed around here?" Xavier then lifted his hand to reveal a pretty noticeable bump on his head to the sisters, causing the younger one to cringe and the older to glare at her.

"*Sigh* Sorry Xavier, I believe that it would be my sister that launched that at ya'" Applejack apologized.

"Sorry Xavier." Applebloom apologized as well.

"I-I'll for give you, but why are you launching apples like that?"

"I was just trying to get my cutie mark in apple selling so I wasn't the only one without one..." Applebloom said quietly.

"you sure you aren't trying for the 'apple launching' cutie mark?" Xavier strained a chuckle before moving his hand back to his head. "Don't you have any other friends here?"

"W-well I have one friend, and I guess she doesn't have a cutie mark yet either..."

"Well there ya go!" Applejack joined in. "Why don't ya go and round her up and go to the party with her."

"A-alright, that sounds like a good plan." Applebloom said as she began to wander off, presumably to her friend's house, her spirit rising a bit. "I'll see you later then you two." As Applebloom got farther away, Xavier was curious to the situation.

"So what's this about a party? And why is Applebloom so interested in getting her cutie mark?" Xavier asked as he turned to Applejack.

"Why don't I tell you back at the farm? I think that bump need some attention." Applejack said as she gestured him to follow, so he did.

A Little While Later

At Applejack's farm, the said pony was seen bandaging Xavier's head around his bump. Meanwhile she was explaining to him the situation.

"Ya see, Applebloom is a mite upset that everypony in her class has their cutie mark and she doesn't. she is also quite upset about some bullies there."

"Wait, she has bullies?" Xavier said as Applejack was finishing up the bandaging.

"Yup, and they've been acting quite rude to her and her friend. One of them also got their cutie mark recently, so she is saying that she is supposed to go, despite her not wanting to go."

"Well what's stopping her from getting one? Not to be quick to doubt, I just don't know much about them is all. All I know is that they are those marks on your flanks." Xavier asked as he felt around his head for any pain.

"Well to be honest, getting a mark is only there if you find your special talent. Once you do, it magically appears, but it takes time. She is much to young to get one right now, and she can't force it." Applejack explained.

"I guess that makes since, after all patience is a virtue." Xavier said as he crossed his arms. "Heh, reminds me of me..."

"It does?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, believe it or not humans can have these thoughts as well. I was always thinking about what I was good at when I was younger, and one day I found this broken music box lying around. I decided to bring it home and look at it. After a while of looking at it, I began to repair it. I soon was able to 'restore it'. While it did look crude, it did what it used to do and play a beautiful tune. Once I did that, I tried to look at different things and saw them in a new light. Since that day I always found solace in my gadgets when I'm working. If I were you, I would give her some time by herself to find her calling." Applejack thought over what he said since it was quite different from her story, but she took it to heart.

"I guess your right, but I still worry about her. I've met her friend and I think that she is close to getting her mark soon, and when she does my sis may drift from her."

"That I have no advice on sadly." Xavier admitted. "I guess she will met somepony that will become as close as us and the girls, right?"

"I guess your right again... thanks."

"No problem AJ. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to resume my day of fall appreciation, so see you later." Xavier said as he bid Applejack farewell and left the farm. As he was walking around town though, he felt something hit his leg hard as he found himself faceplanting again. "Why me." Xavier groaned as he began to get up.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" When Xavier put his eyes on the voice, it was a pegasus similar in age to Applebloom in front of him. The young filly had an orange coat with a dark purple mane underneath a helmet. From the looks of it, she also had a scooter with her. "Hey wait a minute, your that human in town, aren't you?"

"Geh, yep, that's me." Xavier groaned as he sat down, hand on his head to check for more damage.

"*Gasp* OMG! I can't believe that I get to meet you!" The filly began to fangirl, getting the attention of Xavier.

"Wait, you wanted to meet me?"

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" She said as she ran up to him. "My name is Scootaloo, Mr. Xavier! It's such an honor to meet you!"

"Huh, I never thought that there would be a time that I would be 'an honor to meet'." Xavier said as he looked at Scootaloo with a smile.

"What do you mean!? Besides Rainbow Dash, you are like, the coolest, erm, guy, there is! You faced off against an ursa minor, looked a dragon in the eye, and even clashed against Nightmare Moon with her horn mere inches from your face!" Scootaloo said as she began reenacting them.

"Heh, I don't think that some of those stories are entirely accurate, but glad to see you so interested in those things." Xavier said with a warm smile. "So you mentioned Rainbow before, you know her?"

"Well yeah, she is quite possibly the most awesome pony in Equestria, I want to be just like her!"

"Well in that case, maybe I can introduce you two." Scootaloo's eyes widened in excitement at what Xavier said.

"Y-you really mean it!?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty close to her, so I think that she won't mind me bringing a guest over next time we hang out."

"EEEEEEEE!!" Scootaloo began to dance around in excitement knowing that she had a chance to hang out with some of the coolest people she knew. She then gasped as she remembered something. "Oh shoot! I got to go! I promised my aunt's that I would meet them at the train station today and I might be running late." Scootaloo said as she got onto her scooter again and took off. "See ya later, Mr. Xavier!"

"See you!" Xavier said as he waved her off. He then processed what she said and paused. "Wait, did she just say 'aunts'?" Shaking it off as a slip of the tongue, he got up and began walking again. He walked around town for a while until a familiar voice caught his attention.

"Xavier, over here." Looking over at he voice, he saw that it was Rarity calling for him.

"Oh, Rarity hey." Xavier walked over, to which Rarity noticed the bandage around his head.

"Oh my goodness, what happened to you?!"

"Heh, a bit of an incident involving an apple and the ones who grow them. Don't worry about it, what's up with you?"

"Well, if it really is okay, can you follow me? I have some things for you at the boutique." Rarity said with a bit of concern in the beginning, but slowly goes to her normal tone. Xavier complied and followed her to the boutique, to which she let him in. "So you're probably wondering why I brought you here..." Xavier nodded, his curiosity peaking. "Well, I brought you here to give you these." Rarity then used her magic to levitate over a stack of cloths.

"Whoa, are those for me?" Xavier said as he picked up a blue t-shirt with a orange star on the shoulder.

"Why of course. You don't have anything to where other then the clothes that you had since we met, so I figured I'd do you a favor. Honestly, it's an honor to make the first batch of clothes for the first human in Equestria." Rarity said with glee.

"Well, I'm flattered that you would go out of your way to do this." Xavier said blushing a bit. "I wish I had something to-"

"Rarity!" Xavier paused when he heard a new voice ring out in the boutique. When Xavier looked over to where the voice was, he saw that it was another filly, this one was a unicorn that was similar to Rarity, only she was a unicorn and her mane was light purple and pink. "Rarity, I need to-" The little filly paused when she saw Xavier. When she did, she looked at him in both curiosity and worry.

"Hm? Rarity, who's this?"

"Oh, she is my little sister."

"Wait, you have a sister?" Xavier said, taken aback from the reveal.

"Yes, I do. Sweetie Belle, there is nothing to be afraid of, this is the friend I was telling you about." Rarity said to the filly now dubbed Sweetie Belle. Thanks to her sister's confirmation, Sweetie Belle managed to muster enough courage to approach. Seeing that she was still a bit scared, Xavier knelt down and got onto her level.

"Hey, it's okay, I don't bite." Xavier said calmly, wearing a warm smile. "So your name is Sweetie Belle?" She nodded. "Well that's a cute name for you. Now just ignore me for now, what is it that you wanted to talk to Rarity about?"

"W-well, I was just hoping that you would go with me to the Cute-ceanera with me tomorrow." Sweetie Belle admitted, to which Rarity made a sad frown.

"Oh Sweetie Belle, I wish I could, but I have a client to deliver some clothing to tomorrow, so I can't." This made Sweetie Bell quite sad, a sight that ripped at Xavier's heart. That's when he got an idea.

"Hey Sweetie Belle, you know I could always go with you to the Cute-ceanera with you." This caused Sweetie Belle's face to light up.

"Really? You would?"

"Sure, I have nothing to do and I can tell you're uncomfortable with going by yourself..." For a brief moment, Xavier then remembered something he said earlier in the day.

I guess she will met somepony that will become as close as us and the girls, right?

With that memory, his mind began to process something in a brief moment. "Is it possible that..." He stopped thinking to himself to continue to talk to Sweetie Belle to not make her and Rarity worry about him. "So if you want somepony, or I guess someone, to go with you I can go with you." Sweetie Belle thought about it for a second before looking back at him.

"I guess that you could come with me." She still sounded a bit uncomfortable around him, but something in her did say that he was trustworthy and safe to be around.

"Heh, that's good. I need to head home now, but I'll meet you over at the party tomorrow then. Um, where is it exactly?"

"Sugar Cube Corner, darling." Rarity answered.

"Cool, I'll see you there then Sweetie." Giving one final smile to the two, Xavier grabbed his new clothes and exited the boutique. On his way home he was thinking to himself about the recent events. "So Sweetie Belle is worried about going by herself, Applebloom is worried about that too, I wonder if they were meant for each other. Now that I think about it, Scootaloo didn't have a cutie mark either when I saw her, maybe..." His thoughts would continue as he entered his home, wondering about how fate would play out.

The Next Day

Since the party wasn't until later in the day, Xavier decided to stay in for once and catch up on his latest gadget before heading out. As he was walking, he was thinking once again about the three fillies from yesterday.

"I wonder if Scootaloo will be at the party today. If she is, I'll introduce Sweetie Belle to her, I think they could get along." He stopped thinking when he saw that he was at Sugar Cube Corner. Upon entering the bakery, he saw that the party was in full swing, with ponies having a good time. While Xavier didn't exactly feel comfortable in large crowds like this, he would be strong for Sweetie Belle, so he would try to stay calm here. While looking around, he saw Twilight looking around. "Hey Twi!" Looking over, she saw Xavier calling to her, so she went over.

"Hey Xavier, what are you doing here? I thought you didn't like parties."

"I don't, but I promised somepony I would be here for moral support, so here I am." Xavier admitted, knowing that he would rather be in his home working or admiring the fall colors.

"Well, I'm glad to know your here. But while you're here, have you seen Applebloom?"

"Huh, Applebloom's here?" Xavier asked, both happy and confused that she came.

"Yeah, but isn't doing too well." Twilight answered worriedly. "When I got here, she was trying to bake with Pinkie in hopes of getting a baking cutie mark, but she burnt all of the cupcakes. When she saw me, she wanted me to use my magic to give it to her. It didn't work and now she's gone."

"Well, I guess give her some time and she will come around. Speaking of, I got to find my escort, so have fun." Xavier and Twilight went their separate ways to look for the kids. As Xavier was walking around, he happened to see a purple tail laying near a table. Thinking that it was for that pin the tail game from before, he decided to go and pick it up to give to Pinkie. When he pulled it however, he did not expect what happened next.

"YEOWCH!" Xavier pulled back from the tail when it suddenly yelped, to which he gave a closer look at it and realized that it was Scootaloo's tail. When he looked underneath the table, he saw not only her but also Sweetie Belle. The two immediatly jumped up, but relaxed when they saw it was Xavier.

"Huh, what are you two doing under here?"

"Hiding from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon." Scootaloo replied.

"Who?" Xavier said with a confused look on his face.

"They are these rich kids that taunt us for not having our cutie marks yet." Sweetie Belle began. "This Cute-ceanera is for her and we don't want to be taunted for being blank flanks."

Looking at the two, Xavier gave a warm smile before speaking. "If that's the case, then you have nothing to worry about." The two looked at him in confusion and doubt. "If these two are so mean to you, then they aren't going to go far in life if words are their strongest tool. And here's some advice from Rainbow Scootaloo, 'just because somepony says they are better then you or worse then others, it doesn't mean you can prove them wrong with action.' It's good to keep your head up and look to your friends for support. Who knows, you may end up becoming greater then them in the future while they still rely on insults and mean comments to get by." He then looked between the two and smiled. "And I think they did something for you two, and that's bring you together." The two fillies then looked at each other.

"Really?" They both asked in curiosity.

"Yup, you two have something in common and can build off of each other. Soon enough, you can find your cutie marks and overcome any challenge that comes your way." The two fillies then realized that he was right and smiled at each other. The warm moment was cut short however by the music stopping abruptly. Getting up, Xavier saw Applebloom by the record player. Before he could run over to help her, he heard laughing from the other side of the room. Looking at the laughing, he saw two fillies, one pink and one grey, and he quickly put it together that those two must be Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. It was then that Silver Spoon began to speak.

"Wow, that is an amazing cutie mark." She said in a snarky tone.

"Nice try," Diamond Tiara added before both of them yelled out at the same time, "BLANK FLANK!" As the crowd was talking amongst themselves, Xavier's anger grew. But before he could get up, two close-by individuals stepped up before him.

“You got a problem with blank flanks?!” Scootaloo said as she got out from underneath the table. Xavier saw the two's eyes were filled with determination, so he let them carry on for a little bit.

"The problem is, I mean, she's like, totally not special." Silver Spoon said to retort.

"No, it means she's full of potential." Sweetie Belle said as the two went over to Applebloom.

"Hmph, I don't see how a blank flank is full of potential." Diamond Tiara said. It was then that Xavier decided to step up to the plate.

"It means that they aren't bound to a single role just yet." Xavier said as he got in between the two sides. Since this was the first time that the two have seen him, they backed up a bit due to his stature. "These three can be anything for now and enjoy the time with others." When Xavier said that, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo revealed that they didn't have cutie marks either, surprising Applebloom. "And who knows what they can be when they get their marks? They may become scientists, teachers, artists, or even mayors." That's when Xavier got closer to the two bullies with a stern face. "And I will warn you know, you two should find something else to use instead of just words, because later in life words lose their power to action and plans. Keep this up and you will end up lost in life." The look in Xavier's eyes was enough to get the two to back away in fear, not wanting to bother anypony else for the rest of the day. Once the two were out of the scene, many other young fillies and colts went over to the three, becoming the biggest thing in the party.

After a bit the crowd decided to go back to the party while the three fillies went over to a table to celebrate their new friendship. Xavier also decided to head over there after grabbing a drink. "Hey you three, you doing okay?"

"Absolutely!" Applebloom said excitedly. "We decided to help each other in finding our cutie marks together! We just need a name..."

"Heh, well whatever you decide on, I know that your crusade will be great." Xavier said in a light joking manner. This comment however got the three fillies thinking.

"That's it! The Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Applebloom announced, getting voices of agreement from the other two. As they talked between each other, Xavier smiled at them knowing that they would become very close as they search for their talents. Maybe he would even help them from time to time as he looked forward to spending time with them more.

Author's Note:

And we make it to the cutie mark crusaders. Xavier seems happy for them, if only he knew how much trouble they will cause in the near future lol.

Until next time, Koops out!

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