• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,933 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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White looks better then green

As the days passed since the diamond dog incident, Xavier and the others have been helping Jasmine settle in. Now it's been over three week since she came to Equestria and she has settled into Xavier's home nicely. At the moment she was reading a book on her bed. Her room was on the upper floor and there was a lot more decorations than Xavier's room that only had his workbench and some pet supplies for Rune to count as decor. An antique lamp was on a wood bed stand. On the wall was a poster of some pop singer famous in Equestria, apparently in her signature face veil and purple outfit. She had a simple white and grey rug on the floor and a small bookcase, nothing to fancy but enough to make her comfortable. As she was reading, she heard a loud crash from downstairs, so closing her book she ran down to see what was wrong. When she got there, she saw that Xavier was picking up tools and putting them back into his toolbox.

"Xavier, are you okay?" Jasmine asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Rune just ran between me and I lost my balance." Xavier explained as he was putting his tools into his toolbox. Jasmine decided to help out and grabbed some tools.

"So what were you doing with your toolbox." Jasmine asked as she handed him some tools.

"Well, the Ponyville spa is in need of me again, so I was going over to there."

"You work at a spa?" Jasmine asked, surprised to know.

"As the maintenance crew. It's not consistent work but it pays for the food." Xavier said as he put the last of his tools into the toolbox. As him and Jasmine were getting up, he had an idea. "Hey, why don't you come with me and have a spa day?"

"Huh, why?" Jasmine asked.

"Well, even though you know that everypony here is friendly, you're still tense. I figure that you could loosen up by having a day there."

"B-but I don't want to burden you. I figure that me coming would-"

"Don't worry about it. Between you and me, the owners pay me a lot more than they should. Probably to make up for the fact I'm one guy, but I get a lot of money from a job there. Plus, I think I can get you an appointment for free. The owners also say that if I want to, I can have a spa day once in a while. I haven't had one for the months I've worked there, so I think I can get you an appointment there free of charge." Hearing everything, Jasmine became less worried.

"W-well, if you insist." Smiling, Xavier led Jasmine out the door to the spa.

Arriving at the spa, Jasmine took a quick minute to look at the spa.

"Wow, it's pretty."

"Nice of you to say that, now come on in." The two entered the spa soon after, and inside they spotted their friend Fluttershy inside.

"Fluttershy? What are you doing here?" The sudden saying of her name surprised her as she looked up.

"Ah, she's probably waiting for Rarity." Xavier said, with Jasmine looking at him confused. "I've seen the two come here once in a while for a get-together here in the spa. But for now, I'm going to get you an appointment." Xavier then began to walk over to the counter where one of his employers was, giving Jasmine and Fluttershy some time to themselves.

"So, how has getting settled in been?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's been going well enough. I really can't complain about anything." Jasmine said, sort of happily since she wasn't still used to things. After a bit of silence, the spa's door burst open and when the two looked over, they saw Rarity in a pretty fancy hat come in.

"So sorry, Fluttershy, I didn't mean to be tardy for our weekly get-together." Rarity said until she noticed Jasmine. "Oh, Jasmine. Are you here for some relaxation as well?"

"You could say that. I really only came because Xavier persuaded me to come here." Jasmine admitted blushing.

"Well, that's quite alright. Why don't you join me and Fluttershy, we won't mind the company?" Rarity offered, as Fluttershy nodded to show agreement. Jasmine was thinking about it when Xavier came over.

"Alright Jasmine, I got it all set up for you. Just tell them what you want to do and they'll get it all set up." Jasmine looked over at her pony friends and smiled a bit

"I think I'll do whatever Fluttershy and Rarity are going to do."

"Fine by me. I need to get to work, so have fun you three." Xavier said as she went off to do his work.

"I think that's our cue. The usual!" With those last words from Rarity, Aloe and Lotus came over and was ready to give them their spa day.

After a bit, the three girls got into some bathrobes (Thankfully they still fit Jasmine despite being for ponies) and they were inside a steam room with Lotus pouring water onto some coals, creating the steam. While Rarity and Fluttershy were used to this relaxation, Jasmine had a face of placid peace on her.

"Haaa, thhiiis feeels sso goood." Jasmine said with the calmest tone in her voice since meeting her.

"This really is the life." Rarity replied. "Now, you wouldn't believe what happened to me on the way here."

"Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, it’s much more than alright. On my way here, while wearing my latest hat creation, I was stopped by none other than Photo Finish!”

"Who’s that, Rarity?" Jasmine asked as she got up and out of the steam room and over to some tables for some facials. Rarity got a full mud mask with some cucumbers being put onto her eyes, Jasmine got the same without the cucumbers, and Fluttershy got two little dots of mud on her.

"She is the most famous fashion photographer in all of Equestria." Rarity explained. "Anywho, she saw my hat and said it was absolutely marvelous!"

"What a lovely compliment." Fluttershy said.

"She was so impressed that she wants to take some pictures of my shop featuring some of my clothes!" Rarity said as the spa pony Aloe began to file her hooves, the spa ponies offered them to Fluttershy and Jasmine, but they both declined.

"Oooh, that's so cool!" Jasmine said, already beginning to want to see her. That was until another worker in the spa began to massage her, to which the placid face from the steam room returned to her.

"Do you know what this could mean for my fashion career?" Rarity asked as she was being massaged, though her massage was a lot more aggressive.

"Oh, Rarity, I'm so happy for you." Fluttershy said as she was also getting a massage similar to Jasmine. After a while of massaging, the three went over to a mud bath, while Fluttershy went in and Rarity was being wrapped in seaweed, Jasmine simply took a seat nearby as she wasn't comfortable in this part. As Rarity was being wrapped up, she began to speak again.

"But I'm going to need somepony fabulous to model for me. Somepony with beauty. Somepony with grace. Somepony... like you two?" Upon saying that, Fluttershy and Jasmine both became surprised.

"Oh, goodness. I don't know..." Fluttershy replied a bit worriedly.

"Y-yeah, I don't know the first thing about modeling..." Jasmine said in the same worried tone.

"Oh, this is such a huge opportunity. And it would mean so much to me." Rarity began to beg.

"I'm flattered, really." Fluttershy said.

"Me too, but why me?" Jasmine asked.

"Nopony is going to have your elegance and poise, Fluttershy. And Jasmine, I want you because Photo Finish has never seen a human before, so having you model can get her attention more." Rarity explained, not exactly raising the two's confidence.



"There has to be somepony more quali-"


"Somepony more into fashion."


"Somepony more comfortable in the spotlight."

"Please, please, pleeease!" After this last plead, a pause of silence was in the air. It was only broken when Fluttershy and Jasmine sighed simultaneously.

"Oh, if it's that important to you, of course I'll do it." Fluttershy said giving in.

"Yeah, I'll do it too. I'll get to meet somepony famous I guess." Jasmine said, also giving into Rarity's pleas.

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Rarity exclaimed happily. “You’re the best friend a pony could ever have!”

"So why am I here again?"

After the spa trip, the three left the spa and went to get a bit of help from everyone and return to Rarity's boutique. Unfortunately, Applejack and Rainbow were busy with their jobs, so Xavier, Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie were only available to help. While Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike have been doing things for Rarity to help perfect Fluttershy's dress (Which was incredibly flashy, too flashy for her in fact), Xavier hasn't done anything since entering the boutique, so he became quite annoyed that he couldn't have just gone home and relax by working on his gadgets, but he was literally dragged by Rarity from the Spa as soon as he left.

"Well darling, Jasmine asked if you could be here for moral support, and since she has agreed to helping me, I had to get you." Rarity explained as she was working on perfecting Fluttershy's dress.

"Well why couldn't she have asked me? I would rather that then you literally dragging me from-"

"I-I'm ready, Rarity..." When Xavier looked over to the voice, he suddenly stopped and paused. What he saw was Jasmine in a dress made by Rarity. It was both simple and dazzling at the same time, it was white with soft yellow accents that hugged her upper body firmly but not overly, while the bottom was the length of a skirt, and hung onto her arms but didn't cover her shoulders. Her hair was in two ponytails on the back of her head and had white accents in each. As Xavier looked, he felt his face warm up slightly, but he quickly snapped out of that thought as he lightly slapped his face and looked away.

"Why, you look beautiful darling, now come here and let me help you." Rarity said as she dismissed everyone helping her. As Xavier finally got his act together, he noticed that Spike had dozens of needles and pins on his back.

"Oh, jeez Spike! You okay buddy, that looks painful!"

“Thick scales. Can’t feel a thing.” Spike explained. "And even if I could, there is no pain that would keep me from assisting the most beautiful creature in the world." Twilight groaned at that explanation while Pinkie giggled, Xavier simply stayed silent. "I'm gonna tell you three a secret. But you have to promise not to tell anyone."

"I promise." Twilight said.

"Yeah, safe with me." Xavier added.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Pinkie said, doing a bunch of gestures that confused Xavier even more. Spike looked back at Rarity, who was busy adjusting Jasmine's hair. Spike gestured at them to come closer, and even closer to keep it even more secretive.

“I have a crush on Rarity!” Spike whispered with a grin, to which they all had a different reaction. Pinkie gasped like it was brand new news to her, Twilight gave an unimpressed look and Xavier smiled since he already knew, but he knew that Spike was still young.

“We promise we won’t say a word!” Pinkie exclaimed with a salute.

"Yeah, we'll keep it under tabs." Xavier said, playing along with the "secret". Meanwhile Twilight simply sighed.

“Oh give me a break, everypony already knows how you-”

"Twilight!” Pinkie stopped her, surprising her and Xavier. “You promise Spike that you won’t tell anyone about this! He trusts you!” Pinkie pointed at Spike, who looked back to see Rarity continuing her work before putting his claws together in a begging pose. “And losing a friend’s trust means losing your best friend forever!”

"I'll have to agree to a certain extent." Xavier agreed. "He gave you that secret in hopes you'll keep it like that, so you should." He leaned in close to Twilight and whispered. "Even if it's not really a big surprise." Twilight, knowing she was outnumbered, sighed.

“My lips are sealed.” Twilight promised. “But I’m sure Rarity will one day pick up on your feelings.” Xavier was confused at that phrase until he looked at Spike, who was somehow wearing a white t-shirt with Rarity in a heart, who earned the same expression that Xavier gives to Pinkie a lot. Before he could question it though, a voice rang out in the boutique.

“Photo Finish...has arrived!” Looking at the voice, they saw a pony with a gray mane and tail as she wore black sunglass with pink lenses, along with a black dress with white outlines and pink dots in them, followed by two other ponies.

“Let me just say…” Rarity walked towards her with a hopeful smile. “What an honor!” Unfortunately, she walked past her, much to Rarity’s surprise.

“We began…” One of the ponies accompanying Photo Finish walked up and brought a suitcase and set it on the ground. “Now!” Photo Finish touched the suitcase, as it popped out and turned into a camera. As she was getting adjusted, she noticed Jasmine. "Oh, that is the human I've heard about, yes?"

"Probably not, she's new here. You're probably thinking of me." Photo Finish looked over at Xavier who waved at her.

"Well, I will say that she seems very elegant." Jasmine blushed at the compliment.

"Um, thank you." She said blushing.

"Ah, her voice is even graceful." Photo said before going back to the camera lens. As she did that, Rarity went up to Jasmine and Fluttershy.

“Remember, attitude and pizzazz!” She said before getting out of the way. As soon as she left, Photo snapped a picture with a very bright flash, catching the two off guard as they both flinched.

“Yes! Show Photo Finish something.” Photo Finish encouraged as she kept snapping pictures at them. As she was taking photos, Rarity was giving poses and expressions to the two to mimic, though Photo shot those down in an instant. When the two stopped posing and looked unsure, Photo gave a smile and snapped a picture. As this vicious cycle was going on, Xavier couldn't keep his eyes off of Jasmine. After a bit, Photo stopped.

"ENOUGH!” She yelled as she turned the camera back into a suitcase as a pony came by to pick it up. Photo Finish then began walking out the shop.

"She hardly took any pictures.” Twilight whispered, feeling worried.

“I’m so sorry, Rarity. I tried my best.” Fluttershy said, removing her headdress.

“Y-yeah, me too. I really didn’t mean to let you down.” Jasmine added, feeling guilty.

“It’s alright you two.” Rarity said, making a weak smile. "The headdress is too big for you Fluttershy, and the cape. I also put too much emphasis on your hair Jasmine. I can’t believe I ever thought I could impress her.”

“It seems that I, Photo Finish, have found a next fashion star here in Ponyville.” Photo Finish exclaimed as she re-entered the boutique.

“Really?!” Rarity asked, her eyes sparkling in joy.

“Yes, really! And I, Photo Finish, am going to help her to shine all over Equestria.” Rarity grew a grin at that. “In an hour, a photo shoot in the park!” She then had a very long, awkward pause. “I go!” She immediately ran out of the door, leaving Rarity in pure joy.

“Did you hear that?! I am going to ‘shine all over Equestria’.” Rarity exclaimed.

“Oh, Rarity. I was so worried we’d ruined everything.” Fluttershy responded.

“Yeah, me too.” Jasmine added.

“Oh, never. I knew you’d be perfect.” Rarity said calmly, but soon Rarity began to giggle, which soon became a very excited laughter and bounced happily up and down on Spike’s tail, inflicting pain in him as he just stood there, staring at her in pure wonder. He didn't care so much so that Twilight had to drag him out.

"I think that's our cue to leave. Good luck Rarity." Twilight said as she dragged Spike out of the boutique as Pinkie hopped out. Xavier also left, but he had a very confused face on him.

"What is wrong with me today? Why am I acting like this?"

One hour later

After Photo Finish's shoot, Rarity, Jasmine, and Fluttershy collected a few things before going over to the park to join her. At the moment, Rarity was deciding on what outfit that the two models would wear behind a curtain.

"No, no, no, yes!" Once Rarity was done, she moved the curtain to reveal that Fluttershy and Jasmine were in gem-studded dresses. “That is definitely the one! Photo Finish is going to love it! Everypony is going to love it!”

“Oh, I am so excited for you.” Fluttershy responded happily but softly. "Just don't forget us little ponies when you become the most famous designer in all of Equestria."

"Never" Rarity responded genuinely. Their moment was interrupted however when they heard somepony.

“Put me down here.” When they turned to look, they say that it was Photo Finish who was being carried by her pony friends via a platform. She jumped off of it and observed both Fluttershy and Jasmine's outfits for a moment. “Oh, no no no no no. The models should be in something simple! Something inspired by...the nature, and the sky!” Phot Finish said.

“That’s just what I was thinking!” Rarity responded after some hesitance. After looking at the cart of dress she had, she realized she didn't have a dress like that, so she kicked away the dresses. “Um...give me a moment and I’ll, uh, put a little something together.”

“Yes...that will not be necessary.” Photo Finish replied.

“B-b-but...how are you going to help me ‘shine across Equestria’ if I don’t design something new for these pictures?” Rarity asked.

“I am not going to help you shine across Equestria. I am going to help them to shine!” Photo Finish pointed her hoof towards Fluttershy and Jasmine, surprising them all. "They are my stars." As Photo Finish was speaking, the ponies that carried her in went over to the two and nudged them away. "You! Go!" The photographer finished, stunning Rarity as she watched the ones that decided to help become the stars instead of her. After getting over the shock, she ran over to where Fluttershy and Jasmine were, the two already in dresses less flashy and more natural.

"I can't, Rarity." Fluttershy said worried.

"Y-yeah, I never signed up for this!" Jasmine said nervously.

"Oh, but you must you two." Rarity said, trying to encourage the two. “Photo Finish wants to make you a star. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. I know we were all hoping it would be my lifetime, but nonetheless you can’t throw away this chance. You must do this for me. You must. You must! YOU MUST!” Before the two could respond, Photo called to them.

“Fluttershy! Jasmine! It is time to make...the magics!” Photo Finish exclaimed. After a forced smile from Rarity, the two went over to Photo Finish, and regrettably left Rarity behind.

A week later

Ever since Jasmine and Fluttershy became models for Photo Finish, the two's popularity skyrocketed almost instantly. The two's face was everywhere, form magazines, to posters, to even being a sponsor to many, even Applejack had them on her products. Everypony was all over the two, but some weren't too happy, and one was Rarity. While Rarity was the one who push encouraged them to become models, her jealousy grew more and more. But one that wasn't too happy as well were the models themselves. the two weren't exactly thrilled about the attention that they were getting, but one seemed to be faring worse than the other. At the moment though, a group was over at the spa, most notably Rarity and Twilight, the former in the hot tub and the latter walking over to it.

"My hooves are getting positively pruney, I've been waiting here so long." Rarity complained. "Obviously Fluttershy's just too busy with her new career to spend time with her best friend."

"I'm sure she just got tied up." Twilight reasured.

"Of course she did. She's a big bright shining star! I wish that star would burn out." Rarity said bitterly, shocking Twilight.

"Rarity! Fluttershy is your friend."

"I know, I know. And I should be happy for her, but instead I'm just... jealous! Oh, please promise you won't tell her I feel this way. Please, please, pleasepleaseplease!" Rarity pleaded, hoping to not lose her friend

"You have my word." Twilight promised. "Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend."
"Forever!" Scaring all of them, Pinkie jumped out of a bowl, yelling out. After the shock, she sunk back in like she wasn't there. Once she did, Twilight looked over at Rarity, who was behind a curtain before walking out, revealing that she was in a very nice dress.

"Wow! You look great!" Twilight said.

"Fluttershy may be the one who's famous, but that doesn't mean I have to stop looking fabulous." Rarity said before walking out of the spa, leaving Twilight to prepare for a relaxing day. As she was doing that, she heard footsteps, and when she looked, she saw Xavier with his tools coming out of one of the spa's rooms.

"Hello Xavier." Twilight greeted, getting the original human's attention.

"Huh, oh. Hey Twilight." Xavier greeted back. "When did you get here?"

"Just now. You doing some more work for the Spa?"

"Yep, I just finished as well." Xavier said. As he was talking though, Twilight thought she heard some sadness in his voice.

"Hey, are you okay Xavier?" twilight asked, a bit worried.

"Well, not exactly." Xavier admitted. "I'll admit it, it's been a bit quiet at my home since Jasmine left the house because of ponies crowding the house every day. I know it seems weird, since I like being alone, but I guess I liked the company that Jasmine brought. But don't worry about me though, I'm fine. But if you see Fluttershy and Jasmine, can you tell them to try and schedule a day we can just talk?"

"Yeah, sure I can." Twilight said.

"Thanks Twilight. I'm going to head home now, I'll see you later." With that, Xavier left the spa, leaving Twilight alone again. As he was walking however, he wasn't looking at where he was going, and he ended up running into a pony. "Gah, sorry sir." Xavier apologized. As he was, however, the pony he bumped into was looking him over.

"Hey, aren't you that human that's good with tech?" The pony asked.

"Um, well, yes, but..."

"Perfect, we need your help." The pony began. "You see, my boss, Photo Finish, booked this place for a photo shoot in a few days, but one of the lights are busted. I want to ask you if you can repair the thing before the shoot. You'll be paid well and we'll even give you access to the shoot itself." Xavier paused when he heard Photo Finish's name. He began to think, if he had access to the shoot, he could see Fluttershy and Jasime again and talk to them. After a bit of thought, he decided.

"Sure, I'll do it."

A few more days later

Since Xavier took the job, he's been focusing on two things. HIs first one was the job itself, which he was almost done with. The second was his main focus however, as it was looking for Jasmine and Fluttershy. Unfortunately, he wasn't successful in finding his friends, but he was in fixing the light. At the moment, he was climbing down a ladder from where the broken light was.

"Alright, it should be good for now. All should be good now."

"Oh thank you sir, I was worried that it wouldn't be finished by the show." The pony who hired him said as he reached for a pouch. "Here's your payment and a ticket. You can stay here until the show or leave, just show the ticket to the bouncer and he'll let you in."

"Thank you sir, I hope the show goes well." Xavier said as he took the bag. Waving the stallion goodbye, he went to leave the building. He stopped however when he saw Twilight's tail turn a corner. Confused and curious, he followed behind to where the dressing rooms were, to which he saw Twilight enter one of the rooms. Walking over, he looked through the cracked-open door to see Twilight, Fluttershy, and Jasmine talking. Deciding to wait, he listened to the conversation.

"Alright, so here's the plan." Twilight began. "Since Photo Finish and everypony sees you two as beautiful and perfect, the best way to get them to stop is to get you two to act unattractive." At the last word, Xavier silently gasped, worried at where this was going.

"Um, so how do we do that?" Jasmine asked.

"Don't you worry about that, just leave it to me and my magic." Twilight said. Hearing that, Xavier knew what was going to happen, and he didn't want that to happen, so he silently sneaked through the door, stopping a few steps away from the group.

"And what are you going to do to them?" Xavier asked, startling the three as they looked over.

"Xavier!? When did you get here?!" Twilight asked panicked.

"Ever since you started to explain your plan. Now spill it, what is going on here." Xavier said very firmly.

"Erm, can we take this outside?" Twilight asked, to which Xavier nodded. Once they got out of the room, Twilight began to explain. "Well, a few minutes after you left the spa, Fluttershy and Jasmine came into the spa to meet with Rarity, but she left. When they got there, they told me that they didn't want to be models, and earlier Rarity said she didn't want those two to be models. I wanted to tell them about it, but I Pinkie promised not to tell, so I was stuck. When I was walking thinking, I thought that if Fluttershy and Jasmine were to do something that made them unattractive, no pony would want them as a model, so-"

"You decided to embarrass them on stage where many high standard ponies would be watching." Xavier finished, leaving Twilight conflicted.

"Well, when you put it that way-"

"It's a terrible plan." Xavier finished again. "Look Twilight, I understand that you can't break a promise, but your plan is not the right answer. If you go through it, you'll leave the two laughing stocks, and out of our friend group, they are the most vulnerable to criticism and the like, so they would be even more miserable then before." As Xavier was talking, Twilight became more and more guilty. Her guilt trip was interrupted by Xavier putting his hand onto her shoulder. "Listen, I don't blame you for this thought, you had made two promises that cross into each other, but this plan will end with more pain then good." Xavier reassured.

"W-Well what do we do?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I can't say anything, so the best thing to do is to get them to confess. Right now though, let's try and convince Fluttershy and Jasmine to talk to Rarity about this, alright?" With a nod from Twilight, the two went back into the room to talk to the models to end the drama.

A few hours later; after the show

Once the duo re-entered the dressing room of Jamine and Fluttershy, a new plan was made. Firstly, the two began to convince the two to talk to Rarity about their thoughts on modeling. Once they managed to, Xavier went out to get Rarity and convince her to come to the show. Thought it was hard, Xavier managed to convince her to come. At the time of the show, Xavier used his ticket to say rarity was his plus one, to which the bouncer let them in. At the show, Xaiver and Rarity hung back so that when the show was over, they had a clean way to get to the models' dressing room without much interference. On stage, Jasmine and Fluttershy did their thing that the crowd adored, and during it Rarity saw them and how they acted a bit scared and worried, thinking about how they were acting. Once the show was over, Xavier led her over to the dressing room where Twilight, Jasmine and Fluttershy were waiting.

"Alright, now that we are gathered here, Jasmine. Fluttershy. Is there something you want to tell Rarity?" Xavier asked, confusing Rarity. The two hesitated, but they began.

"R-Rarity, we don't want to be models..." Fluttershy said, surprising Rarity.

"Y-yeah, we really don't." Jasmine continued. "It's too much for us to handle. The fame, the popularity, we hate it."

"B-But why are you still doing it then?" Rarity asked.

"Because we were afraid of disappointing you." Fluttershy admitted. bringing even more shock to Rarity. "We were both afraid that we quit, you'd be mad at us for not wanting to... 'shine all over Equestria'."

"W-Well, I guess I have a confession to make as well..." Rarity said. "I'm jealous of you two. I wanted all the attention. And instead of me, Photo Finish said it was going to you As time went on, my jealousy only grew. I even started hoping that you would do something silly so your modeling career would be over. But now that I know, I can see you are both upset too."

"I think there's a lesson here." Xavier said catching everyone's attention. "Keeping secrets is something that friends need to do, but if someone is suffering due to a secret, be sure to tell your feeling, especially to the ones that they impact the most. Feel free to use that as your lesson, Twilight." Everyone got a light laugh out of that last phrase.

"Well, here's a promise we both can agree to." Rarity proposed to Jasmine and Fluttershy. "Let's promise never to keep any of our feelings in secret again."

"Let's." Fluttershy agreed.

"Yeah, let's." Jasmine said.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” The three of them said together, getting the group to laugh out. Their joyous promise was interrupted by Photo Finish bursting through the door.

“You were brilliant, brilliant!” Photo Finish said with an exciting grin. “I’ve already got six photo shoots lined up for tomorrow alone!”

“I’m sorry, Photo Finish, but I'm afraid we won’t be making any of them.” Fluttershy declined.

"Yeah, I'm afraid that we're quitting." Jasmine said.

“What?!” Photo Finish yelled in shock.

"We go!" The three of them said in unison, as the group left the room laughing like nothing happened, leaving Photo Finish standing in confusion.

"What has just happened?"

The next day

After the events of what happened, the group decided to have a spa day to relax after the stress that they went through. The group at the moment were simply unwinding.

"Now this is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon." Fluttershy said as she was relaxing in the jacuzzi

"Isn't it, though?" Rarity agreed as she was in a seaweed wrap.

"Yep, this is the life." Twilight said as she was relaxing in a bubble bath. Xavier however was simply sitting on a bench. "Thanks for paying for this by the way Xavier."

"No problem, that light fixing job got me quite a lot of money, so I think it's a good idea to spend it on a relaxing trip for you all." Xavier said, not feeling guilty about using it all or sitting out of it. Jasmine however didn't want to leave him out of the trip, so she went over and decided to get him involved.

"Hey Xavier, why don't I give you a massage?" Jasmine asked, stunning Xavier. Before he could reject the idea, Jasmine grabbed his arm and brought him over to the massage tables. "C'mon, it'll be good for you." Jasmine then put him onto the table belly-down. As Xavier was about to get up to reject the idea, Jasmine put her finger onto a spot on his back, and immediately he collapsed. When he did, his face of shock and panic was replaced with a face of bliss similar to Jasmine's the first time she was at the spa, for she managed to hit a big knot on Xaiver. Seeing as Xavier wasn't resisting anymore, she began to massage him, to which he laid oblivious to the world, including his boss Aloe as she was watched her. Impressed, she came over.

"Oh, miss Jasmine, I'm impressed." Aloe said, surprising Jasmine. "I never would have though you would be able to get Xaver to fall into bliss."

"Oh, well, thank you." Jasmine said bashfully. "I really just copied how your employees were doing it, so I decided to do that."

"Really, you managed to get Xavier to relax through just copying my employee?" Aloe asked, to which Jasmine nodded. This got Aloe thinking before she decided. "Miss Jasmine, I want to ask you something. If you are willing, would you want to take up some training in becoming a masseuse here?" Jasmine was taken back by this offer. "Well, you see one of our masseuses are going to retire soon, so we will need another one. Since you seem capable, I want to ask if you would be willing to train under them until they retire. Are you willing?" Jasmine thought for a bit, since this was a big offer. But after she thought it out, she decided on one thing that would brighten her horizons."

"I think I will."

Author's Note:

What's this? Xavier is acting different now? I wonder why. Also, I like how I handled the secrets reveal with the group. Think about it, if Rarity wasn't there to cheer Fluttershy, she would be ostracized and a laughingstock. Sure, she was out of the modeling gig, but is that worth the costs? I hope you liked it, cause I like my twist.

With that out of the way, I have 3 papers to write for college, so Koops out.

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