• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,954 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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Feeling Pinkie Keen

With the addition of Cali into the friend group, things have changed, more than when Jasmine joined. The big difference though is the personalities of them. While Jasmine was kind and more willing to mingle, Cali was a lot more stubborn and short. She wasn't mean, Xavier knew this from his interaction with her at the train station, but she wasn't exactly used to friendship. Even so, she wasn't opposed to learning about others, but she did get impatient after talking for too long. Even if the townsfolk were a bit worried about her, the girls and Xavier reassured that she was friendly, just needed to open up. It's been going like this for a week since they returned, and another day was about to start. Right now, the humans were home and enjoying some freshly cooked breakfast.

"Hey Cali, this stuff great." Xavier said as he was eating some eggs (covered in a lot of hot sauce) cooked but Cali

"Yeah, this is really good." Jasmine agreed as she was working on her own plate. "I never thought you would be this good of a cook."

"Erm, thanks..." Cali said unenthusiastically. She also had a plate she made but was only just poking at it, and the other two noticed this.

"Um, you okay Cali?" Jasmine asked. Since she was working on opening up, Cali sighed.

"Do you guys find me a bother?" The two were immediately thrown for a loop at the question.

"W-what?! Why would we?" Xavier asked worriedly.

"Well, ever since I've been here, I haven't been able to grow close to anyone here, I even have trouble getting close to your friends. I know I said I wanted to learn about how to make friends and stuff, but I haven't made any progress. I just feel like, a parasite for just living here and not doing much, so I just feel useless." As she was talking, Xavier and Jasmine could hear the sadness in Cali's voice, something foreign for her to express. When she finished, Xavier began to speak.

"Cali, you're not a burden, and you never will. Remember, having a simple conversation is new to you, and action isn't the first reaction of many here in Equestria, so be patient and everypony here will warm up to you eventually. I mean, it took them time to warm up to me, heh." While Xavier was smiling a warm smile to reassure Cali, Jasmine had a very depressed look on her.

"It was hard for me too..." Jasmine said sadly, earning confused looks from the others.

"Um, what do you mean Jasmine?" Xavier asked, to which Jasmine sighed and began to talk.

"Well, I mean she's not the only one who had trouble making friends."

"Huh, but you seemed good at that when we first met."

"Well, yes, but that was after I saw how kind everyone was, especially Fluttershy. Before that, you remember how on edge I was in, right?" Xavier nodded, remembering that she was always quiet and shaky. "W-well, I was afraid, and not from being in a new world, but from everyone here. I... I never had a friend in my life before now. Instead, I was the target in school for bullying." When she said that, a tear could be seen forming in her eye, and the others immediately began to worry from her words and actions. "Everyone targeted me because I was always thinking, and they would always scare me and make fun of me. I wish I could say that I had someone at home, but my parents were never around, they were always busy with work. I was always alone, so I grew weary of others, and I-I" Throughout Jasmine's story, her tears grew and her voice began to break more and more, until it was hard to speak. When she stopped, it wasn't because she finally broke from her tears, but from a hug from an unexpected person, that being Cali.

"I'm sorry you went through that..." Cali said sympathetically. "Here I am complaining when you've been through so much." With Cali apologizing, Jasmine took a bit to process her words, and when she did, she laughed very lightly.

"Heh, for someone who says they don't do conversations, you know what to say in a moment." Jamine worked her way out of Cali's grasp and stood up, looking at Cali. "We're both new to this, so let's both try our best to learn, together." With Jamine's small declaration, Cali smiled and gave a small chuckle.

"Yeah, you and me partner." As the two began to show a connection, Xaiver looked at them and smiled, knowing that they could help each other in the future.

After the events and bonding that happened at the house, the three decided to take a trip around town to get their minds off of things. As they were walking, Cali decided to try and start a conversation for once.

"So... what do you two do?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Xavier asked.

"Um... you know.... like a, um... a job or something..." The two looked at her strangely. "Don't look at me like that! I'm trying to make a conversation!"

"Sorry Cali, just unexpected from you." Xaveir admitted, apologizing along the way. "Well, the two of us happen to work at the spa." It was Cali's turn to look at them strangely as Jasmine nodded to confirm.

"Wait, there's a spa here? And you two work there?"

"Well, sorta. I'm their repair team and Jasmine is in training to become a masseuse." Xavier explained, with Jasmine blushing.

"Well, you have some interesting jobs. Maybe I should get a job here..." Cali wondered.

"Well, if it makes you more comfortable living here, you can always do that. Just know you have our support in anything you need, alright."

"Heh, thanks Xavier." As the three were walking, Cali noticed something. "Hey, isn't that the dragon and unicorn up on that hill?" When the others looked over, they were surprised to see Spike and Twilight on the hill Cali was looking at and form what it was looking like, Twilight was practicing her magic.

"Yeah, I think it is, let's go say hi." Xavier then led the group over. "Hey Twilight, hey Spike."

"Huh, oh. Hey everypony." Twilight greeted with surprise with the trio of humans coming.

"Hey guys." Spike greeted as well.

"Hi Twilight and Spike."

"Sup Purple, sup scaly." The group looked at Cali at the names she just gave. "What?"

"It's okay Cali, don't worry about it." Twilight said. "What brings you three here?"

"Well, we were curious on what you and Spike were doing." Xavier said.

"Well, I'm practicing my magic for when we go to the Grand Galloping Gala." Twilight explained.

"Oh yeah, that's coming up soon." As Xavier was remembering that there was a big event coming up soon, Cali and Jasmine were left completely in the dark about what was going on.

"Um, excuse me, but what?"

"Oh, right. You two don't know what that is." Xavier realized as he rubbed the back of his head bashfully. "Well, the Grand Galloping Gala is this big party that takes place in Canterlot." When Xavier mentioned the city, he pointed at the mountain it was on, impressing the two.

"Whoa, that's impressive." Cali admitted with Jamine nodding in awe.

"Well, that's not only where the Gala will take place, but also where Princess Celestia lives."

"That name is familiar..." Jasmine said before realizing where she heard that name. "Oh, that's the pony you told me about when I first came here."

"Yep, she's the ruler of Equestria. I've met her a few times in my time here and she's very kind. And powerful I should mention, I mean, she does raise and lower the sun every day." When Xavier finished his sentence, Jasmine and Cali went wide-eyed.

"Wait, what?!"

"Yeah, she does that. She even did the moon as well for a couple hundred moons before her sister came back." Xavier said like it was normal, but the two other humans saw it as anything but normal. "Anyway, we're off topic. The gala is a big, fancy party that happens there every year, and this year me and the others got tickets to go this year."

"Really, aw." Jasmine said upset. "That sounds fun..."

"Hey, I bet we can get you two a ticket if you want to go."

"Yeah, I can send her a letter soon to ask." Twilight offered, getting a happy squee from Jasmine, and an uncertain look from Cali. "For now, I think I need to go back to practicing."

"Oh, sure. Go ahead, we'll leave if you want." As Xavier was talking, Cali noticed something moving in town.

"Hey, what's the Pink one doin'?" Cali asked, getting the group's attention. When they looked over to where she was looking, they saw none other than Pinkie Pie, darting around between hiding place to hiding place, looking up a lot scared, wearing an umbrella hat on her head.

"Don't worry, that's just her being Pinkie Pie." Twilight answered.

"Super-extra Pinkie Pie today." Spike added.

"Yeah, maybe we should go and check on her." Xavier suggested as he went to see her, the others following along. When they get closer, they see that Pinkie was holding her tail, that tail was shaking violently. Seeing her, Xavier decided to speak up to get her attention. "Um, hey Pinkie, what are you doing?"

"Oh! It's my tail! It's my tail! It's a-twitch a-twitchin'!" Pinkie explained as she got into Xavier's face. "And you know what that means!" The group excluding Pinkie looked at each other confused.

"Actually, Pinkie, we don't have the slightest idea." Twilight said for everyone there.

"The twitchin' means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's gonna start falling! You guys better duck for cover." Pinkie explained and warned, getting some more confused looks from the humans and a laugh from Twilight.

"Oh, Pinkie, it's not gonna rain. Why, there's barely even a cloud in the-"


Her sentence was cut short when she looked up, for something landed on her face with a splat. When the thing impacted, the group excluding Pinkie jumped in surprise as they looked at what landed, it was a frog. As they were confused as to where the frog came from, a voice rang out above them.

"Oh, I'm so, so sorry. You okay, Twilight Sparkle?" looking up, the group saw that it was Fluttershy flying over them, carrying a wagon, saddlebags, and even baskets filled with frogs.

"Um, Fluttershy, what's with all the frogs?" Xavier asked.

"Oh, well, I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so over-populated, what with the frogs all hopping into each other and all, so I decided to fly as many as I can on over to Froggy Bottom Bogg." Fluttershy explained.

"Oh, well be careful then, we don't want any more frogs landing on ponies." Xavier said as he took the frog off of Twilight's face and giving it to Fluttershy.

"I will, bye-bye." Fluttershy then flew off with all the frogs, leaving the rest alone.

"Huh, that happened." Cali said as she began to walk away, the rest following her after a bit.

"I think we need to find another spot to practice." Twilight said, pausing when Spike jumped onto her back.

"Wow! That was amazing! Pinkie Pie predicted something would fall, and it did!" Spike said excitedly.

"I didn't know she could do that, pretty cool if you ask me." Cali said impressed, getting a groan from Twilight.

"Oh, come on. She said that something would fall, and a frog just happened to fall right around the same time. A coincidence, nothing else to it." Twilight said unimpressed. As they were walking however, Pinkie rushed over to them.

"My tail! My tail! Twitch-a-twitch! Twitch-a-twitch! Somethin' else is gonna fall!" With Pinkie's warning, the group had different reactions. Twilight looked unimpressed, Xavier had a blank stare, and the rest were looking up, Jasmine and Spike more worried and Cali more curious.

“Oh Pinkie please! Nothing else is gonna fa-"


As Twilight was debunking Pinkie's claim, a scream could be heard, followed by a thump. When they looked, they saw that Cali was face down on the ground.

"Cali?! You okay?!" Jasmine asked worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tripped and fell..." Cali groaned as she got back up.

"Oh, that's what was going to fall, you Cali." Pinkie giggled. "Don't worry everypony, my tail stopped twitching." Pinkie then took off her hat and skipped away happily.

"Well that happened." Xavier said. "I really don't know what to say."

"What do you mean!" Twilight asked. "Out of everypony here, you'd be the most suspicious of this!"

"If it was anypony else besides Pinkie." Xavier said casually. "I've pretty much given up on understanding her and let her do her thing." Twilight looked at him dumbfounded and growled, and as she was, another pony came by.

"Howdy." The group looked over to see Applejack. "What's going on."

"Just being impressed at Pinkie." Jasmine said.

"Please, just because it happened twice doesn't mean that Pinkie can predict the future through her tail twitching." Twilight said swinging her tail around for emphasis. Despite Twilight saying that though, Applejack immediately went on edge.

"Twitchy tail? Pinkie Sense?" Applejack said worried. She looked up for a second and then dived underneath a cart, Catching everyone off guard.

"Don't worry, Cowgirl, the coast is clear. Pink said it herself." Cali reassured.

"Oh, wait. Don't tell me you believe in this stuff, too?" Twilight asked annoyed that others believe in Pinkie's sixth sense.

“I know it doesn’t make much sense, but those of us who’ve lived in Ponyville long enough eventually learned if Pinkie’s a twitching you better listen.” Applejack explained, making Twilight's mood worse. It was then that Pinkie came in again.

“My ears are flapping, my ears are flapping!” Pinkie said, her ears doing just that.

"What does that mean?!" Spike yelled out, flinching.

“I’ll start a bath for you.” Pinkie said, pointing at Twilight. When she did that, the group backed away from Twilight except for Xaiver, the pony laughing.

"Huh? A bath? This thing keeps on getting more ridiculous by the minute!" As she was talking, Xaiver heard something nearby. When he looked, he saw that a pony was coming to pass them, and he looked down to see a puddle of mud. When he realized what was happening, he panicked and dived out of the way, dodging the splash of mud that was created. Twilight, however, didn't avoid the splash, covering her in mud. When Twilight realized what happened, she growled as she grew angrier as the humans looked at each other confused and worried.


After waving Applejack goodbye, the humans, Twilight, and Pinkie headed over to Sugar Cube Corner to get Twilight cleaned up. After Cali looked over the building for a bit, the group were now in a room with a tub, that tub filled with water, bubbles, and Twilight getting clean. As they were waiting, Pinkie came around with a couple towels.

"Hey Pinkie, are you willing to tell us about this whole 'Pinkie Sense' stuff?" Xavier asked, genuinely curious about how it worked.

"Sure!" Pinkie said as she put the towels down. "Sooo, basically, it works like this: I get different, little, niggly feelings and they mean different things. Like when my back is itchy, it means it's my lucky day. And, when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary's about to happen."

"Is it right now?" Twilight asked.

“No, but my shoulder’s achy. That means there’s an alligator in the tub.” Confusing the entire room, Pinkie went over to the tub and put her head in. When she surfaced, she was holding her pet Gummy with her. Out of the room, Twilight was the most scared as she jumped out of the tub with a scream.

"How come your knee didn't get pinchy?! That isn't just scary, it's downright dangerous!"

"Nah, that's just Gummy." Xavier said, getting looks from Twilight and Cali. "I met the little guy when I was introducing Jasmine to everypony. Don't worry, Pinkie told me he has no teeth." To prove the point, Gummy opened his mouth, confirming that he indeed had no teeth as he jumped up and latched onto Pinkie multiple times, getting giggles out of her.

"Heh, energetic. Reminds me of Gex." The other humans heard her and grew curious.

"Who's Gex?" Knowing that she wouldn't get out of this question, Cali sighed and put her hand into a pocket in her vest. Xavier and Jasmine were thinking that she was going to pull a picture out, but she never moved her hand in a searching motion. Ater a moment, Cali smiled and pulled her hand out slowly, revealing a small leopard gecko on her hand.

"*GASP* IT'S SO CUTE!!" Jasmine said as she went in close, patting the gecko's head with her finger, the gecko smiling at them.

"Yep, this is Gex." Cali admitted. "I found him when walking around the desert before meeting you, and he never left my side. He really likes me I guess." She raised her hand along with Gex to her face, where the little gecko nuzzled her happily.

"Well, looks calm enough, so I'll allow it." Xavier said in a joking manner.

After Twilight got dried off from the bath, she decided to go back home for the day, the others deciding to escort her. Along the way though, Twilight still wasn't convinced.

"Well, I still don't believe all this... 'special power' stuff. It's just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo." She said.

"And what's not to believe?" Cali asked. "I mean, Y'all have magic goin' around, so what's the difference?" Cali's disbelief earned an offended glare from Twilight.

"Huge!! For one thing..." Twilight noticed a box on the ground with a few things on it, to which she knocked the items of and stood on it. "Magic is something you study and practice. It only happens when you decided to do it, and it’s meant to make something specific that you choose to happen, happen. With Pinkie, uh…it makes no sense at all!” As Cali looked at her unimpressed, Pinkie looked offended as well.

"That's so not true, Twilight! Sometimes it's a bunch of random things happening to my body at random times that supposedly predict the future. I call 'em 'combos'."

"Combos?" Xavier asked as him and his fellow humans looked at her confused while Twilight wasn't interested as she walked away.

"Sure! You know, like, ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow!"

"Seriously?" Jasmine asked.

"Yeah, sure..." Twilight said unimpressed as she was walking to the library. As the humans looked at her annoyed, Pinkie began to act up.

"Uh oh, I feel a combo coming on. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch!" As Cali and Jasmine looked up and Twilight was about to enter her home, Xavier tilted his head.

"Wait, that's dif-"


Hearing a large bang nearby, the group looked over to where the sound came from, only to see that Twilight was hit in the face by the library's door, courtesy of Spike backing out of it with a stack of books. The group walked over as Twilight was recovering, with Xavier talking.

"Pinkie, what did that combo mean?"

"Huh, but she said that that combo meant a rainbow." Jasmine replied confused.

“Oh no-no-no-no-no. You’re talking about ear flap, knee twitch, then eye flutter. This one was ear flap, then eye flutter, then knee twitch, that usually means ‘look out for opening doors’.” Pinkie explained, getting looks of understanding.

"That's what I thought." Xavier said, thanking his observation skills once again as he turned over to Twilight. "You okay Twilight?"

"I don’t believe this….” Twilight muttered in annoyance.

“You don’t believe it because you don’t understand it.” Xavier replied, knowing how she thinks. Twilight then began to think about something. "Oh no. Twilight, what are you thinking about?"

"Xavier, I'll need you help. Pinkie, come with me!" Twilight then grabbed Xavier and Pinkie and went into the library and closed the door, leaving Jasmine and Cali standing outside in confused shock.


"So what's the deal with Purple anyway?"

After the what happened at the library, the two girls decided that they weren't involved and left. After a bit they decided to get some lunch at the restaurant that Xavier and Twilight went to during the ticket incident. After they ordered, Cali decided that she needed to know a bit more about the others, most specifically Twilight.

"W-well I haven't exactly been with Twilight enough to say, but I think she just like's having a reason that something is happening... I think..." Jasmine admitted and explained, getting a sigh from Cali.

"I guess that's enough for me to know." As they were waiting, another sat down at their table. "Huh, oh hey Xavier."

"Hey girls." Xavier greeted sounding a bit exasperated, the two girls noticing the tone.

"Um, are you okay?"

"Haa, it's nothing, just Twilight." Xavier replied. "She decided to run an experiment with Pinkie and needed my help in making a machine to test her. We hooked Pinkie into a machine that would get reading when her Pinkie sense acted up. What Twilight didn't account for was that Pinkie wasn't doing anything, since they were supposed to go off if something was about to happen. Twilight got fed up and unhooked Pinkie to let her go, and as we were leaving, Pinkie's twitches began again, the combo that meant opening doors, to which Twilight got hit with another door. I decided to leave it at that and left." As Xavier finished, the girls looked between each other with concerned looks and back over to Xavier.

"Is Twilight going to be okay?" Jasmine asked.

"If I had to guess, no. She's probably going to do something over-the-top again."

"Again?" Cali asked.

"Yeah, she does that. anytime she is determined about something and fails, she'll start to get desperate and do something that she'll regret later." Xavier replied, remembering the winter wrap-up event and shuddering at how she made the parasprite incident worse.

"Ah, I see." Cali said as the girl's food came. Xavier took that as a chance to order some food for him. After a while of eating, the three were content with lunch and headed out to walk around some more (mostly to Cali's suggestion from liking being outside) As the trio were walking through the park however, they saw a very strange thing.

"Is that Twilight in a bush with one of those safari hats?" Jasmine asked, to which the others looked over at where she was looking, just to confirm what she saw. Spike was there too, holding a notepad.

"*Sigh* Here we go again..." Xavier said exasperated as he walked over, prompting the others to follow. "Alright what are you up to now."

Hearing Xavier's voice startled Twilight as she jumped out of the bush. When she recovered to see the three humans looking at her. "G-guys! Get down!" Twilight then used her magic to pull then three into the bushes.

"Gah, why!"

"I need you three to be quiet!" Twilight whispered as she moved some of the branches to show that Pinkie was nearby, smelling flowers. "I'm doing scientific research on Pinkie, scientific name: Pinkius Pieicus."

"Seriously." Xavier deadpanned as the girls looked confused and worried.

"There's something fishy going on with the whole twitchy prediction thing, and I'm getting to the bottom of it." Twilight explained. "I'm honestly surprised you're not on this as well Xavier."

"Because I've pretty much thrown most things I knew about science out the window upon coming here." Xavier said. "I've also accepted that things here aren't able to be explained easily like the Everfree Forest, so I don't question things and just role with it. I'm not a scientist anyway, I'm someone who just puts a bunch of scrap together to make things."

"Grr, still. I'm getting to the bottom of this!" Twilight growled, not convinced in the slightest to give up, earning another sigh from Xavier.

"Well, I'm going to stick around and make sure you don't do anything rash like Rainbow."

"I'll stay too, I don't have anything to do,,," Jasmine said.

"Meh, seems interesting to do some spying, I'll stick around too." Cali added. At that moment, Twilight saw that Pinkie was moving away.

"Wel, come on then, she's leaving." The group began to follow Pinkie around. When they stopped, they were at the schoolhouse.

"So where are we now?" Cali asked.

"The schoolhouse, Cali." Xavier replied as they were observing Pinkie, who was just rolling around in the grass.

"She seems so relaxed." Jasmine observed. After a bit, Pinkie got up as she began to itch her nose.

"Hmm, itchy nose..." Twilight murmured. When Pinkie was finished, her face grew scared and she ran over to a tire seat, hiding underneath it, peaking her head out to look up. While most of the group were confused, Twilight felt accomplished. "Aha! That makes no sense. See? She's hiding like something's about to fall from the sky, but a twitchy tail means something's gonna fall from the sky, not an itchy nose." She said this like she was the one that discovered a groundbreaking fact about a species, but most weren't listening too much, rather their attention was focused as to why Pinkie was hiding as they all looked up. When they were looking, they immediately grew worried and scared when they a swarm of wasps flew in. The swarm noticed them and flew in, to which the group minus Twilight panicked and ran away (Xavier bolting away faster due to his entomophobia), to which annoyed Twilight. "Guys! Where are you going? I'm trying to teach you the value of scientific—" The swarm struck the bush, leaving Twilight at the mercy of the aggressive insects as they stung her repeatedly, the rest of the group watching in in guilt, except for Xavier who was cowering in fear in another bush.

After a few moments of contemplating what to do, Jasmine finally managed to scare the swarm away with a gust of wind. After patching Twilight in plenty of band aids, they went to find Pinkie again, to which they found near Applejack's farm. As Twilight was watching from behind the barn of the farm with Spike, the two human girls confronted a slightly shaking Xavier.

"So what was that all about?" Cali asked. "I thought you were the heroic one here?"

"Yeah, not to sound judgmental, but why did you run and hide? I would think you would at least grab Twilight before you ran." Jasmine wondered.

"Look, I have fears too, and that fear for me is insects and arachnids!" Xavier spoke shakily and a bit angrily. "I can't stand those things, so please stop pestering me!" If it wasn't the fact that Xavier was being a lot more aggressive than they were used to, the fact that he had phobias of insects and arachnids is what go them.

"I-I'm sorry to push you, Xavier." Jasmine apologized shyly.

"Y-yeah, sorry." Cali apologized, though it wasn't as sincere as she wanted since she wasn't used to saying sorry. Xaveir realized how aggressive he was being, so he calmed himself down.

"I-it's okay girls, I just need to calm down for a bit." Xavier said, still shaking. "Let's just return to Twilight or now." The three then went over to Twilight who was noticing something.

"I'm getting something. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch." Twilight said, the trio realizing what that meant, and so did Spike.

"Hold on... You told me that's the combo that says 'watch out for opening doors'!" He said as he ran from the barn door.

"You really, really believe this stuff, don't you?" Twilight said in disbelief. "Here, let me show you there's nothing to be afraid of." Twilight then leaned onto the door, showing that it wasn't going to open. "You see? I promise you there's nothing to fear from that-" She never finished the sentence as a cellar door opened in front of her, something that she never paid attention to as she was looking at Spike as she was talking confidently. Since she wasn't paying attention, she fell into the cellar, the group running over to the cellar's opening. When they got there, they heard a lot of crashes and when it ended, they heard a voice inside.

"Twilight! You came to visit my new apple cellar, how nice." They heard Applejack greet Twilight happily, at least until she didn't hear a response. "Twi? You okay? Uh, Twi?"

Once the shock was over with Twilight falling into the cellar and realizing 'opening doors' meant ANY door, the group brought Twilight to the doctor to get patched up. When she left, she was in a strange contraption similar to a wheelchair, but it had a bunch of parts that were attached to it with the purpose of raising Twilight's front legs. Despite the injuries however, Twilight was still insistent in following Pinkie, and seeing as how she wasn't changing her mind, the others sighed and pushed her to find Pinkie again. When they found her, they saw her sitting on the ground in the park, so they went over behind a bench and watched.

"Here, let me help." Spike said as he pulled a crank, raising Twilight's front legs up as she focused into a pair of binoculars.

"Okay, take this down: twitchy tail."

"Twitchy tail?" When the group realized what she said, both Jasmine and Spike yelled out in fear. "Twitchy tail!" With the fearful scream, Spike released the mechanism that kept Twilight's arms up, causing them to fall painfully onto the bench. She didn't pay much attention to it as she glared at the two.

"Hush you two! We can't let Pinkie know we're here, remember?" She hissed, clearly done with everything.

"Something's gonna fall, something's gonna fall! Run for your lives!" Spike yelled out as he and Jasmine ran off, leaving the other humans worried as they looked up and Twilight done.

"Ugh, honestly you two, you're overreact-"

Her sentence was cut short as a flower pot fell onto her head, startling the humans that didn't run off. Before they could question it, an anvil fell onto Twilight's head as well, scaring the two humans as they jumped backwards in shock. A moment later, a cart of haybales fell onto Twilight as well, then a piano. As the humans were processing what happened, they looked up to see what appeared to be a pegasus-pulled moving van, and why that thing had all these things was a mystery to them all.

"Twilight, seriously. I think you need to stop."

After digging Twilight out and getting Spike and Jasmine, they group were walking over to Pinkie to talk to her. On the way, Xaiver was trying to convince Twilight to give it on trying to justify Pinkie.

"NO! I AM GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS!!!" Twilight yelled out.

"Well, all it's done is get you hurt." Xaveir pointed out.

"I am getting to the bottom of-"

"Oh, letting Twilight secretly follow me all day without me knowing." The group looked at Pinkie to see that she was talking to Applejack, and heard that she knew they were following her, despite her saying otherwise.

"You mean you knew all along?! Why didn't you tell me?" Twilight glared.

"Silly, that would've spoiled the secret!" Pinkie explained with a giggle, frustrating Twilight even more. As she was growling, Spike peaked out from behind her.

"Tail... still twitching?" He asked fearfully.

"All done, clear skies from here on in, as far as I can tell-" As Pinkie was reassuring Spike, she was cut off by her whole body shaking. This startled them all as they looked in worry.

"Oh no! What does that one mean?" Jasmine asked.

"Dunno, never gotten any like it before, but whatever that shudder's about, it's a doozy." Pinkie said, worrying the group except Twilight who looked unimpressed as she rolled her eyes. "Something you'd never expect to happen is gonna happen!" She began shaking again. "And it's gonna happen... at Froggy Bottom Bogg!"

"That's where Fluttershy's headed!" Applejack gasped.

"Oh no! Is it about her?" Spike asked.

"Uh, I'm not sure." Pinkie replied worriedly

"We better go and make sure she's okay." Applejack said as she took off.

"Calm down, everypony. All we know right now is that Pinkie Pie just got a case of the shivers. That's all." Twilight said doubtfully. Unfortunately for her, nobody took her side as they all ran off with Applejack, much to her frustration. As they were running, Xaiver went up to Applejack

"So, where even is Froggy Bottom Bogg anyway?" Xavier asked.

"It's in the Everfree Forest." Applejack replied, Xavier's eyes widening.

"Are you serious! How many times do we need to go there!?" As Xavier was groaning, Cali was confused.

"Erm, what's the Everfree Forest?"

"It's a dangerous forest with incredibly dangerous monsters and flora. I've been in there a couple times and each could have ended my life." Xavier explained, getting a boggled look from Cali.

"Seriously?!" Before she could go farther in questioning however, Spike interrupted her.

"Hey! I thought you didn't believe in this stuff?" Looking over, the group say that Twilight picked up Spike and was running with them.

"I don't. I just want to be there to see the look on Pinkie's face when we find out nothing's wrong." Twilight explained, hoping to make Pinkie worry.

"Okie-dokie!" Pinkie replied, no hint of worry whatsoever as they ran into the forest. After some time running, the group decided to slow down to catch their breath just in case Fluttershy was in danger when they got there. As they were walking, Pinkie began to shake once again.

"Cold? Need a jacket or something?" Twilight asked, slightly cockily.

"No thanks, I'm fine." Pinkie responded, right before shaking again. As Twilight was frowning from the reaction, the others were in a conversation.

“So…what you think happened to Fluttershy?” Spike asked.

“I hope nothing!” Applejack responded.

“I know but…but what you think happened?"

“Try not to think about it, hope for the best.” Jasmine said, hoping to keep Spike from worrying.

“Me too…but I’m thinking about it anyway.” Spike said, worriedly. “Like, what if she exploded?!”

"Just exploded?" Cali asked doubtful. "Um, how exactly?"

"You know, like... boom." Spike said, using some hand gestures to emphasize.

“Whoa!” Pinkie said, joining into the conversation.

“I know, right?”

“What if…” Pinkie thought for a bit before speaking again. “What if she exploded, and then exploded again?!”

“Can you do that?!” Spike asked in shock. “Can you explode twice?!"

"No, you can't." Xavier said. "That's not even possible, let alone exploding once without a catalyst."

"A cata-what?" Spike asked.

"Something to cause an explosion, like gunpowder." Xavier explained. "And since Fluttershy is not a bomb, she can't explode. Even if she was, there would need to be something to cause her to-"

"We get the idea, Xavier." Cali deadpanned. "I thought you weren't a scientist."

"I'm not, but somethings need some explanation, like someone exploding out of nowhere. If anything, we need to stay calm and hope for the best, for Fluttershy." Xavier's speech calmed the group down a bit as they walked, at least until Applejack noticed something.

"Look, there’s Froggy Bottom Bog!” When the group looked over to where Applejack was pointing, they saw a very large swamp with large bodies of muddy water and large amounts of flora like moss.

"Wow, this is quite the swamp." Cali noted as the group entered the bog and split up to search for their friend. They each looked around for any signs of Fluttershy in hopes she was okay. As they were looking, Cali felt something off nearby, but as she was about to look around, she was interrupted.

"Fluttershy!" When she turned, she and the rest of the group saw that Spike was hugging their target, who was simply releasing frogs into the bog. "You're okay!"

"Of course." Fluttershy said, a bit confused and surprised to see the group.

“Phew, what a relief.” Applejack sighed.

“I’m so glad everything’s alright!” Pinkie added.

"Yeah, Pinkie said something was happening here." Xavier mentioned.

"Sorry, I know it's not nice to gloat but... Aha!" Twilight yelled out, catching everyone off guard. "I told you there was nothing to worry about, and I was right." As Twilight was going off on Pinkie's sense, Cali's bad feeling came back as she began to look around. As she looked around, she smelled something wrong and decided to mention it.

"Hey, Xavier." Cali whispered, catching Xavier's attention.


"Something is wrong." Xavier tilted his head in confusion. "I've been having a bad feeling since getting here, and now something doesn't smell right. What exactly is in this for-" She didn't finish her sentence as she, Xavier, and the rese minus Twilight who was still talking heard something. When they looked at where the sound was, they noticed something in the mud behind Twilight as a green miasma began to form around her, and it was causing her to cough from the smell of it.

"Pinkie Pie said whatever she was shuddering about was a *cough* doozy, and *cough* and the only *cough* doozy here is how right I am." The group then saw that the something was rising up from the mud, and when they saw it they immediately began to grow worried and scared, even Cali.

"Um, T-Twilight?"

"Pinkie's made a lot of predictions today but *cough*" Twilight had to take a short break from the stench she was smelling. "Ugh, what is that smell? But what we've shown here is that there's no point in believing *cough* in anything you can't see for yourself."

"That's great and all Purple, but maybe you should see what's behind you!!!" Cali yelled out in worried panic. When she did, she was met with a terrifying sight of a large, reptilian creature with four heads, each attached to long necks that made it taller than a building. "What the hell even is that?!"

"It's a hydra! RUN!!" Applejack yelled out as she booked it, the rest of the group following her example and running deeper into the swamp as the hydra roared. It soon began to pursue them, giving chase in hopes of getting a meal. As the group ran deeper, they noticed a hill that wasn't covered in mud.

"Everyone, up that hill!" Xavier yelled out, but stopped when he noticed that Spike was behind them all stuck in the mud. "Spike!" The group turned to see him in his situation, and out of everyone, Jasmine was the one to take action as she hopped onto a cloud and flew over to him as the hydra was closing in on him. When she was close enough, she reached down to Spike's open arm and pulled, releasing him from the mud. Once Spike was free, she did a 180 similar to someone on a skateboard and flew towards the group, the hydra barely missing the two with a head biting at them as Jasmine put Spike onto her shoulder. Once she managed to catch up to the others who running up the hill, she dropped Spike off carefully and looked backwards, and saw that the hydra managed to get stuck in the same patch of mud that Spike was in.

"It's stuck! We might make it!" She said hopeful, but Spike noticed something as well.

"But Pinkie's still shuddering!" He commented to Pinkie shaking intensely, at least until she stopped completely.

"Oh, lookie there, it stopped." She then began to shake again. "O-h-h-h, t-h-e-r-e i-t i-s a-g-a-i-n!" Not having any time, Xavier grabbed her tail and ran up the hill with her. When everyone was at the top, they were all shocked that it was a dead end, save for a series of stone pillars that connected to a mountain pass. The worst part was that they heard rumbling footsteps belonging to the hydra climbing up the hill once again.

“He’ll be up here in no time!” Twilight exclaimed. “Quick, one at a time, cross!” Spike then went and looked over the edge, and when Spike looked over the side of the cliff, he had second thoughts.

"Uh, do you know how to turn a Hydra into a mouse?” He asked going over to Twilight

“No.” Twilight responded.

“How about a squirrel." He suggested.


‘How about-“

“No small rodents of any kind!” Twilight snapped, cutting Spike off.

"Can't Cloudy make her cloud bigger?" Cali asked

"No, she can't. Even if she was able to, only Fluttershy would be able to walk on it." Xavier explained.

"Really? Well that's just great."

After the short argument, the group began to hop across the ravine one at a time, save for Jasmine who floated across. As the group was crossing, Xavier looked over to see that the hydra was closing in.

"Gah, it's getting to close. Applejack!" The pony in question turned to Xavier. "You and Twilight take Pinkie across the ravine, I'll stall the thing."

"WHAT!?" Twilight yelled out. "You can't face that thing!!"

"I've dealt with bigger before, just go!" Xavier said as he pulled his sword out and rushed at the hydra. As he was running however, he heard some hoof steps next to him, and when he turned, he saw Twilight running alongside him.

"You're not doing this alone!" Twilight said, getting a smile from Xavier as the duo closed in on the hydra. When the beast saw them, three of the heads lunged at the two, barely missing them as they dove underneath the beast. Seeing them slide underneath it, the heads chased them as well, but unfortunately for them, they were attached to the body they were going under. As the duo came out from under the hydra, the beast managed to flip itself over, leaving it dazed. Wasting no time, Twilight and Xavier took the opportunity to run to the ravine to cross. As they were running, they heard a loud thump as the hydra got back up and chased them again. When the two were close to the pillars, the head that didn't chase them lunged at them, missing the two. That miss however was redirected to the stone they were standing on, causing it to fall down and hit the first pillar, sending it and a few other pillars down like dominos. While Twilight managed to dodge falling, Xavier didn't as he began to fall. He wasted no time however as he pulled out his grappling hook and aimed it at the others and shot. The hook managed to snag itself onto a branch on the other side, saving Xavier as he swung over to the other side. He didn't take a moment though to recover since Twilight was on the other side, so he climbed up as fast as he could.

"Xavier!" Jasmine yelled out in worry.

"I'm fine, just help Twilight!" Xavier yelled to her, getting a nod from her as she ran over to the others as Pinkie was yelling out to Twilight.

"T-T-T-Twilight! You have to jump!" Pinkie yelled out, surprising the entire group.

"She has to WHAT?!" Cali asked in shock.

"I'll never make it!" Twilight said in worry.

"You'll be fine!"

"I will not!" A roar could be heard as the group looked over to the hydra who recovered from the pain it took from hitting solid rock, and it was not happy as it went for Twilight with even more rage than before.

"It's your only ho-o-ope!" Pinkie said, shaking once again. "You have to take a leap of faith!" Twilight weighed her options, and neither looked good for her, so she decided. Taking a few steps back, she began to take a running start before she jumped. Before she could however, one of the hydra's heads lunged at her, missing and hitting the ground again, breaking the ground she was on. With no time to hesitate, Twilight jumped, aiming for the closest pillar that didn't fall. The jump was impressive, but it wasn't enough as Twilight missed the ledge by an inch. Flailing to reach the edge, Twilight plummeted.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Twilight cried out as she fell into the ravine. Before she managed to land however, a particularly large bubble formed underneath her, that bubble she landed on. The bubble acted like a trampoline, with it launching Twilight back up into the air and onto the pillar she was initially aiming for, bouncing on it and the other pillar before landing on the platform that the group was on, joined by Xavier who finished climbing the rope to see Twilight flying. When she landed, the entire group cheered for Twilight's safety.

"I knew you could do it, Twilight!" Pinkie said as she hugged Twilight.

"Well, I don't know how it happened; coincidence, dumb luck, or what, but you said there'd be a doozy here at Froggy Bottom Bogg, and I'd say we just had ourselves one heck of a doozy." Twilight admitted. "I mean that hydra-" Pinkie interrupted her sentence as she began to shake again.

"That wasn’t it.” Pinkie said, much to the group's shock.

“What wasn’t?” Spike asked.

“What are you taking about Pink?” Cali demanded.

“The Hydra wasn’t the doozy.” Pinkie replied. Xavier and Cali looked at the hydra, who was walking away seeing that it's prey escaped, one head blowing a raspberry at them. “I’m still getting the shudder!" Pinkie said shaking before stopping abruptly. "See, there it is again! Whatever the doozy was at Froggy Bottom Bog, my Pinkie Sense says it still hasn’t happened.” The group looked at each other in worry, all except Twilight.

“Wha…But I…What?!” Twilight snapped. “The Hydra wasn’t the doozy? How could it not be the doozy?! What could be more…doozier than that?!”

“Dunno, but it just wasn’t it.” Pinkie shrugged. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, as Twilight gritted her teeth and her eye twitched, she jumped up and growled in rage. This rage was so much that it literally ignited her, turning her mane and tail into fire. As the group looked in fear at her, she quickly extinguished and sighed.

"Gah, I give up." She said as she fell to the ground.

"Erm, give what up?" Xavier asked.

“The fight! I can’t fight it anymore…” Twilight said depressed. “I don’t understand, how, why, or what, but Pinkie Sense somehow…makes sense! I don't see how it does, but it just does. I should have listened to you Xavier, just because I don't understand doesn't mean it's not true."

"Y-y-you m-m-mean you b-b-believe?” Pinkie asked, somehow shaking harder.

“Yup, I guess I do…” Twilight sighed. At that moment, Pinkie began to shake even harder and bounce around, stretching and twisting like putty. As the group looked at her in worry (the humans more so since they've never seen any living thing do something like this) she abruptly stopped and stood still for a moment. The group looked at her confused, but stopped when Pinkie gasped.

“That was it! That’s the doozy!”

“What?” Twilight asked, clearly confused.

"You believing.” Pinkie explained. “I never expected to happen! That was the doozy, and oh what a doozy of a doozy it was!” Pinkie then began trotting away merrily as the rest just looked at her.

"And this is why I've given up on understanding her." Xavier said as he began to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Cali asked.

"Home." Xavier said simply. "This day has been too much for me so I'm going to go home for the day to recover." Xavier walked away, the others following. As they were walking however, Cali began to think.

"This is going to be interesting, but I'll keep y'all safe from anything. Promise.

Author's Note:

Anyone want to give Jasmine a hug as well, cause she needs it :fluttercry:
I know it's cliché, but it's what I thought of. You should see the other ideas I have for the others, they get more interesting. P.S. they are all sad, be warned, it's still cliché. But for now, enjoy things for now, Koops out.

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