• Member Since 14th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


I write stories mainly featuring small horses having sex with one another, and that is probably all you really need to know about me.

Comments ( 50 )

*spit* fuck G5 and this creepy shit!

Agreed. I'm trying the best I can to fuck it.

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehehehehe and it begins!

You're not allowed within 25 feet of my children.

It looks like Sunny is young in that photo. Lol I bet you there’ll be some scene where a character is like "Wow, Sunny, your father would be so proud if he was here to see you right now."

What is it with animated movies always killing off the parents?

The ‘mane’ thing to take away from this is that you should always read your daughter a bedtime whorey—er, I mean story.

I wonder if this one would do, or if the commentary would be too deep…just like his cock in a few years 🤔

Anyway, jolly good show!

Hasbro, you're really going to release an image with one of the Mane 5's fathers less than a week after Father's Day?

please link the image(s)

Do you just want us to make incest porn of these characters?

I'm going to go ahead and assume that you do, so here.

The image of filly Sunny and her dad is the picture for this fic, but here's the full page promo shot. derpicdn.net/img/2021/6/25/2642539/large.jpg

Also, yeah. That video is pretty much my exact reaction when new ponies come out.

and she wants to be a pegasus

I know. I would have liked to have gotten it written within 12 hours, but I was interrupted by sleep. Almost made it, but not quite.

We live in a society.

Society demands ponies be lewded at all times.

You're doing God's Celestia's Shakespearicles' Twilight's work there, AndwhatIseeisme. Absotively posolutely fantastic.

Yes. The secret to why Equestria has fallen apart between G4 and G5 is that Twilight sub-contracted her work out to me, and I just spent all my time writing lewd pony things instead of actually running the kingdom.

She'd have done something about it, but I filled my office with ladybugs and quesadillas, so she's helpless to stop me.

Huh, this is the first gen5 fic I've ever read and I am not disappointed. The whole cgi animation kinda put me off, but if this is what the plot is gonna be like then i can't wait to watch it.

Ah... the lewd community never fails. We may be shunned by society itself, but we bear that badge with pride. Sorta...

Either way, this fic got my blood boiling for G5.
Makes me wonder who Hitch will have.

If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm not sure Hasbro will be including a scene where filly Sunny rides her dad's dick in the actual G5 movie. I mean, I'm not ruling it out entirely, I'm just saying that my writing might not be the best representation of what G5 is going to be like. That said, if you want to read more G5 clop, I recommend my first G5 fic, Encounter at Match Point.

At some point I might need to get in contact with Hasbro about collecting a paycheck for my promotional work on G5. I feel like I'm putting more work into building people's interest in it than they are.

And still there is no tag for G5. Sunny has a character tag, but the series doesn't have a series tag.

What! My favorite part isn't going to be in the theatrical release, uhg, fine I guess I'll just have to wait for the unrated directors cut to come out.

Yeah, it's weird. The core cast all have character tags, but the fics themselves still can't be tagged as G5. I guess they're waiting until we have an official name for the new series.


I certainly am ashamed at myself, and can only promise to get my underage incest porn out faster for you next time. Clearly you are very passionate about it, and I can see how deeply having to wait to read about Sunny's little filly pussy being creamed by her dad has affected you. Again, I'm sorry.

You seem new here. Have you perhaps not noticed that clopfics of almost every combination have existed here a long time?
I'd even think that the oldest incest foalcon fic here is just a few months shy of 10 years old. The anniversary will hit before the year is out, I'm sure of it.
Since nothing the author has done on this site is illegal, as far as I know, they have just as much right to be here as you do.

Now now, he's clearly expressed a desire to be left alone despite continuing to go out of his way to make comments and insult me on my story. I'd hate for him to get upset that people continue to respond to his unsolicited opinions. That might seem rude. We wouldn't want that.

I'm sure he's a very likable person when he's not harassing other users in their comment section.

G5: *exists*

Porn/Clopfics: "I... am inevitable..."

This is golden, and I love it. Have a follow.

Niiiiceee, so, it begins. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks to all three of you for the comments and the follows. You managed to push me over the 200 follower mark, so that's pretty cool of you.

Everyone knows you may be found where ever familial fornication abounds.

I don't care what this fic contains, the short description alone had me in stitches, and for that, it gets a fave.

Then take it up with the admins, because railing against individual authors will get you nowhere but angry.

You are a loser, a lot of people enjoy fictional incest.

You're the one commenting on a story you'll never read, just to hate on the author and anyone who would read it.

Jokes on you, I've already been vaccinated.
You really don't have to keep commenting on this story, dude. It's fine. No one is forcing you back here.

Not fond of that idea either.

You sound like you chase off more pussy than a vacuum cleaner.

Did- did you just responded to youreself?
Also this reminds me of meme
Calm down there son it's just a fanfiction

Comment posted by White seal deleted Jun 29th, 2021

Death threaths can get you in banned or put in jail

I'll admit my statement was in bad taste and uncalled for and I apologize for it, for what that's worth from a degenerate such as I. Beyond that however, I am going to go against my better judgement and try to float some reason as I see it.
For a lot of people this fetish is a bit of a sore subject by virtue of the societal taboo surrounding it and it irks me when I see people bashing stuff like this. If it's a bad piece of writing, great, give it shit for what it is, but not for the fetishes involved; what someone likes is more often than not out of their control and they can't help that fact.
Whether you take this statement to heart or not, this story is an outlet for a lot of people with this fetish and meeting that desire here in the realm of fanfiction is vastly preferable to taking the practice of it to the real world if you're unable to suppress it.

In addition, people with fetishes such as this or even worse have no outlet for help the majority of the time either. Even acknowledging something such as incest is enough to make you a social pariah, as shown in your comments and reaction to this story, to say nothing of people with darker kinks.

tl;dr I was being an ass and I genuinely apologize. There's not much you can do to help what you like and even talking about such things can see you outcast socially and especially professionally. For many, this is the only way to check that box without taking it to the real world.

If you view it as gross or disgusting that is your prerogative, but it's better (imo) that people have stories such as this as a healthy outlet for a wrong kink better than nothing at all; repression rarely ends well.

Pissing off now, Sober.

Edit: had a bit of bourbon before bed when I typed this comment; I stand by the comment but apologize for any grievous typos.

Author, not read the fic but keep doing what you're doing! Someone has to do it and I thank you for it.

Very nice.
Sadly I can't upvote over 69, my heart is not strong enough.

Most scholars agree that Princess Twilight herself only wrote the ones up through volume seven or so, and after that the writing kind of went down hill a bit.

And that's when I hit upvote.
Fun story. The sex takes the back-seat and the jokes comes in between.
Giving us a good view of the other side, and not just the one in the promotional material.

And then after that, they'd have sex.

Sudden and simple. Good enough to introduce laughter.

I loled

And then I came.

Oof, those fourth-wall jokes…
That aside, this was kinda cute.

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