• Published 19th Jun 2021
  • 1,225 Views, 19 Comments

My little pony Adventures Pilot - Kayceejr91

Behold my and my friend CLegoguy alternated version of MLP

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My little pony Adventures chapter 11 finale

We now see King Sombra's blimp fly over Equestria. The ship begins to dock with a much larger blimp bearing the evil king's symbol.

Then we see inside of the ship Sunset Starlight, and Cujo enter into a large hallway, with the diamond dog being nervous and at the end of its King Sombra himself on his throne with Trixie sitting beside him in magic chains.

King Sombra glares at the three, his teeth bared and then he said "Have you brought me the elements of harmony?"

Then Sunset and Starlight glared back at him and then the red and yellow mane unicorn said "No."

Then green flames appeared behind King Sombra's throne showering the two unicorn mares and Cujo in a menacing glow and panic fills Trixie's eyes as they all see the fearsome anger upon the evil king's face.

But then Starlight pulled out Discord's lamp showing it to him and said "We brought something better!"

Then King Sombra's anger is suddenly quelled at the sight of the lamp. While that was happening Trixie, crouching in fear, at the sudden halt to the flames.

The King Sombra magically hovers the lamp to him, away from Starlight and then he said "It cannot be..."

Then all of a sudden the evil king laughs maniacally, while the lamp in his hooves with Trixie and Cujo cowers in fear and Starlight and Sunset just watch. "Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Finally the lamp is mine!" He then turn to the scared Trixie with a satisfied look and then said "Trixie a deal a deal you're off the hook." Her magic chains then disappear and she drops to the ground.

Trixie then said "Thank you father."

The evil king then turn to the other two unicorns with a sinister smile. "Well you've done you're father well my daughters." Cujo snarls after hearing that. "At long last all my desires will be granted!" He then begins rubbing the lamp as the others watch then a large pillar of smoke came out of it.

Then a silhouette of Discord appears then the titian of chaos said "Alright Flashy boy! It's time for wish number..." He then looked and see that it was not Flash but King Sombra holding the lamp and then he said nervously "I don't think you're him..." He then pulled out a script with a pear of glasses on and then said "Tonight the part of Flash Sentry will be played by a tall, dark, and sinister, ugly stallion."

Then evil king then pulled Discord's goatee bringing him to his face and said "I am you're master now!"

Then Discord said "I was afraid of that."

Then King Sombra said "And now Discord Lord of Chaos! You will bring me the Elements of Harmony!"

Then Discord wags his eyebrows at the reader, a sly smile on his face. He then walks around King Sombra shrewdly and replied "Well master I would Love to give the elements of Harmony." He then held his claw out matter of factly with a smile and then he said "But I can't."

Then the evil King screamed angrily with green flames behind him "WHY NOT!?"

Then Discord poof's the evil king at a desk with a dunce cap and then he said "Glade you asked master!" Then the nest thing that happened Discord is now dressed as a lawyer look over files at a long desk with Starlight Sunset, Trixie, Cujo and King Sombra sit across from him. Then he said "Now there are couple of provisos a couple of quid pro quos." Then he pulls out a long list and then said "Rule number 1 I can't wish me free trust me I've tried. Rule number 2 I can't kill anyone." King Sombra started to get annoyed.

Meanwhile back with the mane six who are not sad about losing both the stallion and the elements are gone. Twilight is the one who is most upset about the whole thing and is now sitting alone on a cloud being sad.

But back with Spike and the girls Rainbow Dash whispers to the others "Somepony should say something."

Then Applejack approaches Twilight from behind and then said "You alright sugar cube?"

Then Twilight turn to her with tears pouring down her face and said "No! I'm not alright! Nothing is right!" The rest of of Twilight's friends and Spike come from behind to comfort her. she then said "I was supposed to collect the elements! Princess Celestia picked me specifically! And I failed her!"

Rarity placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder and then said "Twilight, Darling.. You didn't fail Celestia.."

"You're right Rarity.." Twilight replied. She then shouted into the sunset, far beyond the edges of Cloudsdale, "I failed all of Equestria!"

The friends quickly gathered around the young Alicorn as she began to weep. Their comfort to no avail, Spike finally shrugged and said, "Well I got nothing.. Anyone else got an idea?"

A stubborn look suddenly appears across Rainbow Dash's face, "I've got one.."

Without warning, the blue Pegasus pulled Twilight Sparkle directly in front of her face, "Twilight! I'm about to say something so sweet and sappy, that I can't believe I'm about to say it!"

Rainbow Dash floated above Twilight and then pointed to her triumphantly, "You Don't Need the Elements of Harmony! You Never Needed the Elements of Harmony! And if Celestia Doesn't Realize That, who Cares? Look at all you accomplished! Look at What we Accomplished!"

Rainbow Dash gestured to her friends behind her, and then pointed back to Twilight, "You Outsmarted the Giant Rock Monster!"

Twilight frowned, "Actually that was Applejack..

"You Defeated the Giant Spider!" Rainbow stated.

"That was Fluttershy!" Twilight cried.

Rainbow started to become discouraged, "Broke us out of the Castle?"

Twilight was quickly becoming annoyed, "Trenderhoof.."

"Freed us from the Pirates?" Rainbow asked.

"Flash and Discord.." Twilight stated.

Rainbow Dash desperately turned to the others, "Could Somepony help me out here!?"

The friends looked at each other in contemplation. Finally Fluttershy stepped forward, "We couldn't have done any of those things without you.."

Fluttershy approached Twilight with a smile, "You're the one who led us on this Entire Journey.."

Twilight Sparkle wiped away a tear from her eye, "But.. I was the one who was supposed to gather the Elements.."

Spike came up to her, "Twilight.. Don't you remember what Celestia said.."

The young dragon then gestured to the other five ponies, "You can't go on this Journey Alone!"

Twilight Sparkle looked upon the numerous friends that had accompanied her on her journey. As she did so, a sudden realization dawned upon her.

The purple Alicorn smiled confidently, "Everypony, I know what we have to Do!"

Pinkie Pie threw balloons and streamers into the air, "Throw a Super Duper Party to celebrate the End of Equestria?!"

"No," Twilight stated. She stood confidently, her mane blowing gracefully in the Wind, Friends and Spike close behind her. "We're Going After Sombra!"

Back on King Sombra's Blimp, Discord continued to read from his list of wishes he could not grant. The parchment had extended out from the scroll at ridiculously long lengths, covering everything in the room from tables and chairs, to King Sombra himself! It was perfectly clear to everyone in the room that Sombra was becoming exceedingly annoyed. His eye began to twitch as he held back his fury, ready to snap at any moment.

Discord continued to read with a smile, "..Rule Number 123.. No Wishing for Somepony to Drink Orang Juice! ..I don't really know what that rule's about, but..

"Enough!" Sombra exploded into blind rage.

Discord cringed backward, his list rolling back up like a window shade, "I'm just trying to get you to change your mind..

"More like you were stalling!" Sombra fumed, getting directly into Discord's face.

Discord watched along with Sombra's minions as their master threw his tirade across the room "If I can't have the Elements of Harmony, I'll just have to settle for the next best thing! I wish to Be Ruler of All Equestria!"

A sad look came across Discord's face as he gloomily raised his fingers, "As you wish Master.."


In the city of Tambelon, dark clouds began to form at the center of the city. Most of them forming directly over Tambelon Castle. The King and Queen however were to preoccupied to notice this.

Within the throne room, King Nightlight paced back and forth in a nervous wreck, "Ooohh I don't understand It.. I assumed the that Twilight would be back by Now!

Off to the side Queen Velvet watched as her husband continued to panic over nothing. At her side stood a steadfast unicorn in a suit and tie, his mane combed back in a neat and tiny manner and his cutie mark is a pocket hanky his coat is brown and his mane and tail are black. This was not the first time that he had dealt with the King overreacting. For as the head of castle staff, Spik n Span had been advising both King and Queen for quite some time.

"Relax your Majesty.." the Spik n Span spoke up as he approached his King.

He rubbed his chin as he thought back to when Princess Twilight was just a filly. "Back when they were younger, the Princess and her Little friends would get into all kinds of trouble!"

With a wave of his hoof, Spik n Span quickly blew off the nervous King's worries, "I'm sure the Princess is just enjoying her time outside of the palace.. What could possibly go Wrong?"

All of a sudden the entire castle began to shake, much to the shock of everypony in the room. The King, Queen and Spik n Span looked upwards in an utter panic. "Sweet Celestia!" Spik n Span cried out. "What is Going On?!"

Let did any of them know, that outside the throne room, a massive Eagle Claw and Lion Paw had begun lifting up the Castle from it's base. Throughout the city of Tambelon, numerous Background Ponies began to panic as they watched the Castle being lifted up from the city and into the skies above. Towering over the city stood a giant, muscular version of Discord, holding Tambelon Castle within his claws and lifting it into the dark clouds above!

Back in the throne room the King and Queen held each other tightly, while Spik n Span ran about the flailed about the throne room screaming like a little girl.

Finally King Nightlight spoke up, "What in Equestria is Going On?!

"I'll tell you what's Going On!" a mysterious voice cried out catching the attention of the King and Queen.

At the entrance to the throne room stood King Sombra, an army of his most menacing minions behind him. "A Sudden Change in the Monarchy!"

All across Equestria, dark clouds could be seen forming around the floating Tambelon Castle! Including form the deck of a certain pirate ship.

The fearsome captain Don Grif'aun watched the scene along with his employer. A cruel smile came across the massive penguins face.

"I really must give my regards to my good friend, Sombra.." Charlatan commented.

"Indeed.." Grif'aun chimed in, "It is only thanks to him that I was able to capture Troubleshoes and Trenderhoof!" A sly look crossed his face, "Among others.."

"Yes.." Charlatan replied cracking his knuckles, "Once we reach Manehatten, we'll have to give our Guests are Warmest Regards!"

From a barred window on at the floor of the deck, Trenderhoof watched as Charlatan and Don Grif'aun laughed wickedly. Down in the brig below, Thunderlane, Trouble Shoes, Cheese Sandwich, Soarin, and Flash Sentry sit locked and chained. Trenderhoof looked down at his friends, a nervous wreck, "Guy's we have to get out of Here!"

"No Duh!?" Soarin cried out exasperated, "We've go to help Rainbow Dash!

Cheese responded, "And Pinkie Pie, and Twilight, and Rarity, and Fluttershy, and Applejack, not to mention Spike!"

"Oh right.." Soarin blushed, "Them too!

Thunderlane turned to Flash Sentry, a look of discouragement across his face.

"Flash Sentry.." Thunderlane spoke up, "What are your thoughts on the matter?"

"Me!?" Flash stated dumbfounded, "Why are you asking me?

"You're the one who brought us all together.." Thunderlane continued the rest of the Stallions behind him. "Without you we'd still be total strangers!"

Trenderhoof stood next to Troubleshoes, "That's true, without you the two of us would still be pulling scams.."

Soarin and Cheese came up to Flash from behind, "..And we'd still be robbing crumbs off the street!"

Thunderlane placed a hoof on Flash's shoulder, "You Inspire us and give us Hope..

Soaring slapped Flash on the Back, "You always have our back.. Now we have yours!

Flash took out the sword that Enbarr had made for him. As he looked down at the blade, he suddenly saw his own reflection looking back up at him, he then remembers what Luna told him that night his role of the group leadership. A confident smile suddenly crossed his face, "Guy's.. We're getting out of Here!"

Outside of the Brig, two pirates whistled as they walked by the door.

The taller of the two goblins spoke up, "Hey Bud, How's it going?"

"Pretty good.." the fatter of the two goblins responded. "Think'n of taking some time off this weekend."

"Sounds good," the goblin named Lou replied. "Mayne I should join.."

All of a sudden the door to brig exploded blowing both of the pirates against the far wall. The Stallion Six stood proudly where the doors to the Brig once stood, weapons in hand. The two pirates looked up at the stallions towering over them in utter confusion.

"What is Happening?" Bud blurted out.

Flash smiled confidently holding his sword to Bud's throat, "Next time, you might want to try taking our weapons away before you lock us up!"

"Lou quietly whispered to Bud, "I told you we forgot something.."

More pirates quickly entered the hallway upon hearing the explosion. The stallions began to fight them off one by one, making their way through the ship. Don Grif'aun entered the hallway upon hearing the noise.

"What in Equestria is Going on Here!"

A series of Arrows suddenly appeared pinning Grif'aun to the wall. Trenderhoof approached him, Bow in hoof. He smiled slyly into the Griffon's face.

"Tick, Tick, Boom!"

All of a sudden the arrows around Grif'aun began to glow. His eyes grew wide as he quickly realized what was about to happen.

The six Stallions stormed out onto the main deck, just as the Brig exploded behind them. Standing directly in front of them stood the menacing figure of Charlatan towering over them. He cracked his knuckles with a sinister smile.

"You know.. You Ponies have become more trouble than you're worth.." He held out his fist shaking it with a smile, "I guess that I'll have to take care of you Permanently!" He the clutch his fist and then said "A good boss knows when it's time to step in and get his flippers dirty!"

Flash and the other stallions raised their weapons preparing to fight, "Bring it on Bird Brain!"

Charlatan and the six stallions charged each other. Troubleshoes whacked the massive penguin with his hammer in a single swing. Unfazed, Charlatan threw a massive fist towards the Stallion. Thunderlane managed to block it with his shield just in time. Meanwhile Cheese Sandwich pulled out a leg beneath Charlatan's flippers. Caught off guard, Charlatan stumbled backwards, nearly falling overboard.

Charlatan looked winced as the six Stallions surrounded him, pinned to the edge of the ship. Furious, he cried out, "Wait! You can't do this to Me!"

Flash Sentry flew up into the air with a smile, "Don't worry.. I hear Penguins Fly!"

With a flap of his wings, Flash Sentry landed a kick directly onto Charlatan's Jaw, sending him over the edge. The stallions watched as the massive bird fell to the ground far below.


"Oops.." Flash Sentry chimed in, "I was wrong!"

Cheese looked over to Soaring with a bit of concern, "Is.. He gonna be Okay?

Far down below, an old pony in a large floppy hat shoveled a large pile of compost, whistling while he worked. All of a sudden a massing object plummeted into the pile of compost, startling the Greenhooves pony.

Charlatan rose from the massive pile a look of Fury across his face, "Compost! I HATE COMPOST!"

Upon Grif'aun's ship, Flash Sentry stood confidently at the wheel, his fellow stallions close behind him, "GentleColts.. Let's set our Course!"

The pirate ship sailed off into the distance Stallions in tow. Far behind it a tiny lifeboat floated in the sky, the entire pirate clew piled into it. At the bottom of the pile sat Don Grif'aun, burnt to a crisp and smoldering.

As the ship sailed away, Lou spoke over to Bud, "Yep we definitely should have taken their weapons."

Don Grif'aun raised his fists in the air in blind fury, "MORONS! I am surrounded by MORONS!"

Back at the Palace, now floating in the sky, King Sombra confidently strode past King Nightlight and Queen Velvet, approaching the Throne, "Ahh.. It's been so long since I've sat on a proper Throne!

Upon seeing this, Spik n Span quickly regained his bluster.

"Now see here Sir!" Spik n Span halted Sombra just before he reached the throne. "You cannot just Enter this Palace Unannounced and pretend as if you own the Place!"

Without hesitating, King Sombra blasted Spik n Span transforming into a frog. The King and Queen watched in horror as Sombra walked over their former servant.

"Who say's I'm pretending!"

Sombra sat upon his new throne glaring at the King and Queen. Cujo approached the two of them from behind, a cruel smile across his face.

"So what do we do with these two Boss?

Sombra dismissed the two ponies with a wave of his hoof, "Toss them over the edge, we're about to make some serious changes here!

Starlight, Sunset, and Trixie watched sadly as the Diamond Dogs began to drag the King and Queen away. Meanwhile Discord attempted to sneak away unnoticed, "Well I see you have a lot going on around here."

A suitcase and fedora suddenly appear with Discord, "I'll just be on my way then.."

"Not so fast Trickster!" Sombra glared at the Draconquus. "I still have two Wishes Lest!"

Discord slumped over in annoyance, "I was hoping you'd forget that.."

"Now for my second wish!" Sombra stated confidently. "I wish to be an Alicorn Once Again!"

Discord rolled his eyes, "Whatever you want Master.."

With a snap of his fingers, an ominous green glow began to surround Sombra. Soon a pair of large black wings began to sprout from Sombra's back. His horn, once mangled, began to grow longer and straighter.

Sombra's minions and Discord watched as their master rose to air, a full blown Alicorn once again. "Finally! After so long! The Universe is mine to Command once again!

Sombra smiled wickedly, "Well.. Not yet anyway.."

A massive beam of magic blasted out of Sombra's horn, up towards the ceiling. "I believe it's time I paid a visit to Dear old Father!"

The beam of magic quickly spread throughout the entire palace to, causing it to radiate in Sombra's cruel green glow. Slowly yet steadily the Castle began to float away the city of Tambelon, and made it's way to Canterlot Mountain far in the distance.

Down on the Drawbridge of Tambelon Castle, Cujo and his Diamond Dogs began edging the King and Queen closer and closer to the edge. Nightlight and Velvet both held onto each other tightly as the Diamond Dogs taunted them from behind.

"Don't worry," Cujo snickered, "it's just a little itty bitty drop a Million Miles Down!

The King and Queen looked at each other realizing the inevitable. With one final kiss, the two ponies leapt over the edge ready to fall to their doom.

Cujo smirked as the King and Queen vanished over the edge of the drawbridge, "Well, we've done all we can.."

As the leader of the Diamond Dog's turned to leave, he suddenly noticed something behind him. Out of nowhere, the King and Queen rose back upwards, seemingly floating in mid air.

Cujo was completely dumbfounded, "What..! How..? Who..!?"

The King and Queen were equally confused. As they rose up higher a mast appeared, followed by sails, and soon a ship. It was entire ship made completely of clouds, and atop of it stood Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike.

Rainbow Dash, "Hey guys.. Miss Us?

The Diamond Dogs Panicked as the Mane Six and Spike leapt for them!

"Attack!" Twilight stated.

Applejack bucks a diamond god while Pinkie Pie fire her party cannon. Spike roasts a diamond dog's tail while Rainbow Dash kicks another in the face. But while the mane six and the young dragon was fighting his dogs he ran up the stairs of the castle.

While Twilight was zapping magic at a diamond dog she turning to see her confused parents with a smile. "Hi Mom and Dad!"

The king and queen look on in surprise and then Nightlight said "Twilight what in Equestria is going on?"

Then the purple princess explain while still fighting "Oh, well our ship got destroyed over Seaquestria! so Pinkie Pie came up with he idea to build one out of clouds! Then Rainbow Dash pushed us all the way here."

Velvet and Nightlight watch on and then they both looked at each other with smiles on their faces and then the queen said "Sweet heart! She has friends!"

Then Nightlight said "Now if only we could get her a boyfriend." Velvet rolled her eyes at that remark.

But back with Cujo who is running up the stairs in a panic shouting "Master!"

He then slams the throne room door open, reveling Sombra and his daughters.

"Master! The princess and her allies are storming the castle!"

Then Sombra turns to Sunset and Starlight with a furious glare. "How it this possible? I thought you destroyed them?"

Then Cujo points to Sunset and Starlight accusingly a wicked smile across his face "No! They let the ponies go! Not only that they destroyed the elements of harmony!" Both unicorns glare at Cujo.

Sombra turns to Sunset and Starlight darkly but while that was happening Trixie and discord look nervous behind him.

"Is this true daughters."

Starlight confidently strides forward, Sunset behind her. "Father you never needed the elements of harmony all you needed was Discord." The spirt of chaos appeared behind her with angel wings and a halo.

"And now that the elements are destroyed are gone, there's nothing the princess can do to stop you."

Sombra think "Hmmmm good point excellent work daughter."

Cujo drops his jaw dumbfounded. He then started yelling. "Are you kidding me?! Master they are clearly trying to betray you!"

Sombra gesture to the two unicorns who smirk at Cujo. "Starlight and Sunset are my loyalist followers. I believe either would ever betray me."

He then turn to Trixie giving her an evil glare. "The "great and powerful" Trixie on the other hoof."

The evil king then puts magic chains around the blue unicorn's neck again and lifts her up as she screamed "Not again!" Sombra then points to the remanding two unicorns mares accusingly.

"Tell me the truth or your sister shall suffer the consequences!"

The two bite their lips nervously.

But then Sunset confidently approaches Sombra, a look of fury in her eyes. "Sombra you are a monster! You attacked our villages! Took us from our parents! Held us prisoner! And I can't count the many times you made Trixie cry!"

Starlight was the next to step forward to the evil king. "You may be the ruler of Equestria, but you're not the ruler of us and we won't be you're lap ponies anymore!"

Sunset then said "So take you're anger on us not on Trixie!"

Sombra shrugs. "Very well...I will."

He then toss Trixie out a stained glass window.

She then fall to the clouds, and bits of the window with her and she screams.


Sombra glances back at a horrified Starlight and Sunset.

"Next time It'll be one of you!"

That made Cujo rings his paws happily and made Discord away nervous.

But Sunset grabs ahold of Starlight both with furious looks on their faces.

"There's not going to be a next time!"

They then disappear in a flash of magic.

The two unicorns suddenly appear beside a still falling Trixie and were able to grab ahold of her tightly, all three then vanish in a flash of magic.

Sombra looks over to Discord who holds Cujo close "At least you still have us!" He gestures at himself and Cujo mockingly.

The evil king glares out the shattered window then said "They'll be back."

Cujo then shouted at Discord. "Get your claws off me ya freak!"

Meanwhile after Twilight and her friends beaten the diamond dogs they race up the stairs to the throne room.

Twilight then said "Come on girls! It's time to finish this!"

The mane six and spike burst trough the throne room doors.

"It's over Sombra!"

The evil king the laughs wickedly. "Mwahahahaha! You're right princess."

We now see from the throne to see an army of Shadowbolts in front of him. "It is indeed over!"

We see the dark and twisted castle approaching Canterlot, Thunder and lighting fill the skies.

A platoon of Shadowbolt's prepare to attack.

But at Canterlot theirs and army of pony soldiers ready to fight and leading them are two Alicorn one is a am mare with a silver coat and light blue mane tail, and eyes and her cutie mark is a spear and a shield which are her weapons of choice, she is also wearing golden armor.

The other his a stallion with a dark red mane tail, and eyes and his coat is bright red. His cutie mark is a shield with a sword on it and he is also wearing armor. They are none other then Xanthus alicorn of wisdom and Balius alicorn of war.

They both stand in before an army of royal guards.

Balius then sad while he lifts his sword. "Finally! I haven't had a good war in ages!"

Xanthus glances at him annoyed and then she rolled her eyes.

"As usual brother your barbaric nature knows no means."

He then shot back. "Better then being a great big egghead like you sister dear!"

The wisdom alicorn then said "Balius let's put aside our differences this once and focus on the task at hoof."

Then the war alicorn said "Finally Xanthus! You've said something I can agree with!"

The two alicorns charge their forces into the sky, while Shadowbolts also charge into the sky. The two sides fight each other Balius and Xanthus at the canter.

But while that was going on Trenderhoof looks through a telescope at the fight, the other stallions behind him.

The blond mane colt then said "Well guy's looks like were to late. anypony want to head home and call it a day?"

Then Troubleshoes glares at him while Flash shouts "Seriously!?"

Trenderhoof then said "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But seriously what are we gonna do?"

Later as the fight goes on between the cloud passes by in the background.

Soarin and Cheese poke their heads out of the clouds.

Soarin whispered "I can't believe you talked us into this!"

Then Flash pokes his head out to join them. "Hey, It's working isn't it?"

Then a few Shadowbolts notice them then they charge into the cloud.

Then punches kicks and blows can be heard from within the cloud.

Later said cloud made to the castle and then popped out from it to enter the palace were the stallion six exit the cloud dress as Shadowbolts.

The blue mane pegasus then said "See I told you this would work."

Soarin just rolled his eyes.

The reminding Shadowbolts have the mane six surrounded.

Then Sombra laughs wickedly again. "Bwahahahaha!"

He radiates power before Twilight "Face it princess! You are nothing without the Elements of Harmony!"

Twilight then smiles confidently "You're wrong Sombra." She then gestures to her friends behind her. "The Elements are right here!"

Sombra fumes his eyes spewing flames.

"What are you talking about the Elements were destroyed!"

Twilight then said "The Elements can never be destroyed! Applejack was honest even in the face of danger represent the element of honesty! Fluttershy who was kind to even the most monstrous of creatures represent the elements of kindness! Pinkie Pie who lifted a curse with only her humor represents the element of laughter! Rarity who gave up her own tail to help out a sorrowful serpent represents the element of generosity! and Rainbow Dash who risked her own life to save a friend represent the element of loyalty!"

The mane six stand behind Twilight, all glowing with the elements.

Sombra is shocked to see the ponies powered up.

Then he furious said "So what? You still don't have the final element!"

Then Twilight begins to glow along with her friends.

"Wrong again. My friends at my side give me the final Element of Harmony and the element is magic!"

Then a rainbow cyclone surrounds the six ponies.

Sombra look's on in horror as the mane six radiate with the elements.

The scared evil king desperately turns to Discord.

"Discord! It's time for my final wish! Send these ponies to oblivion!"

But Discord just stood there files his claws nonchalantly as he see and know what Sombra doesn't.

"I'd love to "Master". But regrettably you don't have the lamp anymore."

Sombra then shouted "What are you talking about!? I have it right..."

"Here." He then looked and see his hoof was empty. Then turns to see they someone was behind him.


Flash stands before the stallion six still in disguise, and holds out the lamp and then said "Don't you just hate it when you can't hold something."

Thunderlane places a hoof on Flash's shoulder as they look at Sombra.

"Finally your skills as a thief paid off."

Sombra then said "Uh oh..."

Then Flash shouted "Let er' rip girls!" Then he and his friends got out of the blasting range.

Twilight glows with the other ponies then a rainbow beam of energy shoots from them. The beam of rainbow light encases Sombra.

We watch as Sombra's wings fade away and his longer horn shrunk and then he and then Shadowbolts are now blasted out of the castle.

The rainbow beam surrounds the castle no notice the fighting ponies.

The Shadowsbolts are blasted away from the Canterlot soldiers.

King Nightlight and Queen Velvet picked up a frog Spik N Span sadly. But then he was transformed back to normal in the arms of the confused king.

The royal guards cheer around the floating castle along with Balius and Xanthus.

But then there was Cujo who was trying to sneaks out from hiding beneath a table. When suddenly he was notices Spike who smiles at him slyly.

Cujo falls out the same window Sombra did, with green flames chasing him and he shouted. "Yeeeaaaaghhhh!"

The mane six float down their magic gone.

The stallion six and Spike join them hugging and contradicting them.

Flash holding Twilight in his arms and said "You did it Twilight!"

Then Twilight hugged him back "No Flash We did it!"

Then Twilight's parents entered the throne room with Spik N Span and see Twilight hugging Flash.

Then Nightlight said "Twilight who is this?"

Twilight then turns to her mother and father and then said while blushing.

"Mom, Dad. this is Flash Sentry. He's my...My friend."

Velvet smiles at Nightlight. "Sweetheart it's a boy."

Then a nervous look cross the king's face much to Velvet's amusement. "Oh no."

Then Pinkie speaks to the others. "Hey guys? If King Sombra is gone, then how is the castle still...?"

She would have finish but all of a sudden the entire throne room begins shacking.

We watch Tambelon castle begins falling apart, tumbling to the ground.

The ponies scream as they fly into the air the castle collapsing.

Discord then desperately comes behind Flash and said "Come on kid! You've got to make a wish now!"

Flash rubs the lamp desperately, up in the air.

"I wish the castle was back where it belonged! And that everything was back to normal!"

Discord planarly hold out two claws and said "That's two things!"

Flash shouts. "It's a twofer! Make it work!"

The chaos snaps his claws and the castle vanishes from the air in a Flash.

The castle magically fade back into position at the center of Tambelon.

The mane six, stallion six, Spike, and the royals pick themselves up in amazement.

Then Spik N Span lowers the draw bridge, allowing them all to look out.

All the ponies in Tambelon Kingdome cheer for the ponies in front of the castle.

Many familiar faces are seen including the families.

Trenderhoof adjust his collar in front of Rarity and said "I could get used to this kind of treatment."

Twilight waves besides Flash and then said "We did it. We saved Equestria!"

Then the alicorn king himself Sleipmir appears and said "Indeed you have." He was a very tall stallion with eight legs and bigger wings and longer horn. He had a bright light and facile hair eyes mane, and tail and his cutie mark have three black tringle.

With him are all the alicorns the ponies met on their journey, including Queen Faust and a few others and even Shining Armor was there with his bird to be Cadence.

Then Twilight said "Then Alicorns of Equestria!" Exclaim with her friends behind her.

Sleipnir put's his hoof on Twilight's shoulder and said "You've done well princess Twilight by defeating Sombra, you've not only protected your Kingdom but all of Equestria."

Sleipnir turns to Celestia and said "My daughter was wise to choose you as her student."

Shining Armor and Cadence appear beside Twilight.

"We're so proud of you Twily."

As he hugs his younger sister, he suddenly takes not of Flash behind her. He then got out of the hug and points an accusing hoof at Flash.

"What's he doing here!?"

Flash then puts a hoof around Twilight.

"Relax Captain the princess has already given me a full pardon."

Twilight then smiles at Flash and said "It's true BBBFF."

Shining Armor begins grinding his teeth in fury.

Thunderlane then comes up beside him and said "Don't worry sir I can vouch for these gentle colts."

Shining Armor's rage quells then he brushes the subject.

"Yes well we must prepare a rescue for the pillars of Equestria."

Then they heard a voice that said. "No need captain!"

They all turn to see Star swirl and the rest of the pillars behind him.

"We're already here."

Twilight approaches him and the other pillars and asked. "Star Swirl the bearded! How did you escape?"

RockHoof then said. "There was some big commotion back at midnight castle."

Then Flash Magnus spoke. "Once the guards were gone, it was easy to escape."

Later at the throne room where Sleipmir and Celestia stood beside the king and queen.

The alicorn king look down proudly at the 12 ponies and Spike and all Equestria watch from behind.

"You ponies have done Equestria a great service. Twilight Sparkle and her friends in retrieving the Elements of Harmony! And Flash Sentry and his allies in defeating King Sombra." All the ponies were now wearing metals awards.

Discord suddenly appears besides the alicorn king. "Ahem aren't we forgetting some one?" He coughs into his fist.

Then Sleipmir gesture to Spike placing a metal around him.

"Yes Spike the dragon for his nobility and courage."

Then Discord's jaw drops to the floor.

A bunch of arrows lights up behind him as he points up himself. "Helloooooo!"

Sleipmir then rolls his eyes and then said "All right you can have you're freedom again."

Discord gives to thumbs up.

Sleipmir gestures Discord towards the 12 ponies and spike. "But Flash Sentry and his friends will be keeping an eye on you!"

The chaos titan then crosses his arms in frustration. "Hmph...If didn't know any better I'd say you don't trust me."

Then Sleipmir "I don't."

Then Discord appears and hold Flash and Fluttershy tightly.

"Well at least I'm back with old friends again!"

Then Celestia approaches Twilight and Flash and said "Twilight you have accomplished so much more than you know on this journey."

The sun princess the look over the mane six, stallion six and Spike. "You, and your friends still have a great adventure ahead of you."

Then Rainbow Dash flies between Twilight and Flash the said "Well whatever it is. We can handle it!"

Pinkie Pie hugs Cheese tightly and said "Together as friends!"

Soarin chimes besides Applejack and said "Fighting whatever evil forces we come across!"

TrenderHoof then whispers to Rarity besides Troubleshoes "Personally I'd rather spend a day at the spa." That made Rarity giggles.

Back with King Nightlight who whispers to Queen Velvet nervously. "But what about the marriage plan?"

Then Queen Velvet points her husband towards Flash and Twilight who were laughing.

Queen velvet then said to her husband. "I think we can hold that off for a while."

Then a fat light purple alicorn with a curly mongo color mane and tail and his eyes are pin green. He is the alicorn of parties named Liamire appears before a surprise Celestia and Sleipmir and shouted "Enough talk! Let us get on to the victory party! What, What!"

He then turn to a white coated unicorn with a spikey blue mane mare with headphones and sunglasses and said "DJ Pon-3 drop me some nasty victory party beat!"

Then she hits her turntables and the boom boxes sound "D-D-D-DJ Pon-3 Gonna get freaky! V-V-V-Victory party style!"

We see random ponies dancing together.

Spike has a lampshade on his head and dances with Pinkie and Cheese.

Discord dances between an annoyed Luna and Enbarr.

Liamire blows a noise maker before Celestia and Hippocampus.

Thunderlane watches as Fluttershy Soarin and Rainbow Dash dancing. while TrenderHoof sitting next to Rarity.

Troubleshoes notices Applejack and her family.

Then with Shining Armor glares a Flash dancing with Twilight. But then her pink alicorn lover approaches him and said "Let it go Shining I have a feeling this is meant to last."

Meanwhile from a cliff, three sets of hooves look down at the lights of the party at Tambelon castle, it was Trixie Starlight and Sunset watching on.

Then Trixie looks down sadly with the other two at her side.

"They sure look like they're having fun down there."

Starlight put's a sympathetic hoof on her as she said "I sure wish we could join."

But then Sunset smiles as she places her hooves around Starlight and Trixie. "Wed don't need them or Sombra! We have each other!"

Then three ponies leave the cliffside, and the lights of the party behind and then Starlight asked "So what now?"

Then a hoof appears behind the trio of unicorns and the owner of it said "Perhaps I can be of assistance."

Then appears another unicorn mare she had a dark red coat and her mane and tail are dark pink she has a scare on her right eye and she also wear black armor. But most knowability her horn is broken and also there was a large blimp behind her. Her armor and the blimp had a golden horse on them.

Then Sunset asked "Who are you?"

"My name is Tempest Shadow I'd like to talk to you about an organization called H.O.R.S.E."

Meanwhile back at Midnight castle that is now burnt to ruins yet some how still standing.

We see leading a limping Sombra into the ruins of his Throne Room.

Cujo then said "Well this is just great! Frist we lost the lamp! Next we lost the battle! And now the castle trashed!"

Sombra's eyes flame as he glares in Cujo's face then the diamond dog leader loses his bluster.

"But hey, what I know."

Cujo then places Sombra on his broken throne.

"You know very little Cujo."

Sombra places his hooves together in dark contemplation and said "This is only a minor set back."

Then Cujo nervously approaches Sombra's throne with his diamond dogs behind him.

"So...What are we gonna do next boss..."

Then a new voice enter the room that said "I have a suggestion."

It was Catrina appears from the shadows and then she said "The elements of Harmony is not the only power in Equestria."

She the place past the diamond dogs and Sombra.

"There is another power in Equestria a darker power."

The feline witch then holds her orb, an image glowing in it.

"And I know how to release it."

Then we focus on the orb to see the silhouette of the Titans lord himself Tirek.

This took longer then I thought but It's done join more of the ponies in My little pony adventures

Comments ( 6 )

I sense Aladin vibes here. Good storie, waiting for hopefuly a sequel or sorties on the same universe.

Just watched Wish Dragon the other day so this was a welcome surprise. I'll keep this on my fav.



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Yep. Especially you write a conversation like this:

Flash "Just a sack of grain guys!"

Guards "Tear them apart, take it back guys!"

Flash "I can take a hint, gotta faced the facts. You're my only friends, you two!"

Flower ponies "Who? Oh it's sad these three have hit rock bottom they've become a three-horse team of crime!"

Matilda "I'd blame parents expect they haven't got them!"

Soarin "Gotta eat to live!"

Flash "Gotta steal to eat!"

All three Colts "Tell all about it when got the time!"

Flash "One trot ahead of the slowpokes

One skip ahead of our doom!"

Soarin "Next time, I'm goanna stay inside my room!"

Cheese "(You don't have a room!)

Flash "One trot ahead of the stallions

One hit ahead of the herd."

Cheese "This day couldn't get anymore absurd!"

Guards "Stop thieves!"

Doctor Hooves "Vandals!"

Flash and Soarin "Cheese!"

Spoiled Rich "Scandals!"

Flash "Let's not be so vicious."

Derpy "Still I think their so delicious!"

Flash "Gotta eat to live."

Soarin "Gotta steal to eat!"

All 3 "Otherwise we can get along!"

Flash "One Trot ahead of the hoofbeat!"

Guards "Vandals!"

Compare to this:

Soarin: Gotta steal to eat



Found no different

Why did you make the cover art so uselessly small?

Then the alicorn king himself Sleipmir appears and said "Indeed you have." He was a very tall stallion with eight legs and bigger wings and longer horn. Her had a bright light and facile hair eyes mane, and tail and his cutie mark have three black tringle.


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