• Published 19th Jun 2021
  • 1,232 Views, 19 Comments

My little pony Adventures Pilot - Kayceejr91

Behold my and my friend CLegoguy alternated version of MLP

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my little pony adventures chapter 7

We now see the ponies on the blimp going higher and Trenderhoof is now pulling in Rarity onto the main deck and then the fashion mare then hugs tightly the unicorn con artiest and said "Oh you saved us, you heroic stallion!" This made Trednerhoof blush and made Spike made jealous.

Flash then to trot to Trenderhoof and said while cynical "I thought you two had business to attend to. What made you change your mind?"

Then Trednerhoof said while pointing to to his big colt partner "Don't look at me, this was all Troubleshoes idea!"

Troubleshoes glared at him with a annoyed look.

The next morning came and now we see the ponies and Spike on the main deck looking over the edge, chancing charts. Thunderlane Twilight, Flash and Trendeerhoof are gathered around a map.

Then Thunderlane asked Twilight "What's our next course of action, princess Twilight?"

Twilight then said "The remaining Elements lie in Cloudsdale, Seaquestria, and the Dragonlands." She then turn to the others and said "The Dragonlands are said to be exceptionally dangerous. So we should avoid them as much as possible.

Then Trenderhoof gestures to trouble, who is piloting and said "Well, whenever you're going you'd better decide quickly, because after that we're out of here."

Flash was shocked after hearing out and then angrily said "Seriously!? What is with you guys and ditching us!?"

Then Trenderhoof barked back "You're not the only one with problems you know! In case it's not obvious we owe a large amount of bits to a very dangerous character. Which we just wasted on this blimp to rescue you!"

We now see the entire blimp while Trenderhoof shouted in a rage "Aaahhh!"

Then Twilight then walked to him and said "You did all of that for us?"

Then Trender said "Well it was mostly Trobleshoes idea. But I was the one who had the bits."

Then the purple princess said "How's this for a compromise I will personally pay off all of your depts if and only if you help you help us find the remining elements of harmony."

Then Trenderhoof shakes Twilight's hoof and said "I suppose those terms are acceptable."

Then Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Cheese are looking over the edge of the blimp.

Then Pinkie then said "Let's see I spy with my pinkie eye. Something purple!"

Then Spike said "Is it the blimp?"

Then the pink pony said "Yay, you got it right!"

Then Cheese said "Well I spy with my cheesy eye something that's purple and green."

Then Pinkie said while picking up the little dragon "It is Spike?"

Cheese then noogies the young drake and then said "Yes you got it right!"

Then Pinkie said "Okay I spy with my pinkie eye something purple with a little shade of pink."

Then Cheese said while he points to Twilight and said "Is, it princess Twilight?"

Then Spike freaks out between the two party ponies and said "Oh for pony's sake! Can't you guys spy anything that's not on the ship!?"

Then Cheese then said "Okay I spy with my cheesy eye something black with a skull and cross bones and it's headed this way!"

Then Spike panics and said "Whaaaaat!?"

Then we see a bigger blimp with a skull and cross bones on it.

The ponies gasp as they see the air ship approach them. Then as it got closer we now see pirates and lots of them not as big as Sombra's but still plenty of great numbers.

Then we see a silhouette on the main sail and as soon as Tredner saw this he said "Oh no. not him."

Then the silhouette came down on the main deck of his ship. We see that he is a griffin he had a head claws of a black hawk and a body of a black panther. He wears a blue pirate captain suite and a red scarf. Then he said in a Italian accent while raise his sward "Shipmates! Let us pillage and plunder!"

The monstrous crew roars in agreement "Yaaaarr!"

Then he and the pirates started to sing.

The pirate chorus "Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh-yo Yo-oh Yo-oh Yo-oh!"

Then one pirate "Avast yo ponies! Fainthearted!"

The pirate chorus "We rule the skies uncharted cruel and vicious creatures we who sail across the skies and not the sea!"

Then the griffin captain said "'Tis I who lead this fearsome crew! With swagger, Moxy, and daring do!" He said that last part while holding a daring do book but then to counted "Handsome and fearsome and suave!"

The chorus sang "He the famous captain Don Gri'fain! Hoist the flag and weigh the anchors circle the ship and pull to flank'er hi-oh, he live to plunder!"

Then Gri'fain "It's true, I live to plunder!"

The chorus the sang "High up in the sky amidst a sea of storm and thunder!"

Gri'fain then sang "No back to me, the main event a pernicious, vicious griffin gent! A frustratingly charming braggart!"

Then the chorus then sang "He'll steal all of your treasure and your heart!"

Gri'fain sang "And now we dance! Ha!"

The chorus then sang "He's Don Gri'fain!"

Then Gri'fain sang "That's me!"

Chorus sang "He's don Gri'fain!"

Gri'fain sang "Still me!"

Chorus sang "Pilfer the loot to fill our coffer!"

The captain's parrot sang "Be a pleasure takin' off ya!"

The chorus sang "We'll put on a show! Then steal into the clouds, away we go!"

Gri'fain "To the clouds, away we go!"

Chorus "Yo-Ho!"

Then after that see the pirates begins to board the ship and then the ponies start to fight the pirates.

Applejack and Troubleshoes started to kick away some pirates while spike and Fluttershy hide behind Thunderlane who is punching some other pirates, and Rainbow Dash and Soarin got ropes around their wing pulling them down then tied them up.

The next thing the ponies knew they were all tied up and cornered by the pirates.

Then the griffin sky pirate captain came out in front of his shipmates with his sward in claw pointing at the ponies "Congratulations ponies!" He said while standing proudly. "You have the great honor of being captured by the greatest pirate in the skies! Don Gri'fain!"

Rainbow Dash then said with an confused "Who?"

Don Grif'ain then freaks out and said "Hav...Have you not been paying attention!? We sang and song about it and everything!? I am the famous Don Grif'ain!"

Then a goblin pirate appears behind him and sings "He's the famous captain Don Grif'ain!" The griffin captain then turn a looked at him with annoyed glare.

Then he kicked him the pirate goblin off the edge of the ship and fell to the ground (don't worry he doesn't die he just got a big owie) He then scream "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Then Don Grif'ain gestures to the ponies with his sward and said "I do believe they get the point." Then he glare at the rest of the pirates and said "I trust there will be no more interruptions?" The pirates shook their heads no then he turn to the ponies but mostly Trenderhoof who he points his sward to his neck and said "Anyway it has been a long time Trenderhoof!"

Then Trender sweats beside the others ponies and then said "Hey Grif'ain Buddy I was just on my way to pay Charlatan back."

Then the griffin pirate said "Do not think you can charm your way out of this one! Charlatan has placed a large bounty on your heads, luckily I got to you first!"

Then Trender sighs and then he gestures to the other ponies beside him "Fine do what you want to me just let rest of them go."

Then the pirate griffin waves a wanted poster of princess Twilight on it and said "I think not King Sombra will pay a hefty prince for the princess and her friends!"

"No!" Trender said

Then Don Grif'ain ordered his crew ""Take them to the bring!"

Later at the bring the ponies are once again imprison.

Then Rarity approach Trenderhoof giving a stern glare and said "I can't believe you would associate you're slave with such riff raff!"

Then Trenderhoof angrily replied "Well excuse me not all of us can live in a fancy!"

Then Rarity replied "Well I'm sorry that you we're clearly raised in a barn!"

Then Trender said "And I'm sorry I spent my payment to Charlatan saving you all!" Then huffs away to the other side of the bring and while doing so he said "You're welcome by the way!"

Then Rarity felled ashamed of herself by sounding ungrateful. But while that going on Spike sits on a bench next to Pinkie playing harmonica and the little dragon said "Well what do we do now?"

Applejack then said to the others "Come on everypony! This ain't our first time breaking out of the slammer!"

Troubleshoes then stand next to her and said "She's right ya'll we've been through worst then this and we've always gotten out of trouble."

Then Flash smirked while he pulled out discord's lamp and said "Good to hear and I believe I know our way out of this."

He then rubbed the lamp and then out came a giant puff of smoke appear between the ponies then Discord emerge from the and he was wearing a monocle and a top hat and held Twilight's hoof and shake it very fast and said "Princess Twilight Sparkle a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" He then pulled Fluttershy in for a hug and said "Flutter bear! I haven't seen you since fim!" Fluttershy has no idea what's going on and looked confused.

Flash then said "Everypony this is discord he's been helping me out through this entire journey."

Then Discord begin to tap dance and said "Yes! the all powerful, wish granting Discord titian of chaos!"

Flash then said to Discord and said "Yes and I'm ready for my second wish..."

But then Discord interrupted him by saying while raises his ear and said "Do'st my ears deceive me?" He appeared a foam figure and then he said "You are down to one my boy!"

Flash then smirked and said "Actually I never wished us into the castle you did that yourself!"

After hearing that Discord just stood there dumbfounded, breaking his confidence. He also does a double take "Duh! Buh! Ohhh.." He then pulled up and Aladdin poster and said "I should have paid more attention to the movie." He then snaps his claws and now he is dress and look like the godfather with the other ponies setting around a poker table and turn spike in to a cat on his lap and then he said "Okay sonny Jim you've made an offer I cannot refuse but no more freebies."

Then Flash then sakes his claw and said "Deal. Now I wish you would help us take back are ship."

Then Discord snapped his claw and then he dressed like jack sparrow and then the ponies stand behind him in pirate attire, while spike has turn to a parrot. Then Discord said in a Jack Sparrow voice "At ease mates we'll take back this vessel dead or alive but most likely alive."

Then back on deck, the pirates turn when they hear a bang. They now see the ponies and Discord dress in pirates costumes and began to fight the griffin's crew. We see Rainbow dash and Thunderlane sward fighting with some pirates, Pinkie shoots off a party cannon with cheese inside and blast some scurvy dogs and Spike then pecks some others on the head.

The Don Grif'ain then shouted "What is going on here!?"

Then he heard a voice that shouted "Grif'ain!" He then turn and see that discord now dress as Arrol flynn on the mast and raises his sward and said "Your time has came!"

Then The griffin flew up and drew his sward and then said "Who or what in Equestria are you!?"

Discord then has a batman mask on and then said "You're worst nightmare."

Then they started to sward fight and the griffin started freak out as he he sees that it started rain chocolate milk and then said "What is going on here!?"

Then Discord appear in front of the wheel of the ship while wearing an aviator and a toothpick in his mouth and then said "All right boys and girls It's time we take this bird to go!"

Then Twilight said "Wait? Weren't you just on the..."

Then discord slams down on the wheel and the blimp starts flying downwards dramatically.

Don Grif'ain panics and said "My fateful crew retreat! Retreat!" Then the pirates flew back to their ship and the ponies and Spike scream in panic as they scream. "Aaaaaahhhhhhh!"

Then Pinkie said holding his hooves and said "Goodbye Cheese!"

Then Cheese said while holding hers and said "Goodbye Rose!"

Then the pink pony replied "Wait who's Rose?"

Just as the blimp is about to hit the ground it screeches to a halt.

Discord points to a dial on the controls and said "Huh Would you look at that out of gas."

Then Twilight said "What !? It doesn't work like that!"

Then suddenly the blimp crashes into the ground and falls to pieces. Then ponies and Spike lie scattered amongst the rubble thankfully no one was hurt. Discord lies on the ground and drums fingers in annoyance "You just had to bring logic into it didn't you princess?" Then got out of the rubble and said "Well, that was fun! See you all for wish number three!" Then he disappear back in to the lamp.

Then ponies twelve and spike pick themselves up examining the rubble then Rainbow Dash said "Well that guy gets around."

To Be Continued