• Published 19th Jun 2021
  • 1,232 Views, 19 Comments

My little pony Adventures Pilot - Kayceejr91

Behold my and my friend CLegoguy alternated version of MLP

  • ...

my little pony adventures chapter 4

Meanwhile back at the Draconequus cave we see Flash Sentry survived the cave in and then moan and said "My aching head. Where am I?" He then looked around and see that he is trapped in the cave and then said "The cave! Served me right for trusting that creep! Him and his stupid lamp!"

He then saw something that got the corner of his eye, it was the lamp lying there he then walked to it and said "Or not." He then picked it up and continued "All this trouble for a tacky reading lamp? Why did he want it so much? Is there something written under this dust?" He the begin to rubbing the lamp.

Then a pillar of smoke begins to raise from the lamp and a large ominous figure begins to rise. Then it is revealed a creature that is serpent like he had a head of a strange pony he had right arm of a lion, and a left arm of an eagle he had a right arm of a goat and his left was a lizard and he also had goat beard and horn of an antelope and a antler of a deer and he has a tail of a snake. His eyes were yellow and his pupils are red and has larg pointed ears and a large fang. His was a mis shapped creature l and he also was wearing golden brass on his arms and neck.

The the creature was now dress like Walt Disney and pulled Flash to him and had him wear mose ears and then he said "A charming street urchin teamp up with a being of phenomenal cosmic powers! Their destinies intertwined! Now where have I seen this before?" He is now holding and Aladdin poster.

Flash just stood there dumbfounded and then the creature snapped his claws and is now wearing a leather jacket and sucking on a lollipop and leans on Flash and said "What's a matter kid never seen a Draconequus before?"

Then the blue mane pegasus just said "Um..Well I..." The creature then puts a claw on his mouth and then said "Oh where are my manners Allow me to introduce myself."

The Draconequus the dress like a host and then said with brightl latters behind him with his name on it. "ITTTT'S Discord! Live from the and..."

He the dress as a butler and said "At your service master..."

Then gold coated pegasus said "Flash... Sentry..."

Then Discord said "Flash! master Flash!"

Flash is still dumbfounded and then said "What is even happening right now?"

The Discord dress as a professior and said "Allow me to explain. One thousand years ago, I was an all powerful titans of chaos. Entire nations crumbles at the mention of my name! Then Slepnir imprison me in the lamp as if that weren't bad enough, now I have to grant three wishes to whoever owns the lamp." Then he began to sing.

Discord "Somnambula she had that giant sphinx,

Starswirl the bearded had a thousand spells

Well buddy you're in luck 'cause in you hooves

You got brand of magic never fails

You've got chaos in your conner now

Some heavy fire power in your in camp

You've got some punch,, pizzazz, yahoo and how

See all you got a do is rub that lamp

Then I appear

Master Flash Sentry, sir

What will you pleausre be?

Let me take your oder write this down

You won't never have a pal like me

Life is your frech Cafe

And I'm your waiter see

Just whisper it is you want

You never had a pal like me

My boy, I pride myself on service

You're Celestia, my queen s

Say what it is you wish

It's really yours, you dish

How bout a little tasted of something greens?

head cash

Have some from section A

Try all from Section G

I do desire, to help you sire

You ain't never had a pal like me

Can your pals do this?

Can your pals do that?

Can your pals go fish, out of their little hat?

Can your pals go PKT PKT PKT PKT PKT PKT!

I'm Discord, this is my lamp

I'll conquer all equestria, just give me the chance!"

Flash "What?"

Discord "Nothing...Mister Flash Sentry sir!

Have a wish or two or three

This is my job! Slepnir you nob

You won't never have a pal, never have a pal

You ain't never had a pal,, never had a pal

You ain't never

had a




you ain't never had a pal like me


Then Flash said "So, I'm your master and I can have any wish I want?

Then Discord dress as Truch Bull with a ruler then said "Hold on a minute mister! There are rules to these wishes! Much to my dislike."

He then pull up a board with the list of the rules of the wishes then he said

"Rule number 1 You can't wish me free. Trush me, I've tried

Rule number 2 I can't kill anyone

Rule number 3 I can't bring anyone back from the dead. Not a pretty picture

Rule number 4 Inxnay on the wishing for more wishes

Rule number 5 I can't make anyone fall in love with anyone else

Rule number 6 I cannot make the Elements of Harmony appear like magic."

The Flash said "Wait, what are the elements of harmony?"

Then Discord hushes Flash and said "Ubububu, nevermind that. What's important now is, what is your frist wish?"

Then Flash said "Well, I guess I wish I was out of this cave and with my friends."

Then the Draconequus said while snapped his claws and said "So you wished it! So shall it be!"

Then a poof happen and both of them disappear out from the cave.

Then back with Twilight and the others who were still surround by Diamond dogs but then a large poof appeared and then came from it was Flash Sentry and he was holding then lamp of which Discord when back into.

Then Cujo said "Say what now?!"

Then both Cheese and Soarin said "Flash!"

Then Flash turned to his friends and said "Guy's! It's great to see you and..." Then he turned and look around and see's the battle is about to start then he said "Did I come at a bad time?"

Then Trixie appear besides Cujo and said "Actually, you arrived at the perfect time. Because now we can retrieve both the lamp and the element!"

Then Flash stand besides the other ponies and said "Yeah, I don't think so sister."

Trixie then commanded the diamond dogs "Get Them!"

Cujo signals for an attack then a fight break out. Twilight Rarity, and Trenderhoof were zapping some dogs left and right. Rainbow Dash Flash Sentry, Soarin, and Thunderlane attacked from the sky. Troubleshoes and Applejack use their earth pony strength to knock out some diamond dogs and Pinkie and Cheese used their wacky and zany skills to take a few other dogs down.

Then during the fight Flash and Twilight bumped into each other and then both of them said "Oh sorry I..."

Then when they saw each other they both were in shocked as the recognizes each other.

Then Flash back ten years ago when they were both kids. Back in Tambelon when Twilight was in a small cage by a big mean minotaur named Long Horn and she screamed "Aaahhh! Help!"

Then Long Horn said "Aww, don't worry little princess I'll let ya go. Just as soon as your parents pay your ransomed! Till then, just make yourself comfy."

Then a rock was throwed on the minotaur then he looked to the and see who throwed it and it is a young foal Flash Sentry and he said who is on top of a building "Hey fathead! Let her go!"

Then Long horn said "Why don't you come down here and say little punk!"

Then Flash Sentry said "Okey Dokey!"

The young pony then flies, down and kicks long horn in the face which cased him to dropped the cage and braked it and set Twilight free.

Then Flash shouted to her while being on top of the mainour's descanting him. "Run!"

Then the purple princess said "Right running!"

Then the minotaur attempts to punch Flash off his head but Flash dodged it and got off his head. Then the minotaur shouted "Why you little!" The he gave his goats an order "Get her!"

The the goats said "Okay Boaaass!"

But then two barrels dropped on both their heads stopping them in their tracks and they said "Heaaaay!"

then up topped of the building we see the throwers were non other then a Cheese and Soarin looking down from above a building and the young pegasus said "Look out below jerks!"

Then the Minotaur said "You boys are makin' a big mistake! When I catch you I'm gonna..." But before he can finish he saw that a tidal wave of wooden crates that Flash pushed falls down upon his head and long horn shouted "Nooooo!"

Then we see Flash on top of the crates and then said "That's what I call a bull in a china shop!"

Then Twilight said "That was incredible! Thank you!"

Then Flash said "Oh know that's just how I do."

Then from above, Soarin and Cheese laugh at Flash and Twilight.

Soarin "Smoochy, smoochy! Someponies in love!"

Then both of them blushed at this comment and the blue mane pegasus shouted back "I am not! I hardly know her!"

Look back at Twilight embarrassed and then he said "I mean...That is...I gotta go...See ya!"

Flash then took off with his friends leaving a sad Twilight who said "Bye."

Then back at the present Flash said "It's..."

"You!" Twilight finished

Then Flash a bit confused and said "Wait I don't remember you having wings?"

Twilight then responded in a bit annoyed "Well, I remember you being smaller and cuter!"

Then Flash said was blushing "Wait you thought I was cute?"

The purple princess blushed and said in her head "Why did I say that!"

Then Fash shouted "Look out!"

She then turn a diamond dog was charging to attack but Flash was able to kick him away and then guard's her while saying "Fight now, talk later!"

Cujo then said "You ponies are really starting to get on my nerves!"

Then Spike snuck up him and then bite him of the leg making him shouted "Yeeahoow!"

Trixie then beings to floating, a blue aura surrounding her, as her cape and hat flap about in the air and she says. "Alright princess Twilight now you face me and all the power of..."

But before she could finish Twilight blasted her with her magic.

Which leads her to fall to the ground on her rump. Her cape and hat are burnt to a crisp. Then she said "Uuuuhhhmm...Retreat!"

Then the diamond dogs begin running away.

Then Flash Soarin, and Cheese star as the Diamond dogs run off.

Then the blue mane pegasus said "Well, that just happened."

Thunderlane then approach the three street thieves and then said "You know what else is happening? You three are under arrest!"

Then Twilight teleport in front of the black pegasus and then said "Lieutenant! These ponies just helped us fight against those dogs. Regardless of there crimes. As princess I here by grant them a royal pardon."

She then turn to Flash and said "Um...Sorry, I never did catch your name?"

Then Flash bowed and said "It's Flash, Flash Sentry and it was an honor you majesty."

Twilight and Flash stare at each other lovingly but then Thunderlane appear between them, backing Flash away.

Soarin then said Approaches Twilight and (coughs) then said "Excuse me Princess, but I believe this is yours. We don't really need it anymore now that we have our friend back."

Then Rainbow Dash appears him and swipes the element from Soarin and then said "Yeah well, you're lucky the princess let you off easy! Next time you won't be so lucky!"

Then Soarin flitting said "Whatever you say bebe."

Then Rainbow Dash angrily said "Babe!" She turns to tail slapped Soarin and shouted "The name's Rainbow Dash and no pony calls me babe!" She then storms off.

Then Soarin said "Oh yeah, she digs me."

Then Flash said to Twilight "Excuse my friends, they mean well, but they're not used to visiting royalty."

Then the black maned pegasus said "Sir Soarin."

Then Cheese said "And the earl of cheese sandwich."

Then both of them said "At your service you majesty."

Then Twilight who was embarrassed and then said "Oh please, none of that thank you. Well, I believe it's time we continued our quest."

She then turn to Thunderlane and said "Lieutenant!"

Then the guard pony said "Yes, your majesty?"

Twilight then said "I want you to escort Flash and his companions back to Tambelon right away."

Then Thunderlane said "But Princess. Your mother and father ordered me to..."

Then Twilight spoke back "I know what my parents asked you to do. But right now all I need is spike and my...Acquaintances on this quest. So I'm sorry, but for now I need you to return to Tambelon."

Thunderlane then sigh and said "As wish your majesty."

Then Twilight turn to Trenderhoof and Troubleshoes and said "As for you two Trenderhoof, Troubleshoes you have my thanks as well for helping us find the element." She then gave them a bag of bits she owe them."

Trederhoof then took the bags and said "Anything for royalty. Just so happens we need a guide to Tambelon as well safety in numbers and all that. Besides we have an old friend to meet." Trenderhoof cozies up to annoyed Tunderlane after he said those things.

Then Flash said "Thank you princess and, it was good to see you again."

Then Twilight said "Yes well thank you for helping us when we need it."

Then they both said sadly "Bye."

Then mane six and spike begin to part way with the stallions. while that was happens Fluttershy said to Twilight "Are you sure about this?"

Then Twilight said "I am, they're good guys, but they'll just slow down our mission."

The mane six and stallions six travel in opposite directions

Then the purple princes said "Besides, we need to find the elements before Sombra."

Meanwhile somewhere else.

Trixie and Cujo were talking to King Sombra by magic screen and he is not happy.

Then he shouted "You mean to tell me that my own daughter was bested by a couple of ponies and a baby Dragon?!"

Trixie was quivering and naked and Cujo was snickers at the hole things.

King Sombra then said "You disappoint me Trixie!"

Then Trixie said "Sorry father I..I.."

Then King Sombra stopped her and said "No Excuses!"

Then the blue unicorn said "Yes father."

Then Cujo said "Yahahahahaha! Who's the idoit now, eh boss!"

Then suddenly Cujo's mouth is magically muzzled shut and Cujo when "Mhmhm!"

Then the dark unicorn said to the diamond dog "Did I give you permission to speak Cujo! Luckily for you two, I Still have a few ticks up my hooves! But your sisters will take over from here!"

To Be Continued