• Published 26th Jun 2021
  • 1,209 Views, 29 Comments

The Eight-Six Duo - Fujimi200SX

Two young High Schoolers appear seemingly out of nowhere at Twilight's Crystal Castle, claiming to be from a place called Japan.

  • ...

Act 3: Dance to Forget



Takumi slammed his hoof down on an alarm clock he didn't remember ever setting, opening his eyes and looking over at the time.


"Hmph," Was what came out of his mouth as he groggily got out from under the covers. The room was dark, the light's most likely doused by Starlight when she checked on him.

He walked towards the door and pushed it open. He then walked out across the hall and into the door directly across from his room. He pushed it open and found a bathroom. It was as he expected. A crystal-themed bathroom. He barely took note as his horn lit up, flicking the light on and turning the sink on.

Half a minute later, Takumi was rubbing water all over his face with his hooves. It felt surprisingly nice.

He stopped the water and dried off, now feeling more awake. Soon, he found himself walking down a flight of stairs to the first floor. The first thing he noticed was that the map room had light coming from behind its two shut doors which perked his interest. He stopped in front and cracked the door open ever so slightly, and saw several ponies sitting at the map room's center table.

Two of them were Starlight and Trixie, another was the bright blue Pegasus that had stopped him from slamming into the castle, another was Rarity from the Boutique, ANOTHER was Pinkie Pie, another was a normal orange pony with a cowboy hat on, yet another was a yellow Pegasus with pink hair. And last but not least, he saw Itsuki.

What are they doing up this late? Takumi thought as he continued to eavesdrop.

"We were FLYING down the Akina Pass as fast as lightning!" Itsuki exclaimed. "Takumi and I were keeping both the R33 and Miura at bay, but they were right on our tails! It was pretty scary, to say the least. But we were still faster!"

Must be talking about our battle with Nightmare Moon and Heartbreaker. Takumi thought, lightly smiling.

"Whoo doggy, all this talk about this battle o' yours is really riling me up!" The orange mare said with a southern accent.

"I know! Doesn't it sound super duper exciting?!" Takumi heard Pinkie say. He grimaced.

"That does sound pretty cool. But I'd need to experience it for myself to know if this street racing stuff is as cool and fun as streaking through the air in a Wonderbolts race." The blue pegasus remarked.

"You should! It just isn't something you can gauge until you either see it or experience it." Itsuki said. "Maybe I could take you for a run on the downhill in my Levin!"

"Maybe you could." Starlight said before sighing. "I wonder how the princesses would react to this street racing stuff. It is pretty illegal here."

"It is in Japan too. But cops literally never patrol the mountain roads. And whenever they encounter cars that are faster than them they just give up. Unless It's an interceptor." Itsuki clarified.

"Define 'Interceptor'," Starlight asked.

"Mazda RX-7 FD, Honda NSX, I think they just rolled out a new R34 GT-R Interceptor, the list goes on."

"Wow. Not bad. Though I think we have cars that are faster."

"Name one."

"Before we do that, are you absolutely sure that you can't contact Twilight?" Takumi heard Rarity asked. Her accent was way too familiar.

"Yeah, we're sure." Starlight replied. "She's totally cut off connection. The scrolls and messages we try to send simply aren't going."

Everyone groaned.

"ALL connection?" Itsuki asked.

"Yeah." Starlight replied.

"Sheesh. It's like the boy who cried wolf." Itsuki remarked.

"And... what's that?" Trixie asked.

"Long story short, a young boy is watching over sheep to make sure a wolf doesn't come and eat them. He thinks it's funny to yell that there is a wolf when there isn't. The townsfolk are fed up, and when a wolf ACTUALLY comes, they don't believe him. And all the sheep got to kiss their rears goodbye.

Takumi snickered, as did seemingly all the ponies there.

"Yes, that about sums up this situation." Starlight said. "With Twilight up at Canterlot, It would take quite a while to get up there."

"Where is Canterlot?" Itsuki asked. "WHAT is Canterlot?"

"The city on top of Mount Sierra. Can't miss it."

"Oh. Well, I guess that begs the question, who here wants to spend half an hour driving up there?"

"Nopony is going to drive all the way up there at this time in this weather." Starlight said.


Takumi sighed and walked away from the door and down the hall to the front doors. His horn lit up with a light yellow glow, and within a split second the keys to his 86 were hovering next to him, also glowing light yellow. He pushed the front doors open and let them shut behind as he walked down the front steps. His sweater helped to fight the nippy coldness that now surrounded him as he walked towards his Trueno.

It was rather foggy as he bit down on the right door handle and pulled the door open before getting in, sitting his rear on the chair and shutting the door with his magic. His horn stopped glowing as he bit on the keys, leaning forward and inserting the key into the ignition. He turned his head.


The engine purred to life, Takumi listening to the exhaust note as the revs went back down to idle like he had done so many times before. He looked up and noticed that there were other cars in the lot. A car that looked like a white 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air. But it looked a little different from one, so maybe it was something else. Next to it was a crimson red four-door liftback he barely recognized. The front end almost resembled the new NHW10 Prius that had come out just last year, but it was a stretch.

Looking over towards the castle, he noticed a garden hose coming out from the castle. He looked down at the center cupholder and saw an empty paper cup in it. He looked between the two before sighing and opening the door via magic. The cup began floating beside him as he walked over to the garden hose, turning the nozzle and filling the cup up two-thirds of the way. He shut the water off and walked back to his car, getting in and setting the cup down into the cupholder.

Sighing, Takumi put the clutch in and shifted to first gear, slowly letting it out. He used his magic to hover the cup in the air as he drove over the dirt, not wanting it to spill.

Soon, he made it onto the tarmac road that circled Ponyville, so he set the cup back down into the cupholder. He was on the left side of the road instead of the right, not having a care in the world.

Takumi just... drove. He got on a highway, still on the left, and accelerated.

Back at the castle, Itsuki was still talking about the battle.

"Then the Cosmo brake checked the R33, allowing me to get off the embankment and jump drift into the left hairpin just in time!" Itsuki exclaimed.

"Wow!" Spike said, who had now joined them. "That sounds sick! I wonder how Takumi felt about it."

"Yeah, you guys would love to hear his perspective. I'm sure it was amazing. Wait..." Itsuki looked up at a clock that now read 3:49AM. "Oh! That alarm I set must have woken him up by now! Hold on, lemme go get him."

Itsuki got out of his chair and trotted out the room and soon went up some stairs.

"Takumi!" He said as he opened the door, looking in. "You awake?"

No response.

"Takumi?" He asked, quieter this time as he walked all the way in, leaving the door open behind him. He walked over to the bed and pulled the covers off, and found nothing. Takumi wasn't there. He grew confused as he turned around and walked across the hall, knocking on the bathroom door. "Takumi? You in there?" He asked.

Still no response, so he opened the door and peered in. The light was off, so he couldn't have been there. His eyes widened a little.

"Takumi!" He yelled suddenly as he exited the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" Starlight asked, who had just come up the stairs.

"Takumi's not in his room!" Itsuki explained quickly as he ran past her down the stairs. Starlight's eyes widened as she took off after him.

A second later, Itsuki ran into the map room. "Did any of you happen to see Takumi?" He quickly asked, getting everyone's attention. "White Alicorn with black hair?"

Everyone pretty much said no, they hadn't.

"CRAP!" Itsuki yelled as he ran right back out, taking a left towards the front doors. He burst through the doors, and his eyes shot to where his Levin was. Takumi's Trueno was nowhere to be seen. "TAKUMIII!" He yelled as Trixie of all mares ran up next to him.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Takumi is gone! His car isn't there!" Itsuki exclaimed.

"It ISN'T?!" Starlight yelled in surprise as she stopped next to the two. Her eyes widened as she saw that the Panda Trueno really was gone. "Oh no... Oh no oh no nonononono..."

"Goddammit!" Itsuki said, stomping on the floor. "Typical of him to leave without saying anything."

A few seconds later, the three were back in the map room. Everyone had worried looks on their faces.

"Ok." Starlight began. "Takumi is gone, we need to find him."

"In THIS weather?!" The blue Pegasus asked. "Have you even seen how foggy it is right now?"

"Obviously I have, Rainbow Dash. But..." She let out a small groan. "I just want to find him immediately. He is way too important for us to lose."

"Well, it shouldn't be that hard to find him." The yellow Pegasus said with a rather soft voice. "Almost nopony is on the roads at this time."

"Still." Starlight replied. "We don't even know how long ago he left. He could be miles away."

"Well, then we should get out there!" The orange southern pony said. "Ah' can grab my car!"

"Yeah, and race along the highways looking for him?" Itsuki asked. "I know Takumi. At this time of night, the only thing he would want to do is attack the mountain pass."

"Well there's a few mountain passes 'round here. Dunno which one he coulda' gone too though." The southerner replied.

"Then ah' don't know," Itsuki said with his own southern-like accent. Though it sounded a little bit australian.

"Are you mockin' me?!"

"A little! I just thought it sounded a bit funny."

"At least you're honest."

Starlight just rolled her eyes. "So who wants to go look for Takumi?" She asked.

Takumi hummed to himself a typical late-90s high-bpm tune as he took an exit ramp to get off the highway, going left onto a road leading to a large mountain. He knew that this was the mountain that he had seen in the rearview mirror as he and Itsuki ended the battle. He stopped singing and sighed.

"My legacy-, no, our legend..." He said to himself, rubbing the Trueno's dashboard. "Our legend has ended. Back in Japan. I was hoping that this was just a dream, a really detailed lucid dream, but no. It wasn't. In a few years, we really will become the White Ghost of Akina. Maybe we'll show up as an actual ghost at around Four, following whoever happens to be on the pass and overtaking them on a corner."

He was now traveling uphill, weaving around a left hairpin.

"I guess our legend hasn't ended, and it will probably live on for years to come." He continued. "People will talk about how the Panda Trueno rose up from Akina, beating everyone it faced. The Akagi RedSuns, Myogi Nightkids, Impact Blue, Team Emperor, all of them. None of them expected that an 86 could beat them. I didn't expect to beat them. Or race them. How did I ever get through life without being a street racer..."

Several minutes later, Takumi pulled into a parking lot at the top of the Canterlot Turnpike. He stopped next to a guardrail facing the mountain's edge. He couldn't see much since the fog faded in after a few hundred feet. It was almost creepy.

Takumi stared at the water in the cup. Not a single drop had spilled from it, which made him smile. Turning the engine off, he got out and looked behind at the lot. It was a weird design to some, a small space several hundred feet long for parking on each side, but it had been done, in his world at least, to allow people to park at the top of Mount Akina and gaze out over the beautiful landscape. That was probably the case here.

He stared at the lots. There wasn't a single car in them. That was to be expected considering the time. But as he stared, he began to hallucinate.

At first, the changes were small. Two guardrails appeared between the road and parking lots, stretching most of the way except for the ends of the lots to allow cars to access them. Then, cars began appearing. Not generic sedans or pickup trucks, but sports cars. Japanese Sports Cars. A Mint Green Nissan S13 Silvia, a white Nissan 180SX, another red 180SX, the list went on. Soon, the lot was filled with over a dozen Japanese Sports Cars, with humans gathered around them.

Takumi yelped when he saw a car with two humans next to him. A white Toyota Corolla Levin was right next to him.

"Itsuki!?" he yelled in surprise at a young man looking at the engine bay of the Levin. It was his friend Itsuki, as a human. He was accompanied by a slightly taller man. "Iketani?" He asked, growing confused when they didn't respond.

He noticed that he was about half the size of Itsuki, his head up to a bit past Itsuki's waist. He stopped right next to them, listening to them talk.

"Yeah, she's sturdy for a 3 Series," Iketani said not in English, but in Japanese.

"Yep!" Itsuki replied, also in Japanese. "I don't even care that I make about 80 horses. Ever since Takumi showed me just how fast a car can be, I've been training to go faster and faster!"

"Guys?" Takumi asked, reaching to push Itsuki's pant leg. He gasped. His hoof had just gone straight through him! He pulled back quickly, looking at his hoof. Nothing had happened to it. He looked around. This is just a hallucination... He thought.

He peeked into the Levin's engine bay, looking at it. His eyes widened a little. Where's the turbo? He wondered. Out of curiosity, he pushed his hoof into the front bumper. Surprisingly, it didn't go through. He sighed and looked around.

"Why is Itsuki using his Eight-Five?" He asked. "I know he sold Its turbo, which is why it doesn't have it, but why would he be using it over his Eight Six?"

He looked over at the road and saw a few more cars. A White Mazda RX-7 FC, the predecessor to the famed RX-7 FD of the 1990s. Speaking of, there was a Yellow RX-7 FD in front of the FC along with an orange Nissan S14 Silvia, successor to the S13. Takumi gasped.

"Wait... are those the... RedSuns?" he asked, trotting over.

He stopped next to the yellow FD. It was the same FD as the one he had passed in his daydream yesterday.

"This is Keisuke's FD, but It's back in the RedSuns spec!" Takumi continued. "Why? And why would Ryosuke race under the RedSuns name? Was I that important to Project D?" He glanced at a man in his mid-20s that was leaning against the white FC. He was six feet tall, had brown eyes, dark blue hair, a dark blue shirt with a white jacket, and white jeans. The man looked like he was deep in thought, as he was simply looking at the ground with his eyes closed.

He looked just behind the FC and saw another man the same height as the FC's driver standing. He had blond hair, a dark grey sweater, forest green jeans, and was fairly muscular.

"Where the hell is that damn thing?" the blonde asked.

"Patience Keisuke," the FC's driver replied. "He'll show."

"HE'S HERE!" Someone yelled before anyone could even breathe. "AKINA'S EIGHT-SIX!"

The crowd cheered as headlights appeared around a curve. It was a black and white Trueno very similar to Takumi's minus the carbon hood and headlights. As it came to a stop several feet in front of the FC3S, Takumi saw Itsuki, Iketani, and another man run to it as the right door opened. He then noticed the lettering on the right side, lettering that made him gasp.

Fujiwara Tofu Shop (Private Use)

"That's my car!" Takumi yelled as he saw a young teenager get out of the car, Itsuki immediately grabbed the teen. "That's... that's me?" Takumi asked, realizing that he was staring at himself.

"Final goddamn lee., Takumi heard Keisuke, the blond man, say, causing him to look back. Keisuke was just staring at Takumi's human counterpart.

Finally, Takumi's mind clicked.

"This... this is my race with Ryosuke..." Takumi said in realization, looking around. "This night held the battle that totally kicked off my racing career. My race with Keisuke, Nakazato, Shingo, hell, even Mako and Sayuki, they were all fine. But this was the race that really kicked things off."

This video is something for PC users. Mobile Users don't need it. Play it in the background as you read.

"You're late," Keisuke growled in a harsh and aggressive tone, causing Takumi to look at him. Keisuke scoffed. "You're still as ignorant as the day I raced you. You were supposed to be here by ten."

There was a pause.

"I've been waiting for you," the FC's driver, Ryosuke, said.

All was silent as Ryosuke stopped leaning on the FC and turned to face Human Takumi. Pony Takumi turned to face his human counterpart who was just staring at Ryosuke. Suddenly, Ryosuke walked straight through Takumi, causing his whole body to tingle. After quickly regaining composure, he watched Ryosuke walk towards Human Takumi, silent. It felt like years.












Finally, Ryosuke stopped a few feet in front of Human Takumi, hands in pockets. The two stared for a moment before finally, Ryosuke spoke.

"I find it impressive that you've been able to learn so many advanced techniques in such a short amount of time," Ryosuke remarked, his tone calm and collected. "Given of course that you're still a teenager."

Takumi looked at Human Takumi.

"It's not a big deal," Human Takumi replied. "I've probably driven Akina Pass more than anyone else, so I'm just really used to it. I don't know any special techniques or anything, I just like to drive." Pony Takumi mouthed the whole sentence perfectly.

Ryosuke just stared. His expression hadn't changed.

"Honestly I think you're overestimating what I'm capable of. The fact is I'm not as good as you think I am."

Ryosuke smiled. "That's an interesting way of looking at it," he remarked. "Either you're extremely modest or you still don't understand the extent of your own potential."

Human Takumi seemed a little surprised, and there was a moment of silence.

"You are quite a... unique kid," Ryosuke finally said, slightly surprising Human Takumi again.

Ryosuke turned around and began to walk to his FC. He took off his white sweater and threw it onto Keisuke's shoulder, and opened the right door of the FC.

"We're doin' this?" Keisuke asked.

Ryosuke looked at him. "Let's get this race started. It should be a fun evening for us." He said, getting into the FC.

Keisuke stood up straight. "Alright! Get these cars off the road!" he yelled to the other racers.

Pony Takumi walked back through the parking lot as several cars started their engines. Piston engines and Rotaries purred to life as cars turned around and pulled into the parking lot. As they did so, Takumi got in his AE86 and started Its engine, the tachometer revving up before slowly crawling back down to idle.

"It wouldn't hurt to follow the race," Takumi admitted. "It's not like they can see me. And it would give me a chance to see just how far I've come." He checked the rearview mirror and was about to shift to reverse when his eyes widened.

He opened the door again and leaned out, looking at the parking lot. Everything was gone. The cars, the people, even the tension. He was alone.

Takumi looked back forward, closing the door. "I guess that's all it was..." he said, staring at the fog that lay past the guardrail. "A hallucination. But..." He groaned. "Why let me go through all of that, just to take it away from me just before the battle begins? To screw with me?"

vrrrrrOOOOOmm- KSH! - vrroooooo-

A rotary engine was fast approaching, making Takumi look in his mirror. Beams of light were appearing from around the trees. The car was coming from Canterlot which sat a quarter mile from where Takumi was. He could tell because he could see the castle that seemed to stretch a third of a mile into the air.

Suddenly, the car appeared from around the bend, flying by at high speed. Its dark blue silhouette resembled a sleek sports car. Takumi couldn't see it well, but it almost looked like an S13. He sighed as it disappeared, and put the Trueno into reverse.

"All that I want..." he slowly said as he put it in first gear and got on the road, eyeing the taillights ahead. "Is to go home. I won't even be able to..." He chuckled. "I won't be able to produce offspring and continue the legend of Akina's Eight-Six. Even if the kid got a different Eight Six, I would be happy. This would have been totally fine if I had at least... did it with someone."

Mr. M - All That I Want starts playing. (Another video to play in the background)

"But no. It had to happen in the heat of my career. With an actual rivaling team to battle, I think I was getting to the point where I would have been able to beat Satoru and the Wonderbolts. It just had to happen THEN. WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN AFTER I RACED SATORU?!" he yelled, slamming his hoof onto the dashboard.

He sighed. "Would getting with someone even be worth it?" he asked as he traveled around a left corner, not hitting the brakes at all. "I'm gonna live a thousand years, so how would I be able to maintain a relationship with someone? I guess it would be fun for the first decade or so, but after that, whoever I got with would begin to show their age. I'd probably stay looking young."

Takumi turned around a right corner, once again not braking. The water in the cup rolled to one side before settling.


He saw the taillights from before disappearing around a right hairpin ahead, making him gasp.

"That's a racer? In this world?" he asked, eyeing the small digital clock on the center of the dashboard. 4:27AM. "Why would anyone race? Even in my world, who in their right mind would race at this time?"

His eyes shifted to the tachometer which slowly increased past 7000RPM's along with the engine's pitch. He could feel himself pushing harder. Finally, he looked forward.

I guess I might as well see how well do racing in pony form. He thought, slamming on the brakes and swerving sideways into the right hairpin.


The Trueno drift through the inside of the hairpin at speed, hitting the apex perfectly and exiting less than an inch from the guardrail. He gripped around a left curve and saw the taillights ahead. They were a wide bright red bar. In the car ahead, Its driver Instantly noticed the headlights fast approaching.

"I thought I saw a car back there!" The driver exclaimed with a slightly low female voice. "But how is it catching up? Is it another racer? At this time?" A pair of cyan-colored pupils looked forward, and the driver gasped as she stepped on the brakes and swerved sideways through a left corner, turning and drifting the other way into a right corner. The car exited, and she exhaled.

"No matter," the driver said. "I shall lose it within a couple of corners. I would not want anypony to find out that I do this."

Behind, the water in the paper cup rolled about as Takumi downshifted and drifted into the same left corner before flicking the other way into the right corner. He exited beautifully and saw the car ahead drift around a left hairpin.

"Now this, I can get used to," Takumi said as he pushed his front hooves into the steering wheel. He suddenly sent the wheel to the left, offsetting the Trueno's weight and sending it sideways into the hairpin. He let the wheel fly the other way and caught the drift, pushing hard on the throttle.

The Panda Trueno careened around the inside before Takumi let it understeer towards the outside. He pressed on the throttle and exited the hairpin centimeters from the guardrail. He eyed the paper cup as the water sloshed towards the rear, just barely cresting the edge of the cup before settling. Takumi smiled as he looked ahead at the taillights that he was quickly gaining.

Wow. I'm not doing that bad, he thought. In fact, I think I'm running at about the same pace I was when I raced Keisuke.

Ahead in the S13 lookalike, the driver gasped, and her cyan eyes went wide.

"What? It is catching up? How?!" The driver asked as her hoof pushed the gear shift around. "I am in a Mazda Cosmo JC!"

The Midnight Blue Mazda Cosmo JC braked and drifted through a quick right corner. Takumi didn't brake and began drifting about a hundred feet before the corner, barely countersteering and flying through it with ease. He straightened out and was now right behind the Cosmo.

The Cosmo driver's eyes went wide with confusion as she stared at the car behind her. "It caught up!? What even is that thing?!"

The driver pressed hard on the throttle and began accelerating away. She pulled away quite a bit until she braked and pulled the handbrake up to initiate a drift. Takumi drifted in behind at speed, downshifting and flooring it with minimal countersteer. The Cosmo's driver looked behind and grew horrified.

"Woah is that-" The driver did a double-take. "Is that the Sprinter?!" she exclaimed as she and Takumi exited the hairpin. The Cosmo fishtailed heavily, costing speed. "That cannot be the Sprinter Trueno I saved the other night!"

They approached a left hairpin. Takumi let out a small groan as he and the Cosmo braked and drifted into the hairpin.

It is! the driver internally yelled. I recognize those symbols! That is the same car I helped in battling Nightmare Moon and Heartbreaker!

They exited. Takumi pressed against the Cosmo's bumper. His tachometer revved up past 10K RPM as their speeds increased. Before long, both cars were flying down a straightaway at high speed. The Cosmo Driver's eyes kept darting to the mirror as Takumi slowly fell behind due to lack of power.

"This is crazy!" the pony said. "I have clearly got power in the straights, but at each corner, he is catching up! How?! It is just a Sprinter!"

The cars approached a left curve that might as well have been a hairpin with the speed they were doing, causing the Cosmo to lock up Its rear wheels and floor it with full countersteer. Takumi groaned again as he went in behind, parallel drifting right behind the Cosmo.

Shoot! the driver thought as they drifted. We are moving so fast! How is that Sprinter keeping up?!

"This is so sloow..." Takumi slowly said with a disinterested tone as they exited the curve. The Cosmo swerved into the left lane suddenly, which made Takumi swerve into the right lane and speed ahead. The Cosmo Driver's Cyan Eyes looked on in aw at the sight,

Does he even know this road? she thought. After this slow right is a sharp left! You gotta slow down!

Takumi oversteered and allowed the rear to kick out, and he began understeering towards the outer guardrail. The Cosmo braked.

"I knew it! You are going in way too fast! Slow down!" the driver yelled.

Takumi let off the throttle and countersteered hard suddenly, causing the 86 to flick the other way into the sharp left corner. The Cosmo's driver gasped at the sight she had just seen.


The 86 disappeared around the bend as the Cosmo slid sideways. The driver pressed a little on the throttle with full countersteer and yelped as the Cosmo slid into the dirt. She pressed the brakes and came to a stop half on and half off the road, completely sideways.

Music ends.

Takumi had watched the scene unfold, and he let off the throttle, smiling. "My first Inertia Drift as a pony. That felt... amazing to pull off." He looked forward, then back at the spun-out Cosmo. "Hmm..."

Back in the Cosmo, the driver stared at her Cosmo's steering wheel, her breathing heavy and shaky.

That move looked... impossible, the driver thought. Yet that maniac did it. I know that Sprinter was quick when I helped it and It's Levin Friend the other night, but how could it have performed that move?

She replayed the scene in her head. The 86 was approaching the guardrail, nothing short of a heavy wind spell should have been able to stop it from careening into the guardrail. Yet, it had flicked the other way and shot to the other side of the road just in time to swing around the left corner.

It looked like... art, she continued thinking. It was so smooth, uninterrupted, and elegant, like my sister at a celebration. And that is really saying something.

I know that an FD is a fast machine, but how could an 86 be that fast? It had speed on the straights, but I was still faster on said straights. So that means that I was losing in the corners. But how? I am in a Mazda Cosmo JC!

"Unless..." she said, looking at the rearview mirror and staring at her dark blue-coated self. "Could it be me? Am I simply not good enough? I have nearly trained my flank off these past three nights since I got this JC, and even more with my R33 before that. Am I simply not good enough?"


The pony looked to her right and saw the 86 come to a stop a few feet away on the side of the road, and gasped.

Takumi had decided to come back to make sure the driver of the Cosmo was alright. To him, the spin seemed pretty bad. But as he slowed to a stop on the side of the road, several feet away, he saw that the crash wasn't bad at all. Only the front bumper seemed slightly dislodged on one side. Takumi sighed as he got out. He looked up and saw a dark blue pony about the size of that cyan-colored pony he had seen at the Carousel whatever-it-was getting out of the right side of the Cosmo.

"I know I really should not be doing this, but I must ask, where did you learn to drive like tha-" The pony stopped, and the two stared at each other. Takumi didn't know why she was staring, but he knew why he was staring.

He recognized this pony. Or, not the pony, but he recognized her hair.

The pony's hair flowed like mist around her. It was dark blue with what looked like white sparkly stars in it. Combined with her dark blue coat and royal-looking outfit, it made her look rather beautiful. But Takumi recognized the hair from something else. An image flashed through his mind. An image of a jet black Nissan Skyline BNR33 GTR surrounded by the same dark blue mist, flowing in the wind as it chased him in his 86.