• Published 26th Jun 2021
  • 1,209 Views, 29 Comments

The Eight-Six Duo - Fujimi200SX

Two young High Schoolers appear seemingly out of nowhere at Twilight's Crystal Castle, claiming to be from a place called Japan.

  • ...

Act 19: Why We Race





Super Soft Alicorn Fur.

That was all Takumi felt. Even with part of him against Luna's Regalia, he didn't care. He couldn't think. With Celestia's feathers against his own, and Luna's breathing on his shoulder, he couldn't care less about anything else.

How would he put the feeling? Well, it felt like being out in 0-degree weather, then getting into his 86 that was already completely heated up, with the heater barely blowing. Just a bunch of heat consuming him from all sides.

They sat there, hugging each other, for what felt like hours. None of them moved. They didn't want to move. Takumi especially didn't want to move.

Not even my father was able to hug me like this. He finally managed to think. He took in a small breath. Do I really love Luna? No... no... I couldn't. I've barely met her. I've only known her for a few days.

Celesta raised a hoof and wiped the tears off her face as best she could. Afterward, she looked down at the two, wrapping her hoof around them again. Her little sister, Luna, who she had banished to the moon for a thousand years ago, forcing her to come back to an unfamiliar world with many new technologies, and Takumi Fujiwara. A normal teenager who was suddenly ripped from his world and placed into her own as an Alicorn, greatly elevating his position in life, who didn't want such a position.

Yet here they were, hugging each other. Hugging as if they'd never see each other again.

What am I to do with him? she wondered. I can't just let him roam free throughout Equestria. He needs somepony with him. To make sure nothing bad happens.

She looked at Luna, who had her eyes closed and wore a small smile.

Could my sister really be in love with Takumi? She's been spending so much time with him, especially at night. And for her to take him to Manehattan of all places...

She lightly shook her head. No. Surely she couldn't be in love. They've only known each other for a few days. But they've already spent many hours together, so... could two ponies fall in love in that time? Takumi doesn't seem to make any advancements towards her, while she...

She paused.

"Are you two alright?" she softly asked.

Neither said anything.

She sighed. "I need to go attend to something."

Takumi and Luna hugged each other tighter when she took her wings off of them. Her heart ached. What made this situation worse was how Luna had instinctively changed into her smaller, more vulnerable, juvenile form, instead of staying as her mature self. Celestia couldn't help but wonder why Luna had done it. Had she done it just to be the same size as Takumi? To let Takumi know she wasn't afraid to bring herself down from her position to care for him?

She hugged the two with her forearms before letting off. Pain shot through her heart again. She didn't want to leave them, but looking at the time, they had been sitting like that for well over half an hour. By far the longest hug she had ever been a part of.

"I will... leave you two here, ok?" she said, making sure to speak slowly and softly.

No response.

She bent down. "Hello?"

Both Takumi and Luna were just sitting there, hugging each other, eyes closed. Celestia was surprised.

They can't be... they cannot actually be... yes. Yes, they are. They are actually sleeping.

Taking in a deep breath as she looked at the bed, she smiled. Using a wing, she slid it under them and lifted them up onto her back, making sure to not break their hug. As she stepped over to the bed, a tear fell.

Is this what my mother felt like when putting Luna and I to bed? She wondered as she gently used her wings to push Luna and Takumi off her back and onto the bed. She considered taking Luna's regalia off, along with Takumi's sweater, but decided against it.

After tucking them in like she used to with Twilight Sparkle many years ago, quietly 'awwing' at the sight, she made sure to set the bed temperature to a comfortable setting that would give them their sleep. She then proceeded to walk to the door, opening it. She looked back at the sleeping couple, who were still hugging each other.

"Sleep tight, my little ponies~"


She closed the door and leaned her head against it. "What am I to do with him?" She asked nopony in particular.

"That was..." a new voice began to say. Celestia turned around to find Cadance staring at her. "...the hardest thing I've ever had to listen to."

"Oh. Cadance. How... much did you hear?" Celestia asked.

"As early as when he connected me and Heartbreaker together," Cadance replied. "Do you have any idea how hard it was- IS for me to not cry?"

Celestia sighed, noticing a few tears had fallen down Cadance's face. "May I teleport us to someplace more private? Please?"

Cadance nodded.

With a flash, the two were not standing within Celestia's bedroom. Celestia immediately sat down on her bed.

"That colt..." she slowly said. "The more time I spend with him, the more he makes me question Alicorns."

"You, me, and the rest of us," Cadance replied, sitting at the other end of the bed. Her voice was very slightly shaky. "I thought I was going to have a nice time here in Canterlot, and after our big meeting together I thought I could spend some time with Itsuki. But now I'm just sitting in my room, thinking about Alicorns, questioning my whole body and place in life."

Celestia said nothing.

"And yes, I've started thinking about what would happen when Shining Armor dies. I know he isn't an Alicorn. I know I'm gonna outlive him. It's just a way of life."

"And that does not make it any less painful, does it?"

"Not even a little." Cadance sighed. "I just can't believe that somepony being an Alicorn, but not actually wanting to be one, would throw me or you into this kind of slump."

Celestia looked at her suspiciously.

"You mean to tell me you haven't been affected by this?"

Celestia sighed. "Yes. I've been thrown into a slump about this. I can't believe somepony could ever be so distraught about being an Alicorn."

"Well, I was a little... slumped when I ascended. Not like Takumi, obviously."

"Admittedly, I've begun to wonder what Twilight thought when she became an Alicorn. Particularly when she realized that, against her will, she would outlive her friends. Her family. She hasn't said anything to me about not wanting to be an Alicorn, at least for that reason. It has mostly been griping about how much work she has to do sometimes." Celestia sighed. "Now, what am I supposed to do with Takumi?"

Cadance sighed. "I don't know. Maybe... maybe we could let him see another city. Something to take his mind off of being an Alicorn."

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

"I'm heading back to the Crystal Empire tomorrow. Maybe he could tag along."

Celestia thought about it for a moment. "That does sound like it would take Takumi's mind off of his predicament... Perhaps. What time are you leaving?"

"I'm thinking four in the afternoon. Maybe five."

Celestia nodded. "I'll ask him in the morning."

"Why not now?"

"Wellll..." Celestia smiled. "My little sister and Takumi are asleep."

"... Together?"

"Hugging each other. In bed. Yes, the scene is as cute as it sounds. I never thought I would ever see my little sister sleeping with somepony, much less a stallion."

"Much less an Alicorn Stallion you mean?"

Celestia chuckled. "Yes, yes, of course." She sighed. "At least now I'm not on the verge of crying."

"Same here."

There was silence for a moment. Both Alicorns were whirled up in their own thoughts, thinking about what to do or say.

"Cadance..." Celestia trailed.


"How would you feel about my sister falling in love with somepony?"

Cadance was taken aback by the question. "I'll skip the obvious question, which is who she might be in love with, and just ask, how?"

"I'm not assuming they are actually in love with each other, it's just the amount of time they've already spent together in the few days Takumi has been here is... concerning."

"Even then. HOW would Luna be falling in love with Takumi? Last I checked, she was against falling in love. That nopony suits her taste, whatever her taste is."

"Well, something about Takumi seems to have piqued her taste."

"Are we sure Luna isn't just attracted to him because he's an Alicorn? I'm a married mare and even I like him. Don't tell me you haven't at least thought about a relationship together."

Celestia chuckled. "Of course I have. Picturing myself with a quiet teenager like him has certainly been interesting. And I'm sure Twilight has had similar thoughts."

"Mm. I'm sure we've also thought about Itsuki."

"I'm... sure..."

"Something wrong?"

"It's just..." Celestia sighed. "I just don't know what to think. About my sister actually falling for somepony."

"You say that like she's never fallen in love with somepony."

"Because she hasn't."


"And the most surprising part is that, between Luna and Takumi, Luna is the one that makes the advances. Takumi doesn't make any. He just seems glad to have her around. Like he sees her as just another pony. Knowing this, I wonder if I should let the relationship run its course, or intervene. I don't know if my sister being in what would quite literally be a permanent relationship, where she would be spared any grief of her lover, would be healthy."

"I... honestly don't know what to say."

"I want to be happy for my little sister. I really do. But for her to be with somepony such as Takumi? Never having to deal with losing him?"

Cadance raised a brow. "Do I sense a bit of jealousy?"

"A bit, yes. Having been through a few relationships till my lovers impending end, the thought that my little sister would never have to deal with that..."

The two sat in silence, both thinking.

"I think you should let it run its course," Cadance stated. "Maybe in the morning, you can spend a little bit of time with him. Wake him up before Luna wakes up if you can. Have some breakfast with him and talk."

Celestia tapped her chin, sorting through the what might happen if she were to do such a thing.

"That does sound like an idea..."

I don't love Luna.

I don't love Luna.

I can't love Luna.

I can't love Luna.

Takumi chanted those words in his head. Over and over. Finally, he let normal thoughts take his mind.

I can't love her. I've only known her for a few days.

He opened his eyes to see Luna right in front of him, hugging him. Her head was snuggled into his sweater. This caused heat to rush to his face.

But in these few days... she been nicer to me than anyone in my life. Well, not everyone, but... still. I just... I can't be in love with a pony. I just can't... But...

Whether out of instinct or his own accord, he began moving a hoof over her hair.

She cried for me. A Princess, a Goddess, really, one who can literally move the freaking moon, cried for me. She cares about me so much she's willing to break from her position and cry for me. And then there's our racing. She wants to learn from me. Instead of going to a professional, she comes to me to learn about racing. Is it because of me being an Alicorn? Is that why she's been getting so close to me? Because I'm an Alicorn?

He paused his thoughts, taking a second to look at Luna. She remained still, breathing softly in and out with a small smile. He remained emotionless on the outside as he began caressing right behind her ear. An experiment more than anything.

Caressing her ear seemed to make her stir, but in a sense of pleasure. Her smile broadened as she snuggled deeper into Takumi's sweater. Takumi wore a poker face as he slightly increased the pressure on her ear.

She even told me about her past. About her technically being Nightmare Moon. Here I was, thinking she was a perfect being, yet she told me she isn't one.

Luna made a small squeak as Takumi continued petting her.

I can't lie. Her not only being into cars and racing, but actually wanting to learn to drive fast? Actually Drive Fast? That's more than what Natsuki wanted to do. And that's pretty cool if I'm being honest.

He stopped caressing her ear.

Everything about Luna is just... great. She looks good, her voice is amazing, her personality is...

He looked up at the ceiling.

Do I love her?



That ceiling was not the ceiling of his room in Canterlot.

Slowly, Takumi raised his head to look around. His eyes slightly widened.

It's my room.

His eyes widened even more as he looked at Luna.

I'm in my room, in my world, with-


Luna didn't move.

Takumi nudged her. "Luna, wake up."

"Mmm... what?" Luna tiredly asked.

"Luna I'm not kidding. Wake up."

Luna's eyelids slowly opened. She looked at him through narrow slits. "Mm?"

"Luna, look around."

Luna was slightly confused as she slowly raised her own head, taking in the room. She gasped. Her eyes fluttered open and she shot up from the bed.

"Where are we?" she instantly asked. "Have we been foalnapped?"

"No," Takumi replied, sitting up. "This is my room."

"This is not your room."

"Yes, it is. MY room."

Luna gasped. "You mean we are in your world?"

"I... guess so."

Takumi stepped off the bed and over to the lightswitch, flicking the lights on. Both Alicorns shielded there eyes for a second to let them adjust.

"Well, it is certainly modest." Luna remarked as she stepped off the bed.

Takumi said nothing. He merely walked through the doorway, beckoning for her to follow.

He walked downstairs, glancing into the small lit living room. In the room sat one Japanese man. Bunta Fujiwara.

He felt Luna stop next to him, making him glance at her for a split second before looking back at Bunta. Slightly confused, he looked back to confirm that, yes, she had changed into her mature self. He didn't say anything as he looked at Bunta.

"Is that your father?" Luna whispered.


Bunta sat criss-cross on the floor, next to a low coffee table. He sipped on a drink while looking at a magazine.

"Is he asleep?" Luna whispered again, noting Bunta's closed eyes.

Takumi shook his head. "That's how he normally is."


The shrill note of the corded phone rang out through the shop.


Bunta grunted as he stood up and walked over to the phone, picking it up.

"Fujiwara Tofu Shop... Oh, it's you."

Luna was quite intrigued at Bunta's appearance. She had never looked into humans much. Sure, she did look into them a small bit back when Twilight Sparkle first went into the human world, but other than that, nothing.

"Still nothing, huh?" Bunta asked.

There was a pause.

"You tell me. I'm as much surprised as you are. An Eight-Six disappearing without a trace? That doesn't just happen."


"You've even checked the lakes?"


"With that new sonar, huh? Only a couple of old wrecks from decades ago?"

Luna leaned in close to Takumi. "What is he saying? I only understand a few of the words."

"Talking with a friend," Takumi whispered back. "They're using a sonar system to check lakes and stuff."


"Well, at least you're finding those wrecks," Bunta continued. "You might find answers to some other crimes."


"Yeah, yeah. I know." Bunta yawned. "Anyways, I'm gonna go to bed. See you tomorrow."


Bunta shook his head. "Come on Takumi. Where on Earth are you?"

"Nowhere..." both Takumi and Luna whispered.

Bunta made his way through a doorway and out of sight, shutting off the lights. Luna took the time to look around.

"You never mentioned how poor you were," Luna said, noting the old 90s television in the corner. "Or is this a custom I am not aware of?"

"Poor? We weren't- er, aren't poor or anything. We've lived just fine this way. If you're talking about there being no chairs, we never needed them."


Takumi pushed a curtain out of a doorway and stepped into a shop area. Typical late 60s interior with a few 90s additions. Particularly in the technology present.

"Is this the Tofu Shop?" Luna asked as she followed Takumi.


"You never said you lived in the shop."

"I never thought I'd need to mention it." Takumi sighed. "Now that I've walked around a literal castle, this place feels so... I don't even know."

"Inadequate?" Luna suggested.

"Sure I guess... what am I supposed to do? Normally I just watch my friends or maybe my father doing something, but now you're here, so..."

Luna smiled. "How about you show me your homeland? Particularly Mount Akina?"

Takumi looked at the front door and smiled. "Ok, ok. Fine. But, how are we supposed to get out? We can't just walk through the front door. There's a bell."

Luna's horn lit up. Suddenly, the two were outside. "Would this suffice?" she playfully sneered.

Takumi was slightly startled, but quickly regained himself. "Yeah. This works," he calmly replied.

Luna slightly frowned. She was hoping for a better reaction. Though, if Takumi was normally this quiet when startled, that could prove invaluable for situations that could arise in the future.

Her eyes suddenly fell on a blue shape in the Tofu Shop's Driveway. A Sonic Blue Mica 1998 Subaru Impreza WRX STi Type R Coupe. Or, for short, a GC8F. It had bronze rims and a WRC front bumper. A classic color combination Subaru was best known for.

"Is this your father's?" Luna asked, stepping towards the Impreza.

"Yeah, it is." Takumi replied, following. "Brand new too."

Luna nodded. Not a single modification, she mused. Even looking at the interior, aside from the STi accessories, there is not a single modification. One would be hard pressed to find such a car this unmolested.

A thought came to her mind as she circled the Impreza. "Takumi?"


"How many cars have you driven in your life? Has it just been your 86?"

"Well, I've driven my 86 the most. But I've driven others."

"Like what?"

"Well, I've driven my buddy Iketani's S13. And Itsuki's 85. I also drove a 180 owned by a guy named Tsukamoto a few months back, plus when my dad bought this Impreza, he made me switch between delivering in it and my 86."

Luna stopped to look at him. "Itsuki's 85?"

"Yeah. A 1.5 SR."

"What is the difference?"

"From what Iketani told me, It's an 86 body but without the extra chassis bracing and a 1.5 Single Overhead Camshaft engine. Makes about... 88 Horsepower."

Luna grimaced. "That sounds... horrible."

"It's not, really. Sucks on the straightaways but I could still do fine on the corners. Even on the old 70s tires."

"Hm... wait... does that mean any car can be fast with sheer skill? Articles I have read state you need to simply put money into the car to make it fast."

"Well, yeah, sure. You could make a car faster that way. But skill can also help."

"Did you race anypony- er, anyone in Itsuki's 85?"

"Yeah. I raced a few guys in a 180 and an S13 on the Akina downhill. I beat them. Then I raced two friends in an S15 sometime after Itsuki put a Turbo on it. The turbo helped a lot, that's for sure."

"Hm. Interesting... hmm... now that you mention it, why have you not installed a turbo on your 86?"

Takumi shrugged. "I don't need one. A turbo feels nice and all, but there's something about them that just... I dunno."

"Mayhaps you want to circumvent the stigma that only turbocharged cars can be fast?"

"Mayhaps? That's a new one."

Luna giggled. "A mere slip of the tongue."

She walked into the street, looking up and down it. She was surprised.

Buildings were packed together on both sides. Small driveways were dotted here and there between the buildings, each having various compact cars she had never seen before. The street itself was so narrow that two cars would be unable to pass unless they themselves very narrow.

The sidewalks were well-worn, small amounts of litter scattered here and there. The edges were especially worn for years upon years of cars likely jumping up on the sidewalks to pass other cars, or simply parking. A power line with wooden poles ran on one side of the road, opposite the Tofu Shop.

"What?" Takumi asked after a moment.

"It is all so... compact," Luna noted.

"That's how a lot of things here are, I guess. How come you're surprised? There are compact cities in Equestria, aren't there?"

"If there are, I have not been to them..." She looked up at the moon, gasping. "Your moon. It is so... small."

"Well, yeah, It's hundreds of thousands of miles away. What'd you expect?"

"I was expecting your moon to be closer. Or bigger."

"Well, the moon is pretty big. It's just far away."

Takumi stared as Luna looked at him, unfurling her wings and smiling.

"Shall we go for a flight over Shibukawa?"

"... Sure, I guess."

Takumi unfurled his wings, and the two took to the skies. Luna looked down at Takumi and was surprised at how well he was able to fly.

"It seems you have taken to flying quite well," she remarked.

"I had time to practice you know."

"Hm. We-"

She stopped short, gasping.

The city of Shibukawa, was nothing like she expected. It looked like a large modern town, sure, but everything seemed so compact. Narrow streets not dissimilar to the one the Tofu Shop was on populated many parts of the city, while even smaller walkways populated the parts next to those.

And the architecture! Such architecture had been known to the legendary Kirin's of old and had since then been lost to time. To see so much of it, albeit very modernized, all in near-pristine condition was eyegasm-inducing for the princess of old!

She was so surprised and focused on examining the city that she had begun to drift downwards. Takumi noticed this and grabbed her waist to hold her up.

"Ah!" Luna yelped, looking down at him. "What are you doing?"

"You started drifting down, so, I grabbed you to hold you up."

Luna blushed. "Oh. Right... Thank you."

Takumi let go. "So, do you like it? The city, I mean."

"Of course. It is amazing. Though it is very modernized, the architecture around here is something I never thought I would see in this large of capacity ever again."

"Oh. Right. The whole not being on the planet for a thousand years, huh?"

Luna sadly nodded as she slowly flew forward. Takumi followed suit, and the two began exploring the city via flight.

"What was that like?" Takumi asked. "Coming back after a literal thousand years to your home?"

Luna sighed. "Scary, more than anything. I was scared that I would never fit in, that ponies would hate me because of Nightmare Moon, that the world simply did not need me."

"Huh. I wonder if that's what's gonna happen to me. I won't be able to come back to my world until a thousand years have passed."

Luna shook her head. "I highly doubt that. The circumstances to me being banished to the moon and you being in Equestria are very different."

"Wait- you were outright BANISHED to the moon?"

Luna nodded.

"Huh. Well, still. Maybe I won't be back for... I don't know."

They continued flying around the city, admiring the architecture and layout of the city. More so Luna, but Takumi was glad to finally explore the city from this angle.

"You know, if you're surprised at Shibukawa, you should see Tokyo."


"This huge city down in Saitama. South of here. I've only been there once but it's pretty cool."

"Is it now? Perhaps we should take a trip down there."

"We could if we have the time. It's over an hour's drive there. If this is happening while we're sleeping, we might wake up on the way there. It'd be pointless. Also- how the heck did we even fall asleep?"

"Well, perhaps..." Luna's cheeks turned pink. "Perhaps it was because of my sisters... warm... loving embrace..." Oh how I wish I could feel that again...

Now Takumi's cheeks were turning pink. Now that she mentions it, I want that to happen to me again. That was the softest hug I've ever... He shook his head. "Hey, wanna head up to Akina?"

Luna looked at him. "Your home course?" she excitedly asked.


"Of course! Where is it?"

Takumi pointed. "It's that mountain right there."

Luna looked over, eyes widening.

Rising nearly a mile into the air, Mount Akina stood proudly next to Shibukawa. A couple of lights raced up and down the one visible road snaking its way up the mountain. I was a striking image of the Canterlot Turnpike. Every turn, every elevation change were built exactly the same way as the Turnpike. It was haunting. Uncanny, in a way.

She glanced around the surrounding landscape, now realizing how Shibukawa sat within a valley. Luscious green mountains rose up in nearly every direction. She had never quite seen so many mountains that weren't snowcapped.

"Welcome to Japan..." she slowly said.

"Are you coming?" Takumi asked.

"Of course."

The two flew over to Akina, watching a car make its way up the highway.

"Is that a street racer?" Luna asked, pointing at the car.

"Yeah, it is. If you want to see where everyone meets up, I can take you to it."


Takumi bit his lip as he led Luna further up the mountain.

"Wait, that is the parking lot?" Luna asked.

"Looks pretty similar to the Turnpike, huh?"

"Besides the additional guardrails, yes. It is exactly like the Turnpike."

Luna's voice and body grew more and more excited as they closed in on the lot. Said lot had a group of cars parked in it, ranging from mid-to-late 80s to early-90s model low-end sports cars.

"Can they see us?" Luna asked.

"Well, nobody's been able to see me so far, so no."


With that, the two landed on an old watchtower, overlooking the parking lot below.

Takumi watched as Luna looked around at the cars and people. She seemed confused.


"These cars... they are unlike what I was expecting."

"What do you mean? What were you expecting?"

"Well, photo's I have seen depicted street racing to be more... upbeat. They depicted Nissan Skyline GT-R's, Integra's, Civic's, and some muscle cars, a lot of which were usually radically modified. There would always be music emitting from somepony's speakers, not to mention how much it seemed like a party. This feels like a meet between a group of friends."

"That's... because it is," Takumi replied flatly.

"But what of the cars? None of them seem at all modified for hardcore racing."

"Well, It's not like they have a bunch of money to blow. Plus, those are their only cars. Wha-do-you want from them?"

Luna seemed surprised. "Those are their only cars?"

"Yeah. You need to remember that a lot of these people are highschool graduates and such. Just a group of friends with a passion to drive. They don't have very good jobs, and a lot of them had to save up a bunch to get their cars. My friend Iketani had to save up since highschool to get his S13."

"But why do they not buy a second car?"

"Because of engine tax. That's why."

"What if they crash? Or destroy the engine? If they daily drive the same cars they raced, is that not a bad practice? Articles I have read state that you should not race the same car you daily drive, or else you risk overworking the engine."

"Well, my 86's original engine lasted over 200000 kilometers. Then again, my dad did work on that engine a lot. Well, actually, these guys probably do the same. But again, most of them don't have a choice but to daily their racing car. And most just do this as a hobby. They don't race nearly as fast as I do."

Luna smiled and bit her lip,

"Most of these people treat street racing as a hobby. Something they do at night after a long day's work to have some fun or to just blow off steam. They're usually single and don't have much money for tires and stuff, so they drive as safely as they can. They don't race specifically to be fast or anything. They just want to feel the engine rumbling as they open the throttle wide open and hear the tires squeal as they powerslide around a corner."

Luna could relate. That was exactly why she had started racing.

"These kinds of racers are the types that stick around for two or three years. After that, they get a better job, a wife, and drop street racing altogether. Some might still do it every now and again, maybe even keep driving their cars for nostalgic reasons, but other than that, they're usually done with street racing. Though, a couple might go to professional racing and make a living that way. But that's pretty rare."

"They race just to have fun. Some might try to be fast, but in the end, as a friend of mine once put it, they're just racing fans. They don't take racing as seriously as others."

"And what of those racers?" Luna asked. "The ones that are truly fast?"

"The ones that are a level above these guys actually put effort into racing. They learn some techniques, put them into practice, and even tune their cars here and there. They treat it as a passion instead of a hobby. They are able to put real times down, some even able to hold a record depending on the course. Probably not an outright time-attack record, but maybe they hold the fastest in an FF or something like that."

"Those guys become professionals more often than the racing fans. Those that go to the circuits might even win a lot of races, all because of their experience in the mountains, which a lot of people tell me is the most dangerous type of street racing."

"For good reason," Luna stated. "There is a chance you could fall off the mountain to your very death. But that is what makes it fun, correct?"

Takumi smiled. "Heh, yeah, yeah. That does add a lot to the fun factor." He sighed. "Anyways. Then there are the really fast people. The ones that are truly fast. People like them treat it as more than just a passion. They treat it as a way of life. They put money into their cars and spend time tuning them, some tuning them for specific courses. As soon as the sun sets, they're out on the pass, training as hard as they can until the sun comes up."

"They stick to street racing for a lot longer than most. Some actually have professional experience too, which makes them even deadlier. Having raced against a professional before, two professionals actually, counting Spitfire, when you find them street racing, you know you're going to have a hard time beating them."

There was a pause.

"Then... there are the fastest. The literal fastest you can find."

Luna shifted her wings excitedly.

"Street Racing is in their blood. They think about it all the time. They have the fastest cars and usually treat street racing as seriously as professional racing. They have training times, specific goals to complete each time they practice, and they almost always have the latest and greatest cars. Think Skyline GT-R's and Lan Evo's. They drive to improve and become the fastest in Kanto, maybe even the world."

"Project D is a small team of racers like me. It was formed with the express purpose to establish a legend. To take the best drivers in Gunma and go to other prefectures, set records on every single course in Kanto. We don't operate like other teams. We have technicians for each car, scouts for scouting out courses, we eat, sleep, and live by racing. You won't find another team like Project D, that's for sure. Our team was created to establish a legend. That's what we raced for. To do just that."

There was a pause.

Luna glanced at Takumi. He would be amazing at writing speeches. He rivals my sister in being able to just say this off the top of his head without prior preparation!

Takumi sighed. "So there's another reason why I want to go home so badly." He looked at the team known as the Akina SpeedStars, seeing them chat together. Bantering, talking about which car and engine is better, or just recounting the day's events. "I don't want to leave all this behind."

Luna returned the sigh. "Yes. I can see why."

"Mm... But, even with the different racers, no matter how fast they are, no matter how serious they take it, at our cores-"

"-We are all just people who love to drive," Luna finished.

Takumi chuckled. "More or Less, I guess."

Luna smiled. "Hm. Now, if I may, were you always in Project D?"

Takumi looked at her. "What?"

"Were you always in Project D?"

Takumi looked back at the SpeedStars, shaking his head. "No. I originally thought of racing- no. Driving, as a chore. It honestly was. I drove for five years just to deliver Tofu for my father's shop. Then, when I got into racing, I just... wanted to be the fastest. So I kept going. I want to be the fastest."

"Why did you join Project D?"

"Because I wanted to be the fastest, as I just said. I think of Project D as a way to get better. Faster. It's a way for me to learn new techniques and overall be a faster driver. A way for me to become the fastest driver. We all knew each other closely and helped each other out. When I first joined, I honestly felt like I didn't belong. Heck, I still feel like I don't-... didn't belong. Everyone except Kenta is over twenty. Here I am, some teenager who drives a car way older than anyone else's."

"Everything was so serious. Schedules to keep, goals to be met, I could do all of them just fine. It's just that I never felt like I belonged. Or that I should have so many people helping me to achieve what I want, giving away a part of their lives for me. I thought I was using the team while also being a liability. Some of my races I've won out of sheer luck. I've even talked to the team about quitting."

"Call me ungrateful, but I barely felt like I deserved Project D. I definitely don't deserve to be an Alicorn. Sure, wings, horn, literal magic? That's amazing. That kind of thing is the stuff of myth and legend. Some people would give a lot to have that. But me? I don't deserve it. I'm just some teenager..."

There was a pause.


"Yes, Takumi?"

"If I wasn't an Alicorn, would you spend as much time with me as you do?"

Luna winced. That was a hard question to answer. One reason being she didn't want to answer it.

"That is a question that is not easily answered, Takumi. It involves a lot of factors," she stated, hoping to steer the conversation clear of the subject.

"Then don't answer it easily. With how we met, and how we ended up knowing more about each other, if I was, say, a pony without wings and a horn, would you spend this time with me? Or any time at all?"


Luna didn't say anything. She didn't want to say anything. She didn't know what to say. She didn't want to imagine what it would be like if she had never met Takumi or, worse yet, met him, but didn't grow extremely interested in the fact that he was an Alicorn.

Takumi sighed after a few moments of waiting. "Nevermind..."

Luna let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Now that I think about it, what about you?"

Luna looked at Takumi, who continued staring at the group of racers. "What about me?" she asked.

"Why does a princess, no, a freaking goddess like you, race?"

Luna looked back at the group of racers.

"Well, when I first started out, I tried it because I had only heard of snippets here and there. When I raced that FD I told you about, it was simply that feeling of being thrust into the seat under hard acceleration, the G-Forces that threw me about to the point I had to spread my hind legs into the door and center console and brace myself, and hearing the engine and turbochargers sing as I opened the throttle? All of that culminated into one of the best feelings I had ever felt."


"I did it because it gave me something to do at night. But since I met you, I have begun to see racing as a whole in a far deeper way. There are so many things about racing I never thought I would associate it with. Particularly how much The Art of War applies to it."

"The Art of War, huh?"

Luna nodded. "Having practically written it, the number of things you could take from The Art of War and apply it to racing, especially street racing, is incredible. I have had great amounts of fun seeing what I can apply and cannot apply to different situations. Not as much fun as the racing itself, of course."

Takumi just smiled. "Hm."

"You, Takumi, have shown me that street racing is something so much more than an illegal hobby. There is so much to it, so many other factors that some you quite honestly do not see in true war. Tuning the car, learning the road, learning your opponent, learning yourself, one could have the ability to plan a race down to every minute detail. I am sure somepony could even learn who will win a race before the race is even conceived by just by analyzing the details of the road, cars, opponent, and even the weather."

"I race because, for one, it is an incredible hobby that makes my job as a princess much more bearable. Not to mention it takes place at night. For two, I also race because of the details and planning one could put into it. The calculations you can do for a street race are akin to that of real battle. And, truth be told, I love doing battle with other ponies and threats. Street Racing is like a video game, just far, far better."

"You think Street Racing is like a real war?" Takumi asked.

"Yes. I do. Just, not as deadly. Of course, the fear of death is there, since you are racing down a Mountain Road at well over twice the speed limit, but... When I watched you do battle with Spitfire and her S14, it felt like I was really watching a battle between two foes. A close one at that. Both of you striking at each other in the form of blocking each other from passing, driving alongside each other, or overtaking each other. During that, I was analyzing your strengths and weaknesses in both Equine and Machine."

She sighed. "I guess I just love Street Racing because of how invigorating it is, both in the racing itself and what you can apply to it. The satisfaction of perfecting a corner, taking the correct line, even things I would normally find trivial like simply nailing a gear shift."

"Yeah. That's what racing can be about. The small things."

There was a pause.

"You know, Ryosuke did that," Takumi stated.

"Excuse me?"

Takumi looked at the city of Shibukawa. "Ryosuke. Leader of Project D. He liked to plan things down to the smallest details. While we were out practicing, Ryosuke would spend his time researching the course and the drivers we're up against. He even knew when something unexpected would happen if you can believe it."

"Well. Ryosuke sounds like a good pony."

"Man," Takumi corrected.

Luna chuckled. "Yes, yes. A good man."

"Mm. He always accepted any challenge too, never backing down even when he thinks we'll lose. That part of him is just amazing to me."

"Well, like I always say, 'If Fighting is sure to result in Victory, then you must Fight'."

"Sun Tzu said that."

Luna looked at Takumi, smirking. "And I'd say he knows a li-ttle more about fighting than you do pal because he invented it!"

Takumi stood cross-eyed as a hoof with Regalia was put right on his nose. He glanced at Luna. "Am I missing something here?"

Luna bit her lip but to no avail as she burst out laughing, removing her hoof from Takumi's nose. "Oh, oh... you really are incredible to talk to, you know that?"

Takumi began to contagiously chuckle. "Hey, same goes for you. You're different from almost everyone I've talked to in my life."

"Hehe, well, I am glad you have had a great time with me as much as I have had with you."

Takumi put his head on the old railing and stared down at the ground beneath the watchtower. He knew Luna was still looking at him, but he didn't want to look at her.

His smile disappeared. I don't want to love her. I don't want to love her. I really don't want to love her. She's amazing, but I do not want to love her.

He glanced up a little at the parking lot, seeing it empty. I don't love her. I don't... "Wait."

He raised his head. "Where'd they go?"

Luna looked at the parking lot, seeing the parking lot now devoid of any car or person. Even the guardrails were gone.


The two looked to the right to spot the magnificent city of Canterlot looming in the distance.

"Wait, so that wasn't a dream?"

"How is this possible?" Luna asked.

Takumi groaned. "I don't know. You're the expert on dreams." He sighed. "Well, you wanted to come to the Turnpike, now we're here I guess."

Luna laughed. "Yes, yes. This is one way to get to the Turnpike. but really, how could we have been dreaming, but suddenly been taken here so seamlessly?"

"I don't know."

"Well... there is no point in focusing on that. We are safe and sound, and... heh, we do not need to sneak out of your room. So how about we go get in my Cosmo?"

Takumi looked at her. "Wait, your car? I thought we were taking mine."

"Well, I want you to tell me what I do right and wrong with my driving."

"...Oh. Ok. I... can do that."

Luna put her forehooves on the railing. "Then, ignoring what just happened to the both of us, let me show you where I store my Cosmo."

"Oh. Alright."

Takumi was just about to stand up and unfurl his wings when Luna suddenly put her forehooves on his shoulders, staring into his eyes.

"But Takumi," she stated. "I need to know I can trust you with this knowledge. The location of my Mazda Cosmo is a secret to everypony I have ever known. If somepony were to find out about my racing, I fear the consequences."

Takumi, slightly startled, stared at her. "Ok..."

"You are to never tell a soul about the location without my permission. Can I please trust you with this?"

"I don't know why you're being all stern about this but yeah. You can trust me. I won't tell anyone."

Luna loosened her grip. "Sorry, sorry. I am just... I guess I just really do not want anypony to take away my passion."


Instead of letting go of Takumi, the two simply stared at each other.

Were his eyes always so... green? Luna wondered after a moment.

Takumi stared into Luna's eyes, cheeks starting to turn red. "Um... Luna?"

Luna blinked. "What?"

"The Cosmo?"

"Oh! Uh, right."

Luna stopped holding Takumi and unfurled her wings. Takumi slowly did the same, and the two took off from the old watchtower.

As they followed the road, Takumi glanced at the ground below. That look... That look in her eyes. I've only seen that look in one other person, and that was Natsuki Mogi.

He looked up at Luna, who stared ahead at their flight path.

She can't really be... into me, can she? She's a Princess. I'm a teenager. There's no way she'd actually be into me. But then again... that would explain why she wants to spend so much time with me... could... do I even want her to be into me?

The two banked to the right and flew down an old and decrepit road. The tarmac was aged and well-worn, though no potholes were present.

Takumi was confused. "Why would you hide it down this road?"

"What better place to hide it then on a road nopony travels on anymore?" Luna asked.


They soon lowered their altitude and came across an old building next to the road. Specifically an old three-car garage. Takumi said nothing as they landed in front of it, only silently noting the separate garage doors.

"Yes, it is unbefitting of a princess to park their car in such a building," Luna stated as she opened the normal door. She smiled. "But that is what makes it all the more deceiving, right?"

Takumi smiled. "Yeah."

The two entered the garage, Luna turning on the lights. Takumi expected them to just barely manage to flicker on, but was surprised to see them instantaneously light up the whole room. Brightly, too.

"Did you restore this place or something?" he asked.

"Electrically? Yes. I even did the plumbing."


The room was about what you'd expect from an old garage. Old workbenches lined the walls with old tools lining those. Dirt, Dust, and Grime sat atop almost every square inch of anything that wasn't the floor or electrical outlets.

And there, in the middle vehicle bay, way Princess Luna's Mazda Cosmo JC Mountain Spec. Painted in the very fitting color of Midnight Blue.

He said nothing as he walked over to the Cosmo, putting a hoof on it.

"Is something the matter?" Luna asked as she grabbed the keys with her magic.

"It's just... this color... this car sort of reminds me of a friend's car. An S30Z. It has the same color as this."

"Hm. Interesting. This color is rather popular among enthusiasts." Luna opened the door and got in the RHD Cosmo's driver seat. "Though, I am thinking about asking Nissan to repaint this car into Midnight Purple." She closed the door.


Takumi got in the passenger seat, noting how similar the interior was to a Mazda RX-7 FD. "Why?"


He looked at Luna to see her in her juvenile form.

"Because, when I drive, I am forced to be in this form," she stated as she and Takumi buckled up. "My mature form is Midnight Blue, but the form I am forced to use when I drive is Violet. Midnight Purple would suit my car better."

"Not Violet?"

"Imagine my Cosmo in Violet, then imagine it in Midnight Purple. Which one looks better?"

She gave Takumi the keys, who used them to start the Cosmo.

"Midnight Purple," he said.


Griffinilla - Stay Calm Instrumental starts playing.

Within five minutes, they were pulling out onto the Turnpike. The headlights shone brightly through the night, illuminating the road ahead.

"Alright so what do you want me to do?" Takumi asked.

"Just watch me. Tell me about my driving. What I am doing right and wrong."



Luna pressed on the throttle, pushing the two back in their seats. The first corner came quick and easy. Luna steered right, then left to offset the cars weight, oversteering into a drift. She used light amounts of throttle and countersteered accordingly, guiding the car around the corner with moderate speed. She mewled as she exited and accelerated with minimal fishtailing.

"How was that?" she asked.

"You've... improved," Takumi noted, surprised. "Compared to a few nights ago, you're way better."

Luna beamed. "Yes. I have been taking some advice from you."

"Well, yeah. Not touching the handbrake- er, hoofbrake helps. But the way you actually take the corner is different."

"Is there anything I am doing wrong?"

"Mm... just keep going."

Luna nodded.

The second corner was no different from the first in terms of the way Luna took it. She went to the outside, braked, swerved left and right to steer into a drift, then used the Throttle and Steering to drift through at moderate speed. Exiting the corner, the car fishtailed.

"That looked good," Takumi noted.

"Thank you."

The next turn, a right hairpin, approached. Luna did the technique, but her cornering was far slower due to this being such a tight turn. Nonetheless, they made it through without a hitch at slow speed, drifting out and fishtailing upon acceleration.

"Have you tried a braking drift?" Takumi idly asked as they accelerated around a left curve.

"No, I have not. How do I do that?"

"In the next turn, brake and turn towards the inside. The rear should slide out. The whole swerving opposite the turn then turning in works, but the wear on the tire is worse than if you just braked and steered."


They exited the curve and accelerated down a straight.

Even with her driving style, the car feels pretty good, Takumi noted.

The next turn came. A left-right chicane. Luna did what Takumi asked after clearing the left curve. She braked and steered into the right corner, breaking into a drift. She squeed as she managed the throttle and steering, coming several inches from the guardrail before accelerating into the next left hairpin.

Performing the same technique, Luna found that her entry speed was much higher than usual. This made her smile as she guided the Cosmo around the hairpin, exiting towards the outside of the road.

"Wow. Even with those few corners, your entry speed is higher."

Luna was already brimming with pride. "Yes, thank you. These techniques are greatly improving my driving."

They accelerated around a quick left corner, then a small straightaway, then a right corner. Takumi noted how much Luna's speed had increased from the last time he saw her driving. Sure, she was still an amateur, but a good amateur.

Takumi sighed. "Can I tell you something?"

"What is it?" Luna asked, letting off the pedal.

"Earlier, when you said you were seeing other cars and I said I wasn't seeing any, I..." He sighed again. "I did see them. I just didn't want to believe it."

Luna glanced at him. "So you did... why did you not tell me before?"

"We weren't best friends before..."

Luna gasped. "We are... best friends?"

Takumi's eyes widened. "No! Er, kind of. It's just that Itsuki is being such an idiot that I don't like him being my best friend anymore. Just... the way he says 'screw you' to his old life just... It just gets under my skin, you know?"


"Luna, be honest with me. How much do you wish Itsuki wasn't here at all? That he just stayed back in my world?"

"Well, Takumi, that is hardly kind of you."

"That doesn't answer my question. Does it really not piss you off- sorry, does it really not make you mad that someone like freaking ITSUKI is an Alicorn? I'm sure you all worked your flanks off to become Alicorns, while he just became one just like that."

Takumi's eyes widened as he put a hoof to his his head. "I just said worked your flanks off..."

Luna giggled. "Yes, yes you did." She sighed. "Ok fine. If you really must know, it does in fact anger me that somepony like Itsuki is an Alicorn. He sees it exactly how a colt would. A way to be rich and famous."

"Mmmhm." Takumi took in a breath, then exhaled. "Man. After this run I think we should get something to eat. It's been a while."

"Oh yes, we should. Though... if I may... do you think you could drive my car afterwards?"

Takumi looked at her. "You want me to drive your Cosmo?"

"I am tired of being scared to find the limit of my Cosmo. I want you to show me the true potential of this car. That way I can drive without the fear of overexceeding its limits."

Takumi lightly shook his head and looked out the windshield.

"As a bonus, you would get to see how a Rotary handles," Luna added.

Takumi smiled. "Alright fine. We can do that. Anyway, let's keep going."


Takumi looked at Luna as she drifted around a corner, watching her movements. His eyes fell on the way she shifted gears. She would push and pull the stick to go into each gear as quickly as she could. A good practice. But her shift points were off. Usually too early.

Wait, Takumi thought. How is she pulling the gear stick?

With her hoof, Luna upshifted, pulling the gear stick into the right place.

There is physically now ay she should be able to do that, he thought, seeing the end of her hoofshoe seemingly latch on to the shift knob. It's a smooth surface! How is she able to do that? I'm not able to do that!

He raised a hoof, staring at it. There wasn't any way he could move it to grip things.

Could I do that?

Author's Note:

I have four words to say.

Procrastination is a Bitch.


But seriously, procrastination is a BITCH. Earlier, this part had about 2000 words. Within a few hours, I raised it to OVER NINE THOUSAAAND!!! JEEBUS CRUST I COULD PUMP OUT THREE PARTS A DAY WITH THAT PACE! PROCRASTINATION COMPLETELY SCREWS ONE OVER IN ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE!

So, last question of 2021. If I were to tell you that the original ship in this story was supposed to be Takumi and TWILIGHT, how would you react?