• Published 26th Jun 2021
  • 1,210 Views, 29 Comments

The Eight-Six Duo - Fujimi200SX

Two young High Schoolers appear seemingly out of nowhere at Twilight's Crystal Castle, claiming to be from a place called Japan.

  • ...

Act 10: The Terrifying Four Wheel Drift


The 4A-GE revved a little as Luna buckled her seatbelt. She seemed to have reverted herself to a smaller, younger-looking version of herself. Her coat was now light purple, and the wavy hair was gone, replaced by normal brighter hair. Excitement was bubbling in her as they waited a minute for it to warm up before Takumi pulled out of the lot. Luna used her magic to open the gate, and once through, shut it.

"This feels so odd," Luna admitted. "Normally I'm in the driver's seat. And yes, my Cosmo is Right Hoof Drive like this car."

"Yeah, probably," Takumi replied, bored as usual. She actually looks kind of cute this way. He thought, looking at her juvenile form. "Should I get used to the fact that you can literally change your look?"

Luna giggled. "I can only change to this form. I never ride in cars with anypony else, not even my sister. I came up with this spell all by myself." She grinned with pride.

Takumi smirked and looked ahead. "Alright then."

As they slowly made their way through Canterlot, Luna found herself admiring the interior.

It is so simple! she thought. It has slipped my mind who I asked to clean this, but they did a stupendous job. Everything seems like it just rolled off the dealership!.. Out of the dealership.

Despite having been cleaned to dealership status, the fabric and materials used in this car were far different than what she was used to. She was used to utmost luxury. Even her Skyline's interior was custom built with different luxurious fabrics.

This car, however, didn't use such fabrics. It was for the common folk. Built to get you from point A to point B reliably, while also providing a fun driving experience. This was a car she liked.

"If there's one thing I'll admit, it's that having someone clean your car this well is pretty nice," Takumi admitted as he steered them through an intersection.

"It is, is it not? It looks amazing. I wish I could have one clean my Cosmo, but we know why I cannot allow that."

"Didn't you get your Cosmo like, a week ago?"

"Heh, not even. Which is why it is not dirty. But still. Would be nice."


They continued driving, Takumi steering onto a small two-lane road. Luna looked over at Takumi, who had his head supported by his hoof. She like this. Being able to just sit back, relax, and talk about cars was such a treat. Takumi wasn't too much of a talker, except for when he starts talking about what he does on a mountain pass like earlier, but still. At least he listened.

As she looked at him further, her eyes drifted down to his sweater. She never quite got why he wore it. His reason was 'I like it', but he wore it all the time, even when sleeping. It didn't look very dirty, but you'd think the kid would at least switch to an identical sweater.

Is there a unicorn around here that likes to wear a black sweater all the time? she wondered. Moondancer, was it?

She perished the thought, preferring instead to look out the window. Closed Shops and Businesses slowly rolled past, a small park even showing.

Something felt... off.

Nothing like 'they were being watched' or 'something bad was about to happen'. Something to Luna just felt... off. Missing. Her horn felt like it experiencing a subtle kind of Paresthesia.

"Do you sense something in your horn?" Luna asked.

Takumi looked at her as he slowed to a stop at a stop sign. "No. Why?"

"Do you feel Paresthesia?"

Takumi tilted his head, unsure of what she meant.

"Like how you lay on a hoof for a while and you compress a nerve," Luna explained.

"Oh. No, I don't. Why?"

"Because my horn feels like it is experiencing it. A subtle version."

"Hey, I don't know magic. You're the expert."

Luna sighed, knowing he was right.

A moment later, they finally exited Canterlot and headed onto the Turnpike.

"So, you want me to go at it now or should I pull over?" Takumi asked.

"Mm... I guess you could do it now. Just... show me how you normally drive."

After thinking for a moment, Takumi nodded and began to speed up, downshifting gears. The engine revved up to a staggering 11K RPM before dropping as Takumi shifted.

It was hard for Luna not to smile as the engine revved and the car accelerated, much faster than you'd expect a non-turbo 1.6 Liter to accelerate. The most surprising thing began happening as they exceeded 100KMPH.

Ding-Ding... Ding-Ding... Ding-Ding...

A speed chime! she thought. Why, those haven't been used in years!

She took a breath in, calming herself and looking over at Takumi. I must keep calm and study his driving. His technique. Then I can take from it and improve my own driving! She took another deep breath in, looking forward. Her eyes widened in horror.

The first corner was approaching! And Takumi hadn't begun braking! He was still accelerating!

Initial D First Stage Sound Files vol.2 - Stupid starts playing.

"Woa-woah, hey, Takumi?" Luna whimpered, fear growing quickly. "Takumi! TAKUMI! THE BRAKES! AHHHHHHH!"


Takumi braked hard and broke into a slide, guiding the Panda Trueno through the inside of the corner far faster than a car of this nature had any right to turn. Luna watched the inside curb come and go before they flew to the outside, Takumi pressing on the throttle and accelerating down the next straightaway.

All sense of calm had flown well out the windshield as Takumi shifted gears. The speed chime was already ringing again.

That chime is ringing again!? she thought. How can it be ringing so early in the course?!

Before she could fully compose herself, she found herself screaming in fear as Takumi slid the car through the inside of a right corner, all four tires sliding as he came less than an inch from the inner guardrail. She stared at the outer guardrail, which came closer and closer before Takumi stopped the side and continued driving right next to it.

She looked over at him. Why does he seem so calm?! I know I asked him to drive like he normally does, but this is insane! How can one remain so calm in these conditions?!!

"Alright! Takumi! Could we please tone it down a little-AHHHHHHH!" She screamed as Takumi braked a little and steered into a right hairpin, sliding through the inside and guiding the inner wheel centimeters from the curb before exiting at high speed. He took the inside line through a left corner before accelerating down a straight.

Luna looked back over. Takumi's gaze was calm, laid back. In fact, he looked like he was stuck in traffic! AT 60 PLUS!

Even my sister could not remain this calm in a situation like this! Luna couldn't take this. She readied a teleportation spell, wanting to leave.

Wait, why can I not teleport? WHERE IS MY MAGIC?! Her horn didn't do anything. Even her most powerful spell refused to so much as fizzle out of the tip.

Now she was really panicking. She was well out of her comfort zone. In the dream realm, she was in total control. Here, she was stuck in a Sprinter Trueno that felt totally out of control, with her life placed in the hooves of a laid-back teenager who barely even acknowledged her presence!

Takumi steered the car into a left-right chicane, applying little countersteer. He flicked the car right, screeching through the inside before coming inches from the guardrail. He was at home here. Here, he could think about stuff and drive, remaining calm unless he was really thinking about a topic.

He sighed as he braked and steered into a left hairpin. The tail of the 86 began to slide, but Takumi's control was so well that the 86 maintained grip through the entire hairpin. He caught the car from grazing the outer guardrail as he exited, nearly flooring it down the next straightaway.

Leaves and Grass flew in the direction of the car as it gripped through a quick left corner, barely losing any speed as Takumi kept the throttle wide open, shifting gears.

His entry speed into the next right corner was especially high because of how well his Naturally Aspirated engine could respond. The car barely lost a hair of speed as it exited the corner, the engine and gearbox responding instantly.

Takumi smirked. Even though I'm in a different body, It still feels like any other night of me racing in my Project D Tuned 86.

As he drove around a gentle left curve, he saw taillights ahead. He recognized them. They were the taillights of an AE86. He quickly caught up to the car just as they entered the hairpin. The AE86 turned out to be Itsuki's Levin as it tried going into the turn at speed.

Takumi steered for the inside when he saw Itsuki's 86 skidding outwards. Its tires were considerably worn.

"Woah!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she gripped the steering wheel with her hooves, seeing Takumi take the inside from her and exit before she could even blink. "Was that Takumi?"

"Yeah!" Itsuki replied cheerfully. "I knew he'd be out here!"


The 86 suddenly spun out as Rainbow Dash applied too much throttle, and came to a stop sideways in the road. The two ponies laughed.

"Let's head back up and get some new tires, alright?" Itsuki said, getting out.



Takumi entered the next left hairpin and sent the car through the inside. Nothing was in his mind except the road.

That is until he remembered that Luna was in the car with him. He looked over and was about to ask what she thought, but was surprised to see Luna... crying.

Music Ends.

He immediately pressed on the brakes, bringing the 86 to a gentle stop on the side of the road. He looked at the crying princess, uncertain.

"Um... Luna? You alright?"

Luna had her face buried in her hooves. She had never experienced the sheer terror that was Takumi's terrifying four-wheel-drift run. Even in the darkest of times, one example being TIrek, she had never once felt this scared. Other factors were always at play, ones that kept her calm. Twilight was out there when Tirek burst in, with an unreal amount of Alicorn magic within her. That factor was what kept her calm. Simply knowing that help was to arrive.

And when she bought her R33 three years ago and got held up trying to get back to Canterlot the second she heard of the changelings, she knew that her sister and Cadance were there. They would stop them. Of course, that's not what happened, but still. Those theoretical factors kept her mostly calm.

But here, there were no other factors. Nopony knew they were out here, nopony knew Luna wasn't in her chamber, it was only a matter between her, a reserved but deranged teenager, and a Toyota Corolla. And magic wasn't able to save her.

"Luna, sorry if I scared you. I usually forget when I have passengers and I tend to go all out when practicing."

Luna felt pathetic. Like a scared little filly again, afraid of the rain and thunder and wanting to hug her big sister. Celestia would probably be disappointed that she had cried because of a bit of hairy driving.

No, Luna thought. Tia has never experienced something like this. That was a Rollercoaster on steroids. Put her in this seat next to Takumi, and I'm sure she'll succumb just as I did... What is wrong with me? I knew he was fast. I just never thought being in the passenger seat would scare me. How foolish...

"Hey, if you want, I can tone it down. I was running at about seventy percent." Takumi suggested, uncertain as to how to calm the crying princess.

Luna looked at him. "T-That was... seventy percent?"

"I'm still getting used to not being able to grip the wheel as easily." The thought that Luna hated him crossed his mind.

"Oh... ohhh... If you were running at a hundred..." She took a deep, shaky breath in. If he ran at a hundred, I would have passed out...

"Want me to run at fifty percent?" Why do I feel like I'm being such a buzzkill? he wondered.

"N-No... no... forty? Th-Thirty?"

"Thirty... it'll be slow, but alright. Hey, sorry that I drove like that."

"It is... alright Takumi. I asked you to show me your driving. I knew full well how fast you were. Are. I... I was foolish to think I could handle this..."

"All... Alright. You want me to go back and start from the top, or keep going to the bottom."

Luna wiped the tears off her face and neck. "Let us... keep going."

Takumi nodded and put the car in gear, smoothly accelerating down the second-longest straightaway Akina had. He forced himself to never let the speed chime sound.

"Alright, ahead is a left curve that tightens a bit," Takumi warned.

"I have d-driven this road dozens of times. I... I know what to expect. I think." Luna felt super unsure of herself. She still couldn't fathom how in Equestria she had lost her magic, but that was something for after this run.

She winced as Takumi smoothly steered into the corner, using only the front tires to help him through it. The curve tightened, as did Takumi's line, and he glided through the inside like a feather before exiting.

"How was that? Better?" Takumi asked.

"Y-Yeah, much better," Luna replied.

As Takumi glided through the curves, Luna felt more comfortable with him. One thing she noticed was how smooth Takumi really was. He was driving as smooth if not smoother than how Celestia acted at a ball or wedding. That was really saying something. And Luna couldn't believe she was feeling this, but she began to feel safe.

Takumi knew this course. He knew it so well, he could probably drive with his headlights off. His car was perfectly tuned for the course, and it responded instantly to his every smooth movement.

And his steering. Takumi barely had to steer to get the car to do what both it and he wanted. And that wasn't due to quick ratio steering. The steering felt stock. Was stock.

"How in Equestria are you able to do this..." She slowly asked.

"Five, maybe six years of practice," Takumi replied. "Should I start going faster?"

"S-Sure. A bit. Fifty percent."

Takumi nodded as he steered through a left curve, accelerating towards the hairpin. He braked and slid around the inside, barely steering to keep the drift stable before exiting, stabilizing a couple of inches from the guardrail.

Luna watched Takumi. His hooves seemed to move on a subconscious level. His level of control over the car was immaculate. Once again, it was something many professionals dreamed of. That wasn't interpretation, that was fact.

A thought pressed into her mind. "Takumi, have you ever been to a circuit?" She asked as they lightly accelerated down a long straightaway, around gentle curves.

"No, I haven't." Was his reply.

"You haven't?"

"My whole life has been spent on Akina. Sure I've branched out to other courses, but I've always stuck with Akina."

Luna continued to stare at Takumi. He sat there, staring ahead, blinking every now and again. He wasn't giddy, he wasn't having fun, he seemed bored. Or perhaps he was thinking about stuff.

"I... hope I am not being a nuisance. Holding you back like this."

"You're fine." Takumi shifted gears as a left corner approached. He braked gently and steered through the inside, causing Luna to yelp. The car felt stabilized even as he shifted the other way into a right curve. He waited until a left hairpin approached before braking and steering through, perfectly arcing around the inside mere centimeters from the inner guardrail before accelerating out.

"Are you sure? You seem rather pensive." Good. We are no longer stammering. Luna thought.

"And that means?" Takumi let off the gas as they cruised down a straight.

"You seem to be in deep thought," Luna explained.

Takumi sighed. "You could say that." He held a disinterested tone. "Remember that I am some teenager in a different world, in a different body, apparently being one the quote-unquote 'most powerful beings in the world'. That's kinda a lot to take in, don't you think?"

Luna couldn't help but roll her eyes. Though, he was right. Being stuck in a different world at his age, and in a different body, would be terrifying to most. She had to admit, both Takumi and Itsuki were taking to their new bodies very well. Itsuki was taking to it overall, showing little care of his past life. Takumi was quite the opposite, dwelling on what would happen.

I wonder... Luna thought as they gripped around a right curve. What kind of a life did Itsuki live before? Did he live in poverty? Was he abused? What happened to make him seem so disinterested in anything about his past life? Perhaps the reason he was so emotional over that one girl, Kazumi, was because she was the only one to love him.

She looked over at Takumi, who was still staring ahead. And you, Takumi, are quite the contrast to him. You're focused on why you are here, how you are meant to get back, and if you'll ever see your friends and family again. Two similar Alicorns, two very different personalities.

"Here come the hairpins," Takumi said suddenly, snapping Luna's attention to a fast approaching right hairpin.

She braced herself as Takumi approached the hairpin. He braked and steered through the inside, barely using any countersteer before exiting swiftly. He had gone through it as quick as the first hairpin of the course when he was going full throttle, but now she felt fine with him.

The next hairpin was no different. Brake, downshift, steer, clip the apex, exit smoothly.

On the third hairpin, however, she noticed that Takumi wasn't spending any time on the gas. Even through the straightaway to the next left hairpin, Takumi wasn't on the throttle. She could feel the car slowing down. It held speed through a hairpin before exiting. She looked at Takumi and saw he was paying no attention to their speed.

She suddenly noticed something very off about Takumi. His iris' were no longer brown. Instead, they were a blood-stained red, with fiery mist easing out of each iris. His hair was no different, Black Mist now emitting from each strand like a shadow. And the edges of his wings were blood red. He was a... a nightmare.

Luna shook her and blinked before looking back at Takumi. He was back to normal, resuming his familiar dazed look. By now, they had stopped, Takumi having instinctively shifted into neutral.

"Takumi?" Luna felt tense. As if Takumi was about to jump out at her. Without magic, that would be a huge issue.

There was no response. She could feel her heart quake.

"Takumi, is everything alright?" What did we just see? Was it real? Was he doing that on purpose? To our knowledge, he only knows basic magic. Even with his level of adaptability, there is no way he could perform a visual spell like that.

"What if this is still my world?" He suddenly asked.

Luna blinked. "Pardon?"

"What if this is still my world?"

"...what do you mean?"

"As in..." Takumi sighed, continuing to stare ahead and not move the car. "Is time travel a thing around here?"

It was obvious what Takumi was thinking. "Yes, Time Travel is a very real thing. Though it is very taxing and only allows one to stay wherever in time they travel to for a few moments."


"Art thou imply- are you implying that you have been sent to a distant future, or past?"


"If there were remnants of your kind's life, we would know."

"Things decay, Luna. What if we're so far into the future, what if I'M so far into the future, remnants are gone?"

Luna sighed. "There would be a few things left. Archeological digs would have unearthed findings."

"Ponykind or whatever you call them seems pretty similar to us. How would archeologists know what is Pony tech and what is Human tech? How could they tell?"

Luna couldn't respond to that. Takumi was right. Even if she was the one digging, she didn't know what his kind had that theirs didn't. They were similar, just... different.

Why does he have to be right? she asked herself.

"It just terrifies me is all. I can't-" Takumi cut himself off.

"Is something the matter?"

Takumi shook his head. "I just realized. I've been dreaming about what's been happening back home. I don't even know if you could even call it dreaming, to be honest. But whenever it happens, I can feel that it's actually happening. So..." He sighed. "Nevermind. Maybe this really isn't my world..."

"Takumi, how about we just try and focus on practicing? I think I am ready for you to do what you were doing earlier. I am much more prepared now."

Takumi sat there, looking at the steering wheel. "Yeah, yeah... alright. I'll just turn around and we can start another run."

As Takumi made a three-point turn, Luna couldn't stop thinking about what she had seen. Takumi's form. What was that? A visual effect meant to scare her? His evil counterpart?

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at Takumi. She tilted her head as he accelerated. Was that an evil counterpart?

Over the next few hours, Luna go more and more used to Takumi's driving. She took the time to examine it closely, grasping the fine details.

His 'drifting' was interesting to her. To others, the minimal angle wouldn't look as good as some of the angles she'd seen ponies pull off at drifting events she'd watched online in secret. But to her, it was downright satisfying when watching outside. The sheer calculation that went into clearing a corner like this would keep Twilight up for days.

Takumi was quickly changing her view on racing. it wasn't just a fun hobby. It was a fine art. The work that goes into driving fast on a mountain pass was far more than she could have ever imagined. It was far beyond 'Brake accordingly, take the racing line, and accelerate out of a turn'. It was far beyond that. Again, Twilight could be kept up for days, possibly weeks even, studying this.

And for the first time in a millennia, Luna had something to properly work for to achieve. Something she cared about with passion. Something that involved real work and learning, and not something she did because she was bored or because Celestia told her to do it.

She had a dream.

A dream to become the World's Fastest Princess on the Mountain Pass.

Itsuki yawned and sat up from the driver's seat of his Levin. One quick check to make sure he was still a pony. He still was.

He beamed as he looked over at the Cerulean Pegasus laying in the passenger seat. He snickered at her cuteness and keyed the ignition, waiting for the engine to warm up.

Last night was probably the best night ever, even better than his night with Kazumi weeks and weeks ago. He got to hang out with Rainbow Dash ALL NIGHT, to the point where they were so tired they decided to just sleep in the car together. It was awkward, sleeping with the girl he had a massive crush on, but still.

"Mmmm..." Rainbow Dash groaned a little as she stretched, blinking.

Itsuki stared straight ahead as she pulled out onto the Canterlot Turnpike. He made sure to drive as smoothly as he could to allow his crush to wake up easier.

Rainbow Dash leaned the seat forward to prop herself up. She looked over at Itsuki and smiled.


"Morning." Itsuki checked the digital clock on the dashboard, which read 12:17PM. "Well, afternoon."

"Oh wow, we really were out for a while, weren't we?"

"Well, we did stay up till three in the morning. Hey, at least we got nine hours of sleep."

"Oh yeah, that's good. I'll be running at full notch at practice."


Dash's eyes widened. "Oh shoot, I just remembered. Practice is at one! Hey, mind driving me there?"

"To where?"

"To the Wonderbolts Training Academy. Oh yeah, you don't know where it is. Here, stop for a second."

Itsuki pulled off to the side of the road, a clear view of the distant fields being shown to them.

"See that mountain right there? Near Ponyville?" Dash pointed.

"Um... Yeah. Yeah, I see it. I also see the airstrip on top."

"That's the Academy. That's where we're going."

"Oh. Alright. Wait, what about the princesses? Aren't they gonna wonder where we are?"

"If we hurry and get to the Academy so I can make a call, Twilight MIGHT not freak out."


Dash sheepishly laughed, rubbing the back of her head. "Eheh, uh... yeah. Let's just get going."


"Ok wow, this road is pretty sweet to drive," Itsuki commented as he drove around a hairpin uphill. "Are you sure none of them race? If I had this road next to my work, I'd drive up and down it all night."

"Well... a few of the other members do have some nice cars. But... actually, now that I think about it, I've never thought to ask."

"Well, you only just got interested in the sport last night."

Dash smiled. "Yeah."

"Hey, I don't know if I've told you this, but you did pretty well last night. Driving my car."

"Heheh, yeah. Once I got the hang of it, I was pretty quick."

"When grip racing. When you learn proper weight transfer and learn to use slip angle, you'll be almost as fast as me."



Dash chuckled. "Sure. Hey uh, what's Slip Angle?"

"The trick you use when you use the front tires to pull yourself through a corner."

Dash blinked. "...What?"

Itsuki sighed. "It's hard to explain. But one thing Slip Angle isn't is that it ISN'T the way Takumi takes corners."

"How does Takumi take corners?"

"The four wheel drift."

"Ooooo. Nice."

"Basically, instead of just using the front tires to take a corner, he uses ALL the tires to take it. I won't go into specifics but just know that it takes some serious throttle control and is scary fast. Like, SCARY fast. Put anyone in the passenger seat of his car with him at the wheel, well anyone except me anyway, and they will freak."

"Hm. Maybe we can ask him to show us."


The red AE86 Levin topped the mountain, the Academy coming into view.

Itsuki whistled. "This is where you work?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Except I do still work part-time as a Weather Pony."


Itsuki entered a small-ish parking lot and parked next to a purple Nissan S14 Silvia Kouki. An Autech version.

Both of them got out, Itsuki immediately staring at the S14 and smiling. "Who owns this baby?"

"Spitfire." Rainbow cooly replied. "Leader of the Wonderbolts."

"Any other kickass cars any of them own?"

"Thunderlane owns a BMW E30 M3. But uh..." She scanned the parking lot. "Either he's not here, or he didn't bring it."

"I'm surprised ANY of you pegasuses own cars. Being able to fly and all has gotta be faster than driving."

They began walking towards the front office. A small building closest to the parking lot.

"Some of us own cars to do other things. Maybe we wanna save our flying strength, and cars can carry a lot more stuff than us, even on our best days."

Itsuki snickered as they entered the office. "You've got a point there."

As she checked in at the front desk, the pegasus working it curiously eyed Itsuki.

"He's with me." Dash clarified. The pegasus nodded as she walked over to a nearby phone, dialing a number.

After a quick chat with Twilight, Dash lead Itsuki back outside and towards one of the buildings.

Itsuki looked around, seeing some pegasi fly around at high speed while a propeller-driven plane came in for a landing. It was surprisingly nice to be in what was probably the equivalent of boot camp.

"INCOMIIIING!" A pegasus suddenly yelled.

Itsuki looked to his right and saw a pegasus in a bright blue and yellow flightsuit and dark blue hair flying straight at him. He screamed as he quickly jumped out of the way, accidentally slamming into Dash just as the Pegasus flew by. He could feel their tails brushing past each other.

Itsuki stared at the Cerulean Pegasus he had accidentally pinned down, and she looked at her. Blushing, they both sheepishly laughed before Itsuki got off of Dash and allowed her to right herself.

"Sorry." Itsuki apologized.

"For Celestia's sake, Soarin!" a female voice called out. Itsuki watched a yellow pegasus with orange hair, who was wearing a sergeant-like outfit, plus some sunglasses, land next to them. "Work on your high-speed dives!"

"Hey Spitfire." Dash greeted.

Spitfire looked at her. "Oh. Hey Rainbow Dash. Sorry about him almost hitting you. Supposedly, he didn't get much sleep last night." She scoffed as she looked at a clipboard being held with her wing. "Hardly any reason to be performing worse..."

"Of course. Except it wasn't me he nearly hit."

Spitfire looked up. "Who did he-" She noticed Itsuki. "Oh. Hello. Never seen you around here before." She smirked. "Heh, hey Dash, who's the coltfriend?"

Both Itsuki's and Dash's faces heated up.

"Just a friend," Dash replied. "He drove me up here and we've been hanging out a lot lately, so I thought I'd let him watch the practices. If that's ok with you of course."

"Hi," Itsuki greeted.

"He drove you up here? Huh. That actually surprises me. And yes, he can be here as long as he doesn't get in the way." Spitfire eyed Itsuki, noting his horn. "I kind of didn't think you would let a Unicorn DRIVE you up here. No offense. Oh, by the way, I heard you went to Canterlot yesterday."

"Mhm. Itsuki here drove me both to there, and to here. He even took Scootaloo and- ohsweetCelestiaIforgotScootaloocamealong..."

Itsuki burst out laughing. "Was that even English?" He realized what she freaked about. "Oh. Crap. That... could be a problem."

Spitfire sighed. "It's Canterlot. Just call your friend Twilight or something."

Dash groaned. "Anyways... ugh. So. I know it may be a bit far-fetched, but do you think I or maybe some of the others could help teach Itsuki here how to fly?"

Spitfire eyed Dash, then Itsuki, then leaned over to get a look at Itsuki's barrel. Her eyes widened.

"Uh..." She glanced at Itsuki's horn, then back at his wings, then at Dash. "Ok, I know you are the Element of Loyalty and all, and that you talk to at least one Alicorn on a daily basis, but when did you become friends with a male Alicorn- better question, when did we get a MALE Alicorn?!" She looked at Itsuki. "Who is the same height as most mares and looks a little like a mare."

"Two days ago. He's the reason why me and Scootaloo went to Canterlo- ok BE RIGHT BACK!"

With a flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash took off like a bullet towards the barracks, leaving Itsuki and Spitfire together.

Itsuki just stood there, staring at where Dash had disappeared. She just left me here with a drill sergeant. That's just great, he thought as Spitfire barked an order to somepony in the sky. Well, I am an Alicorn. And as long as I don't make her mad I guess I'll be fine.

He took a breath in. "So uh... you own that S14?"

Spitfire, feeling the need to stick by Itsuki in case something happens, looked at her checklist. "Yeah. I do. Why?"

"I just think it looks nice is all. Does anyone else own any sweet rides?"

"What do you mean by sweet rides?"

"Just... you know. Fast cars and such."

Spitfire smirked. "Well, Thunderlane owns an E30 M3 Evo Three. I helped him restore it after he found it abandoned in a shed. And Soarin owns a Mustang."

"A Mustang?"

"A Shelby GT350 with a Paxton Supercharger. It's like fifty years old but It still holds its own against some of the newer models."

"Oh. A muscle car. I guess I didn't see it in the lot. I've never really been around Muscle Cars, to be honest. I'm used to sports cars like your Silvia and such."

"Are you now? What are you from out of Equestri- HEY! THUNDERLANE! STOP STANDING ON THAT CLOUD AND GET FLYING!"

Itsuki winced at Spitfire's sudden outburst. Sheesh. Welcome to being near a Drill Sergeant in an Airbase.

"Anyways. You from out of Equestria?"

"Uhhh... you could say that."

"Mm. There's a couple more of us with decent cars, but now I've gotta ask, what car do YOU own?"

"An 86."

Spitfire tilted her head. "An Eight-Six?"

"Yeah. An AE86 Levin Liftback."

"Which brand?"




"Ah. I know what you're talking about."

"I parked next to your car if you want to see it."

"Hm. Maybe I'll head over to take a look."

They sat in silence for a bit. Well, silence if you didn't count Spitfire quietly reading her notes while barking orders at the other pegasi every now and again.

God dangit Rainbow Dash. When are you gonna get back here? Itsuki wondered. Why did you have to leave me with the Drill Sergeant?! A really fricken hot Drill Sergeant as well?! FUCK!

"So have you modified your Eight-Six or whatever you call it?" Spitfire calmly asked.

Itsuki took a quick breath. "Yeah. I got it kitted out with a TRD Carbon Fiber Hood, some nice rims, a TRD Ducktail Fiberglass Trunk, and that's kind of it. Now that I'm an Alicorn, I'll be able to get some pretty sweet parts."

"Ah, so you like racing?"

"Yeah I like racing. Everything about it is awesome."

Spitfire couldn't help but smirk at the young stallion's enthusiasm. "Well, a word of advice, your Corolla already has good suspension. I would focus on making your engine run as efficiently as possible before working on the suspension."

Itsuki was surprised. "W-Whuh-do you mean?"

"I mean, you should work on the engine and make sure it makes the power you want, when you want it."


"Ignition System, Fuel System, the ECU, I would either tinker with or replace all of those parts to make sure any upgrades you add in the future aren't bottlenecked. Same goes for the gearbox as well. If the gearbox can't handle the way you drive, you're going to be slower. Oh yeah! Please oh please do not get any knockoffs. Since you probably have a bunch of money now, get the highest quality parts. And make sure it's from reputable companies. Time and Time again I've seen ponies who drive with big wings that look good, but once they hit 80 miles an hour, those same wings break right off. So please get the good parts."

Woah. She kinda sounds like Ryosuke, Itsuki thought. "Do... you do this? Race?"

Spitfire simply smirked before looking back down at her clipboard. Itsuki didn't say anything else.

Soon, Rainbow Dash flew back and landed between both him and Spitfire.

"Alright," she began. "I just got off the phone with Twilight. APPARENTLY, she's on her way back to Ponyville to grab some books with Starlight. Takumi agreed to follow so that Rarity, Trixie, Scootaloo, and Fluttershy could come back too.

"Oh sweet, Takumi's coming over?" Itsuki was surprised. "That's convenient."

"Not here specifically, but to Ponyville."

"Can somepony explain who this Takumi is?" Spitfire looked at Itsuki. "Judging by your names, I take it you're brothers?"

"Nah, just best friends," Itsuki replied.

"They uh..." Dash struggled to come up with a good excuse. "They come from a place where names are like that."

Spitfire eyed Dash suspiciously before shaking her head. "Alright."

"Oh hey, did you ask?" Dash asked.

"Ask what?" Itsuki asked back.

"Well, can we teach him to fly?"

"Uh..." Itsuki trailed off.

Spitfire sighed. "Normally I'd say no, but because you're an Alicorn Itsuki, sure. I take it you were a Unicorn before becoming an Alicorn?"


Dash was surprised at how quick Itsuki's response was. You weren't a Unicorn? You were a human, weren't you?

"Alright then. Rainbow Dash, you can help him learn. I might even have somepony else help."

"Will do," Dash replied, saluting with her wing.

With a quick flap of her wings, Spitfire took off, leaving Dash and Itsuki with each other.

The latter looked at the former. "Well, this should be fun."

"It will be. You are about to be trained by the best flier in Equestria." Dash looked around, remembering something. "After I give you a good tour of the place."

"Ha, alright."

Takumi boredly held the steering wheel as he followed an SUV on the highway, Ponyville less than a couple of miles away.

Sitting in the passenger seat was Trixie. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Scootaloo sat in the rear, Rarity in the middle with the other two on the sides.

"This still feels so weird," Trixie said. "Normally I'm the one driving if I'm in this seat. Not having a steering wheel feels just so... odd."

Takumi said nothing.

"Welcome to an Alicorn's car," Scootaloo cheerfully replied.

"Ok, just because I'm an Alicorn does not mean I'm-..." Takumi trailed. He sighed after a second. "Just because my car is right-hand drive doesn't mean all Alicorn's have right-hand drive cars."

There was silence. Takumi curiously looked over and noticed everypony looking at him.


"Right Hand Drive?" Trixie asked.

Takumi scoffed and look back at the road. "You know what I mean."

"So. Takumi darling," Rarity began. "I've been meaning to ask, what are you going to do with your newfound status?"

"What status? You mean with me being an Alicorn? Not much probably. It's not like I want to be a prince or anything."

The 86 pulled off the highway and soon slowed down to not bust the suspension on the dirt road.

"Are you sure?" Rarity continued. "You're sure that you have nothing you want to do as an Alicorn?"

Takumi sighed. "While it's convenient to be the best being I could be, with me having a bunch of money probably and... whatever, I just don't know what I would do."

"You really can't name one thing?" Trixie asked.

"To me, like, sure. Not having to work as hard as I would need to to get something I want is nice and all, but having everything handed to me? It just takes the fun out of life for me. Yay. I paid for someone to find me a super rare artifact I'm interested in or paid someone to manage a team. Sure it's less work but it takes all the fun out of life."

"But, Takumi," Rarity began. "You are an Alicorn. You are going to live the equivalent of several lifetimes! You'll be able to learn more things than anypony else!"

"So what? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Takumi's tone became noticeably more aggressive. "I get to do things others can't in a single lifetime. I'm immortal. I'm going to outlive anyone I love. How is that fun? It just feels unfair."

Everyone was a bit surprised at Takumi's humility. Rarity especially.

Trixie sighed. "Sometimes I wonder what I'd do if I was an Alicorn. I have drawn myself as one, and I would look pretty good. But truth be told, I don't know what I'd do either. What am I supposed to be the princess of? Humility?"

"Are all Alicorns meant to be... something- ok, are we each supposed to represent something?"

"Sorta. Before you two, each Alicorn had a purpose. Celestia was- is the Princess of the Sun, Luna is the Princess of the Night, you know the other two."

"Yeah, that's another thing, what is the point of me and Itsuki being Alicorns? Is it just given to a couple of ponies each... whenever? If so why would it choose two teenagers from a different world?"


"You see darling," Rarity began. "The way one becomes an Alicorn is that they must do something nopony else can do."

"Sounds pretty simple. What did me and Itsuki do exactly?"

"Maybe it's something to do with how you and Itsuki battled Nightmare Moon?"

"Here's the issue with that," Trixie interjected. "BOTH of them battled her and Heartbreaker and won. So two ponies were able to do something-"

"We weren't ponies," Takumi clarified.

"...Right. But you were both the victors in that battle. So why would it choose both of you? I'd expect Takumi to be the one to become an Alicorn."

Takumi blushed a little.

"Maybe... maybe it couldn't choose between them and chose both?" Fluttershy quietly suggested.

Takumi scoffed. "Some system."

"Oh! Stop right here, darling." Rarity piped as they passed in front of the Boutique.

Takumi did so. Trixie momentarily got out so that Rarity could squeeze in between the bucket seats. It was hard, but after many remarks of how this would undo her coat and main, she was out. And Trixie got back in.

"Thank you, Takumi!" Rarity called out as Takumi slowly accelerated away.

"Is it bad that I'm surprised she came along?" Trixie asked.

"What do you mean?" Takumi asked back.

"I'd assume that somepony like her would prefer riding in a Limo or some seventy-year-old luxury car than what she would call a rusted junker."

Takumi glared at the Unicorn.

"I said what SHE would call a rusted junker."


"Oh! Oh! There's the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Scootaloo squeed.

Takumi's eyes widened as he brought the 86 to a stop. "The what?"

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders! My friends are in it. It's a group of ours."

Takumi looked at Trixie, wanting some context.

"Just roll with it," she whispered.

Takumi unlocked the doors. But before he or Trixie could move, Scootaloo had quickly squeezed in between the seats and over Takumi's lap, before opening the door and jumping out.

"Thanks Takumi for bringing me back!" she called out before greeting her friends. "You guys are NOT going to believe what happened yesterday!"

"Oookay then." Takumi shut his door, using his magic, before putting the 86 back in gear and slowly accelerating once again.

"I take it you're not used to fillies?" Trixie asked.

"If I'm being honest, no. Not really. You don't see many kids outside in Shibukawa unless you're near the schools. And the shop never got many kids coming in, even with their parents. These kids- fillies, are adorable though."

"Heh. Fujiwara Tofu Shop you mean? Is that the shop?"


"Mm. Who's your favorite out of those three?"

"If you mean between Scootaloo, the yellow pony, and that white Unicorn that looks like Rarity's daughter or little sister or something, I'd... honestly pick Scootaloo."

"Little sister. And yeah, Scootaloo's my favorite out of those three too."


After driving around Ponyville for a few, Takumi realized that he had no clue where Fluttershy or Trixie lived.

"My wagon is just next to Twilight's castle," Trixie replied after Takumi asked.

"I, um, live on the other side of Ponyville."

Takumi sighed as he pulled up next to the castle, noting the ancient-looking wagon, not a station wagon but an actual horse-drawn wagon, sitting behind some shrubbery next to the castle. Cozy.

"Thanks. Anyways, see you later," she said as she got out of the 86 and walked to her wagon.

Takumi eyed the yellow Pegasus sitting in the rear seat, staring out the window. The same Pegasus looked at him.


"Do you wanna get in front?" Takumi asked.

"Oh. Um... sure."

Instead of having her climb in between the seats and risk hitting her cast, Takumi got out and opened the liftgate. Fluttershy slowly climbed over the rear seat and across the trunk before lowering herself on the ground.

"You need help?" Takumi offered as Fluttershy walked to the left door.

"No. I'm f-fine," she replied.

Takumi silently walked around the side and got in the driver's seat. He saw Fluttershy use a wing to open the left door. After she got in, she used the same wing to close the door.

He curiously looked at his still-open door and unfurled his right wing. He slowly grabbed the door handle and slowly pulled it shut, nearly slamming his wing between the door and the car. Considering he didn't know how sensitive wings could be, that would have been one very pleasant surprise.

After about five minutes of slowly driving and Takumi about wanting to kill himself with how many times he had to ride the clutch because of stopping and starting, they made it to Fluttershy's neat little cottage.

Takumi smirked as he brought the 86 to a stop. "Nice house."

"Uh, thanks. Do I owe you anything?" She asked, unbuckling and opening her door.

"No. I just wanted to get away from Canterlot for a few."

"Oh. Um, alright."

Takumi watched the pegasus slowly get out before looking back forward. He suddenly heard a hushed yelp, making him quickly look over to see Fluttershy holding her cast.

"Oh crap." He quickly got out and shut his door before running around to her. "You alright?"

"I-I'm... fine," Fluttershy replied, clearly in pain.

Takumi looked at his 86 and back at Fluttershy. "Alright, let me help you up there."

"N-No! I'm fine, really."

Takumi sighed. "At least let me walk next to you."


Is she acting this way on purpose or is it actually- Takumi cut his thoughts off. Oh come on dude, she literally has the word 'Shy' in her name.

"A-Alright," Fluttershy finally said.

As Takumi slowly walked next to her, he looked around the area surrounding the cottage. It was extremely cozy and animal-friendly, with a tree dedicated to dozens of birdhouses to one side and a bridge going over a stream. Takumi loved the little bridge the most.

A cute little white bunny, though not the kind Takumi was used to, quickly hopped over, a distressed look in its eyes as Fluttershy stopped and smiled.

"Oh hello Angel!" Fluttershy cheerfully greeted as the bunny hugged her non-broken forehoof. "Don't worry, mommy's fine. Just a broken leg is all. And Takumi brought me back here!"

Angel looked at a now-smiling-because-of-cuteness Takumi, showing surprise upon noticing that he was an Alicorn.

"Angel, this is Takumi! Takumi, Angel."

"Uh... hi." Takumi greeted.

Angel looked between Fluttershy and Takumi before walking over to the latter, putting its arms around his left forehoof and snuggling into it.

"I... I am being hugged by a bunny," Takumi slowly said. "I never thought I would ever in my life be hugged by a bunny."

Fluttershy giggled. "I think he likes you!"

"Well uh, you're welcome." Takumi gently patted Angel's head.

Soon, Angel backed off.

"Is Discord home?" Fluttershy asked.

Angel shook his head before hopping on her back.

"Oh. Alright." Fluttershy resumed walking.

Takumi did the same. Do I even want to know who Discord is?

Soon, they were inside. There were somehow no animals besides a few birds, who showed the same worried looks that Angel had shown.

"Oh. It looks like I missed a couple of calls." Fluttershy immediately crabbed a telephone and redialed whoever had tried to call her. Takumi, not knowing what to do, just stood around and watched as the birds stared at him curiously.

Sitting down on a small green couch, Takumi thought back to something that had happened a while ago. And him being him, it turned into a flashback.

He was in his 86, chasing down a black Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R V-Spec II. He skillfully drifted his car around a hairpin, taking an outside line, before accelerating out. A white Mazda RX-7 FC3S sped behind him.

As the next left hairpin approached, the R32 went slightly for the outside to attempt a better line. Takumi braked and steered towards the inside, putting his left tires on the inside grass and the right tires on the gutter, flying around the inside and passing the R32, which suffered sudden oversteer and smacked into the guardrail.

Why did I take those outside lines? he wondered.

"Takumi?" A small voice asked. The flashback ended, morphing from the inside of his 86 to the inside of a cottage, him staring at a yellow pegasus.

"Oh. What?"

"I know this might sound a bit much to ask, I know you just got here and all, but I just got off the phone with Thunderlane. A friend of mine."


"But, um, he asked me to foalsit his little brother. Rumble. But I don't think I'll be able to. So, um, do you think you could foalsit Rumble for me?"

There was silence as Takumi processed what exactly she just asked him to do.


"I'm sorry what?"

Author's Note: