• Published 26th Jun 2021
  • 1,209 Views, 29 Comments

The Eight-Six Duo - Fujimi200SX

Two young High Schoolers appear seemingly out of nowhere at Twilight's Crystal Castle, claiming to be from a place called Japan.

  • ...

Act 13: Impromptu

Twilight stared at Takumi, confused. "Wha... what do you mean?"

"Do you even care about me?" Takumi asked again.

"Um, of course. Of course I do. Why?"

"Do you care about me, or where I come from?" Takumi glared at Twilight.

"Tuh... Takumi I..." Twilight trailed off as Takumi's gaze pierced through her very soul. She could see hatred and distrust.

"Because to me, it seems like you don't care about me that much." His voice was cold and aggressive. "Or Itsuki. You care about where we come from. You want to know about our world, instead of us. Sure, you wanted to know about us, how we became Alicorns, but after that, you just want to know about where we come from."

"B-But... o-of course I care about you. I care about all ponies, you and Itsuki especially. You, me, Itsuki, the princesses, we're all Alicorns. We need to look out for each other. What kind of an Alicorn would I be if I didn't look out for what might as well be my family?"

"Who said we were family?"

"Um, I did?"

"Well, we're not 'family'. MY family is my father, and Project D. Not you. You just care about what will happen when YOU research a world that isn't yours."

"Takumi, what is wrong with you?"

Takumi sighed and looked forward, leaning back in the bucket seat. There was silence.

"Takumi, I... I don't know what to say. Really, what's wrong?"

"...Get out."

"Wh-What?" Twilight grew frightened as she noticed a tiny amount of black mist emanate from his hair. "W-Why?"

"I said get out." Takumi's voice remained flat and cold.

Is his hair... burning? Twilight wondered. "Takumi, what is wrong with your-"


Twilight stared at Takumi before using her magic to unbuckle herself. Or at least, attempt to use her magic. She found that she couldn't. Though confused, she silently fumbled with the harness before opening the door and exiting.

She turned and looked at Takumi. His gaze hadn't shifted. "Takumi, really, what's wrong?"


The door handle lit up yellow, as did Takumi's horn. The door suddenly shut as he put the 86 into first gear, smoothly yet aggressively accelerating.

Twilight worriedly watched the 86 slowly drive down the road before disappearing around a building.

"Why does he hate me?" she quietly asked before looking at Rumble's house. Knowing Takumi likely wasn't coming back, and not knowing when Thunderlane was going to be back, she made the decision to foalsit Rumble herself. Or at the very least stay in the house until Thunderlane or Takumi came back.

"Hey, guess what? I nearly busted my knee walking to the kitchen," Rumble angrily said as Twilight walked into the house.

Twilight said nothing as she slowly sat down on a couch.

"Wait, what happened? Where's Takumi?" Rumble asked, seeing Twilight's worried look.

"Takumi... needs some time to himself. And I need to write a message."

"Oh... should I... just head upstairs then?"

"You don't have to. I'll be down here if you need anything."

"Um, alright." Rumble turned to walk towards the kitchen. Well holy crap I have ANOTHER Alicorn foalsitting me, he thought. One that's an actual princess too. So why am I not excited right now?

Twilight used her magic to bring a paper and quill, and ink, into existence, setting the three objects on the coffee table. She dipped the quill into the ink and began writing.

"Dear Princess Cele..." She trailed off before shaking her head and continuing to write. "Dear Princess Luna..."

Takumi drove aimlessly onto a highway. He relaxed.

"What is wrong with me?" he asked no one in particular. "They're just trying to help. I'm just being a damn idiot brushing them away. I just can't do anything. I just... Twilight's a nice person. So why am I accusing her of things she doesn't do? Just... Why?"

Soon, Takumi found himself driving up a mountain road, Ponyville not very far in the distance.

He gently steered around a left curve before entering a parking lot. Cars were parked all around, propeller planes flying overhead. He pulled around and parked next to the entrance of the parking lot, killing the engine and slumping back in the bucket seat.

I'm not feeling well, he thought. I just can't talk to anyone right, I'm overwhelmed, I can barely even think straight. What is wrong with me...

He looked around the parking lot, looking up at the sky to see a propeller-driven plane fly overhead.

He sighed and closed his eyes. I just need to drive. Driving calms me down. Plus I want to practice this course. This course I took Rumble down in an impromptu race. It's fun and should be a way for me to get some normality back in my life. Practicing other courses like Ryosuke said I should do. Only this time it won't be with the D. I'll just be by myself, probably with a couple of other racers.

He looked towards the sunlit sky, a tear appearing in his eye.

"It's what Ryosuke would've wanted..."

"So I've been thinking-" Rainbow Dash began as she and Itsuki slowly flew above town. "-about which car I should buy."

"Really?" Itsuki was getting good at flying at a decent pace.

"Yep. Normally I'd go with something new. Like an R35 or maybe an S2000. But now I REALLY want something like your car ."

"Ah, so you want an 86?"

"Mmm, maybe. I feel like it'll be a little tacky that I get your model. Plus the rear end slides out WAY too easily for my taste."

"Yeah, that is an issue."

"Mm. It's just that I don't know which is good. There are too many options. Obviously I want something rear wheel drive, but what exactly should I get?"

"What have you considered?"

"Well," Dash thought to the cars she had looked at that morning. "The AW11 MR2, the early Foxbody Mustang, Mitsubishi Starion, even the Mark Three Supra."

"Foxbody Mustang? I've heard of those. They look nice but we never got them in Japan."

"Why's that?"

"Oh, you know. Regulations and stuff. We drive on the left side in Japan, so all the cars have to be right hand drive. Er, right hoof drive. You don't see many American makes popping up because of that."


"Oh right. America. I never looked much into it but it's a place across my planet from Japan. See, they drive on the right side of the road. So all of their cars are left ha-HOOF drive."

Dash giggled. "Sounds interesting. Over in Ponyland, most of it except for the western parts drive on the right. And some cars were only built for Ponyland, so we still have right hoof drive cars come in every now and again."

"Oh nice. Hey, maybe you could get an S13? Iketani owns one. It's a really solid car."

"Hm, I did look at that one. Looks good. Didn't see if any were for sale, but some articles I read did say that it's a popular choice for drifting in competitions."

"Mm. It's a pretty sweet platform. I was dying to have one last year actually. That is until Takumi inspired me to get my own 86. Of course, I didn't get an 86 at first, I got an 85, but NOW I have an 86."

Dash looked at Itsuki. "What's an Eight-Five?"

Itsuki decided to land on a small cloud and sit down. Dash did the same.

"Well," he began. "An 85 is a 1.5 SR. It's got an 86 body but with less chassis bracing and a 1.5 liter 3A-U as opposed to the 1.6 4A-GE. You think the 86 is an economy car not built for performance? Check out the 85. 88 horsepower with the worst bodyroll ever. The only fun bit about mine was that it was a manual."

"88 horsepower ay? Can it reach 88 miles per hour?"

"Um... I dunno what that is in kilometers but yeah probably. Maybe. It would take forever but it could probably do 88."

Dash sat slack-jawed. "You-... that flew right over your head, didn't it?"

"What did?"

Dash sighed. "Nevermind. The movie probably doesn't exist in your world. Anyways, how'd you end up with an 85?"

"I-I just-" Itsuki struggled for the correct words. "I don't know to be honest. Literally said 1.5 SR on the back and it had plastic bumpers so I really don't know. Maybe I just saw that it was a Levin and thought 'Oh hell yeah I'm buying this' so... yeah." He sighed as his ears drooped. "Back then I should have known the price was way too good to be true. I went all the way to Fujimi to buy it. At least I was smart enough to not act like the car meant the world to me when buying it. I actually dropped the price by a couple thousand yen, so that was good but... dammit."

Dash took a breath in. "Well." She let out her breath. "At least you have an 86 now, right?"

"Yeah. At least. Thank god for the gold coins."

"Wait wait wait what? What do you mean?"

"What? Oh. So, long story short, while me and Takumi were hanging out in our dreams, of being ponies, some guys came by and one accidentally dropped a duffel bag in a pond. They ran off after seeing us, so we decided to see what was in the bag. It was FULL of gold coins and a couple cool books about this pony named Daring Do."

Dash smiled. "Ah. I know those. I'm friends with the author actually."

"Mm. But yeah it was amazing. So, me and Takumi decided to try something. Our cars were with us, this was before I bought my 86, we were in the middle of a field by the way. But anyway, we decided to try and split the coins 50/50 and put them in the backseat of our cars. Takumi took all the Daring Do books and put them in his trunk. We wake up, head outside, and they were there! It was awesome!"

"So you stole bits?"


"Equestrian currency."

"Oh. Well, I guess? Hey, the guys ran off alright. Come on if you had a whole dufflebag of GOLD COINS sitting right there, what would you do?"

"Ehhhhh... I would actually take it to the police..."

"...Oh. But yeah. Went out, used my share of money to buy my dream 86 which is the Red and Black Levin, then to match Takumi's car I bought a carbon fiber hood. I still have the leftover money in the glovebox."

"Neat. How much?"

"Um, I would say... two hundred coins? Or bits?"

"That's not bad."


They fell into awkward silence after that, neither knowing what to talk about.

Itsuki looked up at what looked like a massive floating city. That was surprising. He thought those things only appeared in fantasies. Well, this pretty much was a fantasy world, so that would explain it.

"Hey, what's that place?" he asked, pointing at the city.

"Oh that? That's just Cloudsdale."

"Oh. Neat."

"...So. Um, wanna pull some pranks on some ponies?"

Itsuki tilted his head at Dash. "What do you mean?"

"Like, do things to my friends. Like-"

"No no, I know what a prank is. But what kinds do you mean?"

"Oh you know. The usual. Whoopee cushions, maybe put a sleeping pony in a pen, the usual good stuff. Except I have some cool pranks I've been cooking up recently. Actually, I would have done the pranks days ago if you hadn't shown up."

"Oh. Well um... sure I guess. It's not like we're doing much anyways."

"Yes! Alright, let's go then. Then tonight we can head out on the mountain pass again."

They both stood up and took off. Dash rocketed ahead while Itsuki barely managed to stabilize himself. Dash looked back and chuckled as she quickly flew back. "Sorry. Forgot you're still learning."


Esso Gas Station, Shibukawa, Japan.

The night sky settled over Shibukawa, the normal-sized moon in a crescent shape dimly lighting up the bits of the city that weren't already lit up.

Takumi found himself laying on a couch inside the Esso Gas Station. He nearly jumped when he saw Yuichi Tachibana sitting on a chair next to the couch.

Oh shit... he thought, seeing the sad look on the older man's face.

He jumped off the couch and resisted the urge to run. That was until Iketani and Kenji walked in.

"Anything?" Iketani asked as he and Kenji sat on the couch.

Yuichi sighed. "No. Nothing."

"Fuck..." Iketani put a hand on his forehead. "We've looked all around, called everyone we can, Project D has been put on hold because not even they can find him, shit."

"They're just... gone," Kenji slowly said.

Takumi sat still on the floor. They knew. They knew he and Itsuki were both truly gone, disappeared without a trace.

"They wouldn't leave for some other country, right?" Iketani suddenly asked.

"What makes you say that?" Yuichi asked back.

"Well, It's only Takumi's 86 and Itsuki's 86 that are gone. Itsuki's 85 is still at his parent's house..." Iketani sighed. "Nevermind. That's stupid."

"I will never understand how the hell Itsuki was able to make payments on both his 86 AND his 85," Kenji interjected. "Or how he even got the money for his 86."

"He's only had the 86 for a few days or so. Well, a few days before he... you know."

"Yeah," Yuichi agreed. "Itsuki hasn't had to pay for the 86's engine tax yet. How he got the money for an 86 I don't know either."

"Probably took out another loan and sold the turbo for his 85." Iketani leaned back. "I just don't see why they would disappear. Why would they leave us?"

"It's not like we were horrible to them. A few jokes here and there, but that's it." Kenji's head sat low, his eyes fixed to the ground. "The worst we ever were to either one of them was the time when Itsuki screwed up and bought an 85."

"Itsuki did run away crying his eyes out though," Yuichi reminded. "Maybe, this is a big maybe, but maybe he was going through some things we didn't know about. Maybe he snapped and ran away."

Initial D First Stage Sound Files vol.1 - Admiration starts playing.

"Would he really do that?"

Takumi could do nothing but watch and listen.

Yuichi sighed. "I don't want to say he'd be moronic enough to actually run away, but you never know. Maybe Takumi followed to try and get him out of it."

"So what, they both went to someplace like, I dunno. China? Hell, maybe the states?"

"I don't know. I wish I had some buddies over in the states, but I don't."

They each fell into silence, thinking intently about Takumi and Itsuki.

Takumi couldn't believe it. By being in Equestria, he was hurting his friends. Mentally. Their daily lives were being affected by him just... not being there.

"FUCK!" Iketani slammed his fist on the coffee table. "Why did they leave us? What the FUCK!?"

"Iketani?!" Kenji called out as Iketani stormed out of the gas station.

"No..." Takumi slowly said, on the verge of tears.

Takumi woke up in the backseat of his 86. As he sat up, he saw that the day had carried over into night.

"At least I..." He yawned. "At least I didn't sleep in the front seat."

He crawled in between the front seats and maneuvered himself over the gear shift and parking lever to sit down in the right seat. He wasted no time using telekinesis to bring the keys out from his sweater and start the 86.

Listening to the engine rev up to idle, he laid his head on the steering wheel.

I might as well not be alive to them. Disappeared without a trace, just... gone... he thought. In this world, in this... form, I'm supposed to have a purpose. Celestia raises and lowers the sun, Luna raises and lowers the moon, Cadance is... deals with love stuff? And Twilight deals with friendship stuff. However the heck that works.

He barely acknowledged the plane flying in overhead.

But me? I don't have a purpose. I'm just here. I don't have a proper mark, no purpose, no meaningful talent. I should just end myself. What's the point of living if you have no purpose in life? There is no point. So why do I keep living? Can you even call this living?

He looked at the 86's tachometer.

"And then you..." He rubbed the dashboard. "What would even happen to you after I'm gone? Would you just get sold to somebody and they wouldn't even think of what you've done? I guess that in this world, chances are that Luna would keep you. As a... memory of me... Luna..."

He glanced up at the moon. "What would Luna think if I ended it all? How much does she care about me? She's a racer, like me. A new racer who just wants to learn how to be fast. Why does she even want to race? She's over a thousand years old, yet it's like she's only ever driven for a couple of years. Cars had to have been around for a while, right?"

"But she really wants to learn. From me. Oh god..." Tears formed in his eyes. "She'd be heartbroken. I don't know what to do. Should I end it? I don't even deserve to be an Alicorn. W-Why did I become one if I don't deserve it?"

He hugged the steering wheel as tears dripped down his face. "86... please... what do I do..."


His eyes glanced outside to spot a purple S14 Silvia Kouki roll by, along with a silver BMW M3 Evolution III and a Greyish Blue Pearl Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R V-Spec I.


Music ends.

"Who the heck owns that jalopy?" Spitfire wondered as she, Fleetfoot, and Thunderlane exited the building.

"Where?" Fleetfoot asked.

"Over there. The hatchback near the entrance." Spitfire pointed at an old white and black hatchback parked next to the entrance of the Wonderbolts Training Academy staff parking lot.

"Oh. Hm. I dunno."

"Anyways." Spitfire eyed Thunderlane as they walked. "Thunderlane. Care to teach us about how the hay you managed to beat me last night with your M3?"

"I just... want to practice is all," Thunderlane replied. Last night, Takumi foalsitted Rumble. Last night, my M3 supposedly beat Spitfire, he thought. Could Takumi have been the driver? Crap. If only I had gotten his number. Rumble is the only one to know where I put my car keys when I'm gone. Takumi has been the only one other than me, him, and Fluttershy in the past month. He's the only one who could have possibly driven it.

"If you say so. You two ready for a couple of sparring runs? Fleetfoot, you ready for your first sparring run?"

"Yeah," Fleetfoot replied. "I can't wait to put my new Three-Two through its paces."

"That's the spirit."

The three got in their cars. Spitfire sat in the left driver's seat of her purple Nissan S14 Silvia Autech, starting its SR20VET 2.0 Liter Inline 4.

Thunderlane got in a silver BMW M3 Evolution III, starting its BMW S14 2.5 Liter Inline 4.

Fleetfoot got in a Greyish Blue Pearl Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R V-Spec, starting its venerable RB26DETT 2.6 Liter Straight Six.

After waiting a minute or so, Spitfire picked up a transceiver. "You two ready?"

"Pretty much," Thunderlane replied.

"I'm gonna wait until it's fully warmed up," Fleetfoot said. "I don't want to damage it on accident."

"Oh come on Fleetfoot. It's an R32."

"One that hasn't been driven very much! Or hard! And it's only recently been restored! It's my new car. I don't want to break it."

"Didn't think you were a coward. You are the second-best flyer on the Wonderbolts. How can you be scared of breaking an R32?" Spitfire put her S14 into reverse and pulled out of her spot.

"It's not a Toyota."

"Nissan is RIGHT BEHIND TOYOTA in terms of reliability if that's what you're thinking."

"No it isn't. It's right behind Honda."

"Which is right behind Toyota."

"I don't care."

Spitfire groaned as Fleetfoot and Thunderlane pulled out of their spots, slowly following her through the parking lot.

"You three want somepony taping you?" a new male voice asked over the radio.

"Oh hey Soarin," Spitfire replied. "Sure. Why not?"

"Alright. I'll follow you in the air."

Spitfire smirked as they passed the white and black hatchback, eyeing the M3 in the rearview mirror. Time for a sparring run.


Spitfire's S14 tore around a corner, accelerating out like a rocket.

The fiery pegasus looked in the mirror as she flew down a straightaway, seeing two headlights shrink in the distance. She smirked.

"If I keep this up I'll be ready for the airshow in no time."

She let off the throttle and let the S14 decelerate a little as she went down a straight. She preferred not to completely trash her brakes unless she was on a serious time attack run.

Edo Boys - No One Sleep In Tokyo starts playing.


A set of headlights flew around a curve behind.

"Finally catchin' up ay?" Spitfire remarked.


The headlights caught up quickly. Two white boxes with two slightly smaller yellow boxes several inches below.

"Wait, that's not one of ours," she said, not recognizing the car. "Is that an MR2 or a 180?"

The car tailed her, sticking close to her bumper. She looked forward. "Alright. Let's see what this guy's got to give."

She pressed hard on the accelerator, speeding down the straightaway with the car behind sticking to her bumper.

They entered a right corner, braking and drifting through the inside with slip angle in a parallel drift before exiting. They barely had time to accelerate before having to slow down and drift into a left corner. But even as she exited, the headlights stayed right behind her.

"Nice drivin' chief but after three corners you won't even be a speck in my rearview mirror!" Spitfire exclaimed as she pressed on the accelerator.


Spitfire went hard on the brakes as she approached a left hairpin, performing a braking drift to slide into the inside easily. She glanced behind and saw a white and black liftback drifting mere centimeters from her S14.

"Woah is that a Corolla!? You're kiddin' me!"

She put the pedal to the metal as they exited, trying to speed away from the mysterious Corolla Hatchback.

Her efforts were in vain as the Corolla stuck right behind her down a straightaway. Any closer and it would be rubbing her bumper.

"How is it sticking to my bumper!? It's a Corolla! A modified Corolla sure but I don't hear a Turbo!"

Tires squealed as they flew around a right curve. Brake rotors lit up red, gears locked into place, and engines revved as she and the Corolla entered a left corner. Both cars turned quickly, drifting through the inside before Spitfire exited a couple of inches from the guardrail, while the Corolla exited centimeters from it.

The veteran flyer bit her lip as she watched the Corolla switch into the left lane and slowly bring its front right wheel next to her rear left.

Crap. I'm gonna need to pick up the pace here if I want to stay ahead! were her thoughts as a left curve approached.

She tried moving towards the inside, crowding the Corolla to try and make it back off. As she used an advanced grip run technique through the inside of the corner, the left side of her car darken.

Good. Stay back there.

As the left corner ended and took her into the following right corner, she saw the right side of the S14 brighten. Her eyes widened as she saw the Corolla diving for the inside.

"Oh no you don't!" she yelled. "I'm not giving you the inside that easily!"

She pressed on the accelerator and steered inward, trying to force the Corolla to once again back off. To her tremendous surprise, the Corolla went even further to the inside and began passing her!

"What in Tartarus!? How are you doing that?!"

The Corolla drifted on the inside, pulling itself parallel to the S14.

There shouldn't be any ground where you're driving! she internally yelled, remembering the lidless drainage gutters on either side of the road for this particular part of the course. How are you driving there!?

As they both exited, Spitfire heard a quick thunk as the Corolla sped side by side with her. She looked at the Corolla to spot its driver, but couldn't get a good look.

She looked forward. I'll be on the inside through this next corner. But after that, there's a right hairpin. I gotta pull ahead if I want to STAY ahead.

Without missing a beat, she let off the accelerator and steered to the inside of a left curve to maximize stability, barely letting the tires squeal.

But the Corolla's tires were squealing.

Spitfire would have smiled if she didn't see the Corolla on her right, nearly matching her pace!

"WHAT!? How are you turning?! I have the inside line!"

Though she was pulling ahead, the rate at which she did so was too slow. The Corolla sat half a car length behind her as they accelerated down a small straight before braking and drifting into a right hairpin, Corolla on the inside with Spitfire on the outside.

Spitfire growled as the Corolla Liftback sped through the inside and exited right in front of her, pulling away.

How can he pull away so easily? she wondered. I have the turbo! He doesn't!

The Corolla braked and drifted through a left corner, pulling away from Spitfire.

That turn! How can he use slip angle so effortlessly? I've never seen that car on this pass before!

She followed the car the best she could, noting how the pace had shifted. It felt more cautious. It looked like the Corolla was feeling out the road. But something about it felt familiar.

Left curve followed by a long right hairpin. Spitfire followed the Corolla, further recognizing the way it drove.

Suddenly, it turned into a silver BMW E30 M3 Evolution III, drifting through each corner. Spitfire couldn't believe it.

"I know that driving! I KNEW it wasn't Thunderlane driving last night!" she yelled as the E30 Evo turned back into the Corolla. "It was somepony else! Somepony who want to-"

Music ends.


Spitfire felt the front left tire drop into the lidless gutter, creating a horrific screeching noise. The S14 slid around sideways as she instinctively pressed the clutch and brakes, coming to a stop sideways in the middle of the road.

She looked towards the Corolla just as it disappeared around a corner, taillights stalling and tires squealing as it disappeared into the night.

She looked at the steering wheel.

"Holy crap..." she slowly said. "How was I just beaten by a... Corolla? A Trueno? Me, captain of the Wonderbolts, beaten by a Trueno?"

She opened her door and got out just as Soarin landed next to her S14.

"Spitfire! What the heck was that?" he asked.

"I... don't know," she quietly replied.

The quiet sound of brakes squealing was heard behind them. looking over, they saw Fleetfoot's R32 and Thunderlane's E30 Evo come to a stop on the side of the road. The respective drivers got out.

"Oh sweet Celestia, he passed you too?" Fleetfoot asked as she and Thunderlane walked over.

"Yeah." Spitfire scowled as she looked to where the Corolla had disappeared. "And my pride doesn't like it one bit."

She looked at her S14. "I've been driving this road for years. No Autech Tuned S14 should get dusted by a Corolla of any kind. Much less one from the distant past."

"Wait, are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" Fleetfoot asked.

"I can't let the pride of the Wonderbolts be tarnished like that. We race up and down this road to sharpen our reflexes to a tee. That's why the top Wonderbolts are as good as flying as they are, except Fleetfoot. To have somepony casually waltz over here and beat us? We can't let that happen."

Spitfire looked back to where the Corolla had disappeared. "I don't care who that person is. I'm going to battle him down this mountain if it's the last thing I-"

vroooooOOOOOOm- vroooooooooo

Headlights suddenly appeared from around the corner. Within seconds, the same Corolla passed them doing about 30MPH, barely flinching at the presence of the four pegasi and three cars.

"Wait, why is he heading back up?" Thunderlane wondered.

"Because he's practicing," Spitfire coldly replied. "He's attacking our home turf."

"Oh! Uh, Princess Luna!" Twilight exclaimed as she saw the midnight Alicorn standing at the front door. "I-I didn't know you'd be here!"

"After reading your message, I had to come," Luna calmly replied. "May I come in?"

"Um- Of course!" Twilight stepped aside.

Luna nodded and walked in, quietly closing the door behind her via magic. "Do you know where Takumi is?"

"Um... no."

"No?" Luna stopped and stared at Twilight.

"Last I remember, he said something about going to a place he and Rumble went to last night. I tried getting Rumble to tell me where, but he never cracked."

Luna thought of the places he could have gone last night. It had to have been a mountain road. Where else would Takumi go?

The question was, which mountain road? It could not have been the Canterlot Turnpike. She was on that road until just minutes before she had to lower the moon. If he had been anywhere near the road, she would have known.

"Takumi should not be out here in Ponyville. Neither he nor Itsuki should be. Somepony could easily see and take them."

"But, Luna, weren't they normal pon- people back in their world?"

Luna sighed. "That is exactly why me and my sister have been lax on them. Itsuki is in Rainbow Dash's company, who is a very capable mare should something happen, but Takumi..."

"Takumi... is by himself?"

Luna nodded. "Takumi does not trust many. He seems to only trust me."


"Because I have spent the most time with him."

They fell into silence for a moment. Luna continued to figure out where Takumi could be. She would be lying if she said she was not worried.

"Twilight, do you know where a mountain road is?"

Twilight was surprised. "Yeah. I know plenty. Why?"

"Where is the closest road?"

"Wonderbolt Training Acadamy access highway is the most notable I can think of. I don't car enough to memorize the others."

"Perfect. And one last thing, where is Itsuki Takeuchi and Rainbow Dash?"

"They are... somewhere around Ponyville. Probably pulling another prank somewhere."


"Because Rainbow likes to pull pranks."

"Fair enough. Anyways, I shall fly out to the Academy and find Takumi."

"You-... um, ok then."

"Sorry for leaving on short notice. I just want to find Takumi. I would hate for something to happen to him."

"Same here. In that case, uh, bye."

Luna simply nodded before walking past Twilight and back out the front door. She eyed Ponyville for a split second before unfurling her wings and taking to the sky, eyes locked on Mount Bolt. The two-third mile tall mountain with the WTA sitting on top. She smirked.

Takumi, are you doing what I think you are doing?

Author's Note:

I feel like this chapter is a little all over the place. I don't know why. Reading through it, it feels both fine and not fine at the same time. Specifically with Luna talking to Twilight. I couldn't decide between leaving it in or not. As you can tell, I left it in. MAYBE I'll take it out at a later date. Maybe.