• Published 6th Jul 2021
  • 803 Views, 34 Comments

Eternal - Violet_09

We have bled the lightning in our veins, we are vengeance made manifest, we are Stormcast Eternals. And as our souls begin to fade, we will continue to fight for the mortal realms!

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Politics and magic


I stand in front of five of the most Influential members of our order, they are war leaders, veterans and politicians of the Stormcast Eternals. They are the ponies that allow us to go to war or not, they are the one trying to keep the grand alliance of order together, and I’m a member of this council. However I’m not an important member of the council so I’ll have less influence to convince the other members why we should go to war.

“Sunset Shimmer.” Lord Commander Rockhoof spoke, his booming voice echoed throughout the room. He is the leader of the Hammers of Celestia, the Storm host of which I’m apart off, so his word is law. “You stand before the council, what is it that you have to stay?”

“It’s the Changelings of Ghyran, their leader has made a declaration of war by invading Canterlot.” I inform the council. “We must attack now while they don’t suspect we’re coming, we have an advantage.” When I told the council, they looked at each other and communicated quietly.

“We have come to a decision and our answer is No.” Rock Hoof speaks for the council. The Grand Magister seems displeased with the decision.

“No? Chrysalis is slaying innocent ponies!”

“Chrysalis is part of the grand alliance of order, we can’t just attack an ally.”

“She’s attacking the free ponies of Celestia! How can you say no to that!”

“I agree with her.” Grand Magister Sunburst joined the argument. “We can’t just abandon ponies that we’ve sworn to protect!”

“May I remind you Sunburst that our troops are spread thin across the mortal realms! We can’t waste our recourses on pointless battles; and pointless wars!”

“Defending civilians isn’t pointless!!!” Sunburst unleashes his famous fiery temper at the Lord Commander and slams his fist onto the table.

“That is why our recourses are spread thin, we have bigger problems across the mortal Realms, especially in Ulgu! Where the Chaos Warriors are raging war against Nightmare Moon and her kingdom!” Rock Hoof explains.

“She the God of the night, she can defend her own realm with ease!”

“You dare risk the lives of the many to save only a few!?”

“That is not what I am suggesting I’m saying we can send some soldiers to-”

“If we don’t defend Ulgu with all our might then the realm will be lost to chaos!” Rock Hoof begins to loose his temper with Sunburst. "Nightmare moon has requested our aid and thus we must respond with more soldiers, even the other Stormhosts are aiding her in the defence!"

“Then why aren’t you in the war? huh?!” Sunburst questions. "If Ulgu needs as many Stormcasts as possible the why aren't you joining the war Effort!!!" Sunburst shouts at the top of his lungs.

“Because I am needed here Sunburst! Celestia demands I stay here! You of all ponies should know that!” he informs Sunburst. "In fact why don't you join the war too?"

They argued back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. But this is what politics boil down to, incessive useless arguing that gets nothing done. Those two have always been at each others throats for some time, fifty years I believe and they never agree with anything. I had to get them to stop arguing so I yelled. “Enough of this! You two are like children! Spoiled bratty children who thinks the world revolves around them!” They stop arguing, for now. I now have their attention, now I shall speak calmly. “Lord Commander I know Ulgu is in dire need of our aid, but I only request a small army to take back Canterlot.”

“Mmmm...” The lord commander grumbled. “Chrysalis is still part of the Grand Alliance of Order, we can’t just attack an ally. However we can negotiate with her.” That’s not the answer I wanted, but it’s better than nothing. “If however she refuses to negotiate in anyway, then you can go to war.”

“Then I shall send a letter, and thank you my lord. And goodbye.” I left the council never to return, I can’t stand the arguing of these two children any longer. It makes me wonder why I didn’t leave earlier if I hated arguing so much? Maybe I just wanted approval from the Lord Commander, or maybe I just wanted to prove I was good at politics. I’ll never know because I can’t remember why in the first place.


“Hello, Mi Amore Cadenza. We meet again.” I greet my prisoner. “I sure hope you enjoyed your stay in the mines, with the rest of the ponies who dared defy me.” She spat in my face insulting the position of power I’m in, I wipe her saliva off with my hand and continue talking. “Really now, there’s no need to be rude Mi Amore.”

“Its just Cadence.” She says in disgust. “And I want you to get out of my kingdom.”

“Well ‘Cadence’. This isn’t your kingdom any more, and as you may have noticed I’m the one in control now.” I tell Cadence. “It took nine years of infiltration and subterfuge to take over Canterlot, and I admit your husband, Shining Armour was it?” I question knowing the answer and making Cadence slightly angry. “He put up a good fight, but in the end he was defeated by my general and...” I turn my back against the once renowned Princess, “Lets just say he’s seen better days.” I turned my head slightly making sure she can see my menacing smile, I smiled wide with distasteful joy and the look on her face makes me pleased.

“What have you done to him?!” She yells at the top of her lungs. She ran to me and starts punching me, they’re weak throws of punches, I don’t flinch because of my dense chitin armour. “You won’t get away with what you’ve done! I’ll kill you, I’ll, I’ll!”

“You’ll do what?! Nothing!” I shout at her. ”That’s all your cursed blood line has ever done for this realm, nothing! All you do is sit on this throne and be pampered by your servants and let nobles take advantage of you! You don’t go to war, you’ve never lifted a sword! And I bet you’ve never seen your own blood drip from your body! I do those things, I lead wars, I slay my foes with my own hands, I’ve tasted my own blood! And you haven’t, because you are a spoiled little brat that doesn’t know about the real world!” I see tears form from her eyes. Cadence wipes her tears from her face but she can’t stop crying. “You cry because it’s true; and you know it.”

“Yes you’re right, I’m a fool.” She says.

“So you admit it.”

“Yes I do.” She admits being a naive fool of a ruler. “But you’re worse.” She accuses me of being a worse leader than her.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“You’re worse than me.” She repeats herself. “You attacked Canterlot unprovoked, you killed many innocent ponies, you think of me as a fool, a nave simpleton who doesn’t know her left from right, I am better than you chrysalis and I always will be!”

There’s a moment of silence between us before I slap her with my back hand, the slap was so hard you could see the shockwave from the impact. Cadence’s face is dripping tear like blood from her left eye which is now bloodshot red, her face is beginning to bruise and she spat out one tooth. “Young lady you don’t know who you’re dealing with. I am a demigod, I am Queen Chrysalis Vespa of Ghyran! And I am Eternal!” I boast to Cadence before I kick her onto the floor.

“You may be Queen of the changelings here in Ghyran, but you’re not Queen of Canterlot!”

I grab her neck and then lift her till she’s eye level with me, I squeeze her neck tight, but not too tight so I choke her to death. She attempts to pry my hand off her neck, however she’s too weak to do so. “You, and your bloodline don’t deserve to be leaders of this Kingdom.”

“What do you have against my family linage?” She struggled to ask as it gets harder for her to breath. She’s now gasping for air to fill her lungs. It's tempting to kill Cadence right at this very moment and get it over and done with, but I shall resist the urge to put her down like rabid dog, so I loosen my grip slightly, enough so she can breathe.

I bring her closer to my face and answer the question. "Because your family bloodline has worshipped the gods of chaos in the past."

"Chaos worship? M-My family hasn't worshipped the chaos gods well over two centuries." She feeds me lies. "We've been forgiven by the Stormcast eternals, t-the Shining Knights forgave us during the realmgate wars, they-"

"Lies!" I growled at her. "The God Queens favourite soldiers would never forgive anyone who allied themselves with the ruinous powers! Especially those of the Shining Knights Stormhost!" I throw Cadence on the floor in a fit of rage. "Even if they've forgiven your bloodline for the crimes against pony kind; I haven't and I never will!"

"Celestia's warriors have forgiven me, you just don't want to be proven wrong because you're too stubborn and full of pride!" Cadence argued. “Why do you want to take my kingdom? Is it out of spite for my family's past mistakes?”

"No, not just that, there are other reasons." I begin to explain. “I don’t want my kind to be in children stories, I don’t want us to be forgotten by the mortal realms any longer. I want a new home for us changelings, overpopulation can be a pain to deal with. And lastly I’m looking for something, something secret, something that hasn’t been seen since the destruction of the Old world.”

“Who the heck made you Queen?” She questioned with a hint of poison in her tone.

“I was born into the position, just like you Princess.” I compared the two of us and it just made Cadence’s mood even more sour than it already is.

“In the name of Celestia, your actions won’t go unjustified.”

“You ponies still call the God Queen Celestia? That’s not even her real name.” Cadences expression turns from anger to confusion.

“What are you talking about? Her name has always been Celestia.”

“Ha, that’s a lie invented by the God Queen. She has taken the name Celestia for her own reasons, her real name is-” I get interrupted by one of my messengers entering the throne room. “What is the meaning of this interruption!?” I shout at them.

“M-My Queen, I have a l-letter for you.” They stutter in fear. “It’s from t-t-the Stormcast Eternals.”

“What?” I march up to the Changeling messenger. “Give it here!” I snatch the message from my messenger and start to read the message.

Queen Chrysalis Vespa

By invading the city of Canterlot unprovoked, you have also made a declaration of war.
If it was up to me I would let the fury of our armies reign down upon you, I would let
thunder and lightning strike you down right now after what you have done.

However the Lord Commander has pointed out that you’re still part of the grand alliance
of order, and that we can’t harm you because you’re still an ally. So I’ve decided to send
five Evocators to negotiate with you. If you and my Evocators don’t come to an agreement,
then war will come for you. May Celestia have mercy on your soul, because I won’t.

Lord Arcanum Sunset Shimmer.

I growl and tear the paper apart in a small fit of rage, this wasn’t part of the plan, the Stormcast Eternals will ruin everything. “I best prepare for our unwanted guests.” I say to myself. “Guards!” I summon my Changeling guards, two of them come into the throne room anticipating my orders. “Send this, Princess back into the mines; and make sure she doesn’t escape again!” I command them, they each grab hold of cadences arms and drag her away. “Before you go, inform the others that if they see Stormcast Eternals, let them come, I have an important meeting with them.”

“Yes my queen.” They say in unison. They drag Cadence away kicking and screaming and shut the doors behind them. I am now alone with my thoughts, for now.

The Everfree forest

“I said get out of our forest fleshbags, Now!” The Zecorian hunter repeated themselves. Zecorian hunters are Free Spirits who fight upon the orders of the Everqueen herself, they’re strong, swift and incredibly skilled. They’re named after an old forest God who’s long dead named Zecora. “You have ten seconds!”

“Amber don’t!” Fluttershy intervened. “They’re my friends and I won’t let you kill them.”

“Fluttershy?” The one named Amber recognised Fluttershy. “Lower your Weapons.” He ordered the other Zecorian hunters and the did what he ordered. “Fluttershy what are you doing back here in the Everfree, I thought you were Soulbound?” He questioned. “And what happened to your leg?”

“We were attacked by Changelings, they’ve took over Canterlot.” Fluttershy explains.

“Changeling attack? I thought they were the good guys?”

“We need a place to stay amber, we have injured ponies here.” Fluttershy pleaded Amber for help but he looks conflicted.

“Fluttershy I can’t let the Fleshbags further into the forest, the Treelord would kill me, nor will she be happy with you.” Said Amber. “I’m sorry Fluttershy but I can’t let you in with these, fleshbags” Amber insults us again. “You’ll just have to move along.”

“Alright that’s it.” I interject. “You tree folk are a disgraceful. We have injured ponies that will most likely die in a few days if they don’t get help.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash joins in. “Have you seen the state of my arm, I mean it will make a sick looking scar but it won’t be cool if me or Rarity die from our wounds!”

“You trees are just big fat meanies.” Pinkie Pie insults the Zecorian hunters in her own way. “Except for Fluttershy, she's like an angel but as a tree.”

“Please Amber, you can’t just let them die, it’s wrong and you know it” Said Fluttershy.

Amber pauses for a minute, again he looks conflicted but he also looks annoyed from what I can tell. He growls and slaps his face in annoyance. “Fine I’ll help you, but I’m only doing this for Fluttershy.” He tell us. “Grab your wounded and we’ll guide you through the Everfree safety.”

“Is this wise to assist the fleshbags?” One of the Zecorian hunters asked. “The rest of the Sylvaneth will think we’re going soft.”

“I know, but like I said, we’re only doing this for Fluttershy, they’re just luck that Drycha wasn’t around.” Said Amber. “Now lets get going, assist them if need be.” One of the two unnamed Sylvaneth went over and picked up Rarity and placed her on their shoulder.

The other one went to help Rainbow Dash, however she refused help. “I can walk just fine, it’s my arm that’s injured.” She says. The Zecorian hunter shrugged and decided to help out Fluttershy instead. We all walk into the Everfree forest with the Zecorian hunters keeping us safe from the wildlife in the forest.

We walk through the forest for a long time, eventually though the Zecorian hunters find their home where the trees are tallest. Their home has a large population of dryads, Tree Revenants and other Zecorian hunters, there is also some timber wolves along with other local wildlife. You can also find a very large Treelord amongst the Sylvaneth, the Treelord looks ancient compared to the rest of the Sylvaneth I’ve seen today. and along with her is a different Sylvaneth I’ve never seen before, It looks like a Tree Revenant but it has a large bug on its back helping it fly, it has horns on its head with an elegant armoured mask covering its face, it has a glowing spear with a curved tip and a glowing shield.

These Sylvaneth are very different from one another, but what they all have in common is that they’re singing. They’re singing in a language that I can’t understand but when they sing life grows all around them and prospers. Animals are looking happy around the Sylvaneth, they’re happiest animals I’ve ever seen.

As we walk through the crowd of Dryads the singing starts to quiet down until the Treelord takes notice of us, and she looks disappointed, very disappointed “Amber!” She called out the Zecorian hunter and the singing promptly stops. The Treelords voice is female but it has a mixture of a young and old voice. “Why have you bought Ponies into our grove!?” She asks.

“Fluttershy was in need of assistance, and Fluttershy just happened to be friends with these fleshbags.” Amber answers the Treelord.

“We have enough problems to deal with Amber.” Says the Treelord. “We still have Drakes in our forest.”

“The Drakes have been dealt with, we’ve captured their leader earlier today.” Amber reminded the Treelord.

The strange Tree Revenant flew up to Amber and pointed his spear at him. “You dare question your leader, Zecorian hunter?”

Amber tilted his head curiously as if he never seen this variant of a Tree Revenant before.“Now who is this?”

“This is an Arch revenant, the Everqueen has recently made them while you were gone, however he has no name yet.” The ancient Treelord answers. “Don’t change the subject! You have let ponies into our grove!”

“Don’t blame Amber Treelord Llyrdreth. I convinced him to let them come.” Fluttershy told the Treelord.

“Fluttershy, you made him do this? You of all Sylvaneth?” Treelord Llyrdreth questions.

“Yes my lord, but they’re my friends, and they need healing please help them.” I stay silent throughout the conversation, I thought it would just make the Slyvaneth more angry at us than they already are. Me and my friends get stared at by the Dryads who are just curious, but the Revenants look like they want to kill us along with the other Zecorian hunters. And to be honest I’m scared of what they would do to us if I even talked back to them.

“Do you wish me to slay these intruders my lord?” The Arch Revenant asked and glared directly into Ambers eyes. “Along with the traitors?”

“That won’t be necessary, We can let them recover here for now, after they’ve been healed of their injuries then they must leave this forest. And if they don’t leave, then they can be slain by your hands.” Llyrdreth said the the Arch Revenant. “Take the healthy ones where our prisoner is.” She ordered. “Fluttershy, I will deal with you later.” Me and Pinkie were dragged off by dryads while the others are being taken somewhere else.

Me and Pinkie were taken underneath a large tree where it was dark and gloomy, creepy bugs crawled and tunnelled through the dirt, the only thing keeping this place lit was bioluminescent mushrooms. The dryads pin both of us to a wall and vines grow to keep us both restraint, I’m guessing that we’re being restraint to prevent us from escaping or trying anything funny. “Enjoy your stay Fleshbags. while you can.” One dryad said. “Say hi to the other prisoner for me.”

“What other prisoner?” I asked.

“Yeah, what other prisoner?” Pinkie repeated.

In front of us we see the other prisoner, he is a very scaly and a strong looking fellow. He has purple scales and a green spine that goes all the way down to his tail, he wears gold armour but his left arm has the most protection. He looks at us with his dark green eyes as if he somehow recognises me and Pinkie. “Applejack.” He knows my name, how does he know my name? “Is that really you?”

“How do you know my name?” I asked panicking. “How do you know my name!?” I yell at the drake.

“Applejack it’s me, Spike.”

Canterlot the next day

As I sit on the throne in this room a bolt of lightning can be heard outside the castle, the Stormcast have arrived for our ‘negotiation’. I wait patently for them to enter the throne room, they should be allowed in because I ordered my guards to let them in.

Suddenly five evocators enter the throne room, Evocators are like battle mages but they have more magical abilities. All five of them have a staff and a sword as their weapon of choice. All of them are wearing helmets, all but one, the one who isn’t wearing a helmet is a unicorn who looks like he was from high society, a prince maybe? He has a blonde mane with blue eye and a white coat of fur with a white horn. “Queen Chrysalis.” The evocator without a helmet spoke. “We are here to-”

“I know why you’re here Stormcast.” I interrupted him. “I received a letter telling me you were coming; and no I am not giving away the city.”

The Stormcasts expression has turned from calm to mad. “This city belongs to the free Ponies of Celestia, it wasn’t yours in the first place!” his tone turned more aggressive.

“Well this city belongs to me now Stormcast. Now leave.” I commanded him, but he didn’t listen. Instead he walked further towards me along with the rest of his squad. “I said leave!” I shouted.

“No, I am determined to do my duty and convince you to go home to your kingdom.”

“Don’t you understand? I am home.” I said with a smile on my face. “And you will leave, or die by my hand.” I threatened the Stormcast Eternals but they all laughed at my threat.

“We can’t die, we’ll just reforge like we normally do.” The Stormcast without a helmet chuckled. I laughed along with them; and I continued to laugh until they stop.

I Stand up from my throne and gave off an evil grin before asking. “What is your name Stormcast?”

“Blueblood, my name is Blueblood. Why do you ask?”

“I just wanted your name. Before I kill you all.” I say to them before I summon my weapon. My weapon was a spear, The is taller me and the tip of the spear is a shape and size of a changeling great sword with runes imbedded into it. The Evocators unsheathe their swords and they’re ready to battle a demigod.

“Chrysalis this is pointless, you’re part of order.” Said Blueblood. “You don’t want to start a war with us!”

“I know I’m part of order. But unlike you, I’m not one of the God Queens golden warriors!” I sprint toward the Evocators and attempt to stab Blueblood with my spear. Him and one of the other Evocators deflect my spear with their tempest blades while the other Stormcast tried to push me using their magical staff but it only felt like wind to me. I kick the one who pushed me out of the way and I used the bottom of my spear to hit the one who deflected my strike in the face and I back handed blueblood and he hit a wall.

I felt a burst of flames hit me, three blue fire balls from the fourth Stormcast flew towards me. I casted a shield spell to block all three fireballs. “You’re not the only ones who knows magic.” I said to all the Evocators. I fire three balls of green acid at the Evocator who casted those fireballs, but he dodged out of the way and the acid balls destroyed a wall in the throne room.

That same Evocator turned the end of his staff into blue flames, he rushed toward me and tried to whack me with his fiery staff. they missed and I stabbed them in the stomach with my staff, it went all the way through their body, a bolt of lightning shot out of their body and went through the ceiling. That’s one going to be reforged, four more to go.

Bluebloods eyes glowed bright blue and he fired lightning out of his staff, it hit me and burnt my chitin shell. Three other Stormcasts did the same, they’re trying to either restrain me or cook me alive with their lightning bolts. My eyes turn yellow and I stamp my foot on the ground to create a mini earthquake in the room. All the Stormcast eternals stagger and fall.

I jump in to the air and try to use my spear to stab one of the Stormcast on the ground, they move out of the way and I stabbed deep into the floor instead. I pull my spear out and slash the Stormcast Eternal but he used his sword to deflect the incoming blow, he attacked with his sword causing me to feel electric pain from that slash from his sword. This gives me a huge scar across my chitin armour. I let go of my weapon and grab the Stormcast Eternals head, he casts blue flames to burn me before I crush his skull. Like the last one before lightning shot out of his body and burning my forearm I ignore the pain to the best of my ability.

Another Stormcast Eternal attempts to attack me in anger, she attacks me with her tempest blade but I block her with my other arm, the sword bursts out electricity as soon as it hits me, I punch her armoured body as hard as I possibly could. The punch was so hard that she flew to the other side of the room and made huge cracks on the wall, I can see a dent in the armour where I punched her.

She struggled to get back up after that punch so Blueblood came to her aid while an Evocator trapped me in a magical bubble. The bubble started to shrink so it can squeeze the life out of me, so in response I slammed my fists repeatedly on the bubble until it broke, once it’s broken I rushed to the Evocator that casted the spell and I snapped his neck. Lightning burst out of his body and his limp body dropped dead.

I ran to Blueblood and the other Stormcast Eternal to kill them both. However the Stormcast that has a dent in her armour tried to push me back with lightning coming out of her fingertips. I continue to push forward despite the pain, When I got close enough I punched the Stormcast were I punched her before and my arm went straight through her body. Lightning shot out of her and burnt my other arm.

Blueblood looked around the room to see all the corpses of his brethren, he looked at me and asked. “Why?”

“Because I can.” A say before setting him ablaze with fire magic that will burn not only his body, but also his soul. He was burning to a crisp and he’s screaming in agony, as soon as the screaming stopped his body became his crispy, charred still burning body laid still. “No more resurrections.” I say the Bluebloods corpse before I fell on my knees as I endure the pain that has been holding throughout this battle, I feel as if I’m going to faint from the pain.

The guards finally come in the room and they see damage that has been done to this room, and the see me in pain with burn marks and a scar on my chest. “Get Thorax now!” I yell at them before everything went black.


I don’t know how long I’ve been reading for, but I’ve read more than twelve books than I originally planned to. This library just sucks me into getting more and more books, they’re just such good books, most of them aren’t even in the mortal realms from what I can tell. Some of them I can’t even read because it’s in a completely different language. The one I’m just about to finish now is called ‘Underworlds’ it’s an anthology about different warbands fighting over an artefact of great power, it’s a great book just wish the ending was better.

I put the book down in the pile with the other finished books and I was about to grab another book when I notice a pony sitting in front of me. she’s a unicorn that wears armour just like the two Stormcasts from the entrance, she has a light blue fur coat with a strange tattoo on her face, purple coloured eyes and a lighter blue mane in the style of a warriors Mohawk.

“H-Hi.” I greet nervously. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, who are you? And uh how long have you been sitting ther?"

“Trixie has sat here long enough to notice that you’ve read at least sixty books since yesterday,” she says. “I hope you know where they all go, because Trixie won't help you..”

“Sorry, I didn’t know how long I’ve been reading for, I lost track of time.”

“No it’s fine, Trixie has seen book worms do worse” she tells me “The names Trixie Lulamoon of the Sequitors.”

“Yeah I know, you spoke in third person.”

Trixie blushed a little due to embarrassment. “T-Trixie believes it’s a side effect from the reforging and she’s made a habit out of it.” She explains.

"I didn't know that speaking in third person was a side effect of reforging."

"Oh it is, along with strange tattoos; and even gaining new abilities like suddenly becoming an expert hunter but forgetting how to talk." Trixie lists some examples of what the Anvil does. "And Trixies only scratching the surface of the side effects."

"Wow, sounds like that anvil needs fixing."

"That's what this chamber is mainly here for. To find a solution for this problem." Suddenly, Loud angry screaming can be heard from outside the building. I was curious so I went outside to see where it was coming from, Trixie follows me cause she wants to know as well. When we got out we can both clearly hear the screaming coming from the Anvil of apotheosis. "Trixie has heard screaming there before, but I've never heard sound that bad. What's going in there? Trixie asks with a worried tone.

"I don't know. But we're about to find out."

Later we get to the anvil of apotheosis and the screaming is extremely loud. We open the door and see three Stormcast Eternals trying desperately trying to calm their fourth team member down. "Chrysalis!!!" The Stormcast screams in bloodlust rage. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you and your miserable kind!!!" She roars.

She looks directly at me and yells. “I will destroy you for what you’ve done!!!” Her eyes glow blue and lightning begins to conduct from her body, Mortal priests get zapped from the electricity and others just explode into gore from the ethereal lightning. She runs at a ridiculous speed with a sword in hand ready to strike at me.

Suddenly, a spell casted from right behind me and Trixie knocked the rage filled pony out, that's one way to calm her down. Behind us was Sunset Shimmer, she was the one casted the spell "Sunset, what in the name of Celestia was that?" Trixie asked about the Fit of rage that Stormcast was experiencing.

Sunset just said. "Chrysalis refused to negotiate. And now we must prepare for war."

Author's Note:

I wanted to show why shouldn't mess with the queen in this chapter, so I made her kick some ass, but I wanted the battle to flow smoothly in this chapter and I don’t know if I did it correctly.

Oh and here are some characters:

Lord commander Rockhoof

Grand Magister Sunburst

Spike is a Saurus oldblood without the dinosaur

The great and powerful Trixie

If you have any criticism leave it in the comments below

Comments ( 17 )

You use pictures instead descriptions?

no I do describe them, pictures are there to show what they would look like visually. Also I’ve been told I’m terrible with describing things in the past by my teacher.

The fight scene was described pretty good.

It was cool with what Spike looks like there and how he is leader of the Drakes(if I read that right).
But not really fond of how it turns out he was defeated and captured though.. not much of a good first impression for him honestly due to that..
It just bugs me a bunch about that part..

Honestly I was worried about the fight scene because the last one I wrote was too quick
And I’m sorry that spike didn’t make a good first impression for you, it was an idea in my head of how the main cast met spike in this AU, in retrospect it could’ve gone better

You certainly nailed the fight scene.

It.. just really bothers me alot about Spike there since it felt like makes him look really weak. Like his credibility was instantly rendered null by his first appearance being he was defeated and captured like that..
It just bugs me a bunch..

If I may asked, whats GW?
Since apparently there is a problem with its rules or something?

Games workshop; the owner of all warhammer related content, updated their IP so that their won’t be anymore fan related works like fan animation on youtube unless it’s a parody. so no more serious warhammer animations like Astarte's unless you buy warhammer + the new streaming service. But I’m not sure if it’s the same for fanfiction at the moment.

So me and all the other warhammer fans are boycotting them in their own ways like moving to battletech or not buying warhammer+

I'm not sure at the moment, they still haven'tupdated the IP guide lines but I do know that Warhammer+ is going to be bombed hard on release; as well as review bombed

can’t remember, sorry

So when are you going to make a next chapter?

After one more chapter on blood of the Phoenix, then I rewrite chapter four of eternal because the plan has changed.

I lost my plan for chapter four and I can’t find it

Old news, last year GW was making it so that fan created content isn’t allowed, but I believe it’s all sorted now so there’s no need to worry

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