• Published 6th Jul 2021
  • 803 Views, 34 Comments

Eternal - Violet_09

We have bled the lightning in our veins, we are vengeance made manifest, we are Stormcast Eternals. And as our souls begin to fade, we will continue to fight for the mortal realms!

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Chapter 1 - The day I died

It was supposed to be a normal wedding for my brother and the love of his life Princess Cadence, However queen Chrysalis and her hive crashed the wedding and threatened to take over Canterlot. Me and my friends thought we could handle this problem together because friendship prevails and all that. And as you can tell I was wrong, very wrong.

We underestimated the Changeling army, we thought we could handle a few dozen soldiers but they seemed endless. They had strong armour made from dense chitin, weapons, tactics and strategies and used them like a fully trained military, similar to the Equestrian military except more savage and blood thirsty. They’re hate filled warriors that either want to kill us all; or turn us into slaves for their own amusement.

Me and my friends tried fighting back. But we were easily defeated, my Rainbow Dash injured her arm with a curved knife sticking out of her arm, her pain increases tenfold when she moves a muscle or attempts to remove the knife. Rarity has a deep flesh wound across her back and it will get infected if not treated properly. Fluttershy the soulbound Branchwych is knocked unconscious and badly hurt with a entire leg missing. Pinkie Pie, Applejack and I only suffered minor injuries like some bruises or scares around our bodies, I don’t think we can last much longer against an army of Changelings.

We’re now surrounded by the horde of changelings and we have no where to run; and it’s hopeless to defend ourselves against them. “Twilight, I so hope you have a plan to get us out of this cause we could sure use one right about know.” Said Applejack. I don’t have a plan, not a proper one at least.

“Yeah I have a plan, don’t worry.” I lied.

Suddenly an evil laugh can be heard and all the changelings made way for their leader, Queen Chrysalis; Changeling queen of Ghyran; and one of eight daughters of a Godbeast, she is a demigod and a powerful one at that. She is almost eight feet tall, she has long bluish green hair, a long and corrupt looking horn on her head, her face has mandibles that form a mouth, Her chitin armour is a natural part of her body, her chitin is more stronger and more durable than the other changelings; and her wings take the form of her cape.

Right beside her is her general of her army, Pharynx. He is Chrysalis's favourite champion because of his deeds, I heard that he defended his kind by slaying a Mega-Gargant that was threatening to destroy Chrysalis’s kingdom, however that’s just a story and there’s no way to prove that he actually killed a Mega-Gargant on his own. His chitin armour is unique because it’s coloured purple and that it has runes imbedded into the armour, he also has small chitin shoulder pauldrons, the pauldron on the left has icon of a changeling skull. Pharynx has a sword, the blade is black and rectangular, it also has a dark green glow on the edges.

“So you’re the pathetic group of misfits still fighting after I’ve taken over your city.” Chrysalis insulted me and my friends. “You are all weak, injured and dying. You might as well surrender now and you’ll survive another day, as a slave of course.” Chrysalis offered a life of servitude instead of us being slain by her followers.

“Slavery? being a slave to the likes of you is worse than death.” I argued against the demigod.

“Yeah we would rather die than serve the likes of you!” Applejack agrees with me.

Chrysalis looked extremely disappointed, Her evil green glowing eyes stared directly into mine with an almost menacing glare. “What is your name mortal?” She asked with a cold tone.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, of Canterlot.” I answered

“Well Twilight Sparkle, of Cantelot. You will die a painful death, but not by my hands; I’ve tasted enough blood today.” Chrysalis turns to Pharynx and says “Execute them.”

“Yes my queen.” Pharynx bows. Chrysalis walk back towards the castle leaving Pharynx with the dirty work. “Archers Ready!” Pharynx orders. The archers simultaneously grab a single arrow from their quiver and prepare to fire them with their bows.

“Twi, we really could use that plan right about now.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Fire on my command!” Yelled Pharynx. I prepare to use a spell to conjure up a portal to somewhere safe, however I need to use the spell at the right time otherwise those arrows will fire a lot quicker. “Three... Two... One...” Pharynx counted down, he then yelled “Rain death upon them!” All the changeling archers fired their bows and arrows flew up into the air. I quickly summoned a portal behind me, I don’t know where the portal leads all I know is that it leads somewhere safe.

“Go Go Go!” I panicked as I shoved Rarity and Rainbow Dash into the portal while Applejack Quickly dragged Fluttershy into it while Pinkie ran into it. The arrows are about to hit their targets so I quickly pushed Applejack into the portal, I was about to step into the portal as well but suddenly, Three arrows pierce my back. Applejack turned to see what’s wrong and she saw me in pain and coughing up blood, She looked scared with her eyes wide open as I fell down on my knees. Applejack ran back to try and save me but it’s too late, the portal collapsed on itself; and I’m left alone to die.

My hands curl into fists as I try to keep my anger in check, This pony saved her friends; and in doing so she stole my kill; a weakling stole my kill. My anger attempts to take over my body, I take a deep breath to try and calm myself but my anger and frustration needs to be vented out. And besides, the purple one isn’t dead yet; However she is dying. I looked over to one of my soldiers that’s nearest to me and I set my eyes his sword “Your sword, give it to me now.” I command him.

“Yes general.” He says with no questions asked. He unsheathes his sword and passes it to me, it’s just a common sword for the front line infantry, nothing too special. However I hope he doesn’t mind if the unicorn uses it, because I’m going to put on a show.

I walk slowly towards the dying pony. She’s coughed up too much blood, she looks too weak to even stand up let alone handle a sword. I would kill her right now if I wanted too; and it would be very easy, However I don’t want her to die a cowards death. As I got close I tossed her my comrades' sword. “Get up, now.” I ordered her but she struggled like a worm. “I said get up now!” I repeated myself.

She struggled to get up and it made me disappointed, I couldn’t expect much from a dying pony. However from sheer willpower or the basic instinct of survival; she finally managed to get her own body of the ground and used grabbed the sword I threw at her with her left hand. I unsheathe my sword and prepared for battle “For the God Queen.” She spoke.

The unicorn was the first to strike I blocked with my blade and back handed her. “Useless!” I shout insulting her skill with a weapon. She then charges towards me screaming in anger; she holds the sword high above her head and swings downwards swiftly. I quickly move out of the way and kick her away from me and she fell down to the ground. “Too slow, is that really the best you can do?” I mocked the unicorn.

“No, I can do better.” The unicorn says as she slowly got back up. The unicorn casts a fire spell that she launches out of her hand; I dodge the incoming fire but it hits at least five Changeling soldiers. They screamed in unfiltered agony as their chitin makes the flesh inside them boil melt into a pool of cooked flesh that’s seeping out of their chitin bodies. I got so angry that I rush over to her and with my sword I swiftly cleave her right arm off causing blood to spray everywhere. She’s in shock I don’t think she even felt the pain because it was that fast, she lost way too much blood and she looks tired and pale. “This was supposed to be a normal wedding.” She said to herself with tears in her eyes.

“Well, life is full of disappointments.” I tell her. Thunder can be heard in the distance and the clouds begin to darken, there isn’t supposed to be a storm today and yet, there is. I must’ve gotten the weather wrong... Unless. I felt a sword stab near the left side of my stomach; the unicorn hasn’t given up, but the stab from the sword wasn’t enough to kill me, it’s only a flesh wound. Her grip is weakening on the sword so I push her back and she jus fell on her side, she is almost ready to move on from this world. I might as well take her head as a trophy. But suddenly from the moment before her death, an unnaturally large bolt of lightning struck down from the heavens and on to her body. I had to cover my ears because the sound from that lighting strike nearly blew of my ear drums.

When the light show was over, her body disappeared; and all that’s left of her is ash of what used to be her body. I can’t help but feel like that something feels off, a thunderstorm just comes and goes and strikes one bolt of lightening? I quickly realise what happened, why didn’t I recognise it sooner?

I’m dead, my life is over, the pain is gone. I see nothing but darkness and I can’t move a muscle in my body, Is this the afterlife? If so I can finally rest with nothing to worry about. Yet, I’m not at peace. I still have stuff to do in the mortal realms, I need to see if my friends are okay; I need to rescue my brother and my parents; chrysalis has taken over my home, my city. I’m not finished with life yet. I need to get back to the mortal realms. I need to get back to the mortal realms. I need to get back to the mortal realms. I need to get back to the mortal realms.


What was that? It sounded like... An anvil?


I felt a sharp pain all over my body.


The pain is becoming more unbearable, it feels like multiple lighting strikes simultaneously hitting my body.

*Clang* *Clang*

I can’t take it, it hurts too much. Please stop the pain, I’m begging you.

*Clang* *Clang*

Stop the PAIN! End my suffering I beg of you!

*Clang* *Clang*

Please end the pain, God Queen I beg of you.

*Clang* *Clang!* *Clang!*

I scream. I scream and I scream, and then I open my eyes and the pain stops. I am in a large dimly lit room that has two rows of pillars around me, I am standing on top of an abnormally large anvil surrounded by ponies with shaved heads wearing blue cloaks. they’ve taken notice of me but the seem to be mainly focused on the anvil that standing on.

My body is covered in golden armour and so is my face, not only that but I’m also wearing the same blue cloth that the other ponies are wearing. My shoulders have pauldrons on them, the one of the left side has a face of a golden lion on it; and the other shoulder has just got a lightning bolt on it. I take off my helmet and had a look at it, the face is female but it’s expressionless, yet it looks confident it’s a face that belongs in a battlefield

After taking a look at my self I jump of the giant anvil and walked up to one of the ponies. I notice that I'm way more taller than the average pony, I’m at least seven feet tall and it feels weird. “Excuse me but do you know where I am?” I asked kindly but the pony just ignores me. I go up to another pony and repeated my question but they still ignore me, I go up to another and they still ignore me. They all take no notice of me, they just stare at that anvil.

“I wouldn’t bother them if I were you.” I mysterious voice said. I turned to see who spoke and see a mare in the same type of armour as me, except her armour makes her look more important. She has a blue cloak with white on the inside of it, and a staff that has a large golden bird on the top. “These mortals have an important job to do, and they must not be interupted.” She warns me. She takes of her helmet her face is an almost pale yellow coat of hair, her eye colour is an aqua blue and her mane is striped with bright red and yellow. “I’m guessing your new here?” She asks. I gave no answer but I do nod my head. “I’m sorry to hear that.” She says that in a tone like I’ve lost a member of my family. “I’m sorry, let me introduce myself,” She reaches her hand out to me. “I am Sunset Shimmer, Lord Arcanum of the sacrosanct chamber. And you are?”

“Twilight Sparkle, Just Twilight Sparkle.” I say my name and I shake her hand.

“Welcome Twilight Sparkle, to the Stormcast Eternals.”

Author's Note:

For those who’re wondering I based the changelings on the ossiarch bone reapers, but instead of bones it’s chitin.

Sunset shimmers armour looks like this

And Twilight looks like this