• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,786 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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51. Grand Finale! Sonata vs Gabby!

Gabby and Sonata stared at one another, both of them knowing what this last Battle meant for both teams. Sonata took a deep breath as she stared at Gabby. 'Everything has come down to this, we either go big or go home.' Sonata looked down at Spryzen and then at her sisters, and finally at her mom and dad and all of their friends and family. 'Together you and I can do anything Spryzen!'

Sonata smiled as she looked up from Spryzen and faced Gabby. "Gabby!" Gabby looked at Sonata with an unimpressed blank stare. "Let's make this the best Battle ever!"

Gabby couldn't help but smile at Sonata's happiness. "Oh, this Battle will be the best one ever all right. Wanna know why?" Just then Gabby began to undergo her demonic-like state. Just like previously demonic-like wings appeared, Gabby grew ears and a tail, her teeth turned sharp like a tiger's, and finally, her eyes went to blood-like red. "Because the winner of this Battle will be me!" Gabby's voice boomed throughout the room scaring the people inside. "Once I'm done with you, you will be nothing more than ash."

"We'll see about that won't we!" Sonata began to adjust Spryzen, if she wanted a shot at winning she would have to do everything in her power to win. Without Gabby knowing Sonata had put Spryzen in Right spin Stamina Mode. "Gabby... when we were younger you use to bully me well here's a newsflash for you... I'm not the same scared little girl I use to be! I'll show everyone right here and now who I really am!" The crowd cheered at Sonata's fiery spirit, Adagio, and Aria smiling at their sister and at how brave she was.

Gabby just stared at Sonata without a care in the world as she then showed off her Bey, however, something seemed to be off with it. Sonata gasped along with Adagio and Aria. "Adagio, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Aria asked as she turned from Gabby and then over at Adagio.

Adagio looked at the Bey in surprise not being able to comprehend what she was seeing. "If we're seeing the same thing then yes, I see it too." The Bey in question was still Eclipse Genesis, however, something seemed to be missing, the Armor.

Aria gritted her teeth. "I don't understand, where's the Armor? Why isn't she using the Armor in such an important Battle?" Aria knew that the Armor helped make Genesis even harder to burst, and with this being the Battle to decide it all, why would Gabby not use it?

"She must be trying to get inside Sonata's head. By not using the Armor that makes Genesis more likely to burst, Sonata needs to use this chance to pull ahead. She needs every chance she can get if she wants to win this Battle." Adagio looked at Gabby with an intense stare. 'What are you planning, Gabby?'

The referee stood in front of the two girls. The Final Battle of the Tag Team tournament was about to get underway. The crowd stayed quiet as they waited for the referee's call. "Alright, the First Battle of the Ninth Round is about to begin! This will be a first to two points! First Bat-"

"Now hold on just a moment ref!" Everyone stopped as Gabby stopped the referee's call. "As this is the last Battle of the tournament I announce that this is a first to three points instead of two!" The crowd murmured at what Gabby had declared. As the referee spoke to the officials, Sonata and the rest of the Dazzlings looked at her curiously. Gabby saw their confused looks and laughed.

"If you want to win this Battle I'll make you work for it. I'll go easy on you at first but be warned if you ever dare think for a second you have a chance at winning, you're gravely mistaken! This Battle will end one way or another, and that's with your precious Lord Spryzen suffering a break that no one has ever seen before. I've longed to see that look of despair on your face, which shows that you're hopeless and pathetic! Spryzen will be the first of many to suffer, then you and your sisters, and then the entire world will feel that pain!" Gabby let out an evil laugh which caused Sonata to take a step backward in fear. Gabby was serious and she was going to do everything in her power to win. Sonata then started to have second thoughts but she shook her head, she wasn't going to let Gabby get to her before the Battle even began.

As the referee stood back he made his call. "It has been accepted! The final Battle of the Tag Team tournament will be a first to three points!" The crowd cheered, they would get to see even more Blading action. Just then both Bladers once again took their places, with both Gabby and Sonata staring each other down. 'I've got to do this for everyone, everyone is counting on me to win this, I can't let them down!'

Gabby smiled as she saw Sonata's face. 'In the end, you stand no chance against me and my Genesis!'

"First Battle! Ready and set!" The referee yelled raising his arm into the air.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone in the stadium yelled.

With that, the two Beys had taken to the stadium with intense speed. Eclipse Genesis took the center as Lord Spryzen raced around the edge waiting for the right time to strike at it. Gabby looked at Spryzen with a small smile as Sonata had a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead. She knew that since Genesis didn't have the Armor it was more likely to burst, she had to pull ahead of this Battle if she wanted a chance at winning.

"We've got to end this fast! Go Spryzen!" Spryzen raced up the slope and into the speed crater where it started to pick up speed. "GO SPRYZEN!" Spryzen's avatar was unleashed as its fierce fiery aura was bursting out like wildfire. "Show everyone that we're the best!" Spryzen was engulfed with Hyper-Flux as it flew out of the speed crater, and toward Genesis. Gabby watched as Spryzen came closer to Genesis, a smirk on her face. Sonata saw this and gritted her teeth, she knew Gabby wasn't just going to let the attack hit and probably had something up her sleeve. "Go! Lord Whip!" Spryzen flew toward Genesis and it looked like the move was going to make a connection with its opponent too but at the last second...

Just then Gabby looked up with a big smile. "Hybrid Force!" With a last-second getaway, Genesis raced away from Spryzen dodging the attack, and up the upper deck where it started to pick up speed. "I'll show you what a true attack looks like! GENESIS!" Just like Spryzen, Genesis forewent its power-up stage as its aura burned brightly as it went into its Superior-Flux state. "Now rain down on them with your ultimate power! Eclipse Whip!" Genesis raced down from the upper deck as it slammed into Spryzen throwing it up into the air. Spryzen, however, was able to stay in bounds by hitting the edge of the stadium, however, a tremendous amount of stamina had been lost as it was starting to wobble. Gabby seeing this smiled. "Oh please? I'm not even trying that hard and you're still losing to me? Pathetic, Genesis put these two out of my sights... FOR GOOD!!!" The avatar of Genesis then charged at the avatar of Spryzen looking to put it out for good.

Genesis raced toward the wobbling Spryzen with one plan in mind, destruction! Sonata saw this and gasped... at least that's what she made it seem like. Sonata then looked up with a big smile on her own face, Gabby had fallen for her trap! "Perfect! Now Spryzen use Counter Break!" Spryzen tilted on its driver giving it an extra boost of speed, Gabby saw this and gasped as it was too late to charge in with a counterattack. Spryzen rammed into Genesis's sword and pushed it in causing Genesis to be sent into the air and burst. Gabby gasped as the pieces to Genesis fell onto the stadium as Spryzen did a victory lap around the stadium.

The crowd went silent as Leon, Dean, Gabby, Sonata, Aria, and Adagio all stared at the stadium in shock. For the first time, Eclipse Genesis had suffered a Burst Finish. Sonata stared and then broke into a smile. "ALL RIGHT WE DID IT! WE JUST BURST GENESIS!!" The crowd cheered as Aria and Adagio smiled for their sister as they jumped up and down in joy. Their sister had done it, she really burst Genesis all by herself!

"Lord Spryzen with a Burst Finish! The score is 2-0!" The referee declared making the crowd shout and burst into cheers.

Aria looked over at the stadium and smiled. "Just one more point, that's all we gotta hope for. Then all of this will be over, she can do it, I know she can."

Adagio looked at the scene and stared. She didn't seem very impressed with how the First Battle had ended even if Sonata won and got two points. "Things are going to get even harder now." Aria then turned to Adagio wondering what she meant. "Gabby knows the position she is in and she isn't going to let Sonata win this Battle without a fight. This Second Battle isn't going to play nowhere near as good as the First Battle did."

"Second Battle!" As the referee made the call Sonata got into position feeling great about where she stood. She looked up to see her face with two points below it as Gabby's still had zero. Gabby meanwhile had just equipped Eclipse Genesis with the Eclipse Armor once again. Sonata seeing this sighed, sadly not all things could go as she had hoped. She gripped her launcher harder as she stared at Gabby. 'I refuse to lose to you or be scared of you! Genesis will fall to my Spryzen, I can promise you that!' Gabby meanwhile smiled, she was heading into this Battle with a bit more heat than the last Battle, she didn't care that she was behind, she was still going to win no matter what.

"Get ready and set!" The referee yelled.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Just like the First Battle Genesis went for the center but Spryzen wasn't going to let that happen so easily. "Not on my watch! Counter Break!" Spryzen slammed into Genesis causing it to be sent reeling over to the stadium wall where it collided, causing the Eclipse armor to go flying up into the skies. Sonata, along with her sisters gasped at the sight of the Armor going high into the air.

"She must have left the Armor in a loose position! She was aiming for Sonata to do that!" Aria said as she quickly realized what Gabby was up to.

Adagio gritted her teeth. "With the Armor now like that, Gabby can use it as some sort of projectile weapon to use!"

The Armor flew down and landed on the stadium near Genesis, Gabby seeing this smiled. Now her plan was coming together and Sonata wouldn't know what even hit her. "Now go, Genesis!" Genesis slammed into the Armor which flew over and struck Spryzen. The Armor then bounced off of Spryzen and onto the stadium but once again Genesis rushed over and hit the Armor which once again flew over and hit Spryzen. Over and over again Genesis slammed into the Armor which hit would fly over and hit Spryzen over and over. Before knowing it Spryzen was in a never-ending cycle of being hit by the Armor with no way to escape from its grasp.

Sonata gritted her teeth there was nothing she could do for Spryzen to escape from Genesis's grasp. Was this really what Gabby was made of when she Battled at full power? Were all the other times she Battled just minor fractions of what she was seriously capable of? Sonata snapped her head, she wasn't going to let Gabby and Genesis get the better of her. She was better than that, she had to make Spryzen the best, she had to win! "Let's go Spryzen!" Spryzen's avatar was unleashed as it engaged with its Hyper-Flux state. "Send that Armor flying with Lord Whip!" Spryzen hit the Armor that was coming at it and send it the other way toward Genesis. Gabby's eyes widened, she was impressed that Sonata was able to do that, but it still wouldn't be enough to defeat her and Genesis.

The Armor struck Genesis pushing it all the way across the stadium. Gabby then smiled. "Hybrid Force! Let's go!" Picking up speed Genesis raced up the slope and to the speed crater with Lord Spryzen right behind racing after it. The two Beys made their way into the stadium and then the two engaged in combat inside the crater.

"SPRYZEN/GENESIS!" The two Beys fought left and right to get an edge over the other. "GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" With one last push, Genesis was sent out of the speed crater and below to the lower deck racing around the stadium at immense speeds. Spryzen however stayed in the speed crater for a bit longer until it took charge after Genesis. As Spryzen made its way to Genesis, Genesis once again slammed into the Armor went sent it flying into the stadium while shooting it toward Spryzen.

"Charge head in! Lord Whip!" Spryzen shot out of the speed crater and came flying in like a raging bull as it headed toward Genesis. Sonata saw this and smiled, she was putting everything into this attack to finish this once and for all. "Now end them!"

"Shatter into oblivion! Eclipse Crush!" Both Genesis and the Armor headed toward Spryzen as Genesis, the Armor, and Spryzen made contact. The collision was so intense a smoke cloud filled the arena and Sonata had to cover her face as Gabby just stared at the mass destruction in front of her with a big smile. Lord Spryzen wasn't able to take it as it was sent flying into the air and burst in front of Sonata's face, Sonata, and her sisters gasped at Spryzen being burst into pieces.

"Eclipse Genesis with a Burst Finish! Gabby gets two points making the score tied at 2-2!" The referee declared as the crowd cheered as Sonata retrieved her Bey. She quickly put Spryzen back together as she looked back at Gabby who was smiling. She gritted her teeth at Gabby, she was upset that she had lost and now the match was tied.

Gabby looked down at Sonata and laughed. "If you can't handle me and Genesis at just 50% of our power there's no way you can handle us at full power! Which means... by using 100% power of our power we will be able to shatter Spryzen in a billion pieces!" Sonata's eyes went down as she glared at Gabby.

Sonata looked down at Spryzen and then looked up at Gabby with a growl. "I made a promise to Spryzen that it would never feel that pain ever again! I made a promise to my sisters that I would win this Match and fight until the very end! I made a promise to everyone that I would stop you after everything you've done! You've hurt so many people, now it's your turn to know what it feels like to feel the exact pain you made all those people feel!" Sonata changed Spryzen from Right spin Stamina Mode to Left spin Attack Mode, she was going to face Gabby with fire by charging at her with 100% of her power as well.

Up in the stands Tom watched the Battle as Sunset then hugged him. "Each Battle one or the other has dominated the other. Sonata took control in the First Battle with an early burst but now Gabby has evened out the score by getting a burst in the Second Round, where Sonata couldn't do anything but watch as Spryzen burst to Genesis. This Battle will decide it all, the only question is, will Sonata have what it takes to face Gabby head-to-head?"

Sunset continued to hug Tom tighter. "We can only hope for the best."

"C'mon, girls!" Rainbow said standing up. "Let's cheer our hearts out for Sonata!" Rainbow said as she looked back at the girls. "Sonata! Sonata! Sonata!"

Just then the rest of the girls proceeded to follow her lead and stand up and cheer. "Sonata! Sonata! Sonata!"

Tom and Sunset looked at the girls and smiled as they too then stood up to cheer. "Sonata! Sonata! Sonata!"

The crowd noticed this and decided to follow the rest of their crowd and cheer. "SONATA! SONATA! SONATA!" And just like that the whole arena began to chant Sonata's name, people around the world watched the Battle between Gabby and Sonata, and Bladers from around the globe cheered Sonata on.

Adagio and Aria looked around the arena, they then looked at each other and smiled. The crowd was cheering for them, for their sister, and they couldn't be more happier. They then turned to their sister and joined along in the chant. "Sonata! Sonata! Sonata!"

Sonata looked around the room, everyone cheering for her as she took to Battle with Gabby. She couldn't help but shed some tears at all of the support she was receiving. It was something she had never seen before and she couldn't be more happier with all of the cheers she was getting. She looked down at Spryzen as a bright light engulfed the two of them. When Sonata opened her eyes she noticed she was face to face with Spryzen.

"Spryzen!" Sonata smiled as she looked at Spryzen.

Spryzen looked down at Sonata with a smile on its face. "Sonata, how are you feeling?"

Sonata smiled as she got closer to Spryzen. "I'm feeling amazing! We're Battling with such a strong opponent it's making my heart jump with joy! I wish this Battle could go on forever!"

Spryzen opened its mouth. "As am I. Now then, what do you say we turn up the heat and end this Battle with the best burst the world has ever seen!"

Sonata smiled. "I like the sound of that, with the two of us Battling as one we can do anything!" Sonata and Spryzen then started to float toward each other, Spryzen then put out its axe toward Sonata as Sonata put out her hand.

"My axe is in your hands, this Battle we will Battle as one." As Spryzen and Sonata stared at each other in the eyes.

"All of us will be!" Sonata turned her head to see both Adagio and Aria running up to them with Achilles and Apocalypse right behind them. Once Achilles and Apocalypse got there, Achilles made its sword and shield touch Spryzen's axe, as Apocalypse did the same with its tail. Below them, Adagio and Aria were fist-bumped as they were looking at Sonata.

"All together now Sonata!" Adagio yelled.

"When all of us work together..." Aria yelled.

"EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!" The two yelled as they smiled at Sonata.

Sonata smiled as she looked at her sisters. "YEAH!" She then ran up to them and fist-bumped her sister's back as she then touched Spryzen's axe. When Sonata opened her eyes again she was back in the stadium where everyone was still cheering. Just then a strong feeling surged in Sonata's body, she felt her body rising from the ground. A bright light engulfed her as everyone looked away to not lose their eyesight. When the light died down Sonata had ponied up as now she had pony ears and a pony-like tail, she also had wings. "Wow! I feel so powerful!" Sonata's friends and family looked at her in awe, with Adagio and Aria smiling brightly. Their sister had done it, she finally ponied up just like her other sisters. 'Good job Sonata'

"Third Battle!" The referee yelled.

Sonata and Gabby got into position everything went quiet as a white void filled the arena, only Gabby and Sonata remained. The two stared at each other, when this Battle was over only one of them would be walking out the winner.

Sonata and Gabby stared at one another with both of them thinking the same thing. 'You're going down!'

"Get ready and set!" The referee yelled.

"Three!" The audience watched in silence as the last Battle was about to unfold.

"Two!" Adagio and Aria held hands hoping that Sonata could pull through and win the Battle. They had shared their power with Sonata so they were hoping that would be enough to take down Gabby.

"One!" Sonata and Gabby glared at one another, the final Battle was about to begin. As Sonata launched with all her might her eyes shined green for a split second, something that Gabby took notice of. 'What was that!?'

"Let it Rip!" Sonata and Gabby pulled the strings to their launchers as hard as they could.

For the last time, Spryzen and Genesis took to the stadium with tremendous launches. Just like the previous two matches, Genesis took to the center as Spryzen quickly raced around the stadium.

"Show them that we're the real deal! Upper Launch!" Spryzen quickly changed course and started hitting Genesis with a barrage of attacks.

Gabby just smirked as Spryzen attacked Genesis over and over again. "Attacks like those won't work!" Gabby then let out an intense battle cry. "GOOO GENESIS!!!" Genesis's avatar was unleashed as it let out a roar, Genesis shined with its aura letting the arena know it was meaning business. "Superior-Flux!" Genesis then shined the brightest it had ever shined before. "Stop their attacks with Eclipse Pulse!" Just then a barrier-like shape surrounded Genesis, Spryzen tried attacking Genesis over and over again but none of its attacks were hitting their target.

"Break through that barrier!" Spryzen climbed up the upper deck and into the speed crater, once it picked up enough speed it jumped out of the crater and raced toward Genesis. "Now take them down!" Spryzen collided with Genesis pushing it out of the center as it now raced around the stadium.

"Not bad, but try harder! Eclipse Whip!" Genesis sped up as the Armor began to shine, the two Beys were about to collide head to head but Sonata had other plans in mind.

"Don't you dare think me and Spryzen are going to back down to you! We won't lose to anyone ever again! Lord Whip!" Spryzen shined as its trajectory changed as it clashed with great force against Genesis. The two were at a standstill until Genesis was able to get the edge over Spryzen as Spryzen was sent flying.

Spryzen was starting to wobble as Genesis was taking another lap around the stadium. "People of Canterlot watch in awe as Lord Spryzen becomes nothing more than dust particles!" Gabby then pointed a finger directly at Sonata and Spryzen. "NOW FINISH THEM ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Genesis was making its way toward the wobbling Spryzen, Sonata watched in horror. 'No... I refuse to lose to you!'

Sonata took a step forward, at that moment Spryzen started to tilt a bit on its side. "SPRYZEN!" Spryzen's aura shined as its avatar came out for one last time to face off with Genesis. "Counter Break!" Spryzen quickly tilted on its driver making it dodge Genesis's attack. Climbing up the deck, Spryzen quickly went into the speed crater and started to pick up speed. Looking down she saw Gabby and Genesis making their way after them. 'We can't let them get to us!' Just then a white light engulfed Sonata once again, and when she opened her eyes a bunch of scenes played right before her eyes.

Taking a better look at them they were moments of her life with her sisters, mother, and father, all of her friends and family. From birthdays to holidays to doing homework, going to school, the mall, sleepovers, everything she had ever done in her life until that moment. Walking past the hallway of memories she saw Adagio and Aria standing at the exit. They turned around to face their sister with smiles on their faces. They put out their hands for Sonata to take as the two then began to walk ahead. Sonata smiled as she raced after her sisters to be reunited with sisters once again. As she entered the exit the white light flashed before her eyes once again, when she opened her eyes she was once again back in front of the stadium. Gabby and Genesis were about to pounce on her... but she was in no way going to let that happen.

"It's you and me together Spryzen! LET'S DO THIS THING!" Just then a shining light filled the speed crater, the light was so intense it through Genesis away and across the stadium as it hit the stadium wall and began to wobble.

Gabby noticed this and gasped, she gritted her teeth as she looked at the light. "What is that?" The light then began to change colors at a rapid pace. From red, to orange, yellow and green, and even blue and purple, it was all the colors of the rainbow. "Is that?"

"RAINBOW-FLUX!!!" Gabby gasped and looked at Sonata and Spryzen, what was once Spryzen who was in its Hyper-Flux state was now in a new and improved powered-up state. Adagio and Aria looked in shock they couldn't believe what they were seeing, their sister had just tapped into a new power never seen before. Spryzen shined bright with all the colors of the rainbow as its speed got even faster it then shoot out of the speed crater and toward Genesis. "TAKE THEM DOWN!"

"I REFUSE TO LOSE TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU!! HYBRID FORCE!!!!" Like a rocket, Genesis shoot away as it picked up speed. Genesis was then engulfed in a more sinister aura as Genesis who normally shined bright with a white aura was now shining with a more darkish purple-black-like color.

"GO SONATA FINISH THIS!" Adagio yelled.

"GO NATA YOU GOT THIS!" Aria yelled.

"LET'S GO SPYRZEN!" Sonata yelled.

"RIGHT BEHIND YOU SONATA!" Spryzen yelled.

"GENESIS! FINISH THIS!!" Gabby yelled.

Sonata then raised Spryzen's axe as she then slammed it down at Gabby and Genesis. "LORD SPRYZEN: S!!!"

Gabby's hand turned white as she then shot it toward Sonata and Spryzen. "SUPERIOR ECLIPSE!!!"

The two Beys raced around and around the stadium until they reached the center and collided. The arena was filled with a bright light, windows shattered, the winds started to pick up, and the sounds of Beys colliding could be heard as both Sonata and Gabby were yelling to their heart's content. Everyone watched as the two Beys fought with everything they had, neither of them giving an inch.

As Adagio watched the Battle she started to feel as though the arena was beginning to shake, when she looked up she saw that part of the arena was starting to fall apart from the Battle. She gasped as she grabbed Aria's attention. "Aria! The arena is starting to come apart from the Battle! If Sonata and Gabby don't stop this whole place will come down!"

Aria looked up as her eyes widened. "We gotta get everyone out of here before it's too late!" Just as Aria finished however part of the roof came down and crashed on the ground, thankfully not hitting anyone but definitely getting everyone's attention. Everyone started to scream and yell as everyone quickly ran out of the arena and to safety. Adagio and Aria tried to make their way to Sonata to get her to safety but Aaron grabbed them before they could.

Aria glared as she looked back at Aaron. "What are you doing?! Let us go! We need to get Sonata and then get out of here!"

"We can't do that, if you try to reach her you might die trying!" Aaron yelled as he stopped the girls from reaching Sonata.

"Are you saying we leave Sonata to die!?" Aaron didn't say anything as he picked up the two girls and raced out of the stadium that was coming down. "NO!!! LET US GO!"

"NOOOO!!! SONATA!!" The girls yelled as Aaron rushed them out of the stadium. As much as they tried fighting out of Aaron's grasp, he was much stronger than them and he wasn't planning on letting them go any time soon.

The Battle was still raging on as neither Sonata nor Gabby seemed to have noticed what was going on. With everyone leaving the arena it was just the two of them fighting for the chance of victory. A few miles away on top of a hill everyone watched as the bits and pieces of the arena began to fall. Meanwhile, Aaron had just arrived with Adagio and Aria who had been trying to fight him off to let them go but he didn't.

Tom noticing that Sonata wasn't with them glared at Aaron. "Why didn't you grab Sonata on your way out!? Why did you leave her by herself when the whole arena was collapsing!"

Aaron looked at Tom and then at Sunset. "You're her parents, I see that you didn't try any better. You should at least be thanking me for saving two of your daughters, better to lose one than all three am I right?"

"Not losing any of my daughters would be better!!!" Tom yelled in Aaron's face.

Inside of the stadium Sonata and Gabby continued fighting it out with Spryzen and Genesis continuing their head-to-head collision with neither Bey giving an inch. Sparks flew as rubble fell around the two girls, but they didn't care. All they cared about was defeating the other and winning the Battle. To them, nothing else mattered but winning, everything going on around them was silenced out with how focused they were on the Battle before them. There were then pulled into a white void with just them, their Beys, and the stadium in it.

Gabby and Sonata, Spryzen and Genesis, were fighting with everything they had. Sonata looked up from the Battle to look at Gabby and she seemed to be having a battle within as she was gripping her head and looked to be in pain. Sonata looked at her and frowned. 'Gabby, you've always been alone for so long... I'm going to help you no matter what!'

Meanwhile, in Gabby's head, she was having an inner war with Genesis who was trying to fully take over her. She was doing the best that she could but slowly and surely she was starting to lose the battle as Genesis was starting to overcome her. She wanted to win, but not like this, if things continued the way they were, Genesis would most likely defeat Spryzen and Sonata and cause massive problems. 'I don't want that to happen, but... I can't beat Genesis.' Gabby then started to feel herself go under Genesis's hold as she started to go unconscious.

"Gabby!" Gabby's eyes shot open to see Sonata looking at her with a big smile on her face. Her smile then changed into a frown as she noticed that Gabby was looking at her with a pained face that showed she had given up. "Take my hand!" Sonata then put out her hand for Gabby to hopefully take. "Please! Take my hand! Me and my sisters can show you the light! I know you've been alone for what has felt like your whole life, but that can change! I'll be your friend! Adagio will be your friend! Aria will be your friend! So please!" Sonata was now yelling with tears pouring down her cheeks. "Take my hand, Gabby!"

Gabby looked at Sonata, she had enough control to move her hand but she was hesitating to reach out and take Sonata's hand. Her whole life, she had been alone, with no father and a mother that wasn't a mother at all to her, and not having any friends at all. But now for the first time in her life, she had someone who was reaching out to her and was wanting to be her friend. Tears escaped Gabby's eyes as she smiled and happily reached out and took Sonata's hand. The two girls looked at one another and smiled, both Gabby and Sonata happy with Gabby's decision, and for the first time, Gabby made a friend.

By connecting their hands, Sonata was able to not defeat Genesis's hold over Gabby but now Gabby and Sonata's power was combined into one. The two then smiled brightly as they looked at Genesis starting to succumb to Spryzen. "Now finish them Spryzen!" With their power combined, Spryzen was able to dig deep and push forward as it then sent Genesis flying.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Genesis yelled as it then burst into pieces, ending the dramatic Battle. Sonata and Gabby smiled, happy that the Battle was finally over with Sonata winning! The two jumped in the air in joy and when they landed they looked at one another and smiled as they hugged. Just then the sound of part of the roof crashing to the ground alerted their attention as they finally noticed that the stadium was coming down. But Sonata and Gabby weren't afraid as the two looked at each and continued to hold hands, because, with the magic of friendship, everything was going to be okay.

Outside of the stadium and on top of the hill, Tom was moments away from beating Aaron to a pulp. Tom held air by his shirt holding him up in the air for everyone to see. Sunset was going to stop him but after finding out that Aaron gave no effort in trying to save Sonata, she was alright with what Tom was about to do to him. Tom raised his fist and cranked it about ready to strike Aaron but then...

"NO!! SONATA!!" Stopping his attack, Tom and everyone turned to see why Adagio and Aria yelled. Everyone turned around and looked to see as an explosion went off engulfing the once arena into nothing more than flames. Sunset fell to her knees by her daughters as the three hugged each other for dear life, Tom quickly ran over to his family and hugged the three crying girls. Other members like Celestia and Luna, and some of the Dazzling's friends cried. Gilda watched the scene as she fell to the ground.

Gilda flew to her knees seeing the stadium collapse. "Gabby..."

Just then the flames in the arena went out as if they were never there in the first place. And as everyone looked they saw a bright rainbow light shine near the stadium. Everyone wondering what the light was quickly raced over to see what the light was. In a matter of seconds, everyone had arrived at the ruined stadium, Adagio and Aria looked around the area, and from the corner of her eye, Adagio saw some movement.

"Over here!" Adagio, Aria, and everyone else raced over to the scene. Picking up pieces and parts to the arena they saw Sonata and Gabby laying on the ground completely alive! Aria smiled as she saw that her sister was alive, she turned her head to the left however to see Spryzen still in one piece as Eclipse Genesis had been burst.

Aria gasped. "Look! Sonata won!" Everyone looked and just like Aria had said they saw Spryzen still in one piece and Genesis who had burst.

"Oww my head, what happened?" Everyone turned to see Sonata and Gabby getting up both holding their heads in pain.

"SONATA!" Adagio and Aria quickly tackled Sonata hugging her as if she'll leave them if they didn't let go. Sunset followed, along with Tom and everyone else. "Geez, I didn't know I was this popular." Sonata along with everyone else laughed, when Sonata turned her head she saw Gabby sadly looking down at her Bey. She picked it up and then started to walk away. "Gabby! Wait up!"

Gabby stopped in her tracks and turned around to face Sonata. "What is it? You won the Battle, now what is there left to do?"

Sonata tilted her head. "I wanted to say that it was the best Battle I ever had. Battles with you are the best!" Sonata smiled which made Gabby's eyes widen.

She looked down at the ground in shame. "I've been so focused on helping Aaron and lost in my anger that I never realized how fun Beyblade truly was. I've missed out on a lot of things because of that." Everyone looked at Gabby and smiled, they were glad that she was doing better and realized her wrong ways.

Tom, however, seemed to catch something none of the others didn't. "Aaron?"

Aaron who had tried to make a sneaky getaway had stopped when all of a sudden Anon and Sonata from the alternative world came out of a portal and put handcuffs on him before it was too late. "Sorry everyone but he's coming back with us! It's about time he pays up for all the crimes he has committed." From afar Sunset smiled, she was glad that she was able to contact Anon and the other Sonata, she knew something was going to happen and she was glad she followed her gut feeling and called them up.

Adagio looked at Anon and the other Sonata in surprise. "Wow, it's Anon and the other Sonata!"

The other Sonata smiled at Adagio's words and then made her way to the little Sonata. "Looks like I was right in the end, you really were the person who would save the day and become the hero!" The bigger Sonata smiled as the little one smiled back at her.

The smaller Sonata looked at the other Sonata and smiled. "Yeah! I did, didn't I? But I couldn't have done any of this without my friends and family supporting me every step of the way, it's a group effort that things turned out as great as they did."

The bigger Sonata smiled. "Keep those friends close to you, they will always be there when needed. They love you just as much as you love them." She turned her head back at Anon who was waiting for her. "Sadly this is where we must say goodbye, but I have a feeling we might meet once again. Until the time comes, continue getting bigger, stronger, and smarter!" The smaller Sonata smiled her head with a big smile as she waved goodbye.

Everyone began to wave as they were saying goodbye to the alternative Anon and Sonata. "This isn't goodbye this is just until we meet again." The bigger Sonata smiled as she waved back to everyone else she then entered the portal with Anon back to their universe with Anon in their hands.

"Well, it looks like he's getting what he deserves with those two next to him. And with Sonata winning it means that the Dazzlings will the Tag Team tournament meaning you three are the greatest team in the world!" Everyone cheered as they hugged the Dazzlings for their successful outcome.

Gabby watched from a few feet away and smiled for the Dazzlings even if she lost. She felt no anger towards them, she knew she did the best that she could against them. "Gabby?" Gabby turned around to see her mother looking sadly at her. "I've been a terrible mother to you and I'm sorry, I'll do better from here on out. Just please, forgive me and let us be a family once again. I'll like nothing more than for you to come back to me and we can be together like when you were little, what do you say? Willing to give your mother a second chance?"

Looking at her mom and then at the Dazzlings, Gabby smiled. 'They did so much with their second chance, what's so wrong with giving my mom a second chance.' Gabby looked at her mom and smiled, a few tears escaping her eyes. "Sure... let's become the mother and daughter we were supposed to be." Gilda couldn't help but cry as she hugged her daughter, Gabby at first flinched at the surprising hug but she got used to it and hugged her mom back crying with her.

Sonata, Adagio, and Aria laughed as everyone began talking to them due to their win. It was a long journey but they had finally done it, they stood firm at the top of the Blading world not as individuals but as one! The three looked around, it was thanks to everyone who was there, that they were where they were at today. It was still crazy to imagine they could still be walking around the streets asking random strangers for food, and that they were once bad people.

But that was all in the past now, this was their second chance and they were going to live it to the fullest! Life can be hard at times but with great friends and family anything and everything was possible.

"Hey, guys!" Everyone turned to face Sonata. "Let's go home and have a big party for our victory! Everyone is invited, it's going to be a Canterlot party of the ages!"

"Party! What are we waiting for let's go!" With that Pinkie Pie was racing ahead of everyone to get home.

"Not on my watch Pinkie!" With that Rainbow Dash raced after her with Applejack and Fluttershy not far behind. The rest of the girls smiled as they too raced after and soon the whole city was in one big race to Sunset and Tom's house. Somehow the Dazzlings were in front leading the pack.

"To think so much has happened in such a small time, I still can't believe we're Champions!" Aria said as she ran with her sisters.

"Yeah I feel your excitement too Ari, but it's thanks to everyone who has been there to help us every step of the way." Adagio said with a big smile.

"I second that Dagi, if it wasn't for our mom then who knows where we would be? It's kinda scary to think about, but here we are leaving the best of life thanks to her!" Sonata said as she continued to run.

Adagio nodded her head as she turned to Sonata. "Yes Sonata and just like in our previous life we're all still together forever and ever! I love you two so much, I hope when we get older we still have our sisterly bond as we do now."

"Yeah!" Aria and Sonata yelled.

"No matter what gets in our way we'll be able to overcome it together, and do you two want to know why we'll be able to overcome it?" Sonata and Aria looked at one another and smiled.

"Because we are the Dazzlings and we will be adored!" Sonata, Adagio, and Aria yelled at once, as sisters.

Preview: Now the Dazzlings story has come to a climactic ending, Sunset looks back at everything that has happened over the years of being the Dazzling's mother. It may have been a long and stressful journey, but in the end, it was worth all the pain. It's a Dazzling goodbye as the Dazzlings story has reached its final chapter.

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Epilogue: A Dazzling New Life!

Author's Note:

Happy New Years everyone! May 2023 bless you with great luck!

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