• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,786 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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50. We Are The Dazzlings!

"Yeah!" Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all yell as they fistbump. Thanks to Aria's victory the Dazzlings were now at 4-3 and the Dazzlings were closing in on the gap. The three girls were hugging each other while jumping up and down.

"This is it! The moment we've been waiting for!" Adagio exclaimed. "All we need to do now is win our last two matches, and we've got this! Aria thanks to you we're now back in this game."

"Yeah! Thanks, Ari! Now we can turn this thing around and win this!" Sonata yelled, still jumping up and down. "Just two more wins, just two, and that's it." Just then Sonata stopped jumping up and down, as she then got serious. "Okay girls, we gotta have a team meet-up right now!"

Aria who had been smirking at her victory raised an eyebrow at the now very serious Sonata. She turned her head to look at Adagio who smiled at her, Aria followed her as she smiled and turned to Sonata. "Alright leader, what do you have for us?"

"Since we won the last Tag Team Battle, and Aria just won this match it's obvious that we now hold the momentum. If we win this one we'll have tied the score and have a chance at recovering what looked to be a lost battle. Knowing Gabby she'll have realized the position they're in, she wouldn't want us to get any closer than this. Gabby is going out there right here and now to finish things once and for all, she's saving Dean for last just in case she loses. That's why our best bet is to go with you, Dagi!" Sonata pointed at Adagio, Adagio tilted her head and pointed at herself.

"Me? I mean I understand what you're saying, I'm the only person who has ever defeated Gabby, but don't you want revenge after everything she's done to you? I think it would be better if you went out there instead, I can handle Dean no problem." Adagio placed her hand on Sonata's shoulder and looked at her with concerned eyes. "Don't you remember what she's done to you? She beat you up and gave you a blackeye! She's hurt you both mentally and physically multiple times! She's the reason Spryzen was destroyed in the first place and you're just going to let her get away with that!?!" Sonata looked at Adagio and gave a small smile.

"It's not that I don't want to get a bit of revenge on Gabby..." She then looked at Adagio dead in her eyes. "But I can also tell what's best for the team. I've faced Gabby three times already, and once was with Aria's help, and yet I wasn't able to defeat her, I didn't even come close to winning. Compared to her I'm weak, and because of that Spryzen was destroyed. She's our biggest threat, and unlike me, you've defeated her. If there's anyone who has a shot at beating her and for us to win this thing, is you, Adagio."

Adagio looked at Sonata and then turned her head to face Aria who she was hoping would back her up. Aria made eye contact with Adagio and understood what she was trying to do but instead, she shook her head and sighed. "As much as I hate to agree but Nata's right. She hasn't been able to beat Gabby, you're the Champion, if Gabby's scared of anyone it's you, you're our only chance at overcoming her. Genesis is no joke but with Achilles and you, we've got a shot so please Adagio." Both she and Sonata bow as if begging Adagio to Battle.

As a small sweatdrop slipped from her forehead Adagio let out a small laugh and backed away from her two sisters. "Okay, okay, I get it I'll go out there just please stop bowing." Aria and Sonata stand tall and laugh as they look at one another, their plan seemed to have worked. Adagio looks at her sisters and can't help but laugh with them. "Alright, guess I'm heading off. Wish me good luck, I hate to say it but this match could very well decide the match." Aria and Sonata nod as Adagio nods back and starts to make her way to the stadium.

"Hey, Adagio!" Stopping in her tracks, Adagio turned back to see Sonata who had yelled at her. Adagio tilts her head as a way to ask what, and Sonata smiles. "You've changed a lot, normally you would want us to bow to you since your like a queen and Champion and whatnot. I may not say it a lot but I'm glad to be your sister." Adagio smiles at Sonata as she starts to feel the tears burn her eyes. "Now go out there and win!"

"You got it!" Walking up the steps Adagio wipes the tears away. When she gets to the stage, however, surprise surprise, Gabby isn't there instead, Dean is with a big smile on his face. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me, again!" Adagio stomped the ground in a fit of rage. 'This whole Battle, all of Sonata's plans seem to make sense but Gabby always seems to know what we're going to do, she's too smart for her age... and now that means if I win this.' Adagio turned her head to Sonata and Aria who had a look of terror on their faces. 'Sonata will have to face Gabby for the winner takes all showdown.. tch!'

"You thought Gabby was coming up next, didn't you? That'll be too obvious, I'll finish this thing right here, she wouldn't have to fight at all." Adagio looked over at Gabby who was sitting down on the bench while smiling. "Your Union Achilles will fall to my Master Devolos." Dean showed off his Devolos who happened to be in Right Spin Mode, he was going in full power with the attacks.

Adagio sees this and starts to adjust her Bey. 'Enough of this... I'm done with all these mind games they keep throwing at us, making us think one thing then somehow predicting us to do it, and then for us to fall for their trap, well no more. We'll see how they like it when they're the ones falling into the trap.' Adagio finished adjusting her bey and showed it off to Dean and the whole arena. Achilles was in Attack Mode and it was even equipped with the Unison Sword. "Achilles will drive Devolos out of the stadium for good!"

"First Battle!" The referee declared. The two Bladers got into position as everyone in the arena went quiet, they knew just how much this Battle meant for both sides. "Get ready and set!"

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

With that the two Beys hit the stadium and took off, Devolos raced on one side as Achilles did to the other. Dean and Adagio watched and waited, waiting for their opponent to make the first move but neither did. Both Beys continued to race around the stadium as they got closer and closer to the center. As if reading each other's minds the two Bladers finally made their moves.

"Master Launch/Unison Launch!" They both cried out. The two Beys then collided with a barrage of attacks, neither giving an inch. Each hit would send them back but they would respond by coming back and hitting twice as hard as before, it was starting to be a back-to-back battle of strength and will. The two Beys then engaged in a head-to-head clash and began going on a ride.

Clashing side by side the two Beys weren't letting up for a second. Both Bladers yelled out as they both were giving it everything they had. Finally, it seemed as though Adagio was having enough as she started to get serious. "GO ACHILLES!" Achilles shined bright from Hyper-Flux and glowed goldenly. Not being the only one to transform, Adagio also transformed as she grew her pony ears, tail, and wings. "Hit 'em with Unison Breaker!" Achilles strikes Devolos sending it flying into the air! Achilles didn't let up as it chased the freefalling Devolos. "Strike them down with Unison Sword!" Achilles strikes Devolos once again sending it flying into the air.

Dean watches as Devolos goes flying into the air and smiles, a plan is starting to form in his mind. "GO DEVOLOS!" Devolos began to fall as it too began to shine a bright golden color. "End them with Master Upper!" Devolos glowed as it charged up its attack as Devolos headed closer to Achilles. Adagio seeing this coming smiled.

"Put your guard up with your mighty defense! Unison Defensive Shield!" Using a combination of Unison Defense and Unison Shield, guards began to glow around Achilles. Devolos slams into the shields and is sent reeling back, the attack had done nothing to Achilles. "Now unleash your counterattack with Unison Pendulum!" Going up and then coming back down like a pendulum, Achilles slams into Devolos sending it flying. Dean growls at this but then watches as Devolos makes its way toward the slope, he then smiled. If he was able to get into the speed crater it very well could be what he needs to win this battle. "Don't think you're safe!"

Out of nowhere, Achilles comes flying in and slices through Devolos, sending it sky-high up toward the roof, for the third time this Battle. Dean gasps as it is now Achilles who is heading up the slope and makes its way into the speed crater where it starts to pick up massive amounts of speed and power. Sweat started to fall from Dean's face, he knew what was coming but he didn't know what to do. Achilles continued to gain speed as it then began to charge up an attack.

"Dean... we may not be winning this match so far, and we might have been behind you and your team this whole game but you know what? If you think for even a second that you guys have won this thing then you are wrong, we never give up, we never back down from a challenge, and we keep fighting until the very end, you wanna know why we try so hard? Why we're giving it our all? Why we're hurting ourselves to win? Why we're pushing ourselves so hard that it hurts!? I'll tell you why!" Just then Achilles shot out of the speed crater and toward the still-falling Devolos. 'Let's go, Achilles!' Adagio thrust her fist forward as if going to punch someone.

"Right behind you Adagio!" The avatar was shown behind Adagio as Achilles thrust its sword forward with its shield right behind.


"BURST THEM WITH MASTER SMASH!!!!" The two Beys collide in midair and the explosion that was set off was immense. Adagio, Dean, and everyone in the arena had to cover their eyes, it was as if a ton of fireworks went fired off. The sky was filled with a golden-reddish shine, and then a huge dust cloud engulfed the stadium and field of sight for the viewers. People coughed, some gasped, and the murmurs could be heard talking about what they had just witnessed.

Aria and Sonata even though not being able to see anything held hands, hoping that Adagio had done what needed to be done and won over Dean. As the smoke began to clear everyone remained quiet, just then the sight of two small things flying from out of the sky could be seen as they both slammed into the stadium causing a semi-earthquake as the ground shook. Everyone gasped as their mouths were opened so big a cat might be able to fit inside of it.

When things cleared and calmed down, everyone looked down at the stadium and the sight was unbelievable. Both Achilles and Devolos were on the stadium flooring, however, both Beys had burst so pieces were all over the place. Both Adagio and Dean look in surprise and then at the referee. The referee looks at the scene in front of him and then raised his hand. "Consulting replay!" People murmur as they begin to watch the video. The video shows Achilles and Devolos colliding as then the two begin falling toward the stadium. Both Beys crash into the stadium but in a split second Devolos hard hit the stadium and burst and then Achilles soon after. The referee raised his hand and made the call. "Unison Achilles with a Burst Finish, with a final score of 2-0, Adagio is the winner! Dazzlings win making the score 4-4!" The crowd roars in anticipation as the score for once in the game was tied.

Audience members cheered, Sunset, Tom, and all their friends cheered, and Aria and Sonata who were hugging each other jumping up and down in joy. And Adagio who was sweating a bit had a bright smile on her face. 'Thank you... for everything Achilles!' She looked up toward the ceiling and showed off her Bey to everyone. "THIS IS OUR WAY OF BLADING!" The crowd cheered as everyone clapped for Adagio's victory.

Meanwhile still sitting down on the bench was Gabby, she looked at the scene and sighed but then a small smile appeared on her face. "So in the end it comes down to this, me vs Sonata." She looks over at Sonata who is smiling. "That smile will never appear once I'm done with her and her sisters!" Gabby stands up as she is surrounded by aura as the avatar of Genesis appears behind her. "It's showtime... the endgame is here at long last!" A devilish smile appears as Gabby's eyes shine red.

Adagio walked over to Aria and Sonata as the three hugged. "You did it, Adagio! You really did it! It's all tied up thanks to you!" The three sisters hugged once again.

"Yeah, I did. It was tough but I came out on top! But now things get difficult.." Adagio looks over at Gabby who was already on the stage waiting for Sonata. "It's all up to you Sonata, give it everything you got!" Sonata looks at Adagio and then at Aria.

"Go show her who's boss, give her what she deserves after everything she did to you. Show her what you can do when you put your mind to it!" Sonata smiles as she then takes a deep breath.

"Alright.. I'll see you guys later, and when I come back I'll have won this thing for us!" Adagio and Aria smile as Sonata makes her way to the stadium. Once Sonata makes her way to the Sonata, the two Bladers stare at one another, everything was quiet, everything was blank, it was just Sonata and Gabby in a white void. Just then the void began to break as everything was filled with darkness, the once-white void was black with cracks. Sonata looked around until she was face to face with a demonic-like creature, and that creature was Gabby.

The once scary void become a reality again with Sonata holding her heart that felt as though it was going to shoot out of her chest. Sonata looked at Gabby who was just staring at her. 'I can't let her get to me even before the match begins, I have to win this! Everything I've ever done has led me to this moment!' Sonata looked at Gabby with a flare in her eye, her red aura burning bright, with the avatar of Spryzen looming behind her. "Gabby.. me and Spryzen.. will defeat you!"

Gabby smirked. Her white aura burned bright as it engulfed her, the avatar of Genesis looming over her, but unlike Sonata it was scary as Gabby and Genesis towered over Sonata. "I think you are mistaken little Sonata... because you see... we're winning this match!"

The wind picked up as Gabby and Genesis, and Sonata and Spryzen all stared each other down. The final battle of the Tag Team Tournament was about to get underway.

Preview: It's all come down to this, everything the Dazzlings have down has brought them to this moment. With Adagio's victory over Dean, the Dazzlings have now tied the score with the Dragonslayers. With one last Battle to decide it all with the team captains, Gabby and Sonata take to the stage for one final time. After losing to Gabby twice in the past Sonata will have to charge at Gabby with everything she has. The action is filled to the brim as the suspenseful finale is officially underway.

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Grand Finale! Sonata vs Gabby!

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