• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,786 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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43. Dragonslayers vs Dazzlings!

The day of the Finals of the team tournament had at long last arrived. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were currently waiting to be called up as they were in their training room going over a last-second plan. As they finished up their little group meeting they were then called up to the stage. The three girls walked down the halls, it was quiet as the only sound came from them walking. They then stopped right at the entrance to where the main arena was located, they looked at the door almost as if it was looking down at them.

"Girls, whatever happens next just know we'll do it together." Adagio said as she looked at her sisters. "I... always wanted to let you girls know that I love you guys."

Sonata jumped and hugged Adagio. "I love you too Adagio, and you too Aria." She then brought Aria into the group hug.

Aria blushed as she looked down at the ground. "Yeah-yeah... I love you guys too. Even if you two can be pains in the butt sometimes." The three girls continued to hug as they then let go and headed into the main arena.

Cheers from the crowd could be heard as the three girls looked around to see the whole stadium filled out. They saw their friends, along with their parents, and their parent's friends. Looking across the arena they saw their opponents enter the stage. The two teams stared down at one another, the Final Match had yet to begin but tension was already in the air.

"The Final Match of the team tournament is about to get underway. As this is the Finals the first team to achieve five points will be the winner." The crowd cheered as the Dazzlings looked at one another with smiles on their faces. "The matches will be as such; the first three rounds will be one vs one, the next three will be two vs two, and then back to one vs one, the team to get the best of nine matches will be declared as the strongest team in the world!"

"So this could all be over in the fifth round if we don't play our cards right." Aria nodded at Adagio's comment.

"Yes, but we're stronger than that. We'll come at them with all we got. Now then... leader what's the play?" Aria turned to Sonata as Adagio followed suit.

Sonata looked at them and then down at the ground with her hair covering her eyes. At first Adagio and Aria were worried that nerves were getting to her but her head then shot up as she gave them a big smile. "We got out there and win! And the one to kick things off is Dagi!" Adagio nodded as she looked at Achilles who shined.

"Right then wish me good luck." Adagio started to leave but she felt something tug her backward. It was Sonata and Aria who had their Beys out.

"Right after we do our chant." Sonata brought Spryzen in as Aria did the same with Apocalypse. Adagio looked at the scene and then at Sonata who had a smile on her face. "Come on Adagio, it ain't a team chant without everyone involved." Adagio smiled and brought Achilles in as well. "On three. One. Two. Three!"

"GO DAZZLINGS!" The three shot their hands in the air with their Beys in hand. Adagio then waved to her sisters as she arrived at the stadium. There waiting for her was someone she had taken down before, but it wasn't an easy feat.

"Adagio, member of the Dazzlings, honestly I'm surprised they didn't make you the leader. Instead, that idiot Sonata is the leader, you're soft Adagio... and that's what will make you fall." Gabby said as her arms were crossed.

"You're wrong." Gabby looked at Adagio as her eyebrow raised. "Me and Achilles have an unbreakable bond, our bond is so strong that we can take down any opponent who dares challenge us. We've beaten you before and we'll do it again! Me and my sisters are winning this thing!"

Gabby's eye glowed, as she let out a sinister grin. "Try as you might, a God can't be taken down."

The two girls placed their Beys on their launches. Adagio had put Achilles in Attack Mode with the sword attached. She was going to come at Gabby with everything she had right at the beginning. The two got into their place as they waited for the referee's call.

Up in the stands watched Sunset, Tom, and their friends. Sunset put her hands together tightly. "Good luck Adagio." Tom saw this and rubbed his wife's back, but he too couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Game one, match one! First Battle! Bladers get ready and set!" The referee yelled.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" The audience yelled.

Genesis and Achilles landed in the center as the two circled around the stadium. Adagio watched as Genesis rushed up the slope as it started to pick up speed. She smiled as Achilles waited for the Bey to come to them. Meanwhile, Genesis arrived at the top of the slope as it then started to shoot down like a rocket.

"Hybrid Force!" Genesis driver kicked in as it started to pick up even more speed. The Bey jumped as it looked below at Achilles as it charged toward it.

"Unison Breaker!" The two Beys clashed as they went sent back from the impact. Achilles raced around as Genesis chased after it catching up on its tail. Genesis was able to catch up as it slammed into Achilles forcing the two to a standstill.

"Take them out, Genesis! Show them why you're the best!" Genesis started to push even harder as it began to push Achilles toward the wall of the stadium. Achilles started to get closer and closer to the wall but Adagio didn't seem to be worried.

"I knew you were going to do that!" Gabby looked at Adagio in confusion. "You may think you put me in a corner but the truth is I was hoping for something like this to happen! Now you're right where I want you with nowhere to run. Strike them down, Achilles! Unison Sword!" Gabby gasped as she realized what was going on.

With Genesis being at a standstill with Achilles it had no time to get away as Achilles unleashed its special move. Achilles struck Genesis sending it flying into the air, as it descended it was able to hit the edge of the stadium wall and recover. It slowly wobbled as it was making its way toward the speed crater.

"I don't think so!" Just then Achilles came rushing toward it hitting it again sending it away from the speed crater. Gabby gritted her teeth as Genesis was knocked back. Genesis was running low on stamina as it looked like it was going to fall at any given moment. "I won't let this end with a Survivor! I want a burst! Go Achilles!"

Achilles shined bright as it went into its Hyper-Flux state, it raced past Genesis almost like it was playing with its opponent as it raced up the slope. In a matter of seconds, it flew up and then down the slope heading toward the wobbling Genesis. Gabby watched as Achilles came heading toward it, she had to do some quick thinking to get out of the situation she had found herself in.

"End them with Unison Dive!" Achilles landed on top of Genesis, causing it to slam into the stadium flooring. Almost as if a slingshot went off, Genesis went shooting away as it ran up the slope and into the speed crater! "How did it survive the full force of Unison Dive at such low speed?!"

Gabby thought back at the attack. The attack had hit Genesis but it had missed its mark by a bit which had been the reason as to why Genesis survived. Gabby smiled but also frowned, she had gotten lucky, and that wasn't how she won battles! She won by demolishing her opponents which she planned on doing right now! Gabby smiled and looked at Adagio. "I used your attack from Achilles and used it as a way to boost my Genesis up the slope without worries. Now... it's time for the main event! GENESIS!"

Genesis had picked up enough speed to get out of the speed crater as it activated its Superior-Flux state. It shot down from the slope and toward Achilles at full throttle. Achilles changed course and raced toward Genesis, the two Beys clashed as they then went separate ways.

"ACHILLES! LET'S GO!" Achilles picked up speed as its Hyper-Flux glowed brighter, its Hyper-Flux was evolving by the second as the bond between Achilles and Adagio grew. Gabby saw this and growled, her opponent was getting stronger, and seeing that made her mad.

'Why can't you just go down and stay down for good? Why must you always be a pain and get in the way of my plans? When I'm done here you, your sisters, and everyone else in this entire world will bow before me! I'll rule this world and anyone who dares to defy me will face consequences. Consequences you'll be seeing very soon!'

"This is the end to you and your precious Bey! Prepare to feel the wrath of Eclipse Genesis! Annihilate them both with Eclipse Whip!" Gabby yelled out as the avatar of Genesis loomed from behind her as it let out its own battle cry.

"I'm taking you down! This is the bond that I share with Achilles! Show them the power of your almighty sword and shield! Unison Whip!" Adagio yelled out as the avatar of Achilles loomed from behind her as it too let out its own battle cry.

The two Beys raced toward each other, their Hyper-Flux and Superior-Flux glowing brighter by the second. Aria and Sonata and Dean and Leon, along with the rest of the crowd watched and waited to see how the outcome of the Battle would end. Achilles and Genesis raced toward the center heading for a head-to-head collision, as the Bey came near their Bladers both let out a battle cry.

As the two reached the center they were an inch away from hitting, and then...

Preview: After the First Match ends, the Second Match begins with Aria and Dean arriving at the stadium. Apocalypse and Aria will have to fight hard if she wants to beat Dean and his Master Devolos. Will Aria be able to claim victory in the Second Round or will Dean and Devolos show that they are not one to take lightly?

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! A Battle Of Demon Beys!

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