• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,786 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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27. A Dazzling Discovery!

The Dazzlings, along with everyone else had arrived home after Gabby and Adagio's showdown. Sunset had told everyone to take a seat in the living room where they would have to "discuss" something, but about what the Dazzlings wondered? That was unknown for the time being but the Dazzlings had an idea of what it was about. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata take a seat, their mom and dad were sitting across from them. They could all tell this wasn't going to be a normal conversation as everyone had a serious expression on their face.

"Adagio, Aria, Sonata, I'm sure you're probably wondering what happened early with the events regarding Adagio's and Gabby's match." Sunset said as she looked at the three girls.

"Oh no, it's not like it's unnatural for someone to suddenly sprout wings and a tail out of seemingly nowhere." Aria said as she rolled her eyes. The sarcasm in her voice was unnoticeable.

"Really? Then if so, can I grow wings and a tail like Dagi!" Sonata said. Adagio and Aria look at their sister. Of course, out of everyone Sonata couldn't tell the sarcasm or not.

"No, it's not normal to grow wings and a tail out of nowhere. Aria was just being herself like always. And it's not like I was the only one, mom and all of her friends grew their own tails and ears as well." Adagio said as she looked at her mom and then at all of her mom's friends in the room.

"Adagio is right, and that is why everyone is here. Girls, there's something that all of us have been hiding from you." Sunset said getting the girl's attention.

The Dazzlings looked around at everyone else, they all looked sad or upset. What could they have been hiding from them?

"Well... go on. Tell us what's going on." Aria said taking the lead, she didn't want to admit it but she was nervous.

"Yeah, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. I probably just activated my new profound powers by unleashing my and Achilles' bond to the fullest." Adagio said confidently, although her shaky voice said otherwise.

"Then how would you explain why mom's friends powered up as well? They don't have Beys of their own, and plus unlike you they didn't grow wings. They only grew pony-like ears and a tail, you were the only one that grew wings." Aria asked looking at Adagio.

"We had a previous life where we were evil girls that tried to take over this world. We came from a previous world called Equestria and came to take control of this world and then get revenge on Equestria. We, however, failed and were put into hiding, then one day someone found us and saw what kind of environment we were in and gave us the chance at having another life. We all agreed and started our new lives, this life isn't our first it's actually our second." Sonata said with a big smile.

Everyone turned their head at Sonata in surprise, then were astonished by how to correct Sonata was. Sunset's jaw was literally hitting the ground while Pinkie Pie was smiling at Sonata. Sonata looked around and saw that everyone else looked surprised. She tilted her head in confusion.

"What? You all look like you saw a ghost or something. Is there something on my face?" Sonata then put her hands on her face thinking something was there.

"There's nothing on your face but... Sonata... how did you know all of that?" Sunset then began to wonder if Sonata had actually remembered everything about her past life and if so then maybe Adagio and Aria would too. Sunset looked at Tom, he was just as clueless as she was.

"Oh that? I've been taking guessing classes with Pinkie." Sonata looked at Pinkie who nodded and smiled, everyone else in the room looked at Pinkie with glares as she sheepishly took a step back. "So... was I right?" Everyone then turned their attention back to Sonata.

"Y-Yeah... Tom remind me to have a serious talk with Pinkie Pie later." Sunset said as she looked at her husband.

"I don't think that'll do you much good but whatever you say dear." Tom said as he sighed.

"Wait. Let me get this straight. Me, Aria, and Sonata have a previous life where we were actually bad guys who tried to destroy this world. Our plan failed and then we were saved by someone who gave us a second life? That sounds more like a fairy tale if you ask me. And even if it was true why are we learning about this now? Shouldn't we have learned about this month if not the year before?" Aria asked looking confused about the whole situation.

"You were too young to understand, it's too complicated for you three to understand at such a young age. In fact, I wasn't planning on telling you about your past lives until Adagio manifested these new powers of hers. But now the cat's out of the bag and I had to tell you three." Sunset said looking at her girls. She hated that she had to tell her girls about their past lives so soon but fate had other plans for her.

"Does that mean me and Ari can now grow our own set of wings along with the ears and the tail?" Sonata asked with a big smile. She too wanted to have her own pair of wings and ears and have a tail like Adagio.

Tom thought about it for a second. "If you two can get to that kind of bond with your Beys then you most likely can and will. But only time will tell."

"Is there anything else we need to know about our past lives then?" Adagio asked as she looked at her mom.

Sunset nodded her head as she sighed. "You three went by a singing group that went by the name of the Dazzlings. Adagio was the leader of the group, while Aria and Sonata were her helpers. You three act the same as you were back then, Adagio is the leader, Aria acts tough, and Sonata is... well... Sonata. You three wanted nothing more than to have people under your spell and to adore you, you three almost got away with it too but with the power of friendship you guys were dealt with."

"If we tried to take control of this world then where were all of you when we tried to take control?" Aria questioned.

Sunset looked at everyone with a broken expression they just nodded their heads. Sunset then looked back at the three Dazzlings, who she had been taking care of for so many years. "We... we were the ones that beat you. You were what looked to be high-school girls who entered the same school as us because you could sense the magic in us. We had to do what we had to... so we stopped you. None of us ever saw you again after we took you down, it was as if you had just vanished."

"Were we really that dangerous that all of you had to take us down? And then the same people that beat us took us in... even after everything we did?" Adagio said as she looked down.

Before Sunset knew it Adagio and Sonata ran up to her and hugged her for dear life. Sunset could hear multiple apologizes from both of them. She looked up to see Aria who had been quiet for most of the conversation. Aria had her face down her hair was covering her eyes and expression, so Sunset couldn't tell how Aria felt.

"Aria, are you okay? I'm sure hearing all of this must be a lot to take in." Sunset then got up and tried to hug Aria but Aria pushed Sunset off of her.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Aria yelled as she smacked her mom's arms away. "You waited for years to tell us this and now you think it's okay to tell us now?! You should have told us beforehand! Your not even our true mother!!"

"Aria! She is our mother, she may not be our birth mother but she took us in when no one else did. To me she's our mother, you should apologize!" Sonata yelled at her sister.

"Apologize? Apologize?!" Aria yelled at Sonata, scaring her and making her hide before Sunset and Adagio. "The only one who should be apologizing is our so-called mother. And if she's not going to apologize then I don't see the need to be here or follow anything she has to say or offer. I'm out of here!!"

"You're not going anywhere, you are in my hands so until you're old enough you're my responsibility, Aria!" Sunset grabbed Aria's hand and she wasn't letting go. Just then Aria slapped Sunset's hand off of hers.

Aria then turned back at her mom with a glare that could kill. "I'm not Aria! I am Apocalypse! Now leave me alone or else I'll end you!!"

Sunset stepped back in fear, as did everyone else. Once Aria was free, she ran out of the house and far away from everyone.

"Aria! Come back!" Sunset yelled at Aria.

"Security! Go out there and find my daughter this instant!!" Tom yelled.

"Let's all go separate ways and try to find Aria! Now come on everyone!" Celestia said as everyone nodded their heads.

Everyone went their separate ways, the search for Aria had begun. With Aria on the run, everyone had only one thing running through their minds. 'Be safe Aria and come back home.'

Preview: While Aria's on the run, Aaron and Gabby set their minds on making the perfect Bey, making them one step forward on their master plan. Seeing Aria on the run Gabby decides to put her new Bey to the test against Aria and Apocalypse.

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! The Perfect Bey! Eclipse Genesis!

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