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>Texas is pretty big

You continue exploring the Lone Star State. There's a lot of abandoned cities, a lot of wide open spaces.

And not a lot of people.

After a few months, you get a bit bored of your wandering and start traveling back to the town you visited with Emily.

But by the time you arrive there's nobody left.

You can't find a single trace of anybody left in town. No one.

A shadow moves in the corner of your eye, and a purple unicorn walks in front of you.

She's been there for a while.

"They're all in Equestria. At first it was just a few, but as the population grew smaller and smaller, there just wasn't any reason the stick around anymore."

She has a sad smile on her face.

"I can take you too. All you need to do is ask."


>Don't emigrate

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