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>You black out

When you come to, you're trapped in a small cage inside a dimly lit tent. Small patches of sunlight are filtering in, just enough that you can make out your surroundings.

You're the only person there, and the only other objects in the tent are sealed crates.

You still have your clothes, but you're pretty sure they've taken your Glock, and everything else you had on your person. Your backpack is gone.

Your hands are bound and your mouth is gagged. you cannot speak.

You struggle against your bindings for a few minutes, but are unable to break free.

Suddenly, you notice movement out of the corner of your eye.

Moving out from behind a crate, completely silent, is a yellow pegasus. Her long pink mane is nearly dragging on the ground, and hiding half of her face. She steps in front of the cage and begins speaking to you, barely loud enough to hear.

"Hello. I'm Fluttershy. I'm sorry that you got caught. These humans here are really mean. They usually shoot at me any time I get close, so I usually need to sneak in if I want to meet anyone."

You've already been captured by slave traders, so you're not exactly too scared of this timid pegasus.

"They're going to do horrible things to you. I've seen them do it before. I'm not allowed to stop it. If I hurt them, it goes against my programming. All I can do is help you now."

You could certainly use some help at the moment.

She reaches into your cage and unties the gag over your mouth.

"If I let you out, they will kill you. I can't let that happen. I can offer you a way out however."

She holds a metal helmet in her hooves, meekly offering it to you.

"In Equestria, bad things like this never happen. I just don't want to see anyone suffer. Please."

You consider your options. Torture and death, or worse at the hands of these people, or Fluttershy's offer.

>Help me Fluttershy
>I'd rather die

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