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>Put her in your car

You strap the mysterious woman into the passenger seat of your Honda Civic and drive down the Interstate.

You're unsure if she'll be okay, but time will tell, and this is better than leaving her in the middle of the road.

You drive anxiously for about an hour until you hear your passenger stirring. She groggily opens her eyes and glances at you. You decide to stop the car so you can have a conversation.

"Who are you? Where am I?" She asks you.

You explain that you found her car overturned on the road and pulled her out.

"You did? Thank you. It's not very often you run into another person these days, let alone one who would help you."

You introduce yourself and ask her name.

"My name? I'm Emily Mason. I was going to Miami in search of my brother. I haven't heard from him in a long time. I don't know if he emigrated or not, but I wanted to make sure."

You tell her you've lived in Miami for years now, and haven't seen another living person in a long time.

"That makes sense. Even if he was alive, I doubt he would still be there."

She sighs and rubs a bruise on her cheek.

"Why are you on the road? Just trying to get by?

You explain that you're searching for other humans, and having found her, you suppose it's a success.

"Well if that's all you want you should come back to Texas with me. There's a bunch of doomsday prepper types out there that have a farming community near Houston. It's nothing fancy, but it's better than living alone."

You consider her offer. This seems to be just what you're looking for.

>Agree to go with her
>Tell her you'd rather look elsewhere

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