• Published 17th Mar 2021
  • 808 Views, 3 Comments

The Great And Powerful Tricycle - Zubric

Weird things happen when you sneeze midspell.

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Trixie hates wheels

Celestia’s sun shined down upon Ponyville and the many ponies wandering around on their daily tasks. The calm day was accented with a partly cloudy sky perfect for playing outdoors. In a meadow on the edge of the quint town sat the Great and Powerful Trixie’s wagon. The magician was hard at work practicing for her latest upcoming performance with various tools of the trade set out on the lawn.

Pulling out a deck of cards for a box, Trixie began to shuffle them about in an organized flurry of hooves thinking about her latest magic lessons with Starlight. Not that she needed them, Trixie was the best around and most definitely didn’t need help with her magic. Some of the small spells she’d been learning would come in very handy for her act. Especially a specific one that could let her alter objects. It was similar to the teacup spell she loved so much but could do much more with it. Given how great she knew she was, she would no doubt get this right the first time.

Grabbing a hoof-sized blue cube, she sets it down on the flat stump nearby taking a few steps back. “Behold,” Trixie started, flaring out her hooves to her nonexistent audience. “The Great and Powerful Trixie shall now turn this mere cube into a sphere.” Her horn started to glow as she charged up the spell. However, Trixie being herself had naturally forgotten the important point Starlight had told her. Mostly the part where focusing on the transformation and not letting her mind wander.

So it was only because of Trixie’s greatness that the magician was glancing about her collection at the same time. “Hmm, I wonder why Trixie has a small bicycle wheel.” The silver plate upon said wheel suddenly reflected sunlight into her eyes causing her to wince. At the same time, fate decided to play a prank on her as dust drifted into her nose all while the magic was building. Her face instantly scrunched up as she fought back the urge to sneeze, but it was no use. “Acho!”

The magic bolt flew across the field ricocheting off the shiny wheel before being sent back at Trixie with surprising speed. The magician had no time to react as it hit her square in the chest causing her to stumble back and gasp as her body began to glow. Trixie’s body immediately began to be tugged in all directions feeling like candy on a taffy puller. Her forelegs were pushed in front of her while her back ones seemed to spread out limbs becoming thinner rapidly. Next came her chest and neck as they too were pulled her head forced upwards as features distorted. She wanted to scream but had no mouth to do so, and yet was somehow panting when the magic settled.

Remaining in a bit of a daze, it took her a moment to realize something was very wrong. For one thing, her vision was locked forward a white wicker basket blocking her view below her eye level. As she would later find out, her body had transformed into a blue tricycle. Her white mane had been converted into fuzzy handlebars, while her purple hat had become ribbons attached to each end. Each hubcap of her new three wheels was also white along with the seat cushion. Printed upon her back frame was her cutie mark for all to see.

Despite not having any eyes, Trixie felt them go wide. “Okay, d-don’t panic Trixie, you meant to do this right?” She thought, trying to stay confident despite having just messed up magic again. What made it worse was the fact she’d miss-cast on herself now recall all the warnings Starlight had carefully reminded her of. All of which she had, of course, brushed off thinking she could handle anything. She recalled back to the time she teleported the map table, but this was a hundred times direr. “Just got to change back that’s all.” She took a breath reaching out for her magic...only to feel none. There was an ambient hum of it around her form but otherwise, she was unable to draw from it. Without a horn, she was stuck this way. “No! Got to be a way to change me back,” she panicked taking a step back in her mind. Surprisingly, her wheels squeaked and moved in a similar manner sliding her back. Checking that it wasn’t a fluke, she willed herself to move forward and to her relief moved closer to her wagon. “Okay Trixie can move, now how do I get myself back to normal?

It didn’t take her long to realize that without magic, she would have to find somepony else to change her back. Amongst all the ponies she knew, Starlight was the first to come to mind and maybe Twilight if she didn’t have a choice. She’d rather not be seen like this by the Princess of Friendship she’d never hear the end of it. She gulped, turning to look at the town having a daunting task ahead of travelling all the way across town to the school without being taken or played with.

Being well oiled, it took little effort to get going as Trixie made her way down the hill and entered a side street, her wheels barely making a sound as she did. She kept sweeping her eyes around watching for any children nearby. The fact she could see without eyes didn’t escape her thoughts either as she never blinked since her transformation. Several minutes went by without issue that was until she ended up near the playground due to a wrong turn. Many sounds of happy foals rang out across the open field causing Trixie to back up and reconsider. While there were alternate routes, this one seemed the most direct. Maybe if she carefully scooted along the edge she’d go unnoticed. The last thing she wanted to happen was for some random colt or filly to grab her and play on her for who knows how long. The magician wasn’t even sure if she would be able to have enough strength to resist.

Thankfully, her new form lacked any sort of jingling bells to draw attention to her as she wheels across the field as quickly as she could. To her relief, a few colts and fillies did spot her but seemed to just think that the tricycle was being pulled along by one of the unicorns playing around. At least, that what Trixie hoped was the case. As the spire of the Castle of Friendship came into view, Trixie felt a wave of relief as she sped up as fast as she could. Any pony that saw her rushing down the street was more confused than anything. Then again, this was Ponyville, odder things had happened.

Nearing the School of Friendship, Trixie felt a mental slap in the face as her logical brain finally caught up with her as she stared at the large front door up the stairs. Her eyes would have twitched if she had them. “Trixie can’t reach or open the doors! No!” As minutes ticked by, the magician rock back and forth slowly trying to think of ways to finish her quest. The realization she’d have to wait for the students to leave for the day made her groan. Every minute that passed dragged on especially since she couldn’t see the town clocktower from her spot. After an excruciating amount of time, the bell finally rang students soon piling out the front door. Trixie immediately began to ring her bell rapidly to get attention. “Yes notice Trixie!”

Despite the stares and mutterings of the crowd, to Trixie’s surprise, the special exchange students were the ones to approach her. Smolder was the first to speak, her eyebrow raised. “Hey is this normal for toys or whatever that thing is?”

“It’s called a tricycle, my sister rides one around sometimes. Doesn’t it look a lot like Trixie?”

Trixie rang her bell some more for emphasis as Ocellus approached eyeing the tricycle. “I think it is Trixie.”

“What make you think that?” Yona asked tilting her head.

“I can just sense transformation magic,” Ocellus was quick to point out. “I’m sure Starlight will know what to do.”

Trixie happily rang her bell at that response wheeling back and forth before being scooped up by Gallus and being taken inside.

Starlight stared at the tricycle completely dumbstruck. “She did what?”

“She turned herself into this tricycle,” Ocellus repeated all while Trixie rang her little bell.

“I see, wouldn’t be the weirdest thing I’ve heard of happening,” Starlight said wincing when Trixie shoved her way against her leg. “Ouch, okay okay I’ll change you back just give me a second.” The students watched in interest as Starlight horn began to glow the magic surrounding the tricycle in turn.

Much like the initial spell, Trixie form began to warp and stretch masses of blue bubbling out from the handlebars and frame. The entire process resembled expanding silly putty little gurgles heard as Trixie’s face reformed. Ocellus watched eagerly while the others looked away as Trixie’s rump reformed along with her mane and tail. Once her legs were fully forced, Trixie collapse to the floor and curled into a fetal position shivering some.

Starlight rushed over to her friend in flash reaching down to help her up. “Trixie, are you alright?”

Trixie stuck out her tongue as she gagged and shivered some more. “Trixie’s mouth tastes like she ate a tire,” she complained. “That was an experience I’d rather not do again. So stupid.”

Starlight seeing the frown on Trixie’s face put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Hey don’t beat yourself up about it accidents happen.”

As the students left the counsellor’s office, Trixie scuffed her hoof on the floor with a faint blush upon her cheeks. “Trixie only got turned into a bike cause she sneezed. That’s just embarrassing!.” swiftly wrapping her hooves around Starlight’s neck, Trixie sniffed. “I was so worried Trixie would be stuck as a toy forever.”

Starlight gently rubbed Trixie’s back giving it a few pats. “There, there, it’s over now. How about we go get something to eat to take your mind off what happened?”

Pulling back, Trixie eagerly nodded. “Anything to get this taste of rubber out of my mouth, bleh!”

With that, the two mares left the school Trixie hoping that such an accident never happened again.

Author's Note:

Another story off my old bucket list finally.

Comments ( 3 )

“That was an experience I’d rather do again. So stupid.”


Short, sweet, too the point.

Could easily have involved a few scenes of hyjinks, but chose not to indulge.

I suppose so, i just couldn't think of much at the time.

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