• Published 24th Jul 2021
  • 484 Views, 8 Comments

King Sombra’s New Helper - Badguy400

An alternate universe story that involves Sombra getting some help

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Prologue: King Sombra’s Conquest

King Sombra; now sent to the Crystal Empire by Grogar; is tasked with one thing, and one thing only: taking back the throne... . But in order to do it; he needs a plan... . And so... he begins.... .

“Hmmm.....” Sombra thinks to himself. “What can I do that’ll not get me in trouble… ?”

He thought long and hard about this plan. Reason is because for one thing; he’s not very much welcome back in his old kingdom. Secondly; he’s not exactly; “leadership material”; so to speak... . And finally; the ponies will most certainly be either afraid of him, or wanting to fight him. So; without wanting to cause any trouble to himself; King Sombra thought about his plan... . He was gonna eventually give up until... . “Oh! I got it!” He then ran off to enact his plan... .

Meanwhile; in the Crystal Empire castle... .

“Well.... since King Sombra is coming back..... what should we do?” Cadence said as she’s calming down Flurry Heart. Reason for her calming down Flurry Heart is because she’s cranky from being tired, and Cadence is trying to put her to sleep; like any parent should do... . “I don’t know...” her husband Shining Armor said. “We can’t necessarily let anypony know about this. I mean... . If anypony were to find out about his return; it could potentially have dire consequences...”. Sighing; Cadence began saying; “I know honey... . But I don’t know what else to do.... . I mean.... it’s not like it’s the end of the world; right... ?” Yawning, and feeling sleepy; Flurry Heart began to stretch, and fell fast asleep in her mother’s arms. Shining Armor responded with; “maybe.... . But I’m sure we can think of something... .” Cadence nodded, and then tucked their daughter into bed before leaving her room to let her sleep.

While the Royal guards are busy being trained by Shining Armor; King Sombra has somehow snuck through the entrance of the kingdom, and is about to make his way to the castle.

Meanwhile; by the castle’s front door... .

“Hush there little one; it’s okay...” Cadence says in a light motherly tone to her despondent daughter. Reason is because unfortunately; in light of the events that’s about to take place; Princess Cadence has forgotten to feed her daughter before bed. She tried to feed her a bottle; which worked... . Unfortunately; it didn’t work for too long. And then Flurry Heart continues crying. “Oh where’s Twilight? She’s usually always having the answers to Flurry Heart’s tantrums. Ooh I hope she gets here... . I don’t know how long I can take calming down Flurry Heart for... .”

Few hours later... .

“Finally!” King Sombra thinks to himself. “This is gonna be easy... . And here I thought that it wasn’t. Heh; who knew... ? Guess I owe Tirek five bits; hehehe... .”

Sombra was currently looking for a room in particular; whom he thinks was his old bedchambers. Reason? He has some stuff that’ll grant him the strength to overpower his enemies... . But first he needs to find it... .

However... once he’s found it; he soon learns that a certain; “princess”, is occupying it for the time being... . And oh boy was he in for a surprise... .

“Aw crud...” he says to himself. “I really hope that it isn’t one of mines...” he lamented. “I’m really hoping that I didn’t do; who knows what, with another mare when I got defeated... . That would’ve been embarrassing... .” After he said that; the little filly turned in her sleep, and let rip something fierce that it stank up the entire room... . With that; he promptly left, and went to the throne room to get some air... . And because some of his other artifacts are there too.

“Hmm... . What in the world am I supposed to be doing right now… ? And; how in Tartarus am I supposed to begin my conquest… ?”

Few hours later after King Sombra has made a choice... .

“*evil laughter*. That was pathetic! Even you three couldn’t stop me! Hahaha!” Flurry Heart gotten angry and screamed at him in anger. With that; King Sombra threw a spear dangerously close to the Royal Family, and demanded; “quiet! Or else I’ll be forced to give y’all a gruesome punishment so severe; that you’ll be begging for mercy! Understood?!” Flurry Heart then cowered in fear, and whimpered whilst nodding her head as an agreement to pipe down. With that; Sombra continued; “alright then... . Now… ; what am I supposed to do with y’all... ?”

After a few minutes; a surprise visitor showed up, and introduced themselves. “Hello buddy... .” Knowing who it was; King Sombra said; “oh no...” and looked on in horror... .