> King Sombra’s New Helper > by Badguy400 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: King Sombra’s Conquest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Sombra; now sent to the Crystal Empire by Grogar; is tasked with one thing, and one thing only: taking back the throne... . But in order to do it; he needs a plan... . And so... he begins.... . “Hmmm.....” Sombra thinks to himself. “What can I do that’ll not get me in trouble… ?” He thought long and hard about this plan. Reason is because for one thing; he’s not very much welcome back in his old kingdom. Secondly; he’s not exactly; “leadership material”; so to speak... . And finally; the ponies will most certainly be either afraid of him, or wanting to fight him. So; without wanting to cause any trouble to himself; King Sombra thought about his plan... . He was gonna eventually give up until... . “Oh! I got it!” He then ran off to enact his plan... . Meanwhile; in the Crystal Empire castle... . “Well.... since King Sombra is coming back..... what should we do?” Cadence said as she’s calming down Flurry Heart. Reason for her calming down Flurry Heart is because she’s cranky from being tired, and Cadence is trying to put her to sleep; like any parent should do... . “I don’t know...” her husband Shining Armor said. “We can’t necessarily let anypony know about this. I mean... . If anypony were to find out about his return; it could potentially have dire consequences...”. Sighing; Cadence began saying; “I know honey... . But I don’t know what else to do.... . I mean.... it’s not like it’s the end of the world; right... ?” Yawning, and feeling sleepy; Flurry Heart began to stretch, and fell fast asleep in her mother’s arms. Shining Armor responded with; “maybe.... . But I’m sure we can think of something... .” Cadence nodded, and then tucked their daughter into bed before leaving her room to let her sleep. While the Royal guards are busy being trained by Shining Armor; King Sombra has somehow snuck through the entrance of the kingdom, and is about to make his way to the castle. Meanwhile; by the castle’s front door... . “Hush there little one; it’s okay...” Cadence says in a light motherly tone to her despondent daughter. Reason is because unfortunately; in light of the events that’s about to take place; Princess Cadence has forgotten to feed her daughter before bed. She tried to feed her a bottle; which worked... . Unfortunately; it didn’t work for too long. And then Flurry Heart continues crying. “Oh where’s Twilight? She’s usually always having the answers to Flurry Heart’s tantrums. Ooh I hope she gets here... . I don’t know how long I can take calming down Flurry Heart for... .” Few hours later... . “Finally!” King Sombra thinks to himself. “This is gonna be easy... . And here I thought that it wasn’t. Heh; who knew... ? Guess I owe Tirek five bits; hehehe... .” Sombra was currently looking for a room in particular; whom he thinks was his old bedchambers. Reason? He has some stuff that’ll grant him the strength to overpower his enemies... . But first he needs to find it... . However... once he’s found it; he soon learns that a certain; “princess”, is occupying it for the time being... . And oh boy was he in for a surprise... . “Aw crud...” he says to himself. “I really hope that it isn’t one of mines...” he lamented. “I’m really hoping that I didn’t do; who knows what, with another mare when I got defeated... . That would’ve been embarrassing... .” After he said that; the little filly turned in her sleep, and let rip something fierce that it stank up the entire room... . With that; he promptly left, and went to the throne room to get some air... . And because some of his other artifacts are there too. “Hmm... . What in the world am I supposed to be doing right now… ? And; how in Tartarus am I supposed to begin my conquest… ?” Few hours later after King Sombra has made a choice... . “*evil laughter*. That was pathetic! Even you three couldn’t stop me! Hahaha!” Flurry Heart gotten angry and screamed at him in anger. With that; King Sombra threw a spear dangerously close to the Royal Family, and demanded; “quiet! Or else I’ll be forced to give y’all a gruesome punishment so severe; that you’ll be begging for mercy! Understood?!” Flurry Heart then cowered in fear, and whimpered whilst nodding her head as an agreement to pipe down. With that; Sombra continued; “alright then... . Now… ; what am I supposed to do with y’all... ?” After a few minutes; a surprise visitor showed up, and introduced themselves. “Hello buddy... .” Knowing who it was; King Sombra said; “oh no...” and looked on in horror... . > Chapter One: The Helper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Sombra; speechless, and knowing who it was that has arrived; groans in annoyance, and says; “it’s you; isn’t it Cozy Glow?” Cozy Glow then gleefully nodded; “mhmm”, and flew towards him. “You know... I could really be of use to you.” Sombra laughed at the comment, and sarcastically says; “like what; hmm? Babysitting Flurry Heart’s teddy bears? Giving Cadence hugs and snuggles? Or maybe even making Shining Armor listen to your constant whining? Yeah... that’s help for sure; hahaha!” Whimpering because of that insult; Cozy Glow threw her clipboard on the ground; (that she arrived with), and whined; “nuh uh... ! I was gonna help you with the kingdom!” Sombra laughed again, and said; “like what? Making cupcakes and smoothies?” Cozy Glow got a bit angry, and whined; “no; dummy! Helping you with taxes and whatnot!” Sombra laughed again, and then pauses to ask; “no; seriously though; what’re you really doing here?” Cozy Glow whined and whimpered a little; before saying with small tears in her eyes; “the other bullies are mean to me... .” After that; she pouts, and flew right to the ground; crossing her forehooves. Shocked by this; Cadence asked; “the other villains are here too?!” Sombra chuckled a bit before saying; “nope. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t come here either if me and Cozy Glow were to summon them. I mean after all; whenever an enemy is overwhelming your forces; you call for backup; right?” Nodding sheepishly; (because he knew a lot about it); Shining Armor said; “right...”. and then looks down with an embarrassed look to him. Wanting to break the silence; Sombra says; “so; since you’re here to get away from the other villains; what do you wanna do Cozy Glow? We can get the prisoners some food if you want? Would you like that?” Cozy nodded, but said; “you’re mean to me... . And I don’t like you.” Sombra laughed; “hah!” and continued; “when does anyone else not right?” Cozy Glow whined again, and then looked down at the ground; looking like that she’s ready to cry. Not wanting to have her cry; Sombra asks; “you want me to get you some food?” Cozy Glow nodded, and sniffled. Sighing; while also hoping that Cozy Glow doesn’t cry; King Sombra got up from his throne, and then walked past her to go get her something to eat. After a few minutes; King Sombra returned to give Cozy Glow her meal; which consisted of a hay butter and jelly sandwich, and some animal crackers to go with it. After that; he sat back on his throne with his own sandwich; which consists of beets, lettuce, and tomatoes; along with some chips, and then began eating. Having finished his meal already in a few minutes, and seeing that his “pal” hasn’t touched any of her food; King Sombra gets up, and then starts walking to Cozy Glow... . He then began saying; “what’s wrong? Can’t eat or something?” Sniffling; Cozy Glow nodded, and then wipes her nose because she feels like that she’s gonna cry... . Not wanting to have her feel like this anymore; King Sombra sighs, then proceeded to pick her up before saying; “so; wanna just play or something? You don’t have to eat right now if you’re not up to it; okay?” Still sniffling; Cozy Glow nodded; “owkay...” and then hugged Sombra. Seeing this; Flurry Heart cooed; as if attempting to ask if she was alright. Turning to the baby alicorn; King Sombra said; “I’m afraid that the villainous Cozy Glow is not alright... . Mainly because us baddies have make her feel this way... . Okay?” Understanding what’s being said; (for a two year old), Flurry Heart nodded, and flew back down to sit on the floor. After an attempt to comfort Cozy Glow by rocking her, and patting her back to no avail; King Sombra had enough, and then blurts out; “you know what? I’ve had enough. How about I just let you three go eh? What do you say?” Shocked by this; Cadence stammered; “a-a-are you sure?” Sombra sighs, then says; “yes... but on one condition.” Looking hesitant; Cadence asked; “and what would that be?” Lowering the magic crystals; King Sombra said; “you have to help me calm down Cozy Glow; or none of us are gonna have a good day.” Looking a little bit unsatisfied; Cadence asked; “and why would I help you?” Sombra chuckled, then says; “well it’s either that, or have you and your family wear chains and muzzles for all eternity. What do you say to that?” Before Cadence could say no; Flurry Heart flew to her mother, and looked like that she was begging. Sighing; King Sombra nudged her aside, and said; “you didn’t have to do that... . I’m capable of looking out for myself; okay? It’s fine. And besides; if she said no, then I’d understand... . Okay?” Flurry Heart nodded, but then flew up to hug King Sombra tightly; as if begging him to not hurt her or her family. Or even to seem like that she wanted to help; despite her mother not seeming to agree. Not having a choice; Cadence gave out a heavy sigh before saying; “okay; fine. I’ll help... . But I’m not doing this for you; okay? I just don’t want Cozy Glow to feel so sad anymore... alright?” Sombra chuckled a bit, then says; “ah; me either... . Though if I had to choose which was worse, then I’d say that your daughter’s crying might count too... . Or her gas... . Whichever works... .” Feeling embarrassed; Flurry Heart babbled something; as if to ask him; “you heard that?” To which case King Sombra replied; “heard it? I smelt it too... . And it was pungent. Phew!” Feeling embarrassed; Flurry Heart whined, and covered herself with her wings. Not wanting his archenemy to cry too; King Sombra uncovered her face, and told Flurry Heart; “it’s fine... . Besides... what’s the worst that can happen?” With that; Shining Armor passed out with a loud thud, and then King Sombra said; “oh that can’t be good...” before looking at Shining Armor on the ground. Worried; Cadence began to ask her husband as to what happened, and why he passed out. Shining Armor responded with raising his head up a bit, and mumbling something incoherent; while seeming to look like that he’s weak. Concerned; King Sombra got close, felt his forehead, and nodded in affirmation. Sighing; he got up, and said; “well; there’s good news and bad news... . Which one do you wanna hear first?” Worried; Cadence told King Sombra that she wanted the bad news first. Wasting no time; King Sombra said that her husband is dehydrated, and that he needs some fluids fast if he’s ever gonna make it through the day... . Understanding; yet also slightly angry; Cadence turned towards her husband, and shouted; “you serious honey?! I mean; what we’re you thinking?! I thought I told you to take better care of yourself?! What’s wrong with you?!” Feeling a little bit better already; Shining Armor got up to his hooves, and said; “me? What about you? I thought I told you to remind me… ? You know how forgetful I am.” Sighing; Cadence said; “that’s true sweetie... but still... . I can’t always remind you. You have to take better care of yourself; okay?” Sighing in defeat, and not wanting to fight his wife anymore than he already had; Shining Armor nodded, and said; “you’re right honey; I’m sorry... . Do you forgive me?” Smiling; Cadence said; “of course”, and leaned in to give her husband a kiss. Not wanting to see the two kiss; Flurry Heart and Cozy Glow looked away, and said; “eewwww...” like any other little kid would have. Well; any other little kid, and toddler to be exact. In that reply; Cadence responded; “oh hush. You’ll be like this for when you’re older; okay?” Flurry Heart whined because of that statement, and said; “mama...” before looking all pouty. Chuckling; Sombra said; “okay; look... . How about we go get this guy something to drink before he hits the deck again; okay? Who’s with me?” Giggling slightly; both Flurry Heart and Cozy Glow raised their hooves. Surprised; Sombra said; “okay then you two; let’s go.” And with that; Flurry Heart and Cozy Glow got onto King Sombra’s back, and began leading him to the kitchen. Back at the throne room not too far behind; Cadence turned to her husband, and asked; “you fine with this?” With that; Shining Armor responded; “I’m sure honey...” before almost passing out. Catching her husband; Cadence said; “okay soldier; let’s get you a drink before you pass out again... okay?” Saluting; Shining Armor said; “yes sir”, and falls asleep. Snickering; Cadence used her magic to carry her husband, and followed behind Sombra, Flurry Heart, and Cozy Glow to the kitchen. Hopefully she doesn’t experience anything else that’s bad; right… ? Only one way to find out. > Chapter Two: Shining’s Predicament > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the kitchen; Cozy Glow and Flurry Heart are currently messing with King Sombra by acting like monsters from the Everfree Forest. Laughing because of how uncanny these two were; he levitated them off of his head with his magic, and asks; “well well well... what do we have here?” Cozy Glow giggled and tried to reach for Sombra’s face; to which he replied; “cmon kid; if you wanted to act like this, then maybe you should’ve done that while back at the villain’s lair; okay?” Cozy Glow paused; frowned, looked down in shame; (for lack of a better word), and says; “I would if I could... . But sadly I can’t... .” Levitating her close to him; Sombra asked why. With that; Cozy responded; “because the other villains don’t like me anymore... .” Cozy Glow began to pout, and then continued by saying; “plus... they also tasked me with watching over you so I could leave them alone... . Knew that they wouldn’t want me around for long... .” Sombra paused, chuckles a little, and says; “really now… ? I mean; I know I can be a “bit” mistrusting... . But did they really have to send a little filly like you to watch over me? That’s hysterical!” Cozy Glow pouted some more, and said; “no... it’s not... .” She then began to swat at the air before continuing; “and just so you know... I’m not a little filly anymore; okay? I’m a big filly now; got it?” Sombra chuckles again, then says; “uh huh; sure you are”, whilst rolling his eyes in sarcasm. Still pouting; Cozy Glow said; “you’re mean”, and crosses her hooves whilst pouting. After a few minutes; Shining Armor began to ask; “so.... where’s the fridge?” Realizing this; Sombra began to look around, paused to look a little shocked, and then turned back to look at Shining Armor, and says; “uhh... yeah.... about that... .” Cadence then began to look concerned; and asked; “well? What is it... ?” Cozy Glow looked to see what was missing, and says; “it’s gone... .” Sombra sighs, then says; “Cozy’s right unfortunately... . The fridge is gone.” Looking confused, Cadence began to ask; “it’s gone? How?” Thinking; King Sombra tapped his chin in thought; before looking back to Princess Cadence, and says; “well; it’s either due to a hidden door in the castle that made the fridge disappear... . Or that your castle was broken into long before I did; and possibly that someone or somepony has taken it. Reasons I do not know... . Sorry.” Cadence replied; “it’s fine”, and sighs in defeat. Still feeling like he’s gonna pass out; Shining Armor asks worriedly; “is it okay if I get “anything” to drink? I’m fine with just drinking anything else at the moment.. . Other than water of course.. . Alright… ?” Sombra tapped his chin in thought again, and then says; “well; maybe... . But I really don’t see anything we can do about it. I mean; it’s not like that we could just have any drink delivered here; right? I mean..” he paused to laugh before continuing; “it’s not like that this is Ponyville; am I right… ?” Just before anyone could say anything else; Derpy flew by to give Cadence a package. Knowing what kind of package it is; Sombra clears his throat, and says; “never mind,” before Cadence approached her husband with a smoothie. Seeing the smoothie; Cozy Glow began to reach for the smoothie; when Shining Armor began to say; “now now Cozy; this is my drink after all; okay… ? You have to get your own.” Cozy Glow whined a little bit, and went back to pouting; mainly because she wanted to have a small taste of whatever smoothie Shining Armor has ordered for himself. Not wanting another temper tantrum; King Sombra groaned while facepalming with his shadow hand, and then proceeds to write a scroll to order more drinks from a nearby restaurant or cafe for delivery. After the group has had their thirsts quenched; Flurry Heart sighed with relief, and then goes to throw her empty cup away. But unfortunately; she couldn’t seem to find the trashcan, and starts to whine. Hearing this; Sombra looked at her, and then looked to see where the trashcan was. Seeing this; Sombra looked back at the Royal Couple, and asked; “y’all do have a trashcan right… ? Cuz that’s gone.” Looking shocked; both of the Royal Couple turned to looked at the spot where the trashcan was, then looked back at Sombra. Noticing that too; Cozy Glow began to think for a minute; before looking up at King Sombra, and waving her empty cup. Seeing this; Sombra then took her empty cup away, collected everyone else’s empty cups, and sets them on the kitchen table for now... . After washing his shadow hands, and his hooves; (mainly because he doesn’t wanna contract anything from the other’s saliva from their straws); King Sombra went back to the group, and says; “well... stuff are going missing. And I think I might have a clue as to who’s doing this. Do you know who… ?” Flurry Heart thought for a few seconds; before looking up at King Sombra and raising her hoof. He pointed at her, and then Flurry Heart began to babble; “Dissy.” Knowing whom she was talking about; Sombra got a bit angry, and slammed his shadow fists on the kitchen counter; shaking the dirty dishes in the sink. After that; he turned, and shouted; “Discord!” before hearing evil laughter... . > Chapter Three: A Chaotic Endeavor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Sombra; basically fuming at this point; is currently walking around back and forth in the kitchen. After that he stopped, and shouted; “why did you do this Discord?! What’s the big idea?!” Already laughing still; Discord magically appeared before them, and then says; “because I’m bored is all. Oh, and seeing how you and the others are becoming friends and all; I’ve decided to prank y’all, and get at each other like enemies... . But since that didn’t work; I just figured that I just stick to the pranking. Ta ta.” After that; he disappeared. “So... since he’s the cause behind this... what do you guys suggest we do?” Cozy Glow said in utter disbelief, and confusion. “I have no clue”; replied Sombra. “However; what I do know is that I’m gonna nail him! Not literally, but yeah; he’s gonna get hurt.” Flurry Heart whimpered a little, and began to raise her hooves up to King Sombra. Sombra sighs, and raises his voice saying; “what?” Flurry Heart whimpered again, and looks down at her tummy; which was unfortunately growling. To his dismay, Sombra says; “again? But you just had a smoothie. How could you ever get hungry again?” Not wanting to give Sombra another reason to get angry; Cadence got in front of him, and explains; “she’s just a baby you know... . And knowing babies they can get hungry multiple times; whether you like it or not.” Sombra scoffed, and then said; “I knew that... . But I just didn’t think that she’d get hungry again after a few minutes... .” Cadence sighs, then says; “well; either way... . She’s also growing up too. So there’s that happening... .” Sombra raises an eyebrow and asks; “how do you know that?” Flurry Heart then proceeds to bite down on one of the table’s edges until it broke. (It was a round table, so no injuries involved). After that; she spat out the piece she broke off, and whined some more as her tummy was growling some more... . To that; Sombra says; “makes sense”, and picks up Flurry Heart. “So”, he began. “Anyone know what’s there to feed her with… ? The fridge is gone. And I highly doubt that Discord would ever return it... . Any suggestions… ?” Just then; everything in the castle returned to normal, and a piece of paper was placed on the round kitchen table. “Ah; never mind… .” After Flurry Heart was fed, she was still reaching up to King Sombra; almost as if she needed something. Knowing what it is; King Sombra leaned Flurry against his shoulder, and began to pat her back. She burped very loudly, and began to laugh. Meanwhile; Cozy Glow was beginning to feel bored, and started to lay down on the floor. And as for the Royal Couple; they were basically tending to their hunger and thirst by eating some of their leftovers from the fridge. And drinking some leftover drinks too; as the fridge was packed, and they had to get rid of those leftovers somehow without it being a waste.. . “So”, began Sombra. “What now… ?” Cozy Glow sighs loudly, and says; “I don’t know... but I’m bored.” Sombra chuckles, and says; “you’re always bored... .” Cozy Glow scowled at him; to which he replied; “but in all seriousness; what do you wanna do about it?” Flurry Heart whined from feeling bored too, but then gasped as she had an idea. Hearing this, King Sombra asked; “yes kid? What do you wanna do?” Flurry Heart was about to babble something to him, but hesitated. Noticing this; Sombra asks; “what’s wrong? Is it bad?” Flurry Heart nodded and looked sad. To that, Sombra asks; “how bad?” Flurry Heart shuffled her forehooves in nervousness together before lighting up her horn. Getting the hint; King Sombra said; “hide and seek where it involves you cheating by using both your flight, and your magic... right?” Flurry Heart nodded, and covered her face with Sombra’s shoulder in shame. Cozy Glow got up, and then flew to Flurry Heart. Looking up at Sombra, Cozy asked; “what’s wrong with her?” Sombra sighs, then says; “she wants to play hide and seek, but can’t because her parents didn’t want her to; on account that she always cheats by using her wings and horn. That is, what I think she told me... . Right?” Flurry Heart whined as a way to confirm her message, and then went right back to covering her face. After a few minutes; Sombra said; “wanna make Flurry Heart feel better? It’s the least we can do... .” Cozy Glow sighs, and then says; “you sure? Cuz I don’t think they’ll let us... .” Just then the parents walked by, and said; “just make sure nothing’s broken and you’re fine”. With that in mind; Sombra shrugs, and says; “Kay; let’s make her better. But first...”. He then turned to look out in the hallway, and says; “we need to find her room... .” > Chapter Four: A Very Interesting Playtime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After what seemed like countless hours of trying to find Flurry Heart’s bedroom; they’ve finally found it. “Wow...” began Sombra. “That took a long while didn’t it?” Cozy Glow then replied; “eeyup... . It sure did.” However; just before they could enter the room; Flurry Heart tapped on Sombra’s shoulder, and then gestures to her open mouth. Knowing what that meant; Sombra sighs, and says; “on second thought; let’s feed Flurry Heart first, and then we’ll make her feel better... . Okay?” Sighing; also knowing what that meant; Cozy Glow nodded, and followed King Sombra. After a quick cleanup because of Flurry Heart’s food fight during her feeding; they then went into Flurry Heart’s room, and began to look for some toys for her to play with... . After countless toys being scattered around due to Flurry Heart’s pickiness; Sombra and Cozy Glow then collapse on the ground in complete exhaustion. “Well...” Sombra began. “I’m never having kids... .” Cozy Glow giggled at that statement, and says; “you weren’t thinking about having some in the first place.” Sombra chuckles, then says; “yeah… but this only signifies why I said that.” Cozy Glow giggled again, and said; “you’re silly.” With that; Flurry Heart blew a raspberry with her tongue, and laughed. Snickering; Sombra said; “it’s probably Flurry Heart... . But then again; she’s just an infant. I think... .” Flurry Heart then proceeded to crawl to Sombra, and lay on top of his face. With that; Sombra asks; “what are you doing huh… ?” Flurry Heart then putted her forehooves on Sombra’s cheeks, laughs, and then proceeds to lay her head down and fall asleep; (or pretend to at first). Still snickering; Sombra says; “you’re one weird baby.” Flurry Heart then babbled a response with a laugh, and then continues to actually fall asleep on Sombra’s face. With that; Sombra starts to fall asleep. And then Cozy Glow eventually began to fall asleep too. With the two villains fast asleep; the Crystal Empire is currently safe; yet silent for the most part. How will the Mane Six handle this when they arrive… ?” Only one way to find out.... . > Epilogue: An Interesting Find > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle and her friends have just gotten off of the train station, and are just about ready to head to the Crystal Empire castle; when suddenly... . “Twilight?!” Pinkie Pie said in desperation. Twilight Sparkle replied; “yes pinkie? What’s the matter?” Pinkie Pie looked like that she was about to explode, whined, and then said; “I need to go potty... .” Twilight understood, and then said; “alright pinkie; you can go while we...”. But pinkie left already before Twilight even had time to finish her sentence. With that; Twilight shrugged, and then gestures for her pals to follow her. After they’ve arrived at the castle; (with pinkie pie following behind because she had to go to the bathroom); they then went to go and look for King Sombra so they could defeat him.... . “Ready on our plan girls?” Twilight said as she and her pals are almost at the throne room. “Yes!” her friends shouted in unison. After that; they made it to the throne room; only to find that it was empty. Bewildered; they then followed Twilight to where she’s leading them; to Flurry Heart’s bedroom for just in case he might be in there. However; once they’ve arrived; they didn’t expect to find the sight that lies before them... . King Sombra was asleep with Flurry Heart on her bed. Reason is because she was feeling tired, but didn’t want her new friend to leave her just yet... . As for Cozy Glow; she’s sleeping with the Royal Couple. Reason is because they tried to get her to sleep, but to no avail. But it seems like that she’s sleeping now; albeit right after the Couple has fallen asleep as well... . “You don’t think...” Applejack began. But she was soon cut off by Twilight; who just blurts out; “let’s let them sleep. We’ll talk about this situation later... .” With that; Twilight and her pals began to leave the room, and went to the throne room to help clean up the mess that’s all over the castle... . The end.