• Published 7th Feb 2021
  • 1,227 Views, 3 Comments

Twiset Shimarkle - 20thCentury Brony

Sixteen years after Holidays Unwrapped, Sunset Shimmer and her friends visit Princess Twilight Sparkle's Day of Unity festival just in time to fight an enemy from the past.

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Scene Thirty: Stronger than Fear

Remnants of Canterlot, your emperor demands your attention!

After Spruce’s insults towards him, Grogar decided to give her and her friends a proper demonstration of his ruthlessness. And what better way to do so than a public execution? It was all arranged for the Humane Six by his new Sirens. Nightmare Moon had addressed the Tartarus beasts of the event so that they could bear witness; Daybreaker recollected every petrified warrior from Grogar’s Hall and brought them just outside the main castle entrance where two fountains in his image stood; Midnight Sparkle had the most important job of preparing the Rainbooms for their own by simply using a disabling spell that immobilized them and cancelled out any and all magic from their horns and wings.

And now came the moment of execution. There the Humane Six were, bound by Midnight’s spell and distant from their sphered weapons, along with Equestria’s heroes, just mere moments away from death’s threshold. Surrounding them were the various monsters of Tartarus, from the Bugbear to the Manticore to the Cockatrice, roaring in hypnotized celebration of the event as their Father stood high and mighty above them with the Two Sisters by his side.

To the abominations having their way on the streets, prepare to revel in more fear than conceived. To the cowardly creatures conspiring against my rule, you and your hope will not be spared. And, lastly, to the heroes of Equestria, both old and new, you should’ve learned by now that I have already won. My fear has triumphed over your friendship and magic the moment the castle fell, brought everybody here to their knees, and sent them crawling into the dark where my magic shall reign supreme forevermore. That all just proves how little friendship is compared to me. And when the night falls, Equestria bows before me, and I turn my wrath to the dimensions beyond,… the legacy of Princess Twilight Sparkle will be worth nothing. At. All.

As he monologued, the Humane Six, in their frozen state, were in their little conversation. All of them were more than livid with Twilight, giving her angered looks for her so-called “foolproof” plan.

“Are you happy, you insane scientist?!” Rainbow Dash demanded furiously. “Did you have to poke the ram and get us all executed!”

“What were you thinking, Twilight!?” Fluttershy asked in her ever hushed voice.

“She wasn’t!” Pinkie Pie answered for her meek friend.

“Just trust me, girls,” Twilight calmly replied to all of them.

Those four words evoked surprised gasps from her friends. Much to their absolute surprise, Twilight remained unmoved by their angered demands. She instead held onto some hope uncommon among them. Why she remained so calm was beyond them, and they wanted to know the reason now.

“Twilight, your optimism has been nothing but troublin’ us since we got here,” Applejack furiously declared, “and I, for one, am just sick of it!”

“Here, here,” chimed in Rarity. “What is the reason for it!?”

“I only hope you’ll know soon,” Spruce again stated so calmly.

“Keep dreaming, humans,” the satanic voice of Midnight Sparkle declared. They darted their still-moveable eyes upon the demonic princess as she descended in front of them. “Any hope you can conceive of is but shattered. Emperor Grogar’s will is and forever will be the only law anybody will adhere to.”

They grew used to Midnight by then, the aliens couldn’t believe that behind her pools of blazing blue eyes was but the pony princess they met nearly twenty years ago. They had trusted her and believed in her and now she was wallowing in their misery. They watched as she flashed them such a devilish grin of sadism. As the demonized princess turned away from them to trot to her master, she heard a defiant scoff. Turning to her former human friends again, she saw that of the six faces, five were mixed with fear and anger, while the sole brave face came from her mirror self. “Excuse me,” she demanded in a dark voice.

“Princess Twilight,” Sci-Twi began in a soft tone, “please hear my plead. You’re better than this. You can’t let Grogar control like this. Don’t let him destroy everything you’ve spent your life building towards. Do you want to recognized as a benevolent ruler or a malevolent puppet?”

Midnight Sparkle coldly looked upon her counterpart with a grin and eyes. To her human counterpart’s somewhat relief, she actually felt her face drawing onto a frown. Was her human self… talking sense? Is there a truth that’s being spoken out to her? She gazed at Sci-Twi who seemed hopeful of her apparent success,… until her demonized counterpart flashed another cold grin, cackled, and stepped aside for her approaching master with the sisters, who cackled alongside her.

“Even if her former self could hear you, Mrs. Spruce,” mocked the Father, “it is far too late for anything to save you all. Ladies, take your marks!” On his command, monstrous roars engulfed the air as the ram and three alicorns gathered in a straight wall to face the Humane 6. They then charged their horns, ready to deliver their charged sentence.

Well, this was it. Now this was really, seriously it. The final curtain for the Humane Six. Their efforts apparently were for naught. Fear-filled side glances to each other was all they could do since they were immobilized and magicless. Their final regrets pulsed through their brain like an express train. Rainbow Dash regretted not proposing to Fluttershy at first chance, who likewise mourned; Rarity and Applejack were wishing for one of them to have, at least, proposed; Pinkie Pie had only hoped to have be happy for her friends’ changes; and Twilight Spruce had only regretted to letting them all down. Their only comfort would be dying together and facing it with open eyes.

Grogar then proclaimed: “First you heroes, then Equestria, and then the multiverse.

And, without further ado, the villainous quartet unleashed their wrath upon the humans…

…only for it to simply slide off them and do no damage at all.

All eyes wide, nopony could possibly understand what just happened. The Six were the most shocked. How could they still stand alive? How could the blast have just bounced them and nothing else? This was unprecedented!

Impossible!!” Grogar screamed with equal fury and surprise. “HOW!?

We are!!” a voice declared from behind the tyrannic ram.

He, the princesses, the monsters, and the Rainbooms all turned down the path out of the castle to find a wall blocking their view. But it wasn’t a normal wall. No, it wasn’t even an actual wall at all. This one was a living wall, comprised of Equestria. The Royal Guard remnant headed by Captain Gallus, alongside his Student Six friends, took the vanguard. And behind them were the civilians of Canterlot, from ponies to yaks to dragons to kirins to many and many more. Joining the students was a magenta-coated, light-brown-eyed, cyan spikey-maned Pegasus mare with a cutie mark of a rainbow hoof raised. And they were all standing against the ruthless ram ruler.

Again, the Rainbooms and Grogar were the most surprised at what they’ve collective seen. Equestria? United? Against the King of Monsters? Sci-Twi and her friends were overflowed with relief and surprise. Once again, they’ve cheated death, this time thanks to a realm of mystical creatures. Grogar, on the other hoof, found it but unacceptably unbelievable!! Having to see his second fear-soaked epoch crumbling thanks to a world of “weak-willed and minded creatures,” he turned his furious gaze upon them.

And as if the rebellion wasn’t enough, an echoing clopping resonated behind them as they looked behind them to see what it was. What they saw made their widen in either surprise or anger. Merging with the remnants of Canterlot was the entire Crystal Empire army of knights and guards taking defensive and offensive positions ahead of the crowd and emerging was the aged pair of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, horns charging. The rulers joined the Student Six’s side as they faced their common enemy.

“You may have three princesses under your control,” the blue griffon declared, “but you can’t break their ideals! Ideals that’ve shaped many creatures far and wide Equestria over for the better! Spreading love and the magic of friendship to us all, even extending it to those not of our world! You’re living in a new Equestria now, Grogar; one that isn’t divided and doesn’t easily cower in fear! One that you’ll never have!” Cheers erupted from the crowd.

Such a display of courageous resistance was commendable. The execution’s attendance were mixed in angered shock, and joyous relief, Grogar and the Humane Six being the most of respectively. The wrathful ram was faced with resistance from an army before, but that display he saw was a whole other game. That army was mixed of ponies and creatures beyond his collection of farms. And seeing them all banded together and daring to oppose him was testament to his hatred for such things. In response, he activated his harness. And instead of blasting them all to dust, he used his magic to conjure a shadow army formed in his likeness. An entire shadow army of rams quickly surrounded the monsters as much as the execution area.

The Rainbooms, on the other hoof, saw the display absolutely heart-lifting and relieving. They knew Equestria was undoubting united to the core and Grogar was going to get it for real, but what they saw then knock the ball out of the park. All of Princess Twilight’s hard work was paying off again, only for the Humane 6 to bear witness. Seeing this just made all of them in amazement and hopeful…

… especially when Captain Gallus signaled every creature to charge!! Changelings and kirins morphed into various creatures for a fighting chance, dragons, griffons, and hippogriffs swooped in fierce velocity, yaks and buffalo charged full frontal, and all three kinds of ponies united against the worst threat to Equestria ever. Wanting to humor and be rid of such annoyance, Grogar gave a roaring command to his various monster slaves, their eyes glowing bright on cue with his harness and Bells. And, like that, the monsters charged to their enemies!!

This was crazy! This was amazing! This was really happening!! All of Equestria was united once again against a common threat as both sides collided and while the monsters were bigger and stronger, the Equestrian army was more in numbers and might! As such was when changelings duped a trio of Timberwolves enough for Appleloosa Apples to round them up, yaks and buffalos made a full frontal assault united against the raging Maulwurf as kirins-turned-niriks and dragons left a circle of fire around it, and Cerberus was fighting a losing fight against various Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies who were splitting his three-headed attention.

“This is so awesome!!” Rainbow Dash cried with her signature phrase.

“This is amazingly divine!” Rarity squealed in delight.

“I wished I’d clap and cheer right now,” Pinkie cheered, “because this is just too exciting!!”

“See, Twilight,” Sci-Twi gestured to Midnight, who turned to face the Humane Six with blazing angry eyes. “This is all because of you. You did all of this for the world’s benefit and asked for nothing in return. This is-.”

She stopped in her words as she developed an epiphany over her inferior complex. She’s been envious of her pony self for nothing. Just because she’s an alchemist changing her world compared to Equestria’s ruler, it doesn’t make her inferior. All differences, big or small, change nothing. Deep down, both mares are still the same. They are Twilight Sparkle, brainiac and bookworm, strong believer in friendship, and representative of the Magic Element. And they’d go to the ends of the world to keep their friends and home safe and happy.

She broke out of her epiphany to continue. “This is exactly what you and I are loved for. No matter what happens, we are still one and the same. It’s what Sunset adores about us. We are Twilight Sparkle!

ENOUGH!!!” Grogar roared as he turned away from the chaos upon the street. The mares, demonized or normal, all faced the blue ram as he forwarded himself towards his prisoners. “Princess Twilight Sparkle is no more; there is only Midnight!! And I did not come this far only to lose to your pathetic concept!! YOU ALL DIE, NOW!!!

Before he could even charge his horn, a puff of smoke went off in front of him, briefing stunning him. The same thing befell his three princesses. Still frozen in place, the Humane 6 could imagine the sound of swift flying behind them, until one by one, they were each carried off away from Grogar from a magenta blur.

“Holy Party!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed after she was dropped off, right next to Applejack.

The six of them then looked around their new surroundings to see them accompanied by all the petrified heroes and the magenta blur, who landed right in front of them. They looked at her to be the same magenta Pegasus they saw among the crowd.

“So you changelings have been impersonating my wife and her friends, huh?” she inquired in a light Manehattan English accent, giving them an intimating scowl. Scared of the sight, they all nodded. Seeing it, her expression soften to a whimsical one. “Ha, gotchas! And thank you. Name’s Blurrin’ Pride.”

Wanting to be polite, the Rainbooms meekly said their hellos. The Pegasi gave a salute with her wing before she charged back into the fight on the streets, leaving the six mares alone.

“Seriously, Lulamoon,” a deep voice directed their attention to a figure where Pride once was, “however do you hold on to all those smoke bombs?” They saw what appeared to be a pony’s head mixed with other creatures limbs talking to a unicorn of their boastful magician frenemy from CHS.

“A magician never reveals her secrets,” the Great and Powerful Trixie simply stated.

“Oh whatever.” Discord pulled out Chaos’ Crypt and opened it to a random page before breathing a spell. “Ezilibomer eseht neves snamuh-denrut-seinop (Remobilize these seven humans-turned-ponies)!”

From the book came a neon green spark that crept onto the Chaos God’s lion paw. Before the six could question, he directed the spark straight at them, engulfing them in its glow. A few moments passed before the magic ebbed.

“What exactly did that do?” Pinkie Pie asked the draconequus, unaware that she was scratching an itch behind her ear until she looked to her right and saw her hoof position. Seeing this with turned heads, the rest moved their hooves, necks, wings, and other aching joints, happy to be free of their imprisoning spell.

“And I believe you owned these?” another Unicorn, with a broken horn wearing dirty gold armor, questioned, carrying the sphere of their enchanted gears on her back.

“Kaerb siht detnahcne erephs (Break this enchanted sphere).” the draconequus spelled again, this time turning the black-yellow sphere neon green and breaking it with a crushing hand motion. Once broken, the magical relics fell onto the ground, prompting the Rainbooms to reclaim their signature weapons.

Once the Humane 6 reunited themselves with their gear, they turned to face their rescuers, who were shortly joined by Flurry Heart with an amulet hanging around her neck, Starlight sporting a third eye on top her forehead, Spike wielding a gauntleted claw, and lastly, their friend.

“SUNSET SHIMMER!!” the girls jubilantly cried as they rushed towards their best friend as she held her hooves out for them. She had nearly fell off her hindlegs by the combined rush of her friends as they surrounded and smothered in a tight yet happy embrace of being reunited at last, crying joyously. Never before have all seven of them been so happy and relieved to be together once again. They held on as they spoke on.

“We all thought the worst when you didn’t respond,” Rarity confessed through her running mascara.

“Thank goodness you’re okay!” cried Fluttershy.

As much as they wanted to hold onto each other for a couple happier moments, Grogar had to be stopped. Reluctantly, they had to pull away, wiping their tears away, but Pinkie held onto Sunset like a vice. She tried to pry her hyperactive friend off, but it took the combined efforts of Applejack and Sci-Twi. Once they removed her, Pinkie gave sheepishly squee.

“I’m sorry to have scare you, girls,” confessed Sunset, “but I’ve been trying to get the real Bell from Grogar with Princes Twilight and some of-.” Before she could go further, Sci-Twi placed a silencing hoof upon her muzzle. She couldn’t even question it as her bespectacled friend gave her a tight yet warm hug, leaving the older Rainboom confused at the gesture. A few moments passed and the two moved from each other.

“It’s okay, Sunset,” she assured her friend. “You’ve tried your best, but now you can give your very greatest… with all of us.

She then gestured around her towards everybody around them and out there fighting Grogar’s army. Sunset followed and gazed at each and single creature out on the field. They all remained steadfast, ready to help her free the princesses and liberate Equestria once again from a feared tyrant. She returned her attention to her friends, and they all looked at her with loyalty and warmth, too ready to save the day once again. She couldn’t help but smile so warm, it might melt her heart. Everybody that Princess Twilight has met was willing to fight for all she stood for.

Sunset gave one last look at the Mane 6 and the Fellowship, their resolve to fight against the Monster King unshaken, before declaring: “Let’s go stop the sunova witch.


Grogar was observing the chaos among his princesses and was but happy at the turn of events. Wherever his gaze fell, he saw nothing but disappointment in his creations. Their simplemindedness made them susceptible to simple antics. Such was the case when he observed the Manticore and Chimera colliding with one another after being agitated by Silverstream and Smolder, when the Tatzlwurm easily found itself trapped among a crystal prison by Cadance’s magic, and when the Bugbear was simply bested by mere Breezies who distracted it enough for Cheese Sandwich to wrap it in a peanut brittle can that shot a tightening silly string. His shadow rams were no better, as he observed Shining Armor so easily cut through many at a time with his magic horn and causing them to dissipate. The former captain then lept another shadow before landing on top of the execution stage behind the ram as he turned to face his opponent.

You dare challenge me, Unicorn,” Grogar questioned.

“Oh, I dare, goat,” Shining Armor sneered. He then charged his horn again to conjure a brass sword. Evening the odds, the King used his own magic to produce a falchion sword.

And then both swordscolts clashed. They clashed and clanged at each other, swiping their blades at each other. The balance of offense and defense shifted constantly between the two. Living up to be expert swordsponies, they both tried numerous moves to outdo the other. Grogar tried locking blades with Shining before charging straight for him, only for the younger colt to jump over the ram’s heads and slash at his head, which was defended against. Once landing, Armor conjured a shield next to his blade. Before the old goat turned to him, he then rushed the goat with his shield, banging his face with it, briefing stunning the tyrant, and struck at him again. Grogar, however, blocked his attack again before ramming him back.

Once the colt got his balance again, he glared daggers at the tyrant and attempted a charge, only for a light blue blast to cut his path off. He turned to his left to find what he assumed was his little sister but terraformed into some wicked version of her.

“Twily?” Shining questioned aloud, hoping that what he saw wasn’t his sister.

“You will come no further, stallion!” the demon alicorn furiously assured. The voice she spoke was unmistakably and horrifying for the stallion. Now knowing his sister to be under a monster’s hoof, he glared a furious scowl at him and charged again. He screamed in fury as he bared in his shield and sword and lept for the King of Monsters,… only for his little sister to slide in front of her master and knocked Armor aside a swift motion of her horn.

Cackling, Grogar moved away from his bodyguard and placed a heavy hoof upon the former captain, as he glared back at the ram. “You will do no good reasoning with her.” He then reconjured his falchion sword and rose it high over his head, ready to waste the stallion.

BUT WE WILL!!!” a high-pitched voice cried, echoing into his ear. He turned to see… the Council of Friendship charging him? But how could they be-? He placed the pieces together and realized that his collection of petrified heroes is free, as further evident by the charging arrival of the Pillars and creature leaders charging into the battle onto the streets. He glared daggers at the charging Council and likewise charged for the mares. The Two Sisters and Twilight then joined his side.

Before they could collide, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie moved ahead and instead spun around the quartet at such high velocity that their eyes couldn’t keep, dizzying their senses. Rarity and Applejack then pulled out a length of fabric and rope before throwing both items into the twirling vortex. After holding on for a couple more moments, the trio of older mares stopped their vortex, revealing to have used the items to tie up the four villains tight. the five mares looked at the tied-up with eyes that tinged with regret for having had tied up their friends, minus the ram.

“Sorry, Princesses,” Rainbow quickly apologized, “but this is for your own good.”

“Hahaha,” Daybreaker mocked. “You fools really think rope and ribbon will stop us?

NOPE!” simply stated Pinkie with a smile. The four villains looked at the party-planner with confusion at her optimism.

“What she meant,” Applejack clarified, “was that it’d give them time to wrangle y’all up to the other side.”

“Them?” Nightmare Moon asked. The five mares stepped aside for another group of charging ponies. Among the group were (a quick headcount) a septet of magically infused humans-turned-Equines, the disowned son of chaos, a crystal ruler and her guard captain, a Headmare and her magician friend, a royal dragon advisor, and the King himself, he peeved off every single one of them.

Quickly free of his binds, Grogar immediately jumped to his hooves and aimed both bells at all in front of him, only to receive a singeing blast to her back from by Princess Cadance. His attention directed towards the Princes of Family, the brief window was all the Fellowship needed to charge the four monsters. But they didn’t stop there.

“You sure that compass’ right, Trix?” Starlight asked as she held onto the night princess.

“It better be!” Trixie simply exclaimed who struggled with the day princess.

With one last charging cry, the Fellowship pushed the King and princesses back more and more until they neared one of the fountains next to the castle’s entrance until finally they rushed over the edge and everybody came crashing down onto the fountain water…

… and crossed through yet another portal!

Scene Thirty-One: Come Face Your Destiny!

The streets of a quiet Canterlot City night was nearing an equally quiet end. Teenagers bustled about up and down into cars and buses, packed and ready for Spring Break. They would either be heading for the docks by boat or the airport by plane for the next week of relaxation. And they would certainly like to make it count. Adults went about their normal business, driving up and down the streets for wherever they go or walking into their offices or homes. All-in-all, just the coming dawn of another day in Canterlot.

The quiet, however, was all interrupted by a plethora of people magically appearing out of a shop display window from Canterlot Carousel!! As the humans and the Equestrians scattered onto the street and sidewalk, any cars were sent to a screeching halt and any bystanders walking on the sidewalk were left agape upon seeing what they saw.

Shaking his head, Grogar refocused his senses enough to comprehend his surroundings. He found himself, his enemies, and his puppets, turned back to their redundant human forms, out on a street, many humans looking at them in amazement. Turning his gaze upward, he found a skyscraper sticking up out of the buildings in front of him. He recognized that building to be where he’d established his secret office. He felt around his neck to have but only his actual Bell on him than two. Finally, his senses fully kicked back, and he glared piercing daggers at the heroes, with his handmade bell just behind their feet.

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!” he roared towards Sunset, who brushed off the gravel off her clothes and matched his fury with a smug grin.

“Just leveled the playing field for us,” she simply replied. “Now it’s just you four, us thirteen, and the two bells we’re gonna rip off your neck!!”

Joining them, the Fellowship and the princesses all stood back up, their gazes equally as fierce as their leaders. Noting the winged humans and “crazy-looking weapons,” any bystanders just hightailed it away from the fight. Before anything else, the Equestria Girls activated their geodes and ponied up. Once they received their wings, tails, ears, and outfits, now mixed with their artifacts, all seven Rainbooms stood steadfast and ready to fight the latest rogue in their gallery with their allies and their own treasures.

As if things weren’t even enough, the Father then activated his harness and Bell once again. But, this time, instead of the expected power drain, his aura engulfed his entire body for a few moments before it ebbed. And from it he returned all ponied-up with his horns shrunken and protruding from his forehead, his ears back to their Equine state, and his silver hair back into a mohawk.

Breaking the silence, Grogar hissed with glowing eyes: “You want the Bell? Then take it from me.

Without waiting for a response, he immediately charged his hands and fired a devastating blast at the heroes, forcing them to scatter apart and fight in three on one pairs. Opponents were Daybreaker v. Starlight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie, Nightmare Moon v. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Trixie, Midnight Sparkle v. Spike, Tempest Shadow, and Applejack, and Grogar v. Discord, Flurry, Sci-Twi, and Sunset.

The fight was now on!!!

Fluttershy made the first charge against Daybreaker. After silently begging the princess for forgiveness, she rhino-charged straight on against the princess, briefly knocking her off her feet before she delivered a crushing blow onto the veterinarian, sending her hard onto the road. She then raised her foot high, intending to crush the shy girl, only for Pinkie Pie to unleash a barrage of explosive cupcakes out of her hair onto the corrupted mare and knocking her back. However, Celestia’s darker half finally dealt a blast onto her in the midst of cupcake fire, knocking her off her feet.

With two girls down and at her mercy, she preceded to finish them off with a twin attack, only to receive such assault from behind. She turned around to find… Starlight with a magically charged fist? Before she could register it any further, the Headmare delivered another strike at her, sending her flying. Regaining her balance, the confused Daybreaker rushed at the repowered Starlight, but was suddenly struck done hard by a blast from above, sending her colliding into the road. Rolling herself onto her back, she found to her surprise Starlight levitating herself into the air. And, to further her confusion, she got up to find Starlight right back in her face, who delivered a blinding light into her eyes.

As the princess struggled against the trio of Starlights, she was ignorant to the truth: she was actually fighting illusions, conjured by the real Starlight’s usage of the Eye of Falsity as Pinkie and Fluttershy slinked to her side.

Meanwhile, her Nightmare Moon sister fared much better against her own opponents. Nightmare first unleashed a dark mist that surrounded Rainbow, Rarity, and Trixie. Around them, the mist then manifested claws that slashed at the trio from every possible direction. Before long, Rainbow used her speed to circle around the mist, elevating it, and used her Elemental Hooves to freeze with a mix of water and air. Once it lifted, Rarity then used her geode and Sapphire Gems to encase the frozen mist in a diamond sphere and fly-swatted it down hard onto the Mare in the Moon, respectively. Upon impact, the barrier and mist shattered and seemingly crushed Nightmare.

However, after some seconds, their demonized princess emerged from the rubble from a puff of blue smoke and delivered two separate blasts to the two Rainbooms, who were sent flying back in Rarity’s geode shield, leaving Lulamoon. As Moon advanced towards her, the magician kept a firm grip onto her Specter Scepter, seemingly not noticing its brilliant glow. Finally, Nightmare delivered a cackling blast onto Trixie, only for it to go right through her, much to her shock. Seeing the tables turned, the magician ran forward with smoke bombs in her pocket, with Rainbow and Rarity joining her side soon. They then engaged Moon from different direction with Trixie throwing her remaining smoke bombs at Luna’s demon up front, Rarity typing her fists and wings with Gem-manifested ribbons from the right, and Rainbow’s Hooves breaking the ground beneath her feet and then recementing her into the street by her left. Before the three stood Nightmare Moon tied and at their mercy.

Or so they thought when Nightmare then generated a mist of shadow hands that ripped through her restraints. Free again, she was too quick for the human counterpart of Equestria’s fastest pony as she extended her arm out and let the rushing Rainbow collide with it and send her down before grabbing Lulamoon in a choke hold and tossing her hard down. Rarity then immediately sprinted towards her friends and protected them from Nightmare’s earth-smashing move with a protective diamond around them. But the Mare of the Moon continued to punch at it, straining Rarity to hold on.

The Tango: Midnight was a struggling dance. While she wasn’t exactly her, Applejack and Spike were rather reluctant to fight their friend, with Tempest showing only some as she ran headstrong against Midnight. She generated twin blades from her wrists and began swiping at her demonized savior, who simply dodged every strike before grabbing both blades and snapping them off and sending her back with a horn blast. Seeing this forced Applejack and Spike into action, as she popped her joints, readied their relics, and ran straight against her.

Avoiding two blasts from her, Applejack then used her strength to remove two chunks of road off the ground and toss them to Midnight. While she just destroyed them in a simple magic-charged hand slash, it provided the farmer a chance to deliver a series of stunning blows with Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee, throwing the princess off balance before she caught both fists and tried pulling them apart. Tempest was able to save her by delivering a swift kick to the chest before both women renewed their assaults. Yet Equestria’s ruler held her own as she blocked fist and mace and kick after another before blinding them with a brief horn surge and sending them flying with her wings. Now there was her own baby brother.

Looked at her winged brother in the air, she also took flight to even her fight with him. Seeing it, Spike ascended himself higher to keep Midnight high into the clouds. Once there, Midnight then engaged in a rather fierce duel with a trio of Spikes. Flame and magic soon flew across the sky as the demonized Twilight held her own against the dragon trio. While Midnight clearly showed no hesitation in doing so, managing to easily waste the two replicas, Spike was very unwilling to do major harm onto his sister, resorting to swift fly-bys and singeing wings, much to her annoyance. The princess then unleashed a fierce blast of magic at Spike who breathed a streak of fire, sending them at a standstill, until her horn unleashed its own beam, beating his fire and sending him flying back down to earth, cratering the ground in the process.

Fighting the First Scourge of Equestria himself and surviving was a tall order to pay with keeping the crude Bell at bay form the King. Discord whipped up every single spell his Crypt offered, and Flurry, Twilight, and Sunset unleashed whatever powerful magic their relic and geodes could allow, and all Grogar did was either block off their attacks, have them backfire on them, or absorb them into his Bewitching Bell. Of the four battles raging, theirs was the fiercest.

Discord tossed spell after another at his father, hoping to slow him down at least, but Grogar again brushed it off with his Equine horns before delivering a directive and destructive blast towards his son, who frantically used another spell to rebound towards the ram. The counter, however, was useless when Grogar rushed and rammed the Lord of Chaos into a building. Before the latter could recover, the Father swiftly removed the Crypt from his son’s hands and delivered a hard strike into the stomach that sent him down on his knees in pain. Grogar then conjured a blade from his right hand and raised it high, ready to put his “worthless disgrace of a son” out of his misery. But as he struck down, he was then tackled from the side by Sci-Twi and Sunset, who then levitated and blasted him hard into the street. Regaining his footing, the Father and the Rainbooms glared daggers at each other.

Before either made a move, Flurry Heart came from behind Grogar and, as her Heart Amulet shined brilliantly, delivered a bright pink-red blast. Hearing it, Grogar realized too late the Crystal Princess’ attack and took the blast’s full force as it knocked him down face-first into the street. He quickly got back on his feet and unleashed a series of twirling rings upon the girls, to which they easily avoided before delivering their own barrage of magical attacks upon him. He protected himself with a barrier that bounced the girls’ attacks right back at them, knocking Sci-Twi and Flurry out of the fight.

Shaking off her blast, Sunset looked to her surroundings and found herself alone against Equestria’s vilest. Showing no fear at all, she rushed at the King, who followed suit. The anthropomorphic beings engaged in a magically fused fistfight for a brief moment before Grogar headbutted Shimmer with his horns. She was quick to recover and blast a hard beam of magic onto him that briefly fazed him enough for the teacher to strike the ground at his feet and sending him caving in. He quickly broke free of his concrete restraint in time to see Shimmer deliver a fierce uppercut to the face, sending him flying for a few feet as he came back to the hard black rock. Getting back up, he growled at the formerly raging she-demon rushed her again and again followed suit. Both individuals screamed a battle cry as they readied their magically charged fists, which soon connected and set off a magical feedback that cracked the road beneath their feet and shattering any nearby glass upon impact.

Recovering from the aftershocks, both ponied-up aliens collapsed on their knees in exhaustion, heaving heavy breaths as the battle’s hype gotten to them. Despite their fatigue, they each managed furious gazes at the other, neither of them willing to give up, before gazing at the crude bell laying ignored on the street.

Seeing an unmissable opportunity, Grogar crawled for it only to fall short in a pool of putty under his four limbs. Knowing how it be possible, he furiously looked at the bruised Discord with his reclaimed Chaos’ Crypt and his glowing green fist. It didn’t do much, as the tyrant quickly broke free with his charged fists breaking the putty. But Sunset managed to gain a head start, so he quickly rose for it as well after delivering a quick blast towards Discord. Neck-to-neck for the replica, Grogar wasn’t beneath fighting rough as he brutally pushed Sunset aside and gave himself an open window to redouble his power again. Just as he was about to grab it, the bell was levitated from his grip in a violet-pink aura and moved onto Sci-Twi’s hands.

Grab me that bell, ladies!” he demanded from his princess slaves.

Hearing their masters’ commands, the trio dropped their fight with the Fellowship and charged for Sci-Twi. Before they could get close to two inches of the her, the alchemist then tossed it overhead and into the Rainbow Dash’s hands. Seeing this, Nightmare Moon swiftly turned around to deliver a fierce blast onto the soccer player, which only dissipated her and the bell in thin air. Standing in shock for a moment, the dust then formed a small fog and returned to Starlight’s Eye. Realizing the deception, everyone heard the rapid shuffle of feet and turned to see Rainbow running from the fight, Bell in hand. Midnight, however, conjured a whip and whipped up the replicate artifact out of her hands, only for Spike to snatch it out of her magic and fly upwards with it.

Following behind him, Daybreaker and Nightmare immediately sent sphere after sphere of lethal magic at the Royal Advisor, who barely dodged them. Finally, they managed a clear shot that sent him falling down, bell out of his hands. Nightmare was about to make a grab for it when she felt Spike suddenly grab her leg and blech a small fire onto her wings, singeing her wings and now sending them both pummeling down to earth with the Advisor screaming for forgiveness to Luna. Now, it was up to Daybreaker, who had the Bell falling into her hands when it then vanished in a green smoke puff. Screaming in anger and turning her gaze downward, she could barely see the same puff again in Discord’s hands.

Back to earth, Discord held the crude copy in his hands and studied it in and out, admiring the attention detail and hoping to activate it the same as the real thing. Before he could, however, Grogar knocked him to the ground with a harsh punch, the bell flying out of his son’s hands and into Fluttershy’s. Both seeing the meek girl holding it, the Father charged for her, but the Chaos God jumped back to his feet and trapped his creator in a neck choke hold, keeping the Rainboom resembling his wife safe from his Father. Grabbing Chaos’ Crypt, Discord then began another spell, but Grogar headbutted him with his horns, knocking his senses off and throwing him over. He then walked over to his rejected son with murderous intent but was so rage-blinded that he failed to account Fluttershy rushing and ramming him far backwards. Turning to the anthropomorphic draconequus, with the bell still in one hand, she held out her other for him, to which he sheepishly accepted. They then shared a brief moment.

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” he thanked rather shyly with a blush. He looked to see her taken aback for a bit, surprised at his knowledge of her name.

“Oh, you’re welcome,” she responded with equal meekness, her voice dropping slightly.

Before it could go further, they were then attacked with fire and shadow blasts from the Two Sisters. Seeing this, Discord pushed Fluttershy out of the blasts before he defended himself with the Crypt. Daybreaker saw it and headed for the veterinarian who, seeing it, then morphed her Animal Kingdom from a ram to a leopard and leapt off the street and up to the rooftops.

Landing on top of Canterlot Carousel, she unfortunately found herself face-to-face with Midnight who immediately struck at her. She screamed in fear as she braced herself, only for Rarity to save her at the last second with her diamond shields. Not relenting at the sight, Midnight kept at it, hoping for Rarity’s shield to break. Luckily for both women, their knights in shining armor came to their aid. Rainbow’s Hooves conjured a streak of wind and fire that pushed back her demonized friend’s blast. Both women pushed back and on continuously until Applejack jumped from behind her rainbow-haired friend and, true to her artifact’s name, performed an amazing feat of locking Midnight’s wings and neck in a leg lock and locking back her arms with her own. Seeing the ceasefire, Rarity dropped her guard and Fluttershy immediately rushed Rainbow in a big embrace, which she reciprocated. An ahem from Applejack broke them apart as Midnight struggled herself free. Rarity then used her Gems to lock her princess friend up in a full-body Iron Maiden cage, incapacitating her.

Their friend-turned-enemy now restrained, the four Equestria Girls stopped to regain their breaths from the skirmish. Their moment was, however, interrupted when they were suddenly blasted forward by a powerful blast that sent them flying overhead behind Midnight, who subsequently broke free of her restraint. They turned up to see Grogar levitating himself to the roof with the Two Sisters close behind him. Both groups glared at each other before turning their attention to the unattended bell right at Sparkle’s feet. Grinning wickedly, she bent for it, only to see an ascending Trixie snatch it and phase through her to the Rainbooms. She didn’t get far as Nightmare grabbed it in her magic and pulled it out of Lulamoon’s grasp, only to drop it midway when she was blasted from behind by Sunset and Flurry’s combined attack. Turning to her, Pinkie, and Twilight levitating Discord, Flurry, and Starlight, both demons fired at them, forcing them to divide. While Pinkie dived in successfully for the crude bell, Flurry briefly blinded Grogar and the demonized Celestia with a bright flash to the eyes. During their brief eye recovery, Daybreaker was subsequently brought down by an ascending Tempest after she delivered a series of stunning blows as Flurry delivered the Father a harsh blast that sent him to Midnight’s feet. Twilight then levitated both sisters up into the air before her and brought them close together. They were then both wrapped up in chains and cuffs galore by Rarity and Discord together, the combination of restraints and Shadow’s swift kick downward bringing the pair descending onto the hard concrete, knocking them both out.

I hope they’ll forgive us for all of that, Tempest voiced to herself.

Now, it was only Grogar and Midnight facing the surrounding Fellowship. Seeing Equestrians-turned-humans and humans blocking off their every escape, the two demons looked upon their enemies with hatred and anger.

“Give it up, Grogar,” Starlight demanded as she was descended onto the roof. “Even you can’t beat our friendship.” Her comment merely earned her a furious glare from the King.

FEAR WILL TRUMPH!!!” he roared, his harness and Bell charging up and his eyes and horns glowing in his magic aura. And with that, the First Scourge of Equestria unleashed a massive shockwave of his dark magic, which sent the heroes either flying or sliding backwards, despite attempts to hold on further. Before recovering entirely, the Fellowship were then viciously assaulted by a plethora of black tentacles that struck at multiple members, either knocking them down or squeezing them to near-death, particularly the Equestria Girls but one.

Pinkie Pie dodged tentacle after another when she gazed upon her friends in grave trouble at either being squeezed to death or struck down and Grogar’s sadistic pleasure from below where she hovered. Right then, she was willing to do anything she could to save them all, no matter how stupid she thought it’d end up. So, glancing back forth for a few moments at Grogar and his replica bell, she gave a determined expression.

Hey, Mister King Fear,” she shouted at the tyrant, “You want this bell so bad? You can take it!!!

Seeing what their bubbly friend was planning to do, everybody stopped struggling and yelled their objections and warnings at her. Grogar, on the other hand, looked upon her with such glee, calling her the biggest fool in his head for just dooming her friends to his rule, as he extended his hands in earnest anticipation. But she simply ignored them all and, without any hesitation, she tossed the bell with all of her might. Despite the Fellowship’s attempts to grab it, Grogar’s tentacles swatted them all aside as the bell soared his way, until finally, it landed back into his hands.

Grogar then laughed madly as he relocked his crude replica back onto his harness before glaring at Pinkie, who also received incredulous looks from her friends as they were left wondering why she’d just pulled off “such a stupid move.”

You stupid, pink-haired human!!” the Father of Monsters insulted the baker as he cackled on. “Whyever did you think redoubling my power would help-!?” But before he could continue, a low hum struck his ears and a bright pink shone onto his lower field of vision. Craning his head down, he looked to see his replica bell glowing pink and humming rather high-pitched. In an eye’s blink, the bell exploded!!

The resulting explosion engulfed the rooftop in an enormous magical surge that expanded for over a mile. At the same time, the black magic tentacles soon dissipated, freeing the Rainbooms from their grasps and regaining their breaths. Landing back onto solid ground, they looked around them to see streams of magic flying all around them overhead. They marveled at the sight, to see so many colors illuminating the dawning night. Before their eyes, they saw streams of aquamarine, purple, magenta, blue, and yellow descend onto their level and right for the nonpowered members. The streams then engulfed Starlight, Discord, Trixie, Tempest, and Flurry harmless in aura for a brief moment. Looking upon the rest of the Fellowship, the girls and Spike wondered what had just happened, only to receive an answer when the rest all suddenly ponied-up once again!!

The possibility of being with magic again was a thought too exhilarating for the Equestria-borns. Magic was all natural for them and to retrieve it after it was so quickly taken from them was a hope they weren’t prepared to give up without outward proof. Flurry was the only one bold enough to provide such. Removing her Amulet rather swiftly, she then focused on her headband on it, hoping to levitate it out of her hand. After a few moments, she finally managed to do just that, beaming in ecstasy at her hopes being assured. The rest followed, with the unicorns levitating their own relics and Discord, purple-skinned and dressed in gold armor with a gold gauntlet, snapping his fingers and turning the Crypt into a flying book bat, and reveled in the joy of their magic once again.

Seeing this, a surprised Sunset turned to a confident Pinkie. “Pinkie, did you just-?”

“Destroyed ramhead’s cheap knockoff and freed the magic? Eeyup!” Pinkie acknowledged cheerfully with a squee. Sunset then looked at everyone else and saw them matching her surprise. Their friend, Pinkamena Diane Pie, managed to reduce Grogar’s power to just the one Bewitching Bell. She used her own geode powers on the replica and used it against the tyran-.

With the thought of their collective enemy popping in their heads, everybody turned to where he stood at the explosion. And they found nothing but a sizzling crater at the edge of the building. This came as such a shock to them all. They expected to see the ram still standing there, burned or disheveled, and glaring wrath at them. But there was simply nothing. Silence befell the heroes, gawking at the possible end of the greatest threat to Equestria (or anywhere else for the matter).

A groan pierced through the silence. Removing themselves from the crater, they turned to the left and found a downed Midnight Sparkle slowing rising back up, slightly dazed and confused. Seeking an opportunity, Applejack and Rainbow quickly rushed her, the former holding her wings together to keep her from flying and the latter restraining her legs down. Snapping back to her senses, Midnight struggled to free herself against the tomboys, who likewise struggled to keep her down. Charging her hands and horns, the demonized Twilight readied to strike, only for her hands to be encased in a pair of diamond barriers provided by Rarity and her horn to be engulfed in a combined aura of Starlight, Trixie, and Flurry. The rest of the Fellowship walked up to their possessed friend as she grunted to break free and Discord snapped the still restrained and unconscious Two Sisters back onto the roof.

Everyone looked over the three princesses with such concern, Sunset being the most concern for them, particularly her former teacher and crush. She even felt guilty for bringing them into their undeserved fate and was internally vowing to herself to do anything to save them. She glanced at everyone, hoping for an idea from anybody.

“Why are you looking at us?” Fluttershy piped to the concerned Sunset. “We figured you’d know what to do.”

“I just figured when Pinkie destroyed the second bell,” she theorized, “the spell’d be reversed.”

“Well, don’t look at me for any help,” Discord quickly stated. “My magic doesn’t do much against terraforming spells. But we haven’t seen the prowess behind Sci-Twi’s Harmonious relic, which embeds remnants of the Elements of Harmony.” He gestured towards the human Princess of Friendship’s wrist where the aforementioned relic resided itself. Everybody looked at their human alchemist with such hope, knowing the properties.

Seeing their hope, Sci-Twi looked at her relic with some curiosity, too wanting to know what it can do. While knowledge of Equestria’s most powerful artifacts was limited, she was familiar with how they function from Sunset’s experience on the receiving end and hoped the same would apply for her pony counterpart.

Facing everyone again, she then stated: “Well, even so, I think we’ll need more than just this one source.”

“Well, why not us?” Rainbow Dash grunted as she struggled onto Midnight’s legs. “We represented the Elements when we shot rainbow lasers at Sunset when she was bad.” She didn’t hesitate to bring up Sunset’s evil past knowing her friend'd brushed it off long ago. She looked at everyone to see them considering her idea, Sunset and Sci-Twi deep in it.

Finally, the brainiac then calculated: “Well, in theory, it could work-.”

But you will never have the chance!!!

A roaring and booming voice broke over Sci-Twi’s calculations. Everybody turned their direction to the edge where the voice originated from. And what they found was unholy. Clinging to the edge, a pair of giant shadow hooves have raised the body of a massive shadow ram with a shimmer of yellow surrounding it. It eyes glowed entirely yellow with no irises or pupils, just yellow eyes. Around its neck was a harness with two large spheres on both side of the angrily pulsing bell encased in magic. Anger that was only matched by the inferno behind the shadow’s own eyes as it stared down at them. Everybody stared in horror to see their common enemy manifested into such a Lovecraftian abomination.

Before any spoke, he roared his piece.

I’ve been hiding in the shadows of this worthless dimension for thousands of years, bidding my time, setting up challenges, awaiting the right moment to strike back against the species I vex immensely: PONIES!! Ruling over an Equestria shrouded in fear and hatred was comfort enough. But now, your princess’ ideals of friendship and harmony among other despicable creatures have proven it but a fantasy,… leaving me with but another comfort. I’d come this far to kill all I deemed beneath me, such as all of this world and Equestria. First all of you I will render to dust, then both worlds, followed by every dimension beyond, until the only souls left are the spawn of Grogar and the KING HIMSELF!!! SO, COME, MY LITTLE HUMAN PONIES!! COME FORTH!! COME FACE YOUR DESTINY!!!

And without warning, the enraged ram unleashed a massive magic blast that leveled the roof and sent the heroes flying off the roof and back onto the hard street. In doing so, the three demonized princesses were also freed from their bonds, hovering in place next to their master.

Shaking out of her daze, Sunset looked up in horror at what she was seeing: the greatest threat to all of Equestria, now an enlarged shadow manifested from his rage and magic, with her crush, her teacher, and her teacher’s sister all demonized into darker halves of themselves with killer intentions. She then looked back at her friends getting back up and taking stances against him. Twilight looked in her direction and offer a smiling nod to her best friend, a gesture that was repeated with everybody else. Sunset then repeated the gesture, happy with their unwavering loyalty, before she turned back towards the menacing ram and his enslaved puppets.

Renewing the fight for round two, Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and Midnight immediately charged straight for their enemies, rushing Tempest, Discord, and Trixie, respectively. Rainbow and Pinkie were about to take flight after them when Flurry stepped in front of them, wings unfurled as she turned to Sunset with determined eyes.

“We’ll take care of the princesses; you girls can have Grogar!” she firmly stated before taking flight with Starlight and Spike following shortly behind.

The Equestria Girls looked back at each other, taking in Flurry’s commands to heart. She was confident that they could take on the giant ram that was literally right behind them. They turned back to face the monstrosity gazing down at them.

YOU GIRLS!? STOP ME!?” he cackled with such incredulous, unable to hold in the laughter he found behind such a claim. “YOU lack any idea of who I truly am! I. AM. GROGAR. The Father of Monsters; the Ram of Nightmares; the First Scourge of Equestria. THE EMBODIMENT OF FEAR ITSELF!!! I am a conqueror of all I see. And I. FEAR. NO ONE!!!

Once again, Grogar struck first with a blast of magic from his horns. The Rainbooms quickly gathered close to Rarity, who immediately projected a shield against the full force of Grogar’s attack. But the ram wouldn’t let up, forcing the fashionista to fight past the struggle she was putting on herself to keep her friends safe and alive. Eventually, both parties gave in to the self-strain at the same time, sweating and panting.

Once the assault ended, Sunset Shimmer instantly looked up at the monstrous ram with fire in her eyes. Fire that was shared among the rest of the rising Humane 7. Grogar matched that fire as well. Charging up their relics and geodes alike, the septet of magical girls all took flight to face their greatest enemy ever, who charged and delivered a blast at them.


Up in the sky, the battle between the princesses and the Fellowship was illuminating the sky in various colors of magic.

The Two Sisters launched strike after strike against Discord who frantically snapped them all into randomness. Be they attacking his on either side of him, he’d do a duel snap to turn him intangible and let their attacks hit each other instead. Smirking at his mild success, it was short lived when Nightmare appeared from behind and struck at him, forcing the Chaos God to defend himself with another blast. However, he was trumped when Daybreaker regained her own footing and deliver a fiery blast that knocked the draconequus right out and sent him plummeting down. He was only saved by Starlight’s levitating spell, joining her party of non-flying warriors, having saved Tempest and Trixie from a plummeting death before she charged into the fray with her own ferocity.

Meeting the corrupted princesses halfway, the trio soon engaged them. Starlight and Trixie fought back with magic bursts that were certainly as aggressive as possible, clearly needing to stop these demonized rulers before they go too far with Tempest leaping into with blades and mace while striking her own fireworks show. They were joined shortly by Spike who mostly aimed for the princess’ wings hoping to merely singe them out of the sky while the rest distracted them with their frontal assault. Soon enough, the demonized mares were overwhelmed by the combined efforts with Trixlight’s strike on Daybreaker and Nightmare sending their backs against each other and Tempest locking their legs and wings with her flexibility. They were waiting on Spike to deliver the singeing blow when a sudden giant raven appeared in the sky and unleashed rapid blasts upon the heroes, hitting them hard into unconsciousness and rendering their magic inert.

As the five heroes began to plummet down to earth, their limp bodies were then caught in the raven’s aura as its turned back into Midnight. Bringing them together, she then conjured up a small sphere around them, effectively ending their bout with them. As the three princesses stared in gloating glee at their defeated foes, they were then struck from behind by mixes of red and yellow from their sides. After regaining their footing in the sky, they turned their attention to see the approaching Flurry Heart, emblazed in the magic of the Heart Amulet and her own. From where they hovered, they saw the young princess’ fierce yet merciful expression, waiting to see what she was thinking.

Princesses,” she declared in her own Canterlot voice, “I know you women aren’t exactly here, but I know that you can hear me within those malformed shells. Don’t let Grogar control you; don’t let him destroy everything that you’ve all worked hard to make for Equestria.

The three princesses looked at the current ruler of the Crystal Empire with blazing, yet wavering eyes. Exchanging looks with each other for a moment, they looked to have been considering those words. Has Flurry actually broke through their corrupted minds? It was sadly brief as the trio merely shook their heads and returned their fury onto their sole opponent.

We… will… never fall under Friendship’s corruption again!” Daybreaker declared vehemently as she charged straight on for Heart, who merely launched a fiery burst of magic right at Celestia, sending her colliding right into her younger sister's magic, leaving Midnight to face her battle-ready niece.

Then this is all because I love you!!” And with that, with fists charged, and eyes glowing with determined resolve, the Princess of Love charged against her elders.


The battle between Grogar and the Equestria Girls was just as equally intense.

Now the heaviest hitters, Fluttershy and Applejack used their own strength to strike at Grogar’s underbelly. Fluttershy used all of the strongest creatures that her totem would provide, be it rhinoceros strength to charge at the hooves or gorilla might to strike the leg joints, throwing him off-balance. Applejack was a wrecking crew all on her own, tossing chunks of road at the King and using her Belt to punch and kick at every possible point in incredible feats, causing him annoying pain. Finally having enough of the two, Grogar tossed the two aside in his magic, bringing him underneath his right forehoof. He lifted it high enough to slam it down onto the two women.

His to-be victims were ahead of him, however, and caught his descending hoof as he brought it down, their combined strength keeping him at bay. This turned into a struggle of strength between both parties as Shy and AJ kept holding onto the struggling ram who simply pressed onward. Deciding to end it now, Grogar used his magic to crater the ground beneath the women’s feet. As they sunk further, the hoof began to crush them, Grogar smiled wickedly as he observed their fear.

A barrage of explosions to the head and a series of elemental punches across his body stepped on his moment, throwing him off balance. Out of his peripheral vision, he could follow a streak of rainbow past by at high velocity while observing the cotton candy haired woman unleashing small bursts onto him.

Stay away from her!!” the rage-filled voice of Rainbow Dash demanded as she struck a rock-hard fist to his left ear, causing it to ring in pain.

As PinkieDash continued their assault on him, Rarity forged a sapphire pick and shovel and get her friends out of his crater. Seeing it, he turned to his attackers with fury. Starting with Pinkie, Grogar activated his studs to fire multiple blasts of magic onto her, which only bounced off the wacky Rainboom due to her Impossiband. So, he instead resorted to a tendril around her legs and slamming her into the ground hard repeatedly as revenge for destroying his second Bell. Seeing his groaning face, he took solace in the hope of throwing her out of the fight until he was again assaulted by a freezing and fiery punch on his forelegs. Knowing what was coming, the King activated his bell to form a small shockwave that froze the incoming Rainbow Dash. He then brought her up close to his face, his eyes glaring with disgust towards the athletic speedster.

Revolting your affection for the same sex is,” he merely described to his captive. Before she knew it, the fastest woman alive felt an excruciating pain travel through her entire body. Her screams pierced the sky as her right arm and left leg began twisting in all sorts of directions. She could barely see the sadistic pleasure behind her tormentor’s eyes in her closed eyes.

Twilight suddenly slammed a pair of cars against both sides of the ram’s head in retaliation, canceling out his spell and releasing his captive Rainboom. He looked up to find both Spruce and Sunset hovering above his view and, matching their cold fury, launched a new assault upon them while Rarijack and Pinkie rejoined the fight from above.

Meanwhile, seeing her ever-bold love plummeting for the ground, Fluttershy quickly got to her feet and, in a caracal leap, saved Dash in her arms before landing on top of a building and hoping back towards an alleyway. Once safe, Fluttershy went all Nurse Shy on her girlfriend.

“Oh, my dear sweet Dashie,” she cried as she looked over her mangled limbs. Whatever Grogar looked very severe and irreversible. The thoughts of her dear Dashie never being perfect again was enough to send waterfalls down her cheeks. She cradled her bestest friend gentle and close to her arms. “Tell me what to do and I’ll do it! If there’s that’ll make you okay, then-.”

Her pleas were interrupted when Rainbow, ever swift on the draw even with a broken arm, pulled her meek girl into a passionate kiss, unleashing nearly all of her built-up on her sweet and delicate lips. Feeling her cheeks burning to life, Shy quickly returned the passion with her own, matching Rainbow’s lips effortlessly. The two had often wished that they would spend eternity lost in their love if they could throw their responsibilities away. But this time wasn’t the case. Finally, their lust ebbed and Flutterdash looked at each other with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes.

Rainbow patted Fluttershy’s cheek softly and chuckled at her affection. “If you’re okay,” she grunted as she laid herself back down on the mattress Shy had placed themselves on, “then I’m okay.” Her answer earned her a quiet squee as Fluttershy elatedly wrapped herself around Dash as gentle and tight as she could, much to Dash’s happiness.

Back on the street, the Rainbooms were fighting Grogar with a whole new level of ferocity after hurting Rainbow. Pinkie threw every ounce of sweets she had in her endless hair at him, going for the goat’s ears as he fired back, which he retaliated with his own blasts, only for them to bounced off her again. Applejack would’ve broken an entire human skeleton with the way she was striking at the legs, delivering heel kicks and haymakers, clearly doing so until something broke. While one for fabulous, Rarity was in no such mood for it as she launched a Tartarus of a strike thinking of practically anything that could hurt the King of Monsters from anvils to baseball bats. Sunset and Twilight were fighting in earnest in the sky, matching and countering all of the ferocious ram’s attacks as he focused more on them than on the girls at his feet, throwing fire and road at him with just as much fury. That is until Grogar swatted both of them aside with a swing of his horns, sending them crashing onto the hard road. His eyes dead set on them, the ram prepared another blast to finish at least Two Rainbooms off until he felt something wrap upon his hindlegs. Looking back, he found his legs being caged and restrained in Rarity’s Iron Maiden cage, this time for the giant ram. As he struggled to break free, he charged his horns to break free, only to have an eyeful of cookie dough, courtesy of Pinkie Pie, canceling out his magic. He struggled until he couldn’t move any of his limbs but his head, leaving him trapped.

Their battle currently on hold, Sunset helped Sci-Twi onto her feet before calling out: “Girls, assemble!” Almost immediately, the active Rainbooms answered her calls, gathering around her.

“What, ya got a plan other than just blind fightin’?” Applejack inquired. “Cuz we ain’t getting’ anywhere with throwing punches and spitting fire and no idea on how to win.”

“That’s why I called this meeting. Fear is just an extra power boost when his real power comes from both his magic and the magic his Bewitching Bell holds. We remove it from his harness, we end this fight once again.”

“Uh, no offense, darling,” Rarity pointed out as she gestured to all of them, “but we’re rather two friends short and everyone else is up in the clouds fighting the princesses. How can a selected number of five actually fight and depower that raging monstrosity?”

“Trust me, Rares,” the teacher ensured her fashionista friend. She then looked behind her towards the direct of Everfree, smiling confidentially. “We hold out a little longer, and the backup will be here soon.”

She looked back to see Rarity still rather unconvinced, but what did she have? A lot was already at stake, and she was practically willing to believe. Heaving a sigh, she looked towards her leader with a declaration: “If you believe so, then I’ll take your word for it.”

“Good, ‘cause you and I are on Bell removing duty,” Sci-Twi declared before she charged upward her hands charged in magic, Rarity following soon afterwards.

“Then it’s up to us to distract him,” Sunset acknowledged as she faced Grogar with cold fury, AJ and Pinkie following soon.

Right before their eyes, they saw the First Scourge roar in fury as he broke out of his cage, one shackle at a time. Once he freed his horns, he activated his studs and Bell and unleashed an army of claws and tendrils that chipped away through the remains of the Iron Maiden before going for the dough over his eyes. Soon enough, he was completely free and found Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack all staring up at him with battle-hardened faces, clearly ready for another bout with him. He likewise stared down at them with equal fury, completely obviously to Rarity and Twilight’s own personal efforts.

One by one, the trio of Equestria Girls stepped forward.

For our families!,” hollered the farmer.

For our friends!,” shouted the party planner.

For our homes!,” declared the teacher.

And, without further ado, they all took off again and charged for the Father of Monsters himself as he fired back against their full frontal assault.


The clash of princesses back upward was nearing its end.

Flurry Heart was using every ounce of magic that her Heart Amulet and her own allows as she traded bouts of brutality with Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. The oldest princess was unleashing torrents of fire at her adopted niece’s daughter, who effortlessly dodged it all as she continued to fire her own magic, nearing nicking the princess where she was. Moon, on the other hand, was continuously popping from one place to another and striking at those multiple angles, Heart struggling to keep up with her. Finally, she managed cover within a cloud, thinking of a counterattack and listening as she heard the princesses whooshing past her. She considered their strengths and weaknesses and thought of how to use them against her enemies.

Once making it out in her mind what to do, she retreated from her hiding spot, and immediately got the duo’s attention with a raspberry.

Instantly insulted, Nightmare Moon charged for the Crystal Empire ruler, wanting a piece of her. Smiling at the so-far success, Flurry zapped herself out of the younger princess’ warpath. Turning back, Moon began throwing shadowbolts at Heart, who dodged and countered every strike. Eventually, she teleported herself out of the way of another strike which, intended for her, struck Daybreaker hard.

While grimacing at her unintended strike on her sister, Moon looked to where Heart had teleported herself, ready to fire again,… only for a massive fireball to strike her from her side and sending her high into the sky. She looked down to see Daybreaker charging at her with blazing eyes, clearly infuriated at the unintended strike. Bracing herself for the charged, Nightmare Moon was soon struggling to remove Daybreaker’s hands from her throat, prompting a brief struggle. The sisterly love, despite their corruption, was still deep within them, as they soon engaged in a brief fist fight and began cursing incoherent nicknames.

Seeking her chance, Flurry immediately used her Amulet and magic to whip a magic rope, wrapping their demonized wings up before bringing the demonized pair up to her and delivered a hard fist up at them that sent them flying straight through clouds. Teleporting to them, she then delivered a downward magical burst that sent the princesses plummeting back towards earth.

Seeing them not coming back for more, the young princess took the opportunity to catch her breath. I hope they don’t… remember that, Flurry mentally hoped to herself as she looked around for-.

Her peace was interrupted when she took the full force of a light blue strike from behind, sending her straight down the sky like a meteorite entering the atmosphere. To cool herself, she projected a barrier around her body, extinguishing the flames surrounding her instantly. Once completely flame free, she looked to see the ground fight below before turning back up to find her terraformed aunt glaring grinning daggers at her, killing intentions clearly embedded.

“Since you’re too stubborn to admit defeat, niece,” Midnight declared as her fists lit up with her sinister magic, “I will simply have to beat it into you!!!”

Charging straight for her, Flurry followed her corrupted aunt’s example. The Sparkle relatives then collided with each other, both parties unleashing bouts of fisted magic upon the other, no holding back this time.

Midnight formed a small blade from her hand and slashed at Flurry with it before the niece used her own magic to shatter it and push her aunt back slightly with a small magic surge. Flurry then restrained any magical usage by whipping out two more whips and wrapping them around her arms. Unfazed, Midnight grabbed her restraints to pull at them, only for her captor to pull back, turning it into a tug o’ war. After a brief struggle, the ruler of Equestria charged her horn and fired at the ropes, rendering them inert. As Flurry flew back a bit, she didn’t recover in time against her aunt’s swift strike that sent her flying. She then launched a massive streak of blue fire at her niece, who hastily projected a protective barrier. Holding it for a few moments, Flurry tossed it aside before charging head-on to Midnight. The crystal ruler delivered a duel kick that Midnight blocked with her wings. She chuckled at her niece’s failed attempt, only to lower her wings and see Heart delivered a hard fist across the face before she sent her aunt speeding back with a duel magic blast.

Seeing Midnight stop in her tracks, Flurry watched the fury in her eyes as she expanded her wings and instantly dashed right for her with charged fists. Shrugging and rolling her eyes, the young princess expanded her own and followed suit, charging her own fists. As they neared each other, they pulled back their hands and then extended forward as they collided again with each other. The conjuring forces then caused a magical explosion that illuminated the sky.


Sunset, Applejack, and Pinkie were giving it their all to stop Grogar once and for all. And all the King could do was simply fire fruitlessly.

The human-born-unicorn was mostly the frontwoman for her team, fighting head-on against a living nightmare. She was like a bumblebee, flying faster than the ram’s vision could keep up with while striking at him from every angle. She struck at the ram with magical strike after another, aiming for any weak points with everything that she had in concentrated anger for all the pain he’s caused her of late. His underbelly fared no different as the head of Sweet Apple Acres was more than willing to break his bones. She was hitting hard and hitting fast, the ram’s hooves too heavy to react with as much fury as she, too, had within her. The only response to it were a small army of shadow claws that Applejack merely dodged or used to her advantage. Quite possibly the most annoying creature he’s ever had the displeasure of seeing the party planner was. Without stop, she popped out of every corner of the King’s vision with either a sweet surprise turned weapon or throwing an insult at him. She was clearly having fun messing around with him and reveling in his frustration.

Grogar observed his attacks and realized that they were down four members. Recalling how one of them saved her “repulsive love” from her doom made two, so where were the other two? Amongst the chaos being inflicted upon him, he heard a scratching noise down onto his harness. Craning down, his pupil-less eyes grew wide and glowed with fury as he observed the source. On his harness was Sci-Twi holding open the barrier protecting his Bell in her telekinesis while Rarity was going to town with the sapphire filer as she tried to disconnect the link between him and his Bewitching Bell. The knowledge that he’s been distracted by mere mortals left him flabbergasted and furious, signifying his point with a roaring shockwave from his signature artifact that sent the five Rainbooms crashing down flat onto the hard road.

He looked down at them with rage as they began to glow in his magic. Pinkie and Twilight were the first to rise up and attempted to get up, only to stop just a few inches and collapse onto the road again. The other three girls tried as well with the same results. They continued to struggle as they felt gravity getting heavier upon them by the minute. While savoring their displeasure, the King of Monsters was but pleased with their persistence at his power. A faint light then entered his peripheral vision, causing him to crane his neck upward to see Midnight Sparkle holding Flurry in one hand and dragging the caged Fellowship with the other. The flapping of wings was caught in his left ear and found Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon flapping their way towards him with the resisting Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in their respective grasps. Smiling in small satisfaction, he gestured his hoof down onto the street, ordering the heroes down with the already down heroes. Once his princesses abided his wishes, he then casted the same gravity spell on the rest of them.

The princesses then flew by his side as the vilest villain gazed upon his success. At last, victory was now his. His enemies were defeated, his power was still secured, and the fight was his. But as much as he wanted to celebrated, he still had to make an example out of them for Equestria to understand his wrath. But he first wanted a word with the woman who’s been leading the small band of resistance.

Honestly, it is such a shame that we had to meet just now, Miss Shimmer,” the First Scourge had the audacity to claim as he gently placed a gigantic hoof on her small head. She wanted to swat his hoof away if gravity wasn’t crushing her into the ground. “When I heard of your control over CHS, I was pleased to find someone just as cruel as myself. Had you not let Princess Twilight ruin you with the ‘Magic of Friendship’ after your humiliation, I would have taken you under my hoof and make you an excellent follower. Instead, you groveled at her feet and let her dump you on these mortals. Mortals who now, no better than Equestria, use our very way of life and survival. But now with my army led by my purified princesses by my side, I will actually do what you and all weaker villains haven’t the spine to FINISH, starting with both this world and Equestria!

Once the ruthless ram finished his speech, Sunset Shimmer turned her head back to see her friends and allies all struggling against the same spell. She could see the resistance in their eyes, taking solace in their determination to fight on. Then, craning upward to meet Grogar’s scowl in her peripheral vision, she could barely make out the flying trio of princesses looking down at the. Once her eyes landed on Midnight Sparkle, she was once again reminded why she’s been fighting the Father with so much ferocity,… and she wasn’t gonna let him have her under his spell for eternity. Grunting into a plank position, she turned up at Grogar with defiance.

You will never rule any world, as long as somepony, someone, or something is resisting you!!” she declared with such fire, never relenting to fight against his will.

Her defiance only earned her a mocking chuckle and scowl from the Monster Master as he looked down at her. “Do not make me laugh, pony,” he mockingly demanded of her. “Gusty the Great could not permanently stop me. What gives you the hope that you will be any different!?

For one thing, she’s got us!” a voice broke through their conversation.

The tyrant and the teacher looked behind the latter to see the alchemist crawling and struggling to face the greatest danger of Equestria. She looked at him with such cold resistance, her fighting spirit, like her friends’, unquailed. Slowly following behind her were each of the remaining Humane 7 as they crawled to her side with equal fire in their eyes. Within slow moments, the Rainbooms were united once again on either side of Sunset, who merely smiled brightly at their devotion. She then felt her left hand being taken in Sci-Twi’s right, while her other hand was caught in Fluttershy’s grasp. As she looked on either side, she saw her friends’ smiling faces as they connected hands, their connection being the only comforting thing for all seven at the moment. Like they said before, whatever happens, they’ll face it together till death do them part.

Laughter from Grogar broke their moment up. They looked to see him with mocking happiness. “Very well.” He simply stated as his eyes slowly glowed bright and his mocking grin turned into a sinister one. All for one, one for all, as they say. After all,” he continued as his horns became encased in magic in sync with his harness. His Bell slowly raised itself towards the Rainbooms. “six of you are overdue for a public execution!!!” he roared as he concentrated a large sphere of lethal intentions upon his horns. Craning his head backwards slightly, he then brought the sphere down hard upon the septet of heroes, who remained steadfast at the imminent doom, much to the Fellowship’s shock and horror as they all watched as the sphere made impact.

A storm of dust and pebbles soon engulfed the street as Grogar began to cackle in utter sadism over his victory. Meanwhile, the princesses and heroes were in disbelief, trying to wrap their heads around what just happened. Did he just do it? Are Sunset and her friends all… dead? Grogar continued laughing as he observed his accomplished-.

His enjoyment ceased when he noticed something amongst the cloud. Everyone else around him noticed it and squinted to see what. It looked to be shimmering and tinkling magic. As more dust settled, everyone’s vison upon the object became clearer and were in reactions mixed with joyous relief and incredulous rage.

Coming into view from the ebbing dust were the standing bodies of the Equestria Girls, still linked in hands, and holding onto their unfazed expressions as they stared daggers at the Father of Monsters while engulfed in a shimmering glow of reds and yellows. They exchanged looks with each other, smiling as they held onto their hands. Before they all knew it, their feet drifted up off the road and they slowly ascended to face the incredulous Grogar at eye-level and suddenly flashed before everyone’s eyes. Instinctively, the Fellowship and the princesses covered their eyes as one unicorn and six humans became lost in the surge of light before them. Its brilliance was so grand that it practically shined away all of the dawning darkness for the sunrise. Anyone even ten miles away could see it in its glory.

Eventually, it died down and from it emerge the still ponied-up Humane 7, only they were all wearing armor that bared their cutie marks on the chest plates and were branded in multiple colors with their geodes and relics now merged together. Twilight Spruce’s armor was violet with Harmonious now embedded into her right gauntlet and the jewels now bearing her star mark. Rainbow Dash was covered in a magenta suit that enabled to run freely in it with her Elemental Hooves now branding her rainbow thunderbolt. Pinkie Pie’s baby blue protection was accompanied by her Impossiband as it rested on her forehead. Rarity was ever fashionable as her azure ensemble was matched with her Sapphire Gems matching her diamond symbol. Applejack’s knight outfit matched her strength and emerald eye color with her Belt of feats now presenting her apple name. Fluttershy’s teal uniform was flowing in nature as her butterfly insignia overtook her Animal Kingdom totem.

But the biggest change amongst them was Sunset Shimmer herself. She was wearing a light pink dress with a small turquoise frill gown, long yellow shoes that barely exposed her legs, turquoise fingerless gloves, and her cutie mark strapped around her arms and neck and her shoe’s feet. And yet, the biggest distinguishing factors were her brilliant and fiery horn and wings that continued the glow. The girls were in awe. Daydream Shimmer has returned.

They all looked at each other and themselves, surprised to see their brand new looks and their geodes now fused into their relics. How could it have happened? Was this some sort of new evolution for performing a new feat of friendship? Like being there for each other and putting the concern of others before each other. They wanted to turn to Daydream and Twilight for answers, but their new looks were to wait later as they still had Grogar to deal with. And they had just the means to end the fight for good.

With their hands still linked together, they turned to face their ultimate enemy, who looked a mix of unfazed and rage at them.

Let’s have it, ladies,” he exaggeratedly demanded, almost expecting something. “Let’s have the whole ‘Friendship is Magic’ speech.”

However, Daydream only glared at him, in no mood for speech on her face. Cementing her point was the girls glowing brightly as she declared: “Speech this.

And unleashed were the rainbow magic!

The beam of magical colors shot straight up into the dawning night before coming back down onto Grogar. However, unwilling to accept defeat, the fearsome ram delivered his own strike that met Rainbooms’ strike halfway. Both sides began to push against the other for dominance, the Rainbooms seeking to end his reign and save their worlds and Grogar aiming to preserve his order and destroy his oppressors. The battle was locked into both parties continuously fighting for victory.

Onlookers were in awe of the spectacle before them. Flurry, Starlight, Spike, and the rest were cheering the Rainbooms on, encouraging them to push back hard against the ram. Meanwhile, Midnight and the Two Sisters were merely watching in anticipation of their master’s victory. That is, until they looked down at the Fellowship’s hopeful expressions, unfazed in the face of a possible defeat. They were incredulous, Midnight the most of them. How could they be so positive and encouraging? How could an unlikely band of heroes still keep their heads up against the greatest threat to Equestria? Is the Magic of Friendship really that powerful to give them… any hope at all, false or not?

Several voices began to bounce back in their heads collectively.

You did all of this for the world’s benefit and asked for nothing in return.

Don’t let him destroy everything that you’ve all worked hard to make for Equestria.

You know there’s so much I do for my homes and my friends…

That last saying made Midnight’s eyes go from blazing blue to violet as she gazed back at the Rainbooms, particularly Daydream Shimmer. Soon, Daybreaker and Nightmare changed their eyes as well to pink and cyan eyes. They looked back at each other to see regret creeping onto their faces before gazing upon themselves. What have they become? What have they done?

Their thoughts were interrupted when they heard Grogar let out a strained roar. They turned to see him pushing back against the Rainbooms, clearly gaining the slow advantage. He then called to the trio of them, addressing them as their demonic forms, demanding their assistance.

GROGAR!!!” a voice screamed through the sunrise.

While holding onto against each other, both the Rainbooms and Grogar looked behind the tyrannical ram to see a trio of figures approaching from the Everfree Forest. While the others were confused as to what was coming, Daydream smiled in confidence, knowing just what it was, while Grogar merely scowled on. Within the distance and coming up fast were humans of yellow, purple, and aqua that approached with sound and fury, the latter two carrying a slightly-sixties man and a purple canine, featuring ponytails and ears while they flapped on with light red wings. Their eyes glowed red and their teeth were bared as they stopped for nothing but him.

Once Aria and Sonata set their passengers down onto the street with the cheering Fellowship, they rejoined Adagio’s side high over Grogar’s head, getting ready to strike. Before the King could react, the trio of harmonizers struck their fiercest chords hard on top of him for his betrayal, their voices just enough to shatter all eardrums within the city. Regardless of the pain, Grogar refused to give as he pressed on with his attack on the Rainbooms, his burst pushing back against their rainbow blast. That is,… until he felt another surge of combined magic rain upon his face. Wincing in pain, he looked to his high left and found, to his rage, his demonized princesses striking at him without hesitation and glaring rage at him.

The King was on his side with fury. He was being attacked by both of his top three soldiers, both former and current, and he still had a septet of anthropomorphic women firing a huge streak of rainbow magic at him. What was next, the rest of the Fellowship glowing and aiding his frontal assaulters?

As if the Great Pony from Beyond was hearing his internal grievances, he watched from below everyone from the ground slowly begin to rise to their feet. And they were glowing rainbow. Scorpan, Flurry, Tempest, Equestria Spike, Starlight, Trixie, and Discord were glowing in colors of red, lavender, blue, alabaster, yellow, orange, and pink. Shortly afterwards, their magical auras began to travel upward towards the Rainbooms, who glowed in the same colors. While holding against the Father of Monsters, Daydream and her friends all felt the rising pulses of their allies creeping into their bodies. All seven could feel a boost traveling all over every inch of their very being. Everyone down below was representing one of the six Elements of Harmony. Daydream could recognize them off the bat, but the magic seeping into her, what Element was it representing.

But now wasn’t the time to worry over Elements, it was the time to finish this!!!

With their newly given strength and the strikes provided by their enemies, the Rainbooms pushed forward one last time, their rainbow strike pushing Grogar’s own attack back as it itched very close to him until it finally struck him!

His attack nullified completely, the King of Monsters himself soon found surrounded and trapped in a torrent of rainbow magic, working its way from his horns to his entirety. He roared in rage as he soon lost all sight of the outside world, striking desperately to escape, only for his magic to be render null and void within. Not just that, he felt it slowly escape his being entirely yet again, every bit of magic from his Bell to his own leaving him. Everything he had been working for the last few days was now in ruins as he helpless found himself lost in his enemies’ final strike.

From the outside, everyone, from Sirens to heroes of Equestria, could see multiple colorful bursts of magic darting their way out of the rainbow tornado swirling within the street and jumping all over the area at Rainbow Dash speeds. Some of the onlookers were nearly by said beams as they tried to make for some sort of exit. Finally, one after another, every burst emerging soon found its way to the portal disguised as the Canterlot Carousel display window until only three remained. They continued to bounced around the street aimlessly until they struck Midnight Sparkle at her feet, the remaining two finding Daybreaker’s and Nightmare Moon’s own. Soon, the three princesses found themselves engulfed in the same fate befalling their former master as they felt their magic slowly fading from their own beings. Seeing it, the Sirens finally rested their vocals as they saw no further need to continue with Grogar’s punishment. But the Rainbooms didn’t apparently get the message.

Everyone was watching in confusion and worry as the heroes continued with their assault rather senseless. By now, Grogar would have to be defeated and at their mercy, but they just kept pushing on, clearly unrelenting. But it wasn’t because they wanted their ultimate enemy to suffer or be killed; it was rather because they just couldn’t stop.

Six Equestria Girls were all struggling to stop their strike, but they just couldn’t. Soon enough, they could hear the concerns and pleas of return from below, all wondering exactly what was happening up there.

“Why can’t we stop!?!” grunted the honest farmer worker.

“It feels like we’re pouring it all on him!” the loyal athlete described.

“Twilight?!” the generous fashionista turned to for help.

“I don’t know, but does anyone else feeling a draining feeling of sorts?!” the magical brainiac inquired. She opened her eyes slightly to see everyone acknowledging her question. Everyone but Daydream. From what she could see, she was straining the most out of them. And she was right.

The angelic teacher was the frontwoman behind the assault on the King of Monsters and she wanted to bring him down for his crimes. But when she saw that he has had enough, she was willing to stop and not overdo it. But she couldn’t. She strained on and on like there was no tomorrow. She felt as if she was pouring her entire life upon the goat, like she had all the magic in the universe to just waste all against her. But she wasn’t like that, especially she felt a weird sensation making its way through both of her hands. She looked to see her veins being overrun by multiple surges of magic. She looked at her friends to see the same surge coming from their bodies. She was left wondering why she was absorbing so much of their magic when she already had her own.

Suddenly, her whole world was whited out.